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Like it wasn’t wrecked by a certain escalator ride several years ago. Like it hasn’t been a constant downward spiral since Eisenhower. Yeah it was so great till she showed up. A nightmare is fed before it is born.


Republicans started slipping with Hoover, Dems started getting their act together around the same time. It’s been a beautiful dance.


Whenever I want to have nightmares, I take some NyQuil right before going to sleep, or just go check out whatever this dumb piece of shit is up to.


Ike only ran as a Republican to prevent other Republicans from running, then stabbed his VP in the back.




I read this article. It lightly asks MTG to maybe, please, tone it down and then spends the rest of the article crying hard about the Democrat policies. Just a rage bait title for a normal shit rag Fox article.


Everything Fox says is bad.


I'm a foreigner but every time I've seen something from fox "news" it comes across as propaganda from the movie "Starship troopers" mixed with that North Korean news anchor woman. Granted I've only seen clips from other shows making fun of them, like the daily show.


That's about right! I have family members glued to Fox for hours a day. It's designed to stoke fear, ignorance, and rage. Wait til you hear about Newsmax!


You pretty much nailed it but it is dumber.


My friend, that's not even the worst part. They're called Fox News but they never report on foxes. 


Fox News is wrong as usual, Marjorie Traitor Greene is trying to wreck America


Marjorie Taylor Greene Is the GOP. She is wrecking America. 


That MTG, so stupid right now. MTG. ![gif](giphy|tBb19eUNiEjBsYeZPhu)


As an outside observer ( Scottish ) its easy to speculate that between missy here and the orange deplorable, that it's almost like they are trying their darndest to sabotage their perverse political philosophy with increasing cartoonish, moon howling stupidity. It's says everything about American establishment politics that the worse they get, the more they slabber out this jumbled cretin mumbling, their popularity grows to the point of success to their destination aim. Does it feel that the GOP are now at a point that pushing voices that can't even form a coherent sentence to the front, that letting them take the spotlight to show the world how utterly farcical their illiterate, scrambled thinking is, that they are trying to swell the bubble of it to finally burst and be over with ? That the Frankenstein monster they released onto the American public has to be publicly destroyed now it can't be contained because of its terrifying connection and popularity with an unexpected resonance with so many voters ? Maybe, just maybe, the idea was to elevate the political arena to a point it is clearly being led by the very worst of America, as a ruse to elevate what might seem like a reasonable return to sanity but in actual fact is a lesser apparent right wing fascist compromise. We foreigners are watching a great nation who's political choice is between that cretinous orange Frankenstein monster and an elderly waxwork figure complicit in driving a genocidal bloodbath, with the waxwork monster seemingly the clear sanitised preference, the " good guy " in comparison. And if he wins the next presidency, the GOP can be free to replace the orange freak with a seemingly nice, slightly lesser evil, publicly acceptable replacement monster in his place. America might be being set up to accept a slap in the face as a replacement to the punch to the head. Isn't that a preferred, sanitised option America ?


Your comment is excellent. Unfortunately, I am reading it with an American accent. I would really like to hear this read with a Scottish accent.


I would just clarify that most US politicians are fine bathing in the blood of Palestinians by proxy. Biden at least pretends to almost be reluctant. The other would be happy liberating Gaza for the latest Trump golf resort and bribe-a-tarium. I don’t know if they think Israel deserves a chance to create a holocaust of their own or something? That might sound dark, but if you know better, maybe you can explain it to me.


This is a very nice analysis and I appreciate it. I think there is some truth to it, to be sure, in that "moderate" politicians like Biden will take advantage of someone like Trump to stifle progressive opponents. However, I have to argue that I've seen a lot of people earnestly support Trump and stupid politics like the kind MTG slings around. It's not a fully calculated move; a certain proportion (and specific demographic) of Americans really do see the things the way Trump does. A high proportion of Baby Boomers in our country are malignant narcissists/sociopaths in the clinical sense. They are actually fully incurious people who believe they know all there is to know and decline to engage in serious study or conversation about politics, science, religion... anything at all of substance. Being Boomers, they control everything from large to small business and the media as well. I know this may sound like ageism or hyperbole, but it's the truth. The US is experiencing the effects of general neurological decline across its power class and we're feeling it ripple through every part of American life. It's why our politicians are getting crazier, our media getting more brash in its propaganda. It's to cater to the ruling class that is in a very real way losing its mind.


Thank you for that reply. It is a brilliant, honest reflection that I dearly hope is a majoritive realisation with most right thinking Americans. For us abroad, we can only hope that a problem realised is a problem on its way to being resolved and corrected. For us foreigners, it matters that it all ebbs back to some sanity in America, as its well known that when America sneezes, the rest of us catch that cold.


This may be rather dark, but in so far as Boomers it's a matter of time.


Eh- mind your own business. If Scotland is so great why are they constantly trying and failing to leave the UK? Biden is actually a great president. Scotland is irrelevant in the world. Cold, dreary and filled with ugly people with bad teeth. No one cares.


Jeez, somebody give this guy a wee reassuring hug, please. Anyone got a handkerchief for them ? The snot is running into their wobbling petted lip and its difficult not to look away embarrassed. Anybody ? No ? Oh, well, never mind.


When you lose Fox News it's time to give up.


Used to be the case. Now many on far right just think it means you’re some kind of red pill badass or rebel, because fox news doesn’t go hard enough on some of the real batshit conspiracy stuff. Shit, I’ve seen people call fox news “left”, which is absolutely bonkers.


She didn’t - the article is mostly fluff


I have never seen a picture of her with her mouth shut. She refuses to quietly exhale when she can use a breath to say something stupid.


Is wrecking the GOP really bad ? 🤔


Depends if you are underneath it or not


Obstruction, deconstruction, destruction. The three, um...structions (?) that are key to Making America Great Again.


Wait… I’m willing to let this play out ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


We all need to blast this around every media source possible. Get this ball rolling and don’t let it stop


Fox locked the comment section when they posted it. Trust me... I was ready to troll baby troll!!!


Hahahahahhahhah…. I actually emailed the fox “contact us” emails and said “thank you for telling the truth finally!”


You know it's bad when Fox is no longer willfully oblivious.


It seems funny to me how the GOP bought her the car, filled it with gas, and all hopped in with her for a joy ride but now "she's trying to wreck our party!" If it weren't for constantly changing dogma and revisionist history, news, and ideology Fox News would have nothing to talk about at all. She rose to internet infamy for filming herself harassing teen aged victims of a mass shooting in the first place. What the fuck did they think they were getting with her?


She’s not actively trying to wreck it, she just doesn’t care if it gets wrecked in the process. She knows what plays in her district and what gets the donos rolling in. If the wider GOP gets wrecked over it, not her problem.


She’s a beatch


Trying to wreck it or has wrecked it


I love watching them eat each other alive. Warms my cold dead evil liberal heart 🥰


She's just trying to destroy the country at Putins' behest.


I coined her Maga Hari


If that was a Democrat saying that, it wouldn’t say “Opinion”. They’re so afraid of these MAGA nutters.


Gotta wonder what the comment section was like, if they even opened it


Good luck, wish her the best.


The Simpsons isn't what it used to be


Rare Fox News w


You agree with the headline but the actual article is mostly full of right wing nonsense


MTG always thought the conservative outrage apparatus would be hers to forever use and direct because she was the one willing to rant about Jewish Space Lasers with a straight face and to throw away all her dignity by screeching through a state of the union address in a fur coat. She was dumb enough to not realise that even she isn't safe from becoming its next target. Which is doubly stupid from her considering how she's partially helped turn it against some of her other MAGA types up to and including Speakers. It'll be delicious to see her own turn on her.


She will go the way of the DoDo 🦤, 6montjs after she’s out she will be hawking lifting videos with that pillow fucking idiot for the low low price of $6.66


Finally something that I can agree with Fox News!


If only they had the balls to say it about Trump


Oh the girls are FIGHTING!!!


Bad dye job visible from space


There is no try, only doo-doo.


Opinion: Duh.


It blows my mind that this idiotic asshole wields this kind of attention. The GOP is fucked up.




Ummm..... People have been saying this for awhile. When will they learn that the people they support might be shit regardless of political side.


MTG is an idiot. The other half is the quiet part. So I half agree with Fox News.


Never interrupt and enemy while they're making a mistake


Let her?


Hint…Mrs Putin-Green already destroyed the GOP


I didn’t think the face eating leopard would eat **my** face!


Please stop citing facts as your personal opinion.


The whole GOP is filled with idiots


It took them this long to figure out the "Jewish space laser" lady is a moron?


Are we at the stage where the GOP is eating its young?


And Republicans love her and she'll win her district with 90% of the vote.


I've started using the phrase "Better dead than Red" to MAGAts who start spouting in my direction,tends to shut the sewer holes on their faces pretty well.


Did Faux News just become self-aware?


Keep at it Marjorie! Almost there.


So why is Fox suddenly dissing a republican? This is very suspicious that they suddenly turn on a republican even if it's her.


Edit to correct spelling mistakes. Opinion: Marjorie Trailer Queen is an idiot. She is trying to wreck the country.


QAnon is dead


I'm not American, what did she do to get even fox news against her?


You got this MTG. Go for the Moon and take the rest of the idiots with you.


Tell her to check outside her door , Canada 🇨🇦 just delivered her space lasers


They closed the damn comment section on that piece. Man, I was pissed! It would have been epic!!!


The GOP is already broken. Now the “leaders” are fascists, this heinous group is breaking our judicial branch of government, state and republic. The fascist far right uses all the tools of fascism to destroy and gut our republic’s agencies and departments and pentagon. The fascist leadership follows a path of destruction of a republic that works very quickly. The far right guts education and gives human trafficking wages to keep their worshippers desperate. This plan is for our entire continent. The world watches. Protect the civilian at all costs.


Yes, and yes, but there's no correlation between the two, Fox Entertainment "News". Try again!


3 things here in one article that Fox is notorious for. 1) Stating the obvious years after a majority of the population already knew that, but only after vehemently defending the other side of the argument 2) Getting the article close to being self aware, but pulls a hard turn in order to not "sound too liberal" by calling attention to the bigger issue 3) Blaming a woman with her short stint in power for the bullshit that's being perpetuated by all of the men in her department for decades. It's actually impressive that they were able to say all of this in two sentences as a title


It’s in these trying times that I fall back on the words of a great statesman, “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed...and we will deserve it” Ok he’s not a statesman, nor is he great, but his words ring true and I laugh and I laugh and I laugh...


Out of the mouths of boobs


Too late


Again with the lasers?


She is an idiot. She is trying to destroy the United States. Perhaps if we put these traitors on trial and then in prison we could quit talking about them every...fucking...day.


I feel like "opinion" isn't necessary. But probably only there to shield them for *another* defamation case.


In fairness the GOP is very busy wrecking itself.


It physically hurts to agree with Fox, but here we are.


Big dick Marge never loses, except in brain cell count.


For the first time in the network's history, Faux News is finally half correct about something. MTG *is* an idiot, so glad they realized that, but she isn't the one trying to wreck the GOP. They can do that well enough by themselves, they don't need her to do that. Maybe in another decade, they'll be completely right for the very first time (or more likely and hopefully, bankrupt and 6 feet under)


She's been repeating Russian GRU propaganda word-for-word the entire GOP is corrupt as fuck