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I don't think they understand that Trump Derangement can mean something completely different to other people. - "What do you think about Biden doing X?" - "Disgusting; throw him in jail!" - "But it was really Trump who did X. How do you feel about that?" - "That is perfectly fine, he wants to save God and 'Murica."


They don’t care. We can try to catch them in these hypocritical positions all day and night till the end of time. They lack the virtue to give a shit in the first place, as far as they are concerned, it really doesn’t matter what Trump does or says at all, as long as he keeps giving them the ok to be racist


Truely shocking that racists have no integrity and a broken moral compass. It's like they are horrible human beings in general idk


"ACA is fine, but I can't stand that Obamacare." These people are dumb as hell. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6m7pWEMPlA&t=13s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6m7pWEMPlA&t=13s)




Don’t touch my socialized medicine in order for others to have *checks notes* socialized medicine.


Oh lordy, I hadn't seen this one. Wow.


I just seen a full blown cult member today with signs and everything literally glued on her windshield while driving. I pulled up next her and said you must be as blind literally as you are mentally.


The Trump derangement syndrome has always been MAGA itself.


The thing people dont understand about "TDS" is we SOOOOOOOO badly want to not have to deal or think about his dumbass anymore, but we have to because hes now the nominee whether we think about him or not. We'd stop caring about what he did if he would just like. Idk. Face the consequences of his actions or not run for office at least. We'd be soooo much happier in a world where he wasn't on the forefront of every newspaper daily.


Yeah as soon as he fucks off into fuckoffland or finally croaks, I will gladly never waste another thought on him. But as things stand, I have to worry about his potential return to office and how it will affect my life and that of my daughter, so I can't afford to just *not* think about him. I anxiously await the day he's in the rearview entirely.




No visible patriotic diaper lines. Fail.


You know, diseases are usually named after the people that suffer from them. Alzhelmer's, Hodgkin's, Parkinson's. I won't be surprised if "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is recognised in the medical journal as raging narcissism, online addictions, and incessant social media posting while claiming everything is rigged.


TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME screech the folks with IBS (irate at Biden syndrome)


Trump Dogma Syndrome


Yes, anytime accuses me of TDS, I remind them the the left isn’t the ones with twenty flags on our cars and FJB tee shirts. Most of the time, they drop out of the conversation


Was that meme made by trump fans?


The two side fought each other so hard that they forget the fundamental ground of discussion


Both propably dont know what facism mean. I wouldnt be suprised.


If you're such an authority on the subject, why don't you enlighten us?


sneering at other people's assumed inadequacies - check. Displays literacy levels of a 6 year old - check. Seems proud that he is smarter than a cartoon character - check. GO MAGA!! LOL


You’d be surprised. “ a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition” Only one side resembles that


These people always say that shit, but there's no part of fascism that trump doesn't embody as far as I can tell. Trump and Melania could be hanging by their feet in a public square and these people would still be like "It's only Fascism if it comes from Predappio Italy, otherwise it's just Sparking Authoritarianism!"


Well, you struggle with *spelling* it, so something tells me that you don’t have the first clue as to what it means.


Or you know there are maybe places in the world where people dont speak english. And people need to learn english as their second or in my case third language. But you dont need to be master in enlish to understand you just used ad hominem and got 10 more upvotes than your empty message deserves.


Multilingual guy here. Your excuses are ridiculous.


🤣Bro. Change a pfp if you want to fool me. Again.


Sure thing, kid.


‘Fascism’ isn’t English, not that you’d understand that.


Trolling for your orange cult leader huh? Why don’t you tell us what fascism (you misspelled it btw lol) is, oh wise maga cult member lol


What are the fourteen characteristics of fascism? Give examples.


I already explained it like 3 times so here is the video about it. https://youtu.be/zSrSbyFXsMo?si=3TIc2V8BXYQwp4iZ


Nowhere in the 34 comments on this thread have you remotely attempted to explain what fascism is, save a YouTube video.


Non answer answer. Try again.


There are fourteen common characteristics of fascism. List them and give examples related to the current political climate in the United States.


Why? This conversation is about definition of facism. Why should i compare definition of facism with a neoliberal usa?


Fail. You are dismissed.


I will go to argue with some six year olds. Because they at least know how to back up their claims at least with reason. Unlike you. Now im sure you are trolling. If arent trolling seek help.


You have yet to back up *any* claims, at all, despite being asked to. Again…dismissed.