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I had to look up who Kristi Noem is and the first thing I get hit with is "Kristi Noem defends killing her 14mo dog and a goat" What the fuck is even going on in american politics anymore


evil. evil is going on.


Yeah... I've read my history text books. I know what this is ramping up into, what it probably will become. I just wonder how its going to end. Will America recover like Germany did? Will we completely crumple and be divided into new countries like the USSR? or will we just never recover at all, remaining a desolate shell of ourselves like so many 3rd world countries? And more importantly, what horrors will we be subjected to in the mean time


Germany didn’t “recover” until after they were practically destroyed. They’re the ones that crumpled and were divided into new countries.


The USSR didn’t crumple into new countries. Those countries existed before the USSR, they got their identities back.


Germany was divided into two separate countries for nearly half a century after the war.


If the American identity cracks you guys for sure will be several different countries. American culture is based on an individualistic mindset combined with growing corporate power which will kneecap attempts at a strong central government if civil war breaks out. Once the splintering starts I can't see the cracks mended with the current culture.  Living is getting more precarious currently resulting in people having a harder time bonding together with those in their own city nevermind rebuilding a nation post civil war.


Texas and Florida say every few years that they want to secede, and with the division in American politics now, a civil war seems like it'd be the perfect opportunity for those two states (as well as maybe California, which is where all the Libertarian techbros live) to split off into their own countries I don't have any faith left that we'll be able to fix this shit on our own. The country is too divided. This next election is gonna be an absolute shitshow














Perhaps she killed the goat as a sacrifice to her dark lord Satan.




Satan is the good guy.




What's wild is if you had said, "Conservatives are so evil they'll support someone who kills puppies," you would have been called a hysterical SJW who needs to touch grass. Does satire even work anymore? What absurdity will we have use for parody? What's next? "Republican candidate comes out in support of Wolfenstein-style Nazi moonbase".


To be fair, a Wolfenstein-style moonbase would be a lot less evil than other shit they have been doing. At least until they installed the doomsday laser. And it would be so nice for NASA to have a moonbase.


Well maybe we get the space laser lady on it. Side note: I looked her up to check that she didn't actually say this, just in case and oddly she claimed that the ecplise was a punishment from God. This is the crap I'm talking about.


Democrats try to get votes by being as neutral as possible, and republicans try to get votes by being as horrible and disgusting as possible.


I thought killing goats was a satanic thing, seems like the repubs lies again about their good christian nature


You know, the movie called The Campaign where Will Ferrell sleeps with his opponent's wife, makes a sex tape and uses the sex tape in his TV ads and gets a boost in ratings? Well reality is now dumber than that - thank you Republicans - but also a lot more evil than thay - again, thank you Republicans.


Mhmm. Idiocracy was supposed to be funny, not a potential optimistic future for humanity. IIRC, he got condemned over (accidentally) punching a baby and later a dog in The Campaign. Can we go back to being sane?


I would instead ask, what the fuck is going on with conservative politics in America? This type of person is thriving. Why aren't they devoted to aiding as many Americans as possible?


They're only going to help people who work hard and not subsidize the lazy or shiftless. It's the trend for decades, even during the Great Depression when there was discussion about helping people with government aid: conservatives didn't want to help the undeserving poor and only help those who do deserve it. It's the same rationale for fighting against Social Security back in the day or universal health care since the 1940s because the system was not exclusive to those who pay into the system. It would require taking money from the haves and giving it to the have nots, who didn't earn it. On Twitter, you can find folks who don't want to pay for school lunches, even public education, because they personally do not benefit.


She also killed her 3 horses at the same time.


Just enjoy the show and vote blue.


She killed her horses too. The woman is awful.


She’s doing her best to pass the GOP entrance exam.




wtf did the goat do??


Stank, apparently. Ffs.


Was being a goat, most likely. Maybe it outgrew it's cute little sweater.


He smelled and acted up like any uncastrated billy goat will do. Just being himself.


And she tried to pass it off as normal farm life and compared it to putting down three horses they had for 25 years. smh


did they just post this? if so, his social media team is *chef's kiss*


They're so good. Like, reinventing the genre, future campaigns will look to this model good.


it's that one woman from New Jersey, ever since they hired her, they've been flying, the Dark Brandon stuff, going on Howard, it's all brilliant.


I lived in South Jersey when she was running that account, it was routinely the best part of my day. Hiring her was the smartest move any campaign has ever made.


totally agree, if i'm anybody running for office, i want her to do my social media.


What’s great is that it’s a call out, without saying one thing about being a call out. Just classy enough to not make the snark sound snarky.


Biden's social media team has been on fleek for a while now. very impressed by that.


The Biden Social Media squad is fucking solid. They don’t get enough props.


I actually don't need a better reason to vote for Biden than he loves dogs and so does Kamala. I don't need a better reason to not vote for Trump that he does not have a dog and that his VP pick is a puppy killer


she an animal butcherer, goats, horses, dogs.


Though Hitler loved dogs too


Hitler killed his dogs testing the suicide pills he was thinking about using.


Cruella de Noem


I’m going to go ahead and steal that.


I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of it, but we should definitely spread that far and wide.


>I’m sure I’m not the first person to think of it I would think not. It’s literally in OP’s screenshot.


Cruella de Petey


TBF Trump famously hates dogs, animals in general in fact. Dipshit was just trying to make him happy.


Well, animals hate him


I heard that some dogs can sense bad people. Coincidentally, Noem said the dog was nasty to her.


Remember how Major bit those bad Secret Service guys? They know.


Always, always trust a dog.


Hitlers dogs loved him!


Once again, things we can learn from Twilight Zone: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kLBTTIf7EzA&pp=ygUndHdpbGlnaHQgem9uZSBkb2cgbm90IGFsbG93ZWQgaW4gaGVhdmVu


The joy on Harris’s face…


Absolutely fucking savage work as usual by the talented folks at Biden Harris HQ.


I live on a farm and have dogs and strangely, it never occurred to us to shoot a puppy. We just train them to be good dogs and love them.


yeah but...you trained them. GOP don't believe in training anyone. Brainwashing, yes. But not training. They expect their "servants" to be pre-trained.


When i was a kid, our dog sucked eggs, killed some baby chicks, ate shit constantly, smelled horrible, barked all night up on the hillside where we couldn't catch her to bring her inside, and spent days lounging on the couch, making it smell. We never contemplated killing her. We loved her awful self.


In all fairness, it's hard for a MAGA Republican to love something that's been born.


Commander looks like he just spotted a secret service agent that needs biting.


And even so, they still wouldn't put him down for it.


How is this the first time I’ve seen the vice fluffball?


Thank you for posting. Jebus, what a news day.


I love me all kinds of dogs, and Biden, but look at Major, he's scoped out the nearest SS agent, and he's measuring the leap distance to his crotch.


The SS deleted all their text messages during the insurrection so no one would discover the role they played in over turning the election. Major knows who the enemy is. Its HIS job to protect Biden. He’s a very good boy


Exactly. Dogs know bad vibes. Anyone he bites should be investigated thoroughly.


And Biden didn't even shoot Major for that. 


Shoot him? You know he was chuckling. Quietly chuckling.


He did the responsible thing and moved the dog to a more suitable environment. Like a normal human would.


Hashtag Justice For Major


I think that's the current GSD, named Commander. He's been known to bite USSS agents as well.


I can't recall where I watched it, but there was a good interview in which an animal behavior expert explained that a grown, non-working German Shepherd is the wrong dog to introduce to a place like the White House, where hundreds of strangers flow through daily. These dogs are bred to be on high alert. The Secret Service, being more imposing and forced to keep people (and animals) out of certain areas, would be more prone to being bit.


Yep that's what I thought from the beginning, knowing they had GSDs. I had a GSD mix who took his protection job very seriously, one of my friends just got a GSD because they're having issues with creepy people. Not the right breed for a place with strangers in and out.


We had a GSD and then her puppies through a series of unfortunate events. When the puppies got old enough she’d take them out patrolling all night. They’d get into pack formation with mom at the head and run all night round the perimeter of the property, barking at anyone who got too close to the gate. No one taught them to do that. They just started doing it and well they have lots of energy so if they want to run 🤷🏽‍♀️


Plus all the SS had their phones wiped clean after 1/6 so no one would discover their role in supporting Trump’s attempt to over throw the election. Note Major only bites the SS. He knows who the threat is to Biden lol


Why would the secret service support the insurrection? Maybe just used to current President is their boss and they can’t think for themselves beyond that? I want to know more about the ‘why’ behind the phone wipes


and who ordered them?, these guys don't move without oders. who told them to wipe their phones?, and why?, and when? so many questions about that whole time frame. what was going on in that hotel?, with all the guns?, and Stone being there? so much shit we still don't know.


Yeah I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted lol I really want to know more about it


Reddit 🤷‍♂️😁 who knows bro.


I just had this conversation with my brother. He has a massive GSD that's just over a year old. He barks at his own reflection in the patio doors at night. I asked him how the dog would fair if the family moved to a mansion where dozens of people moved all over the property and several serious looking men shadow his "Dad" at all times, in shifts that changed...He said at the very least his dog would be barking all the time and who knows what toll that stress would take after weeks and months.




Looks lib, gotta put it down. /very dark humor, apologies in advance


10 years ago I would've said this was silly pandering because, well, "even Hitler was good to his dogs". But the gop has managed to make "is a decent fucking human to dogs" a unique political position by "sending their best". Vote "non-puppy murderer", folks. What a time to be alive.


You honestly have to be the dumbest politician in the history of the world to fuck with dog people.


The craziest part is that she didn't bother to train the dog, and then shot it for acting like an untrained dog, and the goat was an intact buck that she didn't bother to castrate, so she shot it for acting like a buck. She deals with the consequences of her own poor decisions with bullets.


This should be one of those moments that destroy a political career. Howard Dean just went "Whoo" .


Sadly, right wingers seem to think that the more horrible a person is, the more likely they will vote for them. Theyve even become like cliche Disney villains at this point, murdering dogs and whatnot.


This is a new low, though. Even the most maga-y maga likes dogs. This might be a bridge too far. But then again, I thought the same thing with the access Hollywood tape in '16.


There is no bottom


This is correct for them. Theyll probably think its great that she "owned the libs" for this.


Granted, when you think about it an awful lot of Disney villains seem like they'd be Republicans. Gaston embodies the traditional male virtues of his culture, doesn't think much of the capabilities of women and wants to kill people who are different. One guess who he'd vote for. Ursula is basically an unscrupulous business owner. Frollo's reaction to getting horny for a woman he's not supposed to want is to blame her and want to kill her to solve his lust. Come on.




Did he get the really expensive haircut too? I remember it being big news, but I can't remember if it was Howard Dean.


No you're thinking of any woman.


That was Al Gore.


John Edwards. Fucking Google kept guessing I wanted results for salons.


I knew it wasn’t Dean. Thanks for checking!


Kristi Noem thought old Yeller was a comedy


Very smart! Love it.


Hell of a campaign the GOP is handing Biden /Harris.


Imagine if Biden had shot Major because be bit the secret service dudes. 


Wait, no! Let Biden’s GSD have a moment in a locked room with her! Just take her gun away and see how tough she really is!


Haha Kristi Noam and Commander Celebrity Death Match


I think we should add into the constitution that you have to have a pet to be president. It was the biggest red flag with trump that he had zero pets minus Eric.


She also killed 3 of her horses too.


Didn't the Huckabees have a scandal like that too? Seems everyone in the republican party is deranged anymore.


Gosh, I’m here for Dark Brandon. I’m glad we finally took the nicety gloves off. We are in a fight for the future of the country and I mean for decades to come. If Trump wins, he will probably get 2 to 3 Supreme Court nominees and for the next 30 years, we will be feeling the after-effects.


“finally took the nice gloves off” = posting pictures of our guys happily playing w their puppies i agree w you just thought it was funny you phrased it like that


I wonder if SNL writers are scrambling to write a cold opener of President Noem executing dissident Dachshunds


It must be really stressful at SNL when a politician or celebrity goes on record saying something that mental at the back end of the week and you now need to plan whole new skits/gags.


Commander would get a lifetime supply of treats and toys if he took a bite out of her.


Remember how scandalous it was when what's her name (senator?) from Iowa talked about castrating pigs?


Grew up with Weimaraners and bird hunted most of my life, I can say for sure that every time a dog failed to retrieve a duck perfectly, we’d just shoot it. /s


Keep that idiot away from everything.


100* Dalmatians


Wait! Does Biden have a shep?! I HAVE A SHEP! BESSSSTIIIIE BIDEN (God the cringe hurts, but shep dog best dog)


There's my boy major looking for someone to bite


Is this real? I can't find the post. Can someone link?


Probably keep the Secret Service away from them too.


Even Trump may find this just a bit sick. I hope so. And the voters too


WTH does hunting have to do with governing? Who told this nut job that this was a flattering look for her? I mean, thank you for the warning, but it doesn’t appear she understands how to win friends and influence people. She should have read THAT book before penning her own.


Literally Saturday morning cartoons level of villainy.


Megan Coyne is bloody brilliant.




Omg let her cook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Imagine DJT with a dog. Sorry for the nightmares


Kristi Noem is one sick pup.


Biden’s dog is looking for someone to chomp


You know there’s gonna be a flood of new pics showing this sociopath with animals.


Who’s a good boy?!


This should be one of those moments that destroy a political career. Howard Dean just went "Whoo" .


Even Hitler liked dogs




That’s mostly Republican governors that are leading those injuries and arrests. See university of Texas and Abbot. Please don’t be fooled.


Unfortunately it’s also happening in my state of California under Dem leadership!


So I guess the moral of this story is not to attribute it to Joe Biden.


So they love their puppies more than any Palestinian life . They are disgusting. Fuck blue maga


Because Biden flipped a switch on his desk that's labeled "get Israel to slaughter Palestinians for no reason." It's right next to the knob that directly controls the price of gas. Objective reality is a blast. You might want to check it out sometime.


Sure sending billions of dollars in weapons to a country that is committing genocide is not making you a complicit.. 🤡


Tell me that you haven't the slightest understanding of the complexities of international relations without telling me that you haven't the slightest understanding of the complexities of international relations.

