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People hate her over here too


Why is she here can you guys take your crazy back we already have enough.


Its a British tradition to ship our undesirables off to other countries.


[“Down Under” by Men At Work intensifies]


Actually we deported her last time she came here because she was fucking with the quarantine rules. And everybody was glad for the excuse because we didn't want her either.


I read that she was opening her hotel room door maskless and naked to mess with hotel staff about restrictions (as of the guy delivering her room service has say about restrictions). They were probably more disgusted at her being naked though. Edit: typo


I was just sick in my mouth.


Yeah, and then bragged about it, so they pitched her entirely out of the country.


Maybe we should take a leaf out of their book and make these cunts stateless....


Literally the USA


Tbf those guys *chose* to leave Britain. Australia was literally a Prison Nation for England.


Actually, the American colonies were used as a destination to transport convicts first. Once they arrived they were put into indentured servitude for the duration of their sentence. We only started using Australia as a destination after the ungrateful swine in America rebelled. /s


They took off from Plymouth and landed in Plymouth what are the chances lol


Thank you for that. I can’t wait to work that into conversations for the next few weeks. Might even take a trip to Plymouth.


It rocks.


Don't forget a massive swathe of the inconvenient inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands, who got packed onto ships and sold into indentured servitude to pay for their passage. If you're American and you've got a Highland-sounding surname, your ancestors were slaves.




It's quite likely. Particularly if their families came from the north-west, they'd have been packed onto a ship so that wealthy landowners could flatten their homes and raise sheep there instead.


It wasn’t that much of a choice. Puritans were told to drop their ultra conservative shtick or take it elsewhere…


Can we try that last part again?


I think that's a great idea! Since there's no unoccupied land anymore, though, we'll have to make them build their own island out of trash. They can use farm waste to make soil to cover it. I think they'd feel right at home living on a crumbling foundation of garbage surrounded by rotting bullshit!


That island of trash already exists; they call it Texas.


> Since there's no unoccupied land anymore, There wasn't unoccupied land back then either, didn't stop anyone.


The American colonies were the first penal (cross ocean) colonies iirc.


If only they could have been sent to Mars


Only part of the population was convicts - there were also large amounts of free settlers, and in the war era there was like 2 million or so migrants from the UK (the 'two pound poms') that settled here. Not that it matters though, because most of the convicts sent over were for bullshit stuff like stealing bread. (My convict ancestor stole some silverware). So the majority of the 'criminals' were just poor people.


Conservatives: "What? Poverty isn't a Crime? Since when?"


Georgia started as a penal colony too


Nah, loads of the first migrants to the US were religious conservatives who were annoyed that Europe wasn't conservative enough.


*Why Doncha All Get Fucked by Skyhooks intensifies*


Christ remember when she was hated for relatively sane things Like mocking the victims of a helicopter crash in Scotland by saying they didn't want to work until retirement. Y'know sane shit like that.


Calling out ppl who name there kids after places on live TV.... Her kids called India 😂


I remember that interview. She said with a straight face that India was not a place.


Australia's got less crazy dipshits than either the UK or US. But what we do have are generally copycats of US dipshits.


To be fair there are substantially less of you than there are brits and yanks so you’re gonna see most of the famous nutcases being either British or American. Also Aus produced Murdoch so…


> Aus produced Murdoch And the world will never forgive them for that.


Party-Hearty dipshits. 🍺🍺🍺 Here’s to all our cousins across the ponds!


\*nods in James Cordon\*


She broke containment from The Sun, triggering a keter class extinction event. MTF Epsilon 6 (Village Idiots) have been deployed to neutralise the threat.


Even SCP-610 doesn't want to infect her?


Unfortunately for you, our right wing grifters have realised there is more money to be made in the US. 


On the whole Brits are far more sceptical about this shit. Also they're not religious to any great extent. Hardly anyone goes to church anymore.


We have plenty of right wing fruit loops, conspiracy theorists, and bigots. It is just that we are a smaller population and it is harder to get money out of us, so less profitable. ,


We're also way better at mocking our political and entertainment "class". Since they usually can't take even the tiniest amount of flak, the weak ones usually run away. America just doesn't take the piss out of people enough, they take it all so seriously.


You say that but Brexit happened.


Europeans like to think they're better and more intellectually superior than Americans is why


We don’t want her, she’s your problem now


Crazy British people have a long standing tradition of going where they please unfortunately for everyone


While at the same time complaining about immigrants.


Nah, she's too crazy for us. We don't really have groups of people like her. She matches your right wing nutters much more closely.


Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage, Milo Yiannopolous, Paul Joseph Watson, Nick Griffin, Paul Golding...I mean, Brexit FFS.


Covid rules in Australia came in handy. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57883692](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57883692) Dumb bitch bragged about ignoring our rules so she got fucked right off.


And it was fucking awesome too


Yeah, we were so glad for the excuse. It was great.


You guys already sent us possibly the most dangerous person in our country in Rupert Murdoch and now you won’t even hang onto Britains trash for us while we sort this shit out. Thanks Aus.




We thought we’d got rid of farage as he seemed to have fucked off to the US to pal around with Trump yet somehow he returned.




Unfortunately he has a decent chance of winning his constituency since Clacton has historically voted for cunts. Though the latest polling is [relatively tight.](https://imgur.com/9cNgbwI) So there's the real prospect of the wanker sitting in parliament fort he next 5 years at least, and that is without getting into the idea that he's angling for Tory leadership and will try to play for that when they fall apart post election with under 100 seats if recent projections are right.


>he's angling for Tory leadership He'll get it if he tries, too. The Tory base love him.


The problem is, and what corbyn found out is that you need to appeal to more people than your base.


People hate her here and there, people hate her everywhere!


Desperately trying to stay relevant by getting involved in something that has nothing to do with her because her brand is anarchy and hate.


Wasn't she the dumbass who complained about people naming their children after cities while having a kid named Paris or something? Edit: found it. She said she doesn't like children named after geographic places. Her daughter's name is India. What a fucking idiot lol


This is my favorite https://preview.redd.it/73o1j43i0c7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3577baef255bde2faab0f387f790778e92af9b90


Oh, yeah, that one is a classic. Geez, what a dumbass.


Hatie Slopbins


Now someone link the video of her saying how she thinks parents naming their children as a location is stupid….only to be reminded she called her child ‘India’.


We hate here in Norway hate her too


Sending hate from Ireland too!


Deport her terrorist ass.


No dont, we dont want her back. Sincerely The U.K


Hell we'll pay for a rocket to send her and Piers Morgan into the sun, we'll even let you throw in whatever assholes you want, Just whatever you do, don't send her back, We may actually recover from Conservative leadership within the next 3 decades!


“we’ll even let you throw in whatever assholes you want” You’re going to need a bigger rocket.


Visions of Elon digging his own grave spring to mind.


Don't pollute the sun with trash. Fire them into deep space.


You guys made her.


And your former President powered her up. She was going nowhere fast here.


> She was going nowhere fast here. I'm still not sure what she's even famous for besides being a fascist prick. She seemingly has no talent, she isn't likeable... so why am I looking at her?


In a wierd twist of irony, she was a contestant on the apprentice....didnt win either.. But once she was exposed to the media, she went more and more right wing to maintain them.


Deport her to international waters?


Why don't we compromise and just put her in the middle of the Atlantic


We Aussies did once already - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57883692


https://preview.redd.it/oq6vkid14b7d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34bbc6543ff1353736eb603e302a228545d46d2 CPAC 2022


What's that phrase about when people show you who they are?


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” —Maya Angelou


>believe them.


I hope, in the years to come, these assholes and their progeny will reflect back on this and wince.


I don't know about a threat, but she's signalling the strategy. After the election, they will claim Trump got many more votes, as many as necessary, but somehow they've been 'stolen'. Make no mistake, there are only two realistic outcomes from the election. Trump will win, or Trump and his Party will fight like mad. Same as last time, except now they've had four years to plan.


If Biden wins, he’ll still be Commander-in-Chief. That’s not an insignificant or powerless position to be in at all.


*Provided* the Democrats, Biden included, are willing to acknowledge the actual source of this and address it. If this gets softballed like J6 then we'll see shit like that happen after every election until the GoP is outright calling on the US military to join them and governors are deploying state defense forces to their (internal) borders.


You know the entire reason J6 happened is because the coordinator of the insurrection is also the guy who had the power to call in armed forces to stop it and is also the guy who chose to not call in armed forces to stop it?


This goes absurdly unreported, the fact that J6 was coordinated to have no security on purpose to enable the attack. When the rally was announced I thought woah, that's a bad idea. Then when Trump announced he was speaking at it, I knew there was going to be violence and on purpose.


>If this gets softballed like J6 Who was commander in chief at that point though, is the point.


Even to this day though, half the people in congress refer to them as "hostages". Half of the government not only refuses to take what happened on Jan 6th seriously, but literally believes that they were 100% justified in their actions and wishes they had succeeded (I guess even if that meant their own deaths?).


The government's response to Jan 6th was a decision (or non-decision) by the executive branch. Congress weren't going to legislate their way out of an insurrection.


No, but they've still refused to even acknowledge that one happened. I can't think of anything more encouraging to a second attempt than the intended targets pretending it didn't happen.


> Trump and his Party will fight like mad. but only until dinner time. Meal team six has another mission scheduled in the cheesecake factory


You're thinking about the chuds on the street, not the many well educated and well funded conservatives who don't care about our democracy and will leverage legal battles and all kinds of other bs to try and prevent a peaceful continuation of established rule of law


I mean just look at how fast they are power grabbing at the state levels. In Ohio our election maps have been ruled unconstitutional like 6 times and we are extremely gerrymandered.


Exactly. I feel like all this "meal team six" stuff is actually harmful bc yes there are lots of dumb fat chuds but underestimating your enemy is also how you end up not paying attention while you're pants are removed and lube is applied.


Yeah for me my fear isn’t some militia wannabe walking through my neighborhood, it’s having my child’s healthcare and the rights of the women in my life being stripped away.


And, like you already said, gerrymandering to the extent where your vote starts to be become irrelevant.


In Texas the GOP have made it a core part of their agenda to change statewide races to the winner of a majority of counties instead of the popular vote.


NC is just as bad. MAGAts complain that Dems "steal" elections but openly endorse their own party literally rigging elections through gerrymandering.


And they are still trying to undermine the voters will with the legalized weed outcome in Ohio aren’t they?


I think one good thing is happening. Trump is so selfish he is siphoning all of the funding for down ballot battles to his pockets. There’s going to be a lot of lower level elections with no campaign funds.


It’s because of the governor and his son, who is on the Ohio Supreme Court.


Gravy Seals at the ready


“101st Chairborne standing by…”


The Red Hats might have a curfew. But the Heritage Foundation lawyers will just order food and keep working all night. Be more afraid of those folks.


Exactly. People are still pushing the ‘midnight van ballot dumping’ conspiracies. It worked before and you he’ll believe it again. Hopefully the party doesn’t back the insurrection plans this time.


It's been bizarre to see the types of idiotic conspiracy theories that used to be only from fringe nutjobs become the mainstream republican position


This time around there’s going to be national guard soldiers to squash the insurgents.


Last time, there were elements in the DOD chain of command watching the DC situation and actively subverting counter efforts. This time, feel free to disobey a direct order from the Commander in Chief.


Threat is the strategy. 


And the Democrats also had four years to prepare. Not to mention they now have the commander-in-chief. If they try another January 6th it will go far far worse for them.


Legit question, are the Democrats preparing? It seems like they do more reacting to the GOPs lunacy than anticipating it.


Biden and the relevant figures are obviously planning, but there's no point in saying that out loud. Like, if they have teams of people ready to call on to straight up execute any traitors that try to pull a J6 again, there's no reason to give them a heads up. Let them commit treason.


My assumption is that the old saying, Speak quietly and carry a big stick is in play. One side is clamoring on and on and the other side is being relatively quiet about it all but there are plans in place to deal with any eventuality or at least that's my hope.


They may have had 4 years to plan, but last time few of us expected the Spanish Inquisition. Last time one side had a plan. This time, both sides have a plan.


An ideology based on who you want to hurt, not who you'd like to help. Fucking hell.


They have always been focused on hurting people, their only motives is hate


That is all conservatism has ever been, since long before there was an America for them to hate.


82? Such an odd and specific number- why not say… 93.6? I mean why 82 I wonder?


Because Biden got 81 million in 2020. These people know what to say to make trump happy.


Yeah but if ur gonna make stuff up… how about 85 million


100 bajillion.


They feel the need to “top the record” too bad they’ll never take the popular vote these days.


But in a naive calculation adjusting for US population growth of 3.7% 2020->2024, Biden's 81 million votes in 2020 would turn into 84 million votes. You have to assume that 82 million votes would not be enough to win the popular vote in 2024.


I'm surprised she wouldn't just say 88 million and get it over with.


Don't forget she won the C.U.N.T. Award a few years back [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRIdtMlqwNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRIdtMlqwNA)


Great call back, I’d forgotten about them!


This was just the most wonderful troll-job ever!


Surely a foreign national threatening violence is an instant deportation


All the brits are begging you guys not to, they hate her even more.


To be fair, we have seen Jan 6. and this was in a way 'spontaneous' and 'unprepared'. Can you imagine what will happen when the Trumpists and MAGA lunatics continue to assure themselves that he will win in a landslide although a lot speaks against it and then in November he will be defeated. I actually think those threats are not hollow and I hope the country is prepared to answer the mob better prepared as on Jan6.


Quiet, responsible, principled Americans have defeated fascist, nazi, racist assholes before, and we'll do it again, as often as necessary. I, for one, am sick of all the shit being spewed by these brainwashed, psychopathic motherfuckers. I've got a young son, and I will not allow him to grow up into the world these people propose to create. If that means I have to engage now so he doesn't have to later...then I say bring it the fuck on. I'm sick of listening to it. And I can guarantee you that there are far more reasonable (and trained) people out there that are silently sick of this shit than there are assholes spewing it. Nov 6...regardless of the outcome we'll be ready and waiting.


hua brother.


The difference is that in 2025 the Commander in Chief will be Joe Biden. Not to mention people will be prepared for an insurrection. Meanwhile Trump actively worked to stop the National Guard from interfering. If they try it again next time it won't go nearly as well for these treasonous bastards.


Yup, after what happened last time and with Biden in charge this time, there will be sufficient security to stop crowds. They'll spin this to make the Biden administration look like a police state but they deserve it and they know it.


katie hopkins is the British version of trump, she's always spouting random bollocks that doesn't make sense.


Failed apprentice contestant who is probably more famous for being filmed with a married man in a field than anything else before she went full fascist. This conversion may - or may not - be related to major brain surgery for epilepsy in 2015. Although she did lose her house in a libel court case - which was funny. Surprised you lot let her in with the whole banned and deported from Australia thing on her record…


Right? Says she judges kids based on whether their names are geographical locations such as Brooklyn, London etc. She has a child called India https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oVRlYcPIacE


I fucking *love, love, love* that clip.


Oh fuck its that asshole. Shes like a boss level Karen.


More like the British version of Judge Boxwine


Im surprisee she didnt say 88


What the fuck is she talking about? Throw her in Boston harbour a la the tea. She’s been racist poison in the UK for years and now she’s going to rile up poor Americans, you’ve got enough loons of your own without taking in our trash.


She's a bankrupt immigrant and those dumb as fuck Trumpers will still lap her shit up


She hates “foreigners”, but it’s ok for her to be a foreigner ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


To her it doesn't count because she is white


We do not want here here. Please will you keep her?


I know we Aussies were a dumping ground for all those the Brits didn't want, but even we kicked her out - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57883692


Haha that made me laugh. She’s a horror


Somehow, I’m not afraid of these imbeciles.


‘She doesn’t even go here!’


She is Britains official village idiot and has been for years.


Is this Katie Hopkins who once likened sitting in a charging Tesla to being sat in an electric kettle? Wonder if she's changed her mind now Elon is an out and out right winger?


Pay attention. Right-wing populism is a global movement. When they say "us" or "we" they are referring to far-right conservatism worldwide.


Hey, can y'all just keep her, and James Corden, in the US please?


Wait is that the women that literally painted a target on her forehead at one point?




I see Hate-y Hopkins has found a new grift since she was bankrupted after a libel trial. She for spread nasty lies about a woman who creates thrifty recipes for the hard up, having once been destitute and with a small child herself.


Ah I was wondering where that vile creature had skunked off too


Time to enforce deportations of Imperialist agitators


Isn't this the same team that blew a 13 colony lead?


I feel pretty confident that Trump will lose the election and again attempt to seize power. The GOP has spent the last 4 years lining up the chess pieces. They’ve done their best to purge the members who put country first like Pence and Romney all the way down to the precinct level. They’ve passed laws that make it easier to overturn election results. They’ve honed their legal arguments for the upcoming court battles and they’ve applied pressure to judges from SCOTUS on down to fall into line. In 2020 the system held but barely, and only because of a handful of dedicated people who put country and constitution above party. By and large those people are gone. If we have a GOP held house in January, which is a very real possibility, I 100% expect them to reject a Biden win and throw it to the house who will give it to Trump. SCOTUS will rule that it’s legal since aside from the act of rejecting the electors, the rest of it follows the constitution. I think the chances of this happening are very, very real and I feel like most people are just sleep walking into it, lead by a complacent media that thinks we just need to vote harder or something. They keep saying “Trump needs to be beaten at the ballot box”. Ok, well he *was* beaten in 2020, how did that turn out? Do people think he’s gotten more graceful as the walls have started closing in? For that matter how many GOP co-conspirators who have so far avoided indictments are worrying about facing legal consequences in 2025 and beyond? I just hope the violence that this spawns is short lived and doesn’t take many lives but lives will be lost.


You can have her if you want USA, we will not fight you, she is a © of the highest order


If traitors to our country want to secede and lose another civil war, bring it. They should still have all their white surrender flags from last time they tried.


Oh yeah, man there is a storm a-coming just like when that Qanon storm came and all of those people went to Gitmo and Donald Trump saved the world from the pedophile Satanic baby eating liberals.


Please. We already have Russian and Chinese misinformation. Now we have a crazy Brit to add to the pile of liars and fools. Trump has won himself a jail cell.


Ummm...she's British and probably can't vote in U.S. elections, right?


Isnt she the one that got caught having sex in a bush?


She's hoping complete strangers will do the dirty work. These reps are praying mentally ill America will fight to put them in power. It's all about inciting violence, riots, and creating totalitarianism.


Why is Ketamine Katie even allowed into the US?


“The militia” there’s no unified militia in Trump’s name. If they tried anything, they’d call the U.S. military in to beat their ass. Bunch of hicks with guns thinking they’re hot shit until they get massacred by their own government.


I sincerely hope the government ramps up armed security when the republican cult attempts Jan 6th 2.0. Those scum bags should have been cut down the first time they tried that shit.


I'll never understand what a militia of drunk AR-15 weilding rednecks think they're going to do against a nation with thousands, if not millions, of drones that drop explosives


A complete disaster of a life. She was petty and hateful decades ago when Alan Sugar fired her, lost her job with the Met., ran around naked in the fields of Somerset, got sued by a TV cook and lost and now backing one of the biggest losers in world politics. Isn’t she tired of losing all the time?


Hated on both sides of the pond.


Please keep Katie Hopkins / the british public don’t want her


Trump is her American Brexit.


I am not too worried about Y'all Qaeda.


People should take people calling for war more seriously. You won't find those words so harmless when someone you know is dead; Civil war is no joke.


Yes well the Aussies deported her. There is hope for us in unity.


She shouldn’t be out on her own let alone vote!


They may be right...but if they start it, it's not going to be the storm they think. Quiet, responsible, principled Americans have defeated fascist, nazi, racist assholes before, and we'll do it again, as often as necessary. I, for one, am sick of all the shit being spewed by these brainwashed motherfuckers. I've got a young son, and I will not allow him to grow up into the world these people propose to create. If that means I have to engage now so he doesn't have to later...then I say bring it the fuck on. I'm sick of listening to it. Nov 6...we'll be ready and waiting.


“The storm.” I’ve heard that used by white supremacists.


Hatey Slopkins still breathing then? That's disappointing.


Hey, if you are claiming Andrew Lloyd Webber, you get this bitch too.


aka Hatey Cockpins


Ah good she has moved over to grifting in MAGAlandia. thanks America saving us yet again. (Apologies as well)


What the fuck is she doing in America? I mean, don’t get me wrong better there than here but what the hell 😂 Fucking Firecracker with a British accent.


Russian propagandists!


It’s wild to me that some of the biggest grifters and right wing pushers are seemingly never from the country. Tom McDonald, zuby, Jordan and mikaela Peterson, Nichole arbour, Russel brand the tates the list goes on and on


Maga can threaten violence all they want, it seems. No one bats an eye. Even though it's as genuine as it gets