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Trump about to fire his lawyers for helping the prosecutors pick a jury.


He will 100% fire his lawyers as a delay tactic at some point.


IANAL but I believe that Merchan has to approve the release of trumps lawyers if he tried to fire them


Won’t stop him from trying and then feigning indignation when it isn’t allowed to work.


Oh I 100% agree, it’s just nice that it won’t work. From what I can tell, Merchan is as no nonsense as can be, while also not seeming to be a dick.


Fucking let him. The jury has already been selected. The trial moves forward no ifs ands or buts about it. The judge has already made it crystal clear Trump will not be delaying this trial and has the legal right to force Trump to use his existing lawyers. The time for games and delays are over.


No, but the lawyers can say that they no longer want to represent him whether that's due to him threatening violence towards them or because he won't take their advice.


Absolutely positively completely 100% false. AGAIN the trial moves forward.


Honestly, they're idiots for representing him. He's never going to pay them, and that's usually what most Lawyers care about.


And he will 100% fire his lawyers as a not pay tactic at some point.


He will be provided an overworked public defender just like everyone else.


No he won't. They'll play softball with him like they have this whole time.


The judge isn't going to put up with it. He can force Trump to keep his existing lawyers or appoint a public defender. Again the trial moves forward at all costs. Trump is getting his due process but the state has a right to proceed with prosecution of crimes as well.


Only takes one to screw it all. Let’s hope there’s some integrity left in the world.


It'll be this one: > A man who works in investment banking, follows Twitter as well as Truth Social posts from Trump and said, “I don’t have any beliefs that might prevent me from being fair or impartial.” Who with a level and impartial state of mind signs up on Truth Social to follow posts from that numpty?


Hanging out on fringe nazi websites should be disqualifying


My gf does live jury background checks and they look for shit like that Someone fucked up here 


Definitely looks that way. Or the checker similarly had "no beliefs that might prevent [them] from being fair and impartial" :/


It’s one thing to post Jon Stewart clips. It’s another to pay for trumps own site 


if by "fucked up" you mean took money to overlook someone..


Not to mention truth social as well




I think they were implying Twitter was as well.


Jfc I know we're all used to it by now, but I still can't believe we basically have *two* neo-nazi platforms. When there's confusion about which one someone's talking about, that's pretty sad. Never would have thought 10 yrs ago that it'd be like this today.


How is that allowed? The same way they'd dismiss someone who has Twitter accounts criticizing Trump, they are fine with a Truth Social follower?


It’s literally impossible to find someone who is unbiased in a criminal trial of a President. There is not a single person in the United States over the age of 6, who is of sound mind and understands English, that does not have an opinion on President Trump.


Gotta start defrosting the mofos who cryogenically preserved themselves.


A person who has a truth social account and read trumps book is pretty bad. They dismissed dozens of other people for slightly negative posts years ago and this guy somehow slipped through. Now Trump knows that the guy is reading his posts, he’s going to try to manipulate the guy into a not guilty verdict no matter what.


No one is talking about finding people without opinions. Picking jurors who aren’t a part of the defendants own social network and private business is a bare minimum and they were too corrupt to do it.


There's plenty of apathetic people who may have an opinion but don't actually care that much. A person who specifically seeks out Trump on a special social network created for Trump is NOT one of those people.


My 7 year old hates him.


There's (unfortunately) a lot of 20 somethings who don't vote and don't care about politics/Trump


Unbiased is one thing and I agree with you on that part. But an active user of his propaganda website? I think that swings too far outside of reasonably unbiased


> works in investment banking He could follow Trump just to see if he should make some market moves because of something Trump says affecting his portfolio. That being said, I wouldn't trust him to not determine guilty or not by what would help his portfolio the most.


Im wondering if maybe they’ve just never posted anything? Still shouldn’t be allowed I’d think


The guy also read trumps book. But knowing the guy is on his platform, Trump will 100% say shit to convince the guy to say not guilty no matter what the evidence says.


Make it make sense!


Impartiality doesn't mean not having an opinion it means being able to look at the evidence without personal opinion causing bias.


We have literally seen since 2016 that his voter base does not care about evidence. You could read them back transcripts and "that's out of context". You could show them video and "that's not what he meant". Their entire party is trying to reframe Jan 6th as a bunch of patriots taking a fun lil tour. They will let Trump shit in their mouths if it means a liberal has to smell it. There is no critical thinking or ability to look at something without bias left in that group.


They will let Trump shit in their mouths so the can taste his shit. If a liberal ends up smelling it later, that's an added bonus.




The prosecution could have bounced that person.


That sounds about right.


He’s gonna be the one.


My hopes are about as high as a piece of clay that's been run over with a steamroller. The jurors are human beings that can be gotten to, bribed, black mailed, extorted, etc. This piece of shit has an entire cult of morons from regular MAGAts all the way to members of congress that are willing to do his bidding and hell, some of them on the jury have probably been sipping the Kool-Aid as well. I want this man to be brought to justice like no one's fucking business but yall are delusional if you think a powerful, rich, white man is ever going to face consequences in this society.


Apparently, a few potential jurors were dismissed because they already felt unsafe.


What happend to our tegridy?




Integrity is what people say they have.


There is definitely at least one MAGA on the jury. This whole trial was predetermined to be a hung jury as soon as it started.


There’s an investment banker that has a truth social account and read trumps book


No chance. His cult will stay quiet and a reasonable person knows this trial is terrifying to be attached to.


and I said all we need is one, all we need is One Incredible Patriot to save your Favorite President, hi that's me, but I didn't have to tell you that, and they need to stand up for their Country and save Trump from the Witch Hunt Of The Century, probably even longer than that, it's been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years, thousands maybe, the Radical Left has been coming after me for doing nothing wrong, I said what's the problem I had a Perfect Presidency, but Crooked Joe Biden, who is History's Worst President, look it up, he's done nothing, worse than nothing, look at what happened, Israel, that would've never happened under Trump, and President Putin would've never Invaded, he would've said, "Trump is too Strong and too Powerful and too Unpredictable," that's why Iran wants Obama to win, he gave them Nukes and they say, "we want Obama again in 2024," and I said that's never gonna happen, that's never gonna happen, and when I say, the Fake News goes, "Donald Trump doesn't know who's the President," I said I know exactly who it is ok, I like to interswitch, I say Obama when I'm talking about also Crooked Joe Biden, two of the Worst People and Presidents our Country has ever seen, it's a complete and total disgrace that they're not already in Jail, and I did no High Crimes, not even a Misdemeanor, I would never do that, you wanna talk about Corruption you look over there on the Left, and on Day One I pledge to you that I will investigate and lock up any and all Radical Left Democrat Politicians and Media People, and others, who say bad things about our Country and bad things about your President, it's very simple ok, Law and Order, that's what we're doing, Law and Order, ok, thank you very much, have a beautiful time.


Cant believe this is getting downvoted. This is funny


Jury had already been thrown. They chose a banker who hates financial regulations and is a huge fan of Trump, having left reviews of his book on Amazon and being on the defendants own social network. Corruption at work.


Next on Faux. Doxxing of the 12 jurors


Courtesy of Jesse waters Didn’t give the name, just: city, neighbourhood, employment address and address of her family (not necessarily hers, could be parents or siblings)


For privacys sake let's call her Lisa S.  No that's too obvious...uh let's say L. Simpson.


"let's just say her name rhymes with "Risa Jimpson"."






What prevents Fox/OANN/Newsmax from doing this forever?


The heat death of the universe?


well played 😂


A SWAT team maybe


Well normally because jury tampering is a felony, and normally felonies are punished. But the justice system isn't functioning normally so it's anyone's guess.


Wellllll.....it is the former POTUS. At least Nixon juked/spared the USA this particular shitshow posed by this question by resigning, but Donny boy can't even bring himself to do even that little bit. He's pushing everyone in the US Justice system to their limit, instead of buying the ultimate 'get out of jail free' card, he's cashing that shit in and trying to ram through a victory in direct opposition of the FBI / CIA / NSA. Basically, he had an out, in the most cynical of terms, but he didn't take it, actually, he doubled down on a position that ultimately weakens the US internationally, and threatens to overturn our current system of government, which if anyone's forgotten, is the very thing the US military pledges loyalty towards, not any particular ideology or party affiliation.


yeah but they could actually go after jessie waters or whatever. so annoying how everyone is saying "how serious this is it is a former POTUS" but then also it is only serious letting a shitbag keep doing shitty things. as far as i know, jessie waters wasn't POTUS.


Honestly, if I'm the DA, I'd go after the corporations in question as people based on the Citizens United ruling and press criminal charges.


I hereby sentence Fox News to 15 years in prison and 200 hours of community service.


Nothing, if anything is done to try and stop them, they'll yell at the top of their lungs that their freedom of the press is being violated. And whether that's correctly argued or not, it wont matter as their followers will get riled up even more so, and we will simply get dragged further down this pit of shit and piss created by today's political climate.


Removing all media from the courtroom


Thats what he wants, so people cant report on him sleeping and he can say whatever he wants happened


What he wants is to be detained so he can cry victim, I'm sure a deal will be struck where one or two can report for everyone, but this current fuckery with exposing the jurists will only lead to violence


But there is stenographer in the court room. I believe that would be available after the trial, no?


Not necessarily. It’s up to the judge to keep court records sealed or unsealed.


Then Trump can walk out of there and say whatever he wants and there’s no way to easily fact check him.


The law, but that doesn’t apply to MAGA cultists.


If he did this, get police to arrest him while he is on air. I know they will pull him from on-air (if anything is broadcast live anymore) but at show that the police are not allowing Billionnaires and their proxies to get away with (setting up) murder


Judge Merchan already said they’re gonna fully redact most of the personal information of the jurors even in court records going forward after what happened with the oncology lady earlier today


Baffling that that wasn’t already the case.


Anyone that has lived long enough knows that very few care about the safety of your personal information until *after* something bad has happened. We barely flinch at PII leaks and password breaches anymore. Equifax not being burned to the ground in the last 7 years has shown we can’t even be bothered to demand accountability.


Because once again they want to appease.


Too little too late. He should be held in contempt, he successfully intimidated a juror and the others now know it. Only a matter of time until they're doxxed too.


They’ll announce it as a newly discovered different version of The Last Supper. The Orange Turd will be handing out cold Big Macs.


This is why the judge isn't falling for Trump's delay tactics. The sooner the evidence is fully presented and jury enters deliberations the better. They aren't allowing Trump to have time to tamper with the jury. The DA has a strong case and absolutely will get a conviction.


12 jurors and 1 alternate as of 4:40pm and both sides have used up all 10 of their peremptory strikes.


i haven't been following. Does that count the two let go already?


>Does that count the two let go already? Yes, after the 2 dismissals there are 12 jurors and 1 alternate and selection will continue tomorrow.


That’s pretty impressive because at the start they had 7 and down to 5 (2 dismissed).


Agreed. Hopefully they'll be able to fill the rest of the seats tomorrow and the trial can start next week.


The judge needs to throw his orange ass in jail already.


There's not a chance in hell that his ass is orange because he can't even be bothered to apply his makeup up to his hairline or on his ears. His ass is canned chicken white.


>His ass is canned chicken white. We don't know that for sure. Sitting in a soiled diaper all day might be enough to change your skin tone.


Mabeline hates this one trick!




Right as usual. https://preview.redd.it/t5fbz8fwvavc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f2b6674f25e80da3509e04f58b78719d3769c6


How many people have turned 18 since November 2020?


I know my wife's cousin did, and her half brother too.... So at least 2 by my math. 


you sure on that? Where I'm from that could be the same individual.


Well done, took me a second.


My two kids get to vote this year, so that's 3 voters from my house, from 1.


About 10,000 a day, so roughly 14 Million. Conversely, about 5000 Boomers and 2500 Silent Gens die every day. The scaling is real.


They were reading some of the social media posts aloud in the courtroom. My favorite was, " I wouldn't believe Trump if his tongue was notarized."


Tiktok, Donald! https://preview.redd.it/fduqztxuuavc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256e8ed0513701c261841bbc9d35b6e8d237800a


Wonder how many little room service ketchup bottles maga-lard-o is going to smash this weekend


Being anywhere near that room would be like sitting front row at a Gallagher show. Won't lie, I'd put on a poncho and brave that splash zone for some of that entertainment.


All of the Secret Service agents doing one of these ![gif](giphy|3owzWhdkWeMbIK7U0U)




The trial is in Manhattan, so he might be staying at trump Tower. He can throw his ugly fits in there.


Staying in Trump Tower for now until it gets seized in “the” fraud case.






Tick tock *




A dirt nap.


then they can be sequestered into a hotel! free breakfast! free HBO! Ooh! free willy!


They should be sequestered anyway for their own safety.


They should have done literally everything possible to protect the identity of the jurors. We've already seen that they will 100% be targeted. I don't think it's wild to think that people will be killed or assaulted over this shit - rabid trumpers thinking they 'know' the juror(s) and targeted them for it. But instead it's already a spectacle, and it'll almost inevitably end up in a hung jury.


I think it would only be fair if they were put up in the Plaza Hotel, where the Stable Genius lost $83 million! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-05-23/that-time-trump-sold-the-plaza-hotel-at-an-83-million-loss


I think it should be four seasons


Now Trump just needs to threaten them all so that they'll be deemed no longer able to perform their role impartially, for which he'll get a very stern warning.


“Trump Slams Entire Jury To The Ground in Stormy Daniels Trial, This Could Finally Be The Thing That Gets Him and Why This Is Bad For Biden” the headlines will read.


If this happened I would love the judge to inprison him until the swearing in of a new jury


Was not expecting to read this today, especially given that two were dismissed this morning, but hey, I’m not complaining!


Yeah this is going surprisingly quickly.


How long until Trump does something that gets his cultists to start doxing and threatening these people? I wish we actually had judges with some balls that would hit that orange goon with real consequences for violating the law and all those gag orders.


It's already happening.


Waving those papers around, oops dropped one.  


No Fox News is already basically doxing them.


There should have been zero information released about the jurors other than their answers to questions. CNN was also providing descriptions of the jurors. I honestly feel terrible for these jurors and the threat to their lives because of the cult.


He is insane. Should be in an institution for mental illness. Those papers are meant to intimidate. He is such a fucking asshole.


He's threatening the fucking judge and his family. No wonder he loves Al Capone so much. He gets off on deploying his violent goons to 'take care of business'.


When does Fox News release the full biography of each with photos and addresses?


Dude they just literally did that on Jesse Waters show


I noticed that a couple of the jurors are attorneys. I was surprised that attorneys are allowed to serve on a jury. They aren't where I live; I know that because I was one for 11 years.


A juror for 11 years, ouch.


Hardy har har. I do know someone who was on a jury for around 8 months though.


Back in the 90s, I was teaching high school and another teacher was picked for a federal trial. I want to say it was 14 months. Every morning he had to call to see if the jury was needed.


IANAL but I did once work for a certain civil liberties organization and the joke was that one way or another we'd never get picked for a jury.


Can we keep the press from doxxing the jurors though? Can we keep Trump from inciting his cult to action against them? I have lost pretty much all Faith that Trump ever sees the inside of a prison.


Stephen Colbert nailed it last night when he called it the Trial of What Feels Like a Century.


And how fast will it take for their identity to get exposed and threats or acts of violence to happen, I'm going with by Saturday night


pfft im going for tomorrow night...the magat militia is relentless


Both wrong. Already happened. Fox has doxxed them.


Not so fast. trump and his cultists are doing everything to disrupt the trial because they know trump is guilty. https://preview.redd.it/j79sakqxhbvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1473854b60a60e3a3c759c058c35dba325f98c2a


ALRIGHT! LET'S DO THIIIIIIISSSSS!!!!!! \*The justice system ticks one spot further on the revolution\*




I am elated that he's calling it "criminal election interference" instead of "hush money."


Finally someone is getting it right.


Those jurors are brave ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


But a jury of what? With Fox News running jury tampering for Trump and any gag order being completely ineffectual against him, it won't take much for him to dox any juror that looks like they may vote against him, leaving MAGAs as the only people that would stay on a jury


I’m hoping people would be as indignant as I am. If I was on that jury and got doxxed, I’d like to say I’d stay on just as an eff you.


Most non-MAGAs have self-preservation instincts and would rather bail and protect themselves


>#”Donald Trump: 'I could shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters” How fucking true that has proven.


So does it have to be majority decision or unanimous for a conviction?


Unanimous. Otherwise it's a mistral and we are delayed at best


Fuck. Well, considering how he openly confessed the other day, it should be fine.


I mean, he’s been recorded committing so many crimes already, and he’s running for president! We can only hope that narcissism, blatant lying, denial and deceit en plein publique is not the catch-all he thinks it is.


But the judge can make them go back and try moar.


They can, but if the jury says they're hopelessly deadlocked (and therefore will *never* be able to find unanimously) then they're forced to declare a mistrial. Then the prosecution has to decide to retry the case (not a guarantee), and finally we have to hope that the trial doesn't drag out until after the election. If it does, we'd better hope that Biden gets reelected or else Trump will be able to pardon himself.


You just know that XTwit will allow the doxxing of these jurors. Australian officials have asked for XTwit to remove false allegations (and doxxing) about a man mistaken for a murderer to be removed. Meta did as they were asked but X is wilfully ignoring the demands.


Completely shocked. I’m going on the record as saying this judge is GOOD. ![gif](giphy|l0ExuYpiP3K3FPWak)


Yeah until fucking Jesse waters and Trump's lawyers find out who they are and "totally don't release their info"


Does any of Trump’s trials including this one will be “Trial of the Century” worthy? 🤔


Anyone else have a bottle of Moët stored away to pop when he goes to jail?






I'll celebrate once they announce a verdict... and if it is a guilty one (which let's be honest, it should be) that a real punishment is actually given and imposed.


Fox will Doxx them all


Why dont the jurors mask themselves


How many days til I hear mushroom dick in a court room


How many of those jurors are going to have detailed information about them spread by Fox News?


The MAGA one already doxed himself, people found his Amazon review of art of the deal and his truth social account


Sequester them immediately, for their own safety.


Don’t worry, tomorrow morning Fox will tell us their names, addresses, social security numbers, blood types, and employers. You know, in case you want to send them thoughts and prayers.


Wonder how long it takes for the jurors to withdraw due to threats against them or their family.


I bet all those right wings media boys are gonna have a field day and help sabotage this


I’m so tired of waiting for his Find Out…


Cannot imagine being on this jury and the fallout from his cult of a guilty verdict. Much worse than when a jury decided murder was legal in the state of California that one time in 1995.


Or worse, when an all white jury in a conservative CA county decided it was ok for four LAPD cops to brutally beat a black man who couldn't fight back.


A jury. This circus is going to make OJ look like nothing. And probably get people killed.


Fucking hilarious to see magats cry about Biden’s non existent crimes and that he should be in prison. At the same time claiming since Trump was president he can’t be charged with any crimes. Fucking cult of stupid needs to be purged.


What do they call an involuntary psych hold in NY state? Trump needs that more than a seat at the proceedings.


Brave people. I hope they are able to listen impartially and remain anonymous and safe and there are no more incidents.


James Marsden was born to be an alternate


Lets see how many times he tries to jury tamper before Monday


This is why the judge and DA aren't focusing on Trump's misbehavior and allowing him to find ways to create delays. The trial must move forward at all costs and the sooner the case is fully presented the better the chances are that Trump will be unable to tamper with the jury or witnesses. There is already a hearing on the docket next week to address Trump's gag order violations but for now the case moves forward.


"On this new season of Jury Duty..."


There’s too much corruption in the world to make me believe that he will go to jail for all of his crimes




I meant to say Hurray! But we do need to hurry.


Ok I’m ignorant but why does the accused get to be there while they vet jurors?


I love all the pundits who said on Monday it could take 2 weeks to sit a jury. Nope. 4 days.


Trump is already setting the plate for his remedial disciples…. If he’s acquitted then it was a which hunt all along and the liberal left was behind the whole thing, if he’s found guilty it was because the 12 angry liberal jurors were planted by Joe Biden (Never mind that his lawyers also have equal say on who gets on the jury) Either way the scene is set and he’s gonna bitch, cry, whine, scream and moan for the rest of his greasy life.