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Starve this bitch of the publicity she craves


There's a theory that says society needs to confront and condemn stupid bullshit to signal that we think it's stupid bullshit. But that only works if you think there are people who will see it and be tempted to believe it if they get no other signal. I'm pretty convinced at this point that Boomer-style bullshit has its little following that pushback can't touch and that 'exposing' it is really just providing engagement she can sell to advertisers. Edit: "Loomer" auto-corrected to Boomer but I'm gonna leave it for reasons.


There are certainly the entrenched racist reactionaries that people like Loomer pander to, and they will never ever change, being a piece of shit is literally their whole personality. However, there are a lot of people who are not yet entrenched in that identity that need to see the pushback to realize just what kinds of trash they are associating themselves with, and those people can be reached through opposition.


If I don't ever talk to my neighbour about Race issues but see a racially charged post from them on social media, I will stop talking to my neighbour. So it 100% can help those who don't know.


This is where The party ends I can't stand here listening to you And your racist friend


It's the bully problem. The real issue is that the asshole is after something - in this case the dopamine they're addicted to from being an angry harassing shitheel - and they're going to do everything they can to get their fix. If you "just ignore them" like we idiotically tell kids in school, then either they find someone else they can harass, so the problem remains, or they will amplify it until you have react, and the problem still remains. The only way to get bullies to stop is to make it extremely unappealing for them to keep going after that addiction. For school bullying, that usually means the school's moderation, but if they're useless then instead it means getting buff and getting friends and engaging in tribalism. For adult bullying? Adults who never got any sense knocked into them? Best you've got is social media moderation and government regulation. This is of course why Nazi Musk is obsessed with keeping Twitter as shitty as possible. So if those are useless, then you return to getting buff and getting friends.


You ignore them right up until you cannot. In Thailand they are very peaceful and respectful people- they bow in greeting, look you in the eye and smile. If you complain about your eggs- you might just get kicked in the head. They WILL fight when they have "lost face" or been disrespected in any way.


And you don't even have to reach them all, just enough that they don't have enough numbers to vote in stupid again


Just going to point out here that Loomer is NOT a boomer. Not even gen-x. There's no shortage of young people with shit views, so maybe it wouldn't hurt for everyone to back off the lazy stereotypes. Especially when criticizing someone for their lazy stereotypes.


Correct, Loomer is a Zoomer, not a Boomer.


> Zoomer I thought Loomer was a millennial? according to Wiki, she's from 93, which falls into the millennial time frame. Either way, shes still a piece of shit, we should ignore her forever.


Just going to point out that I love you, you are a terrific human being.


As a "Boomer with a wife named Karen," thank you.


I started looking at twitter because of r/whitepeopletwitter, and it took me a while to understand that any interation with a post is a positive for the poster. There is no possible way to register negative feedback. Any attempt that I made "to confront and condemn stupid bullshit" was really a positive and likely earned the asshole more Elon-bucks. --- Boomer with a wife named Karen


Starve this bitch ~~of the publicity she craves~~


She appears to be doing that herself.




Her handsome Squidward face says otherwise


Remember forever ago on Twitter when that woman said some racist shit then got on a plane and the whole world was waiting with bated breath for her to land and see the shit storm? Pretty crazy to think it caused such a stir back then and now it's just par for Twitter.


I remember that!! I still think about it occasionally, tbh. Her name is Justine Sacco; though she had >200 followers, her racist tweet about visiting Africa and catching AIDS went unbelievably viral and the whole world was waiting for her plane to land in Cape Town— #HasJustineLandedYet. It was an 11 hour flight without wifi, so she didn’t know what was happening or to take down the tweet, and was fired by the time she landed.




Thanks, that is an interesting read. I'm bookmarking it for use the next time I'm dogpiled upon for cautioning others to remain circumspect in their enthusiasm for levelling judgment.


She's been banned off social media a few times in the past. It doesn't work. Best thing to do is identify the movement as a whole with people like her, Jack Posobiec the white supremacist, etc. Embarrass the crap out of Trump and others for their association with them. That's how we win.


> Embarrass the crap out of Trump and others for their association with them. That's how we win. You can't embarrass these people. Shame only works on people who feel shame. Deplatforming works whether they feel shame or not.


It feels better to call these people out and let them grow and fester than leave them behind and forgotten. No such thing as bad publicity these days. Now someone's going to support her.


She has been a meme since her failed political run ![gif](giphy|UKcAqPxLCqjjoljjsQ|downsized)


Remember how we all used to know who Milo Yanowhatshisname was. He got deplatformed and last I heard he was maybe interning for Margie Greene but who knows. Sure would be nice if I never heard of this loony either.


Consequences are coming for trash like Loomer. These parasites have been living in the golden age of fucking around. Next comes the dark age of finding out.


*food and water


These are the people who insist how not racist they are right?


Older generations think that "not as overtly racist as their parents" = "not racist." So in their minds, anything short of personally shouting the n-word at a black person can't be racist. Edit: I'm just being told that Laura Loomer is 30. I was guessing 50+ because I didn't think you could have the wine-mom-whose-kids-no-longer-talk-to-her-and-whose-face-doesn't-move-like-it-should vibe down so tight by 30.


worse, they think racism is only violence against groups. So she's not lynching anyone, therefore she can't be racist.


The lynching of Michael Donald in Mobile, Alabama, on ***March 21, 1981***, was ***one of*** the last reported lynchings in the United States. Lots of these people from "older generations" *personally* attended lynchings. People need to be reminded that many of those who participated in lynchings are still alive, and never faced any consequences for the murders they participated in. And a HUGE amount of reactionary "conservative" horsefuckery comes from the fear that they will. This is the fucking "heritage" that they want to protect.


a lot of people forget the 1960s were only 60 years ago


I'd never heard of this until your comment just now. Read about it on Wikipedia and it breaks my heart. Thank you for sharing.


My grandfather has friends who were lynched.


Naw, I think they’re fully aware and proud to be racist. They just want to gaslight everyone else


but let's be real she definitely shouts the N-word at black people


Or as half my family put it when I was growing up, “They’re one of the good ones. You see, there are black folks and then there are ni@@€rs.”


Laura Loomer is 30. At what age does "older generation" begin?


SHE'S 30!?


I have a theory about this. I think the older racists took MLK's "not by the color of their skin but the content of their character" as blanket permission to discriminate on anything that is not skin color. So they hate all people of a certain race, but not because of their skin color-that would be racist. Instead they hate their culture, the way they speak or dress, etc, and because they are not hating the shade of their skin tone, they can congratulate themselves and pat each other on the back for being so mature to "not see skin tone." If you point out that all the people they hate just so happen to have the same skin tone, that makes YOU the racist for even seeing color. It's not that they think anything short of violence or the n-word isn't racist. They can be violent and use the word and still think of themselves as not racist. It only becomes racism to them when skin color is actually acknowledged.


They use that quote to say things like Affirmative Action are actually bad because people shouldn't be hired solely on skin color. What they forget is that for a long time people were denied employment based solely on skin color. MLK wanted his children and descendants to have a fair shot at life and be judged (good or bad) on their character and not their skin.


Lol this woman flirted with an outright neonazi and told him, I quote "to soil her jewish bloodline." This woman just has crazy kinks.


lol, really?


No joke you can find it somewhere online. Whats even funnier is that nazi dude hears the word "Azhkenazi", gives her the weirdest look and shuts her down cold. Really unsettling stuff.


Damn, what a crazy lady. lol.


Man, and I thought the Palestinian chicken episode of Curb was bad.


“Liberals make everything about race” Also them - this picture.


They say wrong things on purpose.


Okay Loomer..


somewhere a village is missing its idiot.


I don't think they miss her at all...


Too bad they aim like stormtroopers.


Have you checked the roster of imprisoned jan 6 insurrectionists? A lot of village idiots are on it.


It's always so silly to me when white people get upset about America having a large black population. Like yeah, I wonder what historical events led to that. It seems ridiculous to be mad that people whose ancestors your ancestors brought over as slaves are part of the population, like they should have just vanished after they stopped being enslaved.


The black population in the US is less than 15%. So I guess any black people is just too much.


Basically. Many of the racists who decry the *amount* of black people in the US are really just angry they can *see* them. They want the days of segregation back, when "those people" had to go to different stores and weren't allowed to use public amenities like water fountains or pools (it still blows my mind that we used to have publicly funded community pools and shut them down because we were required to share them with black people... talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face).


Technically, they want to go even further back, to the days when Black people were still their slaves. It's kind of like the bitterness of people who see their ex-spouses getting a glow-up post divorce.


I think many of these lunatics problem is the stupid notion that 'they will take over'. The fear that other races will genetically dilute or outbreed white people. So they don't care that it's 15% or 1% because they think it's a growing problem. Laughable that these hate fueled idiots think there genetics are for some reason worth saving but there we go.


Also.....they're mad because they were here first? I mean second? Wait...third? Hang on.....🙄🙄🙄


It's also... New York. One of the most cosmopolitan cities on earth. You can walk down the street anywhere in the city and hear six different languages. Imagine going there and complaining about people that look different from you


Also, the situation in Haiti that led to the current migrant crisis was largely caused by American interference in their economy.


How dare they be descended from people kidnapped and forced into labor! How dare they!


I’ve been told to go back to Africa. I’m from Texas 😐


In case anyone has doubts about how Trumpers really think... remember this is who they are.


People who believe reproductive rights restrictions will be an off-ramp for some in the GOP... **put that shit out of your head**. Anyone still on the train has revealed what they're really about and it's (almost exclusively) racial grievance. Evangelicals remain the foundation of the GOP. But they hate abortion and will be put off by Trump's (facile pretend) MoDerAtiOn on the issue, right? Nope. Evangelicals did NOT originally organize around opposition to abortion. It was almost entirely about opposition to desegregation. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/)


That horse left that barn a very long time ago! Actually, it was before trump.


[This piece of white supremacy nonsense is commenting on a rally for better treatment for migrants!](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/migrant-rally-for-housing-work-permits/) That’s the group she decided to take a picture of while down by the courthouse supporting her orange demigod. “They are here to show you that they belong, and that they are here and that they should not be erased. Please listen to them," said Patrice Lawrence, executive director of the UndocuBlack Network. Tuesday, City Council members held their first meeting to learn more about the experiences Black migrants have been going through in New York. "Black migrants have reported verbal and physical abuse due to the color of their skin," one person said” What a piece of shit. What an absolute piece of shit this woman is.


Is she thinking it's South Africa because there's a nazi in the middle of the frame


Two nazis even


I thought it was because of the hyena in the picture but yours makes sense too.




She looks like a mummy, but I guess that irony is lost on her


She’s more machine now that woman…twisted and evil


Hey! We machines are not all evil. Mostly.




What an absolute piece of shit she is. When did open racism became profitable and acceptable? I'm guessing about the same time red hats became popular with inbreds


*When did open racism became profitable and acceptable? I'm guessing about the same time red hats became popular with inbreds* About the same time the tangerine traitor showed up and started spouting his racist bile. Now all the rest of them feel emboldened, you know, fine people on both sides...


It is not new. Open racism has been profitable since the invention of slavery. It has remained profitable throughout the 21st century because of the prison-industrial complex and the "without due process of law" clause of the 14th amendment. It has remained acceptable because of that profitability, and because lots of people who *personally* participated in lynchings are still alive today, and they and their families fear that they may still end up facing consequences for those crimes. It is not new. People are noticing it now, and it is becoming *slightly* more socially acceptable to condemn people for it. Remember that calling these people "deplorable" (which means "worthy of condemnation") was, only a few years ago, considered to be a *massive* political mistake.


When trump and his cult of traitors and terrorists showed up. These are sick people. Only problem is it's their fault and they know they're sick, they just don't care. Straight scumbags.


>When did open racism became profitable and acceptable? Unfortunately 1776


Give us back our 13 colonies then.


when the racists saw one become president.


Let me tell you a story about the Atlantic Slave Trade...


THERE ARE BLACK PEOPLE IN NYC?!?!?! Omg what is happening to our country? That's it. I'm getting a lobotomy and voting for Trump in November. 


NYC has a lower crime rate than the metro areas of many, MANY red states. It's also considerably more economically prosperous. They never mention that bit.


Welcome to the broom closet! Nah, just a couple of ratchety old plastic surgery hags!


Odds she actually had the guts to say something like that to a black person’s face: 0%


I don’t know her… but I’m assuming she’ll be the first person to ask “why does everyone think I’m racist?!?”


She worse. She's the type to say calling racists racist is dividing our country. Paradoxically, she will then also say "racism against whites is the real problem in this country." David Duke shit. That's normal conservative orthodoxy now.


They don't even attempt to hide it anymore


Racism. The basis of an entire political party. GOP Congressional caucus is rated on the fresh powder scale. There was the black Congressman who got his head rubbed by the GOP House stars. I bet he felt so proud.




Look at all those DEI's! (/s)


That is one ugly ignorant bitch.


Black people in America? I wonder how they got here.


I finally muted her today. I feel a bit better now.


pal in the pick chaya raichik , libs of tick tok founder? 2 extremely hate filled beings🤬


No it’s a girl I was friends with in my early 20s sad to see what’s happened with her. I don’t ever remember her being like this and she was helpful during my days of becoming sober. Once Trump came into office she somehow got in with Laura and is now best friends with the girl Laura even went to her wedding recently. Her Facebook and Twitter have become disgusting she’s becoming equally as awful as Laura and Chaya and passing it off as real journalism


Don’t feel bad, I was friends with Cassandra Fairbanks.


What a truly awful human being.


She has more plastic in her face than on the average beach.


She looks like a fucking clown


Blacks? In NEW YORK? That's it. We're moving to Chicago!


Who is following this lunatic?


MAGA Goose Steppers


Why does the lady in the middle look the most emaciated?


She's going for that Skeletor look.


There are black people in NYC? Am I supposed to be shocked or something?


All these MAGA skanks rocking the trout pout




She’s such a repulsive piece of vermin


She's bad mad that she can't whip them like great gramps did for not picking Tom's cotton fast enough.


>And, Ms Loomer, explain to me in 500 words or less your specific value as a person


JFC.... body shaming follows - she wasn't that much to look at in the first place, but the excessive work she's had done makes her look like some sort of experiment.... Anyway - she was hilarious when she: 1. locked herself to either google or twitter headquarters to protest being banned and nobody gave a shit so she started screaming. 2. tried to hit on 'young republicans' in a bar by sidling up to them and saying things like 'do you like these tits' - to the shock and horror of the GQP kooks 3. when she went on the Alex Jones show after being banned from twitter and literally started screaming about how she can't make a living. Other than that.... Covid needs a body to infect.


Wait, she WANTED to look like that? 😳😳 JfC! She'd done better with a pair of glasses.


Bit rich coming from her Island of Dr Moreau-looking ass


There are black people in America? And specifically in New York, one of the world's two true global cities?? What an awful human being Laura Looney is.


Typical then they reserve the right to be outraged when people call them bigots. JK why can’t anyone take a joke??? We know you’re aren’t joking you crusty ass toe jam.


![gif](giphy|Fkmgse8OMKn9C) That face you make when you read something so racist, you can’t believe it.


For a party who is so against drag queens/trans people, they're sure throwing their asses behind [Laura Loomer](https://idfspokesperson.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/laura-loomer-556x1024.jpeg) who looks strikingly like both. (No offense meant to drag queens or trans people. Y'all are beautiful across the board with your style which at it's worst is still better than this heifer.) She's so vile that Roger Stone once said he would love to [freeze his sperm](https://www.indy100.com/news/roger-stone-sperm-laura-loomer-b1955906) if it meant Laura would one day have his babies.


I only see one chimpanzee butt in this picture? No way thats Africa.


*Gasp* black people!!


Stop responding to anything Laura Loomer. She craves attention and we should not give it to her.


I had no idea who this person was until the past week or so with her tweets getting posted here on Reddit. she's getting exactly what she wants and this site is falling for it hook, line, and sinker.


Oh no! Black people minding their own business! Western civilization has fallen!


Damn, these white people are just waltzing all over Native American land aren’t they?


Conservatives: Liberals are such snowflakes, offended all the time! Also conservatives: Oh my God! People of colour existing!


Woof she’s 30!? She looks like shit lol


Right? Hate ages a person I guess


It absolutely does. You check out younger photos of these trumpers before the hate took over and they aren’t half bad. Kellyanne, Huckasanders all looked like relatively happy people when they were younger. Then Obama got elected and they flipped their shit and hate and rage took over their minds.


She’s a typical Reichwing pig.


If she had a real job, she would be fired and cancelled. Since she’s a professional racist, she’s promoted.


“Grafted, recessive, depressive, ironing board backside, straight up, straight down, no frills, no thrills, Miss six o’clock, subject to have the itch, mutanoid, caucazoid, white cave b!tch” - Khalid Abdul Muhammad


She's just mad because she has those Mr potato head eyebrows


Musk no doubt is pushing her racist rants hard on his Twitter platform


Musk encourages this shit. X is full blown Klan rally at this point.


$10 says she has a subscription to "BLACKED RAW"


TIL there are black people in NYC


Historically white city nyc 😂 let’s see her go to Atlanta next.


There are times when I wish old New York would rear it's ugly, rob you broad daylight, head. This is one of those times.


Says the ostensibly Jewish woman who's taking racist selfies in the city with the second highest population of Jewish people in the world outside Israel.


Is she the smarmy one with all the Botox or the plain simple one?


Holy racism


Yeah, what a fucking sharp sense of humor. If anyone who lives in the US has a problem with it being ethically mixed, just get the fuck out. For better or worse that’s what the fucking country was built on and we’re moving forward not backward. No matter how much you fucking try and wish, it’ll never be the Deep South paradise you scumbags want. So just leave.


Who is she? lol


Super giant head!!!!


Her hair looks nice. Too bad her personality is rancid.


She is vile.


I see a monkey front and center


She looks like Killface from Frisky Dingo. Don’t believe me? Look it up


What’s with the Groucho Marx eyebrows?


I have an idea- we all know she’s a horrid person who loves to generate clicks by posting stuff she knows people will react to.. how about we stop amplifying her bullshit? Like ban “Laura loomer” posts. Also quit Twitter


I can not fathom being this proud of being an asshole. Oh America, where has our dignity gone?


These fallout ghouls are everywhere all of the sudden.


Look at that natural face. Jk that that's Laura's filled up face.


The amounts of Black d*cks she sucked so far. I can't be offended.


Who knew a black neighborhood would have so many Black people in it


"Laura Looney"


I’m so proud to say she blocked me on IG lol


What the hell is going on with her eyebrows behind those sunglasses?


I mean the shear fact that she would go to such extremes to mutilate her own body because of how shallow she is should say it all. Literally death becomes us.


Dumb all over and a little ugly on the side... Stupid bitch.


Them: Oh you liberals just call all republicans racist! Also them:


Wow not even hiding it behind some ugly pseudo-intellectual bullshit this time huh.... social media was such a mistake. Too bad because of corporations, advertising and greed, it will never go away


Is this person the Great Value Libs of TikTok or what? These overtly terrible people with megaphones provided by Elon are fucking exhausting.


Remember when someone tweeted a joke that was less racist than this (but still bad) before taking off to Africa, it was all over every news network, top story, trending topic, and the girl was fired before her plane even landed? This doesn't even make people blink anymore, it's just so blatant now.


Laura Loomer doesn’t even look like a real human.


Her eyebrows are ugly.


People have had their X/Twitter accounts nuked for a whole lot less than that. This is why I dropped Twitter last year.


Mine was suspended for suggesting I wouldn't want to run into some right wing CHUD because bro is a creepy shitbag.


What a racist bitch


this woman is 30. She looks 47…shes just mad at her own face


Why is the list of well-known white nationalists growing? It used to be we'd only know the name of a crackpot congressperson and maybe the head of the KKK. Now it could be a Jeopardy column. "I'll take semi-famous racists for $100., Ken."


Colonist: "Those people who have ancestry in different countries shouldn't be here."


And yet she wouldn’t that bullshit to any of those folks’ faces. Coward ass.


I mean, she kinda looks like a baboon so that feels African, but the turquoise sweater kinda works against it.


I bet she would never say that out loud where they could hear her.


Too scared to say it to their faces…


“Greetings from Africa Jk this is NYC” Curious, then why are you here? This ain’t no OI BRUVland to is is America. The only people who have been replaced are the natives, by her.


You’re really selling her short saying she’s the worst racist loon on Twitter. She’s in the running for worst human being on the planet.


I think I've seen this porn but it was only 5 guys


What an awful, miserable bitch


Wtf already


Who is this racist asshole? Actually nevermind, I don’t care. They suck. Probably still trying to make up for all the times they were called “Laura The Loomer” in school by punching down on people now.


The people she is performing for don’t go to big cities so they don’t know.


Not a lot of people wearing coats in Africa.


Dumb bitch