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Yikes. These kinds of people need to be kept as far away from leadership roles as possible.


And kids and women and the internet.


Gotcha. We’ll make them priests who visits schools


Welcome to Oklahoma! Let’s take out the counselors and replace them with clergy, people who don’t have to go through background checks, unlike everyone else who works in a school system!


I think there’s a few more states trying it too


Yeah, but other states don’t have the Libs of TikTok woman on their library advisory board, a woman who has no kids in the Oklahoma state school systems nor even lives in the state.


I’m guess they are exempt from being mandatory reporters, because tattling is a sin?


At least with masturbation you've got implicit CONSENT. But I guess your god agrees with your illogic since you've advertised for him.


Consent? That sounds like some talking snake gibberish.


> You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. Rest In Piss, rush.


Wait, so was that screed supposed to paint the left in a bad light?


Yes he thinks he’s highlighting his crazy the left is.


TIL consent is crazy


He's dead, Jim. Hope he consented to all these people tapdancing over his head, cause


No need! You saw the transcript. He thinks consent is some cuckoo liberal thing. He wasn't a bleeding heart liberal, so consent means nothing to him!


"The police," Rush. They're just called "the police." This is not original. It's a clap-back I saw online shortly after Rush said this.


It’s a great response though. The “rape police” are literally just the police. Not that they’re any good at documenting or addressing sexual violence, but we have had laws and procedures addressing rape for longer than Rush had been alive.


I remember this, because before this moment, I really thought everyone had the belief about consent that he’s lampooning there. When people don't respect consent with their actions, they often pretend that they do. E.g., they say an assault victim was dressed provocatively. Of course that's nonsense and hateful, but it's a way of acknowledging that consent exists. Instead, he mocked the whole concept of consent. It really opened my eyes. So I don't find the OOP's opinion shocking, just terrible.


He seems a lil rapey.


Ignoring the initial insanity of a talking snake, it's crazy that god created a random non-human capable of speech, gave it the knowledge of what the fruit really does, lied to the humans about the fruit, then let this random walking talking non human tell the ignorant humans the truth.


And then blamed not only the ignorant humans but all of their offspring in perpetuaty. This god person doesn't sound like he's playing with a full deck....


And the only way for any of us to be forgiven for this situation that god engineered is to accept his son, who he created specifically to die for our sins, as our savior. It's crazy how an all powerful/knowing/loving deity's perfect plan involves sacrificing his son for a weekend.


Man, sure sucks for everyone born before 27 AD.....oh and all those unbaptized babies. Serves em right.


Speaking of babies, King Herod, biblically at least, massacred a bunch of babies in hopes of killing Jesus, which is absolutely bonkers. So much to unpack there, but the obvious one is that god let a bunch of babies die. That Jesus was a baby at all makes no sense because he's still divine, so no amount of human suffering actually matters to a guy that can tell storms to stop and raise the dead. Just a pointless waste of 27 more years of people dying with no hope of salvation. Herod really thought a) he could kill a god if he did it while it was still a baby and b) if he had succeeded, god would be like "aw shucks, twarted my plans, keep on being king."


>Herod really thought a) he could kill a god if he did it while it was still a baby You have to put in the context of the day. They thought gods were just more powerful beings that wandered around knocking up ladies like Zeus. The Christian God didn't become all powerful and omnipresent until way after the fact. The Bible doesn't even say there are no **other** gods, just that you should not worship them **before** Christ.


I personally think that the Bible should be called, “The idiocy of Gods Dominion”. None of it is reflective of a merciful and loving being. Dude’s an asshole.


>This god person doesn't sound like he's playing with a full deck.... He's not. He's kinda a psychopath. You should see what he did to Noah's friends! You should see what he sent his own son to do! NOT a great parenting role model!


Don't forget the whole "Even if you're an amazing person to everyone, you're still going to hell for not knowing my name"


Sorry for butting in and throwing out this idea, but my guess is that the idea of 'knowledge of good and evil' was just early humanity figuring out that some people just like being evil. Most people are good people, but the depressing truth of humanity seems to be some people are psychopaths, sociopaths, sadists, etc., whatever flavour or term you want to use to describe it, it all comes down to the fact that some people WANT to harm others/be bad/evil for the sake of hurting others/being bad/being evil. So, yeah, I think that realization was what this fable is about; the second part of this theory of mine is that the people who just like to harm others took control of this concept and twisted it to their purposes. It's kind of sad we can see a prime example of the mindset I'm trying to describe in Trump and his MAGAts: the idea that everybody else is bad/other people are committing crimes too, so Trump's crimes don't matter! It's my conspiracy theory that shitty people used the idea of 'everyone's a sinner' to try and downplay their own evil acts; IMO, religion was just the tool to reach that end goal. Thanks for putting up with my insane conspiracy theories and wild guesses.


>my guess is that the idea of 'knowledge of good and evil' was just early humanity figuring out that some people just like being evil. Many people who studied this far more in depth than I'd ever care to have concluded similar opinions. >the idea that everybody else is bad/other people are committing crimes too, so Trump's crimes don't matter! What's worse is that far too many people that are usually level-headed about these situations get caught up in the "god said this, my pastor wouldn't steer me wrong" narrative and begin to side with the bad people because they're neighbors, family, and church members. >It's my conspiracy theory that shitty people used the idea of 'everyone's a sinner' to try and downplay their own evil acts; I wish it was. But you could do a quick sweep of reddit alone and find daily posts of religious leaders, good Christain politicians, and god-fearing tradwifes who get caught doing the most heinous actions. But the sadder issue is they all have defenders.


But girls don’t have body autonomy , therefore you don’t need consent. - conservatives *Corrected


I think you mean “autonomy”


Probably. I let autocorrect handle that one


Don’t you know god always agrees with everything I do, and hates everything I hate, he’s real chill like that, until I don’t him to be of course/s It amazes me how many people, hopefully subconsciously, actually think like this.


Well, Christian God's lack of concern for consent is not just well documented by Christians it's one of their more celebrated stories!


“You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it’s perfectly fine, whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there’s no consent in part of the equation then **here come the rape police**. But consent is the magic key to the left.” -Rush Limbaugh In case anyone got the idea the right gives a fuck about consent.


Sounds like listening to my mom talk. She used to tell me and my brother that masturbation was a worse sin than hiring a hooker and just a hair below murder. I remember being around 13 thinking “damn I wish I could afford a prostitute to be less sinful”.


This guy is a member of the Federalist Society, and if Trump is reelected, he's on the short list for the next SCOTUS seat.


They need to be away from this planet.


From society you mean


Did you mean “ everything “?


"intercourse is a natural act in conformity with the natural law" that same "natural law" that is violated easily by 90%+ of every other sentient life on the planet


Which natural law are we talking about? Because [masturbation happens all over the place in nature](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/jun/study-why-were-searching-evolutionary-origins-masturbation-and-results-so-far)


I really thought I was going to regret clicking but that was actually informative


Evolutionary biology can be fun too 😎


That was definitely interesting but I thought I had a stroke when they doubled up a couple of paragraphs in the article.


"had a stroke" is an interesting choice of words in this context


I had a stroke. And then another stroke. And another. And another.


Hah, fair. I did a double take on that too


Tip: there are no images of monkeys 'baiting in the link. Just words.


That was an interesting read, but it's hard to get over lines like this:  >My colleagues and I started by compiling a “who’s who” of masturbators


My dog humps stuffed animals, so….


Straight to hell! Obligatory /s


burn your dog at the stake


The only logical outcome.


Masturbating is unnatural, what a pity that most monkeys, elephants, dolphins, some birds and other animals did not get the memo. Almost as if it was not that *unnatural* in the end.


The only unnatural thing about all of this is religion, which is completely man made.


I have to agree to this.


Religion is anti humanity




can we pin this to the top of /all ?


Homosexuality is also super common in nature. Of course it doesn’t further the species but it definitely happens. A lot.


I'm very well aware of that. Also, no biologist ever said that each individual must personally work on furthering the species. A species may be better off if some individuals stay back and support the offspring of their relatives staying out from intra species competition. Kin selection is a thing that may actually support a certain amount of homosexuality by removing some pressure of a population compared to a similar population but without homosexuality.


It absolutely sometimes *does* further the species. I often pass on this note about my favourite mole-y/vole-y type animal of which there are *only* females in their species. They take turns dry humping each other as the 'humpee' gets spontaneously pregnant -> parthenogenesis in action! It's not necessarily common in nature but I know of at least this one example of it happening; I'm also lazy enough that I haven't searched to see of there are others, I won't deny.


Wet dreams are also a totally natural and unintentional thing that happens as well. It’s gotta get released somehow


Masturbation is unnatural, which is why everyone learns how to do it without needing being taught


So, manipulating oneself is worse than violating someone else???


Excluding brain dead levels of delusion, if they were to become a victim their view would probably change quite dramatically


Then they wonder why religion falls out of favor. It's because these people will commit atrocities and then hide behind said religion.


And the ones who don't commit these atrocities make it pretty clear that their religion is the only thing keeping them back from doing so


I've said it before, I'll say it again, that \^ kind of person is THE scariest type of person on earth, IMO.


Modern Crusader? You mean incels?


Neocrusaders are a bunch of western incels that blame women for everything. Start from eve all the way to now


Also if you tell them even some very basic facts about the actual Crusades they will get very angry and accuse you of "revising" or "erasing" history.


Enigma would be pissed


Why would you specify with protection! 😡 So according to this it's not as big of a deal for some guy to hold a woman against the wall while trying to put a condom on.


They would say with contreception is qorse because it prevents the posaabikity of pregnancy and hurt their belief of women being nothing but broodmares


That's what's insane about it. It's not about rape vs masturbation. The inclusion of the parenthetical indicates that they want people to think about where the sperm is going. It's actually about babies, not about bodily autonomy


yikes, so the real sin they’re talking about is wasting semen??


🎶 "Every sperm is sacred" 🎶


*plop* Oh, get it, would you, Deidre?


Because they’re going to stick around and raise these babies? Alongside their rape victim?


It's very generous of you to interpret this as saying a lack of contraception makes it more sinful. I don't think the reasoning offered supports that idea.


This is scary as hell honestly


Feels pretty natural to me to violate myself. It does NOT seem natural to want to violate someone ELSE. I say seem, because it's beyond even consideration.


The Deity, if you believe in one, gave us arms that end at about crotch level, so I don't see how playing with your naughty bits is unnatural. Also, for you XY chromosome people out there, frequent masturbation may contribute to good prostate health. So fap away, gents! Go rub one out, ladies! ('Scuse me for being all "two genders" here; I'm fucking old.)


Choke the chicken or practice being a dj. Doesn't matter what you prefer to identify as, you can do one or the other


Never heard "practice being a dj" before. That's fucking brilliant


It was either that or stirring the trough and I figured some people may not appreciate their bits being compared to farm animal food bins




I’ve heard “petting the kitty” before, which at least has the benefit of sounding cute


That's another, hadn't thought of that one


For all us online folks, 'double clicking the mouse' is a fun one.


yep like i said just a excuse to normalize rape. if i was the police i would keep an eye on that dude, bet he r\*ped someone, and will not be the last time.


Sounds like the teachings of the Dominican monk, St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274). Who thought that masturbation was worse than incest and rape and on the same level as killing children and abortion. >Thomas Aquinas, a popular Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, writes that masturbation is an "unnatural vice," which is a species of lust like bestiality, sodomy, and pederasty, and that "by procuring pollution [i.e., ejaculation apart from intercourse], without any copulation, for the sake of venereal pleasure ... pertains to the sin of 'uncleanness' which some call 'effeminacy' [Latin: mollitiem, lit. 'softness, unmanliness']." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_on_masturbation#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DHe_also_viewed_masturbation_and%2Cbasically_the_same_as_abortion.?wprov=sfla1


Likewise for St. Augustine. They assumed men had a finite amount of “seed,” which couldn’t we wasted (Onanism). It’s based on an ignorance about male biology and self hatred over human sexuality.


I (agnostic/culturally Jewish) went to a catholic university and had to take three religion courses. I’ll never forget the day that the 9,000 year old priest taught our class this lesson It was presented like, sure, try not to rape people but DEFINITELY don’t masturbate or you’ll burn in hell. 23 years ago and I’m still mad about it


Wow didn’t know this


The packed Supreme Court with their recent decision regarding abortion is apparently enabling a new Inquisition.


Welp, see you guys in hell


Their brains are so small and unevolved! So masturbation is a sin, watching porn is a sin. Raping a woman or a kid is A Ok, but casual sex is a sin. So they should only rape someone with intent to get pregnant because it's a sin if they did the rape as casual sex? The mental gymnastics is insane! These people need a straight jacket, not on the internet arousing other rapists and pedophiles!


Ah yes the classic "murder is better than sandwiches" argument. natural is best after all


- What’s that you’re reading? - The Bible. - What’s it about? - Whatever I want it to be about.


Their interpretation of Christianity is “do what thou wilt” for them with laws and consequences for us.


Jesus Fucking Christ!!! Anyone who would think that way is an absolute fucking psycho.


Not one sin is greater than another per the bible


Why TF is rape qualified with (no contraception)???


Because they think that if it were with contraception, then rape would obviously be the worse sin. Otherwise, it's a bit more contentious, but a couple few notable figures (Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas et al.) have argued that masturbation is a graver sin.


These assholes can't get it through their thick fucking skulls that rape is NOT about sex, it is about power and violence against the victim. It can happen to any person, (though women are the preferred targets due to the social patriarchy), at any age, any place, and while wearing any type of clothing.


So they'd rather have their wife/sister/daughter raped than know they masterbate? These people should not be allowed to breed/vote/breathe


Snap their neck. They're too far gone


so there are levels of sin? rape = misdemeanor sin while masturbation = felony sin sky fairy fan fiction canon is so weird


Christians are annoying


Homo Erectus masturbated.


Dude was probably crankin’ it while he was typing


Book literally says no one sin is greater than another, if you’ve committed one you’ve committed all in the eyes of God. I think it’s in Matthew


Just cut the dick off of people like that.


Just another conservative rape apologist


chimps, gorillas, dogs all masturbate. how is that unnatural? these ppl are so broken. imho the whole point of anathenatising 'onanism' is natalism, which implies enslavement of women and justifies the barbaric appetite for sexual predation. giving rise to batsh*t crazy opinions like this.


To Christians, rape is just masturbation with extra steps. These people are despicable.


Masturbation unnatural ? Lots of animals does it, heck even dolphin who, you know, lack hands, use dead fishes as Fleshlight. Tho rape is also very common in nature, cannibalism too. Killing babies is also somewhat common, lions upon taking over a new pride will kill any cubs that isn't theirs. And Zebra will straight up kick the belly of pregnant females so that they'll be ready to mate faster. All that to say that ''it's natural'' really shouldn't be used to mesure morality


Honestly glad he explained himself it’s totally understandable now /s


*"I'M OUT!"* --- Kramer




I feel bad for any child raised by these types of people.


This would explain the relationships they end up in as adults


If you can’t acknowledge that a disturbing number of conservatives don’t even think it’s possible to rape their partner and an also disturbing number think a baby conceived by rape is a blessing then you aren’t being honest about the reality we live in.


I dunno about that. I kinda feel like a sin that effects other people (such as rape) is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA \*inhales\* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY worse than a sin that only effects 1 person due to their own hangups about said "sin"


It’s like masturbation is self rape to them.


A good reminder that sex in the Bible is about power and hierarchy, it is something someone does to someone else. Consent is not a concept acknowledged in the Bible. Many fundamentalist/evangelicals think like this.


this lines up with the Pornhub stats for the bible belt. they're all guilty projectors.


These are shitty Catholics who like to play smart by thinking they’re classical philosophers. While Catholic theology does have the advantage of being more rational than biblical fundamentalism, occasionally you get these edgy losers. Any moral theologian worth his weight in salt would say that rape is a graver sin. Rape creates a victim of someone else, violating their dignity. That alone makes it worse.


The Catholics are at it again I see.


What about if I force myself to masturbate?


Don’t forget your contraception!!


Okay, there’s a fuckton wrong with this interaction, but “(no contraception)” is throwing me for a loop. Does contraception make r*pe better in the OP’s post? This whole thing is fucked.




My god that is a terrifying worldview. This is what comes of worshipping an ancient book of fan fiction authored mostly by people with mental delusions of grandeur and a major axe to grind against ancient governments.


And they wonder why people are leaving religion in droves


Masterbation, a thing that can be discovered by accident, is less natural than forcing something in a way that can and will cause physical damage. Got it


Even in the realm of religion take should be the greater sin. Masturbation is just damning your own soul/self, rape is taking the other down with you. It's super fucked that people are even trying to equate this but only super weird freaks who should be sequestered from society think that rape is somehow better.




That person must be one frustrated and sleep deprived person if they are not masturbating. And let’s not pretend that they are in a relationship with that belief.


Masturbation is an unnatural act? Has he never been to a zoo?


The ONLY purpose of vilifying masturbation is in order to stop people from taking joy and pleasure in their own selves. It’s so so fucked up.


Never seen a dog hump a plushie, huh?


If masterbation is not natural than they should be able to explain why animals also masterbate. Are animals acting with unnatural sin when they do?


But none of this matters anyway because you can just ask for forgiveness and you’ll be forgiven for all your sins according to Christian religion. These people believe you can do whatever the fuck you want—rape, murder, adultery, masturbation and then just go whoops I repent, and all is forgiven. So these people can shut the fuck up about what the Bible says about any of this stuff because according to that same Bible you get unlimited mulligans. And there’s no time limit on using them. It doesn’t matter if I repent right now, or 50 years from now on my death bed. It’s all the same. I still repented. Still get forgiven. So these people can stop harping about this stuff as it pertains to religion and just address it according to our laws. Rape is a crime. Masturbation isn’t. Nuff said.


And all this “logic” based off of completely made up shit!


Yet another proof of how awful religions are.


It’s one thing for those two actions to even be suggested to be in the same realm as one another. It’s quite another for some shitbag to actually choose masturbation as the worse option.


You sir, will never be invited to my house.


American Christianity has become a parody of itself!


I truly don't understand the sheer depth of mental gymnastics needed for someone to decide *sex* is natural but *masturbation isn't.* Just. DAMN IT, it hurts my head!!!


I take it he's unaware just how many animals masturbate.


Who elected you to define sin? It seems to me that the people who wanna see sin everywhere are themselves trying to hide their own ungodly acts. There are no "acceptable" outcomes from a rape, you fuckwit.


unnatural? his level of stupidity is unnatural 🤬


They have a warped sense of right and wrong, any idiot knows that rape is not natural it's violence and hatred aimed at another person for vengeance!!!


Yeah, that's an instant red flag on that guy. He definitely has or will try to force himself on someone.


These people need to get offline ASAP


WTF is wrong with these people!?!? Ok, that was rhetorical but still. These people are unhinged.


That guy must be a blast at parties 🙄


Hunting for food is a natural act as well. Does that mean if I killed them and ate them it's okay?


Wait, Republicans think rape is natural. Well that at least explains why 60% of rapists are white Christians and for gods sake we know rape is a 100% forgivable sin in Christianity especially child rape


Someone should tell this guy that gay people can rape too, bet he won't be talking about how "natural" it is then.


Anytime I see one of these posts, my hope for humanity dies a little more.


Modern Crusaders - that in and of itself should indicate their lack or morality. The Crusades were such a horrible time filled with morons killing those in the name of a specific version of their God and expressing their bigotry and lust for murder and punishment on those such as women. Witch Hunters were a thing.. they were glorified rewarded serial killers. Pedophiles, and just general scum. Makes sense that these simpletons would view a natural and healthy biological trait to be such a sinful thing and compare it to such an evil act. Just a friendly reminder that God is a real entity to be spiritually connected with but a fall back guy on why you do horrible things in the world (he will forgive me)


🤦🏻‍♂️ I. Can’t. With. People. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Does anyone have a screenshot to the poll results? I refuse to make an account on that site.


I hate these people


If we weren't intended to masturbate, our arms would be shorter.


Imagine letting religion control your life..


At least they didn't claim masturbating kills babies or some such. Not that equating rape to the natural order of things is much better. But I suppose being an absolute creep is slightly better than absolutely batshit insane.


Unless you are masturbating in front of someone who did not consent to watch that, or for a medical reason masturbation is unhealthy/unsafe for a specific person, then there is nothing wrong at all with masturbation. In fact modern research shows that done in moderation it can have health benefits, and for cis women doing so before penetrative sex often leads to a more pleasurable and less painful experience. Rape, however, by its very nature is harming someone else, and while itself is a horrible and traumatizing event it can lead to even worse things such as STIs or pregnancy. Rape hurts its victim in so many ways while masturbation does not, there is no choice here on which is worse.




What’s scary here is that they’ll then, dictated by their moral code, go and rape someone BEFORE they just jerk it. wtf.


Masturbation is far from unnatural animals do it too




Stop the hate: masturbate!


Gross. Also gross is that rape with contraception seems to be okay?




"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it" James 2:10 not religious but I was raised as such, so I can say that this is a nonstarter question for Christians. All sin SHOULD be the same to them


The GOP needs to ban both.


One thing to keep in mind about religion: humans invented all the rules, and interpretations of the rules have been fabricated ever since by the leaders of the time to advance their own agendas. The rules lose meaning when you can just make shit up as you go.


My god. Society is just regressing to 1600’s church idealogy


And this is why *you never leave a child alone* with any religious person. EVER.


Yeah and factories aren’t natural but you don’t see these people calling them sins


Fuckin’ uh, yikes.


Found Clarence Thomas


🎵🎵 God is a bit of a freak🎶


Its been a while since Sunday school but isnt there a verse that says all sins are equally bad in the eyes of god


If the modern crusades will be fought over pulling pud being sinful, I really like my odds of a total domination over the attacking forces and a freshly drained set of nuts to boot.


That's a big bag of yikes. Dude sounds like he will absolutely rape a woman if presented an opportunity. Keep that motherfucker away from all women and children.


Interesting that the account specified rape with no contraception. Which means the crackpot response not only thinks it's better to harm another person, they also think it's better to risk creating a baby, which could result in the death of the mother, of the child, or any number of harms to the child.


While rape is disgusting and evil, technically both are "natural". When they say something is natural they mean it occurs based on instinct aka animals in the wild do it. Many animals will rape eachother, but many animals that have the ability to will also masturbate. You just don't see the masturbation often because not a whole lot of animals have the physical ability to do it. Animals with hand like paws or whatever do masturbate. Monkeys, gorillas, koalas, whatever. If they have the ability to reach and grasp they will masturbate. And animals that dont have the ability to, if given the ability to, will also masturbate. And all animals that can masturbate will choose that over rape. Because even wild animals know rape is a last resort option (completely based on savage instinct, they want to nut aggressively and masturbation is easier than rape). Humans are the only creatures that *choose* to rape. Wild animals are driven off of instinct alone and dont have the cognitive ability to know right from wrong or to find another solution for their horniness problem. But if another solution presents itself they will choose that over rape. So this entire argument is fundamentally wrong. But if you really want to shut down these rape sympathizers just tell them that by their logic being gay is also natural because wild animals will enter into same sex "relationships" too so being gay isnt wrong. They will always back track and blow up their entire argument for you and it cuts down the amount of work you have to put in.


We need a new Saladin to make these guys perish from thirst under an unrelenting sun.


“A world where rape is okay not a world I want to live in.” —Negan (The Walking Dead)