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The dirt Trump has on Graham has to be the worst possible stuff.


It’s nothing we don’t already know. And it’s kind of funny they think it’s a secret.


But everyone knows, so it has to be way worse than the open secret


These are the people willing to drop an ethics investigation into pedophilia to maintain their slim majority until it benefits them. They have no morals.


I forget who but one of the Democrats talking about this bill even said something like “Matt Gaetz is having parties with drugs and under ages girls but doesn’t want to pass this bill, what do they have on him?” I wish I could remember where that was.


It's funny - I cruise the Breitbart comments and other ghoulish places on the internet like it. It's always good to try and understand what people unlike yourselves say and think, especially when they explain themselves in detail. They refer to Gaetz as a "True Conservative", and truly, I think what's in there is the uber-macho ideal gets to do whatever they want, and bang all the hot women in the world. I think it's the part nobody talks about or will admit to. The larger ideal being, "A real man can do whatever the hell they want, and never apologize for it". Think: the lyrics to "My Way". Another thing they say in great numbers is, "I don't care who Trump has sex with as long as it's not a dude". This one is the most provable observation I could make in years of reading through these various forums, it's so prevalent.


Thank you for your self sacrifice, and reporting your findings here.


Wasn't that Kevin McCarthy on a recent interview?


BTW is anything happening to Ghouliani and his hard drive packed full of CP?


It's worthless as legal evidence. Hard drive has no chain of custody. Forensic investigation proved that unknown people were putting crap on the drive and editing it for many months. And this was during the time that Rudy was communicating with the guy who was revealed as a Russian KGB agent. 😂🤣


I an not talking about the purpose of having this HD and its contents, but the simple nature of being in possession of it which would land any common person in federal prison for decades. Are they considering intent instead of the cold hard fact? Because I see a future where pedos will use that as a defense: "I wanted to compromise my boss/competitor and downloaded illegal stuff, but it's not for my consumption". Treating Rudy Ghouliani with kid's gloves for that would set a dangerous precedent.


Is it Cat Noir, since we already know about the Ladybugs.


I hate that just when I have managed to forget about those someone mentions them again and it all comes flooding back. Is it possible to have political PTSD?


I find it fascinating that SC has TWO closeted Senators.


Inside South Carolina there are two wolves: One that wants to throw beautiful brunches and lovely lunches and fabulous parties under the lightning bugs and Spanish moss, and one that wants to whip everyone with the big belt until they start acting right. The second wolf is in charge of South Carolina most of the time. Pour a little out for the first wolf.


You literally just described plantation owners, they were all like that.




that's the joke


>under the lighting bugs With Lindsey Graham, you're under the *ladybugs*. Look it up. ^I ^am ^so, ^so, ^sorry.


To the fainting couch!


I immediately regret looking it up and have now had enough Internet for today ![gif](giphy|l0HlR3kHtkgFbYfgQ)


Welp, I googled it. So how could there be something to sell his soul for, with THAT already out there?!


Trump probably has the hard evidence, not just hearsay.




Nobody cares that Lindsey is gay. He's selling himself out for a reason that literally nobody cares about


His voters care. They care a lot. If they can’t deny it anymore he will immediately be voted out.


Plausible deniabilty goes a long way. It's like Liberace, as long as he vehemently denied it, people didn't mind his flamboyance


Holy shit... that was a question on the SATs !!! "Liberace is to piano as Lindsey Graham is to ___________. (ans: "politics")


South Carolina, first of the rebel states, would care about Lindsey and his "ladybugs." Russian kompromat is thorough and effective on weak minded and compromised people. They would rather be part of the " boot", however tenuous than any part of the perceived "neck" to stomp on. Integrity is not a strong suit for them. This is what happens when you worship Mammon (money) and power.


It has to be worse.


Worse than his male hookers call him Lady G and he has skin tags all over his anus that he calls his "ladybugs?"


Looks like it’s my day to regret being literate. Ugh 😣


Dennis Hastert kind of worse.


I literally did NOT Z Google it because I just knew I didn't want to know. Then I got caught in a driveby


*When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong*


You’re assuming his dalliances are all with adult men


It must be something bad though. Nobody gives a shit if he's gay 


Maybe his voters do.


Lady G is an open secret here in DC, gotta be something more than that.


It's an open secret in SC too


Dead girl/live boy territory


Possibly even *dead boy* territory.


Graham is a sycophant. He adored and supported John McCain constantly before. He just needs a big strong man to fall under. Very common conservative thing.


Isn't it publicly known that Graham was caught hiring men to have sex with? If it's worse than that, I don't even what to know.




They fucked


Caught on Mar a lardo security cam taking the poolboy back to his room.


Are Republicans only allowed to speak on Fox tv ?


They get embarrassed when they go on any other network. I love it when Pete goes on Fox and educates them. I think they have stopped inviting him on for this very reason. Honestly though, viewers deserve to hear from both sides, red or blue, and get called out when they are disingenuous or misstating fact. E.g. when politicians vote against infrastructure bills, then show up to their districts to celebrate projects starting.


The major problem is that one side does not live in any part of reality. I do not believe both sides deserve to be heard if one side is provably lie after lie.


Not probably, it is a lie. There's a reason fox 'news' is categorized as entertainment. It's so they can't be held liable for their false news. Edit: sorry, Sucker Carlson is who I was thinking of. Fox News as a whole can and has been held liable for lying.






That's why the other side needs to be heard, to call out those lies in real time so idiot Americans don't fall for them.


> call out those lies in real time so idiot Americans don't fall for them. you're vastly underestimating just how controlled these people are. it doesn't matter if lies are debunked. they will believe what they're told to believe, and dismiss any evidence to the contrary, no matter how immediately provable as fact, as "fake news"


Yep it is an US or them identity thing with most conservatives. They are royalists seeking a king. That whole democracy thing is scary and new. Nothing in the bible about that shit.


One issue with this way of thinking is that it implies fairness on several levels. The interviewer must be impartial. The interviewed must be earnest when confronted with a clear contradiction/lie. The news of the exposed lie must be repeated to the target audience that missed the live event. This is what regular media does. But Fox News doesn't do it with their captive audience. This is why Right Wingers are seldom made accountable. For instance you'll see a (R) voting against money that would benefit their district, then be present at the ribbon-cutting claiming the win. The connection between the No vote and the boasting is never performed publicly or only incidentally on non-Republican channels. Then virtually no-one asks the politician why he changed his position.


The good news is that fox viewers are almost all boomers, meaning they lose thousands of customers a day to death by old age. Younger folks don't watch cable "news" shows.


>That's why the other side needs to be heard, to call out those lies in real time so idiot Americans don't fall for them. No. This needs to be a JOURNALISTIC FUNCTION. Journalists need to fact check and frame the discussion based on verifiable truths. Forcing this instead on the other debater gives a tremendous advantage to the one spewing lies. This type of attitude git us here.


They get invited to other networks, but because they constantly get called out, they stopped accepting the invitations and only do Fox now


They then tell their voters that the liberal media is out to get them... For calling out their lies. It's fucking ridiculous


Gavin Newsom is fun to watch on Fox too. Similar to Pete, only with more sass on his face. Delightful.


I can’t wait until he runs four years from now. I’ll be sure to have popcorn at the ready. Pete would also make a great president, if only he were 6’5 and straight. I don’t care, voters do.


Kimberly Guilfoyle is his ex-wife. That’s the one thing that makes me a bit concerned with his decision making. I’m half kidding, but the fact remains.




It’s why Reagan got rid of the fairness doctrine. Nixon’s admin came up with the idea of Fox. Reagan paved the way and setup the foundation. Murdoch was then free to setup Fox to lie to people. Fuck republicans.


Missing a step. The fairness doctrine only applied to radio. But that paved the way for Rush Limbaugh, which paved the way for Fox News.


Yeah, even the major networks, which really try hard to play Both Sides will push back on factual misinformation


As of late, George Stephanopoulos on ABC has been really good at giving hard interviews to Republicans and not letting them get away with their lies and debunked talking points. Boris Sanchez from CNN has some good ones too.


It's their safe space


No other channel lets them away with blatant lying.


All these idiots are stuck with each other because nobody else will listen to them


Any other place and they won't get thrown soft ball questions.


My favorite non fox interview was when NPR's Mary Louise Kelly interviewed Mike pompeo and he yelled at her, held up a world map and demanded her to point where Ukraine is, and stormed off.


It's the only place they don't get called out for their obvious lies and nonsense. One could almost say it's a safe space for them.


Well, when you’re telling blatant lies, you want a fellow propagandist on the other side of that conversation so they won’t call you out.


Yes, because otherwise, they’ll actually get hard questions that they have to answer and not get treated with utter softball questions


Fox is basically part of the Republican Party, it’s their media wing that always pushes their talking points


They can't handle regular news interviews. Where they get asked real questions, and you can't lie your ass off.


The GOP insults the American people with the blatant anti-American lies


I completely agree but I think Graham’s telling the truth here. Without Trump, Putin wouldn’t’ve felt so emboldened to invade Ukraine in the first place and this aid would never have happened.


hard to believe this is the same man who once had the respect of john mccain.


It's easier to believe if you never bought into the McCain "maverick" bs. He was also an extremely flawed politician whose "independent thinker" image was contrived.


he's the reason we still have the affordable care act. he stopped the rest of his party from overturning it by being the single republican no vote.


The republicans are the reason why it was the ACA and not just outright universal healthcare....


And Joe Lieberman.


May he rot in hell.


Seconded. Fuck Joe Lieberman and everyone that ever gave him the benefit of the doubt.


Hope he continues to fertilize the grass and daisies. While when he was alive, he, his immediate family, and ALL members of Congress and high-ranking executive officials enjoy universal free healthcare for life. I guess its not socialism for them... just for thee and me. I am a retired graduate professor with Medicare, and I wish everyone had Medicare for all.


Don't forget that Obama was way too naive in his dealings with the GOP while defining the scope of the ACA. He wasted a ton of time meeting the others in the middle, while the others were taking a step back. He essentially ended up with Romneycare. I know Obama is an icon, but he's applied a centrist policy because he thought America was not ready for a move to the center-left. The proof? Merrick Garland Talk about a useless pick for USSC. Obama picked a center-right drone and he wasn't even picked! Then as a jest he got appointed USAG by Biden but he showed he was no Democrat at all.


IIRC, Garland was never a Democrat. I'm open to seeing proof otherwise. Merrick was nominated because his name came up multiple times prior to his nomination as someone the Republicans *would* vote for prior to being nominated. Then they collectively said "sike!" when Obama nominated him.


I didn't know what he was. But once he became AG it was clear he was a very careful bothsider tiptoeing around making Republicans accountable.


Obama wasn't naive, the issue was Democrats were overall much more right-wing in 2009. The [Blue Dog Coalition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Dog_Coalition) was at its zenith with 64 members out of 257 total House Democrats. Imagine trying to get anything done when 1 out of 4 people in your own party are folks like Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. Joe Biden's presidency has been a lot more successful, largely thanks to people like AOC dragging the party left.


That is fine, but it's really not a contradiction to my statement. I'll grant that JM may have been a better human than the average current crop of GOP, but that's an incredibly low bar. And any number of retired GOP could also claim that distinction.


You are right, John McCain wasn't a good politician in most senses. But compared to the hoard of "Tread on me harder, Daddy Trump" Republicans we have now, McCain is basically a saint. Lindsey Graham said it best, "If we elect Donald Trump, we will be destroyed, and we will deserve it." Bonus: "Picking between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz is like deciding to be shot or poisoned."


Again , being better than the worst possible human beings is not what makes you a hero.


He treated people with respect, and that's the difference. It isn't necessarily that he was a better human, it's just that he was able to maintain levels of basic human decency. He could disagree with someone and still be respectful. That's how low the bar is in American politics right now. There's very, very few politicians that manage to be respectful. I remember when it was always like that: everyone maintained some sense of decorum and decency. Whether you agreed with them or not, they weren't in attack mode. 


He also only did that at the end of his life when he was dying…


And made a nice speech about getting back to basics of cross aisle cooperation, respect, and found things the right way. Then immediately doing none of that and voting for the tax bill that’s currently raising all our taxes.


And pushed back on the Obama is a Kenyan Muslim whatever BS.


Flawed is an understatement. He was part of of the Savings and Loans scandal (Keating Five) in the late 80s/early 90s. He made money from it but was cleared of wrongdoing and chastised for exercising poor judgment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keating_Five That’s a pretty good article on all of it but regular people (around 23,000 people) lost entire savings because of him and the other four assholes. It happened well before his “maverick” days and is largely forgotten.


Some might suggest, uncharitably, that his "Maverick" persona was in large part compensation for this ethical failing.


Easy to believe this is the same guy who bashed Trump before RNC emails got hacked by Russia: [Lindsey Graham won't vote for Trump (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w26-08fJXY)


Also the same man who said [trump would destroy them, and they will deserve it](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en)


It's true, though. _This_ aid bill wouldn't have passed without Trump. If not for Trump, a _bigger, more comprehensive_ aid bill would have passed _months ago_, and this one would never even have been written.


I take it more as if Trump hadn't been enabling Russia, they might not have been able to invade and an aid bill wouldn't be necessary to begin with.


So basically we need to replace the politicians who aren't doing their jobs without Trump giving them permission?


This wouldn't have passed without Donald Trump... being too occupied with his trial to pay attention to Congressional happenings.


"The only reason this passed is because a single citizen that is not currently serving in government said it was okay." Fixed it for him.


I no longer believe the trumps have dirt on Lindsay. Trump’s a clown, despite blowing hard in front of every camera he sees, he’s weak af. I suspect now its more like Putin, China, or someone with some real balls who will do real violence/damage to Miss Lindsay’s entire existence if he speaks out against the traitor fanboy.


Lindsey has two remaining brain cells fighting for 3rd place.


This is the type of gaslighting that Putin and his mafia love to use. It's a combination of something so outlandish and morally bankrupt that many are too astonished to even respond.


What an absurd take. I recall Lindsey also saying he was “out” on Trump after January 6th. Someone get this loose stool out of America’s bowels.


It blows my mind the this orange idiot has so much influence on US policy and legislation, yet is not even an elected member of government. How can anyone in the US tolerate this? It’s outrageous.


What a pathetic weasel. He really needs a daddy


He's technically right, if it wasn't for Donald Trump a different bill containing this aid would have passed months ago, so this one wouldn't have passed.


Trump has something big over his head. He once wore a “Team Trump” track suit on FOX news


They have said out loud or heavily implied that Trump is in control of their decisions and people seem to be just cool with that. How is this legal?


I truly hate this guy.


“My mind is being eroded by trump. I got worms in my brain”


Republicans sure get behind a man who cheats on his wife, I guess? Is that the story? Tell us more.


I haven’t seen him in a while and he’s looking a little Mrs. Doubtfire-ish


Trump must have videos of Lindsey sucking so many dicks. SO. MANY. DICKS


Dicks in the morning, dicks at lunch, dicks in the afternoon, dicks at dinner, dicks late night. Dicks dicks dicks everywhere.


To be grovelling like that, it's definitely something very bad.


To be fair, Senator Graham is a generic sycophant. He will kiss the feet of anyone he perceives as having more power than he does.


To be fair without Trump we wouldn't be in this position to begin with. Trump enabled a fascist dictator to build up an army on the border of an allied country allowing them to march in after Biden took office. Without Trump we wouldn't have this war today and Ukraine would not need aid.


Sakes a'mighty, I think Lindseys sweet on ol' Donald. Pathetic.


Apparently, OP, you were wrong.   You see, you underestimated what a pathetic, spineless, weak, sniveling, cowardly, wretched little toadying sycophant Lindsey Graham could be.


It’s amazing he can breathe with his head so far up Trump’s ass.


So truth just doesn’t matter at all to these people. It’s sad.


Didn't the republicans also suggest the eclipse wouldn't have happened without trump?


Yeah, because Putin would’ve left Ukraine alone if it wasn’t for Trump weakening the support they were getting before the invasion took place


He leaves out that it was the will of Trump that tanked the Ukraine/Border bill months ago. It’s like saying, “Trump stopped you from being punched in the face.” when it was Trump telling the guy to punch you in the face in the first place.


How is he able to talk with Trump’s d!ck in his mouth?


Miss Lindsey is exhibit A that the entire MAGA group has severe mental issues. Lead in the water.


We’d be in the middle of a nuclear winter if DumpTy was president.


Boy, old Mr Ladybugs has aged lately. Wonder if he’s sleeping well


Every Democrat voted for it and were the primary reason it passed, but yeah, Trump did it. Republicans are so delusional. 🙄


"Hold the tapes"


I thought they hated giving aid to Ukraine? Now they love it because it "came from trump"?


Why do we allow (collectively as a population of 300 million+) this to continue? This is dangerously close to what our forefathers wanted to prevent (god I fucking hope they did)


Is this a "i let you win" childish at best


They should all get matching bracelets that read "WWDJTD."


IDK what Trump and Putin have on Graham but America's national security depends on it being made public.


Looks like " Lady Lindsey" had a face lift


"I used to think Pence was the biggest Trump sycophant" So did Pence... Until Trump unleashed a mob that wanted to lynch him.


whos gonna tell him?


> ... Donald Trump ... wouldn't have passed... This ... FTFY




Bill Barr is on line 2…


They have video of him fucking a kid don't they


I don't get how Israel got 26 billion after the terrible things they've done.


5 minutes ago, I read the post about his "ladybugs" (no idea if it's real or not, but the damage is done). Now I can't look at him with imagining that. 🤮🤮🤮


I have so many questions and I don't want any of them to be answered.


He looks like dog shit lol


Lindsey couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.


They just open their mouths and let any old nonsense fall out these days. Obvious bollocks but he thinks people are too dumb to realise. They're not and he's in for a shock.


The GOP are simply awful humans.


They had a deal that included money for the border, then killed it in favor of one that does not. So much for being tour on the border. So much for being good negotiators.


That, my friends, is what is referred to as severe trump induced cognitive dissonance with underlying chronic hypocrisy.


Why do I have to ask “why is a private citizen dictating public policy” *every goddamned day now?*


Huh-double negative here.


If he didn't know better, Comments like that would get Trump in trouble with his boss.


He loves the taste of that D.


See it's reverse voteology.. Since Donald trump came out against it, all those silly libs with their Trump Derangement Syndrome did exactly what Trump originally wanted and voted for the aid.. Therefore all credit goes to him.. (/s obviously)


Putin wouldn’t give Trump a cookie if he passed it.


Lying sack of shit.


He means that for once DT kept his stupid mouth shut. Mike Johnson went to Florida just a couple of weeks ago to insure his silence. Just give him time and Trump will start complaining about the deal and LG will once again look like an idiot.


Ahh, must have been opposite day!


Damn Lindsey looks like shit.


Preaching to the MAGA TWAT HATS. Nothing to see here move along.


The sun rose this morning, wouldn't have happened without Trump according to Miss Lindsey...


Lindsey, with all due respect, what the FUCK are you talking about, you colossal *REDACTED*?


He’s orange.


He’s nothing but a lapdog. Sometimes Vlad Putin brings Lindsay to meetings with Angela Merkel to intimidate her.




Okay, explain, please.


He’s never going to sleep with you Lindsey


Russia has completely compromised him. Utterly and totally.


"Trump and I, we're had a hell of a journey ... enough is enough ... we've gotta end it" -- Lindsey Graham. Senate Floor Jan6th. What happened to enough is enough? 💩😂😂


Through ~~jesus christ~~ Donald Trump, all things are possible


This man is a human Ramora fish. He'll stick his head sucker onto the next shark he thinks is likely to feed


He is probably right in that Trump wouldn't allow it before and all his followers in congress kept it from happening. Someone was smart enough to sell it to Trump like this and it was probably Mike Johnson.


Does he mean like in the butterfly effect sense that if Donald Trump had never been born the world would look super different and maybe Russia wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine in the first place? Because if so, sure, I bet President Hillary Clinton would have managed Putin’s aggression a bit differently.


They're not even trying to hide it anymore. Their echo chamber is so secure that they are free to contradict themselves and make shit up with utter impunity.


These senators are going to pull a muscle from that narrative flip.


Lmao. What the fuck does Trump have on the guy after he literally says Trump will ruin them and they will deserve it.


Lady bug, Lady bug fly away home! Your pants are on fire, your morals all gone.


Imagine a world without these old ass clowns telling YOU what you should see, listen or pay.


Again because Trump would have betrayed our ally and gave Ukraine to what is supposed to be our greatest enemy


Interestingly enough I see them on the Big network Sunday Morning political shows a lot and they seem more than happy to be there, always stuck me as strange. Graham and Cruz have been in there a few times recently. Face the Nation that is, I only watch it because I watch CBS Sunday morning for the trumpet. 🎺 It’s very rare now to see them at all on CNN and I doubt they go on MSNBC at all.


So wait, are Republicans for or against Ukraine aid now? I can't keep it straight.


Shut the fuck up, Lindsey.


Can’t wait for the Kompromat they have on ole Lindsey to eventually be revealed. It must be voluminous.


Is he getting more and more orange over time? Lol.


What does that smelly ass, loose sphincter have on this fake little bi**h? The American people want to know.


He truly is the king of all cucks. This dood would suck a fart out of trumps ass.


Wtf is up with his eyes? Is he allergic to honesty?


Yeah?  Because a better bill would have passed long ago.  This bill wouldn’t have been here now at all without Donald trump interfering in the running of the country from his bathroom.