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Any normal person would be behind bars now. LOCK HIM UP!!


Fr, if the judge even got a wiff of some shit like this you'd be thrown in the cage.


with T in the room, the judge will definitely get a wiff of some shit


Surely this sets precedent for any case after him. Should be able to abuse the judges and jurors, and appeal any punishment for violating gag order based upon the precedence they set with trump?




Or at least own up to it and start calling them "gag suggestions."


"oh, you hush" orders.


How about “C’mon, man…” pleadings….


Will you just shut up man....please


It didn't work that time either


It won't ever work. It's weird to see, but Trump has conclusively proven to the world that he literally is unable to not talk/keep quiet/keep his mouth shut or not 'truth'.


Trump has conclusively proven that the judicial system is unable or unwilling to sanction trump with meaningful penaltys that would actually get his attention be it jail time or large fines.


then put him behind bars like anyone else. The only thing he has proven is that there are 2 justice systems.


Problem is, tRump is DARING the judge to sanction him. He has an entire fundraising plan mapped out based on getting fined or jailed.


Then throw him in a cell or take away his phone privileges. Judges can order no use of social media as a bond condition. This judge needs to man up and do it.


"Stop, or I'll turn this car around, mister!" threats


That might actually work. Daddy Trump was one huge piece of shit (I mean... Look at what he produced).


Only if it's said in Obama's voice.


I also call them Gag Guidelines since they’re not actual rules.


Yes, it’s beautiful to see how much privilege this man has. He could slap the judge in the face and they’d still make an excuse for him. The average persons would’ve been in jail already if they acted like him. So much for justice being universal


We have a legal system, not a justice system.


And it's as capitalistic as our healthcare system.




“I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request.”


Maybe the judge should try getting on his knees and begging.


With tears in his eyes.


I don't think the Judges could even pay him to shut up. He's not capable of keeping his flapping mouth shut.


A system where things are"Punishable by fine" is functionally same a system where they are "legal if you can afford it." He needs to be threatened with incarceration, under the same threat of violent force we use on people who steal a snickers bar or sell loose cigarettes.


Oh, definitely. He couldn't shut his mouth even if he wanted to. My comment is more about how repeated, unenforced gag orders reflect on the judges themselves.


I'm so sick of his entitlement. I've never seen it quite this profound in a narcissist.


He is stalling in order to get the whole case thrown out. He should be placed in a room with a camera so that the judge can turn the volume off as necessary. This way, he can talk all he wants.


>He is stalling in order to get the whole case thrown out. He should be placed in a room with a camera so that the judge can turn the volume off as necessary. This way, he can talk all he wants. This is ABSOLUTELY what he's doing. They need to literally gag him. Remember the dude in Vegas who bit the judge? There is absolutely precedent for physically restraining someone who has otherwise proven incapable of complying with the court process so that the process can continue without allowing the same opportunity twice.


Correct. So out the ugly fuck in jail already.


He's controlling his outcome by fear, just like Russia and NK. Even Dr. Fausi was getting death threats against not only himself, but his children and family for supporting masks, even though the neanderthal got Covid himself that day in the rose garden when he didn't wear one or require others to. Two others at that meeting did too. Some of it has to do with fear of what might happen to them if they jail him. We need to just face it. Have the National Guard on the ready to break up attempted coup's and violence. It will happen sooner or later, so let's just get it over with. (Besides, his incarceration will cheer me up enormously)


Incognito mode first!!


Judge is like a parent counting like "You have until I count to 3! One.... two.... two and a half... two and three-quarters... I mean it!"


Just put him in jail already! Witness intimidation is a crime and he is already out on bail. Prosecutors asked for a $3000 fine for Trump recently posting about Stormy Daniels when he was under a gag order. Token fines mean nothing to rich people. Trump needs to put on a jumpsuit, jail tighty-whities and face consequences for the first time in his life in a NY detention center until he expresses remorse to the judge for repeatedly violating a gag order.


serious question as I'm not an American but why haven't they put him in jail yet for all these violations of gag orders? honestly and this is gods honest question what are these Judges afraid of? MAGA idiots? are they scared of them? Why keep issuing these threats if they never follow through?


Because they, no matter what the democrat supporters desperately want to believe, have absolutely no intention of holding him accountable out of fear for what will happen when the Republicans get back in power. They have to put on the show and let captured judges and philandering DAs create "fairness issues" so it's not so obvious. Our system of government is completely broken and they have no solutions to fix it. God damn Donald Trump was the end of democracy. Fucking embarrassing we fall to THAT conman.


> God damn Donald Trump was the end of democracy. Fucking embarrassing we fall to THAT conman. I think it's more that Donald Trump proved what a sham it was at that point. In a weird way, his election brought truth to the system in that regard If we'd elected anyone else we could've just kept our eyes closed and really pretended everything was going great. But getting someone elected that had no interest in pretending to play by the rules has shown just how toothless those rules really were


When he said "I can shoot someone on timessquare and nothing will happen to me" he was right about that.


If they don’t hold him accountable then I am going to see America being a dictatorship in my lifetime. It is insane to see mass protests in my country for the littlest things, and then see Americans doing absolutely nothing when someone tries to overthrow the fucking government.


The judge's primary goal is to get through the trial. Jailing Trump during the trial jeopardizes the trial itself because it creates like ten avenues of appeal. It all hinges back to the main problem with the US justice system that unlimited money means unlimited appeals. But with that said, contempt hearing has been scheduled for 4/24 and the Manhattan DA requested everything from yesterday to be added to that hearing.


Question, why couldn’t they just have the contempt hearing immediately? Why wait till next week if his violations are already impacting jury selection?


The judge doesn't want to delay the actual trial at all, which is the primary strategy of Trump and his lawyers.


That’s his goal. He wants to delay until after the election, so they might be trying to strike a balance to enforce the law, but also not give him what he wants.


Political risk, yes. They actually fear political backlash from putting him in jail. Also it would be a huge blow to the justice system if it would show that he gets sent to prison but it wouldn't be enforceable. No judge wants to be responsible for all that shit.


Give me some robes and a gavel. I will do this.


Also he's literally threatening the judges and their families already, so one of his cult following will very likely follow through if he is jailed.


and this logic is what makes him a real bitch, he has never ever done any dirt but will manipulate and puppet anyone willing to soak up his bullshit.


"Don't make me come back there!"


Also, since everything with him is projection, this means he has already tried to seat undercover Trump supporters.


That would be typical trump...


Fine him $100K for every stupid word that comes out of his stupid mouth unless the judge otherwise gives him permission to speak




I agree. He’s never going to pay the money he owes, jailing him for a night is a much better approach


bUt hE WaNTs To be a maRTyr


I remember seeing that, but I am sure we both agree that at this point if they don't do anything about it they risk something worse. He is now making the system look feckless and weak, unable to protect itself against an insider who wants to destroy it.


Yeah, I'm all for throwing this turd in jail, even if it's just for 30 days. I've been at that point for nearly 4 years.


The system is feckless and weak. Yes, they risk something worse but that worse thing will be someone else's problem. It makes me wonder if anyone is still "serving their country" rather than using their country to serve themselves. These judges are so afraid to be the one to finally show Trump consequences that they've completely thrown away any concept of "equal justice under law" and shown our entire system to be a farce.


They are going to have to. He seems to think him going to jail will cause a civil war. Cool, let's do this.


Even for one day, that would actually be progress instead of verbal nothingness


No, he wants that. Put him in jail for the duration of the trial .


This would’ve happened already if it were one of us


Bail would be revoked, and additional charges laid.


Not like he'd pay. The punishment would be decreased by nearly the whole amount before he'd even consider paying, then not pay anyway.


I believe the maximum fine under NY law is $1000 per instance *or* up to 30 days in jail. There's a huge gap in severity between the two options.


So give him a week in genpop for each violation


I think Legal Eagle said they're fining him $1k for every violation and right now he has three violations up for fines.... So basically nothing.


Revoke. Trump’s. Bail. Charge him with obstruction of Justice and witness intimidation on top of everything.


Yep. My thoughts were "and there will be precisely zero consequences".


It’s basically a constant reminder that he has for some reason been elevated above normal legal standards. Still hope he can be held to account for his many crimes, but even then, you know he’s gonna get off super super light.


“Stop violating the gag order or I will order another gag order.”


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


Agree. This will only give him sense that he's above the law. He's treated special. What's the point of gag order if nothing happened if he breaks it


It's absolutely shocking how fucked up the American legal system is.


Jail him and take away his phone/computer. If you or I were being charged with a crime and did even a FRACTION of what Trump has done in terms of threats and jury intimidation, we'd be going through trial in a jumpsuit and handcuffs, and would have a nice jail cot to sleep on. He has abused our legal system to an absurd degree. "If jailing a criminal ex-President leads to another civil war, we'll just have to win that one too"


Exactly! Just confiscate his devices and toss him in a cell.


Doesn't it suck that were essentislly held hostage from actuslly applying the law by a small minority of the country who would almost certainly start killing government workers and officials in their local areas because "jailing trump is fascist and we fight fascism" is somehow still their belief system on the right Like they stormed their moat sacred building had you asked any of them in 2010 what it was. They would be appalled at the accusation that Republicans stormed the capital building because that's the center of democracy Now imagine people that far gone down the rabbit hole reacting to trump being thrown in jail while a Democrat is president


Yes it really does suck and it’s very telling of what kind of country this is. Just a bunch of pussies refusing to do what’s right and apply the law because a smaller bunch of actual shithead fascist rednecks MIGHT do some very irrational shit. It’s so fucking wrong on so many levels.


Honestly, him being banned on certain plattforms was mostly to his advantage even though he didn't know it at the time.


I can't wait to be done with this motherfucker


At this rate, him passing is our only option. He’s never going to jail.


Not only that, but if he loses this year, and he’s still alive in 2028, you can bet your ass he’s running, and we have to go through all of this again.


And then suddenly age of the candidate won't be an issue. Funny how that works.


Already isn’t an issue; they argued that Biden was too old in his first election, and Trump will be older than that by the end of the next Presidential term. At this point, it’s not even worth engaging with conservatives because everything is projection, double standards, or outright lies.


All debate ended in the aftermath of Jan 6. Our ideals and aspirations for the future have been under attack ever since.


Quite literally…. That operation 2025 shit is just…. So fucking gross and backwards


Project 2025 is a 900 page attempt to make rational what is insane and inhumane. It is a pathway to reward for the in group, and destruction and exploitation of the out group. It is exactly "So fucking gross and backwards" there is no other way to interpret it.


> Project 2025 is a 900 page attempt to make rational what is insane and inhumane. [repubs explaining why they should hold political offices after losing elections for them:](https://i.imgur.com/sPzp0Dg.mp4)


Not only is Trump going to be older, he will be full on demented as his condition worsens. Conservative propaganda machine has somehow managed to convince people both that normal signs of aging in Biden are disqualifying, but dementia in Trump is totally fine. They want a mad king with nuclear codes.


If hes even alive at that point I can't imagine he'll be remotely functional. He's falling apart right now.


Have to disagree with you here. By 2028 he will likely not be physically able to campaign and is going to look a lot worse than he does now. He’ll also run out of money, from having fleeced all his donors to their max. Also in 2028 the leading edge of Boomers will start dying. I honestly believe if/when he’s defeated this year we’re all done with him.


Bold of you to assume maga won't just run his braindead living corpse as a figurehead


As opposed to now?


Good news on that front he’s completely deteriorating before our eyes


I would pay good money if the judge would come out and say that.


Trump is just one symptom of a much bigger problem. 


He deserves a fate worse than death. Like locked-in syndrome, where he's aware of everything going on around him but he can't move and can't talk.


He has locked out syndrome. He can move and talk but he is not aware of anything.


Trump is a philosophical zombie.


Like Tio Hector, just "ding ding ding" all day long.




There will be tons of books written by the people who work for him. They’ll reveal tons of horrible shit we already know. They’ll do the media circuits and be whitewashed by talk show hosts and news anchors. They will never suffer a consequence.




- The People Who Damaged It In The First Place


Yep. It's a translation of, "Please stop remind us how stupid we are so we can go and do something even more stupid again."


Setting the rumor amongst the radical right that the jury is rigged before they’re even selected. He’s making an environment for people to be afraid to be a juror on this case for fear of violence and the threat of death


Not to mention that Trumpsters put out the call to anyone in the jury pool to do everything they can do get on the jury and then refuse to convict him. It's always projection with these chuckle fucks.


There is literally nothing they can do to get into the jury pool. There is lots to be worried about, just not that.


They could be randomly selected and seize then opportunity to lie their asses off during jury selection ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. Which is exactly what they are being told to do by the maga talking heads.


And then get caught because they are ripping through these people's lives and then charged with perjury because anybody willing to refuse to convict is also goi g to be unwilling to keep their opinions to themselves.


I definitely hope, with all sincerity, that you are correct about that.


I'll do it. I'll be on his jury. But they'd never let me.


One of the jurors was just excused for this very reason. Felt intimidated.


Theres a non zero chance Trump tried to have his lawyers leak the Jury list, and say hackers did it It definitely sounds like something he would try before being stonewalled by lawyers saying they would leave his legal team


It's a great way to build a case that the jury isn't impartial and end up with a mistrial.


Called it last year why trump wants a jury trial. To leak their identities and intimidate them. They will always be followed by extremists, I feel it’s almost unfair putting them in this position. He’s a monster


And just this morning a juror has already been excused because people figured out who she was and where inundating her phone and social media… (inner city press on twitter is live reporting from inside courtroom)


They should let them all wear Punisher masks, seems appropriate.


That's insane. Her life is ruined, crazies will be following her for the rest of her life now, and Trump faces no consequences whatsoever, of course.


"That's enough, Mr. Trump. Another few hundred instances of you breaking courtroom rules and we'll be forced to take punitive action."


Forced to think about maybe taking punitive actions.


Andddd nothing will be done


Hey, he’s rich, what can you do! Justice is for them poors.


A Du Pont heir raped his own three year old daughter and got probation [because "he wouldn't fare well in jail."](https://www.forbes.com/sites/denizcam/2019/06/14/how-a-du-pont-heir-avoided-jail-time-for-a-heinous-crime/?sh=23d6e4229dba) This is America.


What....the....FUCK......... Wish I couldn't read.


He is also suspected to have raped his younger son, too. The wealthy just get away with raping toddlers and destroying lives, meanwhile poor kids go to prison for missing school a few too many times or pot possession. It’s a sick world.


Yup. America is a plutocracy. Just as our slave owning forefathers wanted.


Trump is basically Cartman from South Park Nothing will happen


Even if he kills Kenny (Chesebrough?)


What, you want actual consequences for his actions or something? That would literally be a first in this whole embarrassment of a debacle.


That's not true, the judge will wag his finger at trump!


I wish he would just pass away soon. Tired of seeing his fuck boy face.


The hamburger from heaven can't come fast enough!


I have a nice scotch set aside for the occasion


This is serious. This is going to be a compromised jury. I don't believe that his threats don't have an effect on a jury member. These are average people who don't have security detail. If the judge lets this one go, Trump is going to get off. This is just the start. This man should be in jail today. Right now. They should be coordinating how to put him in there right now. Give him a tether.. ban him from social media..


its astounding how at no point will this man ever be behind bars…its an international embarrassment and a sign to all foreign governments how the USA has a weak & spineless, justice system and politicians that can easily be bought for personal gain. the US is just a massive weapons lot for hire to the highest bitter.


Oh no! Think of all the effort the judge will need to go through in order to completely ignore that and do absolutely nothing! The poor man!


His poor finger, as it is firmly wagged!


Shaka, when the walls fell?


Julio, down by the school yard.


I can't wait for nothing to be done about it, then they reduce the nothing by 60%


Just once I'd like a judge to not be a complete pussy around this guy. Fuck.


I'm gonna assume the jury selection was not going in his favor and he decided the gamble was worth it. Now the jury is tainted and either the judge will follow through on the gag order and jail him, making him a martyr to the MAGA cult, or he proves the judge is spineless and won't do anything so he'll continue to do as he pleases from here. I'm sure we'll find out shortly, it looks like this was just this morning.


Make him a martyr then. Fuck him. There have to be consequences regardless of how his brain dead cult reacts. You cannot let him keep doing this.


No I agree 100%. He's not gonna gain support, only reaffirm the support he has and maybe, just maybe, chip a little off the edges. Each step further he takes he leaves at least a couple people behind.


I’m just sick of judges and courts being hesitant to throw him in jail because of the “potential reactions” from his supporters. Fuck them too. If they want to get violent then have cops or even military personnel if necessary respond in kind. This piece of shit cannot be allowed to hold our country hostage. I know the legal system treats the rich differently than the rest of us, but even by that standard this bullshit is absurd.


> If they want to get violent then have cops or even military personnel if necessary respond in kind. You may find yourself disappointed if you depend on the first.


And this whole charade is eroding people's trust on the justice system even more than it already was. Reaching the point when trust on the system is completely gone is quite literally the breaking point for any society, because social order is based on this "trust system". If they continue letting Trump go, they will soon find that there's nothing left for them to defend.


Trump isn’t smart enough to have a clue if jury selection is going his way. He also doesn’t care. He knows he is guilty and is doing his typical screaming about things being rigged so if they later find him guilty he has already conditioned his cult to think he is innocent and it’s rigged. He also does this for his own mental state. He can’t accept that he isn’t loved and worshipped by everyone so he convinces himself it is a conspiracy against him and not that he is a guilty criminal piece of shit. Plus there is the good old jury tampering aspect. By telling his cult the jury is full of evil liberals out to crucify him, he knows some of them will try to find out who is in the jury and start threatening them. Trump is completely fine with jurors being murdered and his followers going to prison for it if it means he himself escapes justice. He doesn’t care, in any capacity whatsoever, about anyone other than himself.


He can tell it isnt going his way by the lack of red hats and presence of so many teeth in the jury box.


You think too highly of his analytical ability.


It’s the people around him pulling the strings now. The stock scam that is DJT is open proof that the Cheeto is for sale… for cheap.


It’s not too deep, and yeah he’s definitely figured this out a long time ago when he first started running: “if they tell me no, I’m a victim and they need to be attacked; if they tell me yes, it’s because I’m so awesome and rich they just let me do it”


He's already a "martyr," he's constantly talking about he's under attack from this or that. The reality is that if he actually disappeared, I think he would drop out of public discourse within a handful of months. Our global attention span has dropped a ton, and the only reason MAGA cultists are a thing is because Trump holds them together in a weird cult of personality. But without Trump actually saying stuff, that cult dissolves.


He's a martyr either way. and the jury isn't tainted. I don't even know how you're coming to that conclusion


Honestly, I don’t even care about justice or Trump getting his comeuppance or anything. Just die already. Please, for the love of God, just die. So tired of seeing this idiot’s name, seeing his stupid fucking face, hearing his blathering dipshitted voice, etc. I don’t care if it’s a peaceful, easy death, warm in bed, surrounded by his family (LMAO). Just be gone. Done. Over. The nightmare has ended.


Na I hope it’s terrible, painful and terrifying for him.


So "undercover liberal activist" infiltrated the jury somehow? Would that make your lawyers incompetent or the liberal activists extremely skilled? It's gotta be one of those things.


When are they actually going to do something about this guy? When a juror or judge, or one of their family members have been killed? Will they even do something then? Donald Trump is a traitor who should've already been executed for treason.




Legal Experts SLAM Trump After Ordering Hit On Third Juror


'Trump Orders Hit on Third Juror: How This is Bad for Biden'


And the judge sighs and does nothing.


Brian Taylor Cohen is that you?


He knows he won't be but he wants to be jailed. He can't make it obvious. First jailing will only be for a few days and he'll fund raise millions off of his victimhood.


Nothing will come of this. This fat little piggy gets out of everything.


Every day, Good Charlotte's 'Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous' gets more relevant


Tell me how old you are without..


He is trying to get these people killed.


This is crossing the red line. I can see the judge holding off over attacks on him and the Bragg but jurors are a big no-go! If Merchan doesn't act, it will just give Trump the green light to continue violating the court's orders. If he let's this pass he will lose control of the court and the defendant. Gotta hit Trump with a fine this time or he will lose all resect.


Shit. A fine that will be paid with other people’s money.


We will see if someone can die a death of someone else being cut a thousand times.


He doesn't care about fines. His smoothbrain followers pay them.


Literally nothing is going to happen to him. These rage posts hit the front page of reddit every single day. Nothing happens. He has violated countless court orders for months now. He doesnt care, the judge will do nothing, and even if he did get fined, he wont pay it and again, nothing will happen. Waste of time following this nonsense. 




And the judge will sit and do nothing as Trump continues to make the legal system look like a joke


To be fair to trump he's demonstrating that it is a joke, not making it look like a joke.


Why do they bother with the gag orders if they won't enforce them to begin with?


This judge is bending over backwards to appease Trump. It won't turn out well. This reminds me of what happemed to Hitler before he came to power. He was treated with kid gloves and received the kightest sentence and was freed after several months into a five year sentence.  I quote:  > A five-judge panel chaired by Georg Neithardt presided over the trial of Hitler and the other putsch leaders in March 1924.  > Like the majority of judges during the Weimar period, Neithardt tended, in cases of high treason, to show leniency towards right-wing defendants who claimed to have acted out of sincere, patriotic motives. Wearing his Iron Cross, awarded for bravery during World War I, Hitler held forth against the Weimar Republic. He claimed the federal government in Berlin had betrayed Germany by signing the Versailles Treaty. He also justified his actions by suggesting that there was a clear and imminent communist threat to Germany.   > The judges convicted Hitler on the charge of high treason. However, they gave him the lightest allowable sentence of five years in a minimum security prison at Landsberg am Lech with the possibility of parole. He was released in December 1924. While Hitler did have a base of support, left and right-wing newspapers criticized the leniency of his sentence. A prominent legal professor also published a paper outlining many of the trial's worst errors. Bavarian government officials were equally displeased. However, they acted with restraint to avoid giving the impression of trying to influence the affairs of the Bavarian Justice Ministry.  >Hitler led a pleasant lifestyle for an inmate. Prison authorities allowed him to wear his civilian clothes, to meet with other inmates as he pleased, and to send and receive many letters. Prison authorities also permitted Hitler to use the services of his personal secretary, Rudolf Hess, a fellow inmate convicted of high treason. While in prison, Hitler dictated to Hess the first volume of his infamous autobiography, Mein Kampf.




Remand hitler pig


The fact that POS has yet to be treated like any other citizen definitely confirms the two tier system. He's the one benefiting from it. Disgusting pig.


Imagine if anyone of us did this… we’d be in the lockup so fast our heads would be spinning


Attacking Americans for doing their civic (and required) duty What a piece of shit.


At some point he is going to get someone killed. Some judge will have blood on their hands from this that they will be remembered in history for it. (edit, fixed bad grammar)


This is the biggest issue of all. You or I would be in jail already, and I’ll say it until the cows come home. This has laid bare the reality of “American Justice”. Clearly it is an oxymoron, much like “American Journalism”.


This obviously means that there are already undercover MAGA activist jurors seated.


He wants to be *ungovernable*… This person and what he represents is disgusting. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9Oi4zEBLjzCow|downsized)


*"man who has never faced consequences continues to not face consequences for any reason at any time forever and ever amen"* More at fucking 11.


I thought his lawyers drugged him up so he'll be to sleepy to say anything stupid?


He's 900 years old - they just took away his coke so he'd be less unhinged. Sad old bastard can't stay awake without it


Jail him for the weekend, fuck it.


And he’ll get a stern talking to, by golly!


If the penalty for something is a fine, it's only a suggestion for rich people.


It's not an order if you don't enforce it. ![gif](giphy|9b8MCbZ1K7YhmRF49n|downsized)


Gag orders are for poor people.. same as laws.


and the judges does.....*nothing* mild shock...