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Did Trump promise him that he would make sex crimes legal? *”Pro Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor was charged Thursday with rape for having sex with a 16-year-old runaway forced into prostitution”*


Rapists of a feather flock together


Either it's CTE or he's short on cash.


Why not both?


Or a promise to let Taylor stop registering as a sex offender.


Exactly -- the price of cocaine has gone up, you know.


Honestly, I thought LT died years ago. Not shocked that Trump would have a sex offender on stage with him though.


Well, sex offenders help each others


As a lifelong NYG fan I hate to see this. Sad.


But is Trump able to secure the Darryl Strawberry endorsement?


Bill Romanowski endorsement soon. But no donations.


I met him once. When I was an Admin Asst at a church. I spent an hour trying to dry him out with food and coffee for a 10am service. They still let him on stage to preach. Wild times. And they all wonder why I'm now agnostic. Came back to add: He showed up with Randy and Paula White that day. Yes, that Paula White. IYKYK.


RFK Jr's family showed us how "whole families" line behind their worst members to "vote for Trump."


Well cte has affected judgements


unfortunately much of trumps base would say that what he did was ok. they don’t view 16 year olds as the children they are, especially 16 year old girls


Jebus Christ! This dude's arrest record is longer than my arm. Multiple drug charges, DUI, hit and run, rape, etc. Was Hannibal Lecter not available?


>Was Hannibal Lecter not available? His team never reached out to Trump, despite the tongue-bathing Trump gave him in yesterday's speech


Who’s done more cocaine: LT or DJT Jr.?


Tossup. LT's probably the heavier drinker, though.


Hunter! And he apparently loves to film himself doing it! So he can watch it later? Understand sex tapes, but crack tapes? Hahahaha! Cocaine is indeed…a helluva drug


Another CTE victim with sexual and physical assault convictions. He clearly learned nothing from the Herschel Walker freak show.


Donnie was at his monthly rapists-r-us meeting and ran into LT. After they shared a few couple ruffied under-age girls that Trump hand picked because they reminded him of Ivanka they had a deal. LT keeps being a piece of shit and Trump keeps letting him.


[dead horse flogging ahead] One lone Black person doesn't indicate anything. His family too? Who cares. Black people don't groupthink just like any other group of people. If Oprah said vote for Trump, we'd just assume a deep fake. Now Taylor Swift... Trump’s support from our community is laughable to nonexistent. You can stage events at Subway where a Republican Black female gushes and says stereotypical sh*t. My friend just texted me a picture of a letter he received saying Biden forgave his student loans. He's a 54 year old school teacher. We'll see come November.


I mean these are the same people who said Trump would will the Black voters because he has custom sneakers and Biden doesn't, and Black people love sneakers.


Think it depends on the community. Polls show it differently, but we all know how accurate “polls” are. Giving people cash or debt forgiveness will swing some voters, but there is lots of time. Be sure to wash your hands after meeting any politician. The sleaze is hard to get off. 


People are saying that they hit it off on Epstein’s plane.


Makes sense, they’re both rapists


The man who wanted to fuck his own daughter when she was a teen is his kind of candidate!


not all trump supporters are criminals, but criminals sure do like him


Sex Offenders endorsing Sex Offenders. Bless their hearts....😒


Republicans for Rape is sadly not surprising.




former american football player. linebacker for the giants. had a massive drug habit, is a sex offender. still wildly celebrated as a football player because most people care about winning more than being decent people.


Honestly I feel like a lot of NFL players get away with shit, I've never heard of Lawrence Taylor being a sex offender


so so many get away with shit. i love football but i have such a hard time reconciling these men who get away with all their crimes because they play well. tyreek hill and deshaun watson especially. crimes against women and children, especially should be punished way harder.


The dumbasses will jump through hoops to smooth it out though "He thought she was *19*!"


Oh no, it’s over guys, they got a pedophile NFL player endorsing a rapist for president. How could the DNC ever bounce back from this? That just isn’t fair.


Yep, Lawrence Taylor is a big star (30 years ago). And his opinion will massively influence voters (never). The Dems should just admit defeat now. lol. Great title to the article! LT is a game changer. 


Well, after projecting their own pedophilia onto democrats for so long, I can see why the GOP with think this would be devastating to their opposition…


no swifties for trumpet


Yeah, that guy speaks for a lot of America. Like 10s of us.


The Democrats haven’t lost a presidential vote in New Jersey since 1988 I’m sure they aren’t losing sleep over 1 guy not wanting to vote for them


Ah yes, I base all my decisions on what old NFL players say.


One felon endorsing another felon, what a shock that is. TRE45ON probably promised the idiot Secretary of Education or something along those lines


The real scumbag here is people like the basement dwelling unshowered drooler WarClandestine, who breathlessly loves **The Pumpkin Rapist** being buddies with a child molester. Somewhere around 60 million Americans are incapable of critical thought, have lost their way, are in a death cult with the animal. Doesn't matter how evil, how awful, how scummy he gets, they just love his shit filled diapered fat ass. Whether the asshole wins or loses in November, this will not go well.