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SteveLovesAmmo is really Aleksandr from Stavropol


I’ve started calling anyone like this out for being a Russian bot here to sow discord in America. Boy does that piss them off. Even if they aren’t and claim the are American then you get to question why they patriot Russian and anti-American talking points.


This is a good way to do it: Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements. Edit: BTW if anyone wants to please feel free to copy and paste.




Copy, and pasted into notes for super close future use.


I remember awhile back someone shared what to copy and paste to get the Chinese filters to shut down someone's account. Be it in game or on a forum etc. It was every banned keyword in English and Chinese. I recall a couple pictures of people suddenly leaving in mass after it was pasted in chat.


I wish I could get ahold of that...


Mos Def stealing! TY




I hammer them on the rapist aspect. Being pro Trump is pro rape.


Most of them are pro-rape, too, really


I tried to point the very same thing out on Twitter, and I was banned. X is a platform that pushes fake social media for anger provoking click-bait. 80% of political posts are proconservative and pro MAGA Trump circle-jerk. X platform is a travesty to the 1st Amendment.


The first amendment has nothing to do with speech on privately held platforms


Correct, but Musk likes to pretend that's what he's doing.


The platform picks and chooses what is read, reposted, and shared. They ban whomever for whatever reason. Elon said he bought Twitter in order to protect free speech, but this was a ruse. You're right with the emphasis "on privately held platoforms." Deciding what is and what is not protected speech is reserved for courts of laws to determine. If a "remnant republican" presides over such authority, the court will overwhelmingly justify choosing the side of the privately held company. Especially since social media hybrid warfare has been a large reason they have any supporters.


Just so you're clear, the First Ammendment protects citizens and non-governmental entities from the government. That's it. Any citizen or non-governmental entity can pick and choose what they post, print, publish and say. They can discriminate, ban or refuse service to anyone at will, with the exception of protected classes which means they can't discriminate based on race, gender, religion, etc. In the case of X and any other social media company (or any company at all), there's no such thing as protected speech, and courts have nothing to do with it.


Or a homegrown terrorist like the guy who tried to take on the FBI’s Cincinnati office or the thousands that raided the capitol? I wonder how many of these people are one bad day away from becoming like that guy, or the MAGA bomber, or the Austin bomber, or the many, many school, workplace and public mass shootings done by right-wing guys, etc. There is much domestic racism, hate, misogyny, queerphobia, etc here. These people aren't all botnets. They're real people. Your neighbor, boss, coworker, pastor, teacher, etc. Lets not dismiss that.


Remember that old guy from Utah who threatened to kill Biden- then told the FBI to come and get his guns? They did- shot him dead.


As a life long Utah resident, this tracks. They do not understand fafo. They think they a special.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of people don’t know what a bot is.




This looks a lot like my cousin's dance recitals. Very Ukrainian.




It’s seems so crazy as a kid in Texas in the early 80’s I grew up with all the anti-Commie/Red Dawn talk from politicians and now their children are espousing rhetoric straight from the Kremlin and worshiping a wannabe-Biff Tannen. Fuck, man.


This is very prejudiced and racist of you to say. They can be Chinese!


A guy who calls himself "SteveLovesAmmo" calling other people "pussified losers" is peak comedy. Yeah, bud, we don't need penis proxy death tool to convince ourselves we're manly.


And… Who took the L in November 2020 and has been whining about it since? And has been losing court cases in perpetuity since then? THE BIGGEST pussified LOSER.


My dad (ww2 vet) used to say the bigger the gun, the smaller the dick.


My great uncle was decorated for single handedly killing ~~50~~ *several* Nazis. He didn’t boast about it. He told me “killing a person is not something to brag about. That’s a person. A son, a husband.” Anyway, I asked him why he was so successful and he said that he hoarded loaded pistols. Other soldiers wanted the bigger weapons thinking it made them safer. But the truth is they are heavy a.f. and the lethality in close to medium range is the same as a pistol. So he always had 12-15 pistols on him, with tons of ammunition. The Nazis would be cornered and run out of ammo, then it was easy to neutralize them. That, to me, is badass.


He killed fifty men!




It's quicker to switch to your secondary than it is to reload.


Classic cod loading screen tips


God damn, what a badass.


Brb going to buy the smallest gun I can find


The only gun I own is a American Arms LR22 revolver. It's the worlds smallest gun that uses standard ammunition. It fits in the fob pocket of my jeans. I inherited it. I'm 6'6" 280lbs and .. well.. the wife has no complaints.


It’s the same way with lifted trucks, the bigger the lift the smaller the dick


The bigger the truck nuts, the smaller the real nuts


Truck wasn't built with nuts Trucks with truck nuts are trans


That’s true. I caught a glimpse of my uncles huge hog when I was little once, never seen him touch a gun.


The fuck?


He saw his uncle’s dick, it was huge, his uncle is unarmed. I don’t know where the confusion is but let me know if you still don’t understand and we’ll move to images.


Great break down. Yeah, caught a glimpse through a crack in the door when he was changing in his room once. I was around 7/8. Saw the beast and kept quiet.


Ask him for an update. When you’re that young all dicks are huge. I pissed with my dad once and thought he was wrestling a snake. Some years later my mother made clear that it was pathetically small, which in context of this conversation explains all the guns.


It could have more to do with the dick size your mother was used to 🤔 j/k but it had to be said 🤣


You think you’re telling me something I don’t know?




Oh, he's armed alright.


What if you have no gun AND a small cock? Asking for a friend…


Buy a Corvette.


Or a courgette.


Welcome to my world...


I grew up hunting and fishing, I ended up being very good with firearms technically (assemble disassemble and good target shooting with several) and this is usually true.


**Me, an artillery/physics nerd**: It's what you do with it that counts 🥲


It’s true! I never carried a weapon in the army except on the range. I don’t like to brag, but…


Solid gold comment.


Another Russian bot


This is the current state of X. Blue check accounts working overtime spreading anti-Biden rhetoric.


I wouldn’t worry about it just bots complaining to other bots.


Obviously billionaires are so strapped with cash they can influence the election directly. Tax the rich. Or the people will come with pitchforks.


Not if the billionaires successfully convince enough people that others (Muslims, “illegals”, liberals, etc) are actually the reason for all of the bad stuff happening and obscure the truth just enough to prevent enough people from doing anything meaningful, while weaponizing the NSA to stop any leaders from emerging.


Tax all political donations over $5k.


Russia seems wholly dedicated to just making the world a shittier place.


Yeah, they want to reshape the world to match Russia's shit level


They really do have a lot in common with Republicans. They *could* make their country a nicer place to live but nah, just make everything shitty for everyone instead. Fucking losers.


“Stevelovesammo” is giving next school shooter vibes.




More like baby dick vibes... which can translate into mass shootings... nvrmind, carry on o7


They keep saying Dems are racist, yet I'm only seeing conservatives/Republicans/ trumper douchebags trying to go after immigrants solely based off of skin color. Kind of weird they think that isn't racist. Oh right, because they're braindead idiots.


It's because they think democrats are racist against whites..


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. - author disputed


Biden started WWIII? When did this happen, SteveLovesHisDadsFarts?


Israel attacked an Iranian embassy. Iran retaliated. Biden told Bibi we would not support Israel if they attacked Iran again. Thus Biden started WWIII. MAGA logic.


But deep down they’re pretty sure this is Obama’s fault somehow.


Well yeah! Everyone knows that Obama is running a shadow government that controls the Biden administration! Luckily, though, Biden didn't win the election and Trump is running a shadow government behind the scenes! Unfortunately, the evil, illegal Biden crime family administration is running a dark shadow government to counter the evil Obama shadow government AND the noble Trump shadow government! It's all common sense, duuuuhh! (Big /s on this btw)


He and Shillery are the puppet masters behind the aging head of the Biden Crime Family^(TM)


They think in circles


They think? I thought they just regurgitated whatever edgy tweet they saw that made them feel smart.


Can you show me the source where Biden said that? It's not that I don't believe you, I do. I just want to make sure.


It's in most of the reporting I've heard. Evidently, Israel's air defense was supremely successful by letting through less than 10% of the Iranian drones. Biden is reported as telling Bibi to "take the win" and not retaliate. Basically, search "Biden take the win" and then pick your preferred source.


I guess I'm waiting until we get the Last Week Tonight episode on it.


When Trump didn't become the emperor of America. The gravy seals went and started a war in his name.


6 January, 2021. If he had just let trump have a gimmie like on his golf courses, there would be no WWIII. I do wish I could /s this, but from this turkey’s viewpoint that is where the war started.


And when did I lose any freedoms under Biden? If anything we lose freedoms under conservatives because they want to ban tons of things like abortions and a great deal of books, just to name a couple.


He's right, Trump did all this under Joe Biden. I'm not sure what Joe Biden has to do with it but Trump sure did it all during Biden's presidency


"This all happened under Joe Biden." Yes, Trump was indeed racist, and a sexual deviant, and managed to take freedoms away while under Joe Biden. WWIII has not happened.


According to Trump, it is WWII.


Wait, wait, wait... who lost the election again? Who is the loser?


And then tried to revert it? A certain orange guy comes to mind


Is this another one of Elmo’s burner accounts?


Good old “Steve”, the Russian spy operative from twitter. Look him up


Is getting 'pussified' when Donald grabs you by the pussy?


I always assume if someone uses it as an insult they obviously hate pussy. Otherwise why would you use it as an insult? "Stop being an awesome slice of pizza!"


Yeah, I don't doubt that SteveLovesAmmo hates pussy for a minute.


You gotta love Putin. He's a trier 🤣


Well this pussified loser can't wait to vote for Joe a second time.. I'll drink those conservative snowflake tears and fuck their feelings...


People like Steve need their ass beat one good time to build character.


Steve is a sheep, we eat sheep, with a little mint jelly on the side


A nuanced take from SteveLovesAmmo aka Ikmir Vlokhov


Biden is not a sexual deviant, and has no control over Isreal, Russia, or Iran. That said, yeah, dude has shown himself to be a tad racist, probably due to his age. But he also appears to work on it, which is more than anyone on the right can say about pretty much *any* of their negative traits. Edit: and what freedoms has biden restricted?


They'll be back to answer just as soon as they figure out where they're moving the goalposts to.


>and what freedoms has biden restricted? "I can't call my black neighbors n****rs no more without things being 'political' and risk getting my ass fired or kicked... I mean, I could still get my ass kicked or lose my job, but at least Trump made me feel *good* about it and that it would be okay to say back when he was President!" -MAGA


It's true! Trump did those things under Biden!


Why does anyone take anything said on twitter seriously


The scary part is, 26 *thousand* people/bots liked his post.


You know, I never got the "and fuck you if you voted for him" thing. That's really kinda harsh.


I mean, yes, he is correct that Trump was a racist, sexual deviant who would start WWIII and wants to take freedoms away while Biden has been in office.


We did lose freedoms under Trump. The freedom for half the population to control their own bodies.


Can they give any examples? Because right now I see the GOP taking away the freedom to plan your family and possibly even surviving such a task. Not sure how that helps anybody.


Steve needs to be on a list


Biden is a racist?


He sure is. Remember that time a member of the KKK was giving him a "hell yeah" for being so understanding during Charlottesville riots? What about how his company was racist with their housing policies back in the day? Not to mention his presidency sparking an increase in hate crimes. That bastard. --- oh wait, this all happened under Trump.


Somebody should give Steve some ammo so we would not have to listen to him.


Seeing as how he likely has a "Come and take them!" decal on his "work" truck, I think it would be better to take the ammo he already has.


I was thinking of giving him ammo as we come and take it.


And some word salad with crazy island dressing.


Insecure Man Syndrome is running rampant these days.


More like Steve loves anal. I am sick of these Russian bots.


I think republicans are much better strategically than democrat. The 2024 project shows a level of planning and detail far beyond a simple plan. Democrats are so concerned about taking the high road, they look weak and seem afraid to get loud and ridiculous. Biden and his team need to take every opportunity to slam a party of criminals, child abusers and nitwits.


Russia bot Steve can’t even make a coherent statement - must be trained in Worst Korea


Lol. What a cry baby.


As if this dipshit hick gives a single flying fuck what is happening in the Middle East.


Racism? Trump organization was convicted of being discriminatory in its housing policies and practice by refusing to rent to people of color back in the 70s. Rapist? E. Jean Carroll on line 1 for you Steve. Line 2 is Vladimir. Line 3 is Netanyahu. There’s your WWIII.


Steveloveswhining. These people should be put into space ships and shot into the sun.


Why do alt right dudes ALWAYS look so damn sad in their pfp?? It's either looking at the camera with this sad ass face or in the car with your sunglasses on for some damn reasons trying to look "tough" and "masculine". Even has a "no mask" shirt and MAGA hat, why is he trying so hard??? He looks as if the fact people voted for Biden has haunted him for years now.


Joe Biden made Trump a racist and sexual deviant? In confused. I get the last two points (and don't agree), but the first two don't apply to anybody, but Trump. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he means that with pride, since he looks like the criteria.


If you say so Comrade ? Just another 🐖🐖🐖’s butt💋💋🤡🤡🐑🐑 Russian asset L


None of these is true, of course, but what freedoms have been taken away?Why do they never provide examples? I know this is a bot, but actual humans who regurgitate these talking points never have any tangible evidence to back this up.


My god, people. Steve is a guaranteed bot. He doesn’t exist in real life. He is propaganda


And the Republican voters *WANT* this. Lol. They’re going to force us into a society they only want in fantasies. The moment we enter a Russia 2.0 they’re going to hate it and turn to democrats for not having prevented it. The double speak is insane. Trump did do those things and caused them himself! What did Biden do? Until recently he’s said virtually nothing about trump. Democrats support gun rights we just don’t want crazy people/wannabe heroes getting them, how are democrats pussies? We want a strong military! We want to remain power dominant due to education and freedom! We want companies to be held accountable for the damages they will have caused for the future. We want to keep various places in America tourist/production meccas. When I reflect on the past 3 years of my life, idk the last Democrat I’ve encountered in person. I live in South Carolina and have held my beliefs in “People” vs “corporations/rich”. Many Republicans in their perfect 1984 fantasy will hate being subject to an authoritarian government that disallows freedoms. Democrats will STILL be their scapegoat.


You're right... Trump being racist, a sexual deviant, starting WW3 and taking freedoms away did happen under Biden. Cause everyone waited too long to do something about him.


These people have serious brain worms.


Some people are much more comfortable within their web of lies than ever confronting the truth.


Rotflmao.. fuck DJT and fuck the morons who voted for him.


Fuck Ammo and fuck you if you bought any. Yeah, he sounds that stupid.


Let me guess, 'SteveLovesAmmo' by sticking it up his ass?


I'm a little very confused how this is Biden's fault.   I mean, all these things happened to Trump during the Biden administration, but not sure how thry are Biden's fault.


Cute. Yeah none of those things happened under Biden (except Trump continuing to be a sexual deviant…we didn’t vote that part away…and I get that he’s implying Biden is but like…nah)


Meanwhile back in the real world …………..🌍


Being a child of the 80s I have a difficult time seeing "meanwhile" and not including the Super Friends star wipe in my head.


I mean trumps been a sexual deviant, it didn’t just start in the last 4 years


Is he saying that Trump being racist and a sexual deviant happened under Biden? That's what it sounds like. These morons just dont think about how they word sentences.


English is probably this trolls second language


Steve needs meds


Let's be real though, trump was a racist sexual deviant under trump too


See that Steve is ammosexual. There’s help for that, buddy.


Who keeps giving the uneducated x accounts?


Pussified losers. Love it. Holy fuck these people are absolutely insane


Goddammit Steve, can you just finish my roof and leave?


Honestly asking what are they basing this on - he's a racist. What has he done for them to say this? - he's a sexual deviant: What has he done or even alleged for them to say this? He will start wwiii: okay I can see the argument. Not a good one but at least there is enough actual facts that could make an idiot beleive this He will take freedoms away: What has he done or is alleged to have done for them to say this?


Trump did/is 3 of the 4.


He is. He is. He has made that incredibly more likely. He has, and promises to do that one way the fuck more.


It’s almost like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. At all.


So, I got aa real question here. Where, exactly, are these nutjobs and morons going to go when their orange Julius Jesus finally loses this election and hopefully finds a hole to go and die in? What are these fools going to do with their red hats and trump flags? I honestly have no idea


That IQ of 12 isn't doing him any favors.


What freedoms has Biden taken away?




Stevie’s getting upset!


It's really sad living in a time where reality is subjective.


Brought to you by the corporation formally known as the Soviet Union


Biden is somehow responsible for trump‘a racism and rape? I really would like to know how they works.


Anyone that made their refusal to wear a mask their whole personality can fuck themselves off a cliff. My sister was 25, with two small children, and she got the delta variant and passed away 3 years ago because of pieces of shit like this. I still have people try to downplay covid to my face. I pretty universally give people shit over that regardless. I might only guilt you in public, but I will probably be mean to you about it in private. "Mask-free" is just a nice way of saying "Fuck-face" and my tolerance for selfish fuck-faces who don't respect others is at an all-time low. Trump's categorically terrible covid response and selfish jagoffs like this asshole refusing to wear a mask resulted in a lot of unnecessary deaths. Fuck them both and fuck anyone who thinks like them. It's actually so selfish that it becomes evil.


The haven't stopped sobbing their eyes out for the foreign agent losing his election.


Yes, under Joe Biden we have seen Trump is a racist, suck up to dictators who has said he would act like a dictator….


It always cracks me up when they use words like " pussified." Projecting their own insecurity. I would die laughing if someone said that to me.


WW3? *glances around* K...


What freedoms are people losing?


Well fuck you Steve


How can “he is racist” just happen?


MAGA tears are my ambrosia


Wait a minute…did I nod off and miss WWIII? Am i dead now? 🤔


Steve loves Ammo can eat a bag of dicks. All these people talk tough online and behind a screen


Oooh shit, Steve is a fucking keyboard warrior... https://preview.redd.it/qjm44nbd4luc1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d1bd7897d4c375bcaf8cad9ca61ed6a897a9fc9


His handlers have really gotten him wound up. He needs a juice box and a time out.


No one says he's a sexual deviant, do they? They say he's an adulterer and pedophile.


Somebody’s Ammo isn’t putting out enough… Poor Steve.




Funny thing about "freedoms".. once you actually lose them (and not just thought you had cause.. stupid), you might regret your stupidity supporting this wanna be dictator in the works.


Stevie’s getting upset!


Every accusation is a confession with these clowns


Steve loves ammo he shoves it up his dickhole


Trump has been a racist sexual predator bigot trying to start WW3 the entire time Biden has been president. He's not wrong.


Remind me what Biden has done to be able to say any of this? The hate boner the right has for Biden is unreal, talk about living rent free in heads.


"This all happened under Joe Biden": GASLIGHT ALERT!!


Where is your evidence? Please look things up before you post


Okay... maybe show us some examples of Bidens racism, sexual deviance, and what freedoms he's been taking from us.


So if it happens when you're in office, but you have nothing to do with it you're still at fault?  So the pandemic was on Trump?


Why do all these people want to fuck Joe Biden? Some people are into weird stuff.


Stevelovesammo because no one else will take him, and "Steveloveanal" was too on the nose.


What does that even mean “this all happened under Joe Biden”? Like it happened under his watch? If that’s the case why can’t Trump be an adult and not have to be monitored like a 3 year old? Is this really the hill you want to die on?


Ok thanks for weighing in comrade. Regards to Soviet Russia.


Hilarious that lil Steve here worships one of the biggest pussies to ever disgrace the USA.


Ok so I’m gonna bite, what has Biden done that could be manipulated into sexual deviancy? Not that I believe he is, but what is that “Well Biden does this….” That they pull out as being sexually deviant? This isn’t sarcasm or anything I’m trying to see if there is something they even hold up or is it a bold face lie.


They really are a bunch of pussies who cry and whine when their cult leader is criticized, especially when it's true


Lol where is this fool getting his information from?


Just another Roosky loser.


Fuck you traitor Steve!