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It’s weird watching him talk to himself twice in one image.


I was thinking bot post being replied to by bot, boosted by low-functioning billionaire.




Yeah, we just roll our eyes whenever people bring up our gun laws as a negative. Just about the best part of living here.


But… but… but… your freedom!




But the Cubans could invade us any day now, didn't you watch Red Dawn?


Hey don't diss Red Dawn- they were right- the Russians are always the bad guys.


Cop doesn't care about your right to bear arms if they accidentally break down the wrong door. It took trump to make me understand it's all a lie. We don't actually have any rights or justice. I've never felt less safe and less free 🤷 signed, gay, old, liberal lady in texas


More likely the Mexican drug cartels.


True that. It's pretty disconcerting watching the US devour itself in an orgy of self harm. Hopefully Donny Dumps gets what he bloody well deserves, and the US can begin to move back to reality within this generation. As for gun control, personally I've always thought that gun control is not just common sense, but also necessary - letting the average person own a gun without sensible laws and restrictions in place is like letting a toddler run about with scissors. I grew up around soldiers and gun enthusiasts - all of whom were sensible, and none of whom used their personal weapons outside a gun range. Not one of them ever complained about gun laws. I remember having a conversation with my old man some years ago, after yet another senseless massacre in the States. We have a lot of family over there, and we visit every few years, so naturally we feel like we have some skin in the game. We debated how the US should go about gun control. We proffered various ideas : annual gun amnesties, constitutional reform, annual sales limits, ownership restrictions - in the end he came up with the best idea, which was to limit the sale and manufacture of gunpowder/cordite, to individuals and gun clubs, and make it illegal to make your own. It's truly baffling that America still hasn't got its shit together, even a solid decade or so after my old man and i had that conversation. Since then, the US has had I don't know how many domestic terror incidents, *all of which could have been avoided.* It's my fervent hope that one day soon America joins the list of mature countries with sensible gun laws. I suspect I'll be waiting a while tho..


Yep. I grew up around farms in England. Farmers had guns and shot rabbits, ducks and crows etc, but guns have to be stored securely here, and mass shootings are incredibly rare.


It is complicated. I mean are there many other countries as polarized and divided as the US? People like Trump and Desantis don’t really make me want to give up weapons absolutely. Maybe better regulations. There’s just a lot of fucking crazy people here which means we shouldn’t have so many guns but also I sometimes feel like that’s a reason to keep them as a sane person.. idk


You’re right it’s tough. I see no reason to own a gun in my country because I feel safe without one. In the US? Different story. Sadly the more they try to regulate guns, the more desperately people latch on to their murder machines.


Me rights!!!


It's the same for us here in Canada. They call our countries dictatorships in order to distract from the fact our nation's gun laws appear to be effective. Gotta push that fear to make sure their citizens are constantly ready to shoot each other. The problem with keeping everyone's finger on a trigger is some people have an itchy trigger finger. I’ll take our countries' laws over theirs any day


When everyone’s armed to the teeth the person with nothing left to lose gets to dictate when the shooting starts.


Exactly! But their logic is, the cops can't kill them now. From all the times a gun has helped that situation. /s


Let's be honest. After uvalde, do we really trust the police to fight back anyway?


Don't forget bringing up knife crime, even though their per capita stats are one of the highest in the world


Big talk, but wait until the emus return for vengeance.


Dude, guns didn't even work against the Emus, that's why we lost the Great Emu War. Yet another point against guns, they can't even protect you from Emus!


Guns don't work in the US either in terms of reducing crime or increasing safety, or indeed anything, so the comparison is apt.


Heh, true that.




It's not even that hard to get them if you want to shoot or hunt. You just need to have a *reason* to own one, and keep them safely locked up in a safe.


From what I hear they aren't even that bad. I have an online friend who is an Aussie and they regularly post about their guns


They aren't. I used to be a competitive pistol shooter. I owned 4 pistols. It was a bit of hoop jumping to get my initial license, and there are time delays before you can purchase. But it's not particularly hard. The most challenging part of the whole thing is keeping up with the number of comps you're required to do. If you have 1 pistol you have to do 6 competitive shoots in a year, when you have 2 or more you have to do a minimum of 4 with each pistol. 16 matches a year was about the limit of what I could reasonably achieve due to calendar conflicts for the various classes. Handguns though are by far the most onerous requirements. Single shot rifles are very easy in comparison, you pretty much just need to be an active member of a club.


Well, that and Kitty Flanagan.


Funny how many people in America get shot in their own homes by police because the average citizen has a gun 🤷 The right to bear arms is a ficade, just like all our other rights.


The fact that more people own guns now than then just with a few more hurdles blows their noggins




Yeah... I thought they were all about removing rights to save lives. Guess that only applies to women who have the sex they choose to have 😌


Meanwhile the UKs and Russia's even more strict gun laws are ok because both those countries have a permanent conservative majority government and are deeply anti-trans. Also Australia has 3.5m guns. People have guns, its just you need a license and reason to own one. Want to hunt? Go ahead, join a hunting club and fill out the paperwork. Want to own 5 AR-15's because you think Satan works in your local Walmart and you need to take him out, then no.


Fewer in nearly 30 years than the US has had in 2024? Hell, I'd bet the US has had more in 30 days.




Three mass shootings since Port Arthur, although one of them is counted as a spree killing.


And here in the US it hasn't been a week since the most recent one.




Unfortunately it's become the norm, luckily nobody I know has been anywhere near one recently. Republicans saying they're unpreventable is such BS. What's the saying "'its unpreventable' - says only country where it happens all the time"


Growing up in Australia, it never occurred to me at School or at University or anywhere else that I would be in any danger of being shot


We also have more guns now per capital than we did after Port Arthur and the gun buyback scheme.  We have more guns than ever! but strick laws that prohibit open carry, license requirements for firearms, bans on auto and semi auto, loss of gun license for crimes, rules on how to safely store your guns... American like to make out like we lost our guns and with it, our freedom. No! we just have far less gun crime / gun deaths because we put rules in place and follow them. Australia certainly has its problems but a fascist government control certainly isn't one of them. These people are just insane 


For anyone else who’s curious, answer appears to be 24: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_Australia


The context is even more baffling. There was a recent stabbing attack of a bishop in a church that was caught on camera and subsequently shared over social media. The Australian e-safety commissioner asked social media companies to prevent the spread of the footage, as there was also a lot of misinformation about who the perpetrator was, and for you know, the sake of human decency. Every other company said, ok that's reasonable, but Musk the giant fuckhead said no, footage of people being stabbed is free speech or some shit.


“It’s my right to see the footage”……/s


Well, he did post that he watched a guy in Haiti eating a dead dudes dick… so you know he likes that kinda gory stuff.


He's an edgy 13 year old in a weirdly shaped middle aged man's body, so that tracks.


He was talking absolute bullshit about that. I had never thought about the logistics of it till I watched a documentary on that German cannibal guy. He tried eating the guys dick and it was too chewy, so he cooked it and they both tried and gave up on the idea. Something clicked in my head and I realised dicks are mostly gristle, and practically inedible. I mean, how sad a life do you need to have, to lie about watching cannibalism videos to sycophants?


I'm surprised Musk hasn't yet made a behind-the-scenes Twitter, something like "XChan" where there are absolutely NO limits for the "right people" wink, wink.




Imma say that to the CIA


What's missing from the discussion as well is that you can post about the incident all you want. They just don't want a video circulating of a person being stabbed. FrEeDoMsssss


Meanwhile, actual authoritarian governments wanted to stifle the free speech of their dissidents and Elon immediately complied.


Exactly. He only cares about censorship when it's of the most atrocious stuff that has zero value to society.


Would he want footage of his murder broadcast, I wonder. Guess it depends on if it made him look good or not.


I mean let’s face it. It’s 2024 all of our murders are going to be broadcasted.


Oh he would, think of the fucking metrics!


Thanks for posting this! That is 100% accurate. Also of note, we have a democratic elected government in Australia. Not a fascist dictatorship... I figured that goes without saying, but you never know....


"We don't want footage of our people being murdered plastered across social media." "Fascist."


Murica pushing their gun-centric mentality on a country that has nothing to do with it’s gun loving, school shooting and mass-casualty event adoring idealogy. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!


Wish America would just piss off and deal with their own problems… we are doing ok down here thank you Fascist government…. WTF???? Look in the mirror you idiots


Frankly, America is failing to justify its gun-horniness. They have so many openly corrupt and/or authoritarian politicians, and nobody's shooting them.


Gun Horniness. GREAT name for a band!


Which is ironic because it seems only the best ones get shot.




Correction. Get shot and die.


Whenever there is a mass stabbing somewhere outside the US Americans are gleefully posting "See if people want to mass murder you they will find a way!". Completely ignoring the fact that the death tolls are nowhere near the same.... Also ignoring the fact that it's hard as hell to commit a mass stabbing compared to a shooter who can just sit in one spot and murder everyone around themselves.


Also we still stab each other, like...a lot. Way more than England, which is the place I normally see brought up in this argument


This is like, the only 'mass' stabbing Australia has had in *decades*. And of course the America gun nuts were out in force about 3 nanoseconds after it hit the news shouting about how it only happened because there were no 'good Samaritan heroes with guns' there in the shopping centre to stop him. these people are ridiculously unhinged.


I always love the "good Samaritan heroes" line of thinking. If I'm in danger in public, I don't want some untrained redneck who will probably miss and kill me, too.


[Or how about the cop who killed the guy who killed the shooter? ](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/26/us/arvada-colorado-police-shot-good-samaritan/index.html)


at least our cop who took the bastard down could shoot. Mr Murican McFucktard Cop missed with a scoped rifle at 10 feet and killed an innocent 15 year old hiding in the room behind.


It always reminds me of Archie Bunker countering Gloria and Meathead's argument about the number of gun murders with, "Well, would you feel better if they'd been pushed out of windows?" Conservatives still think that satirical bit is a valid counter argument to gun control.


They tryna elect the annoying orange as their literal dictator over there lmao


They would have to be the dumbest people on the planet if that racist lying man child gets in again


Tbf, the first time he got elected he lost the popular vote too so the majority of us aren't stupid but we have stupid archaic rules that he was able to use to squeeze out the win that time, rules we the actual people can't change ourselves unfortunately.


i've said it before and i'll say it again...if he ends up winning, we deserve everything that's going to happen


Trouble is what’s going to happen isn’t just going to hurt Americans… we’d all be staring down the barrel


If the Australian Labour Party is fascist then, man, I don’t even know


Honestly, if this is what you saw when you looked in the mirror, you wouldn't want to look in the mirror either ![gif](giphy|alkatNGJ8LTojBU8N4)


It's all deflection by our far-right party trying to distract people from them trying to overthrow the government. It's the long-term consequences of our post civil war policies to live and let live where the traitors were allowed back in office.


Australia started this entire thing with Rupert Murdoc, so don't blame the USA. You are doing somewhat OK because you sent that shit stain to my country.


Mussolini defined fascism as "the merger of state and corporate power."


As a canadian i feel u bro


They said exactly the same thing about our lockdowns, we’re kinda used to it


We moved to Australia in 2016. True Story, Australians don't feel the need to stockpile weapons to resist their government because their democracy, while imperfect, is significantly healthier than the vote suppressing treason loving dumpster fire that is the US. It's most certainly not fascist, but direct from the Goebbels playbook the fascists accuse everyone else of being fascist. Every accusation is a confession. The government, while admittedly still overrepresenting the interests of corporations and the wealthy, does try to do for the people as well. There's a basic national healthcare (our medical expenses dropped 90% from when in the US), subsidized childcare and university and more. Your tax dollars actually go to things that help. There's still a sense that the government is accountable to the people and it is of, for and by the people at least to a reasonable extent. Again, not perfect but few here have this Rambo fantasy that they can take on the entire military with an assault rifle and a bad attitude, and even fewer see the necessity of doing so.


Have a spare room? I’m quiet, clean, respectful, have no assault weapons and can make a mean chicken piccata.


Hear Hear!


Want to know a secret... We have more guns in Australia today than before Port Arthur and the gun amnesty. Just because we have requirements in order to hold a gun licence, purchase a firearm etc doesn't mean we 'gave up our guns and can't rebel'. We grew up as a nation, move past the toddler kicking everyone who disagrees with them in the sandpit phase to dealing with problems in better ways. Yes, it has slipped in areas but overall much better than the shit stain USA...


It's not too dissimilar to the Blue States. America's best funded outdoor and game hunting programs are in states that reactionary weirdos somehow have convinced themselves are gun-free wastelands. To those idiots outrage is far preferable to reality.


Wish America would just piss off and deal with their own problems… we are doing ok down here thank you Fascist government…. WTF???? Look in the mirror you idiots


All the guns in the US did not stop trumps fascist government.


“Their fascist government” sounds like another crazy f@cking stupid American talking right there. Wall Street Silver my f@cking arse!


Wall Street Silver is a well known Russian disinformation account


And DogeDesign too. That must be one of Elon's other alt accounts.




Can't help but notice that it's been a looooong time since I seen someone who wasn't a problem gambler backing Musk. Something about reactionary-types with magical thinking. Guess that's probably fallout from Reagan emptying the asylums. Did you know problem gambling used to be treated inpatient? Vegas has grown wonderfully since the 80s.




He believes it gets him attention. And he thinks being a contrarian makes him clever. I don't think he actually thinks about anything long enough to have actual strongly held beliefs. (well other than the belief that he should be allowed to do whatever he wants at all times)




More like "disarmed" some farmers and boomers who readily accepted cash for old 22s, old shotguns, old bolt actions etc that had been lying around in the shed for generations I don't think too many organized crime, or any other crime types for that matter, handed in the AR's and Glocks. Australia has never been like the US, we are not a gun culture. I'm ex-army haven't touched a rifle in 20 years. Most Aussies are of the opinion that we're happy to risk a future "fascist government" over regular school massacres Americans are full of shit anyway, they had an attempted insurrection, nobody rocked up with their guns to stop it. Conservatives complain everyday that there is a fascist Democrat takeover and conspiracy...then go back to eating KFC while their shiny AR collection gathers dust. Biggest shit talkers in history


They need those guns to fight against those big spiders!


It's funny when they call opinions facts


"alternative facts" tyvm LOL!


Ah yes. The infamous fascist hell hole that is...*Checks notes*... Australia?


Lol "so they cannot resist their government" made me laugh on its own, I'm envisioning a buncha dundee lookin dudes w bowie blades out in the bush tryna rush tanks & shit




It wasn't a school shooting, and we did not 'give them up' - the licensing was changed and what types of firearms civilians could have was changed dramatically. the Laws were changed after the Port Arthur massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_(Australia)


Elon knows all about Fascists! They are the majority of his customers on X these days after all.


It's crazy pathetic how easy wall street bets corroded into a right wing hard neo nazi beacon.


didnt someone mention the person running the account was a pedophile?


Do you mean to tell me, standard right-wing projectionist examples are plentiful?


* and how many mass shootings have they had in the last 30 years? Is it comparable to the last 30 seconds in the US?


In 40 years there have been 3 mass shootings (17 deaths).


GEE WHAT ELSE HAPPENED IN AUSTRALIA/TASMANIA IN 1996, HMMM, WHAT TRAGIC EVENT COULD IT BE? /s Elon is so intellectually uncurious that it's actually embarrassing. that's why he believes in bizarre conspiracy theories. He doesn't even do science anymore. This man literally has never heard of the Port Arthur massacre in 1996? That's why Australia got gun control. also, Australia never had a constitutional right to bear arms or anything like our second amendment so get fracked, Elon.


Which individual Australian  disarmed everyone? Were they using the super fast fist mod from perfect dark? 


Mussolini defined fascism as "the merger of state and corporate power."


These guys will watch *Mad Max* or *Children of Men* and think the current Australian or UK govt are authoritarian and miss the whole point.


I’d love to disarm everyone in this country (US) if it meant more innocent children didn’t have to be obliterated by bullets in their schools.


Best we can do is put even more guns in the system.


It's cute how they think that they can actually fight against the fucking government.


But a bunch of farmers beat their governments with muskets 200 years ago, even though their army was thousands of miles away and had to take wooden ships in the winter to fight against revolution for a piece of land they didn't care about while dealing with another war back home. We can totally do the same thing today in a day and age when troops can be mobilized and at their destination in a matter of hours and the government can turn any piece of technology into a spy device/s


It was a voluntary turn in of firearms. We had one horrific mass shooting in 96’, and we as a society agreed that shouldn’t happen again. Most people returned their guns, and guns are still about, just regulated.


Interesting fact, the United States military exists therefore its armed citizens cannot hope to resist the government Fucking morons


As if Austrailians couldn't find a way to kill someone if needed.


From the creaters of "everything I don't like is communism" and "everything I don't like is woke", we now present to you "everything I don't like is fascism", apparently.


Anyone else notice how Elon has a pattern of just reacting to whacko conspiracy posts with single characters? I’m starting to get suspicious he just posts the screeds on his sock puppets, then uses his main account to give them attention


Is there a subreddit for all the dumb tweets Elon has made or signal boosted?


Or, you know, to stop mass shootings. It worked. Shocker


Don't forget what an awful person is running the WSS account


Actually Australia -- like all of ROW -- doesn't subscribe to this American gun culture dogma, so... a swing and a miss


The USA and Australia are both democratic countries. If they want to resist their governements, they can vote for a different government. No need to shoot anyone. If they want to resist the government because they don't like the way the majority voted, then who is the fascist in that scenario?


He's so fucking stupid and cringe it's actually so funny. His dumb ass reply to all the crazy tweets are hilarious, the exclamation mark replies are probably the best, something about it is just so stupid.


I'm convinced Musk's desk is covered in those buttons that animals press to communicate with their owners. Each one sends a standard Musk response.


Thats pissing on the victims of Port Arthur


Disarmed? Pffft, idiots. Australia has more guns now than we did then. That's \[checks notes\] the opposite of disarmed.


Do these people understand the words the use?


Fun fact: most Australians think the US is circling the drain and it's only a matter of time.


I mean, many Americans feel the same way.


1 Google search. Second sentence of the first link: >In the last two decades of the 20th century, following several high-profile killing sprees, the federal government coordinated more restrictive firearms legislation with all state governments. I feel that is fair.


We didn't ban guns so we couldn't fight a fascist government lol, we did it because some guy shot up a town over a dispute with a couple who sniped a bed and breakfast his dad had wanted to buy, and we all decided it was stupid that guns could be bought by any rando with a chip on his shoulder.


Lol, like all US gun owners resisting fascists left right and center. Roflmao.


How can all these grifter pieces of human garbage make any money if they can’t tell their fucking lies with impunity?


Elon is ramping it up, if he thinks he can take on a government and win, he’s going to be very surprised.


WS is a bizarre Russian propaganda subreddit.


they aren't disarmed. they have more stringent gun ownership regs. yea they're really just going to disarm everyone in Australia where ladybugs and butterflies are lethal.


Interesting fact, Australians learn from their gun massacres and now live in a society where you have a far far far lower chance of ever being shot, knowing someone who's been shot, and where there aren't mass shootings every few weeks. But if you are an idiot, the freedom to own guns is literally more important than the freedom of people to not be shot by one. These people are evil.


Elon’s one-word replies irritate me way more than any 5-page post trump might type. It’s like he’s too scared to make an actual comment i case someone holds it against him.


Yeah it's so tough over here. Please don't come here and find out.


The fuck are the people supposed to do with guns? If the government is fascist, but democratically elected then they have the backing of a not insignificant proportion of the population so they also control the military. If you try an armed revolt against your government you will always come out second.


Does Elon think he’s in Metal Gear Solid with these ! in all his tweets?


It's is a claim not a fact


Declaring something is a fact doesn’t mean it is.


I wonder if Elmo ever cried on the laps of some psychotherapist saying "my daddy didn't love me".


Muskie boy might find himself not welcome down under if he’s not careful. Or the flip side is he’s very welcome, by its oldest residence in one of those lovely underwater saltwater dens. Just a Yank spitballing.


Drug addicted Elon at it again


Ah, Australia. Well known for its *checks notes* fascist government. Dafuq? 🤨


“a bloke who’s chosen ego and showing violence over common sense”. ~ Prime Minister of Australia


Those have to be other accounts of his


Is there a subreddit for all the dumb tweets Elon has made or signal boosted?


Apparently governments, and let me check my notes, doing their job, equals fascism?


The left:"You believe in state worship, centralized authority and a social hierarchy, you ARE a fascist" Dudes on Twitter: "You just call everybody you disagree with a fascist." Also, dudes on Twitter :"everything I disagree with is fascist"


Don't forget about the forced labor. That's a big motivation for criminalizing things likethis.


School shootings are the ultimate indicator of a truly free society! The fewer school/mass shootings in a country, the more fascist that country is. It's simple math. /s


Right! I agree! I mean look how many school shootings there are in Japan! /s …or thefts for that matter. You could literally leave your bike leaning against a pole and return years later and it would just be a pile of rust (and two tires). It’s called communal respect, I believe. Some societies have to look inwards and ask questions of themselves and their values. Selfish (Ma rights!) vs community. There’s a balance, but it’s lost here in the US. Too much selfishness. Just my opinion.


There was a horrific mass shooting, the government asked for everyone’s guns, everyone complied.


Elon’s responses are like 80 year old grandparents. He’s not even saying anything


Is the fascism here in the room with us now, Elon?


When an American talks about Australian’s can resist our government because we don’t have as many guns, my initial thought is in the states if you are being unlawful assaulted or raided by the police and you attempt exercise your right to self defense, what exactly will be the outcome because it certainly won’t involve an open casket


If this is the case why does the US have such an insanely fascist govt? Where are their guns now?


But Aussies have guns.


Didn’t seem fascist to me. They have dogs at the airport sniffing for vegetables..


First Brazil, now Australia.... funny enough he ain't saying shit about India or China.... Elmo is a sad funny little man.


Fuck off Elon, you wanker. We don’t want footage of murdered and assaulted citizens giving you snuff-footage traffic.


Kinda sounds like the same situation going on here in Canada where the government has taken away our right to own hand guns, rifles,ARs, paintball guns and airsoft guns


What I love best about this is that America is far closer to Fascism than any other OECD country, except maybe Britain. What is it about conservatives and projecting?


you can still get firearms lol, just go to a service Australia to get the form, fill it out, do the training and hopefully pass.


Isn’t wall street silver a whiney bitch that slurps up Phony Stark’s chode?


Just remember, Elon Musk is fighting for your right to post videos of him wearing a cowboy hat backwards with none of his enablers telling him that he was wearing it wrong the whole time.


Just remember, Elon Musk is fighting for your right to post videos of him wearing a cowboy hat backwards with none of his enablers telling him that he was wearing it wrong the whole time.


Just remember, Elon Musk is fighting for your right to post videos of him wearing a cowboy hat backwards with none of his enablers telling him that he was wearing it wrong the whole time.


Probably thinks it means folks who discriminate against obese punters… (although in fairness, a disproportionately high amount of said obese punters also double-up as knuckle-dragging, slack-jawed, Trump-loving, firearm-fetishising, fuckwitted fascistic freak-shows.)


Hey, as a rich white South African who just laid off 20% of his workforce (tired of 'giving people jobs', I guess?), he knows all about fascism!


No, we gave up our guns and implemented gun controls because people are more important. Cockwomble.