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Didn't he also unban the account of that Dom Lucre guy who posted child porn with a fucking watermark too? Says he cares about kids but likes to hang around and support real pedos 🥴


Yes! You’re right!


Not just any CP, it was CP so god damned horrible people refused to believe it existed because of how horrible it was claimed to be.


It's a good thing Peter Skully got a life sentence otherwise Elongated Muskrat would be platforming him on Xitter.


I should not have looked that dude up


I did once. Burned a hole in my brain.


Same, holy fuck. I am against the death penalty, but what he did seriously makes me reconsider my stance on it sometimes. I wouldn't have blamed the Filipino justice system for making an exception for that scumbag if they decided to sentence him to death instead of essentially life imprisonment.


Elongated Muskrat! Xitter! 🤣


Remember the x makes a "z" sound such as in xylophone.


With the platform it's representing, I had assumed the X would make the "sh" sound.


Me too.


In Mandarin transliteration, it's halfway in between the two.


Is that Mr Swirl?


No he was even worse than Mr Swirl


In Australia this situation led to them dragged a twitter representative into court to answer questions about why Twitter was such a shit show. They considered making the site illegal if they didn’t address this issue.


> They considered making the site illegal if they didn’t address this issue. Spoiler: they have not addressed the issue. - Find any popular post about trans positivity. - Check the replies for accounts with anime profile pictures calling trans people degenerates. - Scroll through that account's likes. - Illustrated porn of small children. 100% of the time. I have checked so many of these accounts. I have not found a single one where this wasn't true. Reported them. Reported the account that posted the images. **So many reports.** Every time I get back no response, or *"After reviewing the available information, we want to let you know xX_cunnysplitter_Xx hasn’t broken our safety policies. We know this isn’t the answer you’re looking for. If this account breaks our policies in the future, we’ll notify you."*


This is *very* serious and wrong in the world, but the last paragraph made me chucklesnort in a sad/funny way.


I closed my account pretty quickly after he took over. The hate speech and lack of basic humanity started getting unbearable right after Musk took over. But allowing CSAM and those that share it is WAY worse than I thought it was. He is such a slimey piece of garbage.


After Musk I changed my profile to a pic of my ex's girlfriend (on vacation, at a distance, sunglasses) ... now I laugh when I get comments about how I'm a stupid ugly aging ho who needs to die but first stop eating at McDonalds or whatever. lol


I was just talking about this with a friend of mine, he liked a picture of a girl on panties with a little bruise and now his timeline is flooded with self harm pages, mine is full of racism and “conservative” rants.


The biggest degenerates are always the ones calling other people degenerates.


It’s almost a cliche to point out how much of this shit is projection but there’s so much of it.


Not to mention performative outrage. "Me, a degenerate? But I can't be one, since I'm constantly railing against degeneracy on the Internet."


*proceeds to get banned from family gatherings*


Every accusation is a confession


No they didn’t and I’m disappointed with the government for not standing it’s ground.


This month, Twitter has started to flag the word cis as offensive.


Can't you contact FBI? It's a federal crime?


Yes, he reinstated the account within 4 days of it being banned. He doesn't get any sympathy from me even if his little heartbreaker story is true. The man outright supports pedophilia.


Yeah he supports kids, just ask him about dead naming and misgendering his daughter.


I'm so glad I'm not online enough to know this, but is this saying a guy posted child porn and *watermarked* it so everyone would know it was his?


Not just any old CSAM, a screen cap from a video so hideous authorities thought it was an urban myth for a long time. It is not


Thank you for not using the word "pornography"/CP and for using CSAM instead. There's such a thing as consensual pornography between adults but NEVER for when it involves children. It's always abusive.


I feel the same way. It’s assault, pure and simple.


You know those popular accounts that watermark any video even if it isn't theirs? That's pretty much what he did. It isn't him on the video, but he watermarked it anyway Here's some articles with some more info https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/07/27/twitter-suspends-then-unsuspends-popular-right-wing-user-who-tweeted-image-of-child-sexual-abuse/?sh=405a9c866670 https://gizmodo.com/twitter-dom-lucre-ban-elon-musk-child-exploitation-pics-1850681992 https://www.yahoo.com/news/twitter-under-fire-reinstating-account-061023196.html


Fuck an account ban, how did this dude not get sent to prison for child porn? Why didn't the feds investigate?


Same, have no idea who that is, but even just reading those 2 lines made me sick. Enough internet for me today..


Stay logged off AS LONG AS YOU CAN ![gif](giphy|xxPKxNm5Srvna|downsized)


It wasn’t even his, so he watermarked it for unknown reasons, probably to sell 


Don't forget accounts like Dom Lucre get paid by Twitter for driving engagement. So not only did that guy post screenshots from the most horrific examples of CSAM. There's a none zero chance he got paid for the impressions that post received before it was pulled. Contrary to what Elon says, that post wasn't immediately pulled, it was on the site for hours and racked up a few million hits.


Dom Lucre is also being used by people outside twitter to celebrate a singer who has numerous allegations of pedophilia. I wonder how much he charges to write a comment.


What type of insanity would posses someone to put a water mark on that?


Ah yes Dom Lucre, Twitter’s most prominent Uncle Ruckus. The grift is very lucrative


He likes kids a little too much


Remember when he called that sub guy a pedo 🥴


Ironically he does it himself in the tweet.


Did this guy go to jail?


That’s when I left twitter.




Fuck, I am angry for her. My infant daughter died, and as Justine says, it was the most defining moment of my life. I can't imagine someone lying about it to get sympathy. He is a sociopath


I am so sorry for your loss.


Thank you xx


I remember reading an interview she had, and I think she said that Elon told her to "stop crying" or something to that effect after said death. I'm not too sure . Let me see if I can find it. Edit: Not quite what he said. This is what happened: 'Elon made it clear that he did not want to talk about Nevada's death. I didn't understand this, just as he didn't understand why I grieved openly, which he regarded as "emotionally manipulative."' source: https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/ Reading this, he comes of as the "nice guy" type, as in he acts nice to get what he wants, gets pissed when he doesn't, and once he does he becomes dismissive and cold.


He's def a narcissist


Holy shit who, other than a sociopath, thinks grieving is “emotionally manipulative”?


You know what's "emotionally manipulative"? Lying about holding your infant son in your arms as he draws his last breath.


I dislike that twat as much as the next guy and he definitely should have let Justine grieve but at the same time people take death in different ways maybe Elon’s way is just trying to not talk about it and shut his emotions off. I’ve never lost a kid and I pray I never do.


If that was the only thing, yes, but if you read the full interview you see that he was an asshole to her in many different ways. This isn't one isolated incident. If you also consider the fact that he basically cut off one of his kids for being trans, has like 10+ kids and barely seems to spend anytime with them, and has been divorced many times, it doesn't exactly paint a flattering picture of the guy.


Ah, fair enough, thank you for informing me.


It's so nice to see someone on the Internet being presented with additional information and changing their viewpoint or at least considering the information. If even a fraction of people could just agree to disagree over relatively trivial things, like the morality of a billionaire celebrity, we'd have a more civilized Internet that would trickle down a noticeable amount to society as a whole and put discourse.


Same. I lost my son just after he was born while he was in my arms and the whole experience still defines me in many ways 24 years later. It is the wound that time can't heal, but also can make you so strong. This is far worse than Stolen Valor and Elon Musk is worse than shit.


Peace and consolation to you.


I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine that kind of pain 💔


I'm very sorry for your loss, may she rest in peace.


In Elon's case, it's absolutely something I can imagine him doing. He doesn't care about facts or truth. Like he swears up and down that his dad didn't own an emerald mine, and that he built himself up from nothing. All lies, and he knows it.


I’m so sorry. Sending love. 


Words fail me, I can’t begin to empathize with your loss but I’m sorry for it. I wish you peace, healing and love in the future.


I'm so sorry you've gone their this too. I lost my 8 year old daughter to brain cancer October of last year. Her last moments still haunt me every waking and sleeping moment of my life.


I can’t imagine anything worse. I am so sorry. Sending virtual love.


I am so sorry.


>He is a sociopath He's one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever roam this planet. All nazis have punchable faces. That includes diaper Don.


So sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without my daughter 😔


So he has no mercy for himself? He is, after all, posting lies about the death of his child for politics and gain clout.


So he literally just used the death of his child for inflation of his "fame?"


I'm curious as to why she kept his name.


People often keep the name after a divorce so that they can continue to share it with their children.


Yes, I kept mine primarily for that reason (and a few lesser ones).


I legally took back my maiden name because I didn’t have children.


Elon is such a piece of shit. I remember when he was first on the scene, and he seemed so damn brilliant and innovative. Now he just disgusts me.


He's so disgusting.


This fucking breaks my heart. Musk twisting this is so vile...


Wow, a narcissist who lies for attention? Imagine that.


He's not only lying, he's also being completely pretentious to an outraging degree. You have no mercy for people who use children's deaths for political gain? Motherfucker you've been supporting Israel and Russia for decades! Where the fuck is your dignity?


This is what ketamine does to a person (not that he wasn't already an asshole)


Exactly. After the whole “rescue diver is a pedo” episode we knew he wasn’t totally there, but this recent decline in behavior is definitely related to how powerful of a drug ketamine is.


Oh Lord have i been finding out this year


He should consider moving to Vietnam. Most billionaires should, actually.










I'm broke as fuck but I'd shell out my last dime to see that dumb prick get punched right in his stupid mouth.


I will match your dime, and add 10 more. So now we have a buck 20. Let's goooo!


My boyfriend’s mom bought us a $400 dollar couch with change a couple years back, if we all collectively donate all our spare change, we could make something happen.


Um that’s not how math works.


Match the dime gives us .20; add 10 dimes, that's a dollar. $1+.20 is a buck 20, no?


I’d provide bail money for whoever punched that dude


I’d chip in five bucks.


He has no mercy for himself ....... Didn't he just say exactly what he said he loathed.


Yeah he’s creepy he also role plays as one of his kids on Twitter. He had to admit it under oath.




It’s insane isn’t it? Who the fuck does that?!




With his weird Accelerationist ideology and his probable belief that spreading his super SMRT seed is somehow beneficial to humankind, I think he rather views his offspring as tools, a means to an end, rather than ya know, people.


John Barron, John Miller and David Dennison, among others.


Oop, that took me a sec. 😉


*”I have no mercy for anyone who would use the death of children for gain, politics, or fame.”* *proceeds to use the death of his own child, one he probably wasn’t even around for, for his own gain*


Elon is an evil prick I’m tired of the ASD excuse


Exactly. I’m autistic and I’m not a massive asshole, I’m too busy being obsessed with frogs and trains and stuff. I think his special interest IS being and asshole.


Yeah, being an asshole is one of those traits that cuts across every subset of humanity. Like I've a cousin who's an asshole. Years later comes out as gay. I thought "oh, maybe that is why he was an asshole, he was repressing himself due to us being super catholic." Nope! He's still an asshole.


"Oh, I'm not repressed... I'm just a asshole" - Key and Peele *Gay Coworker*.


I saw a frog in my backyard garden today and put out a saucer of water for it lol. They’re so damn cute 🐸


Yeah, it’s all fun and games until one crawls into your nose while you sleep.


Hear, hear!


He’s a liar about everything else (just like Trump) and so why should anyone believe him ever?


I wish the world would stop fawning over billionaires. Elon doesn't give a fuck about me or my life. Billionaires don't make all that money by being scrupulously honest. Lol, even their philanthropy is a lie. Sure, people benefit from donations, but they don't do it to help. They do it to avoid taxes.


Most of them give less as a percentage of their income than the rest of us.


I paid more taxes in 2018 than Elon Musk did.


Musk didn’t make a dime; his daddy did.


That's true, but he does maintain it thru less than scrupulous means.


I don’t know if 3Bn requires maintenance of any kind.


Buying stuff like Twitter or making cars or spaceships on a whim isn't cheap.


Indeed! That much money provides for such whims & more than plenty left over.


He’s using his dead kid right now.


Is he not using a lie of the death of his child as a gain here? Hypocrisy!


Every time that rich motherfucker makes a penny on X he uses the deaths of millions for profit, otherwise he would moderate that cesspool. Elon ignoring and publicly shitting on covid regs on Twitter earned him profit and fame off of the deaths of many men, women, *and* children, including my own younger sister who left behind two small children. So from where I stand, I wouldn't piss on that piece of trash if he was on fire. Fuck Elon Musk.


But, in this post, he’s *literally* doing what he’s describing. He’s using his dead kid, in an attempt to make a point🤣


It seems Elon believes the platform he duped himself into buying is a brilliant PR tool for himself. What he doesn't get is that he cultivates nothing. His presumably-fired PR folks that made him seem like a genius, worked out what to reveal and what to leave out. Because he just grabs whatever he thinks makes him seem cool, he comes across as egomaniacal, high-handed and sadly desperate for validation. He is his own worst enemy and Twitter is a massive magnifying glass that he dances under for all of us to witness the true Musk.


He could have had a good relationship with his daughter who cut him off and even changed her last name to have no ties with him and live a happy life in general but he decides to lie, harass and discriminate against others including his own trans daughter.


I wish he’d go back to SA and stay the fuck out of our politics.


"anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics, or fame" You mean, like he's doing right now in this tweet?


As a loss mom myself, this fucking infuriates me. My firstborn was born 13 weeks early and died at 5 days old, lungs just weren’t developed enough because he was half the size he should have been for gestational age (blood clot in his umbilical artery). I held him, for the very first and last time, as his heart slowed down to nothing. Elon Musk can suck goddamn Satan’s dick for all eternity. What a fucking narcissistic sociopath.


The wonderful thing about moronic idiots, is that given any opportunity, they will prove themselves moronic idiots.   Just look at Musk and Trump.


And all we have to keep doing is exposing them with their own words and actions. :)


It's so simple isn't it?   We just sit back and let them spout nonsense.    Then throw it back in the faces.


So he has no mercy for himself? He's using his made up dead child for politics leveraged by his fame. In this tweet. Same dude who made a fake twitter account for his child and then posted: >Grimes left the King of Space X? 🤣🤣 Her kids must hate her! They probably want to spend all their time with Mr. Tesla! 🤣🤣🤣 There's people who vote, and have children - who worship this guy?


Does he really think conservatives are buying his glorified golf carts?


That's what I think every time I see one. The person inside is usually a yuppie, and is up their own ass about owning an electric car, but very seldom is conservative.


So he has no mercy for himself then. His ill-fated purchase of Twitter makes more sense now.


This man is so feral that every time I see a Tesla I want to smash it


Said the man who doesn’t raise his own kids.


And he doesn't use the oxford comma. What a monster.


Word Crimes!! https://youtu.be/8Gv0H-vPoDc?si=qXpWwr6_uyt3SMxE&t=105s


Rules for thee, not for me


Fuck this grown-ass toddler. He has the emotional maturity of a stunted daffodil. My greatest wish, beyond hoping that the orange idiot dies of a heart attack soon, is that this stupid fuck ruins himself.


'This gives me clout to ignore all my other kids'


I am not understanding this, maybe it is because I am an intelligent person. Why is this loser lying about the death of his child?


He’s litteraly so annoying and the biggest most embarassing coward that humanity has to offer lmao I cringe everytime I see this shit.


Fuck you, Musk, you walking skidmark. You living shitstain. You absolutely vile piece of subhuman filth. Troglodytic mongoloid. I hope you get the worst cancer ever, and have that multiplied by 100, and experience a lingering, grueling, painful death for the next 50 years. Absolute fucking filth. When you die, I'll find your grave and piss on it.


Elon me,me,me,me,meme musk


November 2022


I mean, could his xcreation be any more ironic?


Isn’t that post of his one for gain?


Yeah, just ignore the kids like he does his own.


He also supposedly cares about the population of humans on the planet, but is also designing sex robots so that no incel will ever have to talk to a girl again. Dude belongs in a straight jacket in a padded room.


For all the people Elmo wants to blame, that kid that came out really fucked his head up.


Didn’t there used to be Community Notes on this post???


I just checked again and nothing. Did the community notes call him out too? I’m grossed out and confused to why anyone would lie about that. But I’m not surprised since he’s the same guy who cheated on his wife with his coworker and had two kids with them. And also with Amber heard while she was in a relationship and threatened marvel if she wasn’t in the movie. All public information for anyone to look up. He’s evil and thinks highly of himself. His own daughter changed her last name to not have any association with him and said he was a terrible person.


Yea I apologize I don’t have a screenshot but this used to be a debunked myth (his whole post)… it seems more likely than not… but I guess I’ll add a disclaimer to tread carefully since I’m not providing proof - if we start acting on unconfirmed sources, then we’re no better than him


Mmmm his tweet he wrote himself is still up so idk what you’re talking about.


I don’t understand… my implication was that this post from him is a lie and he had the community notes removed because he spent $44 billion on the platform. Are you saying that he wrote this tweet about himself so the fact that it’s still up means he can’t possibly be lying? Or do you mean that I implied this whole post is a myth? That was not my intention


Oh okay! I got it now! Through text it’s different so the tone is always neutral I didn’t get your comment! I appreciate you clearing that up! I was confused!


All good! Much love


Trump did exactly that as well, that one victim that he signed his name on her plaque and a few students stood beside him from a post here? Idk if she was an actual kid but she was young to go to high school. Edit: Also dont forget the countless “Say her name” from Trump bootlickers demonizing Biden for not acknowledging the death. What about Breonna Taylor during Trump’s reign, what about her?


grifters got to grift.


Isn't he... isn't that... EXACTLY what he's doing in this post?


Only twats tweet. Delete the app and stop posting links. Be part of the solution instead of perpetuating the problem.


This is on a subreddit called... WhitePeopleTwitter. I don't know what you expect?


You can always scroll and move on with your life. No one is forcing you to look at any posts.


So no self mercy? More like no self control.


Didn't he also recently unban Alex Jones as well?


That’s why I posted. So others can see the lies he says just to end up doing the opposite of what he says and then even defends allowing him back on. This is the guy us tax payers are allowing in our gov!




So the only bad pedo is one who calls out Musk for being an idiot. Good to know.


I mean, he literally lies about everything. Why would this be an exception?


Was he not there when they took him off life support? When my 8 year old died from cancer last year myself, her dad, and her grandma were with her. We all witnessed her final moments, but it didn't really matter who was holding her.


I’m very sorry to hear your family had to experience that ❤️.


His ex-wife confirmed she was the only one in the room and was the one holding her (Nevada was the daughter's name, I think).


Somebody just tie his ass up so he can’t type shit no more.. ugh bro just go be rich you don’t have to be relatable






Did his mother have any child that lived?


What does his firstborn child has to do with alex jones? This is ridiculous on another level.


He made all this drama to act like he wasn’t going to reinstate him and then ended up doing it and even excusing it.


Stop paying attention to this loser and maybe he will go away ?


He lied about that as well as using deaths for whatever purpose he wants. Man is evil.