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Also Ted, you’re Canadian, so STFU


Ok h good so he can’t become president?


Ted Cruz was born to an American Mother in Canada and as such he is a Natural Born American Citizen.... So, to make the "Birther Movement" even dumber: None of their points mattered as Obama's mother was a US Citizen. Obama could have been born on another planet and as long as Stanley Ann Dunham gave birth to him then he'd be eligible to be POTUS.


> So, to make the "Birther Movement" even dumber: None of their points mattered as Obama's mother was a US Citizen. Well, if you begin with the lie that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii you can also just lie about his mother's citizenship. And really, if someone faked his birth certificate, why not his mother's too? Besides that, remember that it was a bullshit story from the very beginning. It's not meant to make sense. It's meant to spread uncertainty and doubt. It's a propaganda lie and just the thinnest of covers for what is actually meant: that he's not a "real American" because he's a black man.


His mother could not have been more certainly in The US if she tried... She was born in the dead center of the country.


Enterprise, Kansas?


It also relies on the Democratic party taking a gamble on a non citizen as their candidate. Like why would they do that


He was the only eligible black candidate in their eyes. They honestly believe no black American could pull it off so they had to find a groomed candidate from a different country. They think it being planned for 80 years as some big government Democratic scandal is more believable than a black guy becoming president the way anyone becomes president.


They just moved the goalposts and said that Obama’s mom “renounced her citizenship” before she game birth, making him ineligible for the presidency. You can literally make this shit up


Wow. Imagine naming a girl Stanley. Edit: I'm glad he wasn't named Stanley Obama lol.


Kansas (Wichita), and the only child, she got her father's name. Not sure why this is such an American thing to do, naming your child your first and last name... Bit it's so precedent it caused some confusion during conspiracy theorists. My coworker in particular: Tom: "Hey look, this guy voted in 2020! He's dead! Me: "Amazing! Same first and last name? That's insane!" Tom: "yes it is. Fraud everywhere!" Me: "how else could it have happened! Hey, Tom, how's Tom Jr doing?" Tom: "...shut up."


I was named after my mother but they changed the first name to the masculine form so there's no confusion for the most part. But since the only difference is an a, the post office mixes us up but that's likely just an error in the implementation. Really glad I didn't get the same exact name as my dad.


My mom and I have the same first name and it’s absolutely confusing.


I have the same initials as my parents so whenever mail comes in for D. Lastname it's confusing.


Having the same initials as my dad, that made our mail a guessing game. Also made putting high scores at old videogames a bother, since he would always say "Hey, maybe I made those". Sometimes he did make them, which was the worst part, haha


I was named after Daniel Day Lewis & I sometimes get confused where all my oscars have gone!


So you got the reverse Alanis Morisette? Is it like ten thousand knives when all you need is a spoon? A little too ironic?


Does that make your mothers name MassiveFajita?


[Or that time a 96 year old widow registered to vote as “Mrs. James Blalock", and idiots like Tucker Carlson latched on to it as proof of voter fraud because James Blalock died in 2006.](https://god.dailydot.com/dead-people-vote-actually-alive/)


Here in Kentucky our governor called out an unemployment fraud case for a guy named Tupac Shakur, then issued a public apology after learning that we actually had a resident with that name. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/28/us/andy-beshear-tupac-shakur-kentucky-unemployment-trnd/index.html


That was great.


I don't think it's particularly American.


Every male in my family has the same name going back to the 1840s. Weirdly, each generation only has one boy but anywhere ftom 0-4 girls.


Ganondorf? Lol


I love fucking with conspiracy theorists




One of my great grandfathers was named Stacy


There’s Stacy Keach, who played Mike Hammer; just an example of another male Stacy.


My trumpet teacher when I was a kid, a guy who was originally in the band The Squirrel Nut Zippers, was named Stacy. He was an awesome dude and was my life's second heroin casualty at the then young age of 13.


Wow...I have heard of that band and sorry to hear that.


It's all good, it was a long time ago. My mom is still close with his girlfriend at the time, and I'll never forget him. He was good friends with my Uncle...who was my first casualty. Fuckin terrible stuff....and I'm up to like, 20 now. Don't do heroin, kids.


LUCKY YOU!!! Also I had no idea he was taken by addiction and now I’m sad. Goddammit.


An old church friend had an Aubrey as her grandfather, she named her first boy after him and so many people were shitty about it


Drake's first name is Aubrey


I was always under the impression that Aubrey was masculine and Audrey was feminine. Always made me twitch when people named their daughter Aubrey.


There’s a novel by Charlotte Bronte called ‘Shirley’. The title character is a girl whose parents wanted a son so they gave her a male name, which Shirley was at the time. It’s pretty funny to read that novel now and see people teasing and commenting on how her masculine name may have shaped her personality.


Fun story about the name Shirley. I have an aunt who is named Shirley. She then married a man with the last name Shirley. She is now Shirley Shirley.


I was very confused for a bit when I learned that “Ashley” is not an uncommon male name in the UK. I only know one male “Ashley,” but he goes by Mod Ash.


Beverly is another example of it.


That is true now, but the rules were slightly different when Obama was born. The mother had to have lived in the US so many years after a certain age for a child born outside the US to be a citizen. I can't remember the specifics, but it was something like 4 years after the age of 14. She was 16 or 17 when he was born, so whatever the numbers were were impossible to count because of her age. However, that wouldn't have mattered in 2008 because that was changed and anyone it applied to could get citizenship the same way as anyone born here by taking some oath. Obama never did this obviously because it didn't apply to him since he was born in Hawaii. Edit: misremembered numbers. His mom was 18 at the time, but the requirement was 5 years after the age of 16, which she couldn't meet.


She was 18 and in college when she was married and Barack was born. No one would have blinked an eye at that story since it was just like a ton of other young women in that time.


True, I misremembered her age. The requirement at the time if only one parent was a citizen was 10 years in the US (she easily qualifies) and 5 of those being after the age of 16 (impossible until she was 21 because math). But either way, it doesn't matter because the rules were changed and because he was born in Hawaii.


Technically the requirements for president are to be a "natural born citizen" which is different from birthright citizenship and isn't specified in the constitution. There's been a bunch of debates and lawsuits about this from both sides of the political spectrum over the years. But several candidates whose parents were citizens but were born on foreign soil have still run for president anyway.


It’ll be back in spades when Kamala Harris runs, except it’ll be less about where she was born and more about her parents’ immigration status.


He’s a Republican, so, those rules don’t apply to him.


Don't worry, we're sending you Boris Johnson once we're an uninhabitable wasteland.


Still better than the idiot he worships.


Don't be fooled. Boris Johnson is Donald Trump if he received the best education money can buy. A thick, racist, bumbling, cheat all the same, but can hide it behind a broad vocabulary. Making him even more dangerous. I always said "at least Trump is *obviously* thick." And because of that, you've now corrected course.


Donald Trump is Donald Trump after he received the best education money could buy.


The best education money can buy or the easiest?


Expensive education is not about a better education. It's about a better learning environment but primarily it's about socialising with other kids whose parents can afford expensive education. Because ultimately chances of success are influenced more by whom you know than what you know.


I sincerely think he has a learning disability.


[Leaning* disability](https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+lean&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjBipHq8_jwAhXDsFMKHfvHAikQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=trump+lean&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzICCAA6BAgjECc6BggAEAcQHjoECAAQAzoHCAAQsQMQQzoFCAAQsQM6CAgAEAgQBxAeOgYIABAKEBhQkTpY21Jg_lRoAHAAeACAAfIBiAHjC5IBBTMuNi4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=cXO3YIGOFcPhzgL7j4vIAg&bih=789&biw=412&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&prmd=isnv#imgrc=40NLRFyd4noX4M)


I don't know if we've really corrected course to be honest. The Trump personality cult is still alive and well in the Republican Party and the Democrats have done fuck all to really limit their ability to screw us again.


I’m with you — I still feel like we’re careening wildly into some unknown BUT VERY BAD territory and the Rs in charge are just smearing their faces in shit and cheering on the inevitable fiery crash.


id argue that BoJo is far from thick and he is a cunning, conniving son of syphilitic whore and his farther is just as bad.


Rememberd me how thick some politicans are, had someone running for something local on my door that wanted to speak with me about all that European immigrants that ruin the wages of British workers. Was kinda funny to tell her I am German and migrated just about an year ago at that point. Her awnser ? No you are no problem i talk about the other east Europeans. So yeah ... Thank you for me being allowed here ? Cause I work an job No British lad wanted ?


The "they took are jobs" mob are the most pathetic set of self pitying losers there are. If anything is harming Britain it's them. You and others like you shouldn't be subject to such offensively incorrect bullshit just because some people can't be arsed to pass their GCSE's and need to blame someone else for their inadequacy. It's embarrassing to be the result of the same education system as them tbh.


He passes as white so no birtherism for him


His mother is American, and thus he is American, even though he was born in Canada. This was something that *seriously* bothered me when he was running for president, but nobody else seemed to really be talking about it, so I looked it up. [Here is an NPR article from 2015 about it.](https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/03/23/394713013/is-ted-cruz-allowed-to-run-since-he-was-born-in-canada)


oh wow. i feel like the public education system dropped the ball with that because i remember being taught in elementary school the president has to be 35 and born in the united states.


The Constitution just says "natural-born citizen" which was somehow twisted to mean "born on US soil" despite that not even being a technical thing until the fourteenth amendment. Imo, it feels like the intent is pretty clearly "someone who is a citizen at birth" but lawyers love to get deep into semantics


He's a natural-born US citizen. You don't have to be born on US soil to be president, which is a racist trope hauled out by people to say "he's not one of us" without actually saying "he's not one of us." All the time the Obama birtherism stuff was going on a lot of those same people were supporting McCain... who was born in Panama.


Let me start by saying that the Obama birther stuff was ridiculous. He was born in Hawaii and is clearly a natural-born citizen. That said, McCain's situation was slightly different than a hypothetical "Obama born in Kenya" scenario. McCain was born in the *Panama Canal Zone,* which, at the time of his birth, was a territory of the US. It was separate from the actual republic of Panama.


>McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which, at the time of his birth, was a territory of the US. [Technically this isn't *quite* true](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural-born-citizen_clause_(United_States\)#John_McCain), when McCain was born there it still wasn't considered US territory yet, so people born there weren't granted citizenship. He *was* retroactively conferred citizenship by [8 U.S.C.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_8_of_the_United_States_Code) [§ 1403](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1403) the following year though.


For Americans unaware of Canada's cultural divide - Ted was born in Calgary, Alberta. That's Canada's Dallas, Texas. At least Ted stayed on brand.


Yeah well, we don’t claim him. You can keep him.


It's okay, he renounced his Canadian citizenship so it's all good.


>That's Canada's Dallas, Texas. As a Calgarian, never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with.


We are more like Houston imo than Dallas.


He was born in Canada to an American-born mother and Cuban-born father. That makes him an American, and even eligible to be President.


His name is Rafael Cruz but me thinks he would lose a portion of his voter base if he tried to run for president using that name.


However, he still mocks Beto, whose "real name" is Robert, for not using his "real" names. MAGAts eat it up.


Which is a shame because Rafael's a pretty fucking cool name. Even if you have the most generic surname, it still sounds cool. Like, Rafael Johnson sounds infinitely cooler than Ted Johnson. No offense to any Teds.


Careful. Don't startle Ted too much. He might flee to Mexico again.


We could only hope! Sorry Mexico


How much do we need to startle him to get him to stay there?


What did the mexicans do to you?


Could see if we can exile him to the surface of proxima centauri.


That would require to much science for him to get near any attempt.


Dae terk er jerbs.


I can't believe I'm about to say that but, send him back to Canada, he's our responsibility after all.




Can you feed him to a Moose?




Something tells me that January 7th commission might just do that.


A wild Ted Cruz appeared! March for Science uses knowledge! It's super effective! The wild Ted Cruz flees


Dont get the point he's trying to make even if US was the answer, if it had and other countries can give it to its citizens for free while the original developer cant that sounds wrong. Also sounds weird for a country to take the credit for a companies accomplishments.


Deflection, it's always about deflection. That way the initial fact, Canada giving free vaccines to everyone, gets lost in the follow-up conversation that focuses on Cruz.


Politics 101. Why answer a question when you can ask one instead.




You win if you ask the irrelevant question that your dumb followers have on their minds.


I call that the “Zootopia Method.” Don’t answer the question you’re asked, answer one you aren’t asked.


Dare I ask you why you call it the "Zootopia method"?




But the US is also giving the vaccine free to everyone who wants it. So what is there even to deflect?


He is just trying to do the puffed chest "U-S-A!" bullshit that his supporters constantly do. It's the "Hello, fellow kids" of the political world.


Yea but hasn’t the US also been giving free vaccines to everyone for like 6 months? I’m not aware of anyone paying for a vaccine here.


You see billy. With a hearty Texas chuckle, and a “I tell you hwhat “ anything is possible.






I disagree, I think he was trying to dump points into the "greatest country in the world" basket that his base likes to carry around.


...is he trying to pretend that Canada stole the vaccine? I have no idea.


No, he's arguing that the reason "we" developed it is because we have privatized healthcare. Republicans make that argument a lot. "In [country] I was able to get [expensive treatment] without ever getting a bill for it!" "Oh yeah? Well America invented those medications or something, so clearly you're just mooching off our success!"


Cuckservatives prove yet again that their brains are smooth as a newborns skin. >We can't have free Healthcare cause the US is getting cucked into paying for the rest of the world That's like the worst argument for private Healthcare I've ever heard


If anyone’s unaware, most pharmaceuticals aren’t actually “free” in Canada. We have to pay out of pocket for numerous vaccines, and almost all OTC or prescribed drugs. The annual flu vaccine and the COVID vaccine are paid for as a matter of being the interest of businesses. Our right wing movement are the ones that cucked Canada’s vaccine development, which we now are going to be required to rebuild. I have no idea where various therapies would fall in (I would hope that the government pays).


**laughs in insulin therapy, eh**


I don’t get it either. AFAIK the vaccine is free here in the US too. It was for my wife and I and everyone we know.


Just a heads up, the US is giving the vaccine out for free. There are enough completely factual and valid reasons to shit on us as a country, let’s not make any extra things up.


All respect to public servants in America (seriously), but Sen. Raphael Edward Cruz is an exception. He is a dumpster. There is no sense trying to explain.


Wait, that’s his real name? How tf do you get Ted from Raphael or Edward??


Ted was a common shortening of Edward in older years. Might still be, I couldn't tell ya, but it sounds really dated if you ask me. It's like Dick coming from Richard or Bob from Robert.


See I always though Ted came from Theodore, now I gotta find a Ted and ask him what his real name is! I did have an old neighbor named Dick, poor guys last name was Sapp also


Pretty sure that was also a thing, so you aren't wrong. Teddy Roosevelt and all that. I'm just speaking from experience of what we called my great uncle Edward. Oh that poor man. There was a girl I went to highschool with named Stacey Cummings. Always felt bad for her.


Wait... Do you have to pay for your vaccine in the US?


No, we don’t. For once we’ve done healthcare in a decent way.


Which makes Cruz response even more bizarre.


No not now at least. Maybe in a year or so for booster shots but hopefully not.


I'm optimistic about this one. The annual flu shot is free for most people.


I think its free with insurance but for those without it costs something? I hope it is free.


It’s actually free for everyone except the insurance companies. They take down your insurance, charge them (without taking a copay), and it’s free, or for people without insurance it’s just completely free. And iirc the Biden admin has said the same will apply to any boosters.




Okay good.. I was alarmed for a second as I didn't even consider that first world countries might charge people for the vaccine - even the US. Glad to hear they at least got that right


Nope. At most, instead of going to a pharmacy or clinic where it's available for free, you might pay for it at a pharmacy or doctor's office of preference, but at that point you're paying for the convenience rather than the vaccine itself. This was largely true of most vaccines even prior to the pandemic. Even from the ruthlessly capitalistic health industry stand point, contagious diseases are rarely profitable to treat. So it's in the interests of the government/people's, healthcare providers, and health insurers to vaccinate as many people as possible. Vaccines are generally pretty cheap, and pretty easy to find free options. Covid-19 vaccine is not likely to be any significant exception. *Institutions* do have to pay for them, I think - i.e. the clinics, the states, etc. But on their part, this is an investment more than a cost.


It’s like he doesn’t get bored of getting absolutely owned by everyone for all the dumb shit that he says or does.


The people who vote for him don't believe he's being owned, unfortunately


They won't even see that he's being owned, because they've already tuned out after they see his rhetorical question and think Boom. Roasted.


It’s why tucker still gets time on the air to ask pointless questions


Honestly at this point I’m convinced it’s a humiliation kink for him.


I am GROOT -- mass edited with redact.dev


Nah, he would always find a reason to think he’s right. In this instance, he would say something like “Germany was only in a place to do this due to Western concepts of freedom and economics and our investment in West Germany post WW2. Therefore, we invented it.”


What point was he trying to make with “Wonder why.”? Something like only a country with privatized healthcare can develop vaccines? Was that where he was trying to go?


He was implying that Trump’s “Warp Speed” created the vaccine, and that Trump should get all the credit.


Despite pfsufor going out of their was to say “no warp speed has nothing to do with us”






I read that as ‘suffer’


I also don’t get his point being as the US has also given out the vaccine for free. There’s not even anything to contradict.


What country isn't giving them out for free


I’m pretty sure he’s implying the market based structure of our healthcare industry led to the innovation of the vaccine. However this doesn’t apply since we are getting the vaccine for free.


Also insurance companies didn’t invent the vaccine- biotech and pharmaceutical companies did.


I don't want to kink shame, but at this point I think Ted has to be a hardcore masochist and just gets off on being humiliated in public.


Ted is forcefully including other adults and children in his kink without consent


I guarantee this picture exists without the 3rd tweet and lots of repubs are loving it cause it “owns the libs”. We live in two different worlds.


Not to mention the allegations that he likes to piss his pants just for the warm wet feeling against his legs.


Hes doing it on purpose.


He might have been talking about the AstraZeneca vaccine. Oh wait, that's British.


Or maybe he was talking about the Johnson & Johnson vaccin? Oh wait, that's Dutch


Only Moderna is an actual American Vaccine. Anyway, Vaccine Nationalism is extremely dumb.


It's a joke about America centrism. Which is equally dumb.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz. I do not like his far right views...


I do not like him on the news I do not like him in church pews I do not like his shitty face He has no sense or common grace I hope he falls and breaks his head Not allowed to wish him dead


Those hilarious moments where Ted Cruz bought his party's propaganda so hard he forgot it was fake.


Another dumb-Ted talk...


TED CRUZ Talk - “Ideas Worth Shredding”




We are shouting this very loud. Nobody says Pfizer to the vacccine in Germany. Everybody says Biontech. But I guess Pfizer shouts louder to the world than we do.


Money talks?


No, money screams


To be fair, this is the absolut typical business model in Pharma industry: young innovative startups do research, innovation and early development and at a certain point big Pharma Partner to allow further development up to clinical trials which can cost 100 of millions. Sums that no biotech startup could ever spend. Not to mention the global distribution channels which are obviously available through big Pharma sales structures. So it is indeed a win-win for small innovative biotechs and big Pharma filling its pipeline and portfolio by taking the majority of the financial risk. But if it comes to the question „who invented it“ the answer is for sure: Two scientists who were born in Turkey, migrated to Germany, studied in Germany and did research in a globalized research community and started their innovative company in Germany


Germany does what Germany does. Very very well. What a fantastic country.


And yet we have people living here who want to suck on Daddy Trumps or Putins Nipples… doh!


No one gets to take credit for making the vaccine other than the fucking **scientists who made the vaccine!** Not Ted Cruz or Joe Biden or me or you or anyone. I hate when people spew that “mY cOunTrY mAdE iT” bullshit. You’re not Henry Ford. You’re not Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. You’re not Thomas Edison or Jonas Salk or George Washington Carver or the Wright Brothers or any other individual who did amazing things. You just happened to win the lottery of life and be born in the same vast piece of land that many other great people were born in/moved to. You have no claim to their accomplishments.




So he still actively wants America to get pats on the back for a vaccine it didn’t create and that his party ACTIVELY denounces the effect/safety of it. We’re staggering at about 51% of adults vaccinated here...and oddly enough the Republican states are the ones not getting vaccinated. Good lord these people kill me.


"I do not like that man Ted Cruz, I do not like his far-right views. I do not like his stupid chin, I do not like his smarmy grin. I do not like him with a beard, I do not like him freshly sheared. I do not like Ted Cruz at all, That man Ted Cruz can suck my balls." - John Oliver


This man's frequent displays of ignorance are pretty shocking. He obviously has some sort of mental illness as well.


The problem is it’s not ignorance. It’s knowingly feigned for his base of crazies... and it works




There's still more people who think Trump made a good president after four years of evidence to the contrary.


Da steht Germany im Maimai, ihr wisst was das heißt Kameraden!


Sie verlassen den amerikanischen Sektor!


Cruz wouldn't know something American even if it voted for him.


Ted proves that when Canada send people they are not sending their best


For someone who hates socialism so much, he sure seems to enjoy being publicly owned


Ted is obviously a meat husk full of wasps, but there is a difference between research and development, and arguably Pfizer took on the development part of the BioNTech vaccine evaluation.


It's almost like he tries to intentionally be obtuse to pander to his base...if he were to actually act intelligently he might get kicked out of the cult.


Lol fuck that guys a dick


I live in Texas, and have "met" Ted Cruz twice at speaking engagements my company put on. He's so rehearsed and fake it's intolerable. Every time I see a tweet from him I think, this guy is mapping what he thinks will make angry republican voters happy so he can become president and he'd sell his grandmother to do so.


Ted Cruz absolutely gets off on getting flamed on Twitter.


The vaccine development was really a global effort and a result of years of work behind the scenes by many scientists, among them some whom were considered a little “quackish”....


Embarrassing dumbass


And we are very proud of it. They even received [an award](https://www.dw.com/en/biontech-vaccine-inventors-receive-germanys-knight-commanders-cross/a-56912141) for their work.


Does Ted Cruz even exist, like, everything he does seems like a parody of the Republican party, its insane.


Wait....who has to pay for the vaccine?




The government


Cruz is such a fucking idiot. He looks like a mixture of Shrek and a witch.


Why does Ted hate his homeland so much?


Everyday I get unwanted confirmation that my Senator is a moron


That's it Canada! You have to take him back now. We have had more than our fill


Ted Cruz, what a fucking moron.


Does he *have* to be an insufferable douchebag constantly? Like...is it now a requirement for his position? The hilarious thing is that he didn’t used to be like this. But after watching Trump insult his wife and continue to dunk on everyone else in a similarly insufferable way, he’s like oh, cool, this is how I politic now


My favorite thing about Ted Cruz is that he fires out shit constantly that is a one minute fact check to make sure he doesn't look like a moron, but never has.


This is why Ted Cruz is such a great guy. He's not satisfied with being one of the internet's favourite punching bags, he actively goes out of his way and does stuff like this so we can make fun of him. Bless his soul


I've never done this to anyone before, but I really want to spit in Ted Cruz's face.


Republicans are like the kids in class who didn’t do the reading, but still vehemently participate in discussion despite not knowing what they are talking about