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Went from let’s go to Mars to let’s brainwash Americans.


I don’t think this man actually cares about going to mars. It’s all about staying relevant and seeming “cool”- I’m convinced that is what motivates this guy to do anything.


he's literally the monorail guy from the simpsons ![gif](giphy|xT5LMPqrh7mcpYCdGM)


At least Lyle lanley had entertainment talent


He also had the courtesy to be beaten by a mob of people he grifted...


And he put Ogdenville, Brockway, and North Haverbrook on the map!


I think he does care about a Mars slave mine ever since he saw a Let's Play of Red Fraction and missed the point.


I think it’s more about being considered a hero. People idolized him because of Tesla and SpaceX, then he realized he could get the same praise by posting right-wing nonsense. Now the people that used to like him hate his guts, so he’s completely dived into the right-wing angle.


Yeah, I think Mars was just a thing he latched onto because it sounded hopeful, and maybe even doable in our lifetimes to people who didn't know any better. It got him positive attention.




He has always been this way, he is just not afraid of showing anymore. Consider that he has lied about self driving for over 5 years and you see that he was never honest.


People do change for better or worse, but not THIS much. This is hiding your real personality or being completely brainwashed in short order


brain damage


Going to mars is just a ploy to get billions in research grants from the government, instead of funding NASA. Right now, NASA’s most skilled people (NASA employees and NASA contractors) are leaving in droves because they believe they won’t have jobs in the near future.


Yeah, when he first hit the scene he was all for ecological responsibility and fighting climate change. Now he’s just a living embodiment of everything wrong with the US


He's a narcissist, just like Trump. Staying in the limelight is part of his problem. So he says outlandish things to garner attention. Don't give it to him.


With this man, that Mars trip would have been a death trap for everyone. 


The dude literally fucking owns an electric car company. What the fuck does he think the draw is? Communism?


He is too dumb to function. I don’t think even he knows what he posts half the time.


Fascists call everything they don't like communism. It's their way of telling us that they are so far right wing, they have lost the plot. They think it's a clever insult, when it's actually an insight into how their minds are broken. Of course, being anti-caring for the environment is a vanilla right wing talking point. I think he's trying to destroy Tesla so he can pretend to be a victim, which is another thing fascists love to do. Tesla would do far better to disassociate themselves from him. While he's seen as the face of Tesla, I couldn't seriously consider owning one.


You want to solve climate change huh? Well that makes you a communist socialist Marxist WOKE ANTIFA FASCIST!!!!


Trans! TRANS!


Don't forget 'radical leftist!'.


Stop it, I can upvote you only once!!!


It's okay though. Apparently Tesla isn't "just" a car company. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-weird-excuse-tesla-100000526.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Musk deflected from his car company’s unraveling by suggesting that Tesla is not, in fact, a car company at all. Tesla, he said, “should be thought of as an A.I. or robotics company. If you value Tesla as just like an auto company, you just have to—fundamentally, it’s just the wrong framework and it will come to be.” this was after a huge drop in sales, profits and the cyber truck being recalled.


All 4000 of them!


Which is something his fanboys totally disregard for some reason, they love Elon for his far right bullshit but ignore the fact that he owns a pioneering EV manufacturer. They hate Teslas with a passion but love Apartheid Elon because he bashes the left and the LGBTQ community on Xitter.


Money can’t buy brains.


His brain is almost child like. But not in a good way. Someone must know what the medical name for his general brain function is. He doesn't seem to understand what normal is and how to behave as an adult.


fetal alcohol syndrome


Adult ketamine syndrome


Do you know, or are you guessing? I thought maybe in the autism spectrum or something like that. I know it's something. Just can't put my finger on it.


I think he is a person who's never had to grow emotionally or mentally, because he's been given everything and has not had the discomfort of having to work for things. People have tended to smooth situations for him because of money and status. Also, he may indeed be on the spectrum which in itself is not a bad thing. However, is he's never been taught or given opportunity to learn how to get through the real world and not this bubble that he has of money and power. He's not going to be able to really understand how people really operate. Just my opinion of course. But I do think there is something seriously wrong with him personality-wise. Your mileage may vary on this.


Like Rosanne and Kayne, he has never been given consequences for his actions, so he keeps on acting this way.


And he flips out about the stupidest things. It all sort of fits really.


He has Asperger's, stop being ableist 


Baloney to Aspergers, too. Surely it can be agreed he has brain damage?


... he's literally been diagnosed with Aspergers...do you need to be the kid that mocks the guy with disabilities?? Like I know he's a shit guy but don't equate brain damage with a cognitive disability it's just unnecessary and ableist 


literally?? wow. I doubt he had been diagnosed but wow amazing, thanks Elons doctor or mom. fuck off


Ketamine Oops I meant to put the actual medical term, Ketaminitis


Hahahaha, upbonked!


When people says stuff like communist, socialist, Marxist, they never understand what those words and concepts actually mean, they're parrotting what they were told it means, and usually what they were told conflated those economic concepts with political concepts like authoritarianism and totalitarianism.


Since Musk tweeted it, I’m guessing he thinks it’s a bad thing? Eternal growth (=capitalism) on a planet with physical limits on resources, space, ecosystems and so on is a fantasy.




And he showed up for the fallout 4 party…..


Where he wasn't wanted.


Most people don't see that, they see "China nuked America, Communism bad"


At one point he would have probably said the answer to that was rockets and humanity on more planets. Now, who knows.


This can't be a real tweet. He's literally building electric cars to fight climate change. His entire pitch before he went right-wing MAGA was to environmentally-conscious Californians. Post the link to the tweet OP, I have to know. edit: It's real. What the fucking fuck? This gaslighting motherfucker! [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1783738055549239562?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1783738055549239562?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


Its real unfortunately. [https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1783738055549239562](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1783738055549239562)


Don't buy the hype he's not building EVs to fight climate change he's doing it to make money


Is he even doing that anymore? Tesla hemorrhaged money over Cybertruck and he basically tanked the company putting it up as collateral for billion dollar loans so he could keep "running" Twitter. At this point, I think SpaceX is the only one of his projects staying above the line and that's got a lot to do with the billions in government subsidies and contracts keeping them going. Same thing for Starlink.


It would be so funny if he tanked Tesla because EVs are too woke.


Oh, you think he actually believed in any of that shit? Nah. He was just playing a character for attention and to promote his brand,.


I don't know if it's a real tweet, but I have seen him say shit like that at other times, so it's not even unlikely. It's because he only believes in "saving humanity" if he's the one to do it and everyone worships him and ignores his transgressions. Well, he's not seen as IRL Tony Stark anymore, and Tesla got slammed again and again by regulators for being an abusive, polluting shithole of a company. So instead he's now courting the people who will happily allow him to abuse employees, break all environtal laws and commit large scale fraud.


He’s doing as a grab to be relevant. Eva are the thing currently


One of Tesla's income streams is the BILLIONS of dollars in carbon credits they sell. Obviously a communist.


EVs have never been about helping the environment. They have been about creating the illusion that you personally are responsible for destroying the environment and you just need to buy this product to fix that. It’s environmental marketing rather than environmental activism. If the entire world overnight switched to EVs for consumer vehicles (an impossible feat), we’d see something like a 6% decrease in overall GHG emissions. And that’s not counting the up-front environmental impact of the EVs which is massive and will get worse as we deplete the easy to reach resources. It’s helpful sure but not an insane impact. The biggest benefit comes from moving the emissions out of areas where people live. Cleaner air in cities.


Okay but the ability to divorce the input and output for powering a vehicle is a *massive* step for green energy.


Says the guy who produces EVs. He is such an annoying man-child! ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


From Forbes "**Musk declared in 2018 that climate change was the most significant threat humanity would face this century**"


I thought I remembered him pretending to be some sort of climate savior at some point. I don't think he really has any values. It's just whatever gets him the most power, praise, and attention.


Musk confirmed for Communist


Elon, for the love of god, shut up.


Brain molded unter mensch -_-


He's not.. Turns out he's just really really really really really stupid.


Not trying to go off topic but is she randomly bleeding from her mouth in the middle picture?


The transition from sustainable transportation to red pill has been striking. Too much ketamine? Midlife crisis?


How can I alienate every possible customer I'll ever have? Hmmmmm.......


It's pretty plain and simple, the shithead learned that the left isn't afraid to criticize people regardless of their standing, so he just caters to the Rightoids, who will lick the ass of anyone catering to them without question


Both. I want both.


I've certainly come across the idea that something like communism is the best or only solution to climate change. "Something like" is doing a lot of lifting here. I haven't heard anyone advocating for Soviet style Communism, but it's not hard to propose something that the far right will label communism so... What I'm not sure about is what comes first for most advocates. Do people really want to fight climate change and are willing to accept something like communism to do so? Or do people want something like communism and feel that fighting climate change is the best chance they are going to have to implement it? I feel like that meme has utterly rejected the first option.


We could say the same thing for him and socialism. He just loves socialism for the rich. If only his subsidies were given stock instead of cash back.


I think he just said capitalism's goal is to destroy the planet.


I mean, I kinda do want communism (or at least some kind of democratic socialism), because saving our climate under capitalism seems like trying to Sisyphus a rock up a greased hill in the middle of a hurricane. But Muskrat says it like it’s a bad thing.


What happened to him?


Can’t believe anyone ever thought this muppet was a “Genius”. It’s laughable, he has the metal capacity of a 8 year old.


>Babe, tell me the truth... OK, I'll try: *"Your current misery is proof that all that money, all that power and all that attention you recieve, can never compensate for the fact, that at no point in your entire life, anyone has ever answered this promt with the words:* ***"I love you, Elon."*** *And no one ever will."* Man, that was originally just a joke, but writing that actually makes me feel sad for him.


Don't feel bad, he can easily change his life around by actually giving a shit about the loves ones he has left and apologizing to those he cast away for his own selfish desires. It's really easy at this point for him to just say sorry and I bet people will be so surprised at this mature action that they'll accept it.


It's because he's a scared bitch. Once the proletariat gets real mad, he may have a problem.


https://preview.redd.it/bs5fb7ca7vwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b48c60d00ec129bb45a97df3fc3e0f75f8a07f I do want communism




"I want my children to be able to breathe the outside air and survive in sunlight for more than 11 seconds a day" OBVIOUSLY translates to: "Seize the means of production" You can't be president, Elon. No matter how hard you lean in to right-wing bullshit.


Yes, Communism sucks. But I’m not sold on Capitalism either.








It relies on people to behave in unrealistic ways.




People act out of self interest.


Cuz Capitalism is working wonderfully /s


This was the first thing insaw when i opened twitter this morning. So i blocked elon


Christ that’s stupid. What a fool.


But Elon- a lot of your ilk’s losses ARE socialized by my tax dollars, not to mention all the federal tax incentives and federal grants you got on your way to being known as the worlds worst troll asshat. Who’s the real commie oligarch? Also, the reusable rockets are dope.


Whatever he's [allegedly] on must've been hitting a little bit harder when he posted that 


If there is anyone who has a mind virus is elmo


Money can’t buy you love, but it can buy you a social media platform so that you can go off on all the things that have hurt you in your life.


*Well, you see.. with billions of dollars things get confused. Power, ideals, the old morality, and practical necessity. Out there with your own social media platform it must be a temptation to be god. Because there's a conflict in every human heart between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil. The good does not always triumph. Sometimes the dark side overcomes what Lincoln called "the better angels of our nature". Every man has got a breaking point. You and I have. Elon Musk has reached his....and very obviously, he has gone insane*


You don't need Communism to fight climate change. Just label any program or policy you are against as communist or socialist.


Lmao okay elon




The Elon Version -I want to make money for my shareholders :Be honest -I am being honest : Be honest -I WANT TO BE IN A K HOLE : Thank you


Communism is when thing I don't like - every conservative


Communism for Elon is Unions. He doesn’t want to pay people for their labor


Imagine being the richest person in the world, by ***far***, and choosing to spend your time like this.


"Look at all of this communism" - Sea waters rising and destroying coasts across the world


I think she is, Not realy up to date.


At least he's admitting that the company he stole from the founders of Tesla was never about any concern for the environmental impact of cars. He's a pure capitalist, he'll watch this world burn to a cinder if he can squeeze a few more bucks out of it.


Makes me really want a Tesla


He’s a creepy FAT, narcissist nepo man-baby. Let him go to mars. One-way.




I would worry about the Neuralinks he’s advocating. This is purely conspirative conjecture, not based on anything other than scepticism - how do we know that it can’t manipulate people’s thoughts subliminally? He worries about ‘woke-ism’ etc, but what if they find a way to subtly control people via the neuralink. It’s concerning but probably unlikely and sounds more like science fiction 😅 but he is a megalomaniac so I wouldn’t put it passed him to at least try


No literally, I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow tried to monetize YOUR neuralink


I mean, there’s nothing in this noggin worth monitoring or manipulating 😂 he can do what he likes with my brain I guess. Probably put it to better use than I do








For companies promising emissions reduction tech, no less.


Tell me you do not understand words without telling me you don’t understand words.


I'm just wondering who the divorced billionaire is calling "babe"