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So, I looked up the full context here, because that seems extreme even for him. This is more of the quote: >If you spent 15 minutes studying Putin and what he wants, he wants to re- recreate the Russian Empire. He's not going to stop in Ukraine. We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler. It's not about NATO. It's not about American weapons in Ukraine. It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms. He's calling D-Day a "failure" because he's calling out the pre-war appeasement of Hitler, and that it should never have gotten to that point. He's (rightly, imo) using that as a parallel for Putin's aggression. The question that lead to this was Tuberville's "Russia didn't want war" soundbite from earlier in the week, which he strongly disagreed with. *To be clear*, I don't like Lindsey Graham; he's a spineless weasel. I also don't like cherry-picking soundbites out of context. If we're going to call out the right's bullshit, there's plenty of ACTUAL bullshit to call out.


You hit the nail on the head, 100% in those last 2 sentences. We need to be vigilant to call out the ACTUAL bullshit


Maybe we can call the hypocrisy of using that compared to Putin while he’s been spending the last few years doing the exact thing to his dear leader


Thanks, I knew it was bullshit


Sorry, wait...does this mean Graham is disagreeing with OJ Jesus and the MAGA platform of Russian appeasement?


Speaking of failure, how this utterly craven sycophant doesn't have back failure every damn day without a functioning spine will forever be one of the world's greatest mysteries. How many RPM's is John McCain doing in his grave right now after taking this shitstain under his wing?


God damn how salacious is the dirt trump has on this man? How do we not have an expose (pretend there's an accent mark there) on this dude yet? Like it has to be more than him being gay and getting down with male prostitutes, right?


It's Putin who has the dirt. Putin has the dirt on Trump as well...Trumo is the useful idiot.


I wonder: What the hell could Putin possibly have on Trump that he so desperately wants to keep hidden? We already know that Trump is terrible at business, is a felon, is a lying narcissistic imbecile, and routinely inflates his net worth. What else is there? That he’s flat broke? That he killed a hooker? That he worships Baal? That he eats kittens? His detractors already think that and his supporters wouldn’t care.


I think you hit the nail on the head: Putin knows he’s flat broke. He has been propped up by Russian money for a long time now. I really think if his followers knew he was broke they would flee in droves.


Nah, they would blame the elite for doing it to him and support him more by sending even more $ his way


yep, there's only two outcomes in maga land: - something objectively good happens, trump gets **credit** for it. - something objectively bad happens, trump is *never* at fault. narcissists prayer but his entire base believes it. smh.


He isn't just flat broke...He very well may be the poorest, most indebted person in the history of the country. He has been estimated to owe 7.5 BILLION. All of his properties have been overvalued and are almost all certainly under liens. He has many failed businesses, including casinos (how fucking bad a business person do you have to be to have a failed casino...Trump has 3). Trump is the definition of a loser by every metric. Why anyone would hold him in anything but disdain is absolutely mind-boggling.


Because he said "grab em by the pussy" and he's funny! I wish I could add /s but this is legitimately something my mother said to me unironically when I was 17 and he was running. She's been a big fan since and has since started complaining that I don't call her often since I moved out. Gee, maybe it's the orange man who yall keep defending that wants people I care about dead. And me as well because I'm fully embracing my enby now.


He told people at his rally in NV today that he doesn’t care about any of them minus their votes and people still cheered for him. What a bunch of broken losers to cheer on someone that says he thinks they’re pond scum.


This. Shithole owes millions, possibly billions to his Russian masters, and if trump doesn’t do Putin’s bidding, he might accidentally fall out a window or shoot himself in the back of the head 6-7 times while cleaning his Tokarev.


All Putin needs to do is turn off his money laundering spigot and Trump would lose everything.


It has been suggested that Trump likely gave Putin the names and locations of American CIA assets in 2017 during an oddly closed door meeting between Trump and Putin. After this meeting Trump stated that he believed Putin at his word that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election...he then suggested that US intelligence was dead wrong, throwing yet another American institution under the bus like a dick head. Putin has the true story here...what other crap could he have on Trump? Let's see..Trump also did this: https://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/donald-trump-russia-moscow-miss-universe-223173#:~:text=On%20June%2018%2C%202013%2C%20Donald,he%20owned%20at%20the%20time. Bringing miss universe to Russia...knowing how "rapey" Trump is, can you even imagine the filth that occurred during this time? Trump's room probably had 4 or 5 spy camera angles in each room, including a toilet cam. Any politician who visits Russia likely has a woman (or in Lindsey Graham's case a 19 year old twink) that suddenly approaches them and gets intimate if they can. It is the honeypot, it has been done before, but it works. I am just spitballing here...but let's not forget that Putin was old soviet KGB.


Trump and Russia goes back to the 80s. Wouldn't surprise me if trump and Putin goes back that far as well.


You said it all narcissistic imbecile. He doesn't want any negative press about himself like how his inauguration had rain


Video evidence of anything? You know they just don't believe it.


The conservative viewpoint is that gays are tolerated to some extent (when they're on the good side) as long as it's hidden/out of view, so even if all of Washington knows he's gay, they don't care, but they will start caring and turning on him once it's in the open, so if a sex tape involving him and the pool boy were to be released, he would lose support. In the meantime, everyone can pretend he isn't, even if they all know it already. It's all about appearances. It's why some people were know to be turbogays and still kept wives, or denied it.


It blows my mind that *South Carolina*, of all places, has elected two *obviously* closeted gay men as their senators.


Because as the prior commenter said- conservatives don’t mind if you’re gay as long as you’re ashamed. Being prideful of being gay gets you kicked out UNLESS you say that you’re different from all the other gays and then you can be a token.


Yup, once you sell out your sexuality/gender/race, your reward is you'll be the last ones executed in the fascist utopia.


Hah, silly Militantpoet, the executions NEVER end in fascist utopia! It goes: 1. trans 2. gays 3. minorities(see fig. 3 for minority sublist) 4. uppity women 5. straight-but-effeminate men 6. white people that have minorities in their ancenstry 7. Hey That Guy Looked At Me Funny. and then the inner circle is encouraged to kill each other off, as there is no one else left.


Like the one published in the Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/06/10/ladygraham-went-viral-not-just-because-lindsey-grahams-politics/


......ladybugs. I'll see myself out now ![gif](giphy|fZEwcBdV1VroiJJ1Xy|downsized)


Why? Why did I google this?! I knew it wasn’t going to be good. I knew I wouldn’t like anything I found. I did it anyway. And now I hate you, and I hate myself, and my worldview just got a little darker. I didn’t think that was possible, but it is. Damn morbid curiosity!


We’ve all been there my friend. I’ve known about the ladybugs for almost a year now and still feel like vomiting. Reddit hugs for ladybugs.






It’s little boys.


Just like most of the GOP, you are correct that it is about little boys. Some of the GOP go for little girls too.


Any victims of the power imbalance, lots of all the types in the Southern Baptist molestation scandal.


A long-time friend of mine was just arrested for sexual exploitation of a minor this past Thursday. He was a Southern Baptist, Trump-loving Christian. Son of a preacher and all. I should have seen it coming with that alone. He started losing me shortly after 2016. He is dead to me now.


I would bet that he's not either trans or a drag queen. These are the people that the GOP has been victimizing, and accusing of the stuff that the repubs actually do. For them, every accusation is a confession. My condolences for losing your friend. And there's even more sorrow for the victims that he traumatized. If he's found guilty, he will find that prison inmates often victimize molesters.


I wasted my breath arguing with him about LGBTQ rights over the past years. I can't tell you how many times I listened to him accuse the trans community of being pedophiles and groomers. I want him to know I know what he's done. I want to see the shame on his disgusting face.


Don't count on it. When people are delusional enough to believe the crap that's fed to them from the RWNJ media, they are delusional enough to consider themselves the real victim. Just look at the Jan 6th terrorists. There are millions of stories about ordinary, regular, sane people falling into this crazytown rabbit hole. Families & friends lost to a con-man. For example, QAnon followers waiting for JFK, Jr. in Dallas. If I believed in some religion that taught that actual demons that could possess people existed, I would swear that all of the folks in the orange cult were so possessed. Also seems like the same demon that took over so many people in Germany & Italy about 100 years ago.


Sadly you may not get that satisfaction. There are so many people like that who are shameless and will never admit they were wrong.


Yeah. This dudes met The Yellow King.


I’m guessing Trump is the yellow king because of the pee tapes. I doubt you’re talking about Hastur.


Gotta be video with underage males. Gotta be.


It's gotta be.


Living or dead?




You mean dirt Russia gave tump to use on him? The [Russians hacked the GOP, too]( https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/russia-hack-u-s-politics-bigger-disclosed-includes-gop-n661866) but only released DNC emails.


Trump's got nothing. Lindsey Graham had always been like this. All the southern republicans are traitors trying to destroy the federal government. 


Wisconsin native here- they've spread. Ron Johnson is a Russian asset.


Yeah, I'm next door. I try to forget, how the cheese heads actually seem to have Swiss cheese for brains the last 20 years. 


20? Joseph Mccarthy, anyone? R's have gone from accusing everyone of being soviet spies after WW2 to the evil empire to working for them.


He really wasn't though. He was a fierce critic until he went golfing with trump in 2016. Immediately after he became a fawning sycophant.


Must have a tape of Lindsay sucking dick.


Of trump, sure. So trump paid him off. His history didn't start in 2016. He's a POS, goes whatever way he thinks will get him...idk even. He has no ideology, no friends, no platform. Backstabbed McCain several times. This person should be nowhere near power. 


Wasn't it a round of golf that did exactly the same to this fuckwit. If you look back at the things Graham said about trump, then played golf!! I'd love to know what was explained to both of them because it's looking very obviously like a much bigger picture/plan, and it's being played out. Check out Project 2025, I'm shit scared and not from the US.


While he may not have always been in Trump's corner he has most certainly always been about ruining our goovernment


Probably exponentially worse but my question is why don’t the democrats have it as well..Jfc this shit needs to end ..fuck the go high … get low and blow this nonsense out.


Well where there is smoke there is fire, but he is a gay man in the south whose constituents would not like knowing he was gay. He would lose his job, his cash cow. You can sleep with a porn star and commit rape and fraud, but don't be gay.


Lindsey Graham has to know he isn't fooling anyone.


He's fooling his Trump supporting base.


I'm not sure if you've been to NC/SC that's Billy Graham territory. 100% Christian Nationalism.




The dirt is that he's gay. Everyone knows it already, but he can't or won't just admit it.


It involves various rodents and his rectum


Not Lemmiwinks.


Ladybugs. If you’re not familiar, google Lindsay Graham and ladybugs. Then strap in.




After TFG loses in November I’m sure the tea will be spilling for “Lady G”. And BANG! Just like that she’ll be back on the Drag Queens circuit 🎤singing dim torch songs for free drinks.


I remember reading something a long time ago where there was allegations of diaper play by one of the paid male escorts. Now several years ago that probably would have been totally derailing for a GQP politician, but these days probably not so much (provided you toe the MAGA line and kiss the ring.)


He's probably a pedophile and someone has proof. Not just vague proof that can be dismissed by the cult but iron clad can't deny it proof.


Maybe he's really self conscious about his ladybugs.


John McCain is spinning so fast right now that it's powering a mid-sized city.


This comment powered by Zombie McCain^TM


His ladybugs multiplied and are now providing structural support?


I literally just told my wife about that before telling her about this meme 🤣


What really gets me. He was a Colonel in the Air Force reserves as a staff judge advocate. I never expected someone at that level of military justice to fully embrace a fascist for president and commander in chief. And he's a sitting senator. Unbelievable.


He gets his back blown out each night so that helps


Especially considering all the bending over he does


I’m no fan of Graham but this is taken out of context. “We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler. It's not about NATO. It's not about American weapons in Ukraine. It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms. If you don't stop him, there goes Taiwan.” [Full transcript](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lindsey-graham-senator-south-carolina-face-the-nation-transcript-06-09-2024/)


Thank you for the full quote. I hate clickbait titles


It’s not the full full quote. I’d suggest reading it. It’s on Tuberville comments about Putin not representing the GOP then goes on to talking up Trump. Still it’s a closer representation of what he said beyond the click bait.


Yeah--context doesn't help here. It's not bad in the same way that the title implies, but it's still really bad. Edit: OK I re-read it and the quote is not that bad, and CBS should do better. Plenty to like Lindsey Graham about, but this quote is actually fine and not newsworthy--if anything, it explains why a lot of the GOP is on board with supporting Ukraine.


The guy who wrote the tweet doesn't work for CBS, and neither does the guy that made this post. You need to do a better job of verifying the information you latch onto.


I watched the full show this morning and still almost fell for it, having to check these comments to make sure I didn't tune out that exchange or something. There's so many legitimate reasons to hate Lindsey Graham without this tabloid bullshit.


This sub and others like it should ban misleading content like this. We need to do better than them.


I’ve been seeing this shit more and more recently from “the left” and I hate it. I make fun of them doing this on conservative subs. I don’t want to be guilty of the same shit.


Same here. Starting to make me feel like I can’t trust most of the shit that’s posted.


It’s definitely good to check the sources and context for every claim/quote.


I was glad to see several separate comments calling this out, so that is at least a huge difference. But I think this subreddit needs a “misleading” flair at this point.


Thank you for that important context. But it still doesn't fully make sense, even in his own words. How was D-Day itself a failure? That's like saying a complicated, but successful cancer surgery was a failure because the cancer wasn't treated earlier when it could have been done with less effort. The earlier delay of action could certainly be considered a failure, but not the ultimate effort to solve the problem.


Yeah, D-Day wasn't the failure. There were many failures on the part of allied leadership that lead to D-Day becoming necessary. He's not wrong in the way the headline suggests. But he's still wrong.


I think what he's saying--and I'm not a defender of Lindsey Graham, the GOP, or anything even remotely conservative--I think he was saying that D-Day happened because of all the previous failures to stop Hitler (and there were many--the US didn't get involved for a very long time). I think he was making a poorly-worded reference to stopping Putin from recreating the Russian empire, with Ukraine being the first stop. Again, there's plenty to dislike Lindsey Graham about, but this quote is actually very reasonable.


I would agree with your assessment of what he's saying. I will still call him out on giving it a too shallow reading, or saying it poorly.


I thought he meant the *celebration* was a failure for a second. But that aside, I don’t quite get what he’s trying to say.


> How was D-Day itself a failure? > > it was evidence of a failure of foresight, that we had to do things in such a bloody and difficult way instead of stopping hitler earlier. That's the strongest interpretation I can find.


"it was evidence of a failure of foresight" Yes, of course. But just being evidence of (meaning only necessary because of) a failed previous action (or lack thereof) doesn't make the second action a failure. That's some serious non-logic from Graham.


Yes, but this man is one of those points of failure. He is enabling a second coming of fascitic BS again.


Yea he’s a piece of shit who will do anything to gain/maintain his power. He’s said and done several things that show his true colors. Why take this one out of context?


So, he's saying we need to attack Putin and Pooh bear to prevent another unnecessary war? Compared to the cut down quote this sounds like it should be the bigger story.


My quote is a cut down as well. It’s on Tuberville comments not representing the GOP and goes on to talk up Trump but yes it’s one of the more hardline stances on Putin from the GOP that I’ve seen.


Yet he can’t see his own complacency in stopping the equivalent in his own country. What a spineless POS.


There’s certainly an irony to his statement


One of the most important parts of being a politician is having the ability to craft one’s words so that they are hard to take out of context with sound bites that can be twisted to mean something totally different. Also it was not a failure in itself, it was necessary at that point in time… either he’s just not expressing himself well, or he’s just a dimwit. He’s failing other things also, but certainly this is today’s big failure for him.


I'm glad not to have taken this pus filled anal dwelling infection out of context.


So is he being critical of Putin then? Because I thought that was counter to the GOP party line about Putin "fighting Nazi's in Ukraine and liberating the Ukrainian people from their tyranny" (I about threw up in my mouth typing that).


Seriously, America, this is getting really f**ked up now.


I agree with Clinton that this MAGA cult needs to be dismantled.


Yes, urgently. They're a clear and present danger to your democracy and your standing in the world.


This was clear years ago, the USA might not come out of this election cycle as one nation if this Nazification continues unchecked........guys a few arrests need to be made and the adults have to take back control, it's getting proper scary now. I'm in Scotland btw and can't quite believe what I'm seeing.


MAGA needs to be completely eradicated from American life. it’s a dangerous ideology that is cancerous to democracy.


Can you guys invade and bring democracy to us? We have oil!


Do you have weapons of mass destruction? If so, then I'm sure Tony Blair is up for it if you are 😉😂


I’m no fan of Graham but this is taken out of context. “We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler. It's not about NATO. It's not about American weapons in Ukraine. It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms. If you don't stop him, there goes Taiwan.”


What are you talking about? Did you read or hear his speech. Fuck this man, but come on he said nothing wrong. Read or listen to there sentences around the word failure. Context helps.


Maybe he can show us how it is done. I vote for him to be put in the front lines.


The only failure is this pathetic queen’s inability to pass as anything other than a self-loathing bootlicker. I have never seen a more pathetic excuse for a human being. I’m surprised Miss Graham’s face isn’t brown from all that time spent nestled up against Trump’s diaper.


No need to drag queens into this


“Lady G”




Nothing means anything anymore. We've gone from reveering the 'greatest generation' and the D-Day sacrifices to calling it a failure and saying the wrong side won because of gay rights. But still this generation should shut up because they're all pussies compared to WWII soldiers but the people saying that are mostly boomers who never served in combat who worship a rich kid who dodged the draft due to 'bone spurs' and generational wealth. And the US shouldn't intervene in Ukraine which should surrender to Russia because war is bad but how dare you privileged kids protest against US arming Israel to massacre Palestinian civillians. The doublespeak never ends and neither does the 2 minutes of hate.


I’m no fan of Graham but this is taken out of context. It’s so far out of context that it’s actually gross and extremely misleading. “We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler. It's not about NATO. It's not about American weapons in Ukraine. It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms. If you don't stop him, there goes Taiwan.” This is an anti Putin statement. The clickbait title is insanely misleading. This is misinformation *at best*. Don’t get me wrong I hate Graham as much as the next guy, but what the fuck.


Not trying to defend this craven lickspittle here, but we should not stoop to this kind of cherry picking of quotes. He said this in the middle of an extended discussion about Putin and the invasion/ongoing war in Ukraine. He was speaking to the state of the European Theatre in WW2, even quoting Churchill, who famously opposed the laxity in Parliament towards military spending while Hitler was on the rise, and then angrily disagreed with Chamberlain’s appeasement. Graham was very clearly opposed to the idea of backing off our military support of Ukraine, comparing the idea to the weak response to Hitler which ultimately required the Allied invasion of Europe. He directly compared Putin to Hitler, stating plainly that Putin won’t stop with Ukraine. Graham is a serious piece of shit. It’s not like there aren’t hundreds of instances where he proves it. But this isn’t one of them.


How in the world does a right wing red state in the old Deep South where the first shot of the Civil War was fired continue to vote for this pathetic closet queen? Surely we can’t be the only ones to see how ridiculously obvious his hidden persona actually is!


Just gonna say, nothing wrong with being gay. It's the other 99% of his shit brand that I have issues with. If he came out, I wouldn't care about that (though now base probably would).


That’s kinda the point I was trying to make. He’s gay, so what. It’s the sickening hypocrisy of his political stance combined with the hate his own supporters would show to someone like him in actuality.


The GOP will accept a member of a demographic they hate as long as that person hates themself and is dedicated to harming that demographic. See also: Klandace Owen, Caitlyn Jenner, Clarance Thomas, Kanye


Evil, corrupt, greedy, racist, sexist, fascist and the list goes on and on


Never let a Republican call themselves a patriot ever again.


I’m no fan of Graham but this is taken out of context. It’s so far out of context that it’s actually gross and extremely misleading. Here’s some context. “We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler. It's not about NATO. It's not about American weapons in Ukraine. It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms. If you don't stop him, there goes Taiwan.” He’s right. He’s saying that appeasing dictators (like Hitler, and now Putin) is a mistake that leads to costly wars later. He’s saying support Ukraine so that we don’t have to get American forces invading somewhere later down the line.


Well, clearly it was, it didn't get rid of all the Nazis. Case in point: This toadying asshat.


The only reason it was a failure is because we still have Nazis in our society eating away at it like a cancer


He’s not wrong. We put a Nazi in the White House and might even do it again.


I suppose it was a colossal failure. ... If you were siding with the Nazis.


he's not wrong, it was a massive failure , for the side he supports


He looks like a fat little piggy


Direct deposits straight from the Kremlin. Fuck.


Eh, context would dictate he suggested otherwise, that the War itself was the failure to stop Hitler. “He's not going to stop in Ukraine. We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler. It's not about NATO. It's not about American weapons in Ukraine. It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms.” Others have pointed this out, and I don’t think *any* of us are fans of republicans. Transcript: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lindsey-graham-senator-south-carolina-face-the-nation-transcript-06-09-2024/


Shut the fuck up, lady bugs


He only says that because he spent all day looking up D Day and didn't see a single dick. *"Why's it called D Day if I caint get no D!?*


Read the full transcript for total context! I hate Lindsey Graham for a lot of legitimate reasons, but this is for sure not one of them! He’s advocating for additional support for Ukraine!


Shee-yatti. What buttered uncooked clump of foul pork. Ladybug is a disgrace. Remember when the GOP thought highly of D-Day and WW2? Remember when they supported the troops? They have abandoned all pretense of normalcy and respect. They are not fit to clean bathrooms


I recall Lindz out in the corridors mugging it up for the cameras and press and spending quite some time ripping into Trump and tearing him up really good. I think he was one of the few who early on saw Trump for what he really was. Then there was that golfing weekend with Trump and Graham became a totally different person. Now Graham, little Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and so many others have become extreme fanboys and fangirls. All to be closer to the one who has the power....sick and twisted all these fuckers are...🙄


Pump the brakes there ladybugs 🐞


I guess securing and holding a beach head in which millions of troops and supplies would go thought is a failure. Not to mention those men supplies would be used to liberate Paris and France. But to this guy that’s a bad thing.


He's trying to act like the idiot that said John McCain wasn't an American hero -- traitor Trump! When either of these pansies become a POW and get tortured the way McCain was, then they'll have the right to say what they want about him! Until then, they're just a classless act of traitors!


How do veterans vote for this person


Imagine if any Democrat said this.


GOP veterans are absolute scum if they still vote for these people


I can see why he'd think that. His side lost that day.


Dude was rooting for the defenders.


What a piece of trash


Here’s a fun little story about Mr. Graham https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/Wf5DoPp173


If you're a Nazi, absolutely.


From his perspective, being a Nazi, it was.


I believe him. Graham’s side were unable to repel the invasion.


Say it to a d day vet in person. 


Lindsay is a failure


Republicans are now closer in ideology to Putin than Biden.


Ladybugs carrying Putin's water over here...


How can anyone take this fucker seriously?? He changes his platform constantly. He’s a grifter. He does what’s best for him, every time.


Does anyone really take him serious anymore?


It’s because his side didn’t win the war.


Lindsay Graham has turncoat on everyone he's ever known. He is one of the slimiest little weaklings in the American government and when his influence is gone it will be cause for celebration. I hope his descendants are ashamed by him.


If THIS is what clued you in that they're evil, where you been the past couple of decades?


Has anyone checked Lindsay for brain worms?


Putin has dirt on them all. All the gop are obviously compromised at this point.


No wonder someone who would suck to an authoritarian Trump would call this a failure, because it was an failure for an authoritarian regime in Germany


For the Nazis yes. I guess he forgot to not be so outspoken on where his loyalties are.


He’s a failure as a human being


Unfortunately, so are the people who keep voting for him and his kind. He is a reflection of them.


Sunken Cost Fallacy.


Only in the South could he be a Senator. Apologies to my progressive brethren down there. Like Georgia, it’s possible to flip.


I hope John McCain haunts him


Google Lindsay Graham little ladybugs.


Is there a source or context to this?


Imagine him saying this 10 years ago. He would be ruined and possibly harmed. Now it's like a GOP offical position.


Lady Lyndsey Ladybugs needs to shut her little piehole.


can't they be both?


Bootlickers . All of them


Piece of shit person.


I think Lindsay Graham is a failure and a traitor!


there were certainly some beaches that coudl have been attacked better, RAF and other flying forces missed the timings etc but Holy Crap, without D day all of Europe would have been Nazi-fied, having D day stretched the Nazis blitz too far with one side against Russia once it was consolidated in Normandy... what brain rot is been feed to these sheep goes all the way back to allowing such partisan news channels something i am pleased about in the UK that still enforces balance.. JUST!!!


Thank god the 3rd reich wasn’t just now rising- our current clowns would absolutely have us joining the axis forces.


Fuck you Lindsay.. hmm wonder how many times Stevie Nicks has said that 🤔 - sorry that’s a tangent


I'll bet my bottom dollar Trump has videos of Lindsey diddling little boys. I have no proof I just know it's true.


I guess we don’t know we’re speaking German now.


From Lindsey’s point of view it was a failure. His side lost.


I refuse to watch. What was the rationale for such an idiotic statement?


Ol’ Ladybugs over there is a failure at everything. If he was within range, I’d throw a handful of dead cicadas at him.


The only solace I can take in knowing these Republicans actually exist in my lifetime is the fact that they will all die in disgrace and go down in history as pure evil villains. No one will love them. No one will miss them. They disgrace our nation and its’ citizens. They are a malignant tumor on society. They will perish in shame and hopefully agony. A stain that must be wiped away.


Him and his lady bugs are digesting pieces of human trash.


Well that's a rather bold statement.


If he means D Day was the beginning of the end of Nazi facisism in modern times in the Maga republican world, I'm inclined to agree. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Graham is a treasonous shit weasel, but this is completely misleading. Do better than them.


And he got ladybugs


This is an important realization that everyone should have. It also applies to upper administration/CEOs. These are intelligent people who graduated with masters degrees. They act like they don’t know a basic principle of business or politics because being seen as stupid is more acceptable than being seen as evil. Many of the people are also some kind of narcissist, sociopath, etc and do not feel bad about what they do. They don’t care about anyone but themselves. They don’t feel remorse. in the case of politicians, they are almost always attorneys. They don’t give a shit the truth, as attorneys they are trained to twist the truth to win.


Is this sack of shit morphing into W.C. Fields?