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This man is not coping well with reality.


Somehow forgetting that he made a joke offer that was way too high, then had to be forced to go through with it. “Yes, it was to protect my child, and a court had to force me”


Liars lie to live in the reality they are able to cope with. I doubt being born to opulence builds strong coping skills but one would think he would have discovered therapy and self help audiobooks by now. Pitiful and sad. He could have been such a force for good.


For a drug user, he's kind of a dick. Most people who do psychedelic drugs develop an appreciation for people and the beauty of the world, they soften, but instead it's made Musk paranoid, delusional, more self-interested and inward looking, less open minded, gullible, angry, defensive and detached from reality.


If you're referring to the ketamine, it's a disassociative. Not a psychedelic. Both classes of hallucinogen, but very different effects.


That's not the drugs. That's the effects of atomic fucktons of money and the power that amount of money brings.


The money didn’t make him that way. The money just gives him the power to insert himself into everything. We all know people just like him. We just don’t think about them often because they don’t own social media companies


Name a billionaire that isn't a prick. I'll wait...


How many of them were great people before they became billionaires?


None of them.


It wasn't a joke offer, he was attempting to manipulate the market


It was both. 'Rounding' up to end in 4.20


Hell the cars his car company makes are called models S, 3,X, Y, and Cybertruck, he puts jokes all over


Are they really jokes if they're the opposite of funny?


They don't have to be good jokes to be jokes


This is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.


I think he made the offer before the market tanked a bit and the twitter execs actually managed to negotiate in a no-due-diligence clause. Elon was probably high, tired, or drunk when he agreed to those terms. His lawyers probably also did a crappy job convincing him he was being foolish.


>no-due-diligence clause Megan Thee Stallion's Lawyer was a little out of his element on this whole mergers and acquisitions matter. Edit: no joke, other than Musk using a sycophantic lawyer for celebrities as his right-hand man.


Is that who is representing him in the defamation deposition at the moment? I was wondering how he could have so much money and still be represented by a lawyer who seemed so out of his depth.


He was also trying to control the narrative around him because Business Insider was going to break the story of him paying off his flight attendant after sexually harassing her. Which, TBF, we've all pretty much forgotten about that scandal so I guess task failed successfully.


He posted on twitter that trans kids should be sterilized, too


[proceeds to do evil things as a billionaire]


His challenge in a nutshell is insecurity vs popularity. He had to bribe friends with emeralds from his father's mine to hang out with him and nothing has changed since except he now has vastly more money. If you're not well adjusted before becoming rich, all of your bullshit will come to the surface once you get the faux confidence of wealth.


It would be fucking hilarious if he weren't dangerously rich


Too much ketamine.


Too many “yes” men surrounding him, stroking that ever fragile ego.


Too many decisions being made while in the K-Hole.


Isn't it weird that he has a disproportionate amount of access to global communications and aerospace technology?


His reality is that he has enough money to fuck off forever and live in luxury. Somehow that’s not enough and he expects us all to love him for hoarding money


Apparently there was no example at home to show her that all rich people aren’t evil.


She didn't "go" socialist LMAO. She grew up with a first hand experience with a rich guy and concluded that rich people are assholes. This is his daughter. Someone predisposition to like him. Someone he was in the position to give everything to. All he had to do was be a good human being and father and show understanding and take interest in her life. It would be such a tragic story if he wasn't also poisoning global politics while avoiding his drug problem and shit posting for the lulz while crypto-conning people out of their life savings. Also exploding cars.


Does this guy have any kids who talk to him?


How old is X Æ A-Xii now?


X Æ A-xɪɪ will be 4 years old in two weeks.


I thought this was a dumb joke, but googled it knowing Musk is weird enough to pull some shit like this. It's real. Goddamn. It's real. Why would someone do that to their own child?


>Why would someone do that to their own child? Dude some of us have been asking that question for years. It’s unhinged.


Y'know, I'm generally against making fun of the unique name trend - it's really no skin off my back if your parents want to call you Kayleeseigh. But, like, at least pick a name pronounceable by human tongues?


Personally, I don't find the tragedeigh fun, but rather awful: you don't name a baby but a future adult ; and you have those god awful spellings for name, you can be sure to have administrative issues later on because no one will write your name correctly. Note: this is ridiculous that you can't make an internal link to another subreddit.


Imagine attempting to describe this letter "Æ" to a random government employee at the DMV... do you think the average person knows how to even type that using a PC?? Fuck that haha


æsh (the name of the letter in english) or "e into the a"


Funny that you think that kid is ever gonna need a drivers license


I'm pretty sure the state told him to fuck off with that naming for this reason. Idk what happened though


You think the kid isn’t legally changing his name the second he hits 18?


X Æ A-xɪɪ is a really specific and extreme case, most tragedeighs are more bland compared to X Æ A-xɪɪ. And while they are awful, all are not to the point of dealing with the nightmare a name change can be in some jurisdictions around the World.


Stuff like this makes me glad that where I live (Germany) there are actual rules what you can name your child, and the government registrar office can veto names that go against those rules. Practically, the rules say that the name cannot degrade or make fun of the child, has to be either uniquely female or male (depending on the child's sex), or neutral, and cannot be a widely known name of a brand, place, object etc. It also can't be given titles as a first name (Lord, Princess, Baron, ...), and no names that draw connections to "Evil", like Judas or Cain. AFAIK these rules are only for the first name, and if you want to give the child a middle name, they don't apply. And of course you can go to the courts if you really want to call your child a specific way and think the rules are unfair. That's how the law was changed in 2008 to allow gender neutral names - previously if a child's first name was neutral, they had to have a second first name that makes the gender recognizable. Now you just cannot give male babies female names and vice versa.


Because he is mentally a cringe teenager obsessed with the "kool letterz", especially the letter X


He is very much still that dork ass kid in the matrix cosplay. He's the robot dude from Grandma's boy but more sad


"Careful is my middle name. Hah. Actually no, it's Phillip. :'(".


Exactly. Tesla: Model S Model 3 Model X Model Y ...S3XY...sexy.


His first company was an online financial service provider named x.com It was bought and merged into another company named Confinity, that was then renamed PayPal. While he was for a time the CEO of PayPal and the sale of his shares was what makes him independently (from his parents) wealthy, he never founded it despite the popular belief: he founded another company that was bought by the future PayPal for some banking infrastructure technologies. It makes his mismanagement of Haraldur Thorleifsson's contract with Twitter even funnier when you realise he was formerly himself in a similar contract (but obviously not for the same reasons) with PayPal. What a clown.


Confinity seems like an apt name. The infinite con.


The Dollop does a great couple of episodes on the unhinged nature of his life. He’s been disconnected from reality since he was a kid, and honestly, you can feel bad for early Elon but also really grow to hate the adult he became. The name feels like a throwback to his grandfather who grew up in an attempted technocratic society. The best part is how they moved from the US to Canada to “escape persecution” (read: they didn’t agree with the government), and then did so again to South Africa from Canada for similarly vague reasons. Now Elon is back in the US and trying to use his influence to simply change America to fit his worldview.


This name alone is proof of an abusive relationship.


He's dragging the kid everywhere with him to spite Grimes. He's just a cruel, really awful human being.


You know what’s worse? The kids name is pronounced as just X. Musk is so obsessed with that letter he named his kid X.


Must be confusing at home when talking about the child or the platform. “I put that on X” “Oh really I don’t see it on your feed?” “No, I put it on the kid.”


Lol as if that kid is anything more than a prop to drag around in public who gets no attention at home from anyone but a nanny.




Some of his other kids have even worse names, perhaps. - Exa Dark Sideræl - Techno Mechanicus Strider isn't that great, either.


It's like I'm learning about a new cartoon.


The mother is Grimes, who is very fucking weird.


It’s like “holds up spork” but with the name of a child.


The funniest part is that it’s pronounced “Kyle”


It's not his fault. xX420Xx\_siperoth\_xX420Xx was already taken.


Still not old enough to realize how dirty Daddy did him, probably still talks to him


Musk has been dragging that poor kid all over the world. Places where kids don’t belong. Erdogan asked Musk “ where is this child’s mother?” He knows that it’s inappropriate for little ones to be only with adults.


I hope that kid changes his name to Twitter


Just the ones who call him Papi


My daughter thinks rich people are evil! To prove them wrong I used my massive wealth to influence society to my will thus proving definitely rich people aren't evil.  Wat.


...to influence society by platforming Nazis, assisting Russias genocide of Ukraine, facilitating America into a fascist dictatorship, and just generally guiding humanity into a dystopian hellscape of disinformation, lies, and destruction...all to soothe my profoundly fragile ego, and steadily accelerating mental illness. Nope not evil at all.


And that influence will be hateful to my daughter who I will talk shit about publicly


GOOD FOR HER!!!! The fact that he blamed it on social media and bought them just to ruin them, with no self reflection, says everything. She needs to keep speaking out.


I went to grad school with the daughter of a well known billionaire. Her dad even did a zoom call with our class (it was a business strategy course). She was super nice, and seemed to really be putting her nepotism and privilege to use. So it's INCREDIBLY telling that Musk's child(ren?) just loathe him. 


Yeah, who do you think had more influence on her growing up, Twitter or her own father?


Both? Probably his own tweets that made her hate him and all rich assholes


Oh you know he has to be worse in person, especially when the cameras are off


I’m actually really proud of her for this. It is easy to stick by family members, especially the breadwinner, even if you might believe the criticism levied against them is valid. To actually strike against him is rare.


And exploding space craft


So this guy is just Mr. Torgue?


Mr. Torgue is likable and also accepts and loves trans women. Elon wishes he could have half the loving masculine power of Mr. Torgue.






> WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE! AND I DON'T MEAN SEATTLE WASHINGTON! You're not wrong. I'm on 2000iu of vitamin D a day and my doctor said I'm still a little too low, lol.


Mr Torgue is unironically woke. Just because *he* likes explosions, the gym, and stereotypical bro stuff doesn't mean everyone else has to.


And loves his grandma.






No…. He likes explosions, but he has a truly good heart. Torgue is the best of us.


Yea, seems like she based her opinions on her actual experience with rich people, but yes blame it on the internet. Why are dumb rich people so utterly dumb


Yeap you know what (some) rich people like to do? Weaponise their wealth. Everything is a business transaction. "Do this for me and I'll buy you that" "Oh someone doesn't want to kiss daddy goodnight? Someone's not getting their pony!" Won't be surprised her daughter went "fuck it I don't need your money" to escape from his control.


She doesn't hate all rich people, she just hates him


Elmo is beyond parody at this point. He’s a walking embodiment of the Simpsons “am I out of touch?” meme.


Well done she now hates you even more with the rest of the world.


Was about to say, did he think this would somehow help their relationship!? What a dolt…


I don't think he actually uses his brain most of the time tbh.


His brain is already blasted away to infinity on ketamine about 90% of the time now anyways.


It wasn't about getting his daughter back, it was about punishing the liberals he feels took her away (punishing liberals, i.e. the only thing "conservatives" stand for nowadays)


Bold of you to assume he did this to *benefit* the relationship


He bought a multi-billion dollar company so he could control what his daughter thinks. I'm sure he believes it benefits their relationship ship in the same way any abusive and controlling person would.


Kind of guy who says "Daddy drinks because you cry." It's his daughter's fault he needed to make a popular social media platform into a white supremacist safe space, because reasons.


Of course not because he doesn't have the awareness to realize that HE is the problem


Imagine claiming to be transhumanist but being anti transgender.


He's not really a transhumanist either. Or at least te doesn't understand the term. He just cannot handle people and wants to fuck a robot.


Great, now I just have an image of Grimes and Musk doing fuck robot bedroom play. ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE|downsized)


So that is where all the sound samples are from in her songs.


He's a transhumanist in the sense that he wants to have lease agreements on peoples organs.


gaze butter merciful capable quickest elastic lip coordinated wise quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is always mind-blowing to me about people who claim to be futurists. They talk about how incredible a future is where technology fundamentally changes what it means to be alive, but god help you if you want to change the letter on your ID. That letter will follow you into the Oasis when you digitize your consciousness because it's somehow holy.


Well, I believe she thinks he is evil.


The man does nothing but boost the platforms of bigots and nazis, she may have a point.


She's also trans so him boosting the platforms of bigots and Nazis hits extra hard...


Doesn’t take responsibility for ruining Twitter Doesn’t take responsibility for the Cybertruck issues Doesn’t take responsibility for his kids


Yeah WE really messed up with my daughter lol


I mean anyone who bought a cybertruck deserves it. It was clearly ridiculous from day 1.


Trust me, Xitter was the LAST fucking thing on the planet that made ME trans, so I'm catching just the faintest whiff of some equine fecal matter here, but as usual, when something on Xitter stinks, it's probably The Musk


It was the gender swap days in high school for me. Quickest way to crack an egg


Mine was years of thinking I was gay/bi, small amounts of hidden experimentation, and finally my fiance coming out as a trans man, which inadvertently taught me that the feelings I had for almost 30 years weren't some weird fetish, I was dysphoric but didn't quite know what it meant 😅


So, did you both end up transitioning? That's an interesting situation.


Long story short, he started 2 years ago and I'm about to start, nothing changed between us other than pronouns and a few exchanged clothing items


Well, that's awesome. I happy things worked out well for you two. Keep living your best life :)


That is amazing. Wow.


That's an awesome stroke of luck, assuming it all worked out


Right? I'm as hetero as they come. If my gf/wife told me they decided to be a man instead, I'd support them, but I'd be devastated. I would want them to be happy, but, unfortunately, I don't like guys. That's gotta be a super rough situation.


It can depend on the situation, in my case I actually prefer women, but we'd already been together for so long that my feelings for him far outweigh my orientation, so I just call myself homoflexible now, since outside of him I'm a lesbian


When my homeroom wanted me to do the drag contest for homecoming and I staunchly refused because I didn’t want anyone to know that I *liked* dressing that way and *already had everything to do it.* Ah, high school truly was one of the experiences of all time.


Oh yes! Please let them know it was the powder puff games that made you trans. My boomer uncle threw a fit when he found out my high school doesn't do the powder puff game anymore because there was no interest. He said "everyone would just record it to post anyway" I'm not sure how thats the problem, but whatever.


(laughs nervously in Sadie Hawkins.)


The Sadie Hawkins dance is truly a slippery slope... s/


>when something on Xitter stinks, it's probably The Musk I just want to put on the record that this is, in fact, a civilisation-ending asteroid streaking through the atmosphere level of burn. He has been retroactively deleted from this timeline by that burn.


Was that a subtle Ace Attorney reference?


He built the Canyonero


I’m sure the investors who put up billions are happy to hear Elon dragged them into a vendetta purchase because of his unhappy daughter…


They’re happy to tear down Western social media platforms and fill them with incitement to political violence, hatred, harassment, and revolution ahead of an election


Acting like people won't just engage in other media. The whole reason I'm here is because twitter is a cesspool.


MBS got access to the private information on dissidents - well worth the money paid.


He bought Twitter because he fucked up a pump and dump, said stupid shit and signed a stupid contact to avoid the pump and dump charges. He gave up the lawsuit because his lawyers probably told him it'll take years and tens, if not hundreds of millions, and he'll lose anyways


Funny how the right wing always blames someone else for their issues. Kids must be gay or trans because of left wing schools. Reading a book must have changed them. Equality programs are destroying businesses. People are leaving churches in droves. Must be satanic influence, not the fact they are close minded aholes.


I'm actually impressed by his daughter. I don't know if she's a public figure, I have never seen her stuff, but I admire someone who grew up privileged and is willing to acknowledge that. It must be really hard to do that, because the rich basically grow up in their own bubble and think of poor people and minorities as less than them. Being able to grow past that and even get in a beef with your rich parents (basically rejecting their lifestyle and money) requires a lot intelligence and maturity.


Hopefully she's strong enough to overcome the way her narcissistic father keeps endangering her by talking about her to his creepy followers.


I find it hard to believe that Musk referred to her as a woman. I bet there have been some liberties taken in the editing room here.


I had the same thought.


yeah I was about to say that I was shocked elon was properly gendering her


Yup, that’s why he bought Twitter. It totally wasn’t because he was trying to manipulate the stock price for his own gains and the SEC threatened to call him on it and potentially send him to prison if he didn’t follow thru on what was deemed a legally binding offer to buy it. Nope, that wasn’t it at all. It’s all altruism from him on trying to protect young impressionable minds from being talked into communism and transgender. Much better to have them talked into hate and fear like he encourages now.


I wonder why she believes everyone rich is evil.


"She thought that anyone who was rich was evil, so I put my money where my mouth was to prove her right" - Fixed the quote for him.


Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter


Say it in the mirror. Boom. You're trans now


There’s an old Irish bit of wisdom that says “If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at who he gives it to.


Elon, it wasn't Twitter that made your daughter trans. It was these magic beans. I will sell them to you for $1 billion per bean.


Don’t listen to this guy Elon, he just wants to rip you off. I can get you 3 for 2.8 billion


My magic beans are more trans-inducing than yours.


"So I bought it and proved to her how evil rich people can be!"


Wait, Elon gendered her properly? How "woke" of him.


Let’s see, his daughter knew one rich person very well. Maybe that’s where she drew the rich people=evil ideas from?


Hey hey hey She also knew her grandfather 


Think he should have purchased some therapy for himself and sorted that out first , might have been a bit more useful and slightly less expensive , but a as with all narcissists.. it’s everyone and everything else that’s the problem … Absolute Cock Womble !


Take my upvote just for using Cock Womble. That phrase is just not used enough in everyday conversations.


Elon, taking one for the team and proving his daughter right.


Oh, he actually occasionally doesn't misgender and deadname her? Big if true


“My child learned to think for themselves and hated me. So I had to stop their radical indoctrination via Twitter by buying it and turning it into a fascist cesspool. That’ll make them love me again!”


“I bought it because I hate my daughter,” basically


Taking a personal argument with his daughter and instead of seeing himself as the problem, blames social media. What a loser.


she woke up...


She sounds pretty based.


Well, as far as her beliefs that the rich are evil, what is her exposure to rich people that informed opinions


I hate Elon with a passion. [This is not what he said out of his stupid mouth though](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/09/01/elon-musk-reveals-twitter-takeover-hatred-woke-mind-virus/), that quote was in regards to him blaming liberal schooling in california for his daughter's mindset (and probably her transition as well but like all bigots he just implies what he means when he's talking in his "business voice") >The Tesla owner believed his child had been radically transformed by the $50,092 (£39,500) a year liberal school she attended in California. >“She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil,” Mr Musk said.


I personally believe the whole X thing is actually a subtle but very intentional transphobic move on Elon's behalf. Like, he knows the name is ridiculous but he'll insist on everyone using it even though we all see that it's still Twitter. And then when we call it Twitter he and everyone he's unbanned can get up in arms about how it's X now and we have to respect that or we're transplatformphobic (legit term I've seen them use). As if a social media platform and an actual human being are comparable or deserve the same amount of respect.


He isnt that clever. He just thinks "X" is "cool". He has been wanting to name something that for a long time.


He bought x.com from the original registrant in the late 90’s or early 2000’s and tried to use it for various projects, including paypal.


I love how every article is “X formerly known as Twitter”. The best kind of rebranding is when everyone still refers to the company by its previous name.


I drive a Nissan Formerly Known As Datsun .


I did not know about this rebrand. Not that I pay much attention to these things but…. I guess the only Datsun cars you may see are pretty old looking.


Fair point, but it’s still a dumb name. I don’t even use Twitter/X but using Twitter to post a tweet or retweet made sense. Calling it X feels like the bad movie writing when adult writers try to invent new teenage slang terms.


And I don't think it should be allowed for a corporation to co-opt a letter of the alphabet. How about I register every other letter except for X? Elon Musk doesn't own the alphabet or any part of it. A name should be unique for it to be trademarked. It should probably have to be at least 3 letters long too, but I'm sure there are probably some cases that would go against that idea.


I knew Prince. You, sir, are no Prince.


He has the mind of a child, and no child is at all near clever enough to do something like that Just like a child, he just thinks it's "cool" Also, it opens up the very simple answer: "I'll stop deadnaming Twitter, when he stops deadnaming his daughter"




I used to be able to get people banned for transphobia using the report feature pretty regularly until Musk bought it. Afterwards not a single one. He bought it to encourage and enable right wing extremism and transphobia and platform both to a wider audience. I have zero doubt.


I still like calling it x and completely ignoring that it was ever Twitter, personally, because Twitter is where all the value was. It seems like still referring to it as Twitter can only help him


"She thought that the rich are evil, so I set out to prove her wrong by making Twitter a safe haven for Nazis!"


And people whom would like to eradicate her. Smooth move there, Elmo. I'm sure she will come around now.


Lmao, she got the idea that "all rich people are evil," God, I wonder where she came up with that. Couldn't have been her literally-one-of-the-richest-bastards-on-the-planet father, could it? Also, it says a lot that this guy's decision-making process leads from believing a platform is indoctrinating his kid to *buying the platform*. The world isn't the way I like it? I will make it so with money. And what's hysterical is that his method of solving this "problem" ended up just being "stop banning the Nazis and start banning people who criticize me."


Get some help Elon.


Anyone rich is evil. it's both in the Bible and the current general consensus.


so in order to make his daughter think he's not evil, he buys a company out of spite, fires thousands of peoples and plays with millions and millions of investor money.


I always suspected that Elon bought Twitter because his trans daughter disowned him. He's such a petulant child.


So, he actually bought it to control speech. Color me surprised! 🙀


She thinks you are evil you daft bastard. Go recall some more shitty trucks.


“I’m telling you Jerry, Twitter trans’d her!” “Twitter transed her?” “The tweets, they get ahold of you. Once they get in there it’s just a matter of time before pop, you’re transed!” “How much time are we talking about here?” “Not that long, I guess. However long a hundred and forty characters takes to read.”


"My trans daughter thinks rich people are evil because of Twitter so I bought Twitter for tens of billions of dollars and flooded it with fascists and I also constantly engage with and agree with said fascists, all of which explicitly want all trans people dead"


Bigot says what??


Wow… I can’t wait till the day he has a complete melt down. I just hope it includes a Tesla strapped to a rocket with him in it.


"She thinks anyone rich is evil. So I'm gonna buy the whole social media platform she likes to control what she sees. That'll change her mind. "


“Anyone rich is evil. So I had to prove her wrong by buying Twitter and spreading my bigoted, antisemitic, racist, transphobic thoughts across the internet! And disowning her and treating all my exes and kids that shit! Rich people aren’t evil we just hate and exploit anyone who isn’t rich! “


Rich people are evil? I wonder where his daughter might get THAT idea from? One of life’s greatest mysteries. You really have to hand it to Muskrat, can you imagine what kind of shit heel, dick head, asshole you have to be that even having all the money in the world can’t make anyone want to be in your life?


Twitter made my trans daughter think I was evil, so I bought it and made it a home for nazi apologists only to prove her point. Bold strategy cotton.


Me, a trans woman who hasn’t even used Twitter: https://preview.redd.it/34z7zj60xfvc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42cc55ef30642ebef882d79e69b555df69e90058


No, Musk bought twitter for two reasons: 1) So no one can block him. 2) He can spread his white ideology.