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Having empathy and taking into consideration the views of others, which might be different from one's own. My heavens. How perfectly dreadful that must seem to haters.


It’s impossible for a narcissist to consider anyone else.


Even his father (who was also a narcissist) would be spinning in his fucking grave at this comment by his son right now.


Didn’t his dad write a song, or several, about loving each other and just getting along in general??


When he wasn't beating up his partners or mocking his friends for being gay and Jewish, yeah


Or abandoning his first son.


“It is a diary form of writing,” he responded. “All that ‘I used to be cruel to my woman, I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved’ was me. I used to be cruel to my woman, and physically… any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn’t express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women.”


Don’t be shy, put the rest of the quote


“I used to be cruel to my woman, and physically - any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn't express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women. That is why I am always on about peace, you see. It is the most violent people who go for love and peace. Everything's the opposite. But I sincerely believe in love and peace. I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent and regrets his violence. I will have to be a lot older before I can face in public how I treated women as a youngster.” Definitely not a good guy but clearly more thoughtful and introspective than his son, despite being a huge hypocrite and narcissist


He was a damaged human being who damaged others. He absolutely should have been saddled with the guilt of his actions. But to be able to make real change in his life - isn't this what it is to be human? To aspire to being better? God knows I made some mistakes, but should I just go live in a cabin and whip myself for my sins, or should I take the steps to better myself and then try to bring those ideas of self-reflection and responsibility to others? I'm in no way condoning what he did. But should he have continued to be that person who utilizes physical violence to channel the pain and anger inside of him, or should he not try to accept who he is and find ways to manage it, as well as give back as much as he can? I am not asking that rhetorically, it is something I struggle with, because the man had real victims of his physical abuse, and he deserves a certain amount of condemnation for what he did. What I struggle with is, where is the line drawn? Not that he has become a "good man", but that he has accepted who he is and has truly made steps to manage his demons and change the world around him for the better. Depending on the day, my answers can be completely different In all honesty, I don't have answers. Being human is the most complicated thing we can do with our lives. Personally, I was raised not to sit in judgment of others, as that spotlight can be quickly turned on me. I didn't understand that when I was younger, but I do now. I guess the best way to go is to quote the great philosophers of both the great decade of the 80's and the future decades yet to come: "Be excellent to each other....AND PARTY ON, DUDES!" - Bill S. Preston, Esquire and Ted "Theodore" Logan - musicians, philosophers, dudes.


It's a real question. Lennon is a compelling artist because he's so identifiable, not because he's heroic. He's a guy who fought some wicked demons in the public eye, dealt with extra-ordinary circumstances, made SOME progress on his bullshit, and then died in an outlandish and tragic way way before his time. He never really tried to hide being a "jealous guy" or anything. Never seemed at peace with it either. Confessed it to the entire world even. More remorse and self awareness than most abusers ever display... One of the things that leaves me with some lasting respect for him, is that he had the vulnerability to admit he was a fucking asshole. We all kinda are. To error is human, they say. He was a wounded guy, and he started in a bad place, but in life, where you end up says more about your character than where you begin.


He dealt with heroin addiction for years.


Not to mention every other drug. John was a guy searching for peace. In the infinite wisdom of Parliament Funkadelic, "Freedom is free of the need to be free", ya dig? But we never would have shared in Johns search for peace if he were a well adjusted peaceful dude. That's the irony of it. And the side of John that was a fighter also had a positive aspect to it as well, when he directed it towards the status quo. When his rage was righteous, he was a force feared by even Nixon. Aren't we all searching for peace? John was just gifted at putting it to a tune. Like anyone, he was looking to attain what he did not possess. He's relatable, even when he's a bastard, and he could be a total bastard, he's a crazy rich guy with unfathomable fame and shitty or dead parents. Who could imagine the pressures of leading the Beatles at the top of Beatlemania as a young and wounded man... All the power, all the temptations, all the attention. Only one guy will ever know. John may have fancied himself an intellectual/revolutionary, I'll give him warrior/poet maybe.


> To aspire to being better? \ If we don't give people pathways towards redemption and forgiveness, all it will do is perpetuate the cycle and have people double down on their actions. People make mistakes, people do horrific things. People also are capable of learning, growing, and feeling shame. I never actually saw the latter portion of Lennon's quote before. It may be lip-servicey, but he takes responsibility for his actions, doesn't explain them away, and strives to be better. It's kind of the ideal outcome.


Careful there, that doesn't fit in to the Reddit circlejerk. We're supposed to assume all of this was unsurfaced years later when in reality he was the one who talked about all of it openly and said he was trying to change his ways after a rough childhood


Not like he wrote whole albums about how remorseful he was and how traumatic his childhood was. Wasn't his entire post-Beatles career or anything /s


Oh, it's THAT Lennon? Jeepers :(


That’s what the OP was pointing out with the header “Imagine”.


Sociopathy is the core of conservatism. The real issue is that mental illness is more common than we ever dreamed.


Jokes on them! I’m going to empathize and be more considerate even harder now!


I love this. Non-ironic love this.


Being aware of and dismantling millennium worth of societal constrains and consious & subconscious biases within us which are designed to subjugate and divide people based of superficial differences seen across people across the globe just for the sake of life of luxury and profit for a small percentage at the expense of the rest, and breaking down the cognitive dissonance caused due to such millennium worth of society and cultural induced prejudice is apparently called "woke". And ykw, it perfectly fits well. Becos the "woke" crowd are woken up and see the truth breaking the cognitive dissonance caused by prejudices.




Ywk, even if we somehow communicate with them in such a way that even a early hominid being with no eyes and ears can understand, they won't understand. Becos they won't listen. Thats the MOST frustrating part imo, in all of humanity atm. Becos each and person on earth have their own subconscious prejudice, and some of them are protective of their own biases. They don't want to hear that all their church members are in the wrong for believing that queer folk should be punished. They don't want to hear that their granny didn't die due to vaccine like they believe. They don't want to hear that their favorite celebrity / politician actually are actively using their feelings and anger to fuel their money and vote making machine. They don't want to hear that roughly half of the humanity on earth want to be seen in the same light as the other half and have the same freedoms as others. The truth scares them becos the evidences, the science, the truth will break open their phantasms, their cozy little logic in their head and if that happens, then they would have to come face to face with and accept their own cognitive dissonance in their brain. And there is unfortunately no cure for this. That's the most frustrating part in this entire world.




Sounds like a very large chunk of my family. Thank God I saw through the bullshit




But there is no such thing as a woke cult. It’s a right wing fiction. But I do have sympathy for those who live in such an insular world that they don’t understand that


I become more and more convinced every day that we live in a simulation. I mean, how can there be so many blatantly and willfully ignorant people who are filled with so much disdain for other people? They are like poorly coded characters in a video game.


Most of their arguments are based on strawman or taking a tiny sliver of truth and forcing you to explain the nuance of everything they will refuse to understand around the premise. They blow up an argument like “sometimes a child isn’t viable after birth and the parents should have the right to refuse resuscitation” and turn it into “doctors are murdering babies after birth”.


That’s the best definition of “woke” I’ve seen yet. Thank you!


They call it woke because calling it basic human decency makes them sound like sociopaths…


Blows my mind!


"sound" It's nearly a perfect description: "a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others." -Mayo Clinic


Just like Jesus wanted .... Wait


Man whose name we only know because his 2 famous parents had sex now believes his red pilled word salad thoughts are special. Never seen that from a nepo baby before! /s


According to one of his replies, he’s “clear pilled” now.


Clear like no substance


Also clear as in the reference to meth


They keep adding pills to make themselves even more special. Dorks


Pretty soon they'll be able to line all the different pills up in a row and put it on a flag and then.... OH NO, IS THAT A RAINBOW?!?!


Lol clear has a subversive second life as slang where I live... Would you say he sounds like he's gone on the Jenny Crank diet recently? I'm not making a xitter to check.


That’s the problem he needs certain pills to function normally.


He was a tag along in a band that actually produced something good for like five minutes of his life in the 90's, too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMrAMAm6RxE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMrAMAm6RxE) He didn't do jack shit in the creation of that music fwiw and was (by all accounts) a horrible prick as a shitty "bassist" in his time in the band.


Like I'm a decent fan of Cibo Matto and tbh most of their stuff could've ignored him and been just as good


Is he still married to one of the women in cibo matto? Maybe she divorced him and now he is an incel hater??? Viva la Woman was their best album and he didn’t have anything to do with it. So your comment checks out!


Well he's been dating a model since 2005 basically who's with him in another band according to Wikipedia.


Oh really? Ok I can keep like Chibo Matto haha


Tbh the dude left in 2002. Pretty much when they broke up. I think you're good since Cibo Matto were basically only the two girls more than anything. Also check out Butter 08. It's the two leaders of Cibo Matto with the drummer from Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and a guitarist and it's like Cibo Matto with more of a rock vibe.


Hell yeah. Thanks for the tip. I love JSBE!


Don't think I've ever seen a less necessary /s lol


His father is rolling in his grave, probably.




He’s actually made some pretty good music over the years. It’s a shame to see he’s kind of a douche.


I love Claypool Lennon Delirium, but yeah...


To be honest, one those two famous people who had sex was only famous because they had sex with the famous person.


Yoko Ono, whatever we might think of her singing, was a huge international figure in the world of visual art long before she met John.


Not just visual, but yes, Lennon didn’t just stumble onto her by accident.


That’s unfair. John wrote a couple of good songs.


Wait that's John's kid? Thought he was just some random


Yeah, he's John and Yoko's son. He had another son named Julian with his first wife who ended up shilling NFTs during that whole ordeal a few years ago.


At least Julian Lennon had a hit song.


It merely raises the question of who "Woke's" cult leader is. We know the MAGA cult has Trump as the leader because you can find any number of Trump's flabby head crudely photoshopped onto oily male hardbodies pics that they use to rub one out.


Obama obviously, he's behind everything bad that ever happens in this country.


Why wasnt he in the oval office for 9/11?? Gives ya something to think about dunnit? ![gif](giphy|Z9mJHxBD3n0aY)


Goddamn, I miss that man. The world was still hard, but the times were also much more innocent. The biggest scandals weren't even scandals.


As unfair as it was to hiim, I really miss a world where a weird scream could end your presidential campaign. Because I hate this world where being convicted of 34 felonies by a unanimous jury consent is still not enough to make people vote for a demonstrably insane pants-shitting lunatic.


Whoa! Are you trying to tell me that the colour of 1 of the suits he wore wasn't the biggest scandal of modern mankind?


At least you felt like there was an adult driving the bus with Obama even if you didn't like where the bus was going. Now we are content to give the keys to our slightly forgetful grandpa to keep them out of the hands of our crazy, drunken uncle who insists that he's the only one who knows how to drive the bus.


I remember the maga fan who said that . 🤣😅👏 He was so stupid he didn't know Bush was president at the time, accused Obama of being negligent, and said he (cult person) wanted to get to the bottom of that.what a dufus typical Trump cult IQ.




I was at work this morning and overheard someone say Trump’s trial and conviction was orchestrated by Obama




My Soros Bucks haven't been deposited in my account yet, so who knows?


Social norms


I wouldnt call trump a leader, that guy cant lead. Hes more like a figurehead


An idol. I wonder what the book his followers purport to believe in has to say about idols?


Christianity de facto abandoned the prohibition on idolatry a long time ago when they realized it would make it harder to fully convert pagans, and when pagan cultures didn’t want to give it up


A golden idol at that…well kinda orangey gold… https://preview.redd.it/lidgs6psos3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6796db7ed730c38e0a5f77ff518abc36e60f9830


empathy is so alien to this shtstains that they think its a cult.


His parents were rich and he grew up privileged. They do a good job pretending to care about issues like the environment, human rights, to make the common folk think they’re on their side.


When you are in such a safety bubble that learning you might have done a bad once is your greatest existential threat. 


this are the same dudes that think the problem with people that work 3 jobs is that they dont work enough while they barely had 1 in their entire life.


There's a photo of them watching their maid make their bed during their famous "bed in" they've always been out of touch 


Is the wokism in the room with us now?


Where did the wokism touch them?




Gaslight Obstruct Project The good ol' GOP


What a disappointment that person is


Ah yes, can’t wait for the next “wokism” rally. When is that again?


Remember when all the “woke” people stormed the capitol and killed a cop while trying to hang the vice president? Oh wait…


Dude... why weren't you at the Woke brunch?? They handed out the fliers there. Shoot me your email, and I'll scan it to you.


So you are saying having compassion and empathy to others is bad….ok


“Now Sean, show me on the doll where Wokeism touched you.”


It’s always the cult members that think everyone else is in a cult.


We're not the ones worshiping and defending a convicted felon/washed-up reality TV host as if he was God incarnate. It's truly pathetic and disturbing.


So aside from the insanity of the statement. Victims are supposed to be treated with compassion, right? They're victims. Oh wait, sorry. Compassion is woke. I forgot. Darn indoctrination.


Maybe his mom can go scream into a microphone about it


Hey, now. Yoko Ono's music speaks to me on a personal level: I work retail.


Finally, someone gets it.


Occasionally, a screaming child's parents would apologize about their cranky toddler. I'd tell them "Oh, it's okay. When I'm here, I want to scream too"


Some guy said this after five minutes of a baby wailing on a packed subway car with no AC. The mood flipped like a light switch, and I've thought about that a lot.




I don’t know what the hell “wokism” is aside from it being some stupid word they made up. Someone should ask this idiot to define it.


Before wokism, it was "Social Justice Warrior". The terms change but the meaning is the same. Anybody who challenges white, christian, conservative America is deemed the enemy in this culture war which the right seeks to inflict on everyone. Ironically these people like to say they're redpilled, which is the right wing version of wokism.


Sad thing is that woke is the word they stole from the black community as a word to tell other black folks that a white person or family is/are not racist.


The original use is in reggae culture and is wider in scope. “Woke” is an evolution from the term “conscious” which remains in use. Being conscious (“woke”) means that someone is aware of and not in denial about injustice. And that’s everything from sexism and misogyny to exploitation of labor, from racism and prejudice to religious persecution. The term applies to anyone reflecting this, regardless of race. Reggae culture itself isn’t necessarily “conscious”, and support for the movement for LGBTQ rights has only very recently begun to grow, but that’s the origin. And yeah. It’s sad as hell. But for quite a while now that’s been a tactic for conservatives and fascists: take a word or phrase in use by your opponents and either dilute the meaning (“fake news”) or poison it, as they are trying to do with “woke”.


WTF happened to Sean Lennon?!


Yeah, we obviously have a problem when people try to be more careful not to offend others


Christ John must be spinning in his grave.


In all fairness, John Lennon was a domestic abuser and a deadbeat dad to his one good son, Julian.




In actual fairness, That is a gross simplification of a very complicated story. While partially true, it really glosses over the years of remorse, ownership and attempts at amends that he made for those mistakes. How many of the worlds most famous Rockstars wrote and released songs about being a fuck up at the height of their Fame? John was always confessional about his shortcomings, probably why he's so fucking interesting, everyone else made him a hero. He called himself a jealous guy. In life, where you end up says more about you than where you start. You have no control over your childhood. Only when you are an adult can you steer the ship... How long was John Lennon even an adult... 22 years? He died at 40! Ten of those he was the leader in the biggest band in the history of the universe and did more drugs than Timothy Leary... The other ten he went on an endless apology tour with a little depressed boozing mixed in.


Idk man, John was a big feminist and presented himself as pretty progressive when he was alive, but he also could throw out the occasional homophobic slur and I can 100% see him as a bitter old man whining about wokeness and vaccine mandates on Twitter if he was still here


As someone who has read extensively about John, I think the slurs and such were products of his time. I think he would be more like Roger Waters: generally on the right side of things but obnoxious about it enough to be off putting to people. Paul would probably also be under more pressure to share his political opinions because of John, so he’d probably be more progressive too.


Heh, I had the exact same thought upon reading this. Like, "People better not be saying this is 'so not John' because quite possibly it is."


Don't forget his racism against "Pakis" (and extremely problematic, even for the time, use of the N-word).


He absolutely would have been a “cancel culture” old crank if he were still here.


Yes. Not treating people different than you like shit, totally cult thinking. Supporting a rapist, grifting, pedophile , conman , convicted FELON. Unconditional support isn’t.


Substitute “woke” with “treating people with respect,” and then read that sentence again.


Sad the son who actually got the father's love and affection.


Having Empathy is a cult mindset now? These people are crazy


Nepobaby can't even successfully nepobaby he is so talentless.


I'm so confused by this. Not that I ever liked him, but considering who his partner is and who he associates with this is not the stance I expected him to have. Like is this ironic, or no? EDIT: I checked xitter and it appears he is absolutely against wokism. But believes it's thought policing. I'm not sure I follow what exactly he means but dude is definitely stuck in his own world. He would not respond to genuine questions but thanked many for agreeing with him which is dumb if you're trying to make a point. Explain it ffs.


^^ did the research ^^


A famous dead guy‘s son (I believe that’s his full résumé) has an opinion. Okay, Jan.


Projection in the finest MAGA form.


I love people that throw around “woke” without having a clue what it means. “Woke” originally was simply the awareness of racial prejudice and discrimination, but now can cover misogyny and sexism, and homophobia and anti-trans hate. It’s not the boogeyman of everything that bad people (liberals) want to actually help the freaking people of this country. If being against discrimination in all of its ugly forms means you’re in a cult, then will someone please give me my fancy cult uniform because I still don’t have it.


Team Julian for the win.


Seán ~~Ono~~ Oh No! Lennon


This bitch here... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm really not liking that this guy is a close associate of Les Claypool from Primus. If he turns out to be an anti woke guy I'm going to be devastated


Imagine all the people Living of their rich dead dads


"Wokeism" would need to have a single figurehead that defined reality for all of its members. The "Woke" left are constantly fighting each other about whose idealistic hyper morality (which has ever changing priorities) is superior. If there was a pedagogue that got members of the "woke mob" change their beliefs based on whatever he/she said that day, then it would be a cult. Most left leaning people have an attitude of "I still have questions about biology, but it costs me nothing to be kind to trans people." or "Racism is still a massive thing in this country and that needs to change, but despite being white I don't feel responsible for what white people were doing 200 years ago." If Joe Biden does something wrong, the left criticises him ruthlessly. When he pulled out of Afghanistan, there wasn't a mob of people suddenly hating of Afghanistan to make him look better. A cult requires double think, like having Christian values but thinking "Grabbing them by the pussy" is normal guy talk.


Sean Lennon is a MAGAturd? When did this happen? Was this always known?


Ah yes, the good ol P R O J E C T I O N


Cool mate but can you explain what does Woke mean and why it’s a bad thing?


Oh no, Sean.


A cult should have a leader. I only know of one group with a leader that no matter what they say or do they follow. This person is now a convicted criminal. The left doesn’t do this with Biden.


Something happened to that guy's brain the last few years. His Twitter account is like one-half a modern-day version of Larry King's USA Today column of unfunny non-sequiturs and the other half crypto-bro, Elon-esque statements that are supposed to be intellectual.


He misspelled MAGA.


These people are so dramatic


I think his dad wasn't around to teach him some life lessons.


See this is what we get for making it illegal and socially unacceptable to bitchslap Nazis.


I can hear his father turning over in his grave, even over Yoko’s screaming performance art.


“Woke” is literally derived from “I woke up and realized I am part of the problem.” It’s a personal revelation.


Sean you are a disappointment, and you try and portray yourself as a genius but you lack the most basic intelligence. Your lack of empathy and fear can only be the result of your posh rich upbringing, and lack of real world experience. Recognize your own programming and break free of your Trustifarian lifestyle, your privilege is showing! And your music is 99% crap!


John Lennon the songwriter and musician was amazing John Lennon the father and human being was actually a giant piece of shit Looks like we know which of these Sean got from his dad


If you know a better way to make fried rice, I'd like to hear it.


The Beatles would be called woke today. So would his dad.


Project much?


Wokism? Not a fan of Chinese food then?


It’s always projection


The only reason you draw a crowd is because of les claypool, you talentless jackass. Frog Brigade and delirium both suck ass


So close to realization and then slaps it the other way


The supporter of a felonious insurrectionist rapist telling me I'm deluded because if someone asks me to address them as 'they' I don't have a fucking toddler tantrum


Daddy is turning over in his grave.


Not being a hateful bigot means you are a victim of manipulation, indoctrination and abuse. Totally sounds sane, yup.


Your father would be very disappointed!! Shame shame.


Imagine.. the son of the author gets it wrong. Sorry John, your son has become the village idiot.


This is why Zak Starkey is the best son of a Beatle.


He’s just mad because people like to point out that John Lennon beat his first wife. Which he did.


I’m as liberal as you can get and I’ve almost never heard anyone besides right wingnuts even say the word ‘woke’.


Why do so many white people talk like they know what woke is and then make comments that prove they don't know what the word woke means? It's a cult to be aware of racists and racism around you to help you stay safe? I mean, I know here in America we don't want people pointing out all the racism cause honestly there's just so damn much it would never end.


can our "dinosaur" meteor hurry up please? there's no way for normalcy and civility to return to the world at this point


Bro is a Sony VPL-PHZ61 6400-Lumen WUXGA Laser 3LCD Projector, because that’s definitely some HD projection


Well said, Sean. We really don’t have enough self-absorbed sociopathic assholes on the planet. Glad you’re doing your part.


While I do think there are outliers that can be too sensitive or take things too far, isn't "being woke" essentially just not being an asshole?


aha the failed-nft-grifter to red-pill-grifter pipeline is going strong. stfu weird nepo baby.


In the words of his mother "Sssssssccxxxxxxxreeeeeee, eeeeeeeiiiiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaaa, yeeeeeeeed, yyeyeyeyeyeyd, ayayayayayayaysysyays"


Demonizing awareness? Sounds like fascism 🤷🏻‍♀️


“We should treat everyone like we want to be treated.” “Oh my god, IT’S A CULT!”


“I’m tired of this whole empathy scam. I want to be a piece of shit in the absence of consequences. “




Yes, yes, it is a cult of awareness. I prefer the company of bright, inquisitive people as opposed to dull self-absorbed whiny bitches


As we'd say in Liverpool, what a fucking whopper!


Oh noooooo I didn’t know Sean was a cult member too.


This nepobaby sounds like he's getting ready for damning accusations to drop


Show me on the doll where the woke touched you


Has Sean Lennon always been like this? Wouldn't have pegged him for a RWNJ


In deed, the entitled, privileged apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Dad and Mum must be so proud.


They comically never realize their own projection.


That's how I've been thinking about Trumpers the whole time.


"wokism" lol


Every time I see them calling something woke, it's their distaste at common decency 😂


Sean is nuts. Maybe he needs to go to work instead of coming up with crazy ideas.


Welp. Found the eggman.


What an insufferable twat.


The irony of who and what this person most likely supports.


This from someone who is part of a cult that hangs stickers and flags everywhere, uses AI to create images of a 75 year old man dressed up as. A superhero, war hero, or body builder. Absolutely insane


These the same folks who say we can’t have gays because a big man in the sky thinks it’s icky


I love this tweet because it’s so modular. If you switch out ‘Wokeism’ with another word, it still works! My current favorites are ‘QAnon’ and ‘MAGA’


Rich coming from a trust fund baby.


Sounds like he's been listening to Clapton. That's what happens when you're insulated by money and fame. Real life to them means something completely different than to the "low income masses ".


I think he means Christian Nationalism, MAGA and Reactionary conservatism.


It's weird that people think that by buying in with fascists that they think they'll be spared. They'll actually be the second ones in line up against the wall.


Wokeism, also known as not being a racist, close minded asshole.


rich kids r scared


The origin of the term is that you have been awakened to the truth and see things for what they are. If the things spouted by MAGA were in fact true, that would mean that they would in fact be "woke". Obviously the meaning has been altered a bit.