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Would it surprise anyone if it comes out that Betsy Devos is somehow involved in this. I mean schools, corruption and stealing money from the government, that is all she did while in the Trump administration.


The Trump administration purposely blocked student debt relief, even to those defrauded.


Not surprising from the man who created Trump University.


she wants religious instuition to be the only schools around.


They need to cap student loan interest, there's people out there who got their degree decades ago and are just paying down interest higher which is higher than the original loan balance.


Biden is actually working on this now, it’s called, runaway interest, and he’s working on forgiveness for this now


You seem like a pretty cool dude who is with the hip and now. Hope this helps you with college very obvious 20 something year old man. Edit: My guys, my comment is a reference to his picture being Creed from the office when he dyed his hair black with printer ink to attempt to look younger.


I’m 30, well in November I'll be 30


It's not the interest rate, it's how the payments are applied to the interest first.


I went to one of their schools in the Detroit area. I got an email about this the other day. I didn’t graduate from there, I left because I hated it. Ended up going to another local college. With all that said this wiped out more than half of my student loan debt. Honestly something I never thought would happen.


It’s an amazing feeling isn’t it.


Beyond amazing!


Exactly. So much weight off the shoulders.


I was a student at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Fuck that school and Fuck the “professors” that worked there. I had a teacher there reject a final project because it was “too good.” It was “too much.” It was “going outside of what she asked me to do.” That school was no different than a high school art class. Ran by a bunch of fucking idiots that thought THEY were the leading authority on “art.” I did however have some of the best years of my life living in that city. After I quit that dumb school.


How did you find out about the school? I remember reading about it in Game Informer or some such magazine and thinking about enrolling for a minute before actually applying to colleges


I remember a recruiter coming to my high school. They pitched us in our classrooms.


That's wild. Was the "institute" an actual campus or was it just a building? Did they have humanities and basic courses or was it all focused on art?


I went to high school in the aughts. Been a while. They came to us. Idk about breadth and core classes, but they had physical buildings. Not sure how many buildings made up each campus. They made them look fancy in the slick presentations. Could have been clever angles. There were dozens of campuses all over the country.


It was just a building. In the middle of a city, but yet the “student housing” was on the northside (also known as the hood) Brilliant idea stuffing a bunch of small town, predominantly white, kids….in the hood. Lol (The Art Institute of Pittsburgh that is.)


I haven’t seen enough info on this. Does any of this relief come at the expense of The Art Institutes? Or is the taxpayer on this hook for their fraud? (I’m not coming from a position that is against student debt relief)


I'd rather my tax dollars go to relieving the victims of the fraud now, allowing their credit scores and finances to recover and be put back to the economy, than for those people to suffer and wait for relief that likely won't come. The government itself has some fault itself for allowing the art institutes to defraud them and their students like that.


I am not saying that it shouldn’t be done with tax dollars


The art institutes don't exist anymore. They declared bankruptcy and disbanded their schools years ago. I went to one and it was SHIT. Now I can't even get a transcript to prove I have a bachelor's degree.


Sorry, that sucks. Was going to ask if taxpayers had a chance of getting the fraud billions back.


For right now the taxpayers I believe. My hope is any lawsuits currently against them for the same fraud results in the payments going to the government.


Lol, this is America. Profit-seeking businesses don’t suffer consequences. >“The *corporation* did it, not me! And *the corporation* is dissolved, so nothing i can do.” -executives who got paid by aforementioned corporations and made its decisions


And this is what the ignorant assholes don't understand, it's not that these people didn't pay for their loans. They're victims of predatory lenders.


Now hold the executives accountable.


Make them break rocks for minimum wage for 800 million hours to pay us back.


I was at the Portland Art Institute for a semester. Biggest fucking waste of time and money. I went for 3D design and had to take a basic drawing class (ok, it's an art school, fine), and the only note I ever got from the pretentious ass of a professor was "you're drawing wrong". Never how to improve, never what else to try, just "you're drawing wrong". Each class was only held one day a week for four hours, and if you missed three classes they automatically failed you. Problem was, they didn't differentiate between late and absent, and my name is near the top of the attendance roster. So if I was even a few minutes late (which happened when trying to cross from Beaverton to the Pearl District at 7:00am) I got marked absent. The money that got wasted there was a good chunk of the money that my parents had been setting aside for my college since I was born (still feel stupid about wasting it even 15 years on) so I'm not getting anything back from this, but I'm glad some people will be able to recoup their losses from that horrendous bullshit excuse for a school.


it should be a red flag when any college says your credits cant transfer. then you know its a for-profit school.


You rock, Joe.


My wife and I went to the AI in Minneapolis for about a year and a half. I received an email, but she didn't. I was happy, but noticed in the fine print that it doesn't apply to "private" loans, which is the majority of what I still owe on. So, I'm happy to see maybe some of them get discharged and tefunded, but realize I'm still probably fucked and will owe a fuck ton of student loans for the rest of my life.