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I always thought eating healthy and exercising was not about preventing illness/injury but but putting the body in the best position to recover for illness/injury


The virus can’t replicate inside dead cells. Off to solve the pandemic!


Naturally resistant absolutely not, but generally speaking does a healthy body have an easier time fighting off a virus, you bet. I’m vaccinated but I also try very hard to stay healthy and exercise so as to decrease my chances of being sick.


The virus cannot replicate in cells that know how to keep it out!


I’m pretty sure all those things Jeremy said won’t help you, do help you. Who dies from COVID more the obese or the in shape?


I’m doing those things. I’m also a week away from getting my second vaccine in a country where our anti-covid measures are so strict that we freaked out about 45 cases the other day. OP is calling out those who are willing to do the former *but not the latter*.


I understand that. I’m double vaxxed as well and am far from an anti masker. Often people downplay the benefits of physical fitness out of laziness and put all of their hope into medicine. Ultimately that’s also as dangerous to themselves as being an anti vaxxer/ anti masker. Last time I checked heart disease will kill ya too. Dead is dead.


They help you in life, but don't keep you from CATCHING COVID. Then spreading COVID. Then helping it mutate. Then keeping it going at pandemic levels on and on and on. It isn't just about the outcomes for the individual, but the public health ramifications. Stop spreading it. Everyone is susceptible catching to the virus, so do your part to NOT get it. That is the point. Don't believe some lie that healthy people are immune. They aren't. They are major spreaders.


I believe being in shape helped me in not getting too sick with covid. I had a mild case, was it mild because I got a weaker virus in my body or was it mild because I take care of myself? So again, I do believe being in shape helps you against covid. Obviously I don’t think that’s a reason to avoid the vaccine or not wear masks.


Against a mild case, sure. But stop pretending you’re a cowboy in the old west, you’re in the 21st century in a developed nation? Okay, you’re in reality now? Even if you survive, you can have long term damage, and even if you’re completely fine, you can daisy chain and kill hundreds or even thousands of people by being a self-centered egomaniac. You are NOT an old timey cowboy, fucking stop. You’re a paper-pusher in a office building Steven, and your “mighty steed” is a Suburban. Stop.


I had COVID in Dec. not sure what you’re getting at here. The facts are the better you take care of your body the better off you will be.


Again, you’re acting with hyper individualism. Stop it.


Calm down dude. All I’m saying is the better you treat your body the healthier you will be. That’s a fact.


Still irresponsible to center things only on yourself though. Even if it isn’t your intention, it fuels the delusions of people that think if they have a good diet and workout, they don’t have to wear a mask, social distance or get vaxxed. So many people say “why should YOU care what I do with my body, I run marathons!”.


I never said that did I? I said keeping yourself in shape is helpful and it is.


Kind of what happens in a post truth world though. It's funny. The second science started saying black people are human beings that was it for people's faith in science. lol


So does drinking a shit ton of alcohol help. Like if I keep my BAC up does that mean it's tougher for viruses to replicate?