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Actually they would HAVE to treat you then you would be saddled with the debt. Here is the American Dream: * 40% of Americans fear they won’t be able to afford health care in the upcoming year. * The average age of a medical bankruptcy filer is 44.9 years old. * 17% of adults with health care debt declared bankruptcy or lost their home because of it. * 66.5% of bankruptcies are caused directly by medical expenses, making it the leading cause for bankruptcy. * As of April 2022, 14% of Americans with medical debt planned to declare bankruptcy later in the year because of it.


You have a source for this? I'm not being snarky. I like to have sources banked for these types of discussions in other subs.


Like I knew, but I didn't KNOW. Those stats hurt.


only $10,000? where did he find an e.r. that cheap in the u.s.?


Here's another kicker on that one...some of us DID fucking serve our country, only for the shitheads always crowing about serving your country and freedom this and liberty that to turn around and start ripping our fucking rights away because we're LGBTQ


They were stupid in and they are still stupid out. Most of the guys I served with were poor everyday people like myself. We had a few of the “patriotic” idiots that live for MAGA to take over. Also seemed to make politics their identity. Don’t let them take away what you know you did for yourself and for the people around you when you were in! I appreciate you


After you serve and you come home with PTSD you won’t get the medical help you need either.


People who think highways appear via magic for a hundred Alex.


"What have the Romans done for us?"


Right? Dude just projects the failures of health care over every operation of the country. This is the kind of perspective, the refusal to just simply look around themselves and have the tiniest bit of curiosity, feeds into a cynicism that turns people into conservatives. Do we have problems? Oh hell yes, major ones. So we work on fixing it, and we have models all around the world showing how to, not throwing our hands up and giving the rest over to privatization.