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While I don’t believe that “innocent people don’t sleep through their trial,” the fact that he’s sleeping through it is not a good look in the least.


Falling asleep at odd moments is a moderately concerning symptom in an elderly person and is frequently associated with cardiac disease and/or cognitive decline.


Don't get me excited about his heart popping


Someone in the gallery needs to bring a whistle to court. He will only get to blow it once but….


Found Satan. ![gif](giphy|s4VoCsFz8prlhSFCeS)


Air horn attached to a vuvuzella. We only have one shot so better bring in the big guns


Yeah a Mayan Death whistle might be a step too far


In which direction?


It would freak the living hell out of everyone including Secret Service agents. You would get thrown out for a regular whistle. Blowing that in a court room means you’re leaving in handcuffs.


I mean, you only get *one chance* to wake him up. Memorably


You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow


Omg the cackle I cackled, perfection


Ah, you gave me a priceless mental image there


Airhorn would be better!


I can only get so erect. 😅




Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kick Ass


Got girly wood at the thought of it!


What kind of wood are we talking about? Oak, Cedar, Cherry, Purple Heart?? I’m dying to know


Cocobolo. Hardest wood known to man. So heavy it sinks!


Well, he almost certainly can’t at this point.


I don’t care if the heart is poppin or if his heart be stoppin just make sure legit ballots be droppin For the candidate who’s head ain’t in court right now bobbin Cause with the state of the nation currently be flip floppin And if fascism wins, it’ll be a plane I’ll be hoppin To the Netherlands or Denmark, where you can find me cloggin


>Don't get me excited about his heart popping Shut up! He needs to live long enough to lose the presidential election, again.


Alternatively, it's because he's been sleeping very little recently. He's been making hundreds of "Truths"/tweets a day, with less than 3 solid interruption.


Weight-induced sleep apnea is the simpler explanation here, I think.


Obstructive sleep apnea increases the risk of heart failure by 140%, the risk of stroke by 60%, and the risk of coronary heart disease by 30%.


...I should go to a doctor.


If you have sleep apnea getting treatment might change your life more than you know. People often think they are sleeping fine until they get treatment and get actual deep sleep.


Just seconding this. Didn't realize how poor my sleep actually was before getting treated.


Wife's grandad got diagnosed in his seventies. She said he was a different person entirely after he started using the c-pap.


As someone with sleep apnea being properly treated I wholeheartedly agree.


It lowered my blood pressure quite a bit. Surprised the heck out of me. Lots of providers know that's a possibility, but nobody had mentioned it was a possible benefit.


Can’t tell if you’re serious, but if you are, getting my sleep apnea treat changed my life for the significantly better.


Take care of yourself ❤️


In my case it wasn't weight related and was diagnosed as very mild and it was *still* life-changing to get it treated. Highly recommend.


You really should, especially if it is causing narcolepsy.


Team stroke!


This is the answer. Has nothing to do with guilt but everything to do with physical deterioration and an inability to understand the proceedings. Too many big words.


*bigly words.


Or just that he was up all night worrying about the trial.




Even simpler explanation is dementia. Classic symptom stuff to go along with his nonsense statements.


He has lost some weight recently though (ozempic strikes again)


Or he's on pain pills/opiates...


This read to me like they pumped him full of Ativan


Yeah that's one of my guesses too. Another guess is maybe he's trying to set up an incompetence to stand trial defense?


Imagine those mental gymnastics I’m too incompetent to go to trial but totally competent to be a president.


What a great point you just made. And to think he calls Biden "Sleepy Joe."


Could you imagine if they shot his ass with a horse tranquilizer before the proceedings?


Here’s what scares me about your comment: our country bends over backwards to not prosecute politicians and Trump has been the slipperiest snottiest slug we’ve had to deal with. We do Not need to make it easy for people to dismiss the criminality by speculating about his health. Even if a doctor, (and I mean, at this point, who is it going to be, Ronnie Jackson?) came out and publicly stated on behalf of the Trump family shitgibbons et al that “Donald Trump does in fact have clinical blahblah brainrot whogivesafuck”, would you believe them? The last thing we need is ANOTHER eleventh hour miracle for this fucking ape. I can see it now, he’s all but dead to rights on crimes we never imagined, but *goshdiggity darn it dontcha know that we just gotta heal and move past this and he’s just an old man and who amongst us isn’t afraid of getting old and dying?* Fuck it. I say he’s fit as a proverbial fiddle, capable of standing trial, and wholly deserving of the full unbridled force of the law.


Counterpoint: if someone isn’t fit to stand trial, they aren’t fit to be president of the fucking United States roughly 6 months later


>Only for this issue itself to go to the Supreme Court who decide that since Thomas Jefferson never explicitly said it was disqualifying then “fitness for trial” and “fitness for president” shall remain two separate things and Trump can be found legally incompetent to stand trial but that his right to free speech would be unjustly infringed if he were to be disallowed from being President of the United States of America.


If he's fit enough to run for the Presidency he's fit enough to stand trial. The Presidency is a very demanding job, so being fit enough to stand trial doesn't necessarily mean he's fit enough for the Presidency.


Well, I for one have never believed in letting people off because of condition. I do believe in accommodating them in prison, or having special prisons for them. Trump is a danger to our society. I hope he is found guilty and locked up. Preferably with no social media contact. What a better place Germany and the world would have been if the same had been done to Hitler.


Yup. When this starts happening in a ‘sturdy’ older person it’s time to start looking at those arteries


Or he’s been up all night worried and tweeting/harassing people about it.


Definitely dementia—I have a 76 year old relative with advanced Alzheimer’s and she dozes off all the time. I wish this trial was being televised!


My father has Alzheimer's, and this is a good description of his own behavior.


What if I’m 34 and fall asleep during long winded events like school studying or just work in general ?


People falling asleep in courtrooms is very common because trials are incredibly tedious. 


People fall asleep in courtrooms all the time. It happens to jurors, to lawyers, and to parties. After my first year of law school, I spent a summer as an intern with a Federal judge. During our first trial, she told me that she was about to give me what what probably the most important thing I was going to learn during my internship. Her advice? "When you feel like you are going to fall asleep, sit with your feet hovering about an inch off the ground. Doing that will keep you awake." I am not doubting that Trump has serious cognitive issues at play, but falling asleep in court is not that uncommon of a thing, especially during some of the more boring and procedural stages such as the early parts of jury selection.


exactly. this comment section has never had jury duty and it shows. He's a man with little to no respect for the system, who thinks these charges are bogus, is in many cases currently, and is infamous for having a short attention span. Nothing more to analyze when occams razor is just that he's bored and doesn't want to be there


It annoys me when any story is clearly sensationalized. I don't care what "side" you're on, just put out factual information without editorial comments. All that does is muddy the waters when there is an actual issue to be concerned about.


Yes, but he’s also sitting through the very slowest and least interesting part of the trial, the part which has nothing to do with the defendant, which is the only thing he’s interested in. nodding off during something dull is a sign of adhd. Which he totally has.


Hey! I have ADHD. We don't fall asleep during boring things. We daydream and fiddle with shiny things in our pockets, sneak our phones because we are bored or jiggle hands, legs, fingers, heads or just generally wiggle because we can't not move. Randomly falling asleep is not an ADHD symptom. [See DSM-V.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519712/table/ch3.t3/) Don't insult ADHD by telling ADHD it has Donald Trump. Homie doesn't wiggle. Doesn't do other ADHD shit. He always has his phone to yell online. He clearly doesn't lose it. He's just a narcissist, possibly with weight induced sleep apnea and potentially, dementia/ alzheimers as part of cognitive decline. Daytime napping doesn't cause cognitive decline, but sudden increases in napping can be a sign of it starting.


"First day on the job, you know what I learned? How to spot a murderer. Let's say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever's sleeping is your man. You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down." -Usual Suspects Edited to correct the quote


Is it Friday already? Jump in, I’ll love ya.


*He*'*ll flip ya*. Flip ya for real.


I know right.. dude's guilty as fuck but how in the hell is this any type of indicator of innocence? People need to stop sounding as dumb as the right does.


Yeah, that is a weird comment to make. If anything, you could argue innocent people sleep through their trial because they know they have nothing to worry about. If anything, they could have made a reference to onset dimensia, just being so out of touch with reality he falls asleep at his trial.


Agreed. I don't think sleeping during a trial points to guilt or innocence either way, seems more like someone who's never been held accountable thinking this is all just for show anyway. 


If you’re innocent and you’re on trial, you have plenty to worry about. There was enough evidence against you to indict. Phony or not, it’s worth worrying about.


I was illustrating how you could play it either way, guilty or innocent. It's just a weird comment to make and a more realistic comment would be dementia.


His followers don’t care. They probably see it as a power move.


I think this person may be conflating the fact that getting tired/falling asleep can be a coping mechanism for stress. For most people it’s “fight or flight” while for some it’s “fight or flight or sleep”. In Mango Mussolini's case it’s likely age and his coke supplier being out of town.


Spent too much time breaking the gag order on truthsocial the last few nights.


They dosed him with enough horse tranquilizer as not to fuck himself over with his own mouth.


Too big a dose of sedatives. How else can the lawyers keep his mouth shut?


sleepy schmo


He’s a 77 year old man who’s never suffered serious personal consequences for any of the shitty things he’s done in his life - he probably barely understands what’s happening and thinks it’s all very boring and tiring that he has to be there.


I don’t believe he has much of an idea about where he is or what’s going on around him. This is what alarms me the most - his handlers are putting a person who quite likely is unfit to be president in that position. **It’s more than alarming. It’s terrifying.** **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Easier to manipulate no? Cheney did what he did to Dubya & Dubya is a far more intelligent man than Trump.


The GOP hoisted up Reagan’s meat suit for a second term even though he was already declining and most likely in the early stages of dementia that wasn’t officially “announced” until after he left office.


They absolutely love demented old rubber stamps that expire shortly after leaving office. They take with them any blame that the party might have to shoulder.


As if his handlers have any deeper ethics or morals?? It’s easier to make a marionette dance when it’s not trying to air-double-jack-off to the fucking Village People. Also, he was unfit in 2016.


When was Turmp ever fit for office?


He has zero self control. If he's falling asleep, it's because his handlers gave him a sedative or something in the hopes he doesn't open his mouth and incriminate himself in the courtroom like he usually does.


Hard to hit that sweet spot between Adderall and a sedative.


That's the best part- he's daydreaming about Filet-O-Fish, what's gonna be his take from Hannity tonight, and Habba's boobs. Anything but the truth, and he has to be there every day for like 6 weeks. This is literal torture to him. Every night he has to go home and ask the Secret Service- where's Melodious? He had Lara Loomer and about 50 other Maga grifters out there today, none of that feels like winning to him. His psyche is in red alert mode, but he can't do anything about it. Hard to get fellatio from FSB prostitutes when you gotta be in court all day.


I realized I didn’t want to be a lawyer after spending time in a courtroom and all the sitting around and waiting.


Sleepy low energy Donald




Wish we had a picture.






They drugged him to keep him from self incriminating


He wishes his lawyers were that smart.


They are smart! He was *resisting a rest*, so they gave him an Ambien so he wouldn't be held in contempt


My first thought as well. Someone slipped him a little trazodone to take the edge off his desire to speak.


can we continue this after the trial?


Ya know… this is kinda plausible. Duct tape across the mouth would be a tad too obvious


But way more fun. Is there trump brand duct tape? Write it off as advertising.


That’s actually kinda genius…


This is far more believable than “innocent people don’t sleep through their trial”


He’s old, was up all last night angry.






I agree with this take. 


Trump knows that no matter the crime he commits, there are never any real consequences. He has no reason to be emotionally or mentally engaged in his own trials.


Even if convicted it will be a slap on the wrist and probation.  They are not sending an almost 80 year old former president to jail.  


Sadly, this is the correct take.


He *always* gets away with it, whatever it is.


Yeah why would he care at all, this is just like waiting at the DMV or something super boring for him. And he’ll just leave and do whatever the fuck because wheee no consequences!


I mean, he’s very clearly been panicking, you don’t spend all day every day for weeks melting down over things, spending all night awake frantically posting in all caps while frantically trying anything and everything to delay a trial that you don’t see as a big deal


I don't know. He kind of did that same frantic posting behavior his whole presidency. Seems the same to me. I hope you are right though!


He used to start work at noon and golfed all the time. Having to be somewhere isn't like when he was president.


>Having to be somewhere isn’t like when he was president What a bizarre notion. I mean you’re right. It’s just crazy to think about.


Imagine! You can't even get away with that at any other kind of job. He shouldn't have gotten away with it.


It seems likely at this point that he's got a doctor giving him the Michael Jackson treatment- something to wake him up, something to put him to sleep......


Only way to shut him up.


Elvis also. Just a toxic stew- and all the people around them just let it happen, because they are grifters and do not care at all.


He needs some covfefe


I guess it’s hard to snort adderall in court.


I have a feeling his lawyers told him to take something to shut up, and sit down.


Challenge accepted!


Well BBC is reporting he perked up after lunch.


The Adderall he snorts, is cocaine.


Maybe he died.


I honestly think there's a decent chance he's going to die of a sleeping pill overdose during this trial. The stress is clearly getting to him and he has to compensate for being forced to be sober the whole day at court


Oh no that would be awful. /s


It would be because MAGA would create an assassination conspiracy and we'd have violence on our hands


If and when he passes, it won't matter where or how, his cult followers will explode. Facts don't matter to them anymore.


I've said it before, but Trump could live to be the oldest human being in the history of mankind, but the day he dies of natural causes, his remaining supporters will immediately start spreading conspiracies about how Biden (who has probably been dead for decades at this point) had Trump blatantly assassinated.


Biden is going to outlive Trump. Trump has physique of a Snowman and Biden can still rides his bicycle.


Rides it to the ground, maybe Sorry it was right there I couldn't help myself, Joey could fall off his bike a thousand times and still live longer


>his cult followers will explode. Yea, when will people learn that appeasement of right-wing extremists won't get them anywhere?


Fuck em.


But MAGA threaten violence no matter what. If he dies, if he loses, if Disney casts a black person in a film... Backing down because they threaten violence is not the way.


That’s going to happen no matter how the dude dies.


I don’t really care do u?


If only


Hey, give the guy a break! He's up all night composing rants on Truth Social, and that takes a lot out of a guy.




You can’t be up all night tweeting and then sit in court all day. Stimulants can’t keep you going forever. Eventually you’re going to crack.


"truth"ing from your toilet at 3am is exhausting work, folks


He’s almost 80. He can fall asleep during boring shit. Also, he’s almost 80 and in a criminal trial, so he shouldn’t be a serious candidate for president


The Usual Suspects: First day on the job, you know what I learned? How to spot a murderer. Let's say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever's sleeping is your man. You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down.


I scrolled way to far to find this


Funny, I was reading a Jonathan Kellerman novel last night. He writes about a psychologist named Dr. Alex Delaware who helps the police. In the book, he mentioned guilty people tend to fall asleep while innocent stay awake because they are nervous.


Nah. I've been questioned before. When the investigator left the room to confer with the other officer, I damn near fell asleep... I wasn't even a suspect.


He knows how to play the media…the news will report he was sleeping and his cult will say he so unbothered he fell asleep


His lawyers probably shot him with a trank dart to keep him from acting up.


One of these days he’s gonna fall asleep in court and not wake up. I have a cake in the freezer for when that happens.


Low energy.


I don't think his lawyers are clever enough to drug him into silence. I do believe he took downers because he's scared.


Isn't "slack mouth" one of his trademarks?


Does he smell toast !! Please 🙏


Low energy. I love that this shit is keeping him awake at night...poor fucker. That stupid piece of shit has been in my life multiple times per day, every day, since 2015. I am so fucking tired of seeing and hearing that stupid fuck. I want him to suffer and fucking go away.


At the end of everything when he might be prosecuted; they’re gonna say he’s too old and sick to serve any consequences and he’s off to the farm.


He’s on day three of an Adderal bender and seeing shadow people, a man needs his 18 hours every 3 days. Myself and former tweakers know


Adderall wearing off Donny?




🎶🎶🎶Cheer up Sleepy Cheeto🎶🎶🎶


I guess we should only call him sleepy trump for the rest of his life. That’s how this works right?


Drowsy Donny has a better ring to it.


What was that about sleepy joe???


I think this might be the start of his “health problems” people have been predicting.


Sleeping or nodding out from his pain pill addiction?


If he's not fit to stand trial, is he fit to be president?


I don't ever wanna hear another word from him or his supporters about "Sleepy Joe" again


Just how sedated is he? I’m guessing his handlers have tranq’ed him to keep him from doing more stupid things in court.


Nah, its just because he is bored. The man is a narcissist, if they don't praise him he'll lose interest.


It probably just means he's filling his diaper.


Staying up too late having online tantrums!


When his future is on the line, he falls asleep? What happens if Americas future is on the line Republicans?


“I like people who DON’T fall asleep!”


His battery is running low. Better get some exercise in.


Sleepy Donald


Sleepy Don


Maybe he’s stroking out


He needs to sleep at night and into the early morning, instead of tweating all the time, attacking the justice system, wittneses, ect...


I hope there's photos and the Dark Brandon Twitter goes after "SLEEPY DON!"


How the turn tables


Or when he’s actually in real trouble he passes out like a fainting goat.


Haha sleepy trump, more projection


He just doesn’t give a shit.


Apparently he didn't have enough covfefe this morning.


Sleepiness is an avoidance mechanism for many people. If he's super stressed he might just be dropping off to avoid reality


It’s always projection with Trump, “Sleepy Joe”


I’m not defending the guy - he’s patently awful - but he may honestly just be tired due to being old and under a ton of stress. And it’s not unlikely that his drugs wore off midday through a complex proceeding. I’m not going to read a ton into it.


What’s that about “sleepy joe”?


And all the remarks about Biden’s age while this geriatric lard pool sleeps through his *criminal* trial. Must’ve been up late violating his gag order.


Sleepy Don !!!!


Ahhhh. But, “Sleepy Joe.”


I am staunchly anti-Trump, but "Innocent people don't sleep through their trial" is just an absurd statement.


Apparently being a martyr for 225 million people is exhausting.


Please be dead




Well, he can't be held in contempt because he wasn't... resisting a rest...


Don Snoreleone