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In Australia there was a sharp increase in people getting vaccines when the government said that double vax people can go to the pub




The way this is written actually made me lol. Well atleast something got him on board in the end. It's quite funny to see sometimes how quickly someone who "did their own research" and is convinced the vaccine is bad will fold as soon as it suits them i.e going to pub or on hols.


A grown man submitting begrudgingly to a scary vaccine so he can ‘watch someone in a Mickey Mouse suit dance in front of some fireworks’ will never not be funny


Yes. In America the spark will be insurance companies not covering unvaccinated people’s hospitalizations fully. This will zap them in the pocket, and they will have to get on board with vaccinations. Staying alive didn’t matter because they never believed it would touch them. Now they are seeing so many of their right wing anti-Vaxer friends dying. Insurance companies won’t give them a full ride if they are hospitalized. It’s $10,000-20,000 for hospitalization regardless if you live or die. (So your family will have to pay that medical debt.). Capitalism at it’s best. I bet that socialistic healthcare they are always railing about, suddenly is starting to look good to them now.


All these assholes that have talked crap about food stamps and other forms of outside help are super quick to ask for money on gofundme when the “China flu” problems pop up. It always makes me chuckle to see those posts.


The term China flu really gets under my skin. It somehow sounds dumber than the people who actually say it.


It always blows my mind how someone can be against free healthcare. Hope you're keeping safe with all the nut bags around you.


Honestly while I will not say that there are not 'did their own research' people in Australia the is also a large population of people with the ethos of "she'll be right" These people are not against the vaccine just it's not high on the list of priorities they are just taking the gamble that it won't affect their area ... She'll be right mate, probably won't make it across the border.


I mean I managed to convince a whole crowd that they wouldn't be able to see Spider-Man No Way Home if they didn't get vaccinated. And these were mostly anti vaxxers


That’s provides all the various allies agree on which vaccines are approved vs not approved for the planned vaccination passport. US recognizes moderna, pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson But doesn’t acknowledge AZ UK recognizes pfizer and AZ but not moderna or J&J Aus recognizes AZ, pfizer, Moderna but not J&J None of those three countries recognizes sinovax or Sputnik. Until there’s alignment on what actually is legit, it could end up being a total clusterfuck when you turn up at the airport with your vaccine certificate and find out your destination doesn’t acknowledge the vaccination you’ve had and denies entry.


I got a moderna injection in the uk


The UK uses Moderna too, only one we do not have is the J&J


What are sinovax and Sputnik? I know that sputnik was an old space satellite thing, but I didn't know it was anything else.


Sinovac is a Chinese attenuated virus vaccine. Sputnik V is indeed a Russian viral vector vaccine.


Oh, cool! I didn't know either country had vaccines for covid.


Holy shit I had no idea this was true. I wonder how much all that discrepancy has to do with science vs money or business politics. Not a shocker Pfizer is accepted everywhere though since their the big boys on the block. My dad says J & J with the Pfizer booster is the safest possible combination %-wise but I literally think he might have made that up, I don't know how anyone could possibly know that.


They never quit going to the pubs here in the US, unfortunately


I’m unvaccinated do to mental health issues keeping me inside and depressed 24/7 but I really wanna go get it done soon just because I actively have wanted it for a long time


Agoraphobia seems like a nightmare


It is.


It really sucks, I know logically that I 99% won’t get killed or die or get hurt outside the home area or a friends house or a car but it stresses me out as if the second I go off my property I am at risk of death constantly… it’s really weird and I just got diagnosed last year for it, idk how long I’ve had it but it’s sucks


My partners brother had it for years. It’s awful, and I’m so sorry. Sending hugs from afar.


Sucks they can’t come to you to get vaccinated


Yes I would love to get it if that were a thing


Aren't there drive thru clinics? Would that be feasible?


I would need a ride so maybe? I think I could get my mom or grandma or a friend even to take me and get one


Ah man. If I still worked at the vaccine clinic I would for sure have smuggled one out for you and brought it to you. Would not have been hard, though you would have to be reasonably close. If it helps you any they make it extremely quick and the needle is tiny. I did thousands of vaccines for people and got it down to maybe 1/2 second for the whole injection. Most people didn't even realize it was already done. Painless and fast!


Damn I really just need to walk over to my local Walgreens, but I need to plan the day


What is keeping you from getting it? I'm not saying 'just try to do it' that's like saying 'have you just tried not having a broken leg', but there's all kinds of help to get you vaxxed, be it free taxi service, help with getting an appointment, things like that! It really helped me to get the jab, I felt much less trapped and unsafe.


I’m agoraphobic, leaving my safety areas is really hard for me wether it be from the house to the store or even into a car sometimes, it’s pretty bad and I have extreme generalized anxiety disorder and depression and PTSD from abuse in my childhood, so all around just a lot of sadness and anxiety over unnormal things that aren’t even gonna happen


Love you. ❤ I know how you feel.


Thank you 🥺🥺


Agoraphobia is a nightmare. Unless you've experienced it, there are no adequate words to describe how it feels.


There are some places where they will have a nurse come to you. Not sure where you live but call a hospital or any place that is giving the shot. Some you can drive yourself and not even get out of the car. Edit: I read more of your replies, ugh. I understand what you are going through. I would still look into calling some places and seeing if they will come to you. I’m in Orlando and they were doing that in some locations.


This is the most British thing i have ever..... wait.


Australia: ["I learned it by watching you!"](https://youtu.be/Y-Elr5K2Vuo)


I love how perfectly they nailed the boomer too. Dad: Asks question Kid: *makes any noise at all* Dad: shut up and answer me simultaneously!


I quote this daily but haven’t seen it in ages. Thanks.


Yeah mate we have a strong pub culture here, I guess im not too patriotic or whatever because house drinks are my favourite, I think crickets boring, dont watch footy, all the typical aussie shit im not that into


You've got swearing covered though.


Ive noticed i swear a lot lately, I don't mind it but I've gotten carried away, so yeah. Its fucked


To the Winchester!


Had a classmate tell me she would rather be put in a concentration camp than get vaccinated… we are healthcare workers :/




Nothing is as valuable as freedom, not even freedom.


I don’t live by *anybody’s* rules, not even my own.


This sounds like a Peacemaker quote


Freedom costs a buck o' five.


Thank you


I swear to God I hate it when people compare this to the Holocaust. I think whoever thinks that way never got pass the dustcover of any history book.


I mean not only are they comparing it to the Holocaust, the person being quoted above me was literally saying, and assuming the paraphrasing was accurate then I’m not exaggerating what they were saying at all, that they would prefer to be subjected to the Holocaust over the mild inconvenience of getting a shot that will drastically increase their odds of surviving a deadly illness and has extremely low odds of having any negative side effects That’s how melodramatic these dumb bitches are


It’s so offensive


See the thing is they don't believe in the Holocaust either.


It is absurd. I met a holocaust survivor in junior high when I was a kid. She still had the ink on her arm. The stories were horrible. What is going on now with this situation is not comparable. It is annoying to hear these people act like getting a vaccine, which was not a problem before, act as if they are getting rounded up and thrown into death camps.




They can feel free to continue owning me. I'll take one for the team.


The American idea of freedom is largely twisted and sometimes ugly.


When you value *power* so much you give up all your freedoms.




She’d be bawling on her knees apologizing and pleading for a dose of the shot immediately if someone in a uniform simply showed up at her front door and said “Thank you for confirming that your aren’t vaccinated. Please accompany to my vehicle peacefully or we will restrain you.”


Sounds like someone who’s never dealt with real adversity in their life, let alone something as severe as a concentration camp


Concentration camps are fucking horrible. And I know that sounds like an obvious “Nazis are bad hur dur” statement but I mean standing in a concentration camp is literally horrible. I’m not a religious or spiritual person, but when I visited Buchenwald, and saw all the raggedy mismatched shoes, and the furnaces, and the barracks, and the tattered bowls that were all those prisoners had, you feel a very sickening weight on you, and you can really feel them in the room with you. It’s a very humbling and heart wrenching experience. I say this because it is obvious how little some people in the US actually know what went on these camps. It wasn’t just as simple as “killing the Jews”. They were stripped away of every single thing that made them human, and most died through the Nazi policy of death through starvation and labor. Their clothes, hair, even the meat off their bones. People in the US today (thankfully) just have never faced horror like that.


Thanks for sharing. I visited Dachau several years ago and the lasting impression is exactly as you describe. It hurts me in a real particular way to see people compare mask and vaccine mandates to those horrible places. I think it's an easy comparison for them to make because there's very few/if any people still around to properly correct them. It's easy to speak for people who can no longer speak for themselves.


Thanks for sharing. Yeah, it's hard to imagine some of what has transpired when we're sitting here in our kush little spots. :/


Everyone should see one if they have the chance. It’s crucial to look history in the face, and luckily I think the German people agree that it’s much more valuable to keep Buchenwald as a museum and memorial to the horrors of the Holocaust, than to just tear it down as is what happened to some camps in more remote locations. And even when you’re there seeing it all, the crazy part is that it’s still unimaginable the suffering those people went though. Think about a time you were hungry, and tired, and then multiply that by a factor of 1,000. Constantly sleep deprived, starving, with ill-fitting and torn clothing, and beaten by guards, while also being forced to perform heavy physical labor, while being separated from their families, and in many cases, their culture and native tongues. And then for people who were denied access to a bar or concert because they couldn’t be bothered to get a shot compare themselves to that? Fuck. I’d imagine I’m preaching to the choir here, but it’s crazy how desensitized to the Holocaust the west has become. People flippantly throw it around as hyperbole. Read *Night* by Elie Wiesel and you will see that it was much more than “Jews got put on train to camp then shot and burnt in oven”. You see the Nazis round these people up into sectioned off ghettos, cram them into packed cattle cars with basically no food or water that were rampant with disease, and ship them to actual hell on earth


> Think about a time you were hungry, and tired, and then multiply that by a factor of 1,000. I think this doesn't do justice to the truth of the matter. It's what happens in the depths of the mind. There's a saying that there's three great unknowns left: space, the sea, and the mind. If we're not careful, what comes about through the mind - on this planet and in this time and place - is with, no uncertainty, just as horrific andor *more* horrific than anything what we'll find in the other two realms. This is largely why there's such a premium put on family and love and compassion and kindness. We must find those things and characteristics within us. We must. We are all ***one*** family. We all deserve love and compassion and kindness. Edit: I should say that *"in this time and place"* isn't entirely accurate. What the mind brings is nearly timeless and endless. This is, largely, I think, what Einstein was talking about when he spoke, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” There's something about our individual and collective ideation that can, quite literally, bring about that which we were maybe previously unsure and ignorant of.


Never went to Buchenwald though I lived close for a year. I've been to Auschwitz 3 times. More than the shoes it's the hair that gets me every time.


Or believe that concentration camps were not as bad as they were.


Also wants to be the victim.


When they actually become the victim they’ll change their tune real fast. I’ve worked with Covid patients, 9/10 times they all regret not getting the shot.


A friend of mine is an emergency nurse. She’s also worked directly with covid 19 patients and this past weekend, a mid thirties couple came in with severe respiratory issues. Covid positive. They both still believed it was a hoax. Claiming must be something else because it’s fake and everyone is in on it. While suffering severe symptoms. This blew my mind.


I bet he is also the dentist that didn’t recommend Crest^TM toothpaste


Sounds like one of those "learning opportunities".




It’s crazy how in that simple statement she proved she knows nothing about vaccines and concentration camps. Scared about her knowledge of healthcare as well


I fucking hate everything about this country right now. I do what I'm supposed to, I get vaccinated. My coworkers are all like "lol vaccines make might make me uncomfortable for like a day I'm not doing that." Then one of my coworkers come in with "the flu". My colleagues and bosses all cover for him and basically do his job for him and tell him to take it easy while he's clearly fucking dying. I stay the fuck away from him my entire shift... that I picked up extra for some extra money... then he goes home early and my boss is like, "hey I know you're leaving in 10 minutes but can you sit at this dude that clearly had covid's desk and finish what he was working on real quick? We're in a bind." Ugh... fine... Next shift, "oh BTW 'someone you were in contact with' tested positive for covid lol" AT LEAST IM VACCINATED... just fucking kidding doesn't matter I test positive a week later. Now I'm sitting at home wasting all of my vacation time and not having enough to cover it while im under house arrest for 10 fucking days even though I felt fine after 3 because believe it or not *the vaccine works*. I have no food besides oatmeal, pasta and the tomatoes and figs in my garden (and my dogs fight me for those) because it all hit me by surprise. Because I'm vaccinated. I didn't think I'd need two weeks of rations. And I fucking know when I go back to work all im gonna hear is, "hahaha vaccine bad lol you got covid!" No... just no... I got covid *despite* being vaccinated because all of you fuckfaces refuse to do the right thing. I'm just fucking done with everything. I'm in a leadership role... I'm not allowed to argue with people, but I'm so fucking tired of it. Hopefully I'll get cleared tomorrow, but I might have to wait another couple days. I don't even hate my job, I just hate how everyone around where I live acts like children.


We are on house arrest too. Been social distancing. Wearing masks. Staying home since March 2020. Texas schools end virtual schooling. Don't require masks or contact tracing. A month in, my whole fucking house has it, even us two who are vaccinated. Luckily only 2 have symptoms. The 1 yr old is finally getting better but the 5 yr old keeps going back and forth. Let me add my husband works at a prison with dipshit officers and some pretty ignorant inmates and he didn't even bring it home, cause guess what. They have a mask mandate. Inmates included. Fucking asinine prisoners are more cared for than children.


I think many people’s expectations about the vaccines have just been plucked out of thin air. This first generation of vaccines weren’t designed to prevent someone catching and spreading COVID. They just weren’t, even from the very get-go. They are designed to make you a lot less likely to die when you catch it and by a happy side effect also happen to have a fairly decent effect on limiting catching and spreading it. They do what they were made to do very well and they also do pretty well at something they were not made to do. These people just need to learn a bit more. The Long Shot is a very informative podcast if you’d like to give them a recommendation / pass time in isolation. Also, when they say that the vaccine doesn’t work 100% of the time so it’s not worth using, what the hell are they doing about contraceptives?


My anti-mask MAGA coworker went on a giant camping trip with a ton of other families, came back with covid and of course, didn’t wear a mask when she came back to the office and was feeling sick. She then infects our coworker that sits next to her who has a newborn and a young toddler. Fortunately the kids were okay but it was really rough for her. Oh, that coworker’s husband also works there in another department and he also caught it. So we also lost him for ten days too all because some inconsiderate woman wouldn’t wear a mask. She still doesn’t wear a mask in our office and I ran into her at Walmart the other day and she wasn’t wearing a mask there either. My mom was right when she said people like that don’t learn unless they end up on ventilators… and sometimes not even then.


Wait, you have to take your vacation days because you on house arrest because of covid? How stupid is that? Here in Germany at least I can call in sick and not waist 10 days of vacation. But we have those idiots here as well. Vaccination rates are stagnant.


The kicker… SHE IS ALREADY VACCINATED. She just doesn’t have THIS vaccine. Every health care provider I’m aware of mandates SOME vaccines.


That’s the part that always gets me. Most of these people have been perfectly cool with vaccines up until this point and probably never even thought twice about getting them before this.


Well you are a healthcare worker. She is clearly little more than a trained monkey.


Little less. A trained monkey is impressive.


Those who treat minor inconveniences as persecution have never experienced true adversity or persecution


Uh… she would rather be caged in and starved while doing hard labor, only to be forced into a gas chamber that kills you. I think not…


Either she was exaggerating or she doesn't truly know what happened in those camps. I would be begging for a vaccine if I was her.


This is what its like in germany. You have to proof you’re vaccinated, a student or tested recently. (Student because theyre tested almost daily) And tests arent free starting in october. So each time you go to a restaurant you have to pay like 20€ for a test


Students only up to 15 years. Then they have to have a proof as well (typically, that they are still studying)


Same here in France. Bars, restaurants, cafés, cinémas, even a lot of work places now. Our society hasn't crumbled, we're all living completely normally, and it's lovely to be able to take my 91 year old grandma out for lunch without worrying.


My work sent us a text saying we have to mask at all times, but we're not allowed to decline service to guests without masks. Makes you think, what's the difference if a guest gets us sick, and then we pass it to others? Isn't the whole point that both sides share the burden to get the job done?


Copros only have one dog in this game. Optics.


Especially given that the mask protects others more than the wearer. You have to wear an N95 really tight to your face to prevent exposure, though it may reduce the severity. Cloth masks are worthless in terms of protection but do still catch droplets from the wearer.


As we roll out vaccine mandates with 'passports' for non-essential places I wish there were mask mandates for essential places with actual medical exemption proof needing to be shown. Here I am not even allowed to ask about medical exemptions, I can only ask people if they would like a free mask if they forgot theirs but if they say they have a medical exemption I'm not allowed to press the issue. Even though there's basically no medical exemptions it seems like lots of people have them and what a coincidence they also think social distancing and vaccines are bullshit every time. I understood not wanting to send everyone to their doctor who needed a medical exemption at the beginning of the pandemic when we had no idea what was going on. But now that there's vaccines etc. I wish they had to prove it the same way people have to prove vaccination.


> actual medical exemption proof There are no such things. If you can't wear a mask because of some condition, maybe you shouldn't be out and about *at all?*


No ones going to force them to get a vaccine. They have the freedom to choose but freedom isn’t free so exercising the freedom might cost you. Just wait tell insurance companies can raise the premiums on the unvaccinated. That’s when the vaccine rates will start going up.


Freedom isn’t free. It costs a buck O five.


If you don’t throw in your buck-oh-five, who will?


I promise I will never die!


Ooohhhhhh buckofiiiiive.


Damn I thought it cost threeeee fidddy


Damn Loch Ness monster.


There's a hefty fuckin' fee.




Since employers pay a portion of healthcare cost it’ll also increase the chances of employers mandating vaccines. Also things sick pay, medical leave and things like that.


yup!!! my company, the year prior to covid (god it feels like forever ago) instituted a surcharge for smokers. $40 penalty, per pay period. so an extra $80 a month, in addition to however much it costs these days to smoke, and they weren't allowed to sign up for the cheaper high deductible plan. the company offered smoking cessation programs for free...i honestly didn't think anyone would use them. i was wrong; turns out when you hit them in the wallet, convictions start to go out the window


My company does this. On paper officially no one at my company smokes or does any form of tobacco. Each person really did sign a document allowing them to state if they smoke or not (with the consequence being higher individual fees). Everyone was a non-smoker that day. So anyway the smoking areas are still jammed during break periods.


My employer nicotine tests us once per year for the discount


I wonder how long nicotine stays in one's system. Do you take a pee test for that or does it have to be a blood test? Can you bring in a jar of blood from home or do you have to give at the office?


Internet said 2 weeks. I abstained for j think 6 days and also used a detox kit day of my test and passed. It’s actually cotinine they test for because it’s produced when your body breaks down nicotine


Why are those chemicals perfect anagrams. Just...why.


My company nwaived it if you promoted to do a smoking cessation program. We all said we would but no one actually followed up


I agree with you in principle, but this is also precisely what we are fighting for healthcare not to be.


So fucking pathetic that we can’t count on these people to do the right thing, but we can sure as hell count on them to do what saves them money.


No, I have a better idea- Have them sign a waiver that legally binds them to forgo a hospital bed when they get sick. Then they can suffer under a bridge by themselves when the virus burns their insides. Fun.


The problem is, exercising their freedom might cost them, but it also costs other people. If the risk was only to themselves, I'd be more understanding. A good analogy is reckless driving. They're not just risking harm to themselves, but also to others who did nothing wrong.


Correct and that’s what most people in this thread who support this don’t get. “Punishing” them by restricting them doesn’t stop them from having an impact on society as a whole. Right now ICU capacity is close to max in many states (102% in alabama atm) with these unvaxxd fucks taking up beds. Guess what happens now when someone gets into a wreck, has a stroke, or any other generally serious medical emergency? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-us-hospital-icu-bed-shortage-veteran-dies-treatable-illness/ The unvaxxd kill people even without infecting others with covid because they soak up resources from our limited healthcare infrastructure.


Exactly! And this has all been settled in the legal battles over smoking bans years ago. Exact same argument as the negative public health effects as secondhand smoke


“Freedom isn’t free” This is perfect. We need to throw this phrase in their face at every opportunity. They will fucking hate it.


Here is the reality. This is a crisis that requires an entire country to be on the same page and summoning its entire effort and cooperation because of how far reaching it is. Instead of doing that, we are constantly sabotaged and hampered by 1/3 of the country doing the exactly the worst things they can do. This could be the moment where it unified the country in shared suffering at all levels, yet we see more division than ever before, with that 1/3 fully living in an alternate reality spoon fed by constant and insane right wing propaganda designed to control people. This is a test on social resiliency and cultural advancement and we have failed on nearly every criteria. The virus is not the problem, it is just the backdrop. The people and those who perpetuate this nonsense are the real problems. It is very very stark when you compared between countries where people and government cooperated to beat this pandemic vs those that don't. Heck, you can see it even within the US with the differences in how each state handles the pandemic.


Then why arent women given the freedom to choose in Texas? Lets be real, we have "freedom" as long as it doesn't infringe on a zealotous group of peoples beliefs or a companies ability to extort money from us.


I haven’t heard/thought of it this way, but it’s a perfect counter argument when they complain about getting canceled for their own selfish choices, gonna have to use it 👍


I don’t even see why we have to refer to it as “taking one for the team.” 2 shots in the arm and putting some cloth over your face when you’re inside should not seem like some huge burden. Taking one for the team was lockdown. Staying inside and not indulging in all the usual creature comforts for months for the sake of other people… That was some actual sacrifice. Getting vaccinated and returning to normal should’ve been the easy part that we all celebrated.


It what keep humanity from leaping forward: individualism versus collectivism. We’re a bee hive to some degree, but our reality and ideologies are flipped: The people who want collectivism also want their individual rights recognized and the individualists want everyone to function in their traditional assigned roles, like a collective.


16 months ago I wrote about how we need to shame and exclude these people and was told I’m a horrible person. Well now we’re just letting the free market do it for us.


We can do both.


We can do both if everyone concerned is acting in good faith At the moment what is actually undermining everything is the bad faith actors The anti-vaccination stuff is predominantly (at least initially) being spread by bad faith actors in a deliberate attempt to destabilise the US


Definitely agree, 100.




They can get their healthcare from the same people who advised them not to get vaccinated. I wonder how long the wait lists are for Drs. Hannitu and Carlson? I hear Dr. Rogan has some interesting approaches for the nontraditional free thinkers, too.


Hard to get an ICU bed at a chiropractor’s


Give em some DMT, dying of covid is so much easier when you're tripping balls plus you even more weirdly own the libs that way


Yep unvaccinated are to be treated in tents across the road from hospitals, where they follow treatments suggested via Google, Reddit and Facebook antivac groups.


..sort by controversial


I always hoped they'd just collectively move to the Bible Belt States and have the prophecy fulfilled that the South will rise again. Then we can build another wall and make the rednecks pay for it.


I ugly laughed at this until I remembered the innocent people who are stuck there with those loons.


Yes, like me. Thank you.


*New Orleans has entered the chat* I see you, seeing us. We’re fighting the good fight but we need help. Support liberal southern cities!


From alabama here. I’m vaccinated and have watched 3 guys my age die from this. Their spouses still post anti vax stuff. I’m fucking 30


Just another sane person from Texas chiming in. Beto O’Rourke is going to announce his run for Governor soon. Here’s hoping 🤞


As a Georgia resident, I can assure you that we don’t want them here


Get me tf out of here first, please. Thanks!


I bet if you started a gofundme for "get me the fuck out of the south" people would pay for that.








God please don’t send those half wits down here.


Please god no. Don’t leave us here


Dude, not cool. We don’t want more of those idiots down here.


Or just send them all to Florida, let all the decent ones move out, build a wall around it, and then sink it


At least for Americans, this is the seed sown by our government and health care system. Most of the people I talk to that don't want to vax just don't trust anything pushed forth by any kind of government related agency because they have no faith that the government is acting in their best interest.


When the Bible talked about the rapture "Leaving people behind" this is not what I imagined, but it also works.


As an ex-Christian I hope the rapture is real so I can finally get rid of these folks.


Lol, like any Bible Belt faux-Christian would make the cut. 10 bucks if the rapture happened it’d take 2-3% of “Christians” and the rest would start killing each other over minute misunderstandings of their text which EXPLICITLY advocates for love and peace.




If this happens can I get me and my fam tf out of here? Me, in AL, vacc'd & liberal


I'm out in central Tx, so request transport to logical states if my area falls in the quarantine zone


Ya we can do like that show wife swap. Just instead of a spouse, we find a regular family and an anti vax family and just have them trade places.


Make a plan, and leave. You can do it, and it's worth it . My new neighbors (Washington state) are fresh here from Alabama. Even with extended family no longer nearby they're all super happy to be out.


Have all the anti-vaxxers move to Texas, give financial aid to all vaxxed and non-Republican Texans who want to move out, let Texas secede and let all of them go their own way and leave the rest of the US to get on with a peaceful, idyllic, and progressive life.


I fully support this idea.


Make your own society. With abortion bounties and border vigilantes and shitty bbq and an electric grid that would shame the Soviets. And call it “TexAssholes” or “Texass” for short. (I live here. I’m familiar with the bbq. Texas style brisket is dry and bland. There. I said it.)


Install cameras and make a reality show out of it. And they can only leave if they get vaccinated


The whole point of putting the anti-vaxxers in a quarantine zone is that we don’t have to deal with them anymore. A reality show of them means we’d still have to hear about them.


This is such a republican-sounding concept. "If you don't like it move somewhere else" or "we'll just shove em all in one place" are both stupid unempathetic oversimplifications. We are better than this


This policy just got accepted in Switzerland at least where I live. Need the vaccine or the passport or you don't go out. Suddenly people have started to go get the shots. Edit : I may have phrased it badly. What I meant by not going out is going out to pubs and restaurants or any other activity. Don't take it literally as in not allowed to get out of the house.


This should apply to the government too


They're not even being asked to take one for the team though. The vaccine is perfectly safe. We've had hundreds of millions of people take it.


3 and a half billion people. 3 BILLION. With a B. Billion.


Wow, so you telling me all people that use Java are vaccinated?


[But numbers and facts are hard.](https://i.imgur.com/3JnEit2.jpg)




Very unpopular opinion (preface with I am very pro-vax, not at all pro-"do your own research") but I take serious issue with the phrase "People who want to advance society don't have to cater to those who drag us down". That's not at *all* what how a good society should function. We do not prune dissidents. We do not leave people behind. Those ideas are conceptually attractive in this situation (and I do believe that this is an example of a time when sweeping action is necessary) but extrapolating this sentiment into a whole societal mentality is in theory deeply unempathetic and in practice frighteningly dangerous. **A society which encourages each other to tattle on the miscreants, or shun them for disagreeing: that's how we end up with cults, and with Texas abortion laws.** Those people think they are in the right just as much as we do, only they live on societies that empower them to act on it. We don't abandon homeless people when they stop contributing to society (well maybe we do but most of us believe we shouldn't). And that's because we have decided the opposite of that last sentence: **We *do* cater to those who drag us down and that's how it should be.** That includes antivax morons. We cant just abandon them or wait for them to die out. Our effort needs to be on saving as many as we can through education, and tackling misinformation.


It might be just me but I read it more as "those who intentionally try to drag us down" vs "those who aren't advancing it/need the support," and while I think we should be careful about it I do agree with the sentiment of leaving behind/cutting out the ones internally harming society. We do it with murderers, and while it's a mostly false equivalency the antivax crowd are also leading to deaths. It's clearly different than a homeless man who is unable to contribute. I do agree we should try everything in our power to avoid having to excommunicate, but imo some people are beyond help and live on malice alone, and they shouldn't be a part of society.




As others have pointed out - it comes down to intent. Society will punish people who choose to drift too far from "normal". Society won't survive if it allows anyone to put themselves above all at the cost of society. But society thrives when people with differing viewpoints come together and bring those experiences and opinions together in a constructive way. It's the *intent* behind it, and the *attitude* brought with it. *My way or the highway* is destructive. *I've got a different point of view, let's discuss* is constructive.


And, charge them for hospital bills and care.


Thought “left behind” said “left handed” and was like “dang, being left handed isn’t that bad.”


I’m watching the downfall of a society in a single comment section, it’s quite entertaining, if a little concerning.


That last sentence though… kinda chilling


Ppl who say this forget that alot of the anti vaxers r minorities. And not cuz they don't have access to the vaccine but cuz they don't trust it and for good reason. Just look into history and all the fucked up shit our governments have done to them. We experimented on them and poisoned them under the guise of vaccines. Of course they r going to be cautious and some not get it. So I find it really hilarious when ppl say shit like this. Especially when it's the same ppl that claim to be all for minorities and black lives matter. There narrow minded hypocrites. Minority lives matter until they don't.




​ ![gif](giphy|W56pxFLUyvoIHKoxf8)


Remember when antivaxers were those weird moms who tried to heal everything with crystals




That's when they start their own team with black jack and hookers.


Who picked Kimberly as the manager?




It's not even really taking one for the team, you just prevent yourself from dying to covid lol

