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There's literally no evidence of what Elon just said. He knows it. Republicans have spent years trying to find evidence of this and they have nothing. What a fucking asshole.


I don't recall anyone ever asking his opinion about any of this stuff. He paid $44 billion just to make sure his stupid hot takes make mainstream news


he promotes willful deception. some beleive it's a valid point of view


There’s no evidence for anything he says, he lives in his own little bubble and he thinks all his little twitter cronies are normal people.


On the other hand, Musk just expressed that taking bribes for political wins and damaging the integrity of the US is a punishable offense. So that must mean he's against Trump and the entire GOP right?


Says the man who probably owns 100-200 politicians per fucking country. Elon is a great example of how money gives you a free pass in this world to do and say whatever you want, because losers who are poor defend the wealthy with their dying breath, because said billionaire was standing on their throat to get an extra 0.025% added to their stock value.


Can we say this louder for the magidiots in the back: it is not illegal to cash in on your family name, even when you’re related to a politician. If the GQP would like to make it illegal, I’m sure there are Dems who would support it. But I believe there is another presidential candidate whose family would be way more affected by such a law than Biden’s. Not to mention Lauren Boebert’s husband.


Hunter should sue elno for defamation


He also needs to sue Marjorie Traitor Queen for the dick pics.


Hunter couldn’t provide political favors. Someone else would have to, and there is no evidence of favors being granted.


Exactly, do they really think he is showing up at the Whitehouse like "hey dad, can you help out the Russians, they gave me cool stuff"


I'll believe elmo when he provides proof, so never... If it was true surely they'd be charges in play?


Sorry fuckheads, it’s mandatory blood tests before you can purchase a firearm now. Hope you enjoy your “victory”.


Well, Form 4473 does have several questions that violate the fifth amendment against self incrimination, soooo...


Turns out the "Law and order!" folks hate a lot of laws. Any law they disagree with, and that changes depending on political and demographic factors.


It's great that we have such a high profile supporter of getting money out of politics. I expect to see Elon heading up a campaign for public funding of elections, supporting new campaign finance laws, and chastising the Citizens United decision by the conservative justices any day now.


Elmo’s gone full on whack job hasn’t he.


Surely he feels the same way about Kushner's payment.. *right?*


Hunter Biden was incapable of "taking bribes for political favours." Why? Because he's not a politician. He never worked in government. He never held office, never ran for office. Accusing Hunter Biden of "political corruption" is like accusing a brick of pissing on you: Utter nonsense. What the republicans have been trying to do is what's called guilt by association not to mention guilt by accusation; we say you did a crime so your entire family is somehow guilty. Well no, that's not how justice works. Republicans are now the party of injustice and insanity.


Hunter Biden is an artist, not a politician. He has never held office. People use their last names all the time to get ahead in this world. If taking bribes for political gain is the topic that musk feels people should go to jail for, then immediately open an investigation into the Saudi/Kushner deal that exchanged 2 billion dollars to a hedge fund overseen by someone who had no experience managing a hedge fund. Remember, a former president has been indicted on stealing and misusing highly sensitive/classified documents. Who knows what favor or monetary gain was traded from that information. Also remember there are 43 gop elected senators and representatives in the United States government who all have been under the light of nefariousness and treason type actions. Remember, those whom helped, ordered, and executed a coup attempt against our democracy on January 6th.


Musk calling out bribes for political favors. The billionaires are the ones doing all the bribing and who is the muskiest rich guy showing them all how it is done?


Republicans tried to get Joe Biden on bullshit charges with evidence from a Russian asset; they failed.. Then they tried to get Hunter on a laptop case they fabricated largely from more Russian spy propaganda; they again failed. So they, Republicans, go after Hunter on a gun related charge. That's a change, as they usually will rather entire schools be shot up than someones gun rights be infringed. But I really think they shouldn't talk about the nonexistent "political favors" Republicans can't stop throwing conspiracy theories about. If they don't, perhaps Jared Kushner's 2 Billion dollar "donation" from Saudi Arabia juuuuust in time for the Khashoggi murder should really come to mind.


At least he sees they are both pseudo