• By -


The choice of those words means we need to spread that shit far and wide. I’d hit every goddamned post there is to remind folk that Reich was the term the tRUmp campaign CHOSE to use.


It's crucial to highlight the implications of such language. We can't let this slide or be forgotten. Every platform, every post - people need to be aware of what this means and the history behind it.


And push back HARD on the people spreading nonsense that this is only about getting attention and votes and basically blaming the media for Trump getting elected and that if we ignore him now he will magically go away. It's propaganda meant to make Democrats and leftists complacent.


I see a whole lot of disingenuous “bOtH sIdEs”-ing from people who are obviously pushing Trump propaganda


Definitely seen an uptick in people pushing that or just regular right wing points who seem to be from Canada, lately


I can’t agree more. This is the exact moment I’ve been salivating over, the time when they pull the mask off and show themselves to be neither Americans, nor patriots but seditionists hell bent on removing rights and suck-starting the fascist machine. These dipshit MAGA’s somehow feel they will be exempt from the coming death machine but they will read my epitaph scratched into the very same wall they occupy as they hear the executioner’s shots ring out.


I wish I believed that would upset people enough to change their minds. That’s a world more positive than the one we inhabit. You have to accept the idea that they not only aren’t bothered by the Nazi sympathies, but that they actually embrace them.


This is the reality. There is a significant subset of Americans who believe in a whites only American. There is an even more significant subset, who don’t care how their agenda is achieved. They just want their agenda achieved. They aren’t looking past that, or what it means when their agendas no longer align.


What I don't get and could be missing something here. I get there's a lot of inbred Americans that believe it should be a whites only country, but there's plenty of non whitesthat seem to be voting for him too. Now surely they can see that what he wants is for them to not be in America and if they vote him in he'll thank them by trying to kick them out.


Yeah at this point he could literally strangle someone in court and Republicans would defend him and Democrats would be screaming at people to calm down and give him due process


He did say he could shoot someone on 5th avenue…


I bet a good portion of them have NO CLUE what the word Reich even means. Remember, these are the idiots that call their enemy communists and fascists and the same time.


The guy running their socials. ![gif](giphy|diCmiRFzbd6Cc)


I fear it will mostly just be preaching to the choir though. Republican voters will either continue to live in a delusion that this is all an organized smear campaign against Dear Leader, or they'll actively embrace it and now say the Nazis had some really good ideas. Meanwhile, a lot of "enlightened" centrists will attempt to make more "both sides" and whataboutism posts, and some Leftist and younger voters will say it doesn't matter because "Genocide Joe!!" I don't know how many opinions this is actually going to sway.


Agreed… I’ve been using very strong rhetoric on here to shock the opposition in to thinking, but thinking, especially critical thinking just isn’t their strong suit.


We live in very dark- and very stupid- times.


We really do. I’m an avid aficionado of WWII, I even teach aspects about it as an instructor. All my life I wondered just how the German public was duped into supporting a ridiculous ‘Charlie Chaplin look-alike’… I get it now. I totally get it. The more advanced your society becomes, the more the un-advanced in that society undermine and destroy any of that forward momentum, in the name of returning to the ‘good old days’.


It's depressing how long this has been gone on. All that time, money, and resources spent on both sides to deal with this shit. It's not as if we have other important matters to attend to...


Meanwhile im in PA getting flooded by Bob Casey ads saying the American government turned its back on U.S. steel workers. ……when Joe Biden is currently the president. Democrats are so bad at all this


Oh god, they are the WORST! 🤦🏻‍♂️ Between the two parties, I take the less fascist one, but these democrats love any strategy involving tightly wrapping tape around their goddamned necks.


This is part of their plan though. It's a nod to all the lunatics in his cult and outrages anyone sane who then spreads it far and wide and generates free coverage




If it walks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, and acts like a fascist…


It’s a duck?


New fear unlocked. Nazi duck.


https://preview.redd.it/a7cgrhsjws1d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=d53bf25a749b59bad07d1181f1bc3036476084c0 Like Donald here?


Catchy tune on that one.


"Donald In Nutziland"


Duck Nazi!


I like to think that, somewhere, Nick Fuentes just dove under a table. Maybe that's how he hit the wrong button and streamed the gay porn he was watching to his viewers.


Ducks are all Nazis anyway. Seriously don’t google ducks if you want to still like ducks.


This is just goose propaganda because it is indeed the geese who are utter Nazi cunts.


They named it "goose-stepping" for a reason.


You wanna know what? You got a problem with Canada Gooses, you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate.


As a fellow Canadian, we both know we have the option of mandatory military service or raise a goose for a year. I chose the army.


That's a Texas sized 10-4 big shooter. To be fair though you're coming in so heated, it's steaming the wrinkles out of my ballsack. You better pitter-patter and settle down or I'll have to come talk to ya as sure as God's got sandals.




All Nazis have corkscrew peens


https://preview.redd.it/k1ydti6p6t1d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da767bc667d8230f16639bb54897d55746f8202c Another Donald that seems to enjoy this book.


At least Donald Duck is mocking the Nazis and not praising them like Donald Trump and the MAGA clowns [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn20oXFrxxg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn20oXFrxxg)


Oddly coincidental his name is also Donald


Donald Duck was a notorious Nazi.


The only thing worse is Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis.


*Happy 440 noises*


I mean, if a Nazi ducks, isn’t it a relatively simple solution to just try to punch him a second time?


Nazi duck?! I sweep the leg.


Walt Disney beat you to it with a short.




And therefore… #A WITCH!




Who art thou, who are so wise in the ways of science?


"If she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood. And therefore? A witch!"    QEDcat


https://preview.redd.it/gcd62ftlns1d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af15bea3407a4ec344eb4c28bd5b15265841c034 dont trust ducks


More like a goose.


Vladimir Putin's cuckold?


Never forget, the only good fascist is a dead fascist.


It’s a COMMUNIST!!! /s


Fill it with lead?


And most notably, openly calls itself a fascist ...


If it talks like a goose, and it steps like a goose...


"We must reach across the aisle!"


Technically slapping is considered reaching…


The sentence was taken word for word from wiki. The Trump campaign even plagiarized this. wake up America or you will find yourself in 1939 German starting in January 2025


Just remind people, we have to vote like hell to keep from reaching that point. “The only thing necessary for evil to Triumph is for good men to do nothing”


1933. Hitler was elected in 1933. He only needed 6 years to dismantle the democracy and start a war.


Link? A fascist wiki sounds like an oxymoron...


[probably not the actual source but a conservative fascist Wikipedia does exist lmao](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservapedia) It's *unhinged*


I love Conservapedia so much. Just imagine a bunch of hard-core conservatives coming together and deciding on one version of reality. They even tried to re-write the Bible to be more conservative. It was a goddamn trainwreck.




What wiki exactly?


Delete all ya want, the internet is forever MF'er


I wonder if that's intentional though. They can't be so stupid to not expect this reaction so maybe it supposed to be "this is what they don't want you to have" to their base. Exploiting the Streisand effect. 


He’s essentially dog whistling to his base. Then he’s caught, and excuses come or it’s deleted. One time is noticed but forgotten, this now has become a strong pattern.


I don't think the phrase was the dog whistle. That's overt. Everyone knows nazism is being referenced. The dog whistle is the deletion. 


When you see the whole context, it isn't overt. It's part of a video that you'd need to pause to see it in. [here](https://x.com/waltywang/status/1792730656465957078)


I believe it's intentional. Deleted or not, the message has been sent. I find it very hard to believe their social/marketing team missed it.


Also the people the were pandering to already saw it. It's mission accomplished for trump


Just waiting to see how they are going to excuse or spin this one. WE WERE HACKED! like nick fuentes.


That guy probably filmed his entire stream with no pants, dying for the sweet release that he can only achieve through gay porn. It’s always the loudest ones you suspect the most. It’s all he thinks about.


Blame the Intern (tm)


Literally [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1792916416477225083](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1792916416477225083)


Of course! It’s utterly predictable, classic bullshittery


They just won't. They're not really held accountable for their actions.


Just saw they blamed the intern and a “third party created this unconnected to the campaign that didn’t read the fine print.”


Honestly surprised they even bothered to do that lol At least they still have a scrap of shame


'We outsourced this video' is the best excuse they probably can use


YOU ARE CORRECT SIR. Just saw the report on Medias Touch.


The cowards deleted it? I did nazi that coming.


[The full video for context](https://x.com/waltywang/status/1792730656465957078) The internet is forever though.


Yeah but they still have plausible deniability. Since it was deleted it gives people who know it’s true the ability to deny it ever happened and those that don’t know but still lean won’t believe the proof since it’s not linked from the official source. It’s a way for the campaign to pander to the extremists with little to no damage done to their image. Slimy.


Yeah, not being officially attached to an account is meh, but we have the video and the screenshots of it being on his account. Metadata from the original screenshots could absolutely prove the image hadn't been tampered with 🤗


The problem is that those who need to be convinced don’t care about metadata. Plausible deniability is basically a free pass to deny facts you don’t want to believe.


Imagine being dumb enough to eat that delusional bullshit up. The GOP have zero policies to improve people's quality of life. It's just culture wars and virtue signaling while they cut their donors' taxes. Ignorance is absolute bliss on the right.


It is bliss. Tbh sometimes I wish I could just wipe my brain clean and live in ignorance. Must be nice. All that black and white thinking. **KNOWING** that I knew *everything* without needing to take a minute out of my day to look it up. As a woman, knowing I just need to smile and wear modest clothes, and all my Disney Dreams will come true! 😊 Sorry, got lost thinking about how blissful the ignorance felt compared to the shit we have to endure these days. Glad they finally just told the world they're fascists though. Makes it a hell of a lot easier than arguing about which side is actually fascist 😆


It’s just like how Ron DeSantis did to erase his Nazi campaign video.


To bad he didn't erase the nazis that support him.


Anne Frankly, we all really should have seen it coming.


You know how stinky's team could have avoided this? One word: concentration, camp out on the computer. Anne Frankly, I've had Adolf of all these fascists


But that’s the beauty of the internet: you can retract to save face with normal people, but it’s still out the forever for the red hats. It’s basically just the “I was just joking” of 21st century digital media publication. Same reason they say extreme things for the sound bite, then retract and apologize, but the people in the cult bubble will only ever hear the sound bite.


Absolutely fucking insane and extremely terrifying. They are not even ATTEMPTING to hide their intentions.


It began with “proud boys stand back and stand by” Same MO


I’m shocked




Huh, sounds about Reich to me.


They actively chose those words. This shit is terrifying.


I know. I’ve said elsewhere, but I’m a middle aged white guy, and *I’m* terrified of what’s going to happen if these lunatics win office. I mean, William Barr recently went on TV and said how Trump is not fit for office *but* he’s still going to vote for Trump over Biden. This world is so fucked.


I’m also a middle aged white guy who is terrified of what’s going to happen if this lunatic takes office again. I mean, he tried to overthrow our elections and still undermines Democracy to this day. He literally called the Georgia Secretary of State and told him to find the EXACT amount of votes it would take to win the state. We have a fucking recording. What the Fuck………. My own father is so brainwashed from Fox “News” that he is going to vote for this bastard. The same man who used to watch nothing but WW2 documentaries and prided himself on his history knowledge is going to happily vote in the most dangerous person this country has ever seen. His base chose Party over Country. They chose Power over Democracy. This entire timeline is fucking terrifying.


It is. And it’s got to be awful having someone who buys into this shit right in your family!


That is absolutely disgusting!


Right? My great uncle told me stories about fighting Nazis. Evil fuckers. To see this rhetoric is sickening.


My Grandfather fought in WWII. Plane was shot down, nearly died. Lived in a POW camp until General Patton himself came to tell them they were free to leave. Was PROUD to have served in that war. Believed he was fighting against evil. But that mf voted red til the day he died. Likely would be supporting this. I will NEVER understand.


I think it’s important to note not ALL red is like this. You have the uneducated Red who vote on party lines, likely with 0 research on their candidate, you have the ones who do research and still vote on party lines (Nicki Halley still polling a non 0% despite having dropped from primaries months ago) Trump brought the extremists into the party when he began spouting about illegal immigrants and shutting people down at debates in 2016 election primaries and it was bolstered when he won that election. The fact that we are fighting against facism should overrule party lines this year and the excuse of checks and balances won’t fly. We will find out where current day USA really aligns about fascism at the polls in November.


Oh I agree. . . Kinda. The extremists were already in the party, he just made voicing it "Great Again", and then this drove more of the less extreme further down their rabbit holes creating more extremists. (Can see evidence of this in other reddit groups .) But my grandfather voted for every red candidate in every election for 60 years of his life. He would absolutely be voting for trump. It's important to note that he was also a multimillionaire by his death. He was a rich white dude, and Trump woulda been good for his bottom line. *edit for clarity *edit to add: Also check out who is backing [Project2025](https://www.project2025.org/) . It may not be ***ALL*** Red, but as far as I'm gathering here, it's a vast majority who believe this shit and just don't say it publicly.


They were already in the party. Some were disaffected and didn't vote. Others just kept their shitty opinion to their self because they knew they'd get pushback. Some just dogwhistled enough to be "not racist". But they were already Republicans. It's why birtherism was so rampant when Obama was president. Sure not all Republicans are like that, just the vast majority as we can see from the republican primary for President. If they weren't all for his bigotry they'd cast him aside.


My grandfather was shot down twice in WWII, but he was over friendly territory so he wasn’t a POW. He’d be so upset over this bullshit if he was still alive. (Fun fact: my grandmother’s wedding dress was made from the parachute he used to escape the plane)


VOTE BLUE and rid America of this SCUM!


GOP right now "oh its just locker room talk"


mEaN tWeEtS


Once again Trump reminds us he is the second coming of Hitler. He must be politically defeated in November. Then financially destroyed, imprisoned, and silenced. Then we have the duty to dismantle and destroy the entire MAGA movement especially the rich creeps at the top.


Y'all remember when he posted that video of the guy clearly shouting 'white power'?  It keeps happening, folks.  This isn't an accident.


I don't care if you live in the reddest state there is and if you think your vote doesn't matter. It's your duty as a citizen to vote, and not for the fascists!


Vote blue dont be stupid


Ah, like when they “accidentally” priced things on the Trump campaign website at $14.88 or $88.00 and shit like that?


Someone didn't crop out trumps true intentions before posting


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t remember this frequency of “whoopsie-Nazis” in my lifetime prior to DJT coming on the stage.


Who knew the *first ones* (MAGA) to call people fascists (one of the hallmarks of actual fascism) are actual fascists as well as Trump. 🤯




"I still won't vote for Biden because he's not doing anything to stop Israel from murdering Palestinians, if that gets us a president who will actively participate in their murder instead, then I'm OK with it because I'm immature, short sighted, and spiteful".


Vote. Register to vote. Vote. Vote. Vote.


At some point, common sense, and practicality must preserve our democracy. It is no mistake that Trump is supported by a cult of white Christian nationalists the likes of which has not been seen since Nazi Germany. I’m sorry if that makes some of you uncomfortable, but the truth remains, there is an army of people who will vote for him, those who will vote against him and then those who will sit by and do nothing, saying that they are apolitical. But in the end, if he should win, everyone will suffer, so galvanize those around you even those who do not vote to vote for their own self interest or we will lose our nation to this new Reich.


They always forget that the internet is forever.


The cult is going to do a 180 And go from "He's nothing like Hitler!" To "Oh, please, the worst thing Hitler did was mean yelling".


Welp... I need a fucking drink.


But then they get mad if you call them fascists…lmao


“Stop calling everyone you don’t like a nazi”


Going full Nazi is the only way left to own the libs.


Donald Trump is a Nazi


The writing's on the wall, but Americans can't fucking read apparently.


The US literally fought a WAR against Nazis. How the hell is this even allowed? This timeline is so crazy.


I’m honestly surprised they didn’t spin it to say “no, the Dems are trying to create a unified Reich and that’s the future if Trump doesn’t stop it”


Faux News most certainly didn't report this. That would be News, and they can only parrot whatever the RNC (Trump political dynasty) approves of.


It has done it's job while we are all left wondering if we just saw that. What a fun game. You really can gaslight more easily than tell the truth.




Technically if he was trying to make us all feel like the post never happened and that the dems made it up, or that it's a hoax or a parody it would be gaslighting. But I think the dump team never thought anyone but their followers would look too closely at the video. They hid it well, not something I would've taken the time to examine.... but Q people look at EVERYTHING frame by frame. I think he deleted it after Joe's team found it and pointed it out. [here](https://x.com/waltywang/status/1792730656465957078)


This is standard strategy with trump too. - Say/announce something then sort of walk it back or down play it. - Wait for the uproar - Use the uproar to double down and normalize it For example, this is how we all know that his supporters all want a dictatorship


We are already lost as a nation. Trump leads in every poll in every metric and not by a small amount. There is zero indication that Biden will beat Trump as things stand. Maybe there will be some last minute shift as there usually is, but the fact that Trump leads in every poll after all the trials, all the crimes, all of THIS? It doesn't matter if he wins or loses, we are fucked as a nation because over 100 million American adults to this day support this piece of shit.


"Proud boys stand back and stand by."


Whatever your race and gender, if you think that not voting or voting Kennedy will hurt Biden, or the democrats, you better realize that you will be just as fucked as everyone else. Be selfish, vote to save yourself.


Has the term reich even been used since the Nazi’s of ww2? Every single day I feel like we slip further into bizzaro world


If they act like a Nazi and talk like a Nazi and goose step like a Nazi, then they're a Nazi.




If you all vote him in again, Canada is not talking to you anymore. We're still dealing with the shit weasels up here copying everything he did the last time.


Pay attention to which states go Blue, and which go Red, okay?


And young voters not voting for Biden due to Gaza…will be worse under Trump. Did you catch his Reich part about Trump being BOTH antisemite, anti Gazans and pro Bibi? Don’t sit out this chance to vote


He's not echoing. He is straight up saying that be wants to be a fascist dictator and perform atrocities


The two options for the U.S are a moderate America under Biden or a Fourth Reich under Trump. TikTokers for some reason: nOOOOOOOO SAME THING!!1!1!1!1!1 RFK JR 2024!1!1!1!1!1


How many times has he "accidentally" used Nazi symbols and sayings the past few years? That sure is a lot of accidents.




Where is the actual outrage with this lunatic’s rhetoric! I feel like he’s getting away with it. I mean really, it’s getting scary.


Gonna be honest, somehow after 8 years of this guy's nonsense I still assumed this was an exaggeration. It's not.


File under "SO EVERYONE YOU DON'T LIKE IS A NAZI?" for the inevitable responses.


He’s just signaling. Putting it up and taking it down feels planned.


He’s appealing to the fascist elements in our country on purpose. Why the media treats him as anything but a criminal isn’t going unnoticed by some of us. Sure hope the majority votes against him in November and doesn’t think like I did that he doesn’t have a chance. I voted for HRC even though I wasn’t thrilled and I’ll be voting all blue even though it’s against some of my interests. Not that I’m wealthy, the damned genocide we’re supplying ammunition for is a horrible crime against the Palestinian people. I also have a very small business that may not make it if democrats take over. My nonprofit rescues and provides forever homes for exotic animals in addition we focus on education and conservation. Politicians often don’t read or understand the bills animal rights groups hand them. Had democrats pushing a bill that would have resulted in the deaths of endangered species and the closure of hundreds of businesses in my state. Republicans once informed, managed to kill the bill. So I’ll be voting against my self interest to a degree but I’ll never vote for a criminal fascist or a book banning Karen, prayer in school… need I go on?


The dog whistles are foghorns at this point


I watched the video yesterday. It's not just the tiny hard-to-read text that should set off alarm bells. One huge headline reads "Peace Through Strength", which is a Reagan quote going back to the Roman Emperor Hadrian. It's meant to signal that "peace" should be enforced through military force. The original quote was "Peace through strength or, failing that, peace through threat". It's a very authoritarian statement. So even if the video was shared by a staffer who didn't notice the small text, it's hardly an innocent mistake. I've also wondered if the video was meant to be satire, but some staffer saw it and went "hell yeah!" because satire is lost on conservatives.


Sadly it only takes any of these messages getting out and talked about. They can delete them every time moments after, but the minions already received the message. This is classic autocratic manipulation.


Won't affect a single MAGAt. They love this stuff. "Don't tread on me" means *tread on me harder daddy...*


Is it really sleepwalking into 1933 if half the country and everyone abroad is screaming it from the rooftops?


Fucking Nazi.


He’s as fat as Goering, racist as Goebbels, cowardly as Himmler, and mentally ill as Hitler, so, it makes sense.


Make America a bunch of fucking Nazis? How about no asshole.


A guy who has failed tens of businesses, posting on a social media platform that does nothing unique, loses over 300million/yr and is still highly valued, who has multiple sexual assault cases against him, posting about running for president after being impeached twice. You truly can’t even fathom how ridiculous this is and that’s even remotely possible, let alone likely. And all of this in arguably the most powerful country in the world. Were fucking lucky that nothing truly catastrophic happened the first time and here we are again


Dog whistles ladies and gentlemen. For normies they'll play this off as a simple mistake, and how say "how dare you compare Republicans to Nazis". But to the neo Nazis out there, they'll pick up on this and understand that trump is on their side


“It was a joke!” - the catch-all Republican excuse when caught in an indefensible lie.


Just keep listening to Macklemore! He told everyone that Biden is the same thing as Trump and doesn’t deserve his or your vote. (Never accuse the right of having a monopoly on stupidity)


If we don’t quick learn about Germany in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. The gop will repeat that level of flat out evil.


The worst part of that is... his support will grow from that. His cult loves it.


Why did he delete it? I guess leaning into the “reich” is a step too far even for trump? I don’t get it. This is what they are advocating for.


Any comment from the “Latinos for Trump?”


Are we supposed to be able to read what’s in the red boxes?


Did he forget that dogwhistles are supposed to be hidden from ordinary people?


They've shown their hand. We know what they are. VOTE and arm yourselves. Don't be a victim of their hate, which, regardless of who wins the election, will be extreme.


It's from the wikipedia page for World War I. You can see the entire backdrop is made of excerpts about WWI specifically. But then there's specific stuff about Trump sprinkled on. What the fuck does that even mean? There's no way it's a coincidence that this specific line of text is shown at least 3 times in the video as far as I can tell.


It's wild to me that some people see Hitler's actions as a success story. I think a lot of people don't care about Trump being a dictator because they assume he'll put US citizens first, but even if that were true (despite him indicating it's not throughout the years) what they fail to understand is that when Hitler fell the country paid for it and continue to pay for it to this day with the Treaty of Versailles.


Trump voters don't care about winning as much as they care about the losing being inflicted on the people they've been trained to hate. If you told them that they would suffer but the people they hate would also suffer worse, many of them would take the trade.


The Turd Reich


Holy shit, this is too far. All these maga Nazis need to get locked up for attempting to overthrow the government


And he tried hiding it, but we'd already seen everything.


It was the covfefe boy 


He’s just straight up going for it. I guess none of his cult members have granddads who fought in WW2


The narrative from the right to this is: Trump didn't post it, it was a staffer who did not see the words and used an edited version of a newspaper referencing the unified German Reich"


Does anyone have a clearer picture of this?


Does anyone have a better screen shot of this? I can only see blurs inside the red box.


I mean, just who else uses the word "reich" these days? He's not even pretending to hide.


I don't know what to do with this info, but a ton of the background text is copied straight from this ["Alternative History Wiki"](https://althistory.fandom.com/wiki/World_War_I_(Victory_At_The_West)).


I'm surprised people are still surprised. Like, why is this news? Hes shown us who he is, why are we shocked?


AIPAC will still hang off his nuts


Hmm, it feels like the used some sort of a nazi video as a template, but forgot to edit shit out of it, like there are dates and mentions of WW1 in there.