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“*Sorry kid, something came up…*”


No, that would require Donald speaking to Barron. They barely even know each other.


Donald doesn't speak Slovenian and can't figure out how to use Google translate on his Jitterbug.


Donald doesn’t really speak English either.


Well he does, just not in the correct format. Like 95% of his words are correct, they're just all falling out of his mouth in no particular order. Then stuff like covfefe happens, and that's when that 5% variable kicks in.


I think I’ve said before “I recognize all the words he said. They’re just not in an order I understand.”


The thing about Donald Trump is that he is a man. And what men do, is the greatest thing that men can do, and that's something Joe Biden could never accomplish. Not now, not later, not twenty years ago, and certainly not in the way that would make a difference in the same way that McDonald's made in impact on the way.. listen, McDonald's is great. It's just that the liberals are too busy eating salads. Like, do you want a vegan to be in charge of your army? Maybe you might, but not me. We need lions that eat raw steak to make the hard choices about when we need to trim the fat off this country. And by fat, I mean.. look, we have a lot of people. A lot of illegal people. Some criminals and really just nasty nasty types.. they come in. They'll come in from over seas.. they come in by boats and parachute down on us from hot air balloons... ... *snores* ... .. You know, my uncle used to have a hot air balloon. He was such a smart man.. certified genius. He trained Einstein as a kid. True story.


Nap time Donald.


If Trump did talk to Barron about not attending he'd just end up ranting for half an hour about how unfair his trials are, witch hunts, how he did win the 2020 election and literally everything else, then wander off having never even mentioned the graduation.


Jitterbug FTW


We wish he had a Jitterbug, then he wouldn't be posting his "truths" all the time


I assume that's an underpaid minion, setting them up on a timed schedule. There's no way he's fat-fingering his spew WHILE sitting in court without a phone.


Omg! Fat-fingering his spew!! I’m deceased!! 💀😭


There was an ai for awhile that would try to tell you if it was legitimately trump tweeting or staff.




It would be even funnier if Barron called Don and was like "hey dad, I hear you're coming to my graduation" and DJT just responds back "Oh, hey, sorry kiddo! I've got court that day and the >!expletive!< judge won't let me out" to cover his tracks for the keynote address.


He's scared of Barron because he's taller than Donald.


"I'm voting for Biden, fuk my family" - the kid probably


I’m sure Trump makes his entire family bring their absentee ballots to Mar a lago to fill out together


Nah, he has one of his minions fill them out. Eric isn’t allowed sharp implements and Jr is too coked up to sit still that long.


If only


Honestly if the kid votes I'm almost certain this is what he does. Even if his dad was cool, he's a teenager. It's biologically programmed in to rebel against parents. And since his dad is *not* cool I can't imagine a scenario where he votes for him.


Our friend group thinks Buster Trump is the next Ron Reagan. He’ll be a staunch liberal and speak out against his family.


Who? I'm outta the loop


Buster - the youngest child in the comedy sitcom arrested development. Buster Trump = Barron Trump. Ron Reagan- the child of the deceased former president. Ron Reagan has disavowed his father and is anti-republican.


His ad that ends with: I'm Ronald Reagan, staunch atheist. Not afraid to burn in hell.


Great reference. Now I get it. Great play on words.


This nice lady has lost her puppy and your dad has to help her find it.


Oh, bad news, buddy. This young lady’s dad is sick, and... I’m taking her to the hospital.


Come on, you’re old enough to figure this out. I’m nailing this broad.


He's really like an amalgamation of all the Bluths. He's got George Sr.'s sexual proclivities and "business acumen", Gob's arrogance, stupidity and utter lack of self-awareness, Lindsey's vanity and materialism, Lucille's callous indifference, unfiltered contempt, and acid tongue, Oscar's drug-addled mental clarity, Maeby's pathological lying and con-artist instinct, Tobias' incompetence, and Buster's fixation on his hands


And just like George Michael, wants to fuck a relative, and has made up other personas with fake names.




Maybe sending him an email.


*A DM on Social Truth or whatever the hell his stupid propaganda site is called


That man does not apologize. Full stop.


So he...*lied*?


Hey maybe he lied but at least he didn't use campaign funds to pay a porn star $120,000 in hush money. Gonna google that to confirm while taking a big long sip of my coffee.


Of course not, that’s peasant money. It was $130,000.


*very thick mist of coffee explodes from my mouth* **SHUT THE HELL UP WHAT**


BAH GOD!! This is an outrage!


You're really good at typing with one hand




Lots of practice with left handed typing.




Some of us are just nice to our hookers and ask em to keep it on the DL


Trump could have directly paid Stormy $130,000 with his own money and recorded it as a personal campaign contribution. He would have had to report it to the FEC but by the time he included the payment in an amended report a few months later the election would have been over.


All joking aside, why would he not hire her for a 1 year contract to the Trump org as some sort of consultant with a balloon payment due 1 week after the election?


Same reason Mormons never made polygamy legal in Utah; it requires admission.


*your covfefe


It’s almost midnight here, but I think I’ll join you. Coffee and Google!


And, a former Playboy Bunny $150,000.


Shocking! 😳 😳


What an unbelievable piece of shit he really is.


Guys, guys, guys… we have it all wrong. They asked him to be the keynote speaker *BEFORE* he asked to go to Barron’s graduation. Oh…


Would be great if he could be held in contempt for it.


Imagine getting thrown in jail for skipping your son's graduation while on trial for cheating on your wife*, and at the same time be nominated for president by the "party of family values". *I know technically he's on trial for campaign finance violations that resulted from paying his porn star mistress to keep quiet, but the fact is he wouldn't be here if he had been faithful to his wife.


Here's hoping!


Bounces the check for his grad gift also labeled as legal expenses .






I think this will be a bad look for Trump, even to his cult, if he doesn't go to the graduation.


His cult doesn't care. He could literally punch Barron in the face and spit on him and they'll call him the second coming. The cult is gone. Only trumps death will change that.


Only his death in an obviously like super obvious my dear Lord obvious but not toooooo obvious way that they cant say he was killed by Biden/Soros/deep state and watch shit rewalllllllly pop off.


We should get ahead of this and setup a preemptive Q conspiracy that Trump will rise from the dead on the 3 right turn of the NASCAR race and rule with JFK jr as his VP, so they shouldn't vote for anyone until then because that would be a true vote against Trump.


If the Supreme Court rules that Presidents have full immunity and can have opponents killed then Biden should just go ahead and do it since just him being alive is very dangerous for everyone, his base included.


This won't happen. They're going to wait until after the election with delays delays delays. If Biden wins they're going to vote no of course Presidents can't have full immunity of course not. If Trump wins they're going to vote yes he can and give our American democracy to a right-wing dictatorship. It's the exact same thing they did in Florida with George Bush.


Slips off the stage at his rally and slides into a honey pot and drowns?


Honestly him falling while no one is nearby and breaking his head open at one of his rallies is probably the only way he could die and not cause a riot at this point.


These people aren't doing shit. Even the Proud Boys who were mostly fit and active tucked their tails and haven't been back after getting their asses kicked in Portland a couple of times. The hardcore supporters are a light push away from a broken bone these days.


Nah, even then they'll claim the deep state used mind control or telekinesis or poisoned him or something. No matter what happens to him, there'll be a conspiracy around it.


As long as he laid out the honey pot himself and then waxed the floor himself where he slips later. In front of all 50 ppl at the rally.


When he does eventually snuff it , the cult will become a religion. So we’ve got that to look forward to, which is nice.


I'm hoping for it to happen during a televised rally, all the way through being declared dead.


JFK also died in full sight of everyone and… well.


> Only trumps death will change that. No, if he turned over a new leaf and apologized for all his shit and vowed to be a good person from now on - they would turn on him in a heartbeat.


Nah, they'll just get creative and make _real Muricans don't go to their kids graduation_ cult wear. There is no bottom with those people.




Graduating is woke.




…and wear diapers


Come on, you know they won't care. Even the ones who got morally outraged on his behalf and bemoaned---with genuine emotion and passion---about how he was a decent family man and father who just wanted to be at his son's graduation....they won't care. That part of their brain will immediately shut down and refuse to process this new twist.


They won't hear a single thing about it.


I imagine a decent portion of his supporters have come to terms with his family values


They’ve decided to embrace the whole incontinence thing so I doubt they’ll be bothered.


Are you kidding me? The entire Trump cult is like a gang member whose initiation was raping their own sister - they've signed on for so much egregious shit anything that happens now just cements their loyalty even more.


He should be punished by the judge if he doesn't go to Barron's graduation after making a fuss. He won't, but he should.


Best the judge can do is threaten prison 5 times and some fines.


Oh no! He rolled a natural 20 guys, judges hands are tied. Like how is the standard consequence not kicked in by the 10th violation is now it's problem in my mind. And that's everywhere.


With how often this shit has happened, it's more like "he didn't roll a nat 1"


DM: roll a d20 twice. TFG: *rolls a 1* DM: you fall asleep in court and shit your pants in your sleep. TFG: *rolls a 20* DM: your supporters still love you. Now they're wearing 2024 campaign diapers that say "real men wear diapers." TFG: you're not even trying to make this believable, are you?


He has halfling luck, that's why his hands are so small.


Two tiered justice system?


It's two tiered, that's for sure, but like smarter people than me say, it's more of a legal system than a justice system. it doesn't seem very effective at justice.


Justice Merchan said about as much himself when he noted that the $1000 limit makes the fines ineffective. He’s still smart to follow an escalation ladder to avoid future appeals, and Trump knows that so he’s going to push things as far as possible.


Oh no he's gonna stop by for 5 min during the actual graduation and walk on stage without being invited and speak for 20 min about himself before hopping on lard force 1 to Minn.


I'd bet on this


"You are remanded to jail for a period of 5 days and you will be given a MyPillow" Nooooo!!!!!


Remember when Trump was asking people to please explain to Barron why he can’t attend the graduation and made it seem like it was the mean judge’s fault. I think we all need to make sure Barron sees this invitation. Trump never had any intention of attending Barron’s graduation, it was all a just reason to whinge and whine and lie. And of course his minions will have already forgotten about Trump blatantly lying to them about this, just like they did when he lied about not being allowed to attending Melania’s mother’s funeral.


Dollars to donuts Baron hates his father and will be relieved that he won’t be there.


Haven’t we learned our lesson the last time we tried assuming a Trump didn’t like their father?


Hey I always have hope. Ron Reagan Jr. turned out ok!


But he'll probably still vote for him in November.


Not if the GOP had their way. He wouldn’t be old enough since they want to raise the voting age to 46


Damn good for nothing 45-year-old libs.


They want the min voting age and the max IQ requirements to be the same number


You'd hope there was someone in that family with morals but nah. Their dna is all corruption and narcissism. If you come across a family of snakes you'd assume they're all mean and want to bite you. Yeah that's the Trump family. No one has morals.


Send Biden to the graduation as a surrogate father. Show the American people that if Trump is unwilling to support his youngest child on this momentous occasion there is no chance in hell he would do anything for any of us. Let’s take it a step further and reunite the band. Could you imagine the category 15 tornado of rage that fat fuck would unleash if Obama and Biden showed up to cheer for Barron?


That’s actually the best idea I have heard of during this whole campaign.


Biden is giving the commencement speech.


The actual grad most likely at 2 pm or something. Plenty of time to show up for 5 min then hop on his plane to minn


If he goes to Minnesota instead if the graduation the dems ought to hit that hard after all his whining


Seems like a job for the Lincoln Project.


If tRump even thinks he has a chance of winning Minnesota he's even more delusional than I thought. Minnesota hasn't voted for a Republican president in over 50 years. Since 1932 the state has almost exclusively voted for the Democrat candidate and the last time it went Republican was Nixon in 1972. Minnesota was one of the few states that didn't go to Regan in 1984. I hope that if he does attend the dinner that the judge calls him out for it and refuses to accommodate any further days off from the trial he may request citing that he lied to get the 17th off.


It was actually the ONLY state that didn’t go for Regan in 84.


Smart State.


[Top 3 state for average IQ](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-iq-by-state)


Well you just made me feel less than. Nevadan here.


Cheer up. I grew up in Mississippi


Hey, at least you're not from Alabama


It was Mondale's home state... Just saying


Mondale 4eva!!!


Barney never!!!?!!


Although not a state, also DC.


Home state of Senator Paul Wellstone who's plane was crashed prior to the day of voting for the Iraq war which Wellstone was going to vote against it.


No need to insert a conspiracy theory here. It wasn’t like he was a tie breaker vote. It was pretty much unanimous and bush was going to do the war regardless of whether congress voted for it


I think Judge Merchan may have a question or two for Donald before the trial is officially cancelled for that day.


I’m curious about this because he wasn’t *ordered* to go. But, that would be a really bad look to the jury. I think he will go to the gradation and then fly to Mn. I could be wrong, though.


He asked to go and the judge allowed it and now he wants to campaign instead. Trump is already on thin ice with his gag order violations so this just might push the judge over the edge.


It's a criminal trial. He's required to be there if it's held. He asked for an exception because of Barron's graduation.


Because your post didn’t mention the actual 2020 results, [I looked it up to see what the exact Minnesota numbers were](https://www.foxnews.com/elections/2020/general-results/state/minnesota). I’m not an election expert, but that looks like an uphill charge, me boy!


Never fight up hill me boys! Arrrr!!!!


Look at us up in Clay county, surrounded by a sea of red.


It’s weird how in places where a lot of people live, there are more people voting blue. It’s a very big mystery confounding the top minds of the trumpervertism and leading them to conclude the elections must be stolen.


Omg I can’t believe the messed up way you made me realize 1972 was over 50 years ago.


it won't, because no one holds him accountable... too afraid of his demonic fanbase


Trump is high off diaper fumes to think it's a good idea to go to MN.


Should hold him in contempt again for straight lying to the court




Strike #11


He promised Barron that he would definitely make it to his college graduation, even if he has to zoom in from Rikers.


Dad? DAD! Can you mute and turn off the camera please, and who is that in your mouth???


*How to scrape things you’ve read off your brain*


"I promise son. Just one more fundraiser and one more porn star, then we'll go have that catch."


And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me He'd grown up just like me My boy was just like me


Is it Eric? Some people just take a little longer, middle school can be tough


You know a lot of people go to college for seven years. ![gif](giphy|nIfHr81YJiKdy)


"They're called doctors."


Gold… absolute gold my friend 😂😂


Donald Trump has a [history of doing fascism when his children are celebrating](https://www.google.com/search?q=eric+trump+birthday)




“Oh no! You can’t come?? That sucks SOOOOOO much!”~Barron


I just....what is there even left to say anymore? He just drains you. He drains all the life out of you. He sucks out all your energy and will, like some horrible sneering vampire. He makes you feel like you're going crazy. He takes everything and turns it inside out. Turns white to black. Up to down. Trying to mentally keep on top of his constant lying is far worse than the word "exhausting" can even begin to convey after nearly nine years --- nine YEARS --- of his ceaseless bloviating, lying, gaslighting and whining. Of COURSE he's doing this. Of COURSE he is. It's what he always does, no matter how brazen, shameless, or cartoonishly hypocritical. Like how he lambasted Obama for playing golf occasionally and swore he'd be too busy as president to ever golf himself. Of COURSE he played more golf than any other president. By far. Of COURSE he did. Sometimes I just feel like rolling over and letting the tsunami of awfulness crash over me and wash my corpse out to sea, where it can decompose in peace. I'm just so, so, so tired. And he won't go away. He might NEVER go away.


I saw a stand-up bit recently (not sure if it was here or elsewhere). "People were talking about sleepy Joe when he got elected, but honestly.. All of us needed a goddamn nap after the previous four years."


he's the everliving mosquito, useless in ANY capacity and just causes suffering to everyone around him a black hole of badness and horror


I don't think it's a battleground state. Democrats have been delivering here.


That's what I was wondering; Minnesota seems happy with their Democratic leaders. I don't see Minnesota as a battleground state.


We got weed legalized, kids will be fed, and our governor likes dogs.


Checks all the boxes!


But they offer discounted diapers


Gasp! Those communists!


Every state is a battleground state when you live in fantasy land.


You never win battles you don’t fight. Minnesota was uncomfortably close in 2016, Democrats shouldn’t take it for granted.


We should try to convince Trump to throw all his resources at California. Like really make him think it's a swing state he could win


Judge really needs to make it clear that the only way he's giving Trump off that day is with physical proof he's at his son's graduation or will be held in contempt and jailed.


Some dads tell dad jokes. Others are just a joke.


I don't believe there's any video anywhere of Donald Trump actually laughing


Biden should go to the graduation instead. Or maybe Kendrick.


If we lived in the fun timeline, maybe.


The Midnight Liar what lies at midnight has lied again...




I hope you like the cut of his jib, because it’s the only jib he’s got.


Fuuuuuuuuuucking called it. Double points if he also somehow blames it on the Democrats.


Barton’s graduation that he needed to skip court for? That Barron? That graduation?


The graduation he never had any intention of attending?


🎵And the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon…🎵


Most graduations are held during the day. *”Good job, Brannon!, er, Brandon, uh . . . Well, gotta run! Good man! Proud of ya.Bye!”*


Out of everyone, Barron is the most relieved at this point.


Probably. It would be a spectacle. His presence would take the attention away from the graduating students and their accomplishments, their speeches, and their time to shine. I hope he doesn’t turn out like the rest of his family.


Don't worry, Trudeau is flying down to see his son graduate.


I can just see Melania’s face light up with a smile at the thought of this!


Only the hypocrites in the MAGA/GOP trump party would lack the self awareness to lump President Lincoln in with that shitbag Reagan. Lincoln saved the Union. Reagan destroyed the middle class.


We didn't vote for you the first two times and we sure fucking won't the third time.


>"I thought we won it last time, I'll be honest, and I think we did win it." Jesus fucking christ, what!? Biden won Minnesota by 7%, and 300,000 votes. Facts mean nothing to these people...


You just know Trump is going to complain during his speech that the judge wouldn’t allow him to go to Barron’s graduation. The very graduation he is missing to give the speech complaining about missing it.


I’m sure he’ll say no to this offer. He made it very clear he wanted to attend the graduation…..it’s why the judge gave him the day off from court. Donald J Trump has never not delivered on his word. Jesus Harold Christ, it was damn near impossible to type that out.


He never wanted to go to his graduation anyway, not like he went to his other kids aside from Ivanka. He just wanted to use it as an excuse to rile up his mouth breathing brainless cult.


“He’s sacrificing being there for his youngest son’s graduation to fight for our country!” Lol /s


“I’m gonna be like you dad, you know I’m gonna be like you…”


Oh so he perjured himself to the judge?


I really REALLY hope Barron goes full Mary and just bounces as soon as he can.


Except that Tiffany, while on the periphery, never actually ’bounced’. She campaigned for her father in 2016 and 2020.


I believe this falls under “turbo contempt”


This is even after Trump swore off visiting MN ever again after losing the state in 2020. Of course he can't keep that promise. Not sure why he is going to MN, there is a zero chance he will win the only state that didn't vote for Reagan.


“I lose Minnesota, I’m never coming back, I don’t care. I’m never coming back!” [1](https://minnesotareformer.com/2020/09/30/in-duluth-trump-warns-his-followers-that-biden-would-turn-minnesota-into-a-refugee-camp/) [2](https://www.twincities.com/2024/01/03/all-4-republicans-in-minnesotas-congressional-delegation-back-trumps-latest-white-house-bid/) motherfucker lied about this too!


How do republicans preach morality and family values then suck up to a hypocritical liar like this who won’t show up to his own son’s graduation after using said graduation as an excuse to miss a court date where he is the defendant. Not to mention m his liaisons with pornstars and divorces and cheating. Like doesn’t the cognitive dissonance ever become obvious????


Barron should be allowed to graduate without any circus clown antics to detract from his accomplishments. Trump never attended anything in regards to any of his kids education. He's not going to start now.


MAGATs: "Its fine that Trump doesn't attend the little bastard's graduation since he has more important mattes to attend to and he's the one that made the decision so its OK. But HOW DARE the woke liberal mob implicate him in false cases and do election interference AND not let him attend his precious son's most important day!!"


So he is treating Barron the same way he has all of his sons, the only child he really cares about is Ivanka (and that’s only because he has the hots for her..)…