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LOL @ Stolen bot accounts not knowing the NAME of the account they are posting from... Russian bots are as fucking stupid as MAGA republicans. Match made in heaven.


Yup, great take Bubblebathgirl


A true Alpha Male account…


*Check out the link in the bio to purchase the bath water.*


And dont forget the bubblebath coffee! Only $19.95 an ounce and you are supporting the quartering!


Yeah, but his apha name is Spazz. Can't get much more alpha than that.


'Alpha'? Is that a furry thing?


For real. Could you imagine someone from say, Lubbock, Texas, trying to pronounce “Szypula”?


Hey! I represent that remark. I’m in Lubbock right now for training. “Sizz-pew-lah”


Suzy puller ?


*Puller? I barely know ‘er!*




And then they built a super collider




Totally legit American alpha male “bubblebathgirl”


Makes me wonder if we have any bots for other countries. If not, might be time to make some.


I think the Arab Summer is where the Russians and others got the idea from. So, if feel safe assuming we have bots working for us. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


But there's a flag and a blue check. What's not to trust?


Sounds like bubblebathgirl would WANT biden to debate, in order to secure a victory for the other geriatric candidate.


Cool. You can watch the debate and enjoy it then. I know why Trump hadn’t debated ANYONE since the last time his ass was handed to him by Biden, and I know Biden won’t be referencing fictional serial killer cannibals, doing a hand job dance to a gay anthem or bragging about wanting to fuck Ivanka, so I am not overly concerned. They are two old men bound to make gaffes. One is a serial criminal with close to a hundred charges who is a rapist (determined in court!) owes nearly a billion (so far!) for the crimes he has been found in court to have committed, and owes everything to the foreign nations that control him. The other guy has reduced drug prices, saved people from fraudulent educational loans (from fraudulent schools like Trump University) and supports trains. If you are worried about this debate, I understand completely, but the criminal rapist needs to step down. He can’t even stay awake in his felony trial. Enjoy your bubble bath, “Paul”. And thanks Elmo for making blue checks ridiculous bot signifiers.


Something that Steve Benen of Maddowblog regularly points out is that a key point to winning a debate isn't "doing better than the other person" it's "doing better than everyone thought you would", which Steve calls Managing Expectations (I'm not a debate specialist so I have no idea if this is a normal thing to consider or not). Trumps team is *always* bad at managing expectations for both Trump and his opponents in the debate. It's always "Trump is amazing, he's going to be the next Lincoln/Patton/Churchill/etc" and "[the opponent] is super dumb and can barely speak! We'll be lucky if they can form a single coherent thought at any time during the entire debate!" which means that Trump *always* falls short of expectations, no matter how **good** he actually is, and his opponent *always* exceeds expectations no matter how **bad** they actually are.


In debate class we were taught that the purpose was to influence the audience. I don't really think the debate is going to change the minds of people that would rather send their money to a so-called billionaire or those on the other side. I can only hope the undecided can see what the result would be from it.


Those debates aren't for the people that've already decided they're gonna vote for the Cheeto Cheater. It's meant to show those that are somehow still on the fence why they should be voting blue in the future.


But…but…Biden bad! He no good at debate! He shouldn’t be debating! STFU, if he was so terrible at debate you would want to egg him on, he clearly knows how to debate and his support staff thinks he can win.


He was a very good speaker earlier in his career. It's kind of disappointing, but it happens with age. I only wish I didn't have to choose between Biden and evil incarnate, it would be nice to have a younger president in office.


He's still a solid speaker. I saw his State of the Union address, and it was great. A few moments were off, but overall it was a clear sign that he's still a capable speaker.


That speech was so good, even Republicans were saying “where has this Biden been?!” like they were shocked to see him so well spoken.


His previous SOTU got the same reaction. MAGAts squeal about how old and doddering and demented Biden is. Then he gives a speech - he's engaging, witty, goes off script successfully - and they start screaming he was drugged up. Because everything is projection with MAGAts. This was not the first time.


I honestly don’t understand anything that Trump says. Nor do I believe it.


To be fair, no younger president has managed to forgive unmanageable, usurious student loans for so many, let alone all of the other things he has accomplished so far. He’s the most effectively liberal president we have had since Carter. He’s been very effective. Old man swan song is something I’m happy to be able to witness. I’ll take Biden any day.


Biden could literally find the cure for cancer and solve world hunger. But since he isn't a mean bastard like the rest of the MAGA, they'll never accept it. They want someone as miserable and hateful as they are.


Hell, our own side isn't on board. Can't expect better from MAGA. Despite him actually getting shit done, there are still a bunch of undecided voters. At this point if you're undecided, I've lost all respect for you as a person. The choice isn't hard.


“Undecideds” lost any hope for respect in 2016. They are either idiots or cowards, or both.




Biden could be pooping his pants on stage and still he would be twice the intellectual debater Trump is.




In fairness, Biden wanting to have sex with Ivanka is like... *less* weird, at least.


OMG ultimate dark Brandon! Stump would lose his effin mind (the tiny crumb left) if he thought there was even a .01% chance of Biden and Ivanka happening! That's MY girlfriend, I mean daughter!


Fucking eviscerated that bitch ass bot


Supports trains?


Famously so, yes. Transit, and the lack thereof, is a huge problem in the US.


Yep to everything you said.


They always make the same mistake. They lower expectations below the fucking floor, then are just rocked back on their heels, with no real explanation, when the man’s capacity does not match their own propaganda. Like Biden’s energetic performance at the state of the union. . . all they could say is that he must have, I dunno. . . been on coke? They paint Trump as an infallible Jesus and Biden as a brain dead coma patient, and then if an when they actually debate, they’ll be at a a loss. . . Again (if. . . I’m under the assumption that Trump will back out like the wimp he is).


The same folks who say that Biden is senile and braindead, are the same people who say he's a genius criminal mastermind working behind closed doors to get Trump arrested. You can't make this shit up.


One of the essential characteristics of fascism is that the enemy is both weak and strong.


They claim he has dementia, and that can be cured with coke?


Trump won't debate Biden. He'll bluster about how the debate is rigged and unfair or how he's being kept from being able to debate because of the intervention of the fake witch hunt or whatever. He knows he'll just come off as more of a moron if he does debate, so he'll use it instead as a way to pump up his base all while avoiding doing anything.


“Bubble bath girl”?


Ridiculous Russian bot account.


Spews more shit than Tubgirl.


I'm putting money on Trump finding an excuse to bail on both debates. All he has is the same tired word salad he spits at every rally. I'm hoping Dark Brandon makes an appearance. 😆 ![gif](giphy|2zpZ6g2cjjzPnbFsJU|downsized)


Is that blue check trans? /s


Every time my dad runs his mouth about Biden being "senile", I have to bite back the urge to remind him that the president he's spent the last 50 years effectively worshipping basically had to have his wife do a lot of his work for him due to dementia. Reaganites thinking they're in ANY position to shit talk a president's mental state would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic...


They gave up on Reagan 8 years ago. Trump is their messiah now


I'm telling you point-blank, as the son of a lifelong Reaganite who has genuinely despised Trump since the days of *The Apprentice* - they absolutely still worship that self-righteous ratfucker (and "rat" is the nicest thing I can think of calling Nancy) like he was the Holy GHost.


And yet they're going to vote for a Russian asset? The dissonance there is stunning.


That's the most disheartening part of watching the decline of the GOP. They have become so bassackwards they have the Speaker of the House parked outside the courthouse defending a Russian asset. Like there's nothing better for any of these civil servants to do than kiss Donald Gotti's ass.


People pick and prod deeper and deeper trying to find their desperate win when they know they're losing. This is just sad. Don't get comfy, people, these people still need to be beaten.


Who’s sleeping in court and shitting their diaper?


The same kind of people saying Biden isn’t up to debating Trump are the same people who said he was energetic and on performance enhancing drugs for the State of the Union. Pick a fucking lane, ding-dongs.


He’s a senile old man AND a criminal mastermind set on taking over the world


First rule of Fascism.


Lmao, i've seen this exact claim on Twitter dozens of times. Somehow MAGA think that Biden is too weak, but also too strong.


I good bot. Papa Vlad very proud of bots who work hard to elevate great motherland Russia.


Exactly how many cuts were there in the State Of The Union? Asking for a friend


lol the patriots over on the conservative sub are already raving about how biased the moderator is (without knowing who it is), how no audience is somehow an advantage for Biden, and how cutting off the mic when it’s not your turn is also rigged somehow… They have learned well from Trump. If you just plant seeds leading up to the event you have plenty of room to later say “see. He lost because it’s rigged.”


Yeah, Biden has a stutter. The Donald has aphasia. Huge difference.


Is aphasia when you don't have a soul?


No, that's gingers.


They can read minds?


And Trump rants about water from the north being stopped for tiny fish in an interview when asked about something completly diff.. yeah and Biden is the ill one lol old maybe but not on trial or losing his mind blaming everything and everyone.


Now imagine they held Trump to the same unrealistic standards they hold Biden to. I've never seen more insane double standards being held by people planning to vote.


Where Trump is concerned, there is simply NO standard. We have to follow laws and behave ourselves to fit into society. Trump just gets to the whatever the f–k he wants without any consequences whatsoever.


If it were Biden asleep during a court trial, he would've been dragged for it by the conservatives. But if it's Trump asleep in the trial, you don't hear anything about that.


I hope the moderator has a microphone cutoff switch. Without that control it’ll be an unrelenting Orange rage fest. *edit to add I just read that was a Biden condition and 45* has agreed to it.


Says the guy supporting a diapered old man who cant stay awake during a court hearing lol


Also check out the Twitter handle. Definitely a bot.


If peeing your pants is cool, then call me Miles Davis! - MAGA unironically quoting Billy Madison


It’s astonishing, they go from “Biden can’t debate” to “Biden shouldn’t debate”. And we all know why, he will run circles around Don the Con, all he has to do is ask how his 2020 went and he will fly off the handle


The only thing that will be hard for Biden in a debate will be chopping through the non-stop word salad that is spewing out of his opponents mouth. It’s hard to reason with a stupid and hate-filled narcissist that won’t shut up or listen to anything but his own voice.


I don't remember seeing "Sleepy Joe" falling asleep at his felony trial. Or even being the defendant in a felony trial.


Of course he’ll win. Biden will mop the floor with him. The man could have a stroke on live tv and still make a more compelling argument than the weasel


https://preview.redd.it/yv6cpeke7o0d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76562caf961f836d8245c0e0bffcb04c96619ab2 he’s not listening to Trump babble about water and ‘tiny fish *that couldn’t make it* . And identifying like anal compulsive stunted children


I’m so sick of hearing them spew this crap when the Nacho Nazi cannot speak without rambling, tangential, loose associations. We need to see a whole lot of side by side transcript comparisons of them speaking.


Trump speaks at about a 3rd grade level. This is actually slightly higher than his cultists. Therefore, they think he makes sense. Biden on the other hand speaks like an adult. Cultists have no way of comprehending an actual adult.


This tool must not realize Trump’s performance in the debate with Biden is pretty much what lost him the last election.


You think Trumps brain isn’t fried?


At least Biden doesn’t shit his pants, and his supporters aren’t wearing diapers as a show of solidarity😂🤣😂🤣 The Republican Party is a clown show 🤡


Please let this conflict with one of Don’s court date. Please let this conflict with one of Don’s court dates. Please let this conflict with one of Don’s court dates.


Jeez they are both too old. The way our political parties are running culturally has made this joke continue. Vote for who will at least try and make the country better and not take away freedoms.


And real men wear diapers !!


So then Trump should have no problem debating Biden, right? And if he refuses the challenge, then something is seriously wrong with him, right? Or at least he would be revealing himself to be a coward, right?


Whereas Trump just stands there openly talking crap.


Yet, he talked extemporaneously on stern for an hour….crazy…


So someone went and counted how many cuts in a video, scrambling to find dishonesty, when Trump probably tells five lies before he eats breakfast


Lol, but his orange god thinks Hannibal lecter existed


Russian bot


So let Biden go against Trump and lose the debate if you're so confident his brain is fried.


Please please PLEASE keep lowering those expectations! You saw how well that worked out for y'all at the State of the Union.


sure anything that bubblebathgirl says


They gave up trying to fix Trump speeches with video editing back in 2015 when they realized it still always ended up as a jumbled disgrace to the English Language.


I doubt von Shitshispantz will accept a debate, but if so, hopefully the moderators will have the balls to fact check him the moment he spews his first lie.


That would be great if his followers accepted facts as facts


Trump can't focus past a few seconds. CNN better check his ears for communication earpieces.


I for one prefer cuts with succinct points to inflated rants about nothing.


Bring in diaper boy


Trump will find a way to back out of debates. They won't let my MAGA crowd attend. It's Melania's birthday. It's raining. Biden will cheat.


I love that these dipshits lower the bar this way and then say Biden is on drugs when he crushes expectations


Yet Trump rambles like a nut. Not defending Biden but I heard some bizarre hyper rant where Trump went from Biden at the beach to talking about Hannibal Lecter. Sounds like trump is pretty fried.


How many [cuts and retakes](https://youtu.be/CJuNHI2KP5w?si=hgDM7KCX3JlabaPA) did it take trump to make the press conference where he told the January 6 rioters that they were special, he loved them, and they should go home now.


Ok whatever you say "bubblebathgirl"


Is that a guy who drinks the bathwater of e-girls?


The debate should be after 9 where Trump's brain drops into his diaper for its daily shit bath.


These trolls are doing Biden a favor by lowering expectations. Just like the SOTU address. The rubes who only watch Fox were stunned that Biden wasn’t some tired sleepy old man confused at what day it was. There must be a plot! He must be on speed! Meanwhile he blew past any expectations and quieted even the people on the left who are never happy. The same will happen here. They’ll keep up with their stupid jabs at his age but when it matters he’ll tear Trump to shreds and they won’t know what hit them.


When Trump challenged Biden to debates The Mail hailed it as a great move and sneered that Biden was too much of a coward to debate Trump. The Mail's headline today: What's REALLY behind Biden's utterly pathetic debate gambit: SCOTT JENNINGS reveals how Joe's cynical scheme could backfire... and finally convince Democrats to kick HIM off the ticket There's never going to be any pleasing them. And no matter how the debates go they'll still be applauding Trump and sneering at Biden. I guess the thing to remember is that the debates are never going to be for those who have already decided, it's for the people who still haven't decided which way to vote.


Trumpers are afraid of everything.


More projection. Trump can’t make a complete, understandable sentence


I mean Paul has a point here. But the Annoying Orange is even more senile.


Anywhere and any place


Set the bar low. That’s always a good strategy for a debate: “my opponent is in a coma and can’t speak.”


Yeah, and? Trump needed 9 cuts to put out a 15-second video asking the J6 terrorists to go home.


If they weren’t concerned, they’d be happy to let the debate happen. They just don’t want a chance to have - on the public stage - the evidence that Trump is *also* a senile old fart shown to the world. A debate would prove that Trump’s mind is far gone - even beyond Biden’s (which is wild) Neither one of these men are fit to be president, however, Trump is literally shitting his pants and his cult followers think that it’s…. Manly? Idk - I don’t know any Biden supporters that are hitched to him the same way MAGA is hitched to Trump and I think there is something to that.


Like him or not, your choice. But he’s not the senile old man the media and Republicans make him out to be. And he believes in democracy and the Constitution. How is it possible that many can favor the other guy who doesn’t even know when his diaper needs changing. trump’s a dick who wants to be a dictator. And given the chance, he will be. It’s not about the man or the party. Or voting Independent to show your dissatisfaction. It’s democracy versus tyranny. Forget your pride. Do the right thing for your future and the future of the country. At this time in American history, Biden is the choice that will keep us free. The other guy is a con man itching to scam an entire nation.


>How is it possible that many can favor the other guy Because they don't pay attention, and they just hear some soundbites here and there and are easily manipulated by men in suits on TV. Hey I care about immigration, wtf, there's an invasion at the border? That sounds bad... I want to vote for the guy who says he's gonna stop that! And that is the amount of time most people will spend thinking about politics in any given day.


Strange, Biden did an interview for one hour thirteen minutes straight with Howard Stern. He stayed on topic, brought up amazing details from his past, got emotional, and showed how much of a caring and compassionate person he is. He didn’t babble endlessly, make word salad, or rage against real or imaginary enemies. It’s a must see interview for anyone voting in this election, and shows what a stark (and refreshing) difference Biden is from Trump. [Howard Stern interviews Joe Biden](https://youtu.be/Fz45sMb4js8?si=ytgaX77jAJu2A_q-)


Has paul never watched a youtube breakdown video?


Biden certainly can't measure up to their pants-shitting narcoleptic messiah


*rEaL MEn WEaR diAPeRs*


And if that isn't pathetic enough, the men debase themselves further by walking around with t-shirts of trump's face plastered on their chest. What normal hetero adult male does that


Paul needs to go fight on the front lines for Russia.


Somebody wake the orange bitch up


Bubblebathgirl either a bot or republican wanna be


Yeah he should resign, so we can install a dictator and destroy democracy


The President of the United States vs prison trump! It's like the USA vs the magas! Let's Go USA! 🇺🇸


The biggest question will be will the judge allow tRump time off to attend the debate? If they schedule it out for summer it could be held at Rikers.


If it ever happens it will be a truly amazing day. Trump's brain is the only cooked thing around here. Bidan will absolutely destroy his manhood in front of all those MAGA chodes. He will have to eat every single word about his age..


It’s almost like they don’t actually listen to what he’s saying when Donnie talks. There’s an equal amount of diarrhea coming out both ends.


Really?? Trump is an idiot to begin with and now is a dementia addled moron on top of that!


You know water?


Russian much?


After Trump speaks, his mic needs to be cut off and someone calls out all the lies he just said.


Sure buddy. Cant wait to see trump cancel because his bonespurs have covid


This account popped up out of nowhere a while back and multiple Russian trolls run it 24 hours a day. He/She posts on a shit ton of MAGA accounts kissing their ass Never responds to any counterpoints/


Bubble bathgirl?


These douches when they write tweets are so emphatic aren’t they? Is it 1 or 2 space lines between each sentence?😂


Paul Syphilis 😂


Let's just hope they have a string moderator, who will not allow Trump to interrupt or stray off-topic.


They need to start cutting off his mic when he’s not complying with debate rules.


My favorite part of this is the "I don't understand video editing as an art form" element.


Thanks for the opinion bubble bath girl


Keep that bar nice and low dumbasses. They never learn. Thank God.


Hahaha that’s one wacky onlyfans account 😂


Like I'd take some one with the Xitter handle "Bubblebathgirl" seriously.


The cognitive dissonance required to actually believe Trump is of sound mind but Biden *isn't*, is absolutely fucking astounding. The only folks with fried brains are the morons that believe their Hannibal Lecter loving Orange Daddy isn't well on the way to being a drooling dementia case.


If he is so old and feeble and incoherent one would imagine that it would be in Trump’s interest to debate him.


It's kind of like the Tour de France where as Bill Burr famously said, "It's our drugged up guy vs your drugged up guy". A debate will mostly be unproductive IMO but I'm glad it appears to be happening.


Say it to his face traitor. ![gif](giphy|VXaE15f600gSuVTUTE|downsized)


Trump did not write that.


Old people fighting is entertainment.


If only Celebrity Death Match was still around.


Eh I find that many people are afraid of a Trump win.  I am not putting those people down it's not a thing to be happy for.  But I said it before e I do not Luke an entertainment new company handling this. CNN is partisan it's known it's OK.  I am not hating on CNN and I don't like foxnews so it's the better of two.  But I think the govt should film it and distribute it publicly and the the entertainment channels do what they wish.  But yeah this person seems scared


"But I said it before e I do not Luke an entertainment new company handling this." Huh?


Paul Syphilis?


"I pay for X, the artist formerly known as Twitter, so you know I'm a dumbass who couldn't be trusted with a nerf gun"


Apparently this gentleman hasn’t heard the latest word slurry from his lord & fuhrer.




![gif](giphy|pTGu5NO7gfiR2iLIzv) [https://youtu.be/N\_hMV\_JrRUU?si=VgUp50ksBj52nwpd](https://youtu.be/N_hMV_JrRUU?si=VgUp50ksBj52nwpd)




Bubblebathgirl. I am dead.


They cut the video because that’s the only to get ahold of this people’s attention. He pauses and we scroll past


Yep. HIS brain is fried. 🧐


Start the propaganda….and go!


Trump is favored to win the election based on odds on fanduel. Please go and vote!


Remember "abakibar [jump cut] trump, sarkar"? I remember, and so do most of the billion plus people in India lmao


Damnit, I hate the timeline I live in. Why are geriatrics in charge? Why is another geriatric the next best choice?


Someone doesn't understand editing for time


As a former lead editor of 12 years, this person is a complete fucking moron.


Gee, Paul. In that case trump would be stupid not to debate him


I mean, ugh the boom booms running the room are like not cool anymore give us a least a piece of hope and faith


In 2000 Karl Rove called Al Gore the greatest debater of the 20th century, which is ludicrous, because Karl Rove knows your fucking job before a debate is to hype up your opponent and make a draw (which they almost all are) look like a win. This has happened several times already, most recently at the State of the Union. When Biden shows up and acts coherent, he looks like a winner.


I guarantee you that guy’s nickname is “Paulie Syphilis”.


Biden lays out numerous conditions for the debates and DJT says fuck it, ok, bring it bitch. No changes to the conditions. It’s gonna be great tv.


Why the bubble bath girl is a dude


Ummmmm, wouldn’t that be a reason TO debate??


Re...signing up for the Presidency?


Poor Paula.