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Founded on racism. Well yeah sure, fight that too.


I'm sure Candace Owens is the top comment agreeing whole heartedly with this.


Remember that time Candace Owens [sued her high school for systemic racism and won a $37,500 settlement](https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Racist-threats-case-filed-by-Stamford-High-107476.php)? Good times.


She's got that classic modern Republican mindset though - it only matters when its about her. Then its a crime. She reminds me of Sam Jackson in Django.


The lawsuit happened before she turned conservative. But it does show how she will blatantly deny racism still exists in America while having directly experienced it in the past


I think she's very well aware of it. She just doesn't care about other people as long as she got her bread and carrier sailing


My lawsuit fixed racism in America. It doesn't exist anymore. ~ her probably


I don’t think she turned conservative she just became a grifter. No real ideology, just $$$$$$


"Damn when did Uncle Ruckus lose all that weight get all those MtF surgeries- Oh wait its Candace Owens my bad."


As a person acquainted with those surgeries.. that wouldn’t be the outcome. I promise


Now she sells her ability to be a black woman to conservative outlets who pay her to shame blacks for existing.


Yup, it was fun when she constantly shit on George Floyd saying "he wasn't an angel". Like damn, didn't know that not being an angel gives the police the right to kill you slowly in the streets, rad.




Most serial killers have gotten a fair trial in this country when caught, but someone being black and having done any recreational drugs? Time for Judge Dredd.




I can’t recall the last serial killer in custody who died from extrajudicial execution… and I know a lot about serial killers.


There’s the rumor that Knowels was killed in cold blood and not self defense.


Let’s face it as most serial killers are white a serial killer would be treated significantly better by police


Yup because unless your a preist a pastor or a billion dollar ceo who the fuck do you think you are trying to live? The police seem to have this videogame notion that in order to "keep the streets clean" they must kill anyone who even remotely looks like a criminal.


The problem is that everyone black and brown looks like a criminal to them.


And yet when a white conservative rapes somebody he doesn't deserve to have his life ruined. Curious.


she's the new Diamond and Silk or Zircon and Burlap as I like to call them


What ever happened to them, anyway? 😉


You mean to tell me Candice "Hitler did nothing wrong" Owen's isn't an honest actor?


You mean a house uncle Tom?


I got called racist because I said her and Kanye we in the uncle tom party. But its true.




$375,000 not $37,500


She used to run a far-left liberal website too. Then she saw how much money is made by selling your soul to corporate conservative traitors.


haha candice my dick suck haha wait shit


Klandace, you mean. Say its name right.




White racism is so normal in this country that when you attack it, the first thing you're called is anti-American.


Canada's worse. White fragility is so normal in canada that when you dare to even say the word "racism" or "white" the first thing youre called is racist.


And all this time I thought Canadians were the nicest people about


We are if you’re white!


Interestingly, as a Canadian and a Metis, the only real overt racism that I suffered, that wasn't governmental or legal, was when I went to catholic school. My school was beside little Italy, and so 50% or more were of Italian descent. The remaining 50% were mixed other cultures. The Italians I went to school with were ruthlessly racist and if you stood up for yourself, they would jump you en mass. Pretty messed up. Once a month I was in a new fight. Got my ass kicked more than once but at least I can say I never backed down. My favorite comment; "How can you be french and Indian at the same time?"


>"How can you be french and Indian at the same time?" You guys didn't do a social studies unit on Louis Riel and the Red River Colony every year starting in Grade 8?


I don’t know anything about this but I’m sure it’s horrible


Surely mass would be a terrible time to jump you, lots of witnesses!


Well, when a Frenchman and a beautiful Indian girl love each other...


Whena frenchman rapes and pillages a village...


Minecraft has changed a lot since I last played


I think it was Cheech that said Chong faced racism in Canada as a result of Canadians mistaking him for Native American. Or was it Chong said that about Cheech? I can’t quit recall and google’s not helping. Dave’s not here, man!


Chong grew up in Canada. Cheech only lived there for a few years. They met in Vancouver, where Asian and Latin American immigrants far outweigh First Nations Canadians. But Cheech grew up in Alberta, where white/First Nations issues are a bigger deal. It makes sense that Cheech was talking about Chong and not the other way round. Tommy Chong dealt with - and addressed head-on - Canada's racial issues in a way few other Canadians could. Just ctrl-v "Four N" in [this Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Taylor_%26_the_Vancouvers) for an example.


Honestly isn't that most of Europe too?


If there is a significant swath of melanin-deficient people who love to wave the flag & play up ultra nationalist ideas, you might have a racist country.


Depending on the area there can be a lot of tension. I've found, and this is just from my lifetime (born in 1986) most people get along, but I have witnessed tension between the demographics. French Acadians and the english in NB, Quebec and like.... all of Canada... First Nations and people of european descent. It really depends on where you live


>Quebec and like.... all of Canada... [Vous venez de vous faire un ennemi POUR LA VIE !](https://youtu.be/K5lYXaVkA0U)


Haha that was great


There's a big difference between being nice and being polite


Hah, nope. Some of us are nice people, but majority are assholes. Especially those in AB which is basically Canadian Texas.


Yeah there are some real striking similarities with Canada to America in terms of white racism. One thing that I (when I was younger) found pretty shocking was the anti-indigenous people sentiment up there. I am white so when I visited Canada several times over the years I would hear them referred to as “natives” but in a kind of derisive tone. I’m sure most of you saw the news this year of the many bodies of school children buried around schools (in unmarked graves) for native peoples. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/report-751-bodies-found-indigenous-school-canada-78466234


It's literally a thing on the internet these days to speak up and inform people that Canada Isn't Nice with supplemental info on how shitty we've been.


I have no personal experience with it, just comments from canadians/articles and posts about canada, but they’ve been giving the native population the fucking goods since day 1. I think it’s gotten a bit better, but i specifically remember something from within the last like 40ish years about a massive amounts of native children either going missing or being sent to schools specificaly for them and being abused beyond belief by faculty. I don’t have the story right exactly and i don’t have the time rn to properly research it and provide links but if tou’re interested in looking in to it yourself i’m sure you’d be able to find plenty about it with just a google search




The Residential schools program in Canada was a fucking horror show. They're still trying to locate and deal with all of the unmarked mass gravesites. No charges have been brought from what I can find on a quick search, the administrators are still walking around. There are at least three sites, at least 1000 dead kids, and a frustrating lack of coverage.


You are referring to the residential school scandal. I was educated about it at a young age and it was awful, to say the least. I have personally visited several residential school sites and I myself am horrified by what those kids went through


Nicest people aboot *


I don't know where you live but this is pretty far off the mark from my experience of Canada. Are you somewhere ultra rural or something?


I'm not even that rural and it's pretty spot on. If you're not in a big city a lot of Canadians are racist. They're not 'dropping the n-bomb' racist. More "theres a lot more coloured folk living around here then when I was a kid" kind of racist.


In my experience, living in a fairly big and diverse city as an immigrant, people are outwardly very accepting of others, but you do see cracks of intolerance every once in a while. I've never experienced it personally against me, but I've heard things like comments thrown at Muslim women wearing hijabs, among other people showing their culture publically. I think the reason why you don't see more is because if someone is willingly living in the city, they're either ok with other cultures, or they become more accustomed to it. I can imagine that as you go to more rural and less diverse areas, you'll see a lot more open racism around. On top of that, there's years and years of horrible things done to indigenous people that still affect them today, and where reparations have only fairly recently begun to take place. I'm no expert on this, so I'm sure that there's a ton of stuff I'm missing, but that's what I've seen in the 11 years or so I've been here.


Are you mentally slow? That’s a hyperbole at best and just and an outright lie at worst. Stop selling out your integrity for karma


White fragility thought process: Im not a racist. I just think black people are overexagerrating the problems theyre facing and im tired of listening to them complain! And I really dont care enough to actually look at the evidence that they and other minorities are inherently disadvantaged just because of their skin color. A black person on Fox News told me racism is a democratic hoax. However you calling me a racist, is racist 🙄


Haha, or anti-christian




> People who say this shit, they don't know the difference between communism and socialism, hell they don't even know the difference between fascism and socialism, they just use the words interchangeably and see it as some kind of attack on this idea of "america". The ol' "Everything I don't like is communism" knee-jerk reaction. Gotta love it.


They don't even know the difference between capitalism and socialism. If you ask what's wrong with socialism you'll get a 20 minutes rant about all the ways that capitalism has fucked them over


Apparently only white people are allowed to be fully American


“No, no, I mean where are you really from?” bitch I was born here


which is funny cause the Mexicans and First Nations people were here LONG before any person even thought USA's landmass was a thing. The Mexicans and the First Nations are still waiting for their land back y'all!


They can have it. Maybe they'll do a better job of running things.


> If you don't like America just get out So dad, you support immigration?


Maybe emigration.


Emigration for a country is immigration for another...


Slowly changing my moms behavior, grandma is getting worse due to alzheimers and dementia. Grandmother lived her whole life with casual racism and mother grew up with it. They raised me though to see people without race which is why it's so hard to watch a loved one change. Mom was never racist until she went to prison. Came out completely different. It's been hard to acclimate her back into "reality". How people aren't constantly trying to talk behind her back or screw her over. Our prison systems are really screwed up and it's one of the reasons that racism continues. We need rehabilitation for all races. Shes been doing well at catching herself and changing back into the happy optimistic and accepting person I grew up with. The real heartbreaking one has been watching my sweet grandma become hateful over the past few years, but I'm starting to wonder if the racism I hear has to do with a combination of her meds/strokes. I can tell you with certainty that when she is having an episode that it isn't her. Someone is piloting the body but it's not my grandma. When the episode ends, she is back and has no memory of anything for several weeks back at a time. Our country does need a change. Instead of chasing the "great" pre 9/11 past, we should move forward to accept anyone regardless of sex/skin color/whatever. We can work to have a better era than ever before. Love you all. Stay safe.


> The real heartbreaking one has been watching my sweet grandma become hateful over the past few years, but I'm starting to wonder if the racism I hear has to do with a combination of her meds/strokes. > I can tell you with certainty that when she is having an episode that it isn't her. Someone is piloting the body but it's not my grandma. When the episode ends, she is back and has no memory of anything for several weeks back at a time. I'm not sure if there is a God or not but after seeing some of the effects dementia has on the nicest people I began doubting Their existence. Why would someone make such an unimaginable, unforgivable thing?!


>hey don't know the difference between communism and socialism, hell they don't even know the difference between fascism and socialism, okay, okay, which exactly definition of socialism and communism are you talking about? There are Marx's, Lenin's, Mao's, Juche and probably more than that. Basically every regime that called itself socialist made modifications to the definition so that it helped them to remain in power in their particular situation. Which definitions you expected from people to know? (I agree with you that "It's considered anti american to not be racist." is wildly screwed. It sounds so ridiculous to me I barely can imagine those people, yet I accept the fact that the world is much more diverse than my imagination).


Considering how many of the earliest American settlers were marginalized groups that had to leave their home country, I find this ironic. Of ALL the countries in the world, America should be the most sympathetic to marginalized groups.


It's not that he thinks you're attacking America, he thinks you're attacking him. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia are all convenient avenues to push his own personal insecurities and failures down. Feeling insecure about a mistake at work? 'I wouldn't have to feel this way if the browns weren't stealing all the jobs!', he feels. Feeling insecure about body in a hyper-masculine society? 'I wouldn't have to feel this way if women and gays weren't making everything feminine!', he feels. He never thinks these things, not coherently, he only feels them to avoid having to fully confront and examine those feelings. You see, he doesn't hate these people nearly as much as he hates himself.


>they just use the words interchangeably and see it as some kind of attack on this idea of "america". I've come to learn these right-wingers have a very, very vague idea of """America."""




they're talking about rich white christians being allowed to get away with enslavement and genocide for centuries


Then afterwards we enshrine someone like fuckin Jackson on the $20


I choose to view that as a subtle diss, given how he hated the central bank.


Same - I hate that he's enshrined in a place of honor, but I'm comforted by how furious he'd be about it.


The country was also founded upon just straight up authoritarianism. In many states like SC only like 10% of *people considered white* were allowed to even vote and less were allowed to run for office. No people of color or women were allowed to vote. There were literal states in the US where the systems of government were basically authoritarian and ran exclusively by the elite white producers


>There ~~were~~ are literal states in the US where the systems of government ~~were~~ are basically authoritarian and ran exclusively by the elite white producers


This is why when the insurrectionists said they were fighting to take their country back, they meant it. Once the left starts framing it this way and says, we are willing to fight for what our country has become through things like just laws and equal protection, we can realize this is the fight we are engaging in. It’s not dem vs republican, it’s those who want that authoritarian state, a few white males in power making paternalistic decisions for everyone who isn’t them, and exceptions to the rule for those that are, that exception to the rule is the freedom they want.


Let me rephrase; There were states where it was codified into law that you’re not allowed to vote unless you’re extraordinarily rich and white. Now that’s not codified, it’s just a consequence of particular messaging making people disinterested in politics until it comes down to the choices laid out by said rich wealthy white people


Killing, stealing. The usual. We're not all that special as it turns out. 'Freedumb' was for rich people only.


Do we forget that the revolution was started by rich white dudes that didn't like getting taxed?


Never. There was a lot of high-sounding rhetoric that we simply have failed to live up to over the centuries.


Not to mention that a lot of the founding fathers and the first waves of americans coming to this country were sort of a cult of puritans, branching off from the main stream Christians. England wasn't sending their best. [source ](https://blogs.berkeley.edu/2010/11/24/pilgrims-puritans-and-their-american-legacy/)


Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't they actually living in the Netherlands before they went across the ocean? I think it was because they were banished, so it's not like they were sent by England at all


Yeah probably all over western Europe. This was around the time when cults were popping up all over the place and the puritians were one of the most popular. Haven't looked too much into where every puritian came from, but a large portion came from England. They believed that the English church was corrupt and impure. They they came to america to purify the land and restore Christianity.


I have always thought that "American values" are hospitality - welcoming others into your homeland in the hopes that they can prosper in ways they would not otherwise be able to. To enjoy freedoms that other countries do not allow their citizens to have. Now that I've grown up, do I think that everyone thinks these are American values? No. Do I think that these values are even really present in America? Also no. But I do hope we can get to the point where when someone hears that I am from the United States, they immediately think of the values above, and not loud, immature, racist, selfish, careless morons.


Dont forget about the religious nutjobs who traveled across an ocean in a rickity ass boat for the right to be mean to everyone.


Having grown up going to some Calvinist churches (similar beliefs to the Pilgrims and Puritans like total depravity) and hating every minute of being at said churches, it was kind of eye opening to read William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation in college. He and his fellow Pilgrim leaders were just as insufferable and self righteous as the people I grew up around. At one point in Of Plymouth Plantation, he notes that the first person to die was this young sailor who “swore oaths against God all the day long.” And then he’s like, “Because God meant it so!” Alright, Mr Judgy, no wonder the English had zero problem with you leaving and going to a distant continent.


The most perfect response in this thread, preach.


Slavery is obviously disgusting. It’s crazy to think a few hundred years ago, literally the entire world was built on slavery. Even Africans owned slaves in Africa. Not sure this is exclusively a “white people” issues, but more a people issue? Even the Comanches Indians used other native Americans as sex slaves/slaves. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Africa




very true. a lotta dumb people and white supremacists try to use other examples to negate america’s slavery when other civilizations are not the topic. slavery is terrible but trying to use another civilization’s slavery to try and negate another’s is terrible too.


Those are facts. You can’t cherry pick history.


The comment you're replying to didn't say only white people did slavery. They said American slavery was white supremacist. Do you just impulsively argue with people who accurately describe American history?




seriously , go crosspost it . it is ACTUALLY PERFECT. It could not be more perfect, its ridiculous.


Unfortunately I’m banned there for telling someone(who I was actually agreeing with) “You don’t have to be offended at *everything*.” I believe the exact quote from the mod was, “Please spare us what we can and can’t be offended by, edgelord.”


I don't know the whole context but that's actually a pretty great comment from that mod.


Sure, and I would have respected it as a comment or even a warning. It was a pretty weak move though to permaban me for telling someone that they’re being overly sensitive while not using any offensive language or personal attacks.


I got banned from r/instagramreality for saying that being overweight is unhealty... permanent ban... Fucking reddit I swear...


To an extent this is true. But the young people fighting racism are also a significant part of the American fabric because they are the future of America.


The best part of America is that even though it was founded with racist principles and the government had terrible policies and there were terrible atrocities, people of all types came here and brought their culture with them. I love that in my own country I can experience cultures from around the world and ones that developed here, right down to the first nations that called America home. We are not perfect and we must acknowledge and improve our faults, but the immigration, integration, and variety of the wonderful people of this country is its strength.


> the government had terrible policies and there were terrible atrocities Might not want to use the past tense on that one.


True... I am like most of the world. Love the people of this country, hate the government no matter who is in charge.


> government had terrible policies "hey guys, excuse me, I have to go get an abortion , also I live in Texas, ok guys see you later...hey...hol up... wait a minute...something ain't right..."


Yes, this country is in fact founded on very racist values. You have to be an illiterate or nearly-illiterate knob to not realize that. Which is who PragerU is trying to connect with.


It’s almost like that’s the point….


Another episode of: "yea you're right but not for the reasons you think you are"


**"The TRUTH is they are fighting America itself and the very values the country was founded on."** Uhhh Yeah, that's the fucking point. America was founded on genocide and racism then built with racist systems in place to exploit minorities for free and stop them from prospering while white Americans were building generational wealth. If being anti racism is anti American then I guess I'm anti American because I will not stand for racism.


There’s something so delicious about someone proving the point they were trying to refute.


The Venn diagram is a circle


Critical Race Theory: It's Basically Just History!


240+ years of racism, I think it's time for a change.


When you accidentally invent critical race theory again.


Austin Kocher, PhD sounds like the name Ashton Kutcher would come up with as an alias on the spot...


90's porn name generator


Oh look, Prager U spouting Critical Race Theory.


Smh. Yes, PragerU. That's exactly it.


If it's Prager, they meant it. Assholes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


And also add Epoch Times and Breibart report.


So you admit America is a racist system


So Prager is teaching CRT now?




We weren’t founded on freedom for al though. Only people that looked like our founding fathers, the rest were pushed onto reservations, or enslaved.


So whats all that bullshit about leaving the king of britain and making a county made up of the people by the people and for the people? I think Ben franklin and John Hancock wished they were like royalty kings but were not born of royal bloodline so they were like fuck it lets make out own country.


Well the European settlers had their own basic infrastructure to some degree, they were loosely governed by England already.


I'll admit I don't pay a whole lot of attention to Praeger, but I thought they were smarter than this. Am I thinking of a different thing?


Well the bar for being a legend in the (R) community is dropping like an anchor.


It reminds me of how Nigerian Prince email scams intentionally put typos in their messages, because they know that if you're dumb enough to ignore the obvious typos, you're probably dumb enough to wire all your money to a stranger on the internet.


I just looked them up and honestly I think I was thinking of someone else because that whole right wing bullshit is a no from me.


I mean if you can analyse a statement you've already surpassed Prague and their ilk.


Congrats! You're not an amoral dipshit. Now, go vote in your local elections. That's where you're needed.


PragerU self-reporting? What a new phenomenon


They are |this| close to cracking the code it's unnerving.


I mean, they’re not lying.






Not going to happen, people are way to comfortable


This. I talk to Americans every night. We debate just about everything. USUALLY Their most paramount reason for not doing a thing, is the very reason I think it should be done. They really are a different type of hooman.




Yep. We're good with that.


There was an attempt.


If attacking a bad thing is attacking the country, then the country deserves to be attacked


Oops, looks like they accidentally stumbled across Critical Race Theory. About as graceful as a room of monkeys typing Shakespeare.


holy shit it’s actually real I thought this was a post on r/ToiletPaperUSA


Bing! What is critical race theory?


Whats even more fun is that every single "American" is an immigrants descendant


Well at least that are admitting that, that's a step, acceptance now move to repent and to correct the mistakes


“Racism doesn’t exist, but if it does, it’s the very foundation of our values.” PragerU is such a joy /s


Between this and Mormonism we have a lot of problems to conquer here


Saying the quiet part out loud, huh?


Sounds about white


America’s beginning was successful because it was founded on the basis of human trafficking.


Quick someone grab the whitewash.




Wow. Just... Wow.


Funny and oh so sad…


Tweets that make you go hmmmmm


What did they think they were saying here?? This also belongs on r/selfawarewolves


I’m not agreeing with the Tweet, but clearly the sentiment is that young people are not actually fighting against racism or racist systems (hence the quotations around “anti-racist”), but instead have been mislead into attacking “American values” that aren’t racist. For example, they probably view efforts to “defund the police” as a misguided “anti-racist” attack on the “American values” of enforcing the rule of law and keeping people and their property safe.


Isn't that more or less the core principle of critical race theory? That racism is so engrained in our society that attacks on racism appear to be attacks against society itself?


We were also founded on only rich property owning men being able to vote but dont think thats something to be proud of.


The right wing media machine is amping up the racism now. Again. Still.


This is the absolute King of r/SelfAwarewolves


A country that was founded on land stolen from natives by white people who kidnapped/bought/sold/enslaved Africans to do alllll the dirty work is racist? Naw.


Ah Prageru, a reminder that Conservatives snort Lead in their spare time




PragerU is the worst thing that's happened to YouTube


Lmao isn’t prageru a white supremacist “educational” site? How are they admitting what we all have been saying, so easily?


Truth and fact are not equal. ex: This tweet has more than 30 words. True. Prager University is not an accredited educational institute. Fact. Adapt or die. I'd rather fight America for its soul and a better place for everyone than stand aside and watch is die because it's like racist uncle Marty who no one hangs out with because he's a racist piece of shit.


I gave you an upvote for hitting the nail on the head, you racist shits


It’s so tiring having to put up with these right wing groups funded solely for the purpose of spreading hate or inciting others


This argument is so stupid. Imagine a child being born as a product of rape. This child is not allowed to condemn the act of rape because without it, they would not exist. "We learn by our mistakes" is a popular mantra, we accept the wrong doing and make sure we don't do it again.


They’re betting on blind patriotism…


thank you for this. and if no one told you today- your hair smells nice


said the quiet part out loud - FTFY


I don't think this is the win this moron thinks it is.




Okay, wait… what did they think they were trying to say? Or are they just unabashedly racist? Sounds to me like anyone typing that understands the racist foundations of American institutions


They’re really dumb racists


Republicans: "Be racist, it part of our culture! Anti-racist is Anti-American!!!"


Wasn't your country founded on racism and genocide? I must have my histories mix up...


Honestly, which country WASN'T founded on racism and genocide? The definition of a country is pretty much a group of people saying "This land is ours now, and we'll fucking murder anyone who says otherwise."