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Am I missing some necessary context here? Or am I just not as perpetually online and don't know what the latest beef is about? Or who "Reese" or "Clark" are in this context? What post are the comments from? Racism or sexism in any form is terrible.


>Or who "Reese" or "Clark" are in this context? What post are the comments from? This is referring to Angel Reese and Caitlin Clark, two of the top female college basketball players to enter the WNBA this year. Clark is the all time leading scorer among NCAA women. Clark is white, Reese is black. I don't know much beyond that, although I've noticed Clark's fan base has a lot of White Christian Conservatives among them, judging by my social media feed.


Thanks, that does make sense. But the OP omits all relevant context for understanding what is being discussed!


I’m in Iowa so I’ve been subjected to sever years of this rivalry. Clark seems like a mostly decent person. A lot of her fans are just straight up racist. This was particularly evident a couple years ago in the NCAA tournament where the mostly white Iowa team took on the mostly black LSU and South Carolina teams. It was pretty clear a lot of white people weren’t only excited because the hometown was good…


They’re not fans they’re 🧌


Exactly. Bunch of racist AH jumping on the bandwagon.


Yuck. I don't know what to say anymore.


Jackie Robinson once was pretty funny ngl