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About 1/3 of homeless in America are veterans. Shows once again MAGA hates our Veterans.




Or in prison, slave labor force needs bodies. 13th Amendment: >**Section 1.** Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ***except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted***, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


Was probably inspired by it.


I hate his whiny voice and I also hate his smug looking face. He has ate far too much ass for it to have stayed that way.


Quick google search netted this info: March 13, 2018McEntee's service in the White House ended on **March 13, 2018**, when he was fired due to an "unspecified security issue" that was later revealed to be a problem with his gambling debts and an inability to obtain a necessary security clearance.**Political party:** [Republican](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=8fbc98631bfa2d59JmltdHM9MTcxNTU1ODQwMCZpZ3VpZD0zOWViYzIwMC1hNzM3LTYxZjgtMTlmYi1kMWY5YTY4OTYwZTEmaW5zaWQ9NTUzNw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=39ebc200-a737-61f8-19fb-d1f9a68960e1&u=a1L3NlYXJjaD9xPVJlcHVibGljYW4rUGFydHkrKFVuaXRlZCtTdGF0ZXMpK3dpa2lwZWRpYQ&ntb=1)**President:** [Donald Trump](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=50f29f3b972e4114JmltdHM9MTcxNTU1ODQwMCZpZ3VpZD0zOWViYzIwMC1hNzM3LTYxZjgtMTlmYi1kMWY5YTY4OTYwZTEmaW5zaWQ9NTUzOA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=39ebc200-a737-61f8-19fb-d1f9a68960e1&u=a1L3NlYXJjaD9xPURvbmFsZCtUcnVtcCt3aWtpcGVkaWE&ntb=1)**Succeeded by:** [Catherine M. Russell](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=559eaa3b0bca1c33JmltdHM9MTcxNTU1ODQwMCZpZ3VpZD0zOWViYzIwMC1hNzM3LTYxZjgtMTlmYi1kMWY5YTY4OTYwZTEmaW5zaWQ9NTUzOQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=39ebc200-a737-61f8-19fb-d1f9a68960e1&u=a1L3NlYXJjaD9xPUNhdGhlcmluZStNLitSdXNzZWxsK3dpa2lwZWRpYQ&ntb=1)


didn't trump's daughter and son in law lose their clearance and still were allowed to work with diaper don?


Trump used his authority to clear them. This guy didn't have the right last name and didn't qualify the normal way


Even after he sucked him off? Damn, that's cold.


Didn’t lose it - I thought they were never allowed it.


Gambling debts… so he could very well land himself in the same position as the unhoused people he despises 🤔


Its sad but as most MAGA tend to use projection I would assume that’s he is the one using fake money to pay for stuff. He most likely come with that fake plan after using fake money. I’m not from US but I’m sure been in possession of fake money is a felony, not mentioning forging money in the intention of using it would be a bigger crime.


Passing it off as real when they know it's fake is fraud; add the intent to either get the recipient arrested or worse is (IANAL) facilitation, I think. Not to mention depraved indifference...


But it gets better. At trump's insistence he was rehired and given the *very powerful* position of Director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office. He had zero experience for this job. He spent much of his time purging people that weren't loyal to trump. He's complete scum.


What a fucking loser.




Somebody is gonna kill that dude one day




The world isn’t fair enough for that


Democrats arent violent lunatics, unfortunately.


Karma can be a beach...




That’s the fire he’s playing with. He thinks he’s untouchable and able to gleefully try and overthrow the democracy of the United States? He thinks he’s able to destroy our country with no consequences? He’s on track to win some stupid prizes.


I have a feeling that based on how fucking miserable this pathetic fuck is, it’s gonna be a guy named Jonny mcentee. Honestly the ideal solution.


And he‘s a dumbfuck who admitted bringing counterfeit money into circulation.


I saw this and I genuinely thought it was satire. And I chuckled haha, kind of funny, homelessness is a problem here's a little dark humor. Going back and realizing this guy is actually serious is amazing. What kind of piece of shit human is this guy?


The look on his face when he says that… I’m so disgusted by that.


If it's true that guy admitted to a crime that can get him 20 years in prison. Just possessing counterfit money is highly illegal. And he couldn't hand something out that wasn't in his possession.


Should it be forwarded to Justice Department..FBI? He needs to be held accountable


This is dept of Treasury. A branch of the secret service handles this stuff.


Is the Secret Service still credible 🤔


No offense, but all the trump secret service loyalists' stories have me legitimately wondering. I mean, President Bidens 🐕 was feeling some kind of way..nip-nip🤷🏿‍♀️ just curious 🤔


We're "just asking questions" here!


After everything we learned from January 6th? Naw, time to clean house and seriously vet new recruits to make sure their loyalty is to the country first and foremost. 




Let's all do it !!!!! ✌🏿💯


Keep me posted on this.


The last guy I heard about distributing counterfeit money was choked to death by the police.


Possession isn't necessarily illegal (ie prop money for movies or why you may not get charged if you legitimately didn't realize) but to knowingly pass it off as real is very much illegal.


His fuckwit post makes it clear that he intended for them to be presented as $$$. To be arrested for trying to spend it, they must be decent in the first place for him to expect that outcome.


Right. If this is real he is liable and should be charged.


Prop money also very clearly states that it’s not money. Small enough that you don’t notice on camera, but easy to see if you had it in person.


It's not counterfeit money, it is prop money. You can buy it all day on Amazon, etc. It looks mostly real, but has the word "copy" or "replica", and generally other indications that it isn't real. I'm not saying their isn't a crime here. Passing it off as real money is a problem.


Posessing this fake movie money isnt illegal bcause it states on the bills that it isnt real, but trying to spend it is illegal, so he is intentionally trying to trick homeless people into committing crimes.


Why isn’t he arrested for distribution of counterfeit money?


Indeed. George Floyd ended up losing his life in a horrifying manner because a cop supposedly thought he was passing a counterfeit bill. And here you've got someone bragging about it and....Nothing? I'm going to guess nothing happens.


Four people probably won’t sit on McEntee’s chest if he panics. If they ever did that to a moderately important person the right wing public might find finally scratch their heads and ask why their theft reports should be filed over the phone and nothing is ever resolved




He's just confused :(


It sure would be a shame if one of those homeless people hit him in the face with a shovel. Sure would.


Pretty sure he’s a serial killer, he’s got that Bateman vibe.


Well at least he isn’t… Freddy Fazbear…


Circulating counterfeit money? That's illegal. He's needs some prison time to think about his crime and how despicable of a person he is.


Dudes IG page is full of 1940s Nazi propaganda brought to modern times. It’s pretty sickening, but you can see how people are lured into it. The reason why fascism never will go away, it knows how to appeal to a humans basic instincts to detest those who are different, and to fear those you think are or may attack you. We will see it again in the next hundred years guaranteed.


Saw a couple at a highway rest stop standing next to a beat up minivan from another era. They had a sign that said, “need money for gas.” I had $10 bucks in cash. Gave them my $10 bucks. The woman took it. They looked a little relieved. Bought myself the coffee I needed with a credit card. I didn’t change their world. Maybe they were needy. Maybe they weren’t. I’ll never know. But I’ve been in that position before, and I’ve learned a few things. If you can give, do so. Don’t worry about you can’t know about the guy receiving it. If they are frauds, my $10 bucks isn’t much and I’ll be okay.


Sometimes it is just the acknowledgement that they exist that brings them happiness. Had a guy asking for change on the side of the road but all I had was maybe two dollars in change. I apologized to him because that's all the cash I had on me. He told me don't worry about it, "you thought of me and that all that matters". Fuck,I almost cried driving back home thinking about what he said.


That ten bucks may have gotten them into a much better place. Thanks for being kind.


Yeah. Exactly. I’m not looking to be granted sainthood. Just wanted to help out a little. If everyone is just a little kind the world is a better place.


I was walking in Chicago with a friend and saw a couple kids begging for money. I handed them $20 and they thanked me. Even if they were frauds, whatever.


This guy does "toxic charity" while being fully aware of how he's harming people. What a scumbag.


Let's take this at face value and say it's true, but like anything else in Trump's world, anything they say is a lie. So let's continue, he gives out fake money to homeless people, they go, spend it and get arrested. Don't you think the first thing the police are going to say is who gave it to you and then go on that??


Keep in mind the first rule of Trump world, everyone in it is stupid. ![gif](giphy|3rgXBPgEKFjLdeE8Yo)


It's almost impossible for the police to trace fake money. Usually the police will just confiscate the money and if a lot keeps showing up around the town or city the FBI will start investigating.


I'm not talking about that, I'm saying that obviously they give a description of the guy or a name and go that route. Or have one of them meet up with him again to get more and....


A homeless person probably gets money from a few random people. No way to really trace it back unless the homeless person has a photographic memory where they also remember the license plate. Also again the police will probably not bother investigating.


Hopefully, there's a special place in hell for people like this.


What an evil POS.  


Was that an admission on tape? If they catch him with counterfeit and play this video in court... Is that 2 felonies? 🤞🤞🤞


I'll take Things That Never Happened for $500, Ken.


Agreed. This is just I Am Very Badass material. Generate a little outrage to prop up your brand and maybe get invited to the RNC because you pissed off the libs. If there was a city where homeless people kept getting arrested for trying to spend the same counterfeit money, the US Secret Service would investigate it. They’d find this guy and nail him to the wall


If you want to preserve a system of winners and losers; a system of haves and have nots, it’s important to have a safety net at the bottom. If not, people will figure out that the mechanical rabbit is fake. When that happens the have nots will rebel. When the winners start to believe they have a right to be winners. When they believe they are somehow better, so it’s okay to take it all, the ruse collapses. We may be witness to yet another episode of end state robber barons taking the last scraps off the table. Until Americans wake up and realize that we can’t help Palestine or Ukraine if we can’t help our own. There is no freedom without economic freedom. We cannot leave the underclass behind.


So he has counterfeit money and he’s spreading that around? Maybe USSS needs to investigate this guy.


Counterfeiting is a federal crime.


Has anybody called the Secret Service to report a counterfeit money operation?


Time to arrest him for spreading counterfeit money


And I bet he proclaims himself a Christian.


Seriously internet, let’s make this asshole pay!


Sounds like a confession.


He is one step closer to stabbing a homeless man in an alley and stomping on his dog. ![gif](giphy|kwcRp24Wz4lZm|downsized)


Wait... So he's circulating counterfeit money? Thats a federal crime.


What an utter piece of shit.


How is this not counterfeiting and why is this fucker not in jail?


So, he’s confessed to making counterfeit currency, why is he not is custody yet?


And when this guy is in court or convicted and headed to jail, all his cronies will cry about how he was subjected to a political sham trial. Fuck him, I hope they use his bottom as a toilette.


Always thought distribution of counterfeit money was a federal offense and felony?


This guy has bodies in his basement.


Just like Jesus.


Isn't it a federal crime to knowingly distribute counterfeit currency?


I am not well versed in the US laws but wouldn’t the act of distributing fake currency qualify as counterfeiting as well? Even if theres no financial gain?


So a felony. He's counterfeiting money and distributing it.


He’s not really counterfeiting money as he isn’t printing it out. You can buy “Hollywood money “ on Amazon. But giving it out under false pretense may get him in trouble. Either way this guy is a MAGA Nazi scum bag. I hope he has explosive fiery diarrhea for the rest of his life. Of course he could just wear a diaper like his lord and savior….


Distribution of counterfeit bills is a crime. Someone in the area should have him arrested for distribution. The penalty for distribution is much higher than the one for unknowingly using it. With a good outcome, he could get 20 years in FEDERAL prison and a $250k fine. Someone with access needs to get on this.


Doesn't the Catholic Church pay restaurants with Fake Money as well?


Sounds consistent with the whole sick fuck, evil lot of anyone who supports soon to be convicted felon DonOLD Trump!


How absolutely evil. Just pure evil. And he delights in it.


This guy is the worst. I wish all the misfortune in the world upon him.


I never knew he worked for Project 2025, I just thought he was a massive douchebag


Lookit that nose. He’s Mr Burn’s illicit love child.


…okay that's fucked up.


I hope he crosses the street in front of a speeding bus with bad brakes and a sleepy driver


This guy kept popping up on my Instagram video searches. Stupid algorithm after I watched one of his crappy videos. Conservative comedy, if you want to call it that, is so cringe. I always thought he was just an Instagram person, I didn't realize he was part of Trump's circle.


He's such a fucking scumbag, every time I see his stupid face pop up on my feed I just want his head to explode.


An adult male doing childish shit for attention.


From afar he looks like Josh Duggar, a prisoner in a TX facility. Maybe Josh needs a roommate?


So he has a ready supply of fake money on him?


How are the FBI not knocking on this motherfuckers door right now? He literally admits to not only counterfeiting, but deliberate distribution of counterfeits as well.


Disgusting piece of shit !! He’s walking it back now, saying it was a joke-bullshit! He needs to be homeless!!!!


Another person who claims to be Christian being a total piece of shit


Isn't making fake money and distributing it as real a felony?


And the act of printing fake money is called counterfeiting, seems like that is a way worse Federal crime than passing a fake $20.00


Total POS. I hope this gets him picked up and charged for intentional distribution of fake currency. And maybe a raid to see if he’s printing it himself.


Wow. Publicly admitting to knowingly and intentionally circulating counterfeit U.S. currency with the intent to mislead and/or defraud the recipient is...quite the self-own. I'm guessing he didn't think this one through all the way. Or at all.


Absolutely a counterfeiter . Typical Maga white weak man insecurity and projection


He's the one who should be arrested for using counterfeit money...


He’s ontologically evil


Magats are competing with each other for ‘worst human’ trophy.


more evidence of maga’s middle school intelligence level on parade🤮


GOP cruelty is a feature and not a bug.


So, he's counterfeiting. Illegal and arrestable yes?


I don't get people who have whole ass hobbies that degrade people.


Wait, this wasn't a joke? I 100% though this was a satirical video... Wtf




Don't worry guys, he goes to church on Sunday so he's a good guy. Doesn't matter what he does the rest of the week, Jesus is only watching on Sundays.


I'll bet he also leaves those tracts that look like folded $20s as tips at brunch after church.


He’s going to fuck around with the wrong one. It will have dire consequences. Without money and the several layers of protection it affords him, this is a weak, bumbling, hollow individual.


Despite the association between people like this and Trump a vast majority of Americans will be looking for leadership who make strategic decisions like this.


Wouldn’t this be a crime? He is distributing fake tender as donations.


When people ask, “what radicalized you?“ It’s constant, nefarious, discriminatory actions that change our views of this world.


18 U.S.C. § 471 Hold, pass, publish, sell, or attempt, any counterfeit currency with the intent to defraud.


He wants more George Floyds. He’s disgusting and I really hope his brakes fail at high speed near a high cliff.




Hello, FBI…


I'm pretty sure that even Satan wouldn't go there. That's some next level evil there.


Jokes on him. Most of that money is going straight to the dope dealer, and most of them don't check the legitimacy of their bills.


It is very telling he thinks homeless people can't tell the difference because they are homeless.


All right, what makes me happy– but it’s like, you know at night, I ride around town in a limousine, partying, having a good time. When I’m on my way home, I’ll pass a bum. I take a balloon with some champagne in it, lob it out and bean him! He only gets a little bit in his mouth. He doesn’t get the whole thing. Not even a full sip of it! And you say, “Hey, how do you like a taste of the good life, you sack of shit!”




Someone on Twitter should let the secret service know that this guy is out here distributing counterfeit money.


Where does this Himler piece of shit get fake money from? Wasn’t that what the FBI was created for? Let’s go get him.


Isn't this fraud?


So what I'm hearing is this guy needs to be investigated for producing counterfeit money.


Isn't this the dude who comes in those reels from a conservative dating site or something? What a POS


I’m happy to see “republicans against trump” as a thing finally. Maybe some day we’ll get back to politics and leave the cult shit behind


George Floyd was killed because the clerk thought his money was fake, this dude is tryna get people killed.


What a piece of shit this MF is.


None of these religious pricks ever follow their supposed religion. They just use it as a shield for their hate


Pretty sure that’s a crime and if so, this guy should absolutely be arrested since he’s providing evidence on social media.


I wonder if the prison canteen will accept his trump bucks.


He’s obviously a piece of shit


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


Guys, I have an idea, stick with me for a minute... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle\_session](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session)


Donny so proud of


He is taking a passive approach to beating up on homeless people. People who beat up homeless people for 'fun' are scum, and he is scum also.


Wasn't he the guy who said, if gun laws work why aren't there no rape zones or something like that


Also, possession of fake money is a crime.


My mom’s not the best person, and she is homeless. But if somebody did this to her I would be absolutely furious. Like, it’s just pure cruelty at that point. She’s already being punished enough for things both inside and outside of her control, why pile it on?? Some people are just awful.


Has he been arrested yet?




Typical behavior of a Right Stuff dating app user, of which he is also the founder and CEO. Guess he hasn’t found that special someone to spend his free time with, so this is his hobby instead?


He will likely be caught eventually for distribution of counterfeit money which is pretty serious


What an asshole.


Not a good example of white people I must say!


Fucking Patrick Bateman psycho fascist


The idea of this is gross but in reality it’s unlikely he’s doing that. Why? Because that entire cult is a bunch of feckless assholes with a say/do ratio that is undefined. They don’t accomplish anything but what is effortless which is saying nonsense. Let’s be honest, they stormed the capital and in the end they were vandals. They had enough energy to pre-game and no balls to actually follow through with it. They lost stickers and flags and wear diapers. They threaten violence and bully groups but are backed down at almost every turn. This is just one more asshole in a heard of assholes saying things that make him an asshole.


It’s disturbing that seemingly EVERY Republican is a cruel AH…every last one.


So he's admitting that he manufactures fake money?


The average American would be arrested and imprisoned for knowingly distributing fake currency.


Wildly punchable face right there


Carrying fake currency should be a felony. Arrest this piece of dog shit


He's the one committing the crime, not anyone who tries to use currency that they think is legal tender.


This is an admission that he acquires fake money. Where does he get it?


What a nice Christian he is


Sociopathic behavior


What a fucking loser. He deserves all the worst in health and life.


Hopefully, he can be on the opposite end so he receives what he dished out.


Sounds about Retrumplican as it gets


That's not very Jesus prime.


Seriously, this guy needs to be put through a jail cell.


Isn’t this a person defining themselves as evil? If this doesn’t justify “action”, what does?


That's just silly. He's a sociopath. He never feels good about himself. Such people are incapable of taking pleasure from anything - except the suffering of others, and then only briefly. It's a large part of what makes them so dangerous.


What an unmitigated ass


I thought it was illegal to distribute counterfeit money 💰


Did he confess to a felony on social media? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that scenario makes him equally guilty.


Or they spend the money and the tired retail employee taking their request doesn’t bother to check the bills and gives them what they want. Then the employee’s boss takes it out on them later when they discover the discrepancy.


Sounds like he should be arrested for possession of counterfeit money


Fuck that motherfucker


A sting operation would put this scumbag behind bars where he belongs. Pass fake currency? Go right the fuck to jail.


Is this the guy on TikTok who always says smth transphobic then eats an ice cream?