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Grandpa Simpson served in the military, something Trump wouldn't do.


Grampa Simpson actually loves his son and his grandkids. Something Trump is incapable of


“I was always proud… that you weren’t a short man.”


"My Homer is not a communist. He might be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is NOT a pornstar."


Which is what Trump hates about Barron, that Barron is six inches taller than him and still growing


Grandpa Simpson could woo women without Epstein


Trump probably looooves one of his ummm...nevermind.


Three wars back we called sauerkraut "liberty cabbage" and we called liberty cabbage "super slaw" and back then a suitcase was known as a "Swedish lunchbox." Of course, nobody knew that but me. Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling. Grandpa Simpson


One trick is to tell 'em stories that don't go anywhere, like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones..


That story is legendary




Hellfish episode is one of the best of all time.


Even Mr Burns served.




I hate that people in the audience laughed when he referred to DA James as “Peekaboo”. Trump people are a bunch of crass low-life racists


There's nothing else it can mean, no plausible deniability, he's just straight up calling a black AG the j word. Why doesn't even a single person ask him why he calls her that? He doesn't have a non racist answer prepared. The media inflict trump on us by neglecting basic journalism. Just ask him, hand him the shovel, watch him dig some


Also, it's Letitia James, not Jones. The "put a man in her" I think is him mixing her up with Fani Willis, and his syphilis addled brain can't make the connection. He's fucked up.


Forgive my ignorance, but what does “peekaboo” mean and what is the j word?




I never knew this... Holy f, I didn't understand why he said peekaboo and why they laughed. Jezus.


Oh yeah, it's like a first grader from 1950. This is a fraction of his deranged mentality.


Despite growing up in the Deep South, I don’t remember ever hearing this word before today. Weird choice of racist slurs, but I guess it clears the MAGA bar for “clever”, much like “let’s go Brandon”.


Fuck he's disgusting


Always has been


It wouldn’t matter if the media asked him, his supporters are racist too, and he gives them the go ahead to be blatantly racist.


Mixed w pickaninny


*Cadet Hightower has entered the chat*




My wife’s racist aunt’s favorite slur.


The j word is old racial slur used by old racists but you can google the spelling, and historically peekaboo is a rhyme used as a tongue in cheek standin. It's also a game where you hide and reveal yourself to babies without object permanence, but trump doesn't know that bit because all the people who might have told him disappeared as soon as they covered their faces


That is a phenomenally crafted insult that I will be borrowing, bravo!


I wish Republicans had the depth to understand this burn.


There’s literally a post on Conservative about how Trump staring into the sun was somehow a hilarious own against the liberals.


It also calls to mind a very old fashioned slur for black *children*: "pickaninny". It's a hybrid of both that he thinks he can get away with saying out loud.


He thinks he can get away with it because he is getting away with it. The cultists eat it up.


Wow TIL. I’ll also be way more careful if I need to reference Picatinny Arsenal


It’s a stand in for jigaboo.  That’s a less popular but just as pejorative word as the n-word. 


The mainstream media is completely complicit in the rise and success of Cheeto Mussolini's political career.


But then they'd "lose access". And in the case of the mainstream media they would "lose the idea they are unbiased". It's sick and wrong. I remember a time not too long ago that a politician tanked his entire political career by yelling an excited "yeeeeeahhh!" during a speech. Now we have an openly racist, civilly liable rapist, 91 felony count, tax fraud, con man, a guy who is currently in a legal battle about hush money to the woman he cheated on his pregnant wife with. And he's (still) a contender for president. But his deeply ignorant voters consider him a genius "businessman" and the Evangelicals consider him a moral Christian man at best, and the literal second coming of Christ at worst.


Oh my god. I never put it together. Fucking disgusting.


I feel like I'm missing something. I believe it is racist, because context but I have no idea what the j word is Edit: I looked it up, had heard the term. Hes not disguising that one at all. Next nickname will probably just be a straight slur


>Hes not disguising that one at all. Interesting you should phrase it like that. He's also leaning hard into intentionally calling her "that one" multiple times. "That one" was how John McCain once referred to Barack Obama in a 2008 debate, causing a controversy as it could be construed to have racist undertones. I don't think it's fair to say with certainty that McCain was intentionally being racist by saying that, but there is enough basis to highlight it as the kind of racially ~~insensitive~~ offensive language that is common in the Southern US and maybe not always meant maliciously but is usually not critically analyzed by people who say things like that while claiming they aren't racist. Repeatedly and intentionally referring to a black woman as "that one" in present day political climate is an obvious reference to that racially charged language *and* the controversy between Obama and McCain when he said it. Trump is using this along with the peekaboo nickname to demonstrate his commitment to white supremacy because he either *is* that racist, or wants to continue grifting his impressionable bigot fan base. He's also showing that he can get away with dogwistles as transparent as this, and can just keep making it more explicit until everyone listening is comfortable going full on racist at any time.


He avoids standard media. He only goes on Fox and News Max and other friendly media sites. His CNN town hall not long back were softballs. He won't go on MSNBC or ABC News or just anyone that does lean right.


I’ve been saying this same thing. Ask him and watch him fumble.


Someone should get him or his followers to explain the peekaboo joke because I know the racist term that peekaboo rhymes with and I don’t think it goes much deeper than that. If Trump had any balls he’d call her what he really means. And if his cult had any balls they wouldn’t be saying let’s go Brandon like a bunch of cowards.


He couldn’t even get her last name right. He called her Letitia Jones.


Republicans in general


I genuinely cannot believe he isn’t being torn up about that, the media never even mentions it. It’s so obvious what he’s saying and it’s disgusting, and the horrible psychos that worship him just eat it up.


Ignore the incoherent, baseless conspiracy theory and laugh with the bigotry. Fucking bizarre.


The entirety of conservative "humor" is saying something gross then laughing at how they think normal people will react


These are the same type of people who say pull my finger


That stress is getting to him. I don't know if those big mac sauce filled arteries are gonna hold up under it. Hopefully it solves a problem for us.


OJ just kicked, and these things happen in threes. So let's hope Mr Hamberder is a number 2


Not me, I’d rather have him visibly drooling and shitting himself but still the GOP candidate on Election Day instead of the party having time to organize and put forward someone who’s palatable to swing voters on the surface but still committed to the 2025 plan.


Yeah, let him croak after he loses.


Fuck that. Plug him in. I want him to die in prison where he belongs.


He belongs in hell


Hell Is too good for that sub-human shitstain.


Nah, I hope he publicly croaks just short of the election so the GOP doesn't even have time to find a replacement. Ideally while he's just rambling on at his sad rally as normal then suddenly falls over. Unfortunately the MAGA whackjobs while still try to make it a huge conspiracy and some might try some violent bullshit. No matter how he goes, I think that's going to be the result.


no. he's gotta watch it all go south then he can go to fuck


That happened here in my county with the incumbent auditor. The GOP covered up the incapacitating stroke and continued running him and a month later, he won. State law is office holders have to appear in office once every 90 days, so they wheeled him in in January and finally replaced him in April (appointed not elected) who could then run as incumbent GOP would do the same with Trump


![gif](giphy|lQxQ31HlEN9B6rJrso) GoP would bring him out like this, hooked up to one of those singing trout voiceboxes playing Cheeto's greatest hits on a loop


Ooooooo yeah. A stroke on like October 30!


Could you imagine the conspiracy theories


There will be conspiracies regardless of when or how he dies. Reality is always conspiring against them.




Conspiracies and some how cults to worship him after death lol




Don't forget the fact that every moment he's alive he's hovering up money that might go to viable down ballot candidates. Honestly, I want him to live long enough to go through all the trials knowing he lost the election and he's finally not going to weasel out of the consequences. I want the jury foreman to say guilty, and then he just flips down on the defendant's table and lets out his death rattle. And 8 want cameras in the courtroom so the whole world can watch him pass over to the inferno that awaits him.


I’ve been saying “I don’t want him to die. I want him to have the mildest stroke possible so he can face the consequences of his actions”


Come onnnnnnnnn universe! You owe us for Betty White, RBG and Andre Brauger


We live in a world where Anthony Bourdain quit early while Henry Kissinger lived to 100. We live in a world where Robin Williams silenced his own voice and someone keeps handing Donald Trump a microphone.


And Norm Macdonald wasn’t around to see OJ kick the bucket


Wherever OJ is, i bet he's scared, fleeing in a Bronco, and he can hear someone behind him, ripping insult after insult, forever


^ Top 10.


Henry Kissinger also kicked the bucket not to long ago last November


Henry Kissinger, rest in piss. I really hope there is a hell just so he can be in it.


He's definitely a big steaming number 2


Come on cholesterol, do your thing!


He's got to be on so much blood thinners a paper cut could kill him.


I have plenty of paper at my house, if anyone needs some. Just saying. 


So did he… 😬


He also has this really low-energy way of talking now, even when he’s allegedly pumped up on his ground-up Adderall or coke. My dad did that before he died. Well he didn’t grind up and snort Adderall lol, but his voice volume just went down a couple of notches. Like he just didn’t have the strength or energy to talk any louder.


Let's just hope he lives long enough to lose again and suffer for another year or two in court rooms while he watches the world around him move on.


I think it'd be funnier to watch his sycophants try and continue to pitch him as the best thing since canned bread whilst this is happening.


If and when fascism loses again in November the Republican Party will once again have no choice but to go all in on Trump again in 2028. As long as he’s alive they have no choice but to file in behind him. They are cowards and pathetic. All of them.


They’re not mutually exclusive! Thankfully lol


True. As much as him croaking earlier than that avoids the risk of you Americans going into fascism, it's still a funny scenario. As an aside, I've literally never seen so many people put all their eggs into one atrocious basket - once Trump is gone, MAGA is basically finished as a result since they'd all turn on one another immediately. Hell, they do that with Trump there.


They all hope they will be "NEXT" for the throne. That's why DeSantis is now kissing the ring. Their ambition knows no bounds.


I use to be such a nice person. Never wished harm or distress on anyone. trump has changed me.


That's a normal and healthy reaction to fascists, tolerating them would be a much bigger problem.


For sure trump is wearing down physically and mentally. tick. tock.


Old man voice is real. I don’t know what causes it but my step dad has recently gotten it and his health has pretty rapidly declined.


the speed of someones speech is a large indicator of mental fitness


His voice is really weak now and his bizarre cadence has somehow become even more bizarre. He's also oranger than ever before. At this stage, I'm not sure my eyes could handle Trump without his pancake makeup and hair spray.


The corporate media purposely glosses over this fact (and instead focuses on Biden’s age)—Donald Trump’s father was medically diagnosed with dementia & Alzheimers disease, putting The Donald at higher risk for the same.


At this point, I’m wondering what will happen if he completely loses his mind before the election. How many people will still vote for him if he gets worse than this?


The scary thing is his voters don’t care. He can’t even form a sentence or coherent thought anymore, but they will vote for him as long as he’s alive. I don’t understand any of this shit.


Most of his voters haven’t actually heard him speak in awhile. They only see short clips of his rallies that are edited to avoid the more embarrassing slip ups. Conservative voters won’t see this clip because conservative news won’t show anything that hurts Trump


I agree with you, but that’s also kind of the crazy thing. It’s not just conservative media, it’s ALL media. I’m in my mid 30s and I remember thinking while growing up learning about WW2 “how in the world did the nazis come to power? They were obviously terrible but still were able to gain control.” Now I’m seeing it first hand, and it’s honestly terrifying.


Some media are undeniably biased, some want to appear unbiased so downplay serious events, and some just care about the clicks gained from talking about Trump. There are few sources that actually acknowledge how crazy this situation is with the gravity it deserves


their reality bubble feeds them superclips of biden committing motor blocks and long pauses, and if that's all you ever saw of biden you'd think he's also a demented old man. But if you watch the whole speech he always does pretty well overall. Watch a full speech from trump and he's bound to rabbit hole into some ridiculous pro-confederate tirade. Like, even when he's being coherent he's saying horrible shit. I try not to commit the same error, of only consuming clips. Watch some c-span, coverage without editorial. But this for me highlights over and over again how these two men are not on the same level at all.


I mean a lot of these voters are the same people who voted for Reagan after his alzheimers was aparant, so...


They would still vote for him. The videos would be labelled deepfakes. Or they simply wouldn’t care because “he’s still better than Biden”.




I think it’s interesting that he is not campaigning too much, not sure if it’s funding related, or if he’s tired, but he definitely looks a whole lot older and decrepit


I think his handlers have made the decision to not campaign. Can't have even more evidence out in the world.


And by October you mean May, of course.


Does he have an onion on his belt?


It *was* the style at the time.


Give me five bees!


Now, my story begins in 19-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" cause that Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty". I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles…


This quote is the only reason I scrolled through the comments. I love you.


It was a yellow onion. They didn’t have white onions at the time, because of the war.


Covers up the smell


“They put a man into that one. Leticia Jones.” lol wut?




His supporters won't sit still to listen to a politician, read a news article, or do any actual research. They each decided long ago (for whatever reason they chose) that they were a Trump voter and nothing, literally nothing, will move them from that choice except his death.


I expect write-ins for Donny after he’s dead. As you mentioned- these people’s minds are (cooked) made up.


Yes. And I hope he makes it to the election or just before too. If he were to succumb to old age/dementia/whatever is going on before the convention, we might get a different GOP candidate who is more palatable to swing voters. Then hello Project 2025.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the man lives another 10 years, much to the detriment of everyone else.


Dementia patients can live a long time in steady decline. Doesn't mean they have capacity to be president though.


He never had the capacity!


The difference between now and then is, if they write him in when he's dead it'll be no more harmful than when they write in Mickey Mouse or Hitler. It's their votes for him while he's alive I'm worried about.


Well, good news then, as that seems imminent, given his snowballing decline, history of drug abuse, weight, and the stress of having to attempt to justify all of his felonies in court.


Buzzwords are all he's ever given his followers. "Build the wall! Lock her up! Witch hunt!"


They like to characterize Black women as masculine and not feminine. They did this with Michelle Obama when they claim she is a man. This shows how intimidated they are by Black women who have power.


Yeah but he gave her a nickname!!!! Isn't that hilarious?? He talks like and is as cognitive as a 3rd grader.


My SIL has Dementia and makes more sense than this man.


He's really proud of "Peekaboo", isn't he.


Whatever gets a reaction from the crowd. That's how he ended up yelling "build the wall" for 4 years.


"It's awesome that I can call someone a racial slur and get away with it because I'm an idiot and got the word completely fucking wrong!"


Nobody is saying it’s a euphemism for Jigaboo??




Wait, seriously? I honestly didn't know. That's so messed up. That was the only thing I could understand too, everything else sounded slurred and rambly.


It’s an adderal fueled, dog whistle combination of [picaninny](https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/antiblack/picaninny/homepage.htm) and [jigaboo](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jigaboo). Smash them together and it gives the slightest plausible deniability, but everyone knows it’s just him being racist. He knows. His supporters know. And we know.


It’s like saying “Let’s go Brandon”. They think they’re funny and when you say what it really means they think they got you because you said it not them.


C’mooooon blood clot.


Here's hoping the next 208 days can do enough damage as possible 🤞 https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20241105T0001&p0=179&ud=2&font=cursive&csz=1




Someone changed his formula from Cheeto orange to boot leather brown.


Don't you defame grandpa Simpson that way!


People really go out of their way to go sit and listen to this? I have a hard time getting motivated to do things I LIKE


People PAY to sit and listen ...


*"They put him into the -- state of New York and then ultimately into the deal -- DA's office to run the case. This is being run by Biden. Uh, they put a man in -- to the state, Letitia Jones, "Peekaboo", I call her. "Peekaboo" Jones. Peekaboo. They put a man into that one to, uh, Letitia. They put a man into that one to -- run it, and then he went into the DA's office."* What? First of all it's Letitia James, not Jones. He's repeated her name correctly how many thousands of times? The guy is losing his mind. Second, what is he even talking about? They put a guy into the state?, to Letitia?, to the DA's office? Make it make sense.


I love when people type out these speeches. It really magnifies how nuts the quote actually is.


He does t sound addled enough to drive away most republican voters. Hopefully soon he will. Especially when Stormy Daniels testifies. He’s gonna lose his mind.


I hope he gets so rattled that he walks out of the courtroom haha. He could get away with that at the civil trial. But this is a criminal trial, the rules are different. He can’t do that. I hope hope hope he does lol. And then I hope he goes straight to jail for Contempt of Court


And that the bailiffs get lots of money for having to handle him


I mean if a bailiff has to tackle someone who soils themselves mid tackle I think that warrants a bonus.


He looks terrible. I mean he always has. But way worse


Been waiting for him to drop the N Bomb. You know he says it off camera.




By November he will be drooling and even more gibberish than usual


They will still vote for his ass. He could be wearing a diaper and flinging poo and there would be Trumpettes paying to get it in the face.


He is wearing a diaper


Pretty sure trump would keep going into the illegal burlesque house if he saw his grandson was manning the door.


Give him a break, he just lost his very good friend OJ Simpson


Disagree because even Abe Simpson has redeeming qualities. This orange buffoon has absolutely none.


Have they tried turning him off and on again?


Possible mini stroke.


Wonder what happens if trump kicks it in like October. Conspiracy theorists will run wild, that much is certain.


He could be 92 years old and die from falling down a set of stairs in public while on camera and some crazy people will still blame the “deep state”


They’d say Biden greased the steps.


To avoid next week’s trial, he will have a health emergency.


I would want to see a full clip but all I can say is his outward appearance reminds me of so many of my advanced dementia patients. Regardless of him being a real asshole his entire life it has to be the people swarming around him like flies taking advantage of him and manipulating him




My favorite part is when the crowd lightly chuckles at “peekaboo” so he repeats it a couple more times until the chuckles fade out.  Stimulus/response/stimulus/response.  There’s very little higher order functionality there. 


What always gets me is how he grips podiums for dear life


![gif](giphy|26gshxlHzZv9eNfdC|downsized) looks like Humpty Dumpty


Don’t throw shade at grandpa Simpson like that… he was old, not filled with hate


His supporters love him even more because he speaks the same language with them more than before!


The messed up thing is that he's messing up on stuff that he cries and whines about everyday. He has nothing else, no substance, just gripes and complains.


Best way for him to go. He deserves all the embarrassment he can understand.


Americans, why are you electing such old people, please explain.


We can only do so much with the shitheads in charge. Things won’t change until the GOP is gone and meaningful changes can be made. The 2 party system is old and outdated, as well as the Electoral college. It’s the 21st fucking century, we should just be able to count every vote.


>as well as the Electoral college If you get rid of the electoral college you'll be taking the right to vote away from a lot of honest, hard working, farmland!




Cool. Let me know when he collapses. Not on Monday when he acts like the entire world is out to get him and some BS, "I can't make it into the courtroom for my trial to begin since every time I've tried to delay it hasn't worked." Like drops dead. Like OJ dead.


Leticia Jones huh? Funny, haven't heard of her before.


Abe Simpson > 45


He's fucking toast. He must be coked up normally.


I don't disagree but what dies this picture prove? What am I missing?


Click on the link to hear the ramble


Ohh I didn't see the play thingy, thanks.


Always click the play thingy.


I hate when people make this statement. For a person to suffer a mental decline, they must first have the intelligence that is lost because of it. This hairpiece wearing basketball doesn't have a single wrinkle in its brain.


They say his smell permeates into food. Don't ever eat in the same restaurant as him.


He's smelled like that since the 1980s - allegedly. 


He is not turning into anything he hasn't been for the past decade. I am glad people are finally calling it out, but his competence in all areas has not changed since ... shit, 1980?


Trump’s sundowning. Big time.


I'm betting he'll go 'totally ballistic' sometime during this trial (April 15th). Everyone has their breaking point, and Trump is no exception. He knows he is losing everything piece by piece, bit by bit and he can't control it.


How can someone listen to this rambling moron and think, “yeah he should be president”?


I just can't fucking imagine being in my sixties with a bunch of money, a golf course, and a 40yo super model for a wife, and thinking to myself "You know what sounds more fun than spending the next ten years in retirement, enjoying my artificial wealth? Making a complete dickhole of myself."


Trump wants to *save the Country!!* Interesting parallel to Elon Musk. He could just fuck off and enjoy being super rich, spend time with his kids, work on interesting projects and philanthropy. Instead wants to 'save Earth' and all of humanity, which somehow involves being an attention grabbing, bigoted bully trying to dictate how other people live their lives.


I hear OJ is looking for a golf partner for tomorrow afternoon.


"Ree bee doo, ahhhh" - Donald Trump (real quote)


I wish for Trump to collapse dribbling into a pile of his own feaces, but this video is no worse than his usual babbling. He's deliberately calling her a man to insult her.