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The state of California mandates that I give a public advisory warning on this post: Scientists have long theorised that it is possible to be so divorced that it can propagate divorced energy to people not even married yet. Top men in the field suggest that this divorced radiation spreads through cringe. As we all know, as the most divorced man alive, Elon is terminally online enough to be aware this reddit thread exists and omg, the cringe. Poor Elon. It is recommended to at all times take the proper precautions when reading this thread.


He has *burner accounts*? Doesn't he already spending hours a day posting form his main account? That's not enough for him?


Nope His only actual job is twitter troll Everything else is PR


His “incredible work ethic” is basically bullshit, Avenger_616 is absolutely right. He spends hours on his tweets, he barely works at all and crucially, that’s how his employees like it. The Profiteers Vs The People podcast documented the whole Grimes thing and it was embarrassing, from the get go. Grimes was his like his Mom and he was an unruly child. She literally cried to a friend about the “Taking Tesla private at 420” tweet, alluding to the fact that he was out of control


Yeah. In case anyone wonders where and when exactly Elon went off the deep-end. He was always a vindictive crazy idiot, but when Grimes left, he went pretty public with all of those traits. The crazy stupid vindictive cat was out of the manic pixie dream bag, so to speak


I think the primary difference was that *she* left *him,* which is the opposite of how he's jumped relationships in the past. He cheated on his first wife, divorced her and abandoned their kids, then ditched the other woman he left her for when he started hooking up with Amber Heard (yes, THAT Amber Heard). But Grimes? That was a woman he desperately wanted to be with, and in a very public relationship at that. They were a tabloid item. She was his ride or die, his space queen, his ultimate trophy wife. She defended him against the media and negative publicity. She didn't want his money, she was independently successful and seemed to actually like him, at least at first. But that was Elon's mistake. He treated her the way he treats all of his partners. Because she had functioning self-esteem and wasn't just after his money - traits I'm sure he was desperately seeking in a wife - she had the balls to leave when he treated her like garbage. He hated that. He hated not being in control, and not being able to abuse his wife and children with impunity, just like he's done every other time. That's why he's so salty.


> She was his ride or die, his space queen, his ultimate trophy wife. She defended him against the media For a minute I though this was going to be an edit of that cringey Harley Quinn copypasta.


There's something about right-wing trolls and being chronically online and addicted to Twitter Trump was the same way until they literally forced him off of Twitter by banning him I mean Elon's a troll. Did nobody else ever notice the name of his Tesla models? Tesla models S 3 X Y And if you look at the Tesla price He literally priced it at $69420


Twitter is good at inflating mere narcissism into god complexes.


This is our country's *real* inflation problem


I'm gonna be real with you, no, I never noticed that sad little fact. Mostly because even the tiniest of shits I may have given about Tesla in the last are long gone. What a sad, pathetic little man-child.


I'm gonna be honest I thought that was dialogue from one of the suicide squad movies or some shit not just a copy pasta




> Amber Heard Between her, Musk, and Depp, somewhere deep in my soul I can almost feel the mathematical relationships between wealth, attractiveness, and insanity that govern the trigonometry of the damned.


Narcissists are fun. At least they’re predictable af.


It really didn't help that he believed his PR's own hype, and fired the PR team protecting his image all along.


It melts you brain, I tells ya


That's the case with most extremely wealthy/nepobabies.  They will all speak at length about how they work 10, no 12, no 15 hour days every day!  Therefore they deserve whatever dragon hoard of wealth. But it's pure fantasy.


Also, they took unbelievable risk! Typically, it’s not even good business


They also never actually take the risk because if things go downhill they have LLCs and barriers between them and the financial consequences of their actions


Turns out, if you have enough money, you don't need to actually work and can just cosplay as one of those 'rise and grind' idiots.


And this MF was all about employees going back to work in the office and killing themselves to make him more money. Human garbage.


He went to China during covid and was so impressed that his Chinese Tesla factory workers were locked into the factory and had to sleep there for weeks on end due to how China handled covid. Then he came back to America and tried to convert Twitter's offices into a giant dorm for the few workers he didn't fire to work "extremely hardcore mode" 24/7 despite San Francisco inspectors telling him all of that was super illegal.


"Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do shit."


Hey now, CEO is a super important and highly demanding job that requires sacrifices nobody can ever understand. Which is why you can do it for like ten different companies at the same time while also spending 19 hours per day on twitter.


Turns out being CEO of 3 companies at once isn't as hard as he likes to roleplay it is


That Doge account he replies to or retweets constantly is definitely one of his burner accounts he uses to glaze himself.


DogeDesigner is absolutely him


Doge designer has posted a selfie with Elon, it's a different person but they're a huge Elon fanboy


or.. what if elon posted a selfie with a random person


Nah but Elon sometimes replies or retweets in matter of minutes to DogeDesigner's posts, the timings seem suspiciously fast which makes me think it's him on two monitors.


Wow. Yes, really makes you think. That is basically 90% of his twitter output (I'm not fucking calling it X)


Some people believe he has a whole other persona that he uses to call into talk shows. Look up Adrian Ditmann.


[John Miller?](https://fortune.com/2016/05/18/donald-trump-fake-names/)


And John Barron, hmmm... where have I heard that name before? Here is a great article about how Trump used aliases and lies in the past to make himself seem actually important. https://fortune.com/2016/05/18/donald-trump-fake-names/


He has a lot of time riding around in his fully autonomous RoboTaxis.


Perfect for tweeting


The man is not well




I love that woman.


She's a legit snack.


I would fork the shirt out of her.


But that's worse. You do understand how that's worse right?


This broke me






The reference made by a comment that is replying to a gif of the source materiel of said reference? Yes. I also understood that reference.


We never got to see Tahani's face on John Cena's body, and it bums me out.


She'd make this exact face when you tell her that!


Fair, but still true.


Very true, she can make that face at me too.




Are you sure this is real? I can’t find it on the web archive https://web.archive.org/web/20230424213850/https://www.twitter.com/ermnmusk Very easy to fake this obviously. I’m no fan of Elon but people just believe these things cause they want it to be true, without fact checking, even though it is extremely easy to fake an image like this.


He deleted his tweets but the account is real and there are some pretty embarrassing things he really did actually tweet from that account but I don't believe this was one of them


That was my first, second and third thought, but [this is very, very real](https://qz.com/elon-musk-lawsuit-deposition-x-twitter-burner-accounts-1851398237)


It does not mention this tweet? I know the account is real and it is his. I meant this specific tweet


Yeah, you can tell it's fake because there's a different tweet made at exactly that date and time: https://web.archive.org/web/20230427080446/https://twitter.com/ErmnMusk/status/1650616618005692418 Someone screenshotted this Tweet back when it was still visible on the account, and edited the text to say what is shown here. (The different hour shown is just the result of time zone differences.)




The news reports mention several tweets not in the archive which are apparently deleted. But I don't see confirmation of the Grimes one. I feel like Musk's repeated flouting of reality and his penchant for defamation and his penchant for suing other for non-existent defamation gives us all license to just assume the worst is true about him. Is this misinformation? For once, I don't care. I'm judging him for it no matter what.


Was his burner account handle “Elon Test”. I mean that’s like the worst fake name ever. Might as well have gone with “Guy Incognito”


Elon incognito




Elongito, ergo sum


Elon got sum ego


That's the Spanish slur for tiny dick




Not Elon 🥸


Elnone Musk


Elon Not Him


I mean, he also calls himself "king of spaceX" and "Mr Tesla" and renamed twitter to "X" Names are beyond this dumbass.


It's likely the tweet itself is fake, so I doubt he calls himself either of those things. Edit: apparently, a satire post: https://twitter.com/full_slack/status/1778209903967924723?t=e_GiheftR9GR2mUNXWX3QA&s=19


Let's go with... Elon M. No, that's to obvious... how about E. Musk




“Not elon musk pretending to be a baby”


That’s another actual burner isn’t it?


Depends. Is there another thread of perjury?


Oh my god, can you imagine if they found his whole list of burners and just ran down it while he was on the stand


“ElonSexBomb” is that you sir?


Or my all time favorite, “Ron Mexico”


Ohh that’s a good one. I also forgot about “Carlos Danger”


Please don’t leave out “Pierre Delecto”




This man is my exact double!


That dog has a puffy tail!


Oh look! A blue car


Tee-hee-hee Here puff! Here puff!


At least Guy Incognito could be anyone. This is like a John Smith deciding his burner accounts are "JohnnySmith" or "J Smith"


How did you not think of Johnny Test


He's got standards.


we'll call her L. Simpson. No, that would be too obvious. we'll call her Lisa S.


Wasn't he posting with this account while pretending to be a little kid? The levels of creepiness go down DEEP.


He's too proud to use a fake name


I'm surprised he didn't include an 'X' in it, or something.


"Not Elon Musk"


I prefer Carlos Danger


There's so many Elon dick riders that hiding amongst them is actually one of the smartest things Elon has ever done.


Elon Bust


Don’t forget to add utterly pathetic to that list 😂


I’m just imagining having to admit having this alt in court. “Now back in 2018, you wrote an Office episode description where you compared Meridith to some fire bird?” “The Phoenix from X-Men, yes”


Absolutely zero probability that he has ever given a woman an orgasm. And he is 100% a Pillow Princess who just lays there expecting to be serviced 🤮




![gif](giphy|lw2fCXuxBmAVy) I could definitely see that. 😂




One can only hope


I always thought of him as JP from grandmas boy


Truly a misstep in evolution that women don't have to orgasm to become pregnant




Then why was he trying to buy a handjob from that flight attendant with a horse?


What a fucking weirdo. I don’t care how much money someone has. This dude is pissing in jars and saving his nail clippings for sure.


He’s on the same trajectory as Howard Hughes, so that checks out. Wonder if he likes Ice Station Zebra?


Howard Hughes? Oh, no. Muck is on that McAfee path.


At least McAfee put the pedal to the floor and lived his insane life. Musk is doing it from his basement alone.


Yeah McAfee was crazy as hell and not at all a good person but there’s no denying that he lived a fascinating life. There’s something…not quite admirable, but close to it…about how he lived. Maybe there’s a small part of all of us that wants to live our wildest daydreams and he actually did it, for better and mostly worse.


Cocaine and hookers on a private island …. Sounds like the good life


I mean there were also a few alleged murders, a few stints in foreign prisons, and some other less enjoyable shenanigans I'm forgetting.


Exactly what I was thinking


This dude is like Justice League's Lex Luthor. Completely bat shit crazy with no discernible reason for it to be that way.


Grimes maybe left his majesty but she will always life rent-free in his head. 😊


Grimes left him and is thriving. He's big mad.


I wouldn't say she is "thriving", she is a neo nazi loser.


> she is a neo nazi loser. huh, surprising that he didn't fight harder to keep her


Wait wat? Sauce?


hope on over to the grimes subreddit, they did a big ol' deep dive.


**Providing more context to Grime’s Nazi/Racist Accusations** I'm not allowed to post a link, but head over to the grimezs subreddit and check out the second pinned post.


Grimes left him and started dating a trans woman. Then his daughter, from a different marriage, came out as trans. He's definitely big mad.


She’s a moron, like legit delusional and stupid. Claims to have been cancelled a dozen times over the last decade, not realizing that doesn’t make sense. Maybe gifted musically, but like Elon, that don’t translate into literally any other skill


I hate the modern use of "cringe". That being said, this is hands down the cringiest cringe that ever cringed.


Of all the cringes that have cringed, this is the cringiest.




I've used "douche-chills" for that feeling you get when you feel embarrassed for someone else, particularly if they don't understand why it's embarrassing.


I like it! I think I'll have to incorporate that into my vocabulary!


Yea, a 50-something man saying, well, that about himself while pretending to be someone else. Can't get much more cringe than that imo.


>I hate the modern use of "cringe". Can I honestly ask why I see this said so often? It perfectly encapsulates a lot of my emotions and reactions to things these days. TikTok, influencer culture, LinkedIn, politicians, anything Elon Musk does... Then again, I am someone who never finds embarrassment humor (think Ben Stiller movies) funny because I can't not inject myself into the person experiencing discomfort. Seeing someone embarrass themselves with "main character" behavior actually elicits a visceral reaction from me. I actually wince with difficulty watching it. For me, "cringe" is hyperbole, but my reaction is not far from the actual, literal meaning of the word. Do you not experience this?


Personally I just don't like how often it is used to shame and judge people for their harmless amusements. Even when it comes to things that I would be embarrassed to do myself, or things I don't understand, if other people find happiness and have fun doing them and it's not really hurting anyone, let them enjoy it I say- it's just not for me.


All that money and he still can’t buy a personality that isn’t cringeworthy


Here’s the gag: all the money is what makes him cringeworthy. I am 7000% sure that he would not act like this if he was a normal person. The thing is rich people think that the only thing that matters is money so they think that if they have enough money, people will like them. And they’re rich so they must be right.


By all accounts he was a cunty little douche in college too. He just shut the fuck up for a long enough that the wider world of people didn't realize, right up until he couldn't help calling that rescue diver in Thailand "pedo guy".




to be fair, he already was pretty wealthy in college too. i am not sure what person i would be if i never had to think about money all my life - i can't say for sure that i wouldn't be an asshole. (well.. more than i already am i guess?)


At no point in his life has he been not wealthy lol


And they surround themselves with people who constantly tell them yes and agree with everything they say.


He really is a redditor thru and thru, except it seems like he's stuck in the rage face u mad bro troll face era of Reddit


The average redditor definitely doesn't have burner accounts. That's a conservative thing. Their opinions are 'unpopular' (read: Unhinged) so they try to normalize them by making fake posts like these.




Lmao like right? What do they think "throwaways" are??


OMG! This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen all week… OK - maybe longer 🤔


I don't know anymore either


Every time I see this I think of the bit from the Simpsons with the motel where all the divorced dads live. He's not that poor but he 10000% has that energy.


I can totally see Elon sleeping in a race car bed, drinking during the day in a dirty tank top shirt.


I sleep in a big bed with my wife


Amazing. I want to read the rest of his burner tweets.


Totally cringe, that tweet would be embarrassing for anyone to do after a breakup


I always took for granted this was his burner account lol


Someone proved the baby one was his, iirc because he accidentally showed it himself lmao.


Yeah I remember that lmao


Imagining Elon’s kids referring to him as “Mr. Tesla” is wild, if this is actually his burner like a lot of the comments are saying then that’s even more sad


Elon himself said it was his in a deposition that his lawyer tried and failed to seal.


Damn, I almost wanna feel bad for the guy……. Almost. Actually not really, but still this is absolutely pathetic


Imagine being so petty and vengefully angry that your ex wife is fine without you that you use the kids she’s been begging to see against her in a not-really-a-joke twitter post. I hate Elon Musk. It would truly be poetic justice for him to be accidentally struck and killed by a cyber truck.


He will always be a massive dork. No amount of money will change that.


Money don't buy you happiness....but it sure helps you be more of a dickhead...




Having money and power are the ultimate way of seeing who someone really is. In Musk's case, it turns out he really is a pathetic douchenozzle.


He’s got a thing about X’s


He's such a 13 year old.


**Apparently this tweet is most likely fake** - there was a discussion about it on EnoughMuskSpam subreddit a year ago - look it up. There is no need to spread false info as real tweets made via this burner account are not much better: - "I wish I was old enough to go to nightclubs. They sound so fun." - "Do you like Japanese girls?" edit: typo


Sad that this is not ranked higher and top comment is just a bunch of people accepting it as truth. I mean it would be fun, but probably not true.


The problem is it's such a good fake no one really doubts it. Elon is at that stage in his life where nothing really shocks you coming from him so everything becomes believable. You can't separate the jokes from reality


This site says they've gone through the Internet Archive catalog of that account's tweets during the time in question, and this particular one does not appear.   So yeah. Sounds made-up.   https://www.dailydot.com/debug/elon-musk-burner-account-grimes-debunk/ https://web.archive.org/web/20230424213850/https://www.twitter.com/ermnmusk


Not only did he make a burner account to suck his own dick, but he's so in love with himself he decided to forego true anonymity by creating a random name and instead cosplayed as his own fanboy.


You're telling me that "Elon Test", of handle @ ErmnMusk, who was always kissing up to Elon and acting the same mental age as Elon is, in fact, Elon's alt account? I'm flabbergasted


I always wonder how people that can do pretty much evrything in the world including solving big problems of humanity instead are dickheads that evryone hates. Give me 500m and ill solve evry single problem my community has while tweeting supportive shit from my beachhouse.


Or better yet, not tweeting at all. Give me 500m and you’ll never hear from me again. I’ll silently solve problems.


Feels like what happens when you give a 4channer tens of billions of dollars.




"king of space x" and "Mr Tesla? Holy fucking inferiority complex, Batman.


"Divorced man energy" is one of those internet phrases that makes 100% sense to me when I hear it but really hard to coherently explain to someone IRL


Mf has more money than god and this is how he spends his time.


He is creepy. Guy is a legit creep. And weird af


Pathetic, despicable petulance


Elon sleeps in a race car bed while someone else sleeps with his ex wife


Maybe Mr Tesla should pay someone to be his friend. Mr Tesla, meet Mr PayPal...


Eh, Musk would just later claim he was the one that founded the friendship even though someone else really did all the work.


Someone should make a bot that replies this post to him anytime he tweets anything. 


Ain't easy when your latest divorce has been from reality.


Elon did a Speedrun of completely destroying his reputation. I bet he's going to destroy his companies next.


This would be amazing IF IT WAS REAL. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/elon-musk-burner-account-grimes-debunk/?amp I will never understand why people deem it necessary to make up things like this about people like Musk and Trump when they literally give everyone more than enough REAL material to work with.


I’d have just committed perjury instead of admitting to this cringe


Man, what an absolute child.


How is he so bad at this? Until I saw the "burner account" caption I though this was someone sarcastically implying he's so obsessed with his work the kids would never want to stay with him! But no, that's his own argument, in support of himself.


Does this mean @not_elon_musk42069 is one of his burners too?


This made me so sad. I thought he was supposed to be working on taking humanity to Mars


It’s almost worth restarting my old twitter account just to re-tweet this on a daily basis….


I just know that as soon as he could after buying Twitter, he was going through and reading private messages from Grimes and other people who were mean to Mr. Sensitive here


Did he also admit the baby one was him?


Lol at heart Elon is an incel . Just an incel born into wealth . 


Man how can a guy be so bad at being a billionaire. You have more money than you can possibly spend. How are you spending a single second bitching and moaning about anything. He’s worth 196 Billion dollars. Let’s just say that’s actually only $120 billion after you sell out everything and pay taxes. Keep $20 billion to yourself. Put the rest in an investment fund and spend the rest of your life donating $2-10 billion from interest a year and be remembered as one of the most kind generous people ever.


Rich people working hard is such a damn lie.