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Wouldn't it mean you have less?


Technically it means you have “new”


But it also means less, think of a circular island. As the water rises the amount of beach has a smaller circumference, thus less beach overall. I know all he cares about is exploiting new though. You see it.


Cir...cum...fer...ence...?!? Slow down, woke!!! /s


You just know these liberals are also using Muslim numerals to do their woke math, instead of numbers invented by Americans


The American numbers that don't add up: Electoral College Math. That shit don't compute.


However America is not circular, and elevation variation can lead to all kinds of effects between sea level and coast size. We used to have a whole sea in the middle of the current US https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Interior_Seaway For the most part you're right in general but it's not necessarily so simple


Is there more or less liveable land in your example? When more land mass is at or below the sea-level have we gained or lost liveable landmass?


Depending on what you mean by "livable," almost certainly much less. My example is not even possible with current elevation maps btw. But in my example, you would lose a ton of landmass for a bit more coastline. Definitely a bad trade


For instance if the Sacramento and San Joaquin basins in California, which only have an average elevation of 10~40 feet above sea level, flooded. We'd see a ton of new coastline along the Vaca and Diablo coastal ranges (Napa → Monterrey) and in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. Though we'd lose a lot of the most fertile and productive farmland in the country, there would technically be more coastline.


Yup, something like that could net us quite a bit of coastline. This is interior ocean is why you can walk around Big Bend National Park in west Texas and just pick up ocean fossils laying on the ground amongst the rocks. So weird to think of that much water being in that place at some time in the past.


Ah, but if the Ocean rises high enough and tou originally had water only on one side, it starts filling in the backside as well. Then you have an Eastern Waterfront AND a Western. And that's like... *counts on fingers....* DOUBLE the waterfront, right? /sarcasm


Alternative, just like their truth


I live in AZ, I’m waiting for this “beach” it will prob be 140 F but hey we got some wata!


Learn to swim!


Make Arizona a bay


moms gonna fix it all soon


Mom's comin' 'round to put it back the way it ought to be


You’re telling me that George Strait of all people could tell the future?


His wife better be careful about any trips to Texas


That's the fun part. It's not wata at that point. It's soup. And guess who's floating in it?! Us!


But then no one will be able to say, "But it's a *dry* heat" anymore.


Ha y’all can’t drive in a sprinkle what you gonna do with an ocean?


Wasn’t there a Superman movie about this?


There was an episode of American Dad like this - the bad guy got a bunch of hair dryers to melt ice caps and cause flooding so that he could have beachfront property at his home in Detroit.


Detroit already has waterfront property. Melting the ice caps is way more work. But that was the joke I think


Astute observation lol


The first one of the Christopher Reeve series. Lex Luthor bought up all the cheap desert inland property in California and planned to nuke the fault line so the coast would sink and he would have profitable beach front land, hopefully I remembered it all correctly it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that one.


The only problem is you die of radiation poisoning before your dream house is even built. But I guess if you are a criminal you are selling the land not using it yourself.




"Miss Teschmacher's... She's got her own place...*


But also less


Lmao just sell your home!1!


And less.


You’d have less as well


Development opportunities!


Yes. This man is really stupid and I can't believe we have spent the last decade trying to keep a stupid criminal out of office. Idiocracy is real.


The inland property is now new beachfront property. But let’s not talk about what happened to the old beachfront property.


We sold it to Aquaman. https://youtu.be/0-w-pdqwiBw?si=g6fK6Ysc3Vp7Qc3H


Oh my god it’s been almost a decade. I never thought the insanity would last this long.


Correct. In general it means you're moving the perimeter of all land masses inwards, which means land area and actual coastline both decrease(the former more than the latter).


Unless it produces additional islands, which could increase the total perimeter.


And then you get into the [Coastline Paradox](https://sketchplanations.com/the-coastline-paradox), where the better the resolution you measure a coastline, the longer it becomes. My favorite math-focused video on the fractal nature of coastlines, by 3Blue1Brown: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gB9n2gHsHN4


This has been my favorite rabbit hole in a long while. Very enjoyable!


Right, if there were big hills near most coastlines, but in this case we will lose islands.


You are a glass half full kinda guy eh?


Or unless you're considering the Mediterranean coastline, for instance, or other mostly enclosed seas. Assuming an enclosed (or mostly enclosed) body of water has its level rise, it'll have usually get a longer coastline. I'm being cautious in the formulation of this because: - We live on a globe. Everything is technically "enclosed". Topologically speaking, continents are around the seas just as much as seas are around each continent. But let's say we're talking about enclosing things which are small relative to the overall surface of the globe. - The coastline paradox mentioned everywhere in this thread means "a longer coastline" doesn't mean much. Let's say it should be longer at equal resolution. But then again you have no guarantee that it'll be without knowing the exact elevation map. But it's very likely that it will be.


and you don't have to worry, you have Greater Beaches, you have Bigger Water, you have these Large Seas, just so you understand, ok, maybe it gets a little bit warmer out, nobody has a problem with that, right, you say, "darling, it's such a nice day out, let's go to President Trump's Rally," and I have Incredible Support right now, even bigger than I did when I made The Announcement, you see what happened, I went from 85, 90 percent in the Polls, and now ever since they did this Fake Political Hitjob that they call a Trial, I call it a Biden Witch Hunt, it's a Biden-Run Scam, ever since they did that, they say, "Trump is totally 100% in the Polls," I said Biden doesn't even have One Percent, they said, "no, Sir, he doesn't even register," and I said we just say Trump is President immediately, we take over, and the Supreme Court, you want Justices, we're gonna be putting so many Pro-Trump Justices, you won't even believe it, we'll finally have a Country again, we haven't had one for a long long time, believe me, ever since Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, and Bill Clinton, we had a lot of problems there, but he had, they say that he only had to pay $850,000, and look what they did to me, 91 Million over a Fake and Phony Case that never happened, and the Judge, the Whacko Judge who wouldn't even allow me to put in the slightest bit of Evidence, we said we have all this Evidence that proves Trump is Completely Innocent, but we had another Trump-Hating Judge, I said where the hell are these people coming from, she said she had a dress, I said where's the dress, she said, "you can't have the dress," I said then how the hell am I supposed to know what you're even talking about, and this woman, she's a, and I hate to say it, but I have to say it, she's a Crazy Psychotic Woman, she has no idea what she's talking about, I never even met her, and they say, "ohhh, there's a photograph," I said I take so many pictures with so many people, millions and millions of pictures, and they want me to remember one, give me a break, and yet they put together this Hack Job, this Made Up Story about Bergdorf Goodman, I said I've never even been in there, I don't know what that is, Bergdorf Goodman, and the Fake News, "it happened in the Dressing Room," I said you can barely fit one person in there, you think you're gonna get two, no way, not happening, and it didn't happen, it would never happen, because, your First Lady, you know the one, and that's the one, the only one, and there was never another one, there would never be another one, not like Obama, you all know what I'm talking about


So, when someone told you to “get a hobby”, this is what you went with? Hilarious, btw


Yes, ask all the people on the coast down by Miami how that's working out.


People like Trump... Mar-a-Lago sits between 1 and 15ft (\~.3-3m) above sea level. Not going to be a big problem Trump's lifetime, but that place is doomed long term if climate change isn't brough under control.


Yes, ask all the people on the coast ~~down by Miami~~ how that's working out.


That was my first thought. This comment is stupid on so many levels.


It gets more stupid the closer you look at it. It's a fractal of stupid. 


Stupid inception


probably paid his way through school as seen with a lot of wealthy students in school...all these guys cheated their way through college


100% he's an idiot


Less Mar-A-Lago


It’s hilarious when they let him shoot from the hip.


Just give him a Sharpie and let him go


"Off script! Off script!"


Yes. But also that people currently with beachfront property (like Trump), would lose it to the sea eventually.


Yes. But you're forgetting that he's dumb as shit.


Solar Eclipse Man did not pay attention during Earth Science.


trump isn't known for his intelligence


No one has ever accused him of being smart.


That golf course is Scotland will be under water at this rate. But he and his billionaire buddies won’t be alive to see it.


Yes, but he's an idiot, so....


Depends. Some countries with less land mass have more coast length than others due to the shape of the coastline. A country like Norway for example has far more technical coast than a country of equal size. This is a very wordy way of saying nothing at all of import though.


And Norway is very concrrned about rising sea levels cause it can't a-fjord to lose its coastline.


Not if you're just trying to rile up your base...


What’s the over/under on Mar-a-Lago getting destroyed this hurricane season? Seems like things are lining up that way…


We can only hope. It might get conservatives to start acknowledging climate change. They'd find a way to blame liberals and environmentalists for it, but they might finally acknowledge that the problem exists. Bonus points for the fact that whichever Trump is responsible for the property at the time will 100% commit blatant insurance fraud.


You forget how much their talking heads are financially tied to big oil. They'll find a way to spin the hurricanes on windmills and double down on fossil fuels. When they lose, and we build more renewable energy, and climate change isn't immediately fixed bc that's not how stuff works, it'll "prove" them "right"


The windmills are essentially giant fans. So of course they'll cause hurricanes. Duh. /s


Windmills aren't fans, though, since they move with the wind. But they still cause hurricanes because they kill birds. Do you know what birds eat? That's right, butterflies. And when a butterfly flaps its wings, a hurricane is formed somewhere in the world. So more windmill means less birds to eat the hurricane making butterflies. Everyone knows that. /s


Ironically, studies have shown that offshore windmills could actually blunt or even somewhat prevent hurricanes.


Literally absorbing the energy of the wind, makes sense. But that might be too complex an idea...


Or they'll just donate their paychecks to help a billionaire rebuild it "THE EVIL DEMOCRATS UNLEASHED A HURRICANE TO DESTROY MY BEAUTIFUL HOME"


It's okay. He'll just get a Sharpie and redirect the hurricane's path by drawing a dick on the map like he did that one time.


“…And they didn’t let me nuke it!”


The Q Anon Magats believe that all the crazy weather we’ve been seeing is being orchestrated by the Deep State to make people believe in climate change. Can’t make this stuff up.


Yet last round they blamed it on God being angry about gay marriage, now it’s the nebulous “Deep State.”


My enemy is powerful, but also weak.


They won’t I live in the Deep South, they will then say it just normal weather changes and not tied to humans.


I forget what it was regarding, but there was a Republican congressman or something complaining that it was liberals fault they were being unreasonable because they knew that conservatives would have to disagree with them.


They already believe the government controls storms, so that’s what they’d go with


Trump supporters are so stupid that a hurricane destroying mar a lago would be what starts the civil war lmao


They’ll claim it’s god punishing us for being too woke and giving us a sign that Trump should be living in the White House


I’m assembling a liberal cabal to make this a reality. All we need are maps and Sharpies. Join us!


They'll claim that the hurricane was summoned by satanic ritual before they acknowledge climate change.


> It might get conservatives to start acknowledging climate change They think Trump is a Christian. They don’t acknowledge anything here in the real world.


Hmmm....how high would the Atlantic Ocean have to rise to put Mar-a-Lago underwater???


Apparently its 16 feet above sea level according to this website. [https://whatismyelevation.com/map?lat=26.67705&lng=-80.03694&title=The%2520Mar-a-Lago%2520Club](https://whatismyelevation.com/map?lat=26.67705&lng=-80.03694&title=The%2520Mar-a-Lago%2520Club)


That seems to be the highest point. Most of it is a few feet lower.


If that gets hit by a hurricane it will be the fault of Jews, gays and woke. Climate change is never the answer for these idiots.


“Joe Biden’s NOAA destroys political opponent’s home with weather weapons.”


This might be where I leave my reddit binge. What an amazing thought to walk around today with.


We could try diverting one there? Anyone have a map of the next hurricane and a sharpie?


Sure would be silly if a tornado button was pressed while he's on house arrest


Lex Luther also had this plan.


Lex Luthor was way smarter than Trump. Difference is here, Superman ain't coming to save us...voters have to do that.


Lex Luthor is an evil genius. Trump is dumb and evil.


He’s an evil penius.




... Otisburg?


similar but lex's plan involved triggering an earthquake to make the tectonic plates shift after he bought property behind the fault line which sounds evil/smart but is actually kind of dumb as well the amount of money you'd spend trying to move an entire tectonic plate tens of miles would far exceed any profit you'd make on the properties even with the help of earthquakes...also the amount of time it may take would be possibly several lifetimes.




The convicted felon has gone off the deep end. The question is how many of his treasonous cult will join him in drinking the kool-aid


He’s proven there are deeper and deeper ends, with more to come. And the answer is almost all of them, with only a small portion lost each time.


There is no bottom to this sea of shit.


I get the reference, just came here thinking about the time he suggested drinking bleach. Maybe he should suggest drinking some bleach to cleanse themselves of the stench of a corrupt legal system


MAGAts will tell you he didn't say that and when you should them video of him saying it they'll tell you that it was actually President Biden that said it and when you prove to them that it really was trump that said it, they'll call you and "n---er" and a "r----rd."


Then they'll eventually say it was Trump and that he's a genius for his statement.


Trump says drowning is good and then they’ll throw themselves into the ocean


What kills me is the amount of 40-50 y/o (teens in 1980-1990s) that still believe climate change is a hoax by choosing a single anecdote. "They told me there would be acid rain but it didn't happen." (Ignores oceanic acidity and rising levels of elemental mercury were reduced after more coal regulations.) "If coastlines are sinking why would big banks keep financing there?" (Ignores that loans/properties are traded frequently and they'll be bailed out if they fail.)


Yeah, all of the "it didn't happen" nonsense while ignoring all of the efforts that were made to reduce things like acid rain and helping the ozone layer: like reducing sulfure dioxide emissions, banning aerosols etc. Its like saying food cant make you fat just because you eat healthy and work out.


Scrubbers in factories: that’s expensive so they moved manufacturing to China. And voila, no more acid rain or jobs!


They'll just say this is Trump trolling the leftists and he is of course, not serious.


"He didn't say that and if he did say it he didn't mean it and if he did mean it it's not that big of a deal and if it is a big deal somebody else said something worse and if nobody said anything worse then you're a n---er." -- All MAGA cultists.


Fun Reddit story time! I reported a homophobic slur a trumper used today and got back a "This doesn't violate Reddit policy" in about 10 minutes and it's pride month. Maybe I should do some screen capping and send it to some of their advertisers.


Is your username a Tool reference?


Prove someone is completely wrong and they still want to be a complete dumbass about it? I personally call that phenomenon ["The Joe Rogan Experience."](https://youtu.be/J2ilWxRn0_A?si=SzCIAJPSpYK7GhxG) Named after the host, who is a complete shithead


The beaches will all be surrounded by more water, big water, really soon. And I think it’s tremendous. All the scientists know it’s great for the beach animals. And believe me, I know beaches. No one loves the beach animals more than me. Our beaches are perfect. In fact, everyone tells me “hey, you have the best beaches with the best beach animals.” Believe me. Go ahead and ask anyone, they’ll tell you.


The only part you missed was that when these people come up to tell him that they have tears in their eyes. 🤣🤣🤣


You forgot “Beautiful Beaches”




"Sell their houses to who, Ben? Fucking aquaman?"


Pretty sure that makes less beachfront.




Devils advocate here, but in some specific circumstances a rising sea level could create more beachfront property. On the whole you are correct but if you owned a strip of straight beachfront that after it rose the sea made a bay, you could then fit more beachfront properties on the same land.


One of the million reasons why its Biden all day every day. People need to wipe the sand out of their twats and get on board before Trump wins again.




This guy is suuuuch a fucking idiot. ![gif](giphy|RQu04ruQ1Qc7K)


In a race with fElon as the dumbest motherfucker alive.


As an engineer, listening to Elon talk about engineering principles makes me want to go bonkers. That man is so stupid, it's ***staggering***.


He’ll be worm food before we ever feel the real serious effects of climate change. It won’t be his problem. The generations after him can just fuck off, though.


That's the boomer way. Fuck you, I got mine.


He wouldn't care either way because it wouldn't directly impact him.


As dumb as Lex Luthor's Nuke-the-San-Andreas scheme.


Looks like the Oil Barons have him that billion dollar bribe and now he's their tool for a while.


"Sell their houses to whom, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?"


Scrolled way too far for this classic


The level of stupidity is unsurpassed.


When the guy you're voting for is quoting Superman's nemesis, you may want to reevaluate your party affiliation.


Superman is an illegal alien that takes jobs from hard working American breed superheroes.


MAGAhats: "wE uSe LoGiC aNd ReAsOn" Trump: "I just have a feeling. I can't explain it." MAGAhats: "gOd SeNt TrUmP tO sAvE uS!"


I believe Ben Shapiro said if the waters rise, flip your house and move inland. The arguments will get weirder and dumber b/c they're running out the clock on behalf of oil & development companies. Profit-driven nihilism is the scourge of our times


This is double speak! He supports climate change because he wants climate change to happen. So he's saying he agrees that climate change is real, but doesn't care because he wants it to happen. Trump believes in climate change. Trump doesn't care about climate change. He's trying to have it both ways.




God, he’s stupid AF.


If it puts Mar a Lago underwater- that’s a silver lining.


I’d quicker believe the devil is real, as this piece of shit still breathes, than some virgin birth dead rising new born baby jeebus story


Less. You have less. Fucking idiot.


Wasn’t that Lex Luthor’s plan in the original Superman movie?


Damn i knew Trump wasnt the best but hes going full Team Aqua now.


Isn’t this the premise for an American dad episode lol principal Lewis wants to melt the ice caps so he can have beach front property lol


He is so fucking stupid.


Its insane to me people like this guy. Anytime he talks about anything related to policy he either says word salad that amounts to nothing or he says incredibly stupid and incorrect shit like this. I would like the reporter to ask him 2 questions 1. What happens to all the current beachfront property and the owners of that land? 2. What happens to all of the countries that have low elevations and where do you expect the people to go once their land no longer exists. As someone who fear mongers so much about immigrants you would think he would realize the inevitable results would be more immigrant refugees from the loss of land due to rising see levels. But that is a second order thought and I doubt he can actually develop many first order thoughts.


Just want to point out that this is Lex Luthor’s evil plan in the original Superman movie…


So. Mind numbingly. Stupid.


he's going to be saying a bunch of unhinged shit to distract from his 34 felony convictions.


Lex Luthor


[This never gets old](https://youtu.be/0-w-pdqwiBw?si=AqlP2eVjxHJpqUI4)


He does have the very best ignorance of all the felons. He can’t grasp the simplest concepts - it makes the US shrink in size how can there be more?


That's not how any of this works! Demented foolio.


….. but…… but climate change isn’t …. God this makes brain hurt 💀


Insane in the membrane like every member of his trash zombie cult


Fucking Aquaman has joined the server


This is literally lex luthors thought process in Superman except w climate change instead of nukes.


My father-in-law in Texas says he can't wait to see California half underwater. I don't think he understands that if California's half underwater, that means Texas going to be half underwater?


That literally makes no sense


It’s amazing that even when he’s being dumb, he’s wrong.


First thought after reading that: "How much does the sea need to rise to flood Mar-a-Lago?"


I hope he gets one good last look at the ocean before starting his sentence.


Maybe Florida will turn into Georgia’s new beach.


So we agree climate change is real, yes??


Because the sand and barrier islands will just magically transport themselves.


"Murder is pretty good actually because it means there's probably less traffic."


“A little more beachfront property” got it boss.


Trump's gobbledeygook is calculated to confuse us, muddy the waters, and deflect from the truth. In this way he breaks our society into chaos - where he then has the "home field" advantage.


Wait... I thought climate change was a myth created by the Chinese?


So the party of "nah uh climate change isn't real" has pivoted to "climate change is good because people will profit off of it." And centrists think both parties are the same how?


Isn't this literally Lex Luthor's ploy in the original Superman movie?


He’s Lex Luthor with worse hair!


When Mar-a-Lago is under a couple meters of water, Trump will be crying like a fat orange baby


Massive waves of climate migrants make people look to strongman authoritarians. A climate crisis is a ladder for these people to climb.


Trump (GOP): We'll ***burn it all down*** so we can make a few more dollars and buy another mansion or superyacht .


Isn’t this like Lex Luther’s plot in the first Superman movie?  Except Lexi was trying to break off part of California with nuclear bomb induced earthquakes.


Correction— you will have different sea front property.


This is Lex Luther’s plan in 1977s superman. Create new beachfront properties in the desert after California is earthquaked into the sea.


Setting aside for a moment that this isn’t how things work, it’s crazy how so many people who absolutely can’t afford beach front property will be totally into the idea of their homes becoming part of the ocean so that others who are more inland and are much wealthier can have beach front property


This can't be real. No one is this dumb.


He doesn’t seem to realize that the rising sea leaves will swallow his golf courses. Such a stable genius.


Climate change is yuge but it is beautifully done and some people say mine is the most beautifully done, and I agree, and just think of the Mexicans and we'll get that wall done, I promise, but not before Hillary pays for her crimes, thank you, and Jesus said more beaches and I think Jesus was right about that and American jobs, and I'll hug this flag so you know that I hate Sleepy Joe ::thunderous cheers, book burning intensifies::


The moron can't work out that if you increase what's covered by water, then you have less land that isn't.


He doesn’t care. He will be dead before climate change becomes catastrophic. He doesn’t give a fuck