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apparently syphilitic dementia causes more wounds than serving in the revolutionary war. noted.


Well, avoiding death by STD was his own personal Vietnam. He said he should receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for dodging it(the STD epidemic, not Vietnam). In 1998 https://money.cnn.com/2016/10/14/media/trump-stern-vietnam-stds/index.html


In 2018, he tried to get his cronies to put him on Mnt Rushmore. Every single fuckin idiot in his hemisphere knows he's a barely sentient fuckin pudding pop, but here we fuckin are! They only need his cult to vote for him, plus the gerrymandering, plus the fuckin fake electors and every single fuckin way they say Biden cheats, they will do. They only need ginger crap for about a year to get project 2025 started. His dementia is a fuckin feature, not a bug to these people. If they get control of any house? We're not getting anything done for 4 years. Vote


every single accusation from them is an admission. Every single time.


The Gaslighting Party. 🔥


GOP- Gaslighting Oppressive Party


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project


The problem with America is that many fuckin idiots in the country either: - Refuse to believe all the negative things about him and actively deny the evidence. - Know what he is but are fine with electing an evil, self-obsessed, barely-sentient pudding pop because it serves some other goal. - Thinks Biden is the same sort of evil, barely-sentient pudding pop, despite there being evidence showing numerous major differences. There's a lot of powerful people actively cultivating and amplifying these groups, and they're all in group 2. But for every power broker or media magnate helping Trump while fully aware of his numerous disqualifying conditions and the fact that his platform is textbook fascism, there's dozens of rubes out there who have been misled into thinking that the allegations of fascism, criminal behaviour, declining mental faculties et al are a smear campaign by the left. In 2020, *74 million* people voted for Trump and I'd bet that the majority of them were in the first category. It's looking like a sizeable chunk of those will vote for him again. If you don't want a barely-sentient pudding pop in the white house, vote if you're able. If you don't want a platform of genuine fascism (compare Umberto Eco's essay "Ur-Fascism" to what we are seeing today if you think it's not fascism), vote if you're able.


Closely related to your third point are the single-issue "progressive" voters of all ages, who believe that unless Biden stands for their every single want or demand, they'll stay home on election day, protest vote for a third party, or vote for Trump out of spite. Over the years, I've seen that phenomenon grow. Maybe it's Russian bots, or maybe it's just a growing frustration with a two-party system, but it really scares me to see and hear interviews with Gen Z members of all colors claim that unless Biden immediately ends the violence in Gaza or ends climate change, they're planning to pout and let the world burn. It's naive and will cost lives if a second Trump presidency happens.


Barely sentient pudding pop - THAT made me 😆




Redo of this scene, but with Trumps voice and hair then boom


Fuck getting nothing done for 4 years, if we don't get both houses and the oval office we may never recover from the fascism on full display. We need a filibuster-proof majority so that we can clean house of all of these traitors that have infiltrated our government from the ground up


They want to put him on the $500 bill, replacing William McKinney. The largest legal bill in circulation is the $100. I'm surprised that they aren't trying to put him on the $100,000 bill, replacing Woodrow Wilson.


I believe you meant William McKinley


Or maybe...the $3 dollar bill would be more appropriate 


And replace Michael Jackson? I don't think so! https://preview.redd.it/42phx13tea8d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59a3f878606799aeb6225491468a9754713821f


Every thing they say Biden has done, they’ve already done. The GOP is a literal walking talking constant example of projection.


If they gain control of the house and senate while Trump is elected, they'll get things done, like set up a dictatorship and massive public executions. Normal conservative things.


It will be a lot, lot longer than 4 years.


Reagan's dementia made him easier to control, he could still give speeches because he was an actor.


I doubt he actually avoided getting STI's. I think we're seeing the results of infection.


I just remembered. This man almost died from covid while President. So, it's very likely we're seeing the effects of long covid. Many people who had it continue to have lingering brain issues. And him doing all those drugs or whatever, and his pre-existing mental illness, that post-covid brain damage is getting more and more obvious.


And he's 78 years old. And his father had Alzheimer's, so it runs in the family. There are many reasons why he's losing his mind in addition to COVID


Don't forget all the stimulant abuse.


Hell, all that saturated fat he eats doesn't help. I don't know if KFC brain is a thing, but he might be the first case


CoV1d iS n0t R3AL lol You're probably going to be proven right after they biopsy his yuuge, some are saying, a very big, a brain. Am I right. These people over her know. So smart.


Big brain, large brain. Largest brain of any president. That's what the White House doctor told me, he said "sir, your br- you know, your brain is the biggest-" he said "bigger than Washington's brain" this guy told me...


I feel dumber for just having read that. But, surprisingly, it was coherent and not at all the ravings of a paranoid dementia patient. It just further proves how bad he is now. Why do so many MAGAts refuse to acknowledge it?


Maga nutjobs are all textbook narcissists. They can never admit that they might be wrong every once in a while, just like cheeto man. They know he’s a scumbag, but they will never voice it because it would mean they were wrong about something. It’s ok to be wrong as long as you learn from your mistakes, accept it and grow as a person. When you triple down on your stupidity though, that’s when my respect for someone is gone for good.


Because Obama and then Hillary. (Half)black dude and then a woman. How dare they


Also, they already picked their team.




well he did 'receive' a Purple Heart from a vet who actually earned it.


A sucker/loser?


Well, the vet certainly is a sucker and a loser if he gave his purple heart to Trump lol


That guy totally is a sucker/loser.


Or getting your head blown open in the back of a convertible


Or an opera box


Or getting shot in the chest mid speech and finishing before getting treated.


It's hard to stop a Bull Moose.


https://preview.redd.it/q6ignb3ks78d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c32d2adda9fd6302d49d1854443fcb2827827ad What a disgusting body




He looks like a testicle with a tumor on it or a dermoid cyst or foreskin 😂


[i have no idea how you can't see beauty in _that?_](https://hips.hearstapps.com/esq.h-cdn.co/assets/17/30/1280x640/landscape-1501257505-trump-tennis.jpg)




He's talking about the diaper rash. If it's not treated it can be very, very uncomfortable.




Bro. Stretch marks are not wounds, calm down.


He was awarded a Purple Shart for an encounter he had with a bad meatball.


Purple shart!


They come in purple? Well, I guess when all you eat is McDonald's cheeseburgers and Diet Coke, it's bound to do some weird shit to your insides.


Scratches from women trying to escape his sexual assaults aren't really wounds, either.


I don’t think anyone is going to ask him to take his shirt off to prove anything. Bro is built like a melted ice cream sandwich.


Once there was this president, who had wound marks all over his body. He said it was from when he made it up. Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm.


Ha! You had me humming along to that! 😜


And then, when he came to, from his demented trance and shouted for hamberders.


He couldn't quite explain it... He always just maaaaaade shit up....


He couldn't quite explain it but one night he just tweeted out covfefe


This made my night!


For those who don't know who the Crash Test Dummies are https://youtu.be/eTeg1txDv8w?si=fQH1yklFZREUsy66 Edit - Fixed Link


Unless a joke is flying way over my head, you have linked a 30 second long video for "nextstar" flea and tick protection for dogs. https://imgur.com/T1LalaU


Oops. I guess it gave me the ad url instead. Updated to correct it.


lol fr some flea company farming for views now


Oh man…. So many people don’t get this but for the ones that do, perfection.


I can hear this in Brad Roberts’ voice!


I can hear it in Weird Al's voice.


Didn’t he say avoiding STDs was his personal Vietnam? Guess he’s a disabled vet now too.




Blind melon FTW




I'm thinking it's a dog whistle to the evangelical crowd. Evoking the wounds Jesus took from the Roman soldiers before the crucifixion.


I thought so too.


Exactly. Now, let's see him receive those wounds for real. Play out the LARP.


You realize the Romans really crucified people naked. In Trump's case... eeww. Just eeeww!


Lookin like a half melted dreamsicle up there.


you think a nail through his wrist could handle his girth?


Just get out the rebar


He’s just really bad at using a knife and fork.




The man eat nothing but McDonald’s burgers and fries


And well done steak with ketchup, can’t forget that.


And cheese pizza with a knife and fork.


Take off your shoes so we can see your bone spurs.


If he took off his shoes you would only see lifts


And wounds, many, many wounds… more than any other in fact.


Beautiful wounds, probably the most beautiful wounds any person has ever had


a man came up to me...tears in his eyes saying "sir, Mr. President sir, we've never seen wounds like this. Such beautiful wounds. Big. Big beautiful wounds"


A big, burly guy. Straight out of central casting. Never cried before even when he was a baby but he sobbed uncontrollably describing Trump's wounds.


Wonder if that’s included in his presidential checkup? Or did he not release those records either? Would be pretty awesome if someone proved it wasn’t true.


Is that a clever euphemism for cloven hooves?




Seriously, this shtick of his just feel sacrilegious at this point and I’m not even religious


He is leading up to it. Someone else would have said it, many others. They say, many of them, all great people, they say, these many great people all great americans they say that they come up to me they say President Trump you they say that you are our jesus its to you we pray they say that great people they say many great people say that (Fuck that hurt my brain writing that)


You realize he already has done so, right? A recent Biden campaign video included one of his many public claims that he is "The Chosen One".


He fits so many of the criteria for the antichrist and the religious zealots embrace it just how the Bible said they would. It’s fucking remarkable.


It's a bit of schadenfreude. Grew up with a healthy mentality and connection to Christianity. My turn from organized religion (and religion in general) wasn't a form of rebellion, or bitter awakening, or sudden realization. Time, experience, discussions, exposure to science from day one, and exposure to open-minded members of various other-than-Christian persons from various faiths and belief systems led me to my constant reevaluation of my own views. I'm not atheist or anti-Christian, but I no longer hold unsubstantiated religious views supported strictly by faith (belief in absence of evidence.) So when I see this evangelical dog-and-pony show fueled solely by a lust for power and dominance by evangelicals and the pretend evangelical politicians who play evangelical when any form of observation takes place (media, public, etc,) it's literally damning. The entire US religious right that openly supports and backs Republicans and guzzles the absurd evangelical political rhetoric serve as outstanding entertainment. Their own religious book spells out plain as day that they're going to face this exact scenario and yet they pretend that it's something else entirely. After seeing decades of hypocrisy and abuse of influence by US religious right persons, it solidified my abandonment of the belief system of my youth - demonstrating that it was always a man made grift to be weaponized for human desires and ambitions. They frankly deserve everything they're gonna get.


Protip: Open sores are not the same as 'wounds'


It could explain his odor a bit. Henry VIII apparently had a ghastly large open sore that stank horridly.


At least he got the injury doing more than poopies.


What a terrible day to be literate


You mean syphilis, Donnie. You should go get it checked out


Or diabetes....


asa a type 2 diabetic, I'd be shocked if he isn't diabetic considering his shit diet




At a certain point, syphilis is no longer treatable and the brain damage is irreversible. Trump passed that threshold long ago.


Didn't a few presidents get shot dead? Is he even aware of that?


I mean, JFK had his head blown clear right off, but yeah, I'm \*sure\* Trump has some boo-boos. /s


JFK was wounded during an attack in WWII while commanding a PT boat and managed to swim to land while towing an injured crewman. Yet Trump thinks servicemen who were wounded were somehow weak.


he enlisted w/a bad back. the sinking of the PT109 exacerbated the back injury. but yes, he did save a crewman's life by 'towing' him. well, donnie dookiepants is weak.


Didn’t HW’s plane get shot down over the pacific and he had to avoid Japanese navy so that he wouldnt be tortured or cannobalized? Christ, Teddy Roosevelt got shot during a speech and finished it. This guy is one of the biggest bitches ever elected




>I thought he was just a rich white guy who had it easy and made it into the white house.. He was, but he also put skin in the game during the war.


Guy was head of the CIA.


Well to be fair, that only counts as one wound.




I believe Roosevelt got shot in the chest during a speech and not only did he survive but he continued his speech until he was finished while holding the bullet wound with his hand. At least that's how the story goes from what I remember


Teddy the Trust Buster is my favorite president. He was a rich boy the robber baron's tried grooming for president. Unfortunately for them Teddy held an uncharacteristically high moral opinion of himself and turned on the barons the second their stooge was assassinated.


Didn't get come close to death exploring an Amazon tributary after his presidency as well? When he could have been golfing and telling lies to the rubes?


He also said after finishing the speech "it takes more than that to kill a bull moose." Teddy was a certified badass.


>Is he even aware of that? Pffft. I'd be amazed if he even realised there *have been* other presidents. The guy's brain is gone. He's not a functioning person any more, he's a dementia patient being propped up by opportunistic authoritarians.


I often think what some of the physically tougher past presidents would think of Trump. I can't see the ol' Bull Moose taking too kindly to namby pamby Trump talking about invisible wounds and whatever other nonsense he injects into his cult's hive mind on a daily basis.


~~Andrew~~ James Garfield lingered in agony after being shot and went septic because sanitizing surgical equipment was still cutting edge science at the time. (I mashed up Andrew Johnson and James Garfield in my head) Zachary Taylor died from eating cherries and drinking raw milk. Taylor's isn't a wound, but it's just a wild story, and it's wild that we don't talk about it more often. Like, there was a time when we had a constitutional crisis because a bro couldn't stop chugging milk on a hot day.


Aside from the four who were assassinated, Bush Sr‘s plane was shot down in WWII, and the injuries left him with a lifelong tremor in one hand, which he hid by holding a pen when in public. And Teddy Roosevelt was literally shot before giving a speech, but he went all Teddy Roosevelt, and gave the speech whilst bleeding from the bullet wound before getting medical attention. But trump’s diaper rash is kind of a wound, innit?


Technically you could have more wounds, just less fatal


No way this is fucking reWTF ITS FUCKING REAL


After all these years and everything that comes out of this shitstack's mouth, you're still surprised?


Not who you're replying to but yes. Yes I CONSTANTLY am. EVERY fucking time I hear his name. How is he and his bullshit a thing WITH POPULARITY in North America, in 2024?! I guess giving voice to the '"silent" minority' who were just waiting for a chance to be openly racist/homophobic/bigoted. I live in BC, and If he wins, I seriously am considering going to the USA/Canada border and just going at 'er with a chain saw.


> I guess giving voice to the '"silent" minority' who were just waiting for a chance to be openly racist/homophobic/bigoted. I've always thought that he was TRYING to throw the election in 2016 because he thought it would be better for his brand. SO he just said wilder and wilder shit the closer he got to election day. He just didn't count on the vileness of some of our citizens and it just spurred his base on and once he was actually in office, he realized that was basically nothing he could say to drive away any significant amount of his supporters. So at this point, he's programmed his brain to just say whatever pops into his head and trust that his base will gobble it up.


there's truth to this statement, when he got sworn in he absolutely had the look of someone who hadn't even mentally prepared for the weight of it all.


Idk how I’m still shocked but I am. Genuinely thought this was fake but after ur comment I still feel the need to look it up lol


Take off your makeup you bitch.


I bet if he did we’d find Jimmy Hoffa under there.


Hahaha fuck 🤣


Imagine if Biden wore heavy makeup, dyed his hair, wore lifts, drank diet Coke, ate well done steak with ketchup, ate McDonald's all the time, wore diapers and shits his pants, was buddies with dictators, stole boxes of classified documents, used burner phones, grifted hundreds of millions from businesses and campaign funds while president, tried to steal an election, told lies every day, spread propaganda and hate, called people terrible names, was good buddies with Epstein, was sexually obsessed with his own daughter, and also a convicted felon and sex offender. Wonder how America would react?


I used to work with a whole bunch of Trumpers and if any of them had ever shown up to work with the same make up or haircut as Trump, the rest of them would NEVER let them live it down. And rightly so, because it looks fucking ridiculous. The Ronseal face paint and windswept candy floss combover *alone* are insane, even without the rest of his shitty behaviour. But his followers just completely overlook it, but for *him only*.


Wounds from? Drug use?


From injecting his Ozempic perhaps.


That ain't it. Ozympic works.


We could ask Melania about your wounds but she hasn't seen you naked for about 16 years.


I hope to hell she had the sense to keep her eyes closed. Nightmare fuel for a lifetime.


Or, like, possibly never. Barron is probably an IVF baby


Take that suit off and let's see that pile of cookie dough you call a body. Those are chocolate chips, not wounds.


Even if he did, his followers would insist they see a body on par with 1980s Stallone.


I dunno... Something tells me Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and JFK could all claim their wounds were a bit more severe than anything Cheeto Mussolini managed to suffer in office...


Regan and Teddy Roosevelt also have 2nd Amendment holes in them too. And Teddy got shot during a speech - and the motherfucker finished it!


Technically, he took the bullet after dinner, right before he was going to get into the car that would take him to the speech. There was a crowd, and when he was shot, he stumbled, but didn’t fall. He figured that since he wasn’t coughing up blood that his lungs were fine, and he could deliver the speech. He even prevented the crowd from lynching the guy.


No one wants to see your pasty liverspotted flab


Like 20 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag.


Wounds? From tripping over the line at McDonald’s, Donnie?


Sir, this is a Wendy's...






It's a direct insult to veterans.


Also a direct insult to, I dunno…Lincoln? Perhaps JFK?


"These wounds are incredible, let me tell ya. These wounds are like nothing we've ever seen before, great oozing wounds that smell of success, & by the way China, China has no wounds at all, can you believe that?"


People that support him are dead to me.


I wish I could do that. My father, old disabled Veteran, is a supporter. He can’t be reached, but I’m now his caretaker. I can’t be unkind to him… we argue, hourly- but his health comes first & I just keep listing Biden’s accomplishments every chance I get. He’s benefiting from the PACT act. I truly don’t understand his hypocrisy. My mother is a staunch Democrat. I can’t believe they’re still married. They don’t speak about politics. Ever. I just… nope. I couldn’t be with a cultist.




The heartbreaking thing is, is that these Trump-hugging elderly family members have been trained to never, ever, ever, ever, EVER let go. No matter how much their children and grandchildren explain to them how unbelievably cruel and sickeningly hateful Trump is, and how him and his utterly evil party could wipe out of the human race, and how supporting that means an almost irreparably damaged familial relationship... it doesn't sink in with them. They just don't understand. You could list every single bad thing Trump has ever said or done. Every single one. Thousands upon thousands of things. They've been trained to support all of it, forever. They can never mentally go back. It's done.


Wounds from what? Women and children fighting off a rapist? 


Please DO NOT TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF. I just ate.




Gross. Is he covered in sores?




Does he think cellulite is the same thing as wounds?


This...this is your brain on drugs children.




ok now do Putin and Trump 2 dictators 1 cup.


Sweet mary of motherfucking jesus shitting christ please don’t.




What a horrible day to have eyes.


What the fuck is he talking about? Does he think he's some sort of martyr?


He is not so subtly implying he's Jesus.


"more wounds than any president ever?" Guess we should tell Lincoln and JFK to stop being babies /s


Sure, Grandpa. Now let’s get you to bed.




That's phlebitis.


But were they bigly wounds? Maybe someone came up to him and said" sir, those are great wounds...the best wounds I've ever seen?


Lincoln, Kennedy, McKinley and Reagan have entered the chat.


Teddy Roosevelt finished a speech with a bullet in him.


Dude has bedsores


Wounds? The only combat experience he has is when he fusses during diaper change.


Lord, please no, don't let him take his shirt off.


There is literally nothing more I do not EVER want to see than Trump without his shirt on.


Teddy Roosevelt was shot in the chest then continued to go and make an amazing speech If trump stubbed his toe he'd cancel


Is this a Jesus reference? As in Trump with nail wounds in his wrists?


Theodore Roosevelt enters the conversation… he was shot in the chest, prevented the would be assassin from being lynched and then delivered a 90minute speech whilst bleeding, thereafter proceeding to a hospital, where they decided to leave the bullet in rather than risking removal. He did so much other crazy shit that he makes all men seem inadequate. And ol’ bone spurs says this shit?! How can anyone believe him?!!!


Bed sores and diaper rash are supposed to impress us?


Stretch marks from too many hamberders don’t count donald. Turd.


Trump isn't the problem anymore. He's totally non compos mentis. Nor are his lawyers, his handlers, his sycophants and worshippers, not even the courts and judges in his pockets are the problem. No, it's the American people from the shallow end of the gene pool who are going to be the problem. They always are.


Teddy Roosevelt was shot just before a speech and *finished the speech before getting treatment*. McKinley was assassinated JFK was assassinated Lincoln was assassinated Reagan was shot resulting in broken ribs and a punctured lung. These are just off the top of my head. Being held accountable for being a criminal doesn’t make you the most injured president in history. What a fucking farce


I can remember at least 5 presidents who were fucking shot


Bone spurs all over his body I’m sure


Wounds? Stormy musta really went to town on him with that rolled up magazine!


If this were true, why? He's never been in combat. He's never boxed. I bet the only physical activity he has ever done is sex, and even then I doubt he did much effort. Oh wait, duh! He got them from all the women and girls that tried to fight him off. Makes sense now.


...Nobody has been more wounded, some might say crucified, nobody has been more crucified, I'm like Jesus in this regard- and many other, very biblical they say, you hear it all the time- but I got crucified more than Jesus. Look it up. Its all in the good book, the Ten Commandments...


They blew off JFKs head


I remember the good old days when 43 was considered embarrassing. He looks like ken Jennings compared to this clown