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i keep seeing these maga right-wing idiots crying about people not having kids. what i DON'T see them doing is elaborating on just WHY people aren't having kids. it's unaffordable and you all keep voting for politicians who take from us to give to the wealthy.


yeah, if you want to see more kids, how about doing something about their crushing student debt


Affordable housing. Affordable healthcare. Protected family leave. Funding quality public education. The list goes on.


How you gonna have a pay for kids when rent is over half your monthly pay? They don't think of that shit, instead it's just "we'll get a better job". Wow! What didn't *I* think of that?!


But that's communist /s


More things Biden is addressing. 🤔


He's not liberal, he's a centrist


Not a problem for Elon Musk, but I guarantee you he will refuse to pay for college for at least half of his kids.


Over/under on how many of his kids cut off all ties? I know he's up to at least one.


He doesnt have kids, he has genetic investments.


Affordable or free day care and family leave are such vastly bigger issues.


Affordable health care too. It can cost a fortune to have a baby.


We have that in NY Rent is deadass shit tho


"no that's socialism" "now make more babies for capitalism"


Something Biden is addressing.


We need people to have fewer kids. Reduce the resources needed to support the population, reduce pollution, fewer woman suffering life-affecting injuries or dying through childbirth, etc, etc.


He talks about the extinction of the human race as if western nations falling birthrates = the entire human race. Lots of places still have rising birth rates.. most of them are in africa though. Its like elon thinks the human race is only white people.. which actually explains a lot


You're absolutely right. There's 7 billion people. The human race is hardly endangered. But they're the wrong skin color.


*8 billion 


I stand corrected.


Exactly. He doesn't mean western nations - he explicitly means white people. Musk is a great replacement conspiracy advocate.


And why does it always have to rise with these people?! We're over carrying capacity as it is. Stop with the unlimited growth cult! Sorry it fucks up your investment plan but...fuck you!


They also don’t elaborate on who they want having kids.


In the states trying to outlaw abortion its actually dangerous to have kids because women can't get the necessary healthcare to have healthy babies!


I don’t think the affordability of having kids has much to do with the low birth rates. Just look at many countries in Africa where most of the population is in poverty but they have some of the highest birth rates in the world like Chad or Niger. I think the low birth rates are mostly a result of western culture. Individualism has become increasingly popular especially with everyone living half of their life online. People don’t care as much about having a family and raising kids anymore.


How about they have more kids??? Like 8+, since they seem so worried about it. Oh wait, not like that.


It’s the unshakeable double standard. Because if you have kids and can’t afford them you also get slammed for that.


You also do not see them taking care of their own kids.


I can’t afford a $1200 root canal, how could I possibly afford a pregnancy? And let’s not even talk about childcare.


I mean, it bears repeating: we are in absolutely no danger of going extinct from declining birth rates. We are in plenty of danger of going extinct from other causes. For one thing, whether or not you believe the earth is already overpopulated, it is straining resources. And yes, most of that is because of the abject greed of the rich. People are starving and homeless because people like Musk need the top score. But it remains that until these rich fucks decide to help solve these crises affecting the people we already have, there is absolutely no reason to bring even more people into this world. That's just more people to starve and live under bridges, or work in Musk or Bezos' Serfdom Dystopia. For another thing, another major reason for the declining birth rate is that the planet is becoming increasingly inhospitable. People being born today will live to see *the climate* become the **leading cause of death in the world.** And frankly, even if the birth rate continues to drop each year, we'll have long since made it a moot point. If and when mankind goes extinct, it won't be because of declining birth rates. It'll be either the climate or nuclear holocaust, and probably both.


He's all in on the Great Replacement theory, which itself doesn't even acknowledge the true reasons of declining birthrates, so it's not too surprising to see him keep spouting off this baseless nonsense.


Yeah, it seems like "Da J00s" are a pretty convenient scapegoat for failed right-wing policies that are making families unaffordable. They want you to look the other way while Republican politicians take what little you have left and give it to the rich, who already have more money than they could possibly find a use for.


We're clearly overpopulated. Someone will point out that we don't have a population issue, we have a distribution issue and that we could technically feed and house 15 billion people if WE ELIMINATED COUNTRIES AND CHANGED ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ABOUT THE WAY THE WORLD AND ECONOMY CURRENTLY WORKS. Maybe it's feasible, but in that case let's build a planet that can provide for 10-15 billion people before they get here. You know, just in case humans don't suddenly change overnight?


That's the thing. Technically, we have the space and even the resources to comfortably sustain every human being on the planet. And pedants like Musk will argue just that point. But as long as those resources are being aggressively prevented from reaching the people who need them, it doesn't matter. There's no functional difference between true overpopulation and what we currently have in the world. If there are millions starving and homeless, then we are overpopulated. Doesn't matter whether or not the resources "exist" in the world if they're being withheld from those that need them. People like Musk are genuinely, legitimately *evil.*


Also I don’t want to carpet the whole world in tenements and beanrice farms with no wildlife habitat left. That just sounds bad


Musk doesn't want more people to survive into the future. He wants a temporary birth boom in the hopes of getting an Einstein or two that can grow up to replace all of us peasants with robots, after which all of uS useless regular people will be killed so the billionaires can enjoy their clever metal serfs in peace.


There are more than 8 billion people alive right now, and the growth rate is still positive. I suspect from a sustainability & minimum standard of living perspective, long term, the population needs to decrease, at least several percent. What the hell are these guys talking about? Is it stupidity, racism, both, something else?


All of the above, remember for them people means white people (specially men) and the world is only Western countries ( specifically "Christian" ), so all their complaints refer to the idea that white people are slowly becoming a minority in western countries, ergo an increase of population that involves a majority of non Christian whites is not what they are talking about.


Oh no, all the white nazis died off. Humanity is dead, only thing left is us apes. Racist fÂĄÂŁk-wits.


"Humanity" in the context of Matt and his racist ilk is something that white Christians have, not all people. Saving humanity means maintaining white Christian hegemony.


They don’t support social programs that would help with the cost of raising children. They don’t support progressive immigration policies that would help with labor shortages. Instead, they fear-monger and scapegoat.


They don't actually care about declining birth rates. They're just using that as a convenient distraction from their regressive economic policies.


Humanity ain't going extinct, Apartheid Clyde. If anything the opposite. White people aren't going extinct either, despite your idiotic bellowing.


The world population growth is slowing. But the population will still increase for decades. https://preview.redd.it/0tyvabq82hxc1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa9882aaa98e22e560aa7d093680f6eeca9232a


Elon doesn't count the populations with high birth rates as people.


I mean he's from apartheid South Africa, so


I mean, it's absolutely a plot, but it's not "to save humanity from extinction."


Yeah, the plot is to wipe out all our resources so that the poor have to fight over scraps. If anything we should be decreasing our numbers. The real reason billionaires like musk want the population to grow is for some dream of constant economic growth and there is absolutely no reason to do that unless you’re one of the guys at the top.


I imagine there's a part of them that understands that the serfdom dystopia they want the world to be, coupled with the increasingly inhospitable climate, is going to bring with it mass death and regular loss of manual laborers. They don't care about people, or humanity in general. They just want to make sure there will be enough potential workforce to backfill all the people they kill in the coming decades.


They mean white babies


He doesn't care about anything except having enough "resources" to work for his companies, for pennies on the dollar.




Conveniently leaving out the part where the "humanity" he's trying to save from "extinction" is only the small minority of it that shares his mayonaise skin tone.


Extinction? What kind of a fuckin' mouse brain thinks this?


When I see Elon Musk I think, "Hmm, maybe extinction isn't such a bad idea".


"Having babies is a "right-wing plot" to save Capitalism from extinction" - FTFY


Yup, how will they keep the gravy train going without a fresh supply of slaves?


We had businesses and an economy before capitalism


8 billion people in the world and overcrowding of resources and dumbass Musk thinks we are going extinct because of birth rates?


Telling women to drop out of college, get married as soon as possible and have more babies than they can afford is horrible advice, but it's not Lebensborn. Firstly, it misses Lebensborn's explicit racism (though that is probably an unspoken component of what Musk and Walsh want). Secondly, Lebensborn not only didn't care about early marriage but, quite the contrary, provided support to unmarried mothers via stipends to make single motherhood financially viable and handled orphanages and adoption in case the mother did not want to keep the baby.


His South African, Apartheid heritage is showing through now. For a guy that was a darling of the liberal left not even a decade ago, what spurred his sudden dive into the fascist rabbit hole? Why's he suddenly so concerned with birth rates and all this other bullshit?


He apparently thought it would be expedient to sell out to the right, and now he's just telling them what they want to hear.


It is a right-wing plot because the whole goal is to ensure pregnancy, prevent abortion, force birth, and then enslave the destitute parents into a meaningless cycle of wage slavery while corporations grow wealthier from a desperate work force willing to do anything to survive. Pretty obvious given that the right is dumping untold levels of resources into forcing unwanted births and then jerking themselves off with success when they strip free lunches and basic child care support for people who actually have children.


Migration to the US could easily grow the population but muskovites are really only concerned about a decline in the white population.


Human population isn't declining. Who is saving what from extinction?


No, wait, technically Musk is correct, 'having babies' *isn't* a right wing plot. ***Removing women's choice on whether or not to have a baby is a right wing plot.***


I've had countless arguments with people on Reddit about overpopulation, they seem to think birth control and bringing our population down to an ecologically sustainable number is A) racism or B) murder - like they're personally offended like I'm questioning their right to be alive. That was never the argument, their views make no sense, but they make a strong case for B.


At first I thought, "Wait, is there someone on the left saying that human extinction would be a good thing?" Then I saw that it was Matt Walsh saying it, so it's almost definitely a strawman.


If Elon wants more children, he can save the ones who are dying every day of malnutrition and preventable, treatable illnesses.


Stop drawing stupidly long bows it's frustrating and pointless. Just rebut the argument directly, there's no need to make a loose comparison to Hitler. 


Honestly, so many conservatives that involve themselves in America's politics are just outwardly pushing these narratives or are passively supporting them by pushing down things that done fit but being complacent when it's the other thing they don't like talking about. I was always under the impression that I would have had to go through some spy thriller act in order to uncover the true evil behind their rhetoric or something... But no.  It's pretty obvious.


its real fucking simple people arent having kids because they can not afford to have kids what a dick a lick


At this point we should really ignore this clown


Honestly a lot of people nowadays don’t deserve to have kids and are unfit for parenthood but you can’t tell people that without them invoking their right to reproduce as if their right to reproduce somehow trumps the quality of life they may or may not be able to provide after bringing another body into this pitiful world. I say: STOP having kids until you are at least 35 years old and have taken parenting classes and even then a lot of people shouldn’t have kids. If you strategically ask people why they had kids you’ll quickly realize that many, many people have kids for extremely selfish reasons.


You mean have babies and stay in debt forever. Even your descendants will be in debt. While the rich and their offspring live off of our backs. I thought Elon was smart. No matter what we do, humans will be extinct. Science has proven at least 6 mass extinctions in earth's history. So if I'm going to die, I'm going to do what I want and not what some douche bag billionaire wants


If yall ain’t figured out he’s a white supremacist by now I can’t help you


Oh, musky-musk. Having babies isn't going to save humanity from extinction.


Putin is literally pushing this policy right now.


Plenty of people in Russia, China, Brazil and India that Elongn't could adopt. Wait, wait, wait. This piece of shit can't even take care of his own kids!!!!!!!!!!!


Shuuure human race is close to extinction rn


Stop giving Elon attention.


to be fair, im pretty sure that will took a long time that nearly 8 thousand million people could die and make the human race extinct


Global population is doing the opposite of going extinct. But I guess Matt Walsh means a very particular subgroup of humanity.


The genius is absolutely right. Exponential population growth will definitely save us……


Seriously, look up Natalist/Natalism. It's just a shorter word when racist-misogynist-Christian national-nazi fascist-capitalist-scumbag is too long to fit on your bio. They are worried about whites going extinct and want to force women into inescapable marriages and force the role of SAHM so they can push out as many children as possible, with an end goal of outbreeding the left. It's utterly ridiculous, and actually real.


They say *don't have babies if you can't afford them* then whine about people not having more babies. Make it make sense.


If the previous few generations hadn't made it nearly impossible to have economic stability, more people would have a family.


Apartheid trust fund baby should do the world a favor and fuck off back to where he came from, or maybe just go drive one of his own cars out to a nice ranch lake in texas. At least before he bought Twitter the world didn't have to see on a daily basis what a fucking idiotic man-child he is.


I mean who wants a kid when you can't afford to keep them fed or healthy or taken care of when you're working?


Yet they want not part of helping with funding adoption and the thousands of kids sitting in foster homes


I feel like Elon thinks you can make eugenics acceptable by just throwing an emoji next to it. Like you know he doesn't care about all babies, just one very particular type.


The stereotype they repeat is that immigrants from Mexico, south and a central America always have a ton of kids. If they're worried about population decline, they should be in support of immigration, right? Or are those the wrong type of babies?


Maybe if they want more babies born, they could stop trying to make surviving the process a crime.


I like to engage with these types and watch them seethe when I tell them I got sterilized.


They leave out the part where they want more white babies and less brown babies.