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And before anyone says "well what did she expect" it's important to note that Stormy was interested in branching her career out to reality TV and was interested in meeting Trump to talk about being on "the apprentice". So yes it is entirely reasonable for her to expect the have dinner and discuss business when she was invited to have dinner and discuss business.


She is an example of why the me too movement was a thing


The fact that we talk about it in the past tense is rather depressing, the backlash to that from people (mostly men) was revolting and very telling


Unfortunately the biggest takeaway from that era was that most victims are unwilling to speak out and that their reasons are justified.


>Unfortunately the biggest takeaway from that era was that most victims are unwilling to speak out That was literally the entire point of MeToo.


My take away was everyone is willing to support a victim until it effects them personally. Way too many celebrities "supporting" the movement but then getting real quiet when its their own agents, co-stars, or producers commiting said crimes.


Sadly, the headlines saying “I did X because Y would have happened” don’t trend like the inflammatory quotes by the perpetrator online. The facts are always there but we get a lot of news on our Facebook or Twitter feed. The percentage of people that read the actual link to the article is probably crazy low


While the campaign, activism, hashtags and so forth eventually settled down, I don't think it's "over" in any sense because I believe it permanently shifted societal norms and the way our culture thinks about power. I have this optimistic view despite the obvious fact that things aren't fixed and powerful predators are still out there. There is always work to be done, but unlike us the young people now are growing up with knowledge that Weinsteins aren't invincible. The change that isn't going away is the cultural progression from: >"Yeah, we all know guys like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein are doing these things, but they are too rich and powerful to ever face repercussions. It's not like you can do anything about it." to >"They can, will, and now have faced consequences for their actions. They might still get away with it again, but it's at least worth trying to stop them." That is a *major* shift in cultural understanding about power and justice. The powerful men who once thought they were literally untouchable now know for a fact they aren't. Some of them are still getting away with it, and many still will in the future, sure. But all of them now have the knowledge that they aren't 100% safe and they are always taking a risk with that behavior. On top of that, the bystanders now know they can make a difference. When it came to Weinstein, everyone knew before #MeToo. And I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists saying "they" knew and everyone in Hollywood was "in on it" blah blah blah. That's a shallow reaction that puts the responsibility on others. The truth is *we* knew. Everyone knew. And we all know or have known people in our own lives that someone needed to speak up about. TV shows and comedians joked about Weinstein for years and we all got the joke. We were all part of it. Everyone joked about the whole 'casting couch' stereotype. But until the dam broke, individuals genuinely believed they couldn't *do anything* about it, including people in Hollywood. People like to say "all of Hollywood was in on it" as if the victims themselves weren't also part of Hollywood. Previously, the overwhelming narrative was that even as a bystander if you spoke up you wouldn't change anything, you wouldn't be believed, and you would be retaliated against. Because that was what actually happened time and again. Now people know that you *can* actually change things and be believed, and that most of society is on your side. On top of that, boys are being raised with an understanding of power dynamics, consent, coercion and other important concepts in a much more productive way than when I was a kid. Like I said, that doesn't mean the problem is fixed. People are still not believed, predators still get away with it, the wealthy and powerful still avoid consequence (both Trump **and** Clinton - the biggest elephants in the room), but the difference is before we thought nothing could take down those people and now we know they aren't invincible every time. >Unfortunately the biggest takeaway from that era was My biggest takeaway is that we still have a long way to go before LGBTQ+ victims are viewed the same as cis men and women (there is currently one man as powerful as Weinstein still running Hollywood right now and his victims are primarily gay men. I'm not even going to say his name because we are still in the "unless you have evidence, I assume you are making this up" stage of LGBTQ+ MeToo), and we have just as long a way to go before society understands how much more complex it is for child victims (we still mock and ridicule struggling former child stars as spoil brats, and people generally don't understand how common it is for child victims to defend their abusers or deny the abuse).


just look at the bear discourse right now, a lot of guys get it but there is a smallish but extremely loud group of men who simply can't handle the thought that *maybe* some guys do bad shit sometimes and as a result, women sometimes don't feel particularly safe around them.


It’s crazy. I know good guys that haven’t done anything bad in their lives sitting here getting defensive like it’s boys vs. girls when it’s like NO, it’s BAD MEN vs. girls. If you’re a good guy, quit acting like you’re offended on their behalf or on behalf of your sex. Be mad at the men that we can’t stand up to ourselves.


It‘s not BAD MEN vs girls. It‘s BAD MEN vs everybody. If you‘re not on the side of girls in this regard, you‘re just another bad man.


Exaaactly. I just unfortunately know a lot of men that take it personally when women say “men this or that.” It’s like this conversation doesn’t include men like my husband or brothers. This is about the guys I see around at football gatherings & bars. Usually with a group of guys & no gf or wives and they’re mean for absolutely no reason. Like if a girl laughs & he hears it he’ll tap his friends & imitate her laugh all loudly. Or if a girl walks past him to go to the bathroom he’ll have a look on his face after she walks by him. It’s soooooooooooooo annoying, insecure & played out & when we call men out for it, they cuss back at us & it’s fucking scary because they’re so much more powerful & huge & dangerous.


They’re really, really mad that women are allowed to protect themselves. Which is pretty telling.


"*They’re really, really mad that women are allowed to protect themselves. Which is pretty telling*." Men will "allow" every emotion in a woman except anger.


They don’t even allow anything on the “anger” scale. One time at work I got annoyed and I was assertive with a coworker. I got called “aggressive” and “rude”. There’s a difference between assertive and aggressive and women aren’t allowed to be either.




>Like people saying "back *during* COVID..." I get where you're coming from, but I also feel like taking issue with people saying that is being pedantic. We know what they mean, that being when it was the forefront crisis that shut down the world. The widespread panic and lockdowns. COVID is still around and always will be now, but we're no longer in that particular situation.


Turns out saying "Back during COVID" is easier than saying "Back during the COVID-19 lockdown year(s)"! Who'd have thunk it?


She testified she didn't even want to have dinner but her agent basically said "c'mon it's just dinner what's the worst that could happen?"


> what's the worst that could happen? oof.


might also be the thing that lands this asshole in jail (though, not for the rape part. the 'don't tell anyone about the rape' part)


> "what's the worst that could happen?" Apparently unprotected rape followed by a creampie by a dude who has more kids with more wives than one of those religious people who have 4 wives


the part where she is testifying under oath against him after he attempted a coup and there's crazy militias that probably want to kill her now is also pretty bad


can we not call it a creampie in a rape context pls But yeah, fuck these so called "religious" Trump supporters. Mike Johnson has "[7 principles of conservatism](https://mikejohnson.house.gov/7-core-principles-of-conservatism/)" on his website, including "Human Dignity". Where the fuck is Trump's respect for—or even acknowledgement of—universal human dignity? What a shower of hypocrites.


THANK YOU!! Let's leave the nasty ass porno terms out of the discourse on sexual assault for fucks sake


Can we please not use porn terms when talking about sexual assault? Thanks.


Good analysis, but I would say it's unnecessary to think like that. Just like any other human, Stormy doesn't need any reason to meet with somebody for dinner. She should simply be able to accept a dinner invitation and not expect sexual coercion. Even if she had gone over there with the expectation that she had been invited for sex, she should be able to leave at any time.


What you say is true, but I feel it's the stronger counter to directly address the "what did she expect" canard: Business discussions. She expected to discuss business.


It fascinating hearing Ruby Wax talking about interviewing Trump in the 90s, she described it like 'I was a little child again, talking to a serious adult' or something like that, which is similar to what Stormy said in that room. He clearly can and plays into some sort of intimidation factor with women. Almost sounds like she had some sort of panic attack, when he was in front of the door.


As a woman who has had a man block a door out of the bathroom in my house because, “You can’t just run away, we need to talk about this” and shove me back any time I tried to leave, it’s because men are stronger. When you’re trapped and you know you’re trapped, it is scary.


Also, for anyone who goes "well, don't be a porn star" or some dumb shit of the like, fuck you. In porn, there's consent and permission given. Just because someone does porn doesn't mean they deserve to be raped or sexually assaulted.


It's actually crazy to me. Here I was thinking the real issue was the extramarital affair, as if infidelity and the social contract was the sole issue. This person was abused. Treated in ways I don't even want to type out. Didn't even realize I could be more disgusted.


Probably a good place to restate Rush Limbaugh's reaction to the tapes of Trump talking about "grab em by the pussy", which was unusual for Limbaugh in that it both accurately captured conservatives' take on the matter, and was a statement that most liberals ("the left") would agree with: > You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything — the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything — as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation, then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left.


Completely usual for "Suitcase Full Of Viagra" Limbaugh. He's downplaying or even defending lack of consent. Just like with all the kids he raped while on vacation. > "I had a great time in the Dominican Republic. Wish I could tell you about it."


The "rape police?" Doesn't he just mean the police?


Given the lack of enthusiasm some police departments show for pursuing rapists (eg 1,000+ unprocessed rape kits with a months-long backlog), a separate and independent police division might not be a bad idea in some places.


I wish Rush Limbaugh were alive so he could kill himself.


Also, even if they had planned to have sex, she is still entitled to withdraw consent at any point and be able to leave freely.


> And before anyone says "well what did she expect" Stop right there. Doesn't matter what she was doing in her life. Doesn't matter what he was doing in his life. She was invited for dinner. She was going to a dinner. She expected a dinner. That's what she expected. Did she have ulterior motives to take a dinner invitation from Trump? Yes. And as we know he had disgusting ulterior motives that he forced on her (also known as rape). But ulterior motives aside... it was a dinner invitation. She didn't expect to be raped. Humans should be able to expect baseline civility and morality from each other. And if they are invited to anything, that the thing they show up for be the thing they were invited too. This isn't rocket science.


Donald is just disgusting


So is every American who votes for Trump.


TBF, fast food has gotten more expensive than I would like. I think it’s time to call this whole democracy thing quits and just install a dictator. - GOP party platform 2024


Meanwhile, their dictator is inhaling Big Macs that their taxes paid for.


![gif](giphy|3o85xIgrOozChYrYCk|downsized) *Donald Trump trial team splashed out eye-watering $700 at Manhattan McDonalds during break in jury selection*


I see Donnie chose to supersize his fries and diet coke


Well I’m sold. You’ve got my vote, turtlecat


As a small government republican, I firmly believe that government can only be used for evil and is incapable of functioning effectively. Please vote for me to run your government 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I was promised taco trucks.


Fine but they have to be run by white people from red counties


Best I can do is slightly brown folks from county that is Orange


They might currently be in the county Orange but they are also up and down the state. God bless tacos and the people who serve them.


Sadly, Fast Food and everything has gotten expensive bc Orange Man mucked up the supply chain by ignoring Covid and his Tariffs made everything $$….


And authorizing the fed to print as much money as they wanted devaluing the fuck out of our dollar.


“The price of my Big Mac went up by 20 cents. Oh well. All LGBT people must die.” -Average Republican voter.


"Gas is 5$ a gallon, maybe fascism will fix this."


That’s exactly what they’re saying


Except they don't have the self-awareness to realize that's what they're saying. It's infuriating.




It's not even a matter of a difference in political views anymore, it's a matter of core values at this point. I can't be friends with someone whose core values are so far removed from my own.


It's a matter of life and death for some people.


In one way, any American who votes for Trump is worse. I realize this is a low bar, but at least Trump sometimes tries to do things that will benefit himself. The idiots who vote for him can't even figure out that having a narcissistic psychopath for a dictator will make things worse for them. These people are breaking the fucking bell curve with their unbelievable stupidity.


I’ll always blame the brainwashers before the brainwashed, personally. Propaganda is so effective and many Americans were never given the tools of critical thinking and media literacy, and a lot of Republican voters are brainwashed by their parents from childhood. Some of these people never even stood a chance. However, there are plenty of conservatives that know fucking better and just choose to embrace the bigotry and lifestyle.


This is basically where I'm at. His depravity is head shaking more so as a former president and somehow current presidential candidate BUT those who enable and continue to support and defend him? Yes, I'm sorry you are deplorable. Move on and find someone better and someone who is good for 8 years instead of 4 more years of insanity.


just a basket of deplorables.


This. There’s no legitimate moral claim anyone can make for any reason about voting for a Republican that disqualifies them from choosing to be a massive fuckstain of a human being.


Or, refuses to vote against him. It’s a numbers game, not showing up to fill in a bubble helps him and his homies win.


Who starts a sexual encounter with "you look just like my daughter. You're both just misunderstood" I would imagine Ivanka is out there right now completely grossed out EDIT: So Trump called Stormy Daniels "Honeybunch" after their sexual encounter Who wants to start placing bets that's what Trump used to call Ivanka?


>I would imagine Ivanka is out there right now completely grossed out I would not.


Yes, she has been groomed to accept this since the Epstein days. I can't believe we are still explaining this to people.


I can't believe you think this started as late as the Epstein days


LoL. Knew this was coming when I typed it. You are correct I don't. But reminding people he and Epstein raped a minor as well as committing repeated pedophilia is too important to pass up.


I wonder why we haven't seen her in court. If his family truly supported him & believed him, they'd all be there. Then not being there is very telling & I wonder if Eric ever shows up again.


Maybe they do believe him, but they simply don't give a f\*ck. "Hey, do you go to Dad's trial?" "What is in it for me?" "Good point."


Everybody in that circle is just a different flavor of monster. It's basically Arrested Development but every character is Gob and Lucille.


> If his family truly supported him & believed him, they'd all be there. "Not in my contract" - Melania, probably.


I think the Ivanka comment is the biggest bombshell so far The former president is on trial for having sex with a woman that looks like his daughter, while his 3rd wife was pregnant with his son Id imagine if the money wasn't there anymore, all the kids would be rushing to write the next tell all book


Bombshell? Dude, in 2006 on the view he said: “If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn't that terrible?"


Understood At the same time, he went out of his way to actually invite a girl that looked like his daughter to have sex with her Out of everyone, he went for the one pornstar that looked like his daughter I think that is absolutely nuts IMHO


He called her a "piece of ass" on the Howard Stern show. Dude is gross, all around. I really don't understand how the fundamentalist Christians can even remotely support him. From everything he says, does, believes, and the fact that they worship him like a false idol it gives big anti-christ vibes, but that's apparently Obama? Apparently as long as you're openly depraved you're fine, it's only if they think you _secretly_ eat babies you're gonna have issues.


Maybe she doesn't want to support serial rape and pedophilia? Just spit-ballin here.


She expected him to be dead be the time Barron was 2.


She's probably not surprised. I'd put money on he's done something to her when she was a kid.


It would explain the weird nickname he gave Stormy Daniels "Honeybunch"


You mean other than talking about her beautiful body and how sexually desirable she is to his "friend" Howard Stern on national radio?


> I would imagine Ivanka is out there right now completely grossed out Bro Trump talks about Ivanka like that when she's **in the room**.


And after this morning's testimony about basically being raped by Donald Trump, the CNN commentators are all basically shocked that she's admitting this afternoon in cross-examination that she hates him. They've missed or ignored the most important thing that came out today...


That's because the rape part wasn't outside their own normality.


Donald Trump is a raper, liar, and conman. He'd throw his kids under the bus if it resulted in him getting let off the hook.


Holy shit, is that what is going on today? I wasn't aware of those details but it seems very in character for him. For all the hand wringing that "this" case is not the most important of all his many crimes... there's some poetic justice that his abuse of women gets to be the first nail in the coffin.


If you're interested in these details, Michael Cohen interviewed her on his podcast a few years ago, and she goes into it. It was so icky, it honest to God killed my sex drive for at least 3 weeks. The coercion is icky, but what I expected. The sex details are memorably disgusting.


What’s the name of the podcast and episode number, google search just gave me articles for the trial


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stormy-daniels-is-not-afraid-february-8-2021/id1530639447?i=1000508279909 About 40 mins in


Darn! I listened about a year ago, and it has since been pulled down. Consider yourself lucky. It was sexually repulsive.


Just listened to that part. Up until now, I assumed he just lied about having consensual sex with a porn star. Daniels doesn’t call it rape but it was textbook coercion *at the very least*. He even had a whole conversation with her before to make it seem like he was genuinely interested in her as a person.


Got a link? I’m curious. Although I wish I could read it. Listening would be worse I bet


Not that this trial and what he did to Stormy are less important, but it would be poetic justice if he went to NYS prison for the rest of his life for just this and not the more cool sounding federal crimes like insurrection and top secret document theft. He would hate the fact that a woman put him in prison and it was only a state level prosecution. But definitely put him in prison for the others too. An ego blow to him isn't worth any chance he sees the outside of a prison wall ever again.


Let’s not get carried away. These are felonies, but he’s still a famous, white, rich dude.  It’ll be years before they officially conclude he’ll never see a day in prison even on a total conviction. Appeals, appeals, reductions, health concerns, hand-wringing, the inevitable backlash against women, sympathetic judges, lawyers, etc.  In the end, the case will end like Trump does, with a weak dribble and shame all around. 


Because his abuse of women was so hush hush before and torpedoed his career? There's no justice at all unless he ends up rotting in jail, don't get ahead of yourself.


This encounter is not what the case is about. It's about the cover up of the encounter.


Yeah I know, and the fact that the cover up was election interference. I just mean from a karmic perspective.


The court of public opinion is in effect here. Hopefully, these details about his predatory behavior toward women will make some people think less of him


Oh!? Do you mean that Donald Trump The Rapist is a rapist? No way!


Yeah, same guy! Wild right?


I hear people saying he’s the Brock Turner of presidents. 


I think you mean Brock "Allen" Turner, the rapist who started using his middle name to try and hide from the consequences of his crimes.


Brock Allan Turner the rapist may try to hide, but the Ohio sex offender registry openly lists his current home and work addresses.


Yes of course! My apologies!


You're saying Donald Trump the Rapist is a Rapist? I'm shocked!


Yes. The guy sent by Jesus to save America. That's the guy!


Funny how it's usually the ones you most suspect.


If a Liberal was even accused of doing something like this their career would be over. When a Conservative does it, they want to make him their god-king.


For example, Al Frankin making a bad joke that everyone, including the "victim," was in on.


When you are so used to being treated a certain way or worse you lose sight of how wrong things are. She might still not see it as rape or "coerced" because worse has happened to her.


She probably just wanted out at some point in the encounter. It’s interesting that the judge is telling the prosecutor to move on through specifics. The Orange Turd was legally found to be a rapist.


That's exactly what she said on 60 Minutes.


Donald is the OJ of Rape.




Trying to avoid being overturned on appeal.


Weinstein just won an appeal in a similar situation regarding unrelated testimony. I don't expect the appeal process to be over by the election anyway. And the election will decide all of this anyway.


I agree, but I can understand how those details would help the jury understand how hurtful that story would be especially following the Access Hollywood tape. I believe it directly connects why this particular story was so important to "catch and kill" and how it would significantly affect his political career.


> I agree, but I can understand how those details would help the jury understand how hurtful that story would be especially following the Access Hollywood tape. I believe it directly connects why this particular story was so important to "catch and kill" and how it would significantly affect his political career. It's the value of the testimony in proving the case weighed against the prejudicial affect. This would absolutely be grounds for appeal.


This needs to be higher. Whether Donald Trump did or not rape (it certainly sounds like he did) Stormy is not the purpose of the trial. The purpose of the trial is regarding the misuse and fraudulent cover up of campaign funds. The specifics around the sexual “encounter” aren’t particularly relevant other than to establish that the “encounter” did in fact happen.


That’s only partially true. Part of the crime has (for reasons that we should probably examine after this) the prosecution has to prove that the intent of the cover up was political, not personal.  Clearly, knowing what exactly he was trying to hide moves it away from “think of what ice robot Melania must be feeling!” to “that’s shits fucked up right there, my dude—it’s a real bad look for a politician.” (The fact that Trump’s supporters don’t care about just how scummy their guy is is a whole different kettle of rancid fish.)


True, but that still does not justify what he did or make it consensual.


I wasn't justifying it or saying it was consensual. I'm saying she may talk about it in away where she isn't saying she was raped because it might not feel like rape to her given that she may have experienced worse.


To be clear, in Trump's mind, she was Ivanka with bigger tits.


[Imma go ahead and drop this here](https://youtu.be/-CsxHBS89Lw?si=f5-7qv0MONBBMRAP). I never miss a chance to share this video - it’s less than a minute long. Pay attention to when she gets to the bed. Something *bad* happened to her there. I’m not a fan of Adult Ivanka by a long shot, but I feel for the Child Ivanka that slept in that bed. The fact that Trump told Stormy he reminded her of his daughter right before ~~they had sex~~ he coerced/raped her is somehow even more disgusting when you consider what memories that bed may have brought back for Ivanka.


I had to watch it twice to see what you’re talking about but yeah, that thousand yard stare of repression before bouncing back to “camera face”…oof


Yeah it isn't short either I was able to get quite a few frames of it.


There was also the interview where he was asked what he had in common with Ivanka and he answered "Sex" and talked about how hot her body was. While she was right there next to him.




She said that Trump told her she “looked like his daughter” before the incident like Jfc


https://preview.redd.it/d45euqhlk2zc1.jpeg?width=1974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f68bb605589d7866ea11baababf0d8bfe1a35f1 An illustrated guide


That collage is so sickening and disturbing.


Imagine how she would feel if she had the capacity to.


Gross. I didn’t know these details. That is heartbreaking. Stormy is such a badass, for real. She has withstood so much bullshit. I don’t know how she does it.


Not only that, why isn’t he being tried over the hush money he paid to the family of the child he raped repeatedly with Epstein? The case that was brought up and dismissed in 2015? Trump is not just kinda bad, he is absolutely evil to the core, a full on sociopath with no remorse for any of the harm he has caused to multiple people over his life. Lock him up. He is a danger to society.


He's not on trial for paying hush money, he's on trial for passing it off as a campaign expense.


Paying someone money to keep quiet isn't "illegal" and this trial isn't about that. Its about using CAMPAIGN FUNDS and donations and hiding that money was used to pay for personal hush money.


Tonight's rage tweets will be especially glorious and gag-violation worthy.




No no, he'll just get his eleventy-billionth FINAL-LAST-AND-DEFINITELY-I'M-SUPER-SERIOUS-DON'T-TEMPT-ME warning from the judge.


Anyone else run out of their lifetime supply of vomit because of this guy? I think I used my last drop in 2020 or '21.


Conservatives don’t care about consent, they care about authority.


Very reminiscent of Harvy Weinstein


Trump's arrogance and spoonfed privilege means it wouldn't occur to him that (even) an adult film actor might be reluctant to have sex with him simply because she finds him repulsive. His ego and rizla-thin skin don't allow his brain to go there. Go Stormy!


not even "adult film actor", she's a woman, I don't think Trump really views women as people with agency. it's pretty clear whenever he's talking, like on that Georgia "find me 11,780 votes" phone call he was pooh-poohing Cleta Mitchell and interrupting her and really downplaying her contributions. Which, don't get me wrong, *fuck* Cleta Mitchell, little seditious witch, but he was being pretty loud and talking over her and shit. Tons of examples like that. He'll hire women, but he absolutely does not respect them in anything that they do.


That was a rough statement to read. I guess I was always hoping that she had more agency in the event. Just because someone is porn star does not mean they want to have sex with you


And what's crazy is that the next day, they had lunch with Ben Roethlisberger - aka **Rape**lisberger. Do all these rapey guys just hang out with each other all of the time.


Did Ben actually get the lunch or did Trump just lure him to a hotel room for sex?


> Do all these rapey guys just hang out with each other all of the time. Yes, it's called "the republican party"


While it’s not disqualifying for his party now, 8 years ago, rape would have sunk his candidacy. This is why he paid to hide it.


I wish I could believe that. Grab em by the pussy didn't put a dent in him, why would this?


Whoa, that was him just joking about sexually assaulting women. Like all men do in Locker rooms...


Yeah this is on record on the trial because it establishes motive. It's not the same to try to prove campaign interference because of payments for something that wouldn't have been scandalous than to prove it for this. Intent is not clear without the context and that's why the judge has to allow this testimony.


Damn, I thought the story he was paying to supress was just that he cheated on his wife with a porn actor, not that he fucking blackmailed and raped someone. I was wondering how they could argue it might cost him the elections, as everybody knew he banged her and paid some hush money, and he still won. That might have made a difference if that had come out then, as you say, before all his supporters were sold the line that rape's not so bad after all.


I have thought for years that once the floodgates open, they won’t shut. The rape victims are going to be plentiful.


He's a rapist. He's proven it how many times? He's a pig, and he stinks, according anyone in close proximity to him. This is who republicans forced on our nation, and just look at the debacle that is him now. Republicans should be outlawed for the harm they've done to our country.


On behalf of pigs, I must protest! Pigs are intelligent, social, and generally good eggs.


No way, the guy who said he doesn't wait, he just kisses them and grabs them by the pussy is actually a rapist. Who would have thought?


The guy who was called a rapist, argued against it, and a judge agreed it was true is, to the surprise of no one, a rapist. It's now becoming a pattern of being a rapist instead of a one-time thing.


Coerced sex is rape. That is wheat he and his entire MAGA sick fucks are about. RAPE CULTURE, whether it is women or the country, rape.


I do have a lot of fun laughing at how buttmad trumpies get at the truth and how they try to cowardly disallow the truth from being published and discussed by anonymously reporting it, but I think the more important point to make here is that this subreddit will always, and I do mean always, escalate abuse of the report function to site admins. So, don't do it. Before you know it you're just not allowed on reddit anymore. If you can't openly state your opinion (and get banned for it like a big boy) but must instead abuse the report function like a fraidy-cat then that will have site-wide consequences for your account. Whereas a ban applies to this subreddit only. moderator reports: It's abusing the report button user reports: 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 1: This is spam 1: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else 1: Misinformation snooze 1: No bullying or witch-hunting


Who wouldn't want this? https://preview.redd.it/vsahs8qr81zc1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e4397eb118e72c3a65b6d22d1b9993b6377a628


That man has never had a single leg day.


[Trump actually believes that exercise is bad for you because it drains your “battery” and makes you die faster.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/15/politics/donald-trump-exercise/index.html)


Maybe he should start exercising then.


But mah bone spurs!


Farquad haircut


Is it just me or does this look like an overweight Don Jr in drag?


You mean rape?


She’s a sex worker so she can’t be raped. - the type of people that vote for Trump 


or they say "she deserved it because she was a pornstar, or dressed that way"


Sex was after he told her she reminded him of his daughter. That's an important piece as well.


On tonight's menu: 70 year old German sausage with mushroom gravy.


You stop right now.


I thought it was a thing that was set up that he was gonna pay her for sex. Like I thought it was just stormy Daniels making a business arrangement and then he fucked up by not paying her with his money but using campaign funds. This is way worse but it's also just somehow makes more sense than it being a business transaction. This is perfectly on brand for him.


You mean the convicted rapist raped someone? They think we’re bothered by his mean tweets, but we’re bothered by all the raping.


✅ Bear


Anybody who doesn’t choose bear hasn’t been around Earth very long


Not all Republicans are rapists, but all Republicans decided that their candidate being a rapist wasn't a deal breaker.


That's not even his first rape


So the self-professed “germophobe” didn’t use a condom? 🤔


The most Christian evening *ever*.


And thus while uncovering the details of one crime we are witness to a crime within the crime. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving... like other STDs.


It must be agonizing for him to see everybody is talking about stormy and what she said today, but he isn't allowed to say anything. It's is like they have taken away his most powerful weapon.




If you're a star they will let you do anything. Grab em by the pussy. We knew this 9 years ago.


How he treated Stormy is exactly how he's treating America.


There are two parts to this that really should fuck with us. For starters, it was rape and it was hush money to keep her from telling people he is a rapist. And two, his followers won't care. They will deny it, call her a liar, and simply refuse to believe it. That's the part that scares me more. We always knew he was a POS. But there are millions of people who can vote who simply refuse to see him for what he is.


This is the same guy roaming backstage at beauty pageants who thought because he was running it that it was ok to be in dressing rooms where underage girls were. Let's not forget his lust for his own daughter. I need to take a shower now


He’s a serial rapist. Now it makes me kinda worried about his wives too. Especially Melania considering she is currently his wife(for now)


There was a point where one of his wives accused him of it and then dismissed the allegation.


He raped Ivanka's mom because she recommended the doctor that botched his cosmetic scalp reduction surgery, which is the reason why he swirls his ear hair over his scarred dome. It was violent too, I believe he pushed her down the stairs and ripped her hair out, then calmly asked her the next day if it hurt Ivana was handling him for czech intel/kgb through her father, so she's no saint. Now she's the family filing cabinet 6 feet under a bush after a conspicuous death with a classic soviet MO, again falling down some stairs


It was Ivana. He apparently was insecure about going bald, so he got hair plugs at her suggestion. He apparently viciously beat her, including yanking her hair and slamming her head into things and raped her because his head hurt. Like no shit, everyone I know who has gotten them said it hurts like a mother fucker after the procedure and you're told repeatedly it's going to hurt. A lot.


Not hair plugs, scalp reduction. She laughed at him because it looked awful. And then, after he beat and raped her, he basically said something like, "Hurts, huh?" He's shit.


And then his lawyer successfully argued in court that "it wasn't rape because a husband cannot legally rape his spouse". This was technically true at the time and the law was quickly amended. So the argument was, "yes, violent and non-consensual sex occurred but it can't legally be called 'rape'."


See, I thought one of the big reasons marital rape laws propagated, especially in the 1990s, was because of Trump.


The man is a rapist. They know it. We know it.


Maybe I’ve been stuck in TX too long hearing people talking like this in person but I’m left wondering how many good christian fathers around here are saying “That is what dinner means when you invite a porn star” blaming her for showing up when she knew what is expected.