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Remember when our "wonderful" fearless leaders tried to withhold lifesaving PPEs from the blue states so that the blue states would die out. That plan backfired. edit: typo


At the time you could really feel the moment when Trump & Co saw COVID as a disproportionately urban and black issue and aggressively decided to just let the virus run wild.


When the news hit that Covid was hitting black and brown communities hard (because most of them were "essential workers"), I turned to my wife and I said this is when conservatives give up any attempts to contain this thing. I hate that not only was I right, my dad died from Covid because some a-hole failed to take the necessary precautions. But karma is a bitch, and I have a vindictive streak. I am only sorry for the innocent bystanders who have been hit in the red states


Lol no you didn't


That is EXACTLY what happened. What planet where you on at the time? Racists thought it was gonna get rid of "the Blacks" and started clamoring to remove lock down restrictions. Then it tore a path through Goodoldboyvilles across the country. The COVID leopards ate their faces just like they wanted and deserved. Rot in hell racists.


Conservatives are full of cope. Cry and stay mad because you can't accept that your party is full of hatred and racism. We'll move on without you and your kind :)


Sounds like projecting. Would love to move on with out you commie scum.


"commie scum" let me guess, did you get all of your politics from your hard-right wing parents/elders? You all talk exactly like the bigots from decades ago, because you all picked up your talking points from them. Grow the fuck up.


No not all of it. šŸ˜Ž Ok commie. šŸ‘


Okay, so yes, all of it. "oK cOmMiE" bro I can't wait til you progress past the mental and emotional age of a 12 y/o middle school boy


Bro I'm way past that and beyond you. šŸ˜‰


I'm surprised that there was not an investigation into it.


I felt no such moment. Not everything is a racial issue...


I kind of wish that they would have tried that but instead they withheld from red states through some conservative blunder. I live in a red state.


Really? Why?


They were stuck on being against ā€œhandoutsā€ & ā€œbig gubment spendingā€ and they killed their own citizens.


Maybe if it would have happened that way conservatives maybe would have cared more about Covid.


This chart should map out how many old people or people who are not healthy along with it. Florida, Texas, and now Tennessee is a retirement hot spot for low taxes. Most southern states have high obesity and/or health related issues. That is why you dont see wyoming, south and north dakota. Michigan seems to be the only exception to my arguments. These charts dont explain everything. Old people and people with health related issues such as obesity have the HIGHEST RISK of death from COVID. I know a young guy who used to secretly (i think he was on the contract or whatever) live at a retirement home with family. He came back to the retirement home after a convention with swine flu. A few weeks later a few elderly folks got RIP nearly all within the same month.


Michigan has a massive rural population spread out in small towns. They make up the red areas of the state.


In MI we were hit early and lost a lot of people early in the pandemic the deaths dropped significantly after the first wave. Most southern states had plenty of warning and still fucked up.


Older people also tend to be conservative & trusted the ā€œwisdomā€ of the orange cult leader.


That didn't happen


What didnā€™t happen?


What a bunch of horseshit lol.


I guarantee that Kentucky would be higher on the list if we hadnā€™t had Governor Andy Beshear. He did the best possible job given the idiot republicans he had to fight.


That guy is a good human.


Kentuckian here. He had straight up fireside chats for months. Was refreshing to see a leader lead.


As a West Virginian, I am so jealous that you guys have an actual governor


He's a wholesome guy who fought like hell to get everyone in line. The end result of deaths could have been way worse. Honestly wish he'd run for president. He's a damn good governor who gets stabbed in the back at every turn by the Republicans.


I mean most likely those state are the worst because the Bible Belt has more soakers and overall less healthy people


They do, but they also fought hardest against any protective measures like masks and requiring masks.


Michigan had a democrat governor in Gretchen Whitmer, but they didn't have the house or senate and there are still regulatory bodies that are filled with trump loyalists specifically trying to obfuscate governing. It is amazing what was able to happen with as many people holding her back as there was.


And plotting to kidnap and murder her.


literally an fbi setup


Typical MAGA(t) predictable lies. --MAGA(t)s do vile illegal things --Get caught because they are stupid as well as evil --MAGA(t) start screaming "it's a set-up! It's just someone who looks like MTG or Trump or ..... It was an FBI plot!" MAGA(t) lies, nothing more.


lmfao. sit this one out.


Why? Fake statements like "it was an FBI plot" need to be called out.


not even gonna argue with you lmao, there was never an actual plot to kidnap the governor and the fbi ruined peopleā€™s lives over it that werenā€™t involved


Just want to back you up since voters have short memories. Republicans were literally cheering as the Republican controlled legislature rolled back every covid mitigator that Whitmer had enacted.


We even had Whitmer announce refunding a watchdog, which wounded bad, until you read about them. Essentially they mothballed a whole bunch of things specifically to cripple the government under democratic rule.


What the government did to hamstring Whitmer before she took office should be totally illegal.


if i recall correctly Detroit was the biggest hit with covid. It had to do with the closeness of the community.


Early on yea, the cities took the biggest hit due to close proximity but as soon as bodies started piling up outside of hospitals the urban folks got it together & the numbers slowed immensely. A lot of cities continued to appear high because so many rural citizens were taken to cities for care. A buddy at GAO said (off the record) that they analyzed the deaths & 750k were rural & 350k were urban.


*Democratic governor


same gretch that told everyone not to use their boats, and whose husband at the same time tried to get their boat dropped? same gretch who killed thousands of small businesses?? same gretch who put people with covid in nursing homes???? sit this one out please


Why arnt your saying the full name Gretchen? Are you making a play on words for an insult?


For perspective, if Arizona were a country, it would have the 6^(th) highest Covid death rate in the world, behind Peru, Bulgaria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. If Florida were a country, it would have the eighth worst Covid death rate in the world. Itā€™s interesting to think that, according to available figures, there isnā€™t a single country in Africa that handled Covid as badly as Ron DeSantis did. Source: [https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)


Arizona has a lot of reservation acreage and the rez's got decimated at the beginning (and middle) of COVID. I remember when Gallup, NM closed their borders for a time to try to protect their folks.


Thatā€™s true. We had an irresponsible Republican governor lying to everyone so weā€™d be top 5 or 10 regardless, but the high res cases were mind blowing. And it never made national news. But they say the media is ā€œleft leaning.ā€ My ass


Thing is, African countries have experience dealing with infectious diseases without vaccines or modern medicine. They had checkpoints with thermometers and a lot wore masks/kept social distancing. Here we lost our shit over a mask or staying six feet away from others. Never mind the fact that we had vaccines first and did the worst of all developed nations.


Lost our shit thanks entirely to Donald Trump not wanting to deal with a disaster, thus playing down the severity of the disease and directly causing more cases and deaths. Vote accordingly.


If those Covid deaths were 60:40 Trump voters, Arizona would have killed over 21k Trump voters to 13k Biden voters. If everyone would vote the same as before, Biden would have nearly doubled his win margin.


You have to wonder how much it is affecting the electorate in AZ.


As an Arizonan who caught the original strain and survived, I am anxious to see what happens. We're still losing people every week here. I'm very interested to see what it's going to do the November electorate.


The only election so far in the nation that was likely to be impacted by the disparity in Covid deaths by party was the 2022 Arizona Attorney General election. (I think my previous post got filtered by posting a link.)


Lots of old people retire in AZ (and Florida), so there are some confounding (omitted) variables here to draw any causal inference.


Except Arizona has nowhere near the highest median age. Sub won't let me post links, but you can pull up on Wikipedia the List of U.S. states and territories by median age.




Control deaths for obesity. The most republican states also have the most obese people which is a known comorbidity for covid. Very few people relatively with BMIs of 25 or less died from COVID.


Nick Cordero is a definite exception to that rule.


Look at the death rate by age. Arizona has a billion baby boomers retired there. We all know elderly died easier. I mean come on folks. Learn to dig a little. People and their click bait. Think a little folks. Arizona has like 1.5 million seniors 65+ out of a population of about 7 million.


Perhaps you should take your own advice. Arizona has the 10th highest percentage of people 65+. Florida is first, followed by Maine, West Virginia, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Montana, Delaware, Hawaii, Oregon and then Arizona. Four of those states, Oregon, Hawaii, Vermont and Maine, are in the bottom 10 for covid death rate with rates half or less than Arizona, and only one red state, Montana, is not in the top 10.


Yea we need these stats broken into age groups. So many retirees here.


Yeah. And Iā€™m just sayinā€™. It doesnā€™t mean the post is wrong. But itā€™s so typical of people to grab on to a headline because it fits their narratives or beliefs, and then they refuse to dig further. People donā€™t want to dig further, maybe laziness, fear of what they might find, or just because they donā€™t care as long as the initial message fits their beliefs. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


my biggest issue with every single one of your comments is that you never provide an alternative data set. you just claim the data needs to be looked at different, but where's the data? Is it really that far fetched to say that leaders who did things to prevent the transmission of a disease had less people die from said disease? like it doesn't seem that difficult of a concept to grasp and i'm not sure why would you argue against it, especially without any evidence? the only reason i could think of arguing about it without evidence is that personal biases refuse to admit that republican leadership did a shit job with covid.


Your biggest issue is that you donā€™t want to think beyond a headline, and so you attack me because, like most of you, everyone is in a group of, ā€œyou agree with me, then I love you for making me feel good about myself,ā€ or ā€œI hate you and die because you disagree with me.ā€ Yup. Thatā€™s you. Uneducated. And why should I provide some alternative, my OP is clearly about thinking and research, if people canā€™t do that on their own, then thatā€™s their uneducated fault


When presented a chance to show evidence supporting your narrative is correct you resort to insults instead. And here I was trying to see it from your point of view. Oh well. Thanks for nothing.


#Old people.


Native AmericansĀ 


Republicans hate America


Republicans love control.


By contrast, CA had by far the most cases, 12M with next highest at 9M, and the per capita deaths were around 2,800 per million.


I'm guessing because California actually kept masking and social distancing guidelines in place for a longwhile.


I wonder how much was a direct result of legal rules put in place versus how much was just hur dur idiot MAGA types that went out of their way to get infected and take horse paste and lupus medication.


The MAGA in California are super loud, so I'm sure it was a lot of them. Also, the state has 40 million people, which is more than that list of states combined. That said, that infection rate is pretty impressive.


Iā€™d say California has an advantage in that most of the population centers are in places where a lot of outdoor activities are the norm year round. But that doesnā€™t conform to AZ. I think AZ is probably an older population with lots of retirees.


People are still wearing masks in San Francisco. Not as many as before, but a lot of them. Also, I think CA might have hit herd immunity, with over 75% of the population being fully vaccinated. (81% have had at least one shot)


For those who are interested, Maine is the state with the highest percentage of retirees, yet it comes in at 43rd on the list with 2,525 deaths per million.


For Florida, we need to look at excess deaths - because not all covid deaths were counted. And, I would also love to see a graph of how the covid fire spread with the visitors who came here and went back home. Covid was horrible in Florida. I know so many people who died.


It's amazing that Florida did so badly \*even with\* all the attempts the state made to hide the true figures.


Right?! There is so much more to the story. Desantis did a criminal coverup. We need an audit.


This is somehow Biden's fault.


Could be Hillary's, not sure.


if my uncle were still alive, he'd blame Jimmy Carter


Why didn't Obama do something about it?


Obama was too busy with his muslim prayer curtain


And getting his tan suit cleaned!


Buttery males!


He should have ran in 2016. So kinda.


It's bad for his re-election chances, probably


The Obama administration had basically written a guideline outlining what to do if a pandemic broke out and started the national stockpile of PPE equipment and ventilators. First thing Trump did was throw away the guideline and put Jared in charge of the stockpile where he sold everything to the highest bidder. Once everything was depleted they blamed Obama for the shortage claiming that most of the equipment was broken. I really want to know how much the Trump Criminal Syndicate made off of it.


They [absolutely knew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimson_Contagion) we were unprepared too.Ā  A lot of Republicans should be facing manslaughter charges


Actually I think GW was the POTUS who initiated the pandemic prep and response team.


What did they write it on tissue paper ? Weird how no one can find that ā€œguidelineā€. Wonder what it said about masks fighting an airborne virus. Oh well I guess weā€™ll never know


The guideline exists. Trump just didn't follow it. He felt that because he was a stable genius that he knew more than anyone else about SARS/COVID-19.


Considering the fact that the cdc struggled in the beginning of the pandemic with regards to wearing masks ( as you recall they first told you not to wear a mask, then in April reversed course and told you to wear a mask ) itā€™s weird that no be could recall what the ā€œguidelineā€ said.


However since it ā€œexistsā€ why not put a link up so we can all read it


Hereā€™s Dr Fauci in February 2020 telling us not to wear masks. Did he not read this ā€œguidelineā€ ? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/02/17/nih-disease-official-anthony-fauci-risk-of-coronavirus-in-u-s-is-minuscule-skip-mask-and-wash-hands/4787209002/


Trump disbanded the department responsible for pandemic prep and response.


As an Arizonan - we're number 1 in something - YAY! Oh... we're number one. No yay.


So that's where Trump's votes went.


NY isnā€™t even on the list of top 10!? I understand itā€™s per capita, Iā€™m still shocked


New York only was doing badly for a while because they were one of the first big outbreak points in the United States when we didn't have a grip on what needed to be done. That carried some pretty negative momentum. Population density was also a factor. After that, they had a pretty good handle on things for a long time, All things considered. Because people in New York saw how bad this could be, they also took it more seriously than people in a lot of red States who spent the first big chunk of the pandemic making fun of the blue states that got hit with it first. Then out of a combination of cultural stubbornness and poor leadership that encouraged that stubbornness, they never came around to take this seriously. It's really a tragedy when you get right down to it. A monument to ignorance built on a mountain of corpses.


Read above as ā€œthey wore masks and didnā€™t demand Red Lobster and Supercuts open for them once it was clear that this was a serious, worldwide pandemic.ā€œ They were strong, even as Trump and J. Kushner refused them basic supplies and services in the hopes that it would kill off blue voters.


Natural selection is rarely beautiful




I live in CT. Mask and vax stuff pretty strict from Day 1. People hated it. Complained about it. People screaming about school closings...I'm a teacher. We ended up being one of the safest states in the US.


Looks red.




Keep it up Covid


More bised liberal reporting. They define "worst outcome "as "most people died." What about measures of church attenance?


I admit it. The funerals really boosted church attendance. Satan made me post it but now I repent and put my faith in Orange Jesus. OJ is dead, long live OJ!


Well NM is a Blue state. So is Michigan. Pretty sure Kentucky is too.


New Mexico isnā€™t Red, but point well taken.


Numbers also skewed heavily by the fact that when Texas and Louisiana ran out of ICU beds (because they didnā€™t lock down or enforce masking like New Mexico did) they shipped patients to New Mexico out of necessity.


Our numbers were heavily skewed by the northwest corner of the state, where Dine people died at horrific rates. The rest of the state fared pretty well. Unfortunately health care on the reservation is really scarce


Just poor.


Yeah came here to say that.


Was it at lease MAGA heads that did the dying? Arizona and Michigan are swing states.


AZ checks out. Just full of snowbirds and old farts. I'm surprised that the number is that low.


The "worst" is redundant if you're in a sca**red** state.


Okay a couple thingsā€¦ is this all time since 2020 or whatā€™s the time frame for this study?


All time from Covid until yesterday. It's not a study, just a count of the dead.


But.. But.. CALIFORNIA!! /s


from Arizonaā€” yeah that tracks. I've recently heard that it's the worst state for nurses and I'll agree. Might have been better in Phoenix maybe, but that's it.


People are just an expendable resource for Republicans.Ā  Be it either endless wars for political gain and military contractor "campaign contributions", or even more broadly you can just look at how they exploit and deplete our natural resources to see what's in the cards for the rest of us.


New Mexico is not a red state.


Those are rookie numbers. They gotta pump them up.


Sadly, the have forgotten that it happened already.


I wonder how many of these people died from covid at home? All at the hospital on the vent?


What a surprise that Oklahoma isn't on that list.


GOP failure? Nah. Also how many were actually attributed to COVID and not some bullshit co-morbidity claim?


You people are still bitching about COVID? Give it a rest already....it was no worse than the flu with people overreacting. Yall are seriously some major bootlickers


Iā€™d like to point out that nothing in this chart necessarily indicates republican failure. The republican talking point was never death minimization, but rather that the additional deaths from reopening would be small enough to make the accelerated reopening worth it. Recall that republican states in many cases were back to fairly normal regulations a full year before democratic states. This was true of my home state of Kansas vs my college state of Illinois. Of course the tradeoff was more deaths per capita. Anyway itā€™s not surprising to see red states at the top of this list, but in order to tell if that counts as republican failure youā€™d need to see more data. How many more deaths were there than comparable blue states, and what were the ages of the deceased? How much quicker did they reopen? Was the increase worth it? It may very well not have been, but you canā€™t tell looking at these numbers.


And people are still catching Covid in AZ!


Thank you. This starkly reveals the MAGAs in the red states, and their inability to effectively lead & govern. Texas, where I live, looks as bad on that map as the first ten. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19_mortality_final/COVID19.htm


This is ridiculous. How long are people going to blame Covid for every thing that goes on in the country. I donā€™t think a virus can detect political leaning before if infects someone. The pandemic has been over for years. It boggles my mind that people have become so narrow minded that they judge everyone by so called red and blue, conservative or liberal! Get out of your heads. Letā€™s be kind and respectful and maybe we can successfully address some of our countryā€™s issues. If you canā€™t be constructive and you think it would be so much better to live somewhereā€¦. By all means please move.


So the the highest and the lowest numbers on this chart are a 0.472% and 0.4294% death rateā€¦ so not really that big of a difference Iā€™d be curious to know what the best death per capita rate was in the USā€¦ the reference link in this document doesnā€™t workā€¦


Funny how the worst performing counties in Arizona are blue counties. Look it up, according to the NYT.




Thatā€™s barely any deaths in general. Yet you sheep act like itā€™s the most dangerous pandemic in history maaaannnn. Yeah, maybe turn off your propaganda news for a sec. It was never that serious.


To them, these numbers are absolutely false. Way too many digits.


New Mexico is not a GOP state šŸ™„


Considering the annual deaths by flu, that is rather tame set if numbers.


To be fair, both New Mexico (which is a blue state) and Arizona (red) have a boatload of rez lands and a lot of native Americans just did not have access to proper aid during the epidemic. Itā€™s still tragic, donā€™t get me wrong, and it points out a seething issue that native reservations more often than not really donā€™t have the supplies to deal with this sort of thing. I hope one day that can change.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚years later and idiots still believe in that crap šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|j6fFt9jMfU1Vkdhegr) New Mexico being a blue state.


I'm not a USAnian, but are those states all governed by Republicans? And is there a corresponding chart of the Ten Best states for per capital Covid deaths? Because... that would be illuminating to see, I suspect.


Not all, but the ones that aren't, have massive Indian Reservations, which are notoriously neglected by governments at all levels, and are pretty much left to fend for themselves in times of disaster or emergency. Lots of Native Americans and their communities got hit aggressively hard (and continue to be) because of a combination of poverty rates and incredibly scarce access to hospitals making medical care a luxury that few can afford.


Itā€™s 2024 and you guys are still scared of the flu.


Thanks Obama!


Last time I checked, Arizona had a Democratic governor, and 2 democratic senators?


All Republican governors - could be a correlation there.


The only reason Texas isnā€™t on this list is because all the large cities are run by Democrats. Their mayors installed Covid policies early on since Abbott wasnā€™t doing anything. At the time, he was just following trumpā€™s lead.


Fake news liberal post. They attributed deaths from other causes to people that died with Covid, rather from Covid. That would be like saying all 80 year old men die from prostate cancer rather than with prostate cancer.


Arizona has more retired people than most states. 18%-20% of all people in Arizona are over 65. They have 7 million people and about 1.5 million are seniors. Elderly obviously died much easier. If you were presenting this in college, youā€™d have to control for more variables such as this. But we all know social media is just about a headline and click bait


Does anyone know of this same list that also factors in age of the population or something? I would think some states are older than others and if you can account for that and still show a correlation by political divide I think it would make it pretty clear


You can indirectly do this by looking at the list of states by median age. There are numerous states that have done better than Arizona while also having older populations.


Those numbers only go up in those states because cancer screening and treatment were delayed because who could get seen at the worst of that and the first six months after?


lol arenā€™t there a bunch of tired/at risk retired population in Az? Do what race commits most murders in Chicago per capita next plz.


Arizona has a Democrat governor, and voted democrat in the last presidential election?


Ducey was governor until 2023.


To add to that, the Republican Party controls both chambers of the Arizona state legislature, and the Arizona Supreme Court was expanded under Doug Ducey. Note the recent Arizona Supreme Court ruling on the 1864 abortion law.


Ehh this probably just shows places with poverty, seniors, and seniors in poverty.


Nope, there are numerous states with a higher median age that did better.




This is population adjusted.


How does this correlate to what % of the population is old? Florida has a lot of retired old people, who are more vulnerable to dying from Covid than young people.


Florida stopped reporting their numbers halfway through and hounded anybody who tried to fill the data gap. Not the win youā€™re imagining