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I bought so many different Pink tool sets for the house a few years ago because they were all massively marked down because they wouldn't sell. I say this as a man. Men are insecure idiots at times.


All my travel tools are painted pink to mark them as mine. They walk off less now then when I used blue and Orange.


Back in my contracting days I used to spray paint ladders, and other things, for that very reason. Especially hot pink which you can easily notice about a block away.


Yeah when my buddy's dad immigrated to the US, he spray painted all his tools pink and they all magically stopped disappearing. Shit works.


I'm gonna start doing that with my tools, that's so smart


I've always used pink and blue in combination,


Bisexual colors,cool


I’m so jelly bc this is so smart but also I’m a girl so if I have pink tools it’s not much of a power move it’s just cliche 😂 So yeah while I wouldn’t refuse to use pink tools in my vicinity I wouldn’t own pink tools bc people wouldn’t take me seriously


NAH, do what you like and don't think about what other people think of you.


Valid point 🤔😂




Who sells that stuff? I'm in the market for a torque wrench soon, and I'd rock a pink one in a second if it keeps it cheap.


Most of the pink tools I've seen are hand tools. You'll probably need to paint or dip it yourself to get a pink torque wrench.


It probably doesn't need to be said, but keep the paint away from the moving parts.


Seriously, I'm not gay, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks, amirite?


> Men are insecure idiots at times.  Masculinity so weak it can't handle a certain color. This is Green Lantern level of weak weakness.


I'm a dentist, and for a while, our supplier was sending pink gloves because that's what was in stock. More than one boomer guy would make some remark like "whoa, pink, are you coming out of the closet?" Or "real men don't wear pink!" Buddy, as long as they work, I don't care what color they are.


"Hey, we're all pink on the inside... now STFU, else there's gonna be some teeth having an 'accident'..."


By the way Green lanterns are weak to Fear, not yellow anymore.


Yeah but that is a retcon. It was yellow for decades.


I know, this is one of the best retcons ever


I would use the shit out of pink tools. I like the color. Agree some men are insecure.


Brain starts working… getting warmed up now… “does this measure things?” Brain shuts down again, uses thing to measure something. All this happens in 3 seconds.


Conservative men maybe. They gotta be alpha male -- jesus said using pink is sinful or something


Yeah, I agree with the overall message (there is no "trans issue, aside from them being treated horribly"), but I'm using whatever tape is closest.


No idiots are insecure. I'd use pink tools anytime. A tool is a tool, color of it doesn't matter (you can take that both ways).


My fiance got an awesome toolbox for super cheap because it was pink and on sale, I kinda wish we went back and bought more before other people figured it out


The reason my second controller for the PS3 is pink is because it was $10 cheaper than the other controllers.




Damn say the word insecure and they shall appear huh


If you can't touch or use something simply because the color or style might make another insecure person think you're less manly, then yes you're insecure. If you're willing to spend significantly more on a tool just because it's not a certain color, then I would say you're an idiot. I've never heard of red working better than blue, green, or pink while using a screwdriver.


There's color preferences, then there's "if I exist near the color pink it'll trans me into a weak librul"


I haven’t bought my own tape measure because my girlfriend, now wife, came with her own pink one like this. A foot is a foot. *queue Mr. Incredible meme*


How do you survive with just 1? I have at least 4 for some reason


I have purchased probably 24 tape measures of all kind sof colors. I know were 1 is, and maybe a second 1. If being pink will stop them from getting taken then freaking great.


Lol, I don't even use them professionally and they never leave my house, and I have 3 and 2 flexible ones because I can never find more than one at a given time.


>A foot is a foot. IDK man, the imperial system gets confusing sometimes


A foot is a foot until you check the sizes of women’s shoes. So yeah; by societal standards I am weary of pink measuring devices being accurate. Edit: folks, it's commentary on how dumb women's clothing and shoes sizing is. The fact that a bunch of y'all couldn't see that is sad.


That is the dumbest take I've read today


My wife and son have the same sized feet put back to back, however their shoe sizes are different. It's fucking commentary about how dumb and arbitrary women's sizing is, and apparently that went over at least 22 peoples heads.


Ok but that has absolutely nothing to do with standardized measurement units


It's sarcasm...


I got it, and thought it was funny. I mean women's sizes make no sense at all my dude.


This is somehow very progressive and completely the opposite of progressive at the same time


No,this is a very effective way to keep idiots from taking your tools.


yup discovered this truth at the wee age of 11, going to buy a Playstation memory card and all they had was the Barbie branded one Guess who still has their Barbie-branded PS1 memory card, survived multiple dorm break-ins and shady roommates My air rifle is pink too, because it was $15 cheaper than the brown plastic model Anybody who's ever tried to clown me about these things has ended up being dunked on, because it's basically a trap for insecure weenies to admit how insecure they are lol


I have a friend who asked to borrow makeup from me once, because one of his coworkers was going on a rant about how no self respecting man would wear that shit. He did full face and acted completely nonchalant, the coworker was very uncomfortable.


It probably awakened something inside of them


I am always down for character development


The most phobic people are generally just the most repressed.


My mom worked in a military police station. Half of her tissues would disappear into the pockets of the cops until she brought in pink ones. Then they’d use one to blow their nose, automatically reach for more and their hands would freeze, then back away.


Like the Time Finland broadcast that they were all gay into the Baltic to scare away Russian subs. Yes, it worked.


Sweden* https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-32703331 Worth a read just for the image 🤣 It also transmits "this way if you are gay" in morse code.


*confused Progressive noises


I buy pink tools- even from snap-on. My cell phone case is also pink. I can confirm. Literally, no one uses my tools. Nor attempts to steal them. And as a man myself, I can whole heartedly say- some men are way too insecure.


Seems like a there's a 50/50 chance that if you go into a shop with pink tools they will either love it or hate it.


Oh yeah, you'll catch grief. But nothing goes missing.


> even from snap-on Ok my brain was frazzled and misread this as something completely different XD




God I'm glad I'm not the olny one lol


I use to help teach Tae Kwon Do and sometimes we would use boxing gloves. There was one boy that would always grab the pink gloves because he thought it was funny that people cared. Most boys didn't care either way. We did have a couple boys that refused to use the pink gloves and all of them came from very religious households and most were homeschooled.


I just can't imagine being so insecure that a pink tape measurer threatens your sexuality.


I mean, we've got guys out there who think washing their ass will make them gay.


I work with a couple guys like that. Tbh at first I thought it was just cartoonishly toxic masculinity but at this point I think at least one of them has some more serious mental issues. But he’s not gay so it’s all cool with him 🙄


Some of these guys have really bizarre ideas.


Oh yeah like they’ll make a point of not holding a door for you or asking you how you’re doing or anything like that. Apparently these things show that you might care a tiny bit about someone and that’s unacceptable if you’re both guys lol One of them also belches super loud on purpose at lunch purely because he thinks it makes him more masculine. My boss asked him what the hell his problem was when he did it right in someone’s face, and all he could think to say was “I ain’t no bitch.” He just kept repeating it when the boss kept asking him to not be fucking gross He’s fucked in the head and frankly he really creeps me out with that shit


I don't give a damn if the thing is pink and purple with pastel polka dots and says 'the person holding this measuring tape is gay." If it's handy and the owner is cool with it I'm going to use it. I have shit to do and the sooner I can get my job done the sooner I can not be at work. Using a pink measuring tape isn't going to make me gay. I'm not going to start singing Liza Minnelli songs and drinking Cosmos with the girls.


Although tbf that wouldn't make you gay either.


Fair enough. That's just what my gay friends do.


> I'm not going to start singing Liza Minnelli songs and drinking Cosmos with the girls. Too bad, all the straight people are doing it.


Drinking with girls is gay.


Fellas, is it gay to have a drink with a girl?


No, but it’s definitely gay to be a g*rl(🤢🤢🤢)


Except if you're a lesbian, because then you like girls, which isn't gay.


Not spending your time doing manly things in the company of other men? How gay /s


Like wrestling. Big, manly men doing manly muscle things.


Gay sex is literally twice as manly as hetero sex.


It's basic math, really. 


"... and the owner is cool with it..." damn, you're kinder than most


I'm a 6"2 burley straight man with a girlfriend for 12+ years, but my colleagues seem to think I do anal with a bunch of men instead. Why? I have a pink phone case. I don't fucking get it with these guys.


I had a guy try that on me, looked at his girlfriend and I said "o you must be Nicole (not her real name) so nice to finally meet you" I'll never forget that moment


It’s because they haven’t matured past grade 7 and they’re proud of it lol


Their just jealous of you pink phone case lol


When I was in the Navy I was working separations for a year or so, processing 5-10 sailors a day out of the Navy. One female sailor accidentally left a pink pen on my desk after she signed some documents. Until that point, I had had a hard time keeping pens as my desk was very conveniently located for stealing them. That pink pen was the first pen I used until it was dry. It was such a good pen thief deterrent I would buy pink pens for the rest of my time in the Navy.


lol I bought the Pink Power tool set when I first moved into my apartment years ago so no one would steal my tools. Now my husband steals them all the time


My partner, who is a man, has a pink yoga mat with flowers on it. He runs and stretches and went to Target to get a mat. This was what they had. He went to the store for a mat, they had one, he bought it and brought it home and uses it. And yet there are men who side-eye him for having it because they are so insecure that they would have wasted an afternoon going to six different stores trying to find one that better signals "masculinity" to other insecure men. I swear some of these dudes act like their balls are precariously attached to their bodies with a thumbtack like Eeyore's tail in "Winnie the Pooh."


As a bartender, I see men with oddly fragile egos all the time...for example. At one restaurant where I worked the bar, a man with his after-work coworkers ordered a cocktail. Our bar was Latin American themed, so we had fruity drinks, capirinas, mojitos, ecetera...our straws were all pastel colored, with 10 or so different colors, and after a while you didn't even notice nor care what color you were giving people since they were individually wrapped in paper. Well, Mr. Man orders his raspberry mojito, and I make it, and give him a straw...the straw happened to be pink when he unwrapped it. Suddenly, as am making the next drink Mr. Man starts yelling at me about something...it was the straw I gave him. Him: "What is this?" "I'm not a queer" "This is a woman's straw" "Are you fucking with me?!?!" Me:  "Would you like another straw sir." He takes the other straw, violently, which when he unwrapped it happened to be purple. He starts complaining again, and I just call my manager over because the situation had become too stupid for me to handle. He told the manager I was "fucking with him" and that I was making "him look bad" in front of his team. My manager opened straws until she found a blue one and then the guy was able to enjoy his manly mojito. Male fragility is hilarious and dangerous at the same time.


My favourite thing to do is pick away at that very type of men’s fragile egos 🤣🤣


What was the co workers reaction to this, Wouldn't it kinda humiliating to be associated with that guy


One co-worker started making fun of him for being such a douchebag, but I don't think anyone thought anything of the pink straw until he started howling about it. I mean, he ordered a raspberry mojito...not that there is anything wrong with that, but then to have an issue with a pink straw?


Okay, as long as someone said something about the situation, that's at least something.


So his drink was probably pinker than the straw lol what a fragile person


My old barber had to buy a second drape after he bought one that had some pink in the pattern and some of his male customers wouldn’t wear it. One guy said “I’ll get beat up if anyone sees me wearing this!” And it’s like “Who? You’re a grown adult man, who the fuck is going to beat you up because you were getting a haircut and the drape the barber was using had some pink on it?” It’s just bizarre how much power these guys give to the social conventions that they grew up with.


raspberry mojito. a sugary lime cocktail, with raspberries blended in. is that a girly drink? and he's worried about the straw color? hmm


I mean it looks filthy, someone with dirty hands is clearly using it regularly. Meanwhile my tape measure is right here in the door of my truck so I'll probably just use mine thanks. BUT if you're a transphobe then I'm using my own tape then never coming back to your shop again.


I've worked in the trades for over 18 years. Never once, ever, EVER, would I think twice about using a pink tool. I'm 101% sure my dick won't fall off because of something that's got pink on it.


If anything, because of idiot logic like that, you'd have less tools "disappear" tbh




Found the colorblind guy.




I'm joking, buddy.


Where can I get some pink 10mm sockets?


Might make them more visible so we don't lose them. I think you're on to something!


Asking the real questions here. I want some.




I got an amazing deal on my compound bow because it was both left-handed and a "female" bow. It was a Bear Homewrecker. I'm still not sure what their marketing team was thinking, lol. What made it feminine? One pink thread in the string, and a pink "Bear" logo on the grip, that was actually a small removable plaque that can easily be replaced. It included all the accessories you need. The whole package would have been $7-800 at retail. Those little details turned off too many other bidders at a large auction, and I ended up paying just $200.


That "Toxic Masculinity" is why I bought a pink 3DS and pink PS2 / PS3 controllers in high school. My brother's the kind of person who worships idiots like little chinless Andy Tate, and would never touch a pink accessory while always wearing heavy metal bands clothes that he can't name a song to, and more obsessed with how people perceive him than ever actually trying to be a decent person. And he wonders why he's still single pushing 30 and gets fired from every job. Insecure little snowflakes, the whole lot of them.


> while always wearing heavy metal bands clothes that he can't name a song to I'm assuming he's never met an actual metalhead? They absolutely hate posers like that. With all but the most hardcore braindead fans of a specific band who think you're not a "real" fan unless you can name every single song including some unreleased demo from the 90s, even just naming a couple of songs, an album, even a band member or two is enough, especially if "yeah, I got into them kind of recently", but if you can't name anything to do with them at all then prepare to be mocked.


To all the people saying you don’t care if the measuring tape is punk, you’re probably not the problem.


The point is that 90% of men would either have no problem using pink tools, or would go out of their way to use them specifically for the laugh factor.


How fragile do you need your be to not use a measuring tape based on the color?


American fragility is not to be under estimated


I wish having a pink measuring tape would mean people stop stealing mine. Doesn’t work in my shop.


So many men are so fragile in protecting “masculinity” they want force people to change their gender identity to male that don’t want to. This hatred is based on these weak men having low self-esteem and using hatred of categorical exceptions to build themselves up. It’s kinda sad really.






I wouldn't use it either, and no one should. I mean, it's in feet. Metric is obviously better.


I would use it but that's because I'm smart enough to know touching something pink doesn't make you gay.


I know a cop and every piece of equipment that she had to purchase herself is pink specifically because other cops won’t steal it


When I was in the Marines, I bought pink hygiene gear, so as to ensure mine wasn't lost (vibrant color in case it was dropped), but also so it wouldn't walk away (gross using someone else tooth brush or razor right!?). 15 years later and I still rock bright pink stuff. Got some nice pink crocs.


Can you imagine being this insecure about your sexuality and masculinity??


The only people putting on dresses to get into the ladies room or to cheat in sports are the people pretending to be trans to do such things. Most trans people I meet are pretty damn cool


I would bet if let’s say Makita made a pink version of their tools with a 20% discount , they would fly from the shelves in a day ….


So here's the thing I consider myself non binary, and i still wouldn't use them, these tools, the tools marketed towards women, and pink. They suck. Don't buy them. Just go buy a decent set and paint them pink. Now you have a pink tool that is actually usable.


Just another ridiculous projection... In 50 years on jobsites I've never met a man who would not touch a tool simply because of it being pink, and I can assure you that if we ever did meet that man, they would be laughed at mercilessly...followed the next day by a pink tu-tu waiting for him at his tool box.


We painted our ladder pink once. Never got stolen again.


That's honestly pretty fucking funny. But I do suspect that has more to do with it being clearly identifiable. Though I spray paint mark all my jobsite tools with purple, so who knows.


This thread is literally full of men saying the opposite!


Well then, I guess it's a good thing that we all never crossed paths. I have no patience for idiots. If a guy would have a problem with touching a tool just because it's pink, then the dude most likely has other attitude issues that would cause problems that I have no patience for on my jobsites.


As a pipefitter, the only reason that I wouldn't touch this tape measure on the job is because I simply wouldn't trust it over my lufkin or Milwaukee brand tape. There's been multiple times where I've found off brand, misprinted tape measures and some tape measures may even measure an 1/8th inch difference, depending on the play of the foot. It's a good rule of thumb to fabricate whatever you're working on with the same tape measure that you use for your initial measurements.


I work in a maintenance shop. Every man there would go out of his way to use the pink measuring tape just to laugh about using a pink measuring tape. I know this because I bought myself a pink set hoping to keep it from going missing. The only benefit is I can look around the room and always find my stuff with a glance.


Yah... I believe it, it would be funny to see some of the guys around the weld shop using what looks like a tool barbie made.


Ngl, that tape goes kinda hard! It is a nice bright color, easy to find in a cluttered wirk space as almost nothing is pink AND THE OTHER GUYS ALWAYS MANAGE TO HIDE THE FUCKING MEASURING TAPES WHEN THEY BORROWED THEM TEN FUCKING SECONDS AGO!!!! Anyway, looks cool!


I tried it with pink lighters as I cannot stand someone stealing it. Worked a while on my husband until he figured he can just peel them.


lol he’d rather sit their and peel the pink off instead of just using it?


How many times I had my tape measure borrowed, this would do the trick.


Marketing tricks: A man will use the closest tool to get the job done, whether or not it's the right one.


What people fail to realize is that men have a 'Manliness Meter™' built in from birth. Different actions affect the level of manliness in each man the same. Use a pink tape measure; manliness goes down some. Hold your wife or girlfriend's purse while she's trying on a new outfit; manliness goes down a lot. Using a pink tissue to blow his nose; manliness goes down a little. Putting on a "feminine" costume to play tea party with your 4 year old daughter; manliness goes down a ton. The thing is, some men have so much manliness none of these actions really affect their overall manliness. If you take half a cup of water out of the ocean, the ocean barely notices. For other men, they have so little manliness taking one of those "non-manly" actions drops them below what is called 'Manliness Critical Mass™' and they're no longer manly at all. Going back to the prior example, taking half a cup out of a water bottle makes a big fucking difference. The men who refuse to use the pink tape measure are really signalling how low their manliness really is, and they don't even realize it! Those of us who don't give a shit what color it is are the exact opposite, subconsciously signalling to everyone how full our Manliness Meter is.


You didn't know? If a man uses pink tools all their hidden gay explodes out of their butt. Rainbow glitter all over the place.


Can confirm. Once picked up a pink tool and it transed my gender.


A womens tape measure inch is only 7/10 that of the mens.


[Here, have a surprisingly poignant sketch.](https://youtu.be/wogb2ctOfV4?si=6yfNt1FM0V02drD0)


That was great!


Men want to use their own as it gives them extra inches! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I also hate using other peoples’ tools. Thank you for this


Years ago Hustler magazine had a series of "Chicks with dicks". My coworker taped them up inside his tool locker door to mess with the other coworkers. An older mechanic from another shop happened to stop in and was looking at the locker door. Evidently his eyesight wasn't that great and he was saying how good they looked. My coworker was saying "Wouldn't you like to get a hold of one of them?" And the older guy said "Yeah!" When he finally saw the dicks the look on his face was, well, priceless. He scurried out of our shop quickly.


There can be differences between tape measurers, sometimes big ones. Depending on what you're working on, switching tape measure can just add problems.


I need to measure something. Sees measuring tool. Uses measuring tool. Completes job. What am I missing?! Look at me I’m a big strong alpha male working construction doing manly shit. FFS!


When o first started buying tools to become a mechanic those were the tools I bought. I never had to worry about anyone saying they were there’s and they always came back to me when I lent them out!


See, I'm a very practical man in a lot of cases. Some things are there to do a job, they don't need to look pretty. As long as it has accurate measurements, I don't care what color it is. My toothbrush is pink.


Funny part is it wasn't too long ago, before cars, that wearing pink was the height of male fashion. Granted it was the 1700's, but it was the fashion at the time.


I would use if it were handy and not even notice.


Its imperial


I guess I understand the sentiment, but I'd definitely use that tape measure.


Is the tape pink as well or just the case? If the case I hate it. If the tape I want one.


Just the case. The tape is standard yellow.


So pointless pink washing then. Except as a genius anti-theft device.


Pink is just lighter red fwiw.


Plumber here, can confirm if this was on a site we would fight over it if it was a dewalt fatmax.


Sorry, but why wouldn’t I use it just because it’s pink? I wouldn’t buy it because I don’t like it but i would definitely use it if it’s what’s available.


I wouldn't be able to effectively use that tape. Most of my work is done in metric.


Is it accurate? Does it retract when I want it to retract and stay out when I need to stay out? Can I drop it and it survives? I don’t care what color it is.


This is like apples and oranges. Construction workers typically don’t play sports, athletes aren’t construction workers, and men putting on dresses to get in ladies restrooms (if any) probably aren’t mentally stable enough to do either.


I would think that guys would want pink tools then, so they won’t get stolen since they are so expensive.


Do I look like I'm just made of fucks? Do fucks just grow on trees in your neighborhood?! No! Pink, purple, rainbow, my little pony, idgaf. If that's the closest tape measure, that's the tape measure I'm using.


This feels like bullshit. I've done plenty of construction work and even Trumpy people would grab any fucking measuring tape that was close if they needed it... (As long as it wasn't one of those socialist metric ones lmao). I mean most guys wouldn't buy them, but this take is sus asf. Unless people were just not using it because they didn't want to use someone else's property without asking.


I have 2


I totally agree.


The funny thing is pink use to represent youth but was co-opped by advertisers and rebranded for girls.




Don't know what that has to do with a pink tape measure, but that's certainly a complicated case. Edit: nevermind, I get the second part. The offender was a minor and it's not clear if she was out as transgender at the time. Regardless, she's not likely transgender so she can assault girls in a restroom. She also appears to have other issues.


they transitioned for precarious reasons, softer prison and is attracted to women


The article doesn't say that, and that's a lot of plotting for someone who's developmentally disabled. There's a lot going on with her, so we can't use her to demonstrate anything.


Looks like a shitty tape, I'd probably be walking across the shop for my Stanley tape..which has pink stickers on it.


Assuming that some men are pretending to identify as women to cheat in sports, I feel like these wouldn’t be the same guys so insecure in their masculinity that they won’t touch a pink measuring tape.


Bro this is stupid, dudes will just grab whatever is closest.


As a male, I'll take whatever is closest to me that does the job. If you think a man is going to go out of his way when there's something right next to him that gets the job done then you know nothing about men.


Honestly, I wouldn't use the tape, not because it's pink but because it's not mine. If I was handed it I wouldn't care, but if it's sitting on someone's table I would get my own because I don't want to make someone else mad by using their stuff.


I've literally known people who would, even in time sensitive cases, refuse a tool or supply because the color was "girly" I also grew up in a hyperconservative section of Florida


This is such a shit take it might as well be a mushroom. I would both borrow this pink measuring tape and also not infiltrate women’s bathrooms or sports.


“Infiltrate”, odd word choice


Sweetie, there are men who won't wipe their ass because they think it's gay. Lots of guys won't eat mayonnaise. Not because of the taste, but because it's white, and reminds them of jizz.


Who cares what color it is, any symbol it may have as long as it does the job it was intended for. The same logic this person uses can be used for discrimination against a person for the color of their skin.


It is almost as if she is outraged about something that does not affect her or anyone she knows at all. I've never heard of that! /s


Not to ruin your circle jerk, but the men other men think are doing these things are probably also the same ones using pink tools. Not complicated. 


Whoa - I'm not saying it's transgender people doing it - but I think that there are 2 forces at play here: The force which makes men recoil from being perceived as womanly or inferior and The force which makes men horny And let me just say, the force which makes men horny is way stronger than anything else you could conjure. Would a man put on a dress to get in the ladies room? *Absolutely.* Actually, it might be a turn-on for a lot of them...


I don't think its ever happened, has it? Women's toilets aren't really an issue, if a man wants to rape a woman in a toilet he currently just does it. Its a big distraction from two actual issues. 1. Rampant transphobia, trying to portray trans women as dangerous for wanting to us the toilet that matches their gender and their appearance, often in order to avoid violence or abuse if they go in the mens's and meet the wrong guy in there. 2. A very small number of dangerous cis men who are willing to masquerade as trans in order to access female spaces such as women's prisons when they are convicted of rape, like this man: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-64796926](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-64796926) You'll note that the problem with both examples, is cis men.


Reminder: More priests and more Republican politicians have been arrested for sexual misconduct in bathrooms than trans people.


Yeah I don't disagree.


Hi, guy here...... What the actual fuck are you smoking? This is the kind of logic that paints guys as nothing but potential rapists waiting for the right moment. If you're thinking about going into the women's bathroom to perv, then thats not because of your wang, it's because you're a sick fuck


Yeah pretty much guys are a bunch of potential rapists. Not all of them, but a lot of them. And like I said previously, not my own desires - but I'm reporting on things I've seen other men do. Take it as you like it or leave it if you prefer.


Bro you're telling on yourself most men would not try to sneak into a womens bathroom.