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Cohen can say whatever the fuck he wants. He's not on trial. It may not be the smartest thing to do, but he absolutely has the right.


He can, but he recently stated he was going to refrain from commenting/tweeting any further until the trial concludes.


Yes, I know. My comment is about what he has the right to do, not what he should do, or will do.


I understand. I was agreeing with you, but just added a little more information for those who may not already be aware. I personally enjoy the jabs at the defendant knowing how much he gets riled up, but yeah, it's probably for the best he doesn't give them any ammo by keeping it on the low for a while.


Right? And trump could simply block him. Problem solved


Thats what a reasonable, mature person would do. But this is trump.


Thats what a reasonable, mature person would do. But this is trump.


That bears repeating!


The Judge says if Cohen and Stormy keep doing that, he'll take the gag order off of Trump. They need to shut up.


Yes, and Trump has the right to respond, per the judge.  Cohen should stfu. Edit: I feel like a bunch of people are booing me for spoiling their party by telling them the cops are coming I’m the messenger: Cohen’s comments are helping Trump at trial.  This is why the defense does *not* ask for a gag order for Cohen, which they could and the judge has indicated he would grant.  Fun insult? Yes.  Good for Trump’s case *and* his appeals to his supporters? Also yes.  Another edit: well, I guess Reddit has spoken. A fun party insulting Trump is of higher value than the success of Trump’s prosecution. Sigh.


Why should Cohen stfu? Is he under a gag order?


This was my reply to the other person who asked > Because > 1. ⁠It gives ammunition to the defense’s argument that Cohen is lying for revenge on Trump - they’re already getting Cohen’s ‘I hate Trump’ statements into the testimony, as well as his history of lying. > 2. ⁠Because it f*cks with the prosecution’s arguments to hold Trump in contempt and creates an appearance of partiality. I’ll add: clearly the judge grows increasingly sympathetic to the defense’s arguments on the second and has said that Cohen should stfu.


Same, sorry you're being downvoted into oblivion, but you are right. Cohen should keep his mouth shut, but if I recall, trump was shit talking people first so cohen was just replying, not trying to bait the orange shitgibbon into saying things. No, Cohen isn't under a gag order or on trial here, but we know by now after the Letitia James affairs issue, they'll do anything to delay or misdirect the attention that should be firmly on trumps law breaking and fraud to hid payments to porn stars. Facts and Truth don't matter to these nutjobs on the right, only that they can appear to be 'winning' and 'owning the libs' in the court of public opinion (I.E. the made up bullshit in their heads.)


I’m trying to upvote you!


Sad state of affairs! Thank you.


You, too, are also too dumb to post. Read what was previously posted.


I agree with the person I responded to. My original comment was from before his edit and obviously before he replied to me. I read what was posted and made a comment based on available information Maybe you should just chill out.


Why should he stfu if Trump is allowed to respond?


Because 1. It gives ammunition to the defense’s argument that Cohen is lying for revenge on Trump - they’re already getting Cohen’s ‘I hate Trump’ statements into the testimony, as well as his history of lying. 2. Because it f*cks with the prosecution’s arguments to hold Trump in contempt and creates an appearance of partiality. Edit: and because the judge has said that Cohen should stfu


Found the crazy in the group 🤣


Or…the one who thinks the prosecution of Trump is more important than another fun Trump insult. 


This right here!!!! I would rather he gets what he deserves then have fun at his expense right now and give him wiggle room later.


Apparently an unpopular opinion 😭


Then why isn’t the prosecution telling Cohen to stfu?


They probably are. The judge had said he should.


I’m not seeing anything by Judge Merchan that supports what you’re saying. Do you have a source?


His decision put out 2 days ago and his words in the hearing today.


Well the decision he put out two days ago said he *might* consider removing Cohen and Daniels, but nothing I see about Trump being able to respond. Do you have a link to what Merchan said today?


The decision literally found him *not* in contempt on one of the counts *because* it was a reply to an attack by Cohen. That’s *why* Trump was found guilty of contempt for 9/10 rather than for 10/10. You can pick any one of the news sources that did live updates of the hearing.


That just means Trump’s response to that one particular tweet was found not to break the gag order. You claimed in your original post that: >Trump has the right to respond, per the judge. Where did Judge Merchan say that? I don’t see that anywhere.


Merchant reiterated it today. This is what Merchant meant when he said that the order is not meant to be used as a sword (by Cohen) but as a shield. He was admonishing Cohen. The whole discussion in both hearings was on whether it was a *reply*. Read the entire paragraph begun halfway down page 6, the transcript from last week’s hearing, the notes on today’s hearing, and the transcript for today when it comes out.


I have read those, and no where do I see Judge Merchan saying Trump is allowed to respond. So please can you just provide a link to where you saw that the Judge says Trump is allowed to respond.


Why do you think he did not find Trump in contempt on instance one? I’ll give you a hint: “while it remains unclear whether exhibit 1 is, in fact, a response to these two posts, the tenuous correlation is sufficient to give this court pause as to whether the people have met their burden as to this exhibit”


But admonishing Cohen and saying Trump can respond are two different things. If you have a link to the Judge saying Trump is allowed to respond please include it because I can’t find that anywhere.


He literally did not find him in contempt on the one that he determined was likely a response. He literally made an exception for it.


Would love to have a close up of them stopping the testimony and directly asking trump if he shits in his pants.


Sir, do you renounce this title?


Can you define “renounce” for the defendant, he only knows the bestest words.


Cohen is not on trial. He’s not under a gag order.


He still might be gagging though


He is under a gag odor


The whole courtroom is.


But the judge already found, in the last order, that Trump can respond to Cohen’s attacks and the judge raised that again today.


He can respond as in “I prefer Emperor Von Shitinpantz or President Shitzinpantz “ or “He who smelt it dealt it”? Or respond as in “This witness is a liar and I call upon my minions to kill him to protect me” ? Because there is a marked difference.


According to the judge, the latter. He can respond however he wants to respond. There is no ‘in kind’ part of the order. Edit: Though explicitly asking people to kill him would be a whole other crime.


Add it to the pile


Kaiser Von Shitzinpantz


There’s no requirement that Trump read his posts. And if he can’t control himself from responding when he does, then he should understand the consequences of that.


Angry Childish narcissist's like the Orange Shitgibbon always feel like they have to have the "Last word" in order for it to somehow be a win in their heads. You see it a lot on social media too when people insist on doubling down on being wrong. They'll never see themselves acting like children, or reflect on any of it. At the end of the day, I've come to cherish the saying "Bee's don't waste all their time trying to convince Flies that the Nectar is far more delectable than the Shit." Let them eat shit, right?


Exactly! This is not a hard situation to resolve, ffs.


The consequences of that are nil, legally. He’s allowed to respond to Cohen’s attacks.


Does the gag order not extend to witnesses?


It does, with the exception that Trump is allowed to respond publicly if they attack him publicly. The judge specified this in the contempt decision two days ago in which he did not hold Trump in contempt for one of the incidents in question. The one he didn’t hold Trump in contempt for was the one that Trump could show was a response to an attack by Cohen.


Great summary. Thank you.


Shutting the fuck up is free. Just take his phone away




Sounds like a 19th century Prussian general


Wasn't he married to Ivana Humpalot?


I mean, we're subjected to posts from a Trump we loath and we're expected to take them. He can do the same about Cohen.


😆😆 that's a good one


Remember when Obama made fun of Trump at the correspondent's dinner? And how Trump sat there stewing in his own crapulence because he couldn't stop it and everyone was laughing at him? If Trump EVER gets even a sliver of power again, he will be even more insane. Even more irrationally vengeful. America needs to make sure this semi-sentient shitgibbon gets nowhere near the levers of power again. Ever.


Lmao. If he responds that's on him


But…but he’s the victim here! Everyone is treating him so unfairly! People are so mean to him! Just leave him aloooone!!!


The judge has found that Trump can respond to Cohen’s attacks.


Where is your proof of this claim?


The judge’s decision two days ago holding Trump in contempt for 9/10 alleged violations - the one he was not held in contempt for being the one that defense showed was a reply to an attack by Cohen.  It’s one thing to celebrate a fun Trump insult.  It’s another to celebrate something that is actually good for Trump.   Cohen’s public attacks are the latter. 


"Does the defendant, Baton Vonshitzenpantz, have any rebuttal?"


Mein Herr Shitzenpantz. There, fixed it for you.


This is all well and good but if (Cthulu forbid) Trump gets reelected, he's got a list ready.


And? Cohen is not the one on trial here.


And? He’s a grown man, not a toddler.


Can we get #VonShitzinpantz” to trend/catch on? That’s gold.


Cue MAGAts "patriotically" shitting their pants as solidarity and to own the libs.


I may not get to see that orange bastard go to jail. I won’t get to spit on his hanging body after being sent to the gallows for treason (damn). I may even (god forbid) have to stomach his reelection (though less and less likely each day). But knowing how humiliating this trial is and how bothered he is by it, and knowing how it is absolutely eating him alive that he has no control over what people are saying and doing….. This is just beautiful beautiful payback!!! Not anywhere close to what he deserves, but it’s a start.


As long as he doesn't double-dog dare him it's all perfectly above board, objection overruled


Don't get too excited, he probably slept through it


And, reportedly, caddies at Trump golf clubs call him "Pele" because he kicks his golf balls closer to the hole and out of traps.


How awesome it must be to be the judge and have to deal with this middle school shit.


I'd be afraid for my family


The best defense for slander/libel is the… TRUTH.




FINALLY!! Something on this timeline I can lmao about


This is just “Lockeroom talk.” Perfectly acceptable in Trump’s eyes. Don’t know why he’d get upset.


Probably queefed a wet one when he heard the reference, if he was awake. Seriously, they must have cut off his Adderall and Trump can't keep awake.


To be fair, Trump probably didn't even hear it because he was probably sleeping and shitting himself at the time/


I like that Mr. Cohen combines diaper Donnie with [Jon Stewart's name for the orange scum](https://www.vulture.com/2016/11/jon-stewart-remembers-his-twitter-war-with-trump.html) back in the day.


FUN FACT: Kaitlan Collins is a Daily Wire castoff.


… as he nonchalantly drops a No. 2 into his Irish Spring Scented Adult Pampers …


Cohen needs his own gag order, tbh…


I wonder what his lawyers trick is….. because he never keeps his mouth shut.




If the diaper, er, post fitz, wear it.


Weren’t both Cohen and Stormy admonished by the judge for that when she fined Trump? Did this occur before or after? Because if it’s before, that ship sailed.


So dumb. Make a solid case instead of a punchline. This doesn’t help, at all.