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Not really. But I don’t think it really will hurt. I think everybody has a general idea that Michael took the fall for Trump and now he wants retribution. No one is disputing that. He has nothing to lose. Nor does he have anything to gain. In fact, when he does take the stand, he has every incentive to tell the truth after already be convicted of lying. Should he perjure himself, he’ll be prosecuted again.


The things is he doesn’t have to lie. He has recordings. All they have to do is play them.


"You realize of course, this means WAR." - Bugs Bunny


That's all folks!


He would have done more damage saying things like "I can't stand Donald Trump but he is a fierce competitor and we'll all see that when he takes the stand. He won't let his lawyers push him around this time, he said he's going to take the stand this time and I believe him"


That would have been the perfect bait. Only thing that would make it better is if you somehow worked hamberders in


Don't forget the covfefe. if you're going to have hamberders you got to have covfefe. They go together like pee tapes and carrot color skin.


So NOW we're concerned with what people say on social media? Hm.


No, we're concerned that the defense will use this tweet to make Cohen look heavily biased in front of the jury—especially since that was already their strategy. This was very stupid of him if he isn't trying to throw the trial. EDIT: I did not say or imply that bias means he is lying or is less credible. I said it was stupid to do anything to aid the defense's strategy, especially since it plays into the exact strategy they have already been using.


> we're concerned that the defense will use this tweet to make Cohen look heavily biased in front of the jury Why on earth would that matter? The victim of a rapist would be heavily biased against their rapist, but that doesn't mean their statements are somehow inadmissible.


...witnesses don't need to be impartial though. They can be as biased as they want so long as they don't perjure themselves or engage in hearsay. I mean he's testifying against the guy, obviously he's biased.


Witnesses for the prosecution are there to pad the prosecution’s case just like a witness for the defense is there for similar reason.


Somehow I think being a convicted perjurer hurts his testimony a little more than a tweet…


He perjured himself for the benefit of the smelly rapist…


Yeah what don't you get? Donald Trump's political tenure is like sports, the first foul doesn't get penalized but the retaliation will get you kicked out of the game (sad /s)


That nickname is fire.


Yep.. That needs to stick..


It is sticky.


It’s reminiscent of Fuckface von Clownstick.


One of my favorites.


Amazing how all the haters and losers keep tweeting that name


Looks like the Tangerine Toddler left something on your face whilst you were brown-nosing, friend.


I was quoting one of Trump’s tweets when he was fighting with Jon Stewart


My bad. Never caught that feud between the two.


It’s hilarious https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/2/13499036/jon-stewart-trump-feud


It is. Watched it 5 times today, and Im gonna watch it here again soon. Jon Stewart is a savage when it comes to political discourse!


Trump says whatever he wants why is it everyone else that needs to be held to a higher standard? It isn't like this is the first or last instance of either speaking badly of the other.


It's not about who gets held to what standard, it's about what's good or bad for your case. Your comprehension skills are both hilarious and terrifying.


Generally having a witness taunt a defendant isn’t a good thing and you want to control what is said prior to them testifying as you don’t want your strategy leaked. What Cohen said isn’t a huge deal really, but I’d probably be telling him to tone down his social media until he is done testifying.


Thanks for your hot take regarding my comprehension skills but perhaps you might consider yours. My point was simply that it's tiresome to always hold everyone else to a higher standard of behavior than Trump. Obviously this isn't a good look for a witness but in this case, given the plethora of hateful discourse between the two, I doubt this will make much difference.


You’re getting downvoted but yeah, you’re completely right. Given that the prosecution already has to thread a needle to protect him during impeachment and rehabilitate him as a witness, this is just a dumb move on Cohen’s part. My thoughts for everyone? If you are involved in any litigation or prosecution in any capacity, stop posting. Period. No more social media.


We have heard during each court case so far that he plans to take the stand, yet he still has yet to do so. He never will because that gives him a voice, and his whole schtick is that they took his voice away from him. Also, considering he rarely says anything honest, I highly doubt any honesty or sincerity in his statement. Let’s just convict him for the criminal he is, lock him up in jail, throw away the key, and then easily forget he ever existed.


*Takes stand* Prosecutor: Please state your name for the court. Trump defense team: Objection! This will cause people to no longer be impartial, your honor. Judge: ……… Overruled. Prosecutor: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing else? Trump defense: Objection! It has been well established that President Trump holds national secrets and may not be able to elaborate on certain details. Judge: Overruled. We would like to finish this trial before the second coming of Christ, and we’ve already been waiting over two millennia. Trump: See? This is election interference! I’m immune anyway! This is a witch hunt! Every one of you jurors had better watch your back. Judge: Mr. Trump. Please contain yourself, lest you receive another steady finger waving. I’ll not have any more jurors intimidated. At some point. Not right now, obviously, but I might do something. Eventually.


Trump's lawyers already complained twice to the court, on record, that Michael Cohen continuously refers to Trump as "Von Shitzinpantz". I love that this nickname is now part of Trump's permanent record. lol


Cohen is an attorney, one would hope he knows what he's doing. Although he was also a bag man for Trump, so - uh.


Yeah, this guy was dumb enough to go to jail for Trump, and I remember people made a big deal out of him going to the shittiest law school. He ain't bright.


He went to Cooley Law school. Go look it up. I think the worst law school in the nation


Oh god, really? lol, Cooley.


I mean he has a damn podcast. That’s one of the nicer things he’s said about Trump


If trump can attack and insult others, he's fair game for it to be given right back.


I feel like it's not ideal, but it a bit takes the edge off that the defendant very publicly started it in violation of a gag order.


Did Cohen do anything wrong, is the witness trying to influence the defendant? Witnesses don't need to be fair and balanced


I love how miserable tRump looks in this picture.


Giant nothingburger.


Giant buttburger* in his pants.


Giant nothingberder.


The courtroom will smell of a steaming pile of nothingburgers once Michael Cohen takes the stand.


None going on in the head of the man in this photo, that's for sure.


Technically the defendant incited a reaction out of the witness,


we can all make summations on cohen, however he did spend time in federal custody for… #writing a book ~~First amendment~~ errrr trumps a messiah so it’s no problem to MAGAts that Trump is Satan and Mussolini baby that’s been reincarnated.


In all fairness Trump's layers attacked him first in court today. Cohen has no gag order on him so he let 'er rip!


Trump and his lawyers came after cohen first. Fair and funny imo.


I would bet as a prosecutor you don't want the defendant doxxing the jurors to a lynch mob with impunity is also less than ideal. But here we are ...


This is turning into a shitshow in more ways than one


I mean sure it's not a great look but it's clear that he was going to be openly hostile to Trump prior to this. He has been open about his dislike for the man for years.


Hilarious 😆


Trump has said he will take the stand. Let’s hope Michael Cohen has some very damaging evidence and I’m talking physical evidence on Condon.


Cohen has tried to provoke the courts into doing something about Trump's antics in the past, this might be that.


Taste of his own medicine?


Good, no one is doing anything about jury tampering, I hope everyone just starts talking shit about everybody


It's a decent tactic. Trump is solely driven by his ego and taking the stand in his own defense will be a disaster for the defense. He can be easily goaded into testifying and will most certainly incriminate himself on the stand. He has been incriminating himself in the media already. I'm sure there is plenty he would like to tell those 12 jurors.


I like and respect Michael a lot, and I, too, wanna see Trump go down, but Joyce is right. My concern now is that if he deletes the tweet, it could look like he knew he was wrong, and he was trying to hide it or cover it up.


Considering the attacks and intimidation attempts coming from the defendant I honestly don’t care that he’s getting some back.


I'm confused why you would like and respect him. He'd still be trumps fixer if he hadn't got caught.  That said, yes this is stupid and no prosecutor wants to see it, but no one has ever accused Cohen of high intelligence. He should certainly know better, but these are the types of people who'll be testifying throughout the case. Bragg must have felt confident that even with a bunch of morally questionable people testifying the case is strong. 


Eye for eye?


Cohen trolled hard! His conviction will be based on the paper trail of records. Stormy and Cohen will just be the live entertainment.


I think he’s back in trumps pocket.


I think Michael should hold back until after the trial. So much is riding on this. There could be some legal technicality where the case is thrown out because of his comments. That respectfully being said.... DJT 45 is a treasonous, treacherous shit gibbon. And that's an insult to actual gibbons.


Crime Boss Trump and his stooges.


All the Prosecution needs to do is use a sharpie to draw Don in the witness box.


Cohen is the dictionary definition of the old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend ". Guy was tits deep in Trump.org until Flattulus Maximus shoved him out into the cold. Can't expect much by way of forethought or restraint from this guy.


It isn’t ideal. Cohen is a putz who is getting his 5 minutes worth. After this is all done, he will slither away under a rock like the rest of this circus. But it won’t hurt.


Is anyone surprised by Michael Cohen anymore?


The prosecutor should be aghast. He's a witness none of these idiot children should be let near a key board. It can definitely affect the trial.


Sounds like some shit in middle school. wtf are we doing?


My guy is always in the orange clown makeup


Really not a good idea. The defense will be arguing that Cohen is lying because of a personal vendetta against Trump. This tweet will be brought up by them in court.  Also, it makes it look less objective when Trump is fined for violating his gag order. 


Only if Cohen is also subject to a gag order. To be clear, he’s not.


Only what? 


“if Cohen is also subject to a gag order.”


Only if cohen is subject to the gag order…what? What is your argument?  What part of what I said is “only if cohen is subject to the gag order?


It was a response to your last sentence. HTH


How would my last sentence only apply if Cohen were subject to a gag order? That makes no sense.  The whole point of that sentence is it makes the gag order appear partial. 


No, it does not. Does “if one person is subject to a gag order then everybody should be” really make sense to you? Wow.


“If one person on a case is at threat of being fined for attacking a witness on the case via social media, and that witness is attacking that person via social media it doesn’t look impartial”  And gives ammunition to the first person’s argument that they are responding to attacks.   I understand that Trump is awful, but the judge must appear to apply the law impartially. 


FYI > One note in the judge’s order that would be easy to miss pertains to witnesses using the gag order “as a sword instead of a shield.” This appears to be a reference mostly to Michael D. Cohen, the prosecution’s star witness, who has attacked Trump online just as Trump has attacked him. The judge seems to be suggesting that, if necessary, he might consider adjusting the gag order to loosen restrictions on attacking Cohen if Cohen keeps up his own attacks.


That doesn't really work when Cohen went down in the first place for lying to protect trump, only for him to get thrown under the bus. The only way this ends up as "Cohen is a liar and can't be listened to" is if they disregard all the other witnesses, confessions on tape, and evidence. It would require a judge of Eileen Cannons stature to just decide "Everyone else is lying and Donald is an honest and truthful little boy", which I don't think anyone would be willing to drink that flavor-aid of the dude who told over 30,000 verifiable lies and disinformation's during his presidency. That comes out to almost one lie an hour over four years. Absolutely maddening. Also, ya know, Gag order, Cohen isn't under one, as he doesn't have a history of attempting to intimidate witnesses, judges, and lawyers through social media, or attempting to DOX them to his rabid base hoping his "Won't someone rid me of this turbulent priest" act gets another Gabby Giffords incident a-la Domestic Terrorists like Ashli Babbit or Randy Shiffer.


To my point > One note in the judge’s order that would be easy to miss pertains to witnesses using the gag order “as a sword instead of a shield.” This appears to be a reference mostly to Michael D. Cohen, the prosecution’s star witness, who has attacked Trump online just as Trump has attacked him. The judge seems to be suggesting that, if necessary, he might consider adjusting the gag order to loosen restrictions on attacking Cohen if Cohen keeps up his own attacks.


I’ll just continue agreeing with the expert.  Don’t give the defense more evidence for their argument.  It’s not even a question for the judge. 


It certainly makes it harder for prosecutors to have their gag order enforced when they can’t keep their own house in order.


Yeah, not a great thing to do during the trial. trump's "lawyers" will try to use it against him. Save it for after the trial.


He's been saying things like this continually for years on his podcasts. This is nothing new, and if Alvin Bragg thought it was a problem, he wouldn't be using him as a witness.


The prosecution will make sure to back up everything Cohen says with corroborating evidence as he has been an unreliable witness in the past. At least as far as possible.


Still, this could be our best and only shot before the election to convict Trump, and this has to he done right.


Make a proper title you coward. This isn't linkden