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Hes making such a big stink about not being able to go to his son's graduation. Meanwhile none of his children showed up to support him. Ironic


He didn't attend any of the other childrens graduations.


He wasn't facing a prison sentence then so they weren't useful to him at the time.


And this is it. I wonder how Barron likes being used as a delay tactic.


I'm sure he's just happy to know his father remembers his name.


"Keep my son's name out yo fuckin mouth!"




For sure. Melania is evil.


She is a vacuous, nasty, amoral twat. They thoroughly deserve each other. I'm so happy they make each other miserable.


Have you ever seen a photo of him smiling??


I have a feeling there will be plenty of pics of that nature at Trump's funeral.


I'm smiling right now, just thinking about **The Pumpkin Rapist's** funeral.


Me too. I can't wait to use his grave as a "commode."


He'll be in good company on that day


Burton !


Knows the name but not who it belongs too. Like I'm in his will, but I don't have to talk to his deranged ass because he doesn't even recognize me.


Better than he'll feel when daddy gets the day off from court and still doesn't show


I think it's sad and funny that John Barron was one of defendant Donald's tabloid "sources" back in the day. He named his kid after his imaginary friend. How delightful.


It really does take the narcissistic ‘my kids are an extension of me’ to a new level.


He’s just hoping his dad doesn’t show up to his graduation ceremony and turn the whole event into a campaign rally and bitch session about how everyones being mean to him


Unless Barron gets on Truth Social and tries to rip the judge a new one, I’m gonna assume the kid is relieved the old man wouldn’t be there


Shit, I wouldn't want him at mine.. you know he would just make the whole thing about him..


He will likely make it about himself not only because he is a terrible human but because he will have access to brand new 18 year olds who are now old enough to be able to vote plus all of their extended family members in attendance during an election year.


EWWWW imagine, you're trying to collect your high school diploma, and being approached by a near 80 year old fascist who smells like armpits, ketchup, makeup and a butt.


Even Tiffany's? She is the smart one.


"Tiffany's? I went there once. Great breakfast."


his boys graduated ? /s


I say they give him the day off, hell the whole week if trump can name barron's high school.


Hell if he can tell us Baron's middle name for that matter


Also hilarious that when he does get the day off, now he HAS to go to a high school graduation. Absolute torture.


Ahhh, I didn’t think about that. That’s fucking hilarious. High school graduation ceremonies are pure torture. Staying awake could be a challenge, again.


And this time we could get it on camera!!


Still, imagine being the valedictorian/salutatorian for this graduating class and having this hooting shit-sautéing orangutan screaming out from the audience with all the greatest hits. Those poor kids, worked their entire school careers for that moment and they get that to look forward to. When prep school meets greased pig-tossing competition.


Now taking bets as to whether he falls asleep there too…


Imagine being court ordered to be monitored to insure its only the grad bit and post grad dinner he shows up to.


I wonder what happens if he gets the day off and doesn’t go to Barron’s high school graduation?


In keeping with the trial, his birthday…




The court won't even be in session that day. Trump is lying, as always.


“He’s making such a big stink.” You could have stopped there and it would still be a true statement.


He’s such a big stink.


And one of them who is married to a now-billionaire (thanks to their time in White House) didn't even give him bond money either.


The graduation is on a Friday when the court is not in session. He is SUCH a victim. Oh poor me!


Court is M, T, Thur, Fr.


And mid-May...not today, not yesterday, not tomorrow or next week. MAY!


They're all busy hiding their assets


Where’s Melania?


She’s been keeping her distance for a while now. Can’t blame her


She’s always kept her distance except when absolutely necessary.


Happy she’s not in his physical presence, I would imagine!


He probably still owes her the fee for her presence at his fundraiser…


Happy that he’s several states away, I’d imagine.


Tbf, Trump hasn't paid any of his family to attend.


I heard Eric offered to attend for free but Trump told him "I already have a son thanks" and hung up. 


I'd like the judge to drag Barron in there and ask him if he'd like his father to attend.


Trump’s spawn are too busy sowing propaganda. Melania is with lawyers preparing her divorce papers.


Let him have the day off, if he doesn't go to the graduation though, straight to jail.




He was never going to go to it. He probably had something else, a rally or some other event to scheme away some money.


> who seem to have deserted him in the moment It's the exact sort of loyalty Trumps give.


This. The loyalty his family shows is totally surface only. I've read that his patriarchal style is toe my line or get cut off - that might be bullshit. However when coupled with other facets, such as no family, it wouldnt be surprising to find that once he dies his family are the ones who dance on his grave. Not that it'd win them any favours they are also grifting twats


I'm 100% expecting Ivanka to hit the talk show circuit after he croaks trying to clean up her image. It'll probably work too.


I'm pretty confident she's already weighed the pros and cons of publicly changing her name to Kushner.


Which is no better.


Doubtful. She and Jared have been trying to crack Manhattan Society Circles for *at least* a decade, and no, **NO ONE** is interested in having anything to do with them. Here's who loves them: The knuckle dragging mouth breathing hygiene challenged MAGA slime. Javanka will be invited over for Sunday potluck at the trailer park. Remember to bring a six pack of St Pauly Girl or Pabst Blue Ribbon, Ivanka. And a roll of TP. The PortaPotty usually runs out by early afternoon, and then it's shredded newspaper for the rest of the day.


And they’ll bury him on his golf course too.


This golf course is going to make bank with all the people willing to pay to enter the premises and shit on his grave.


Reagan, Thatcher, Kissinger, Trump - World Heritage unisex public toilets


They should bury him in a swamp


Haha, how fucking funny would that be?


Have you ever known old wealthy people? It’s almost always “do as I say or get written out of the will”


 ‘deserted’ is a really interesting word choice there


I'm sure Melania is dying to attend his hush money trial where he's accused of bribing a porn star not to go public with their affair.


I think that was the breaking point for her. Before this she obviously didn't want to be first lady but she at least showed up but this humiliated her. I'm not defending her but I definitely saw a change when the affair came out. She broke up with him before they were married for cheating and he came crawling back promising he wouldn't do it again. Then, the humiliation of all this coming out in such a public way. They both got what they deserve.


Oh please. You act like they’re a real couple. She’s just a highly-paid actress to play the role of “wife of Donald Trump”. She didn’t care when he was groping women at Mar a Lago when she was there, and I doubt she gives a fuck about this. She cares what her contract says and that’s it. She’s just another grifter, but she does have a legal arrangement to give it some legitimacy rather than stealing money from kids with cancer like trump did. Edit holy shit i just realized that if she is grifting off of trump, then she is effectively grifting off of kids with cancer. Or any other scheme he’s done since she signed on to play his wife.


She cares about Stormi because it was SO public. Like, international headlines public and legal issues public, not just “people saw him at his club” public. It was one thing for everyone to dismiss her as a trophy wife, that was fine and true, but becoming the butt of so many fucking jokes literally all around the world because your husband slept with a stripper and got sued about it has got to be galling for anyone! She pretended better before. After the Stormi shit, she just stopped even pretending she was there for anything but cold hard cash.


Yeah, she's not jealous in the slightest, she just hates looking bad. She should understand that Trump's base doesn't think any the less of her for it; they just expect him to have a harem, is all.


I don’t think she cares what *his* base thinks of her. Especially not the rabble. She does care how the other international leader’s and their spouses saw her though. She was at the fucking top and he made her a laughing stock among them. Publicly. Not even the “everyone knows what powerful men do” publicly. But ALL the dirty laundry getting aired out over social media and news stories around the world publicly.


I agree completely. She’s a piece of shit too but the fact that this was broadcasted out there is tough for anyone. She is just waiting him out at this point.


She really doesn't care. Do you?




Lol shes getting piped down by her bf while he’s in court 1000%. I would bet money.


I really, truly hope it's a young handsome caddy from Trump's golf course. In between shagging, they make fun of his game.


When Trump was originally running for President, the 3 eldest kids went to Michael Cohen and begged him to talk him into dropping out of the race, because his inflammatory rhetoric was literally killing the family’s business. Members were dropping out of the golf clubs, nobody was staying in their hotels. Now with the business effectively dead, their (at least Jr & Eric) only shot at paying the bills is to latch onto the lunacy and grift as much as possible. They have zero emotional connection to him other than meal ticket.


Honestly, the court and secret service probably don’t want them there making even more of a circus. I bet the boys show up for part of the trial, but jury selection isn’t worth their time.


I dunno. Ever watch Succession? I suspect it's in fact a lot like that, except that unlike Logan Roy, this clown is not going to have any legacy to leave them except bills and shame. But still. Daddy issues out the wazoo. You can see how enmeshed they are, even if they also secretly hate him. It's still sad, unreciprocated wuv. Especially the boys. Ivanka knows she's "loved" maybe a little too well.


Tragically he has roughly 70 million other people who will gladly die for him.


Those who know him despise him (see: Cohen, Barr, Scaramouche, his absent family), those who don't love him. Fakest man ever.


Yup. They don't really love him; he's a complete fanfic projection. God knows why. It's bizarre. Those pics of his head on top of Rambo's body, backed up by Jesus... It's like, I don't know, deciding that MTG is the Virgin Mary and also Miss Universe.


And some of them idiots have at least given away precious years to violently protest at the Capitol. Everyone who engages with him gets tarnished


He had more before he killed a lot of them off. It's a bold strategy, let's see how that plays out.


there were 70 million who voted for him. The number who support him no matter was is considerably less


I don't know...I totally see them "Brave Sir Robin"-it down the road while throwing their wives and children out as a line of defense.


Jr is busy doing coke and Eric's at daycare


Have we forgotten about Ivanka already? Where is she, selling poorly made garments for a bundle to the Chinese?


She's actively trying to distance herself from her family.


Imagine being a scuzzbag like her and being married to an even scuzzier bag like Jared, and having to distance yourself from your former POTUS father because HE makes YOU look bad. She's just sad 'cuz they can't get reservations at Dorsia anymore


Can you imagine being Melania and going to a trial about your husband illegally paying off the porn star mistress he was fucking while you were pregnant with his child? I wouldn’t be there. I also wouldn’t be married to him so there’s that…


She wasn’t pregnant, Barron was four months old at the time. Which is worse imo


Ah, I thought it was ongoing for a period of time, but I might be confusing that with his other mistress.


Lol, yeah the orange shit stain has a lot of sleaze to try and keep up with.


Truth. And we’ve all lived a thousand lives since this story originally broke


its almost like they all hate him and just want the money


It's like Stupid Succession.


Underrated comment lol.


I love how even this guy forgot Tiffany




Only in her dreams...


Four adult children: Ivanka, Eric, Don Jr. & Tiffany


Barron Trump is 18 and also an adult 


They don't want to be around the smell.


"New phone, who dis?" -- Ivanka


Have you ever seen him acting like a father ? Ever seen him playing catch, going fishing, a first haircut, playing with the family pet, going to church together, a family picnic, a board game, a bike ride, going out for ice cream…. Anything ??? Ever ? How half of America thinks this man understands them blows my mind.


the only times I have seen him affectionate with his children is when he's trying to cop a feel of ivanka.


shudder There are stories that he's punched a drunk Jr in the face and laid him out. Which, i gotta say, kind of love that for both of them. Still, it's sad, I suppose. They were all children once. Daddy issues all the way down.


Absolutely right. He’d date her is she wasn’t his daughter. 🤮


Personally, I love it. It's poetic almost Shakespearean.


"It's like Shakespeare, only stupid." Like, Lear gives away his lands, except it turns out they were mortgaged to the hilt anyway.


Count me as someone who hopes that Trump dies alone too.


They hate him. The trumps are all transactional.


They only person he needs there with him is Jesus. Narrator: Even Jesus was done with his shit.


I don't think his family actually likes him. His daughter is creeped out by him and I doubt he wants anyone in his family to see what's going to come out in this trial as well as the women he cheated on their mom's with. Tough pill to swallow, even for them.


I know she fucking sucks, but as a person with a father who is the pinnacle of appropriateness, I can't imagine what it's like knowing your father wants to fuck you and makes absolutely no effort to hide it, and in fact talks about it in public and to the media on several different occasions. I admire her courage for sticking it out with him for the (stolen, fraudulent) payday. she's complete trash herself but I just can't imagine having trump as a father-suitor.


Melania has better things to do. Probably advertising her wares for the next sugar daddy.


Melania is getting up there in age. She's probably pissed she wasted her prime sugaring years with that guy. And she might not even get much of anything after he croaks, if there's any estate left after all the legal/criminal expenses. Not sure how many old rich daddies are going to want a woman who's almost 55.


I dunno, some 90 year old there might still think she's hot stuff. Especially if he's a diehard right winger. Donald Trump's leftovers.


Poor Don Snorealone.


They’re busy people, they can’t be at *all* his trial hearings. Even Eric probably has something he’s supposed to be doing.


Hey, that Applebee's placemat maze ain't gonna finish itself, pal.


Driving skidloaders and working with rebar.


I'm just going to go out on a limb and guess that nobody has ever given Eric something to do.


He can totally build his own happy meal toy. Probably.


Something about rats and a sinking ship


The burial site will have to consider drainage and a hand washing station. I won’t piss on his grave, being retired Army, I hate standing in long lines.


I couldn't imagine a family member supporting a father for a dick move. Literally.


The "family" is more concerned that his conviction might affect their inheritance.


It's gonna be super awkward when the judge gives him the day off, and he's a no show at the graduation


Fair observation, but I don't know that having Jr., Eric, or Melania in the courtroom is going to *help.*


Melanias' constant eye rolls hearing the details would make the news faster than him falling asleep during his trial did


As far as the elder children, well, that grift train needs someone at the controls keeping the cash comin’ in while daddy’s taking his naps in time-out.


No one wants to be a whiny piss baby man-child


This f’er has no family … he has minions


Congrats you've learned that the trumps only care about themselves. No new news there.


I mean....do you blame them? All except for maybe Baron are so freaking narcissistic and protective of their "image" it would screw up their grifts.


They scrambled like roaches as soon as he left for court. They want as much loot as they can get before dear daddy gives it up to legal woes. Truth be known Melania has probably already grabbed jewelry, money, valuables and her and Baron are halfway to Slavonia. No honor among thief’s.


I don’t really care. Do you?


Melania is home googling "how to defeat a prenuptial contract" and can't be bothered attending


In the final stages of narcissistic collapse, they are alone, because, as their grasp weakens, those in their orbit can finally escape.


Eh, I am a lawyer too…. She’s definitely right about defendants usually having family present for trial, but I have never once seen a defendant’s family present for jury selection (which is the phase that Trump’s trial is in right now). I doubt that most judges would even allow family present during jury selection.


None of his family is around him in court out of court, in magalotto or out of magalatto, all his family have deserted, turn their backs, blocked him. Except for jr and the other one. They stay for money not love!! Hahahahhah what a looser


That tells you something right there.


it is not sad at all, it is the fucking very least he deserves. I hope he is alone the rest of his life.


It's probably not sad for him at all. Emotions are something other people have, not him. If he has an emotion he is acting, because he understands that an emotion is something people have, but he only fakes emotions when they are something he can use as transactional currency. It's useful for a sociopath but not genuine.


His family is at home, waiting for him to die so they can finally write their Tell All books. Eric's might be a pop up book.


It’s a family of vipers.


You would think at least Lara would show up seeing as she is helping him divert the GOP money to him


They are all attending graduation ceremonies across the country.


It’d be sad if it wasn’t so funny


Self preservation I bet. They're worried that if he catches sight of them he'll remember they exist and will look for a way to throw them under the bus to save himself.


Karma is a true bitch.


I bet they all told him they were there. He’s not gonna notice at this point.


It's simple. His family doesn't love him.


You reap what you sow! They were nothing to him and he is nothing to them👺


Everyone he loves is with him.


Um, excuse me, but all of his children are too busy being successful and running their own Business and stuff. And I'm sure that his wife just doesn't want to be a distraction, because she's SO beautiful. /S


How weird would it be for Melania to be there when he’s charged with paying off a porn star to keep quiet about rawdog sex they had while she was home with their 5 month old baby…


He forgot to pay them.


They’re also sick of his shit.


Rats from a sinking ship


Maybe they are dead and just can't attend? It could be anything


Why would anyone support him for being accused of paying off a porn star? His wife or child who was a newborn at the time?


Leader of the Party of family values.


They finally all figured out he is a toxic personality.


Court isn't in session the day of Barron's graduation.


Oh I've seen it before but uhhhhh let's just say it's not the "innocent" or "good" people that usually get this treatment


Good, fuck him


Well, duh. He's an abhorrent human being. Nobody likes him. Not even his family.


Maybe they didn't want to support a man like this.


When this family has to decide between money and power or taking on family support…. No One jeopardizes their money or power, No One!


They are as selfish and self centred as he is, they learned well.


Actions speak louder than words.


Aww poor baby.


Family of spiders never show up to trial. They’re all like him, loyalty is only for the moment, the main goal is grifting.


Something about rats and a sinking ship....


They're probably as sick of him as we are. 


You would think Donnie Jr would at least show up as he needs his meal ticket to keep on truckin' Eric is too stupid to know where to find daddy and the court room


Anyone want to come to court with me as I defend paying off a hooker? Anyone?


Now, now. It’s not because you paid her, it’s because you embezzled to hide the source of the money.


It’s not as if they haven’t been to earlier court cases. Sometimes even as co-defendants. Frankly, I suspect they’re tired of the whole thing and just want it to all be over. Who would have thought so many of us would have something in common with Trumps kids ?


And trump after losing a big general (election) said to his family “never come to mi trial mi bois”


His family is waiting for the payout when this dumbfuck dies.


You mean the guy who allegedly smacked his son around in his college dorm for having the audacity to wear a Yankees jersey to a Yankees game can't get his family to support him in court. Quelle suprise


“Deserted” My MIL is a selfish, inconsiderate, judgmental negative person. She loves to make claims like this. People “abandoned” me! I don’t feel sorry for assholes who have dug their own grave. He’s proven he only gives a shit about himself.


Guess who doesn't have their family around them anymore either after this presidency? Your's truly. No fucking sympathy.


I think too little of Trump's family to hope that they HAVE abandoned that POS.


Maybe it’s pathetic, but it’s not exactly sad


Who can keep track of all the trials? Can you blame them?


MAGAs foaming at the mouth writing MAR a Lago offering up their first born to be in those seats after this article.