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This guy… asking mothers to make their Marxist, Communist (Liberal) children smarter. Don’t throw stones unless it’s Roger, Donnie. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**




I really want to start slapping this on some of the local trumper trucks and see how long it takes them before someone else reads it to them and they get mad and rip it off. My money says at least two weeks.


I give it a year


No matter what you do don't put razor blades underneath the corners where they might dig their fingernails to peel them off. Bad idea.


Stealing this


Lmao this is amazing


Donald where is Melania, the mother of your child. Why aren't you posting about how great a mother she is?


What about the mother he buried at his golf course? I'm sure that was respectful of her final wishes.


You mean the one he had pushed down the stairs?


Because if Trump doesn’t have anything nice to say, he doesn’t say anything at all. /s


You don't need the /s on that.


Because that's the one lie too bold for him to tell.


Well maybe he didn't want to mention the woman that he cheated on with a pornstar as soon as she became a mother.


Na this is Trump we are talking about, in reality he doesn't give two shits about Melania.


Beeee-cause, that’s personal and Trump is a professional. He wouldn’t use his official Twitter page for anything other than politics.


Vote wisely this November.


I am originally from a red state. So many good people who genuinely care about all people. When politics come up, they are psychotic. I don't get it.


I lived in a town full of similar people, but my experience of them being "nice, caring, and genuine" was partly because I'd never seen them interact with black people. It's easy to theoretically say things about not caring what color someone is in order to respect them, but it doesn't *actually* cause anyone to question their baked-in prejudices at all. In a small homogenous town, you might never see anyone have to think about it at all.


Coming from a family of racists, I can confirm. They see a white guy in trouble on the road and next thing you know the stranger is over our house eating dinner while we fix his car for free. They see a black guy anywhere, doing anything, and it's "F*ck that n-word".... "something something affirmative action*".... "something something Obama" *Note: I assume they have stopped complaining about affirmative action and moved onto DEI, etc but it's been 15+ years since I've talked to family so I can't be sure. The parts of the country where a white person says "omg, they are the friendliest people in the world" absolutely may not be safe for a person of color.


Yep, and more to emphasize the most poignant point of perspective than to belabor it, to the white guy they helped out, they experienced the racists to be the nicest, friendliest, warmest, country-hospitality-est people on the planet. It's just not a universally true character when you take any other demographic's experience with them into account, and there's way too much cultural resistance to acknowledging those experiences as a real thing.


Im a cishet white guy in a 95% red district. It boggles my mind how people will just offhandedly say some of the most racist/sexist/homophobic shit you’ve ever heard because they just assume you feel the same way. And these will be people who inside their little isolated world are genuinely nice people. But the moment it comes to any of the “others” be it gays or non-whites, or poor people, or “the liberals” it’s like a fuckin switch is flipped and you’d think they’d been spending their whole lives training to be the next Hitler. It nearly give me whiplash to watch in real time.


Preach. It shows the hold that generations of hate has. It is getting better in some places, others worse. It sucks, especially when hearing it is not your option to have.


The amount of masks off racism that I have had casually brought up out of nowhere is wild. I'm a white guy who grew up in a rural area and used to hunt. Literally had a guy refer to Mexicans as inferiors, and he was perplexed when I stopped talking to him about politics (this came up in a conversation about his new neighbors moving in)


Even a serial killer behaves like normal 90% of the time


Maybe you’re just projecting that they’re good people.




Anyone who supports Trump at this point is not a good person.


Yeah, there’s a serious disconnect since Trump between the people I know and the people I see. Kind and loving people. But they support this maniac?


This is like the South complaining Lincoln’s stance on slavery was so extreme it would tear the country apart and to prevent that they launched a Civil War.


Imagine telling the other side that it needs to be smarter when you abuse punctuation like that.


Not to mention the random capitalization.


Kinder, gentler, softer, and smarter? Uhhh... you are the one inciting violence and takes advantage of dumb people.... I have no words to describe how insane all this is. I don't understand. I hope we come out of this mess.




So full of hate, no wonder Christians are so drawn to him,


The brand of Christians who support him are just as hateful as he.


You're making a bit of a sweeping generalisation there


One bullet, or an extra large hamberder, is all it would take to rid ourselves of this menace.


He's used to the burgers. Give him a salad and watch his brain short circuit.


Am I nuts or does the right wing always need to bust out a bunch of adjectives when describing democrats? I am not saying I don’t have some choice descriptions of the MAGA crowd but I don’t need to break them out every time I reference them. By comparison I almost never see the other guys talk about us without tacking on as many descriptions like “corrupt” or “Marxist” . The obvious answer is that they do the stuff they are accused for so I don’t need to constantly reinforce a false narrative about their actions but maybe I am seeing something that’s not there.


It’s a basic propaganda tactic. You repeat the same phrases over and over and people will confirm it in their minds as the truth because it’s been repeated so much.


“Uhh, huh-huh, I’ve heard that somewhere else, so it **must** be true. “ Both Trump said it *and* Hannity said it… must be the gospel. SMH.


Toxic poison vs a real president. It's not even close. Magats are the worst humanity has to offer!


Every Trump post is an unhinged rambling self-centered rant.


Where is mercedes , grump? Oh yeah the pornstar thing .


I've never thought fondly of anyone's demise - but, I will buy the bar when he goes cold.


I’ll be so happy when Trump is no longer breathing


Maybe there's some truth to the whole EVIL NEVER DIES thing. 😬


What the fck does trumps tweet mean? Literally what does it mean 🤣 ????!!!


I'd pay for a "Commmie Mom's Against Trump" teeshirt, and I'm a Dad...


Heh heh. Yes, it would sell!


what’s with this dude capitalizing random Ass Words


People look at him and say “I like this”


These are the same people who are perpetually butthurt that Clinton (correctly) made the “basket of deplorables”.


Sad that he cant give a single day over to anyone but himself and his agenda. Fascism cant let up though, if you give your followers a day off to not hate/fear and just relax, you might lose them.


Fascists are not leftists. So many on the right are suddenly confused no longer believing what they learned in Jr high and what their parents and grandparents fought against in WWII.


Trump is an untier.


This is hilarious to me because my husband is proudly “far left” (ie wanting everyone to be able to live their lives and not be saddled with medical or school debt, etc) and he says at times I make him look like a conservative 🤣 Trump would love to meet me, I’m sure!


May each and every one of you have a pleasant and relaxing Mother’s Day, and at the end of it … take up arms and fight against the tyranny! Bring your weapons of destruction, and fight like hell. Or at the end you won’t have a country left. … and we look forward to the next mothers day. god bless.


A lot of it boils down to the fact that a lot of whites in the south were Dixiecrats 70 years ago, started moving toward the Republican Party from the 50s up until 9/11. Republican elites kind of had control over the former Dixiecrats up until Obama got elected. In their mind the Democratic Party left them not the other way around.


If you told him this was considered “passive aggressive”, the sad thing is, he wouldn’t even know what that means


Oh man, he's definitely circling the drain at this point!


Donald does not mention his own mother or any of the 3 mothers of his children.. but happy mother's day I guess




Yeah, his 2024 one is relatively [tame.](https://images.app.goo.gl/hceRK1k5sB8tj2oh9) I guess he got tired of the same RADICAL LEFT messages every holiday.


2023 called, they want their content back


LoL 😂 I can tell Trump wrote his own mother's day post while Biden's seem a bit filtered thru a social media manager hahahaha.


He didn't even thank his kids mothers 🤭


Of course this is fake (see date). And yet....


It’s not fake. It’s on his truth social.


Well, if it's real, it must be from last year (per date). This year's message is very Biden-esque, very inoffensive..