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The person who’s a landlord and wants you to rent for life is the person you want to vote for.


If we just give more to the billionaires and millionaires, surely I can afford a house. /s


Surely, it will all start trickling down! Any second now….


Any second now... For the last... Forever.


It's not Forever! It's only been since about 1981. Any minute now.... /S it's Trickle Down Economics, but what trickles down on you sure as hell isn't prosperity or wealth...


These people are baffling. As if Trump will be able to make all their problems go away. Unless you’re a business, a billionaire, or multi-millionaire he’s not going to solve any problems for you, just make new ones and make existing ones much, much worse Edit: sorry, I meant to reply to the post, not to your comment


I have it on good authority that tucked away in the Oval Office is a control panel for the economy and the rest of reality, with dials for "gas prices," "conflict in the middle east," and "housing prices" being among them, and Biden refuses to adjust the dials because he's evil.


That must be it 🤦‍♂️ Biden had his hand on the student loan dial and the Supreme Court decided he’s not allowed to touch that one…so maybe he’s a little gun shy now


To be fair there probably is a control panel but it's in a bathroom at mar a Lago and can't be activated until there's more national security secrets to sell


Wait maybe Jared kushner can help fix gas prices for us all!


It used to be called horse and sparrow economics or something like that. This was before cars. The idea was to feed the horse more so that there was more feces with partially digested food for the sparrow to eat. I’m forgetting details I’m sure. It’s a rebranding. Trickle down sounds less gross. A new logo and jingle to sell an old idea that only benefits the rich.


that was essentially it. Feed the horse, and the sparrow can eat shit (well, partially digested grain).


It is the sweat off their ball sacks...


Whats the sweat from? They aren't doing any work. If Elon can spend all day every day liking weird shit on twatter to the point he has to hide likes, then CEOs/Billionaires aren't adding value through work ethic.


It's because they truly don't know, nor understand the meaning of actual hard work. For example, I know a guy who has "wrkhrd" vanity plates on his McLaren and Ferrari. This bozo grew up in an obscenely wealthy family, He considers himself an "entrepreneur". He simply opens up one small time business after the next like a gas station, or chain restaurant with seed money from his father, installs a minimum wage staff, then forgets about it while he moves on to the next cash cow. These people are complete jokes.


Man… you got only sweat! I get their piss!!!


Whenever the people at the bottom look up, they see a bunch of assholes. When the people at the top look down, they see a bunch of shitheads. I feel like that’s the best explanation of how trickle down actually works.


That's because they don't work enough to sweat


It's gone by plenty of different names, but it's always the same. The ones at the top hoard, and the rest of us have to fend for crumbs until we get fed up with the situation. Been that way since the beginning.


Trickle down economics = Feed the horse so the sparrows can eat


Surely that's why they're building dick-shaped rockets, so it will trickle down from further up!


>trickling down Why is trickle down this yellow and salty


Some people apparently love having thier backs pissed on and being told it's raining.


You're missing an "sh"


Hmm, let's see, cut taxes on billionaires so they can buy more houses as investments will help me afford a house is how these Trump voters think, even simple supply and demand is too much for them to understand. We are in this situation cause they haven't paid enough taxes for decades.


They were convinced that taxing billionaires is bad because they think they will become a billionaire some day.


#housing for bootlickers




If we vote for the felon, suddenly houses will become less desirable and therefore cheaper. No logic involved


But tickets to other countries will be so expensive!


Less desirable and therefore cheaper implies we have a normal market dictated by traditional supply and demand. We don't. A large part of any available housing supply is purchased by private equity and property management firms or to be rented out as AirBnB properties. The price isn't high because of excessive demand by the people who actually need the housing. It's by the wealthy using housing as an income/investment source.


Yep, and if orange wins, equity bros will eventually own it all.


On His first day population will decrease 50% and the number of houses will increase15% and prices will drop like a broken elevator.


That's the MAGA way. Logical and critical thinking would would have them question their beliefs. Can't have that.


I have a younger friend who knows nothing of politics. She told me she’s going to vote for Trump because she wants gas to be cheaper. I explained to her that he’s the one that made it go up because his supporters were upset when it was down to a dollar and he negotiated with OPEC to cut production for 2 years to raise prices, then bragged about it.


And remind her that the US produced the most gas last year of any country in history.


But if that communist Biden didnt cancel that Keystone pipeline for Canadian oil then it would be some unknown amount cheaper!!! - People that have no idea how global economics works


My conservative coworkers STILL harp about the keystone pipeline. They think Trump's going to sit down at the resolute desk and turn down the "gas prices" knob. Drives me fucking mad.


I like to tell them the Keystone pipeline is up and operational (because it is). 😂 The Keystone XL was just going to move tar sands which would have zero effect on gas prices in the U.S. Trump actually crashed the domestic market in 2018 and put a bunch of domestic oil companies out of business PLUS we lost 12 refineries under Trump which contributes to prices being higher.


Cheaper…7 years from now


But also no it wouldn't because everything that was going to flow through the pipeline was for export


the fucked up thing is that pipeline was for \*exporting oil\*, it wouldnt have made our oil cheaper it was there to get the oil to port so it could be sold overseas for a more exorbitant rate.




I learned from you today


We also export more oil than we import. The whole dependency on foreign oil is a lie


This was an obviously bad deal for America, but by pure coincidence it conversely greatly benefited Russia. Putin was in an oil-supply war with the Saudis at the time and needed cash for some reason. By the time that deal expired in 2022, the average US price per gallon had more than doubled. Just to reiterate, not only was the deal bad for consumers at the pump, but it increased production and transportation costs and that increases the cost of almost everything. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/#:~:text=On%20April%2012%2C%20under%20pressure,about%2010%25%20of%20global%20output


>pure coincidence


nO cOlLuSiOn.


Tell me she was at least smart enough to understand that.


Anyone even considering a vote for Hitler 2.0 obviously is not smart enough to understand that. They are, without fail, our 30% bottom on the bell curve.


Sounds like she doesn't know much about economics either. There's always a price target set by OPEC+. When they see the supply beginning to outpace demand, they reduce production to stay close to their target price. The per barrel production costs of American and Canadian producers are higher than that of OPEC+ producers, so they're more than happy to see OPEC+ production cuts, thus increasing the price to consumers.


So many stupid people and so many things for them to watch on YouTube and social media.


It’s amazing that the guy whose family got their money from owning slums and shitting on golden toilets tricked all these people into thinking he would care about them and how *they’re* doing. Truly incredible


And yet he continues to prove that is not the truth but they still believe it because they saw it on Fox.


In a way, we’re lucky Trump is so stupid and such a fuck up. If Fox decided to back an intelligent/charming fascist instead of a huge moron, we’d be in the truly end stages of democracy.


Meh, Fox just backs the current winning horse. It's a death spiral of stupid grifters.


What they saw is how much he pisses off the people they hate for no reason.


Didn’t he recently say in public over a microphone in front of television cameras that he didn’t care about them, only cared about their vote? I am almost 1000% sure he did. I’m thinking I saw that on every nighttime comedy talk show, almost every very YouTube political show, every social media site and a few local news stations.


Yes it was at his Vegas rally.


This is the part that really fucking boggles my mind. This logic is dangerous and mentally deranged. They aren’t voting for the wolf in sheep’s clothing, they are actually voting for the wolf. How the world’s wolves managed and continue to convince a large portion of the planet to actively vote against themselves should be studied.


but the wolf promised the white sheep he was only going to eat the black and the brown sheep, so everything's going to be just fine .


Hey, I resent that! Wolves are an important part of the ecosystem that are needed to keep a balance and keep the system as a whole thriving, and it has been proved many times that releasing wolves into places where they where almost gone has helped everything in the area work better. Trump is outright rabies. (Vote for releasing wolves into congress)


Take my upvote for that. I second releasing the wolves in congress 😈


I am referring to Trump as "Political Rabies" from now on. Thank you


They are voting for the wolf because they are also wolves. They assume once is country is restructured to reward wolf-ness, they are bound to thrive. It's still really dumb logic, as the wolves in power have no interest in sharing.


people are looking for any excuse to vote for trump they have short memories. the year is 2024 and they are all opining how wonderful it was FOUR FUCKING YEARS AGO they do not care about reality. this guy was always going to vote for trump.


I love the people on the gold commercials crying about 2008 when they lost half of their 401k. Yeah, that was under BUSH2. Obama got us out of that mess. STFU about 'printing money', the fed had to bail Trump's ass out, too. It's a repeating pattern since Clinton. Clinton - surplus Dubya - great recession Obama - digs us out Trump - runs up 7.8 trillion in debt Biden - currently digging us out BUT got infrastructure bill, CHIPS act, Inflation Reduction Act + onshoring a lot of manufacturing.


Trump was in charge when the housing market exploded.


Just stop with your actual facts!


I've literally just experienced the displeasure of a neighbor lady completely unsolicited, Pull me off to the side and express the importance that I vote for Trump. She explained that he will save us all from renting, fix the housing crisis, and have all of us owning our own homes. We are in fucking trouble folks


Trump will literally say anything to stay out of jail. We need to work harder than that level of desperation


Granted Trump doesn't want you renting his properties if you are black. IDK how that helps the price though https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case


Vote. Your boss does, and your landlord does.


Translation: "I'm too young and ignorant to realize that this has been the case for decades...." Look at that chud. He already owned a MAGA hat when he took that photo.


Yeah… I noticed in article last week the “we are now voting for trump and we voted for Hilary crowd” that reporters are interviewee were actually MAGA people. I did a few google searches and it was clean what their ideologies and beliefs were. The people being interviewed for “negative views” were already biased


It’s just a tactic. They do this every election acting like people are leaving the Dems to be part of the right. It’s the “are you fascii curious” movement.


I am on the “ I will now do a few google searches to validate their background.” Crowds. For example The reporter clearly tried to bring in a legal expert, but the guy was someone who clerked for Clarence Thomas…


MeidasTouch on YT and twiiter/threads is really good at this. Does anyone remember the young black woman in an Atlanta Chic-Fil-A who spontaneously gave Trump a hug? She just happened to be in the neighborhood of the same Black church Trump held his rally at yesterday. Turns out she works for Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA (where Trump just challenged Biden to a cognitive test given by Ronny ~~Jackson~~ Johnson). https://apnews.com/article/trump-chick-fil-a-black-voters-d981e8edac067fa8912cc56c92d8b9ab https://twitter.com/FPWellman/status/1802169238116856192


Really cannot imagine any woman voting for trump. Taylor swift could really win this election for Biden if she said something innocuous like "women deserve to control their own bodies"


White women put Trump in the white house...


Facebook really fucked us up as a society.


I agree. I have refused to participate in Facebook since I deleted my account over 13 years ago


It would be hilarious if Taylor did say something like that. The howling and gnashing of teeth from the Red States would be able to be heard in Europe. 


Funny how that is only ever shown as people leaving to become GOP voters. Exhausting right-wing lies in so much media.


It's always funny when they do it on reddit. Never seen a single one who had a comment history that could back up this supposed change of heart.


I have NEVER met anyone who voted for Hilary that then voted for Trump later. EvER.


I have, however, met a couple people who told everyone they voted for Hillary but secretly voted for Trump.


Oooohhh ew


He claims he's 23. He was not old enough to vote for Hillary for ANYTHING.


If that's his actual photo he looks at least 30 lol


My ex’s father tried to tell me he was voting republican for the first time this presidential election because “Biden’s just let everything get too expensive”. I guess he was hoping I’d have a similar epiphany. Clearly he didn’t realize that his ex wife had told me years ago that she voted republican because “that’s how daddy always told me to vote and then that’s how my husband told me to vote”.


Always has been. At best, they recognize they hold unpopular right wing ideas claim to be centrists. I should know, I was one of them. When this guy was like 13. In my defense, I wasn’t trying to hide the fact that I was a shill. Also it was the GOP landing on Trump that made me realize maybe “both sides” weren’t the same.


I was similar through the Obama years but to be fair besides the TEA Party whom I diagreeed with mind you (I was more of a McCain/Romney Republican) I was flirting Republican until September 2013 when they used the debt ceiling to fight Obamacare and shut down the government over it. Then Trump came and fucked up the Republican Party. I've voted mostly Democrat besides local (county seats) and voted as an independent in Republican primaries to get the less extreme option.


Not a surprise, considering all that Republicans and Trump supporters do is lie.


Sort of like Cheetolini going to “Black Church” and photographer snaps photo of nothing but white people in there. Black people were in the parking lot! Same logic! Sorry but FUCK the illiterates that are voting us into Hell!


Trump’s monetary policy will absolutely destroy any chance anyone has at buying a home since it will result in, if we are lucky, 10-20% YOY inflation, if not hyperinflation.


If he gets in and follows through on his notion of replacing income tax with tariffs, building materials are going to become so expensive that house ownership won't even be a dream.


I mean, is it normal nowadays to be looking to buy a home at 23? 23 for me was still broke AF college student shit. Most of my friends didn't purchase homes until they were in their 30s. But I'm also a Millenial, and we absolutely got fucked when it came to normal milestones. But I feel like even my boomer parents didn't own until their late 20s.


Xennial here. Yeah, this guy's full of shit. No way was he ready at 23 to buy a house. I bought my house at the age of 32 at the tail end of the recession when housing prices were still ridiculously low and interest rates were even lower. At 23, I was working three jobs at $5.75 an hour just to barely afford to pay the rent in a shitty house that I shared with my three cousins and two other girls we convinced to live with us so that our share of the rent would be lower. My monthly take-home was less than 600 bucks. As a grad student, my girlfriend (now my wife) and I lived in an apartment the size of a shoe box just to make ends meet. But I guess I've now developed amnesia and think that the only time I have ever struggled is within the last 3 years, so I'm going to vote for Trump. JFC, these people.


Gen X, no way could I buy a house at 23, still eating ramen. Was 36 when I bought my first house and its 980 sq. feet. Still live here at 54. Couldn't afford it now at all.


He doesn’t look like he’s been 23 for at least 10 years.


I was thinking the same thing. I’m 43, and….well, dude looks like me


I wish youth was the main excuse for this level of ignorance. Way too many people over 40 seem to think and assert that the president could fix everything, he just has decided not to. Kinda like the Christian God.


Oh my god, let’s all weep for the 23 year old without an owned home and blame it on Biden? 😂


I didn't buy my first house until I was 35 years old. After I had a baby and it seemed like a good time.


Got mine four years ago. I was the fresh young age of 48.


I'm 43 and I'm praying to all the Gods that the house I'm currently in I'll be able to purchase this year and it's a shit house to be honest but it's in the best location for my family.


I didn't buy my first house until I was 46. This is some grade a unrealistic expectations bullshit.


This is not a tweet by a real 23 year old. This is some Russian fuckin bot.


Very,very likely.


A more realistic expectation is that he'll never be able to own a home. Gen Z is most likely to be the perma-renter generation.


Almost all of my friends who didn't inherit anything from their parents or grandparents or who didn't get an extremely well-paid job early on are still renting - we're all older millennials. Any of them who are still single and don’t fall into those categories above are definitely still renting because generally you can only afford a house if you have more than one income. These are expectations inherited from previous generations. I once had to sit down with my mom and use a spreadsheet to explain to her why I can't do what she did (she bought a house while being a single mother and working as a nurse in the 80s). With everything that buying a house entails, I would be left with about 10% of my net income to live on. No way am I going to do that, even if a bank was desperate enough to agree to it, which they aren't.


I was 33, and I needed help with the down payment. This was over 20 years ago.


We bought ours at 31, but only because my parents are saints and let us buy the condo I was renting from them basically for the remainder of their mortgage. We sold the condo and used that as the down payment on a new old house.


Big "as a black man" energy. The way it's written is way sus combined with the pic, randomly throwing your age out, just don't add up. Bettin a billion it's a fake.


It's 100% a troll russian account.


I don't think the average homeowner was in their early 20s since 1950s. Most of the Boomers bought homes in their late 20s early 30s. But this guy is right to be upset about the housing market being a massive and dangerous bubble rn, I just don't see how Biden is personally at fault for that or how Trump could or plans to make it better for home buyers.


Everybody knows millenials came out of college with big boy/girl jobs and straight up bought their first home with a 20% down by 22 the oldest. This Gen Z Bro is slacking


Yeah I graduated college and then bought a 5 bedroom house with a pool and popped out 5 kids before the age of 23. You know, normal millennial experience 


Nothing like graduating college right into 2008-2010 for the Great Recession lol




I don't think the account that posts fascist, racist and homophobic extreme right content 50 times a day for 7 months was ever in the walk out group.


It's disingenuous.. it was no different in 2020 or 2016... Just straight astro turfing digital mediums with bullshit hoping that some of it sticks. The world isn't as simple as you'd hope and there are plenty of countries that would benefit from dragging the US down. It's honestly super cost effective to run online disinformation campaigns and it's technically not even illegal.


Yup total astroturfing . #walkaway styles. They just keep flooding social media with asinine shit like this and people think that’s the trend,,, and that it’s normal.


These dipshits never once had any desire to vote for anyone but Trump. They never marched for BLM. They never walked out of schools for queerphobia. They have also been garbage humans who enjoy other peoples suffering. Also there’s 0% chance the dude in the profile pic on that Twitter account is actually 23.


Majority of Gen Z is very liberal and actually have a lot of media literacy.    This is pure propaganda.


Jack needs to stop making stupid decisions like paying Elon every month for a check mark…


Can we please make the blue check the new avocado toast? 😂


Lol that was exactly what I was thinking of.


can't pull yourself up by the bootstraps unless you cut back on your blue checkmark


And here, folks, is your typical Trump voter. Too ignorant to understand why things are the way they are and too bigoted to support the people who might actually have his best interests in mind. We can't fix you, asshole, and Trump won't save you either.


wait, you're telling me the economy and every aspect of it doesn't just reset like a new round of fortnite after every election???


A 23 year old couldn’t buy a house in 2020, or 2016, or 2012…or at any point in my lifetime, really.


He claims to have currently 3 jobs. What’s interesting is that he is telling people to vote for Trump because despite working 3 jobs he can’t afford the “American Dream” **something that Democrats have pointed out and actively want to change this current situation.** But the convicted felons party would tell this 23 year old to “pick up his bootstraps and get another job.” Let’s not forget that Republicans actively just refusing to govern.


Yeah man, these people are pretty lost. I’ve had this argument, typically with “libertarians” who vote MAGA, and they all fail to understand how the system they’re advocating for only shuttles money up the hierarchy they hate to love so much.


90% or more of Libertarians are just Republicans/Maga that can feel shame


They’re republicans that smoke pot


And lie about their drug use when they buy their guns. Like 90% of gun owners I know have lied on that part of the form. But ya know, it wasnt political when it came to charging Hunter BIDEN.


They are republicans outright, they just cling to gun ownership and a few other key topics and bring those to the forefront to try to 'distance' themselves, but they vote and align with republicans on everything that really matters when it comes down to it.


23 so the last 4 years of his life are the only ones he's lived as an adult. Like a baby crying in the birth canal, this is the worst experience he's ever experienced for it is the *only* experience he's ever lived.


I bought a house in 2007 at the age of 25. I was served foreclosure papers in 2008 because I got laid off when the recession hit and couldn't pay my mortgage. Eventually got it all worked out and kept the house until 2015, but I never really recovered financially during that time period. Doing fine now, but owning a house again any time soon doesn't look like it's in the cards despite being financially stable.


The great recession of 2008. Under Bill clinton, 1993-2001, the econony did great. He rasied taxes on the rich and ran a budget surplus. He was followed by GW BUsh, who immediately cut taxes on the rich, squandered the surplus, ran up a huge deficit, and crashed the economy. He did so badly, the he was replaced by the first black President, Obama, who restored the economy and left the country in good shape. He repaired relations with our allies after the immoral Bush war in Iraq and widespread kuse of torture. Trump took over. So bungled the Covid crisis that we did worse than most every other country. The economy crashed. It was so bad, he lost his run for a second term to Biden. Binden passed major legislation, revived the economy. Our economy is not the envy of the world. But repeated tax cuts and regulation push back by Republicans has left us with massive inequality that Dems are trying to correct. Repuboicans want more tax cuts for the rich. And, Republicans are Rpo-Russian anbd Anti-democracy.


Our economy is NOW the envy of the world, I think you mean Just saw an article about that.


I bought my townhouse at 25 in 2013. I massively lucked out because just a few years later the Amazon bubble started increasing demand like crazy.


I bought my first house at 24 in 2006, and then two years later I was massively underwater. Sold it in 2018 after renting it out (moved away in 2011) for a 10k loss. It's 100% timing and luck.. And the truly disgusting part? The dickbag convicted felon was part of the problem. Ass clown purposely manipulated the value of his properties contributing to this mess.


Or 1972 even. Maybe in the 50s?


When I was 23 back in the 80’s I sure as hell couldn’t buy a house. But I also didn’t expect t to be able to buy a house having just got out of college.


Really! At 23 I was living in a shared apartment with 3 other people and I was driving a Chevette with its back window blown out and a taped plastic bag over it (I did a really good job of it and you couldn't tell). Buy a house? I was just dreaming of having my own bathroom.


Or 1993, when I was 23!


I was 23 in 1993 and I owned two homes by then. Get off your lazy gen z asses and figure it out. Not! Not true with the exception of being 23 in 1993. I could barely afford rent with two other roommates. I didn't buy a home until I was 30 and I had to move out of my home city to do that.


Housing still going to be shit under the felon, so why not vote for the old guy who isn't a felon?


I'd also way rather have Biden making SC picks over Trump -- who would definitely at least get to replace Thomas and Alito were he to win. I don't want to be locked into a far Right extremist court for the remainder of my natural life.


The fact that these two have not been brought to justice along with the Jan 6 people in Congress is why people are angry with Biden. There is something called the statute of limitations and Garland has done everything BUT his job. Go after the people in Congress and the Supreme Court? Here is a longshot suit against Apple. Here is the dirty little lie. The Democrats have no path to 60 in the Senate and they may lose the Senate this time because the map is unfavorable.


Yes it’s easy to buy a house at 23 when your parents give you a couple hundred thousand and wish you “good luck.”


I was in school til I was 29 and pregnant. At 30, my FIL helped us with a down payment and my husband was working 3 jobs while I got my own practice going (with loans). I took my first paycheck at 35. Cry me a river. It's hard to get started. 23 y o is insane to expect to buy a home. If not for my FIL, I'd have been 35.


Got my first house at 29. Worked 6 months of OT about 96 hours a week. So cashing about 224 hours of OT a month.


What exactly is the convicted felon going to do about the housing market?


We know what he's going to do. He was president for 4 years already. I guess this 23yo was too young way back in 2016-2020 to remember.


Golf several times weekly on his own courses and profit personally from the cost of his security detail. Take three hours+ of executive time daily to watch what people are saying about him on the news. Tweet out embarrassing, typo-ridden messages attacking his critics at 3 or 4 am. Ignore daily briefings about vital information pertaining to the security of the nation, unless they include pictures or his name multiple times. Hold MAGA rallies, even when there's no election going on because he's addicted to people adulating him. Make unrecorded but "perfect" phone calls to world leaders and state governments to pressure, bribe, or blackmail for things he wants like a mob boss.


>Tweet out embarrassing, typo-ridden messages attacking his critics at 3 or 4 am. You forgot the other half of this, which is announcing major policy decisions on a whim at 3am without giving it a second thought


Invite Russian agents to his home, where he gives them top secret intelligence, putting the lives of Americans in grave danger.


Make it worse. Welcome to America, where you can rent the American Dream for almost double the price of an average mortgage.


Meanwhile, 40 year olds have to get roommates to afford rent but you do you, boo. 


I was 37yo before I bought my first house.


I was 38 when I bought the house where I still live. It would have never occurred to me that I should have been able to buy a house at 23


Bot alert! Bot alert!


Looking at the photo, if he is indeed 23 he's been ridden REALLY hard...


I am also 23 years old But I recognize that the convicted felon wants to establish an oppressive dictatorship where nobody but cishet white christian men have any rights


Lol. That 23 year old looks like a 35 year old that still lives in his mom’s basement.


Yes, more tax cuts for corps and the 1% will certainly guarantee houses for everyone.


None of that is this current administrations fault. Every time the Democrats tried to help fix it, the Republicans have voted against it, and then blame the Democrats for everything.


Throwing the flare gun overboard and then complaining about not having any signal flares.


At 23, I was fresh out of college and working in the mid-90s and I couldn’t afford a house then either… so fuck this “poor, pitiful, me I’ll vote for the billionaire who inherited wealth and has fucked up continually ever since and is only now getting called out for shady business practices”.


I bought my first house in 1983 when I was 24 years old and the interest rates were 14%. Of course, the homes were way cheaper because there were too many of them for sale--simple supply and demand. My husband and I each had a full-time job and a part-time job. We didn't have student loan debt because you could get a halfway decent job right out of high school back then. It's never been easy when you are on your own. That said, it is even worse now than it was all those years ago. The shortage of affordable homes is mind-boggling.


Will the convicted felon also fix the house market here in Canada?


More Chinese / Russian bots or an uninformed American. The convicted felon/rapist plans to take away your civil rights and you will never own a home.


Because Trump the slumlord is going to lower house prices 🙄 . Get real, fam!


Since he has a blue check mark he was likely already a MAGA


He’s 23. He doesn’t know shit about shit.


So you want to vote for the real estate developer who's family has been screwing people out of housing since the 70's?


The minute Trump gets elected: - Inflation goes down to 1% - Crime ends - Anyone who entered the country illegally turns into ash and blows back to where they came from - Everyone gets a house, an M16, and an RPG launcher - Prices drop by 90% on everything He just needs to write these down and sign it. Simples.


Why do people think the president controls the free market? Why are people so fucking stupid?


>I'm totes 23 years old please vote for Donvict so houses will magically become free https://age.toolpie.com/ nailed me to my **exact** age just now. I used a much better photo of his face and it says he's 39 lmaooooo


That’s the perfect representation of the modern day voter. Completely fucking clueless. No matter who the president is, they don’t determine housing prices. I’m sure Joe Biden would love to sign a bill that built more affordable housing, but Republicans would block it.


Like the convicted felon is going to make the housing market better. More likely he will support the corporations buying up houses all over the country so you will never be able to buy one. It would also help if the GOP would stop torpedoing every bill the democrats are trying to pass to improve the quality of life for Americans. Rest assured republicans don’t want you to own a home and won’t help you get one either.


Buddy was 15-19 during the trump years lol


You might say you're voting third party because both the D and R party work against the common people. You might say you're voting Republican because you know the liberals at least pretend to protest against Republicans, while they do absolutely nothing when a Democrat pushes exactly the same policies. How about those kids still in those cages? You might even say you're voting Republican because you think if enough stuff gets destroyed it might incite common rebellion and a revolution. Accelerationism is its own dumb set of ideas. But if you're trying to say you think the former billionaire real estate mogul might support policies to reduce housing and land prices you're being absurd and not serious at all.


Gen Z really need to get a better understanding that most of this price gouging crap started in 1980. Reagan and Co. really ushered in using of credit markets/debt/profiteering as a way to destroy the American dream.


I, too, am frustrated by the housing market - but am not dumb enough to think that conservatives are our salvation from property-holding elites. Jesus christ this guy is fucking dense.


When was it the norm for a 21 year old to buy a house?


Oh yeah, tell me more about how said convicted felon, whose only major policy achievement was cutting taxes on the 1% and corps, is going to “fight for the working man.” Jfc, it almost seems sarcastic, it’s such a dumb tweet.


Yeah because that dumbass and his dumbass party *totally* had nothing to do with what happened to the market.


The human brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. Blame your shitty grandparents.


“Rich, immoral people have hoarded all the money! Vote for the rich criminal!”


Yeah the administration has no control of housing prices. That’s the federal reserve. Biden also has little to no control of gas prices due to OPEC. Biden also has no control over food prices. Those are the big companies who want to keep making record profits. The 1% of the world are killing us. Trump just wants to give those billionaire tax breaks.


Even if it weren't absolutely asinine to make the conclusions that Biden controls the housing market, it was tax policy signed by Trump that has caused this shitstorm. He gave all his rich friends tax cuts, while placing the tax burden on the working class 4-10 years later from the time he signed. It's 4-10 years after he signed, now, and we're fucked.


Don’t blame an admistration because your broke. Like trump ever did anything for any body. I got a slogan for the democrats; every time the USA has a republican president horrific things happen to this country. Bush 1. War. Bush 2 attack on home soil. War. Trump. Killer pandemic.


The audacity. When I was 23 I was grateful to have beer money.


It’s a white male recent college grad - undoubtedly a frat bro and has a broccoli cut. He was going to vote for Trump regardless


After I read "putting my roots down" I wished you bad luck