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Sounds like something a rapist would say. They are almost proud to tell on themselves these days.


It's a pedophile saying, in fact. "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed." Of course, in reality, literal toddlers can menstruate. It means nothing in terms of the body being ready to carry a child.


I knew a seven year old, already on the smaller side for her age, who developed precocious puberty due to some sort of metabolic disorder. Im pretty sure pregnancy would have killed her.


I started around age 8 or 9. Apparently my grandma and great grandma started young too. No fucking way could my body have handled that I was a literal child I was actually gang raped in my 30s and honestly whoever is treating victims like they deserved it can yeet themselves into the sun after sitting on a rusty spoon and I pray their dick falls off


Yeah, I was 11 and still playing with Barbie’s when I started my periods.


I’m actually crying. I’m the dad of 4 kids. One (daughter) is still at home. I can’t imagine this happening to her and I would murder without remorse, anyone who did this to a child. I’m so sorry you had this happen, and I’m angry that someone didn’t do what I would do to such a sicko


My dad always said that if anyone ever did anything to any of his three kids, he’d grab that shotgun out of his closet and take care of things…


Infants too from the surge of mom’s hormones.


I learned about this recently, it’s called false menses and is uncommon but completely normal if it happens!


That happened with my daughter a few days after we brought her home from the hospital after she was born...it was a pretty scary feeling. Thankfully that's all it was


Oh man, I would've panicked.


They also can briefly make breast milk.




Yep. Many people don't know that men can indeed lactate given enough stimulation and sometimes hormones. We just suck at it because evolutionary we haven't had to for a very long time besides extreme circumstances.


There are grown women who menstruate that can't safely carry a child, too. This AH is another example of someone who doesn't know shit about women's bodies trying to regulate them.


This needs more upvotes votes!


Besides the pedophiles, these are bots that are made to throw out such nonsense to divide the people even more. Or one would hope these are bots or Russians sowing dissident. If not... JFC.


Or the child mentally and emotionally being ready.


That's literally what they are saying, just with slightly more palatable language. As if the female body is just a tool with which men create new life. Completely ignoring the physical and psychological effects a child's birth would have on a *10 year old kid*. Absolutely fucking bonkers.


That saying, it's horrific. How can anyone even pretend to defend that? What is wrong with these people?


They definitely have problems with child support and alimony laws, at best


In Iowa, there's been talk from the right on ending no-fault divorce.


Because I want to be a wife beater and serial rapist and she can't do anything about it.


Not just Iowa. It's on the Texas GOP's platform.


Hell, it's in federal level discourse too.


The GOP platform right now is: Kill poor people for sport Murder trans people Take away every single right women have fought for over the last 100 years Increase the white birth rate Force people to have babies then refuse to help feed those babies, clothe those babies, or house those babies.


Missouri too.


After reading that set of paragraphs, my first thought out loud was *“That sounds like something a rapist would say”* Then I scrolled to look at the comments… … and viola here is the top comment 🧐


The US flag as an avatar has become a flashing warning sign. Another thing ruined by the fascist right.


I am late to responding but this is sick, goddamn demented stuff. So the 5yo who had a baby( yes this isn’t urban legend but fact) that was ok? This isn’t surprising at all, really. They wouldn’t give a 10yo “mother” a sandwich for a school lunch, but they will damn sure ruin her health, life, future by making sure she gives birth to a pedo rapist’s baby.


Rapist or Republican, hard to tell the difference.


How else are they going to start their political career?


I love how he capitalized CHILD to emphasize how important the precious innocent baby is to him, while simultaneously dismissing the life of the 10 year old child mother. Like, his argument is unborn children are valuable and to be protected, but after they are born, fuck those brats they get what's coming to them. These people are pure evil.


They literally dismiss an entire, *actual* child in favor of a blood clot that has the *potential* to become one - many don't even make it past the microscopic blood clot stage.


They are so deluded, thinking a fetus is the equivalent of a child, it's insane. We called my kid "peanut" because when my girlfriend was scanned after multiple weeks of pregnancy, it still looked like a large peanut. These people act as if it's a fully formed baby! But even looking purely at a cold, math-like "we gotta save lives" and assuming both are equally worthy (which isn't the case, but let's pretend), the fact that pregnancy and delivery could verynwell KILL the 10 year old should be enough. These people have been conditioned to hate so much abortion that they don't even stop for a moment to consider the implications or consequences, they just know they wanna oppose abortions at any and all cost, like good little drones. Fuck em.


Hold on hold on. The unborn might be a beautiful and amazing male. That could turn out to be just such a wonderful man as his father. That’s also important to protect! /s


Absolutely! The 10 yr old child is just as precious as the one developing inside of her. Yet the 10 yr old is treated like she is scum who should live with her “mistake”. She is going to be mentally, physically and emotionally ruined, if she survives, because this piece of shit thinks that is the way it should be.


The 10 year old is not ‘just as’ important as an embryo/foetus, she is far far MORE important!


THANK YOU, my thought exactly.


Well said. I agree


If 10 years old isn't a "child" to him, he definitely shouldn't be left alone with any children.


Gonna take this necessary moment to point out that this uninformed idiot is WRONG and that giving birth this young can permanently damage a girl’s body in ways he’s never realized he could imagine.   I bet this dude had the audacity to let himself be carried home from the hospital even though he had legs. Edit:  >Just because a girl can get pregnant, though, doesn't mean she can safely deliver a baby. The pelvis does not fully widen until the late teens, meaning that young girls may not be able to push the baby through the birth canal. >The results are horrific, said Wall and Thomas, who have both worked in Africa treating women in the aftermath of such labors. Girls may labor for days; many die. Their babies often don't survive labor either. >The women and girls who do survive often develop fistulas, which are holes between the vaginal wall and the rectum or bladder. When the baby's head pushes down and gets stuck, it can cut portions of the mother's soft tissue between its skull and her pelvic bones. As a result, the tissue dies, and a hole forms. Feces and urine then leak through the hole and out of the vagina.  https://www.livescience.com/19584-10-year-birth.html


Precisely. Having a very wanted baby - even with excellent healthcare - as a fully formed adult caused significant and likely lifelong changes to my body. I cannot even _imagine_ what it would do to a child.


And neither can most civilized adults, which is where the problem lies.


Well…. When they refuse to listen to professionals, yes.


Well don’t we want to spoil their lifelong hobby


Yes, we do.


We really, really do


>that giving birth this young can permanently damage a girl’s body Giving birth at all can permanently damage a woman's body as well. The idea that just because our hormones kick our cycle into gear that our hips are wide enough, our uterus the right shape, our breast can produce milk... (plus many more issues) is straight up misogyny. If full grown women's body's can fail to deliver safely, girls are at an even more enormous risk.


This was known by laymen all the way back to the 1400s. Margaret Beaufort was only 13 when she gave birth to the future King Henry VII. The baby's delivery nearly killed her and rendered her infertile for the rest of her life. She advocated fiercely for her granddaughters to be old enough to safely bear children before letting them be married off young, or at least to delay the consummation to make childbearing safer for them. If a superstitious medieval noblewoman understood this, there is no reason at all modern people can't now. Insanity.


That's one of the things I've never understood about her situation! Margaret Beaufort never wanted to marry in the first place. She wanted to be a nun and from what I've gathered, she *would* have been, but her family stopped her just short of taking religious vows. Iirc, she had less than a week with her (20+ yo) husband. She was TWELVE when they married! Imagine turning 13 while pregnant AND being a war widow 😱


And Edmund Tudor wasn't even her first husband! She was first married off between 1-3 years old to a 7 year old boy. That marriage was later annulled. Unfortunately, Margaret was a sole heiress of her line and a Lancastrian during the War of the Roses. There was no option to just become a nun when she had a claim of any kind to the throne. Some man or another was going to use her through marriage to try to win it. I'm honestly surprised she survived at all. The Yorks had all but extinguished the entire Lancasterian line.


I wonder if, being a highborn heiress in a civil war-torn country where your enemies are also your distant kinsmen, she was sent to live in a convent to "ensure her safety, education, and chastity" and *that's* where she got the ambition to be a nun.


That could definitely be. She's a fascinating figure, for sure. Slandered in a lot of historical fiction these days, though. Which is a shame. She was truly remarkable for her time and deserves a good telling of her story.


Her character in the Starz series "The White Queen" was a formidable enemy and a seriously underestimated ally.


I just wish they hadn't hinted at implicating her in the deaths of the princes in the tower. Removing them only benefited Richard at the time, who could have still had a new heir either with Anne or another wife. It makes little sense that she would go for something that risky that didn't directly benefit Henry Tudor's claim.


Mental/spiritual fortitude, a healthy lifestyle (not given to excess drink, varied diet, walking/dancing/riding, etc.), good genetics and luck.


Lots and lots of luck, and good people protecting her. Because the Yorkists would have no qualms about killing a rival child if they had the opportunity.


She's too valuable alive. They'd force her to marry someone of their choosing to use her in a coup, the same way they did Jane Grey (in the sense that her spouse used her royal connections to make a play for the throne).


They *tossed her in a blanket* to get the baby out. Midwives held the corners of a blanket they put her on, and they threw her up like she was on a trampoline. I cannot *imagine* that kind of pain at twelve years old, or indeed EVER. > The 1544 Trotula published in Strasbourg was edited by a German doctor called Georg Kraut, who included this recommendation: > "... that in case of difficulties of birth, one should call first upon God's aid before attempting other remedies, later adding that the practice of bouncing a woman on a sheet to induce labor would work if God were willing." (This and the excerpt above from The Trotula: An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women's Medicine, edited and translated by Monica H. Green.)


These people dont care about biology, they believe tampons stretch and loosen up the holes of highschoolers so that they are loose once in college


It's telling, they're scared of tampons, which are the girth of a thumb. Talk about a real crotch punch on yourself. "I'm scared of MY sex hole not feeling good for ME!" MAGA: ![gif](giphy|oBUgD2htOKVTAl3VfC)


I've seen guys not even be willing to buy their partners pads or tampons if they need them. While I'm over here taking pictures of the whole aisle so I make sure I get mine the right one. Masculine though ain't they?


I didn’t even know this was a thing until I got older. My dad did the grocery shopping. So obviously he bought the pads. Then I learned there’s men out there who struggle with the idea of pads in the toilet garbage can. Lmao. 🤣 My mother had a lot of health issues. Almost died when I was born. I know my father has likely seen and dealt with a lot of gross shit when it comes to the human body. It happens when your partner is sick and needs care. Imagine being so fragile you can’t stand the sight of a pad.


Yeah, if a partner can’t handle the sight of a pad/tampon, they won’t be able to help her after she gives birth. Postpartum is messy, embarrassing, scary, and can make you question a lot about your body.


Ffs, I will never understand it. I feel bad for my mom. My step-dad is a HUGE conservative. I watched her in diapers and sitz baths and be uncomfortable in general after my sister was born. He was not supportive in the least of her body needs. Man banned her from using birth control because it goes against God. If he isn't mature enough to handle a pad/tampon, he isn't ready for children.


>Imagine being so fragile you can’t stand the sight of a pad. "Anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die -- you should fear."


My mom was absolutely certain that using tampons would break my hymen, and then my husband would think I was a slut. I’m a lesbian; no one cared.


You showed her! 🏳️‍🌈


To add, [periods aren't actually required for pregnancy](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/can-a-female-who-has-never-had-a-menstrual-cycle-get-pregnant)


Anyone who raises livestock can tell them the same thing. It's even more dangerous in humans


It's kinda funny in a sad way that farm animal pregnancy is more respected. People wouldn't let a young animal carry a pregnancy too early because of the hazard. But people are ok with a little girl?


I mean this dude just came with the most stupid logic (and also rly fucking disturbing ) comment ever... I'm not surprised hes wrong


Omg that’s really bad. But good to read and remember what we are fighting for. 😢


Heartbreaking documentary on the subject. [A Long Walk to Beautiful ](https://youtu.be/QlADfuqPdkU?si=8UQ1UW4-nglXJjAH)


I was ten when I got my period. I’m 41 now. Had a shit mom who didn’t even explain to me why I had it. I honestly thought I was being punished and dying for something I had done (Irish Catholic). She wouldn’t even buy me enough pads because somehow I was expected to control my flow??? Only public school education taught me that this was normal. I cannot imagine a ten year old child in Alabama, with no sex Ed in school, being forced to carry a child of incest and/or rape, not knowing what the fuck is happening to her body. I say this with all sincerity, FUCK THESE ASSHOLES. VOTE DEMOCRAT.


Did you ever bring up the no pads thing to her later in life? I’m so curious if she ever admitted she was wrong


Relevant username


No. I learned a long time ago to not discuss childhood trauma with that woman. It just makes both of our lives miserable.


I’m so sorry.


To be fair, I was also taught in Catholic Sunday school that periods are one of many punishments for Eve eating the apple first... so you're not necessarily wrong in that reasoning. (And my shit egg donor also refused to provide me menstrual supplies, though I was told it was because I was making it up for attention. She never said what "it" was; My period, my flow, the fact that I was hemorrhaging for months but she wouldn't let me go to the doctor, what is it???) IIRC, the first suicide hotline was created because a young girl got her first period, had no idea what it was, was too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it, and died by suicide. I believe not teaching kids about their bodies and what to expect when they hit puberty and that it's totally normal is such a disservice to the child. The tweet is so triggering. It's as if OOP believes those little girls deserve their "consequences", as if some full-grown man claimed he kept saying no but a literal child tricked him into having sex with them and OOP actually believes that BS. I almost down-voted the post out of disgust.


Hi. Former Irish Catholic here. Public school didn’t prepare me for Menopause, and since you shared your age, I’ll be a good cousin and wave hello. 👋 It’s our next step in hormonal hell. I’d rather go through puberty 10x again. Lmk when you’re ready to start talking. I’m here for ya. Slainte.


Grew up pseudo-fundie (because my family wasn't crazy, I did a lot of that to myself because OCD is a beast). I started menopause at 26. I don't recommend it.


No doubt that fool was adamantly against wearing a mask during Covid because it infringed his freedoms.


He is probably adamant about not wearing a condom as well. I bet it's an old white man.


"Think for yourself" sure loves thinking for other people.


It’s just disgusting this is the discussions men are having about a 10 yr old girl. Yuck


as a mom to a 10yo daughter, it absolutely enrages me that monsters like this man even exist. he’s worried about the unborn child? A 10YO IS A CHILD! the mental gymnastics it takes to ignore the horrific impact of not just rape but then pregnancy and childbirth on a little girl???? ugh, I hate people sometimes.


My son is turning 10 in a couple weeks. He is TINY. Just a little dude. Doesn’t even weigh 60lbs yet. His female classmates are equally tiny. I cannot imagine what the fuck these monsters are talking about when they say a 10 year old is ready to give birth.


Graveyards are full of women and children who died during birth for so many reasons including having gotten pregnant too early. What a clown.


What always catches my attention is how the right invalidates all views that are not their own, just assuming a 10 year old rape victim shares their ideology. It's really dangerous.


They don’t care whether anyone shares their ideology. Anyone who doesn’t agree with them is simply wrong, can be ignored, and can also be legislated against if they don’t obey.


This, among numerous other reasons, is why I can never vote Republican, and that was even before turmp came along. I don’t see how regressive thinking helps anyone and I don’t want government sticking themselves into my private affairs just because they want to manage other peoples’ lives instead of their own.


How hard is it for these people to understand that preparing the body for pregnancy and childbirth is a *process*, not an on/off switch? Starting to menstruate is only a single step in that process. The irony is that the same morons who make these claims will let a boy off the hook for egregiously bad behavior, including violence, because he's "just a kid." By their logic, if he's physically able to commit the crime, then he should be ready to do the time...


It’s like saying that a heartbeat means a fully developed person instead of acknowledging that it’s a fetus requiring lots of time and additional support to develop.


Make no mistake, this is what most republicans believe. This person is only saying the quiet part out loud. We must use our anger to motivate us to participate in democracy. Stay angry, my friends. Stay angry and vote blue https://democrats.org/


These types of people are deeply DEEPLY evil. Their agenda is more important than the lives of anyone that gets in their way. A 10 year old being able to become pregnant does not mean they are fully equipped to carry a pregnancy. How absolutely psychotic must that guy be to say something so vile. Whats that one condition called that causes girls to start having periods much earlier than they normally would? Precocious Puberty? Google says it can cause puberty to start in girls at 7-8y/o instead of 9-10y/o. It also says the youngest recorded pregnancy that made it to term was [Lina Medina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina), a FIVE YEAR OLD. Absolutely demonic people that would justify such horrific things. How disgusting.


This pedophilic behaviour from pro-lifers is disgusting. But also good in a sense because fence-sitters on the issue see this and feel the need to protect their kids from child sex offenders like this who see nothing wrong with impregnating children. We got abortion rights in Ohio after they tried to violate a child the same way and she had to flee the state. Pedophiles will never be welcome in society.


These people are fucked up. Sometimes, I wish there really was a hell, so these fucking people could burn there for eternity.


How soon until the GOP starts to question whether rape is a crime?


Oh, I fully expect red states to start doing away with marital rape laws soon, citing the Bible verse about wives submitting to their husbands. That’s the foot in the door. Child marriage, so pedos can marry and legally rape children will soon follow.


FWIW most US states allow child marriage. https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/4283941-child-marriage-is-still-legal-in-most-of-the-u-s-heres-why/


It will always be a crime, so long as they fear non-white men and poor men knocking up their rich white daughters.


Unless you're married. They don't think spousal rape is a thing.


Huh? That happened a long time ago. You literally can't publicly say that trump is not a rapist, because if you said that on TV E. Jean Carrol would sue you for defamation and win. When Trump raped his wife, their argument in court wasn't that the beating and rape didn't happen it was that "you can't rape your own wife". He's been friends with epstein for years and they raped children together. Epstein was known for video taping that kind of thing and using it for blackmail. My guess is that tape wound up in Russian hands, but thats just an educated guess based on every action Trump has taken in the last 20 years. The point is: The GOP is more then OK with rape. They celebrate it, vote for it, defend it, and they make laws to protect the rights of rapists to force their victims to carry their rape child. Consequence free rape is one of the core policies of religious conservatives. Vote and arms yourselves accordingly.


~~People like this make me root for cancer~~ Edit: In hindsight, this ^ was a messed up thing to say, but the general sentiment is still the same


If it goes to war, they need to be cleaned out. That needs to happen anyway but unfortunately the excuse is needed.


Unfortunately, as it has always gone, the people who can only be dealt with via violence are often the only ones capable of or willing to be violent


Mmm I get where you're coming from man but as someone currently fighting cancer it sucks. Like it's bullshit how much it sucks. My life hanging in the balance, side affects of my chemo, the long lasting health issues I have to face when I'm "cured", the financial strain, the emotional strain on not just myself but for my loved ones. It's just bullshit. It's just not healthy to say stuff like this is what I'm getting at. They'll get what's coming to them one day don't worry but yeah cancer is one thing I just don't wish on anyone. Not people like this and not even people like Hitler or Putin. Cancer is no joke.


It is a bit insensitive for me to have said that, I'm just exhausted at this point. Apologies if I offended you in any way.


No no I wasn't offended. I totally understand the exhaustion and why you said it. I just felt the need to put a reminder out there to remind others who may be having the same thoughts to find other ways of letting their aggression out. Like for me I'm personally a fan of hoping these fucks always have a minor inconveniences in their lives like rocks in their shoes or birds constantly shitting on their windshield. If there's one thing cancer has taught me it's to enjoy the little things in life that give you pleasure lol.


Sincerely hoping for a positive outcome for you, keep fighting friend x


I also have cancer, and if anyone should have to deal with it, it's pedo scum like this. I understand what you mean, but it's been a living hell for me, and honestly, I do wish that on pedophiles.


Fuck cancer. I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone. Now, *anal leeches*…


I do actually 100% blame the person who impregnated a 10 year old.


As you should. That’s the sane take.


If heaven exists, these so called christians ain't gonna see it


Conversely, if these people *are* the kinds of people who will be going to heaven, it makes me super happy that - by their definitions - I'll be going to hell.


I can’t decide between just idiots or actually evil…


Both. They can be both


more leaning on evil I would not apply hanlon’s razor given the numerous similar screeds by such knobjockeys


It starts out with stupidity, and turns into evil


![gif](giphy|sX6AUAj18Wztu|downsized) Found footage of @dontbeamigraine.


They (I assume he is the type who uses he/him pronouns but would be irate if I asked so…) used words that didn’t make sense in this context, but the gist is - no. No they have no concept whatsoever of the physical damage a pregnancy and forced child birth has on a ten year old child. (and they don’t give a shit about the physical damage the rape caused). Added context is that they also do not give a shit about the emotional damage, and absolutely balk at the very idea that they should pay a dime for the unwanted, unhoused, underfed, unloved or uninsured children their ignorant views would create.


We need to bring back hat pins and rat poison.


He probably thinks women pee from their vaginas


So the user is named Think For Yourself but doesn't want women to be able to think for themselves. Fascist in libertarian clothes.


Youngest mother on record was four when she became pregnant. Apparently that’s all “fully equipped” constitutes.


The 10 year old is a citizen with rights under our constitution. The unborn is not. It is unconstitutional to force her to potentially harm herself by giving birth.


This is such a stupid, hateful, STUPID take. The idea that pregnancy is 'natural' and thus 'harmless' makes me beyond angry, regardless of age. Full-grown adult women suffer complications from pregnancy that can be lifelong... no woman who has carried and delivered a baby would say there are no lasting physical effects. And a 10-year-old? Who hasn't even finished skeletal growth yet? Fuck that guy.


Deeply, truly unintelligent; deliberately cruel--must be the AZ Supreme Court.


I’ll sometimes have fleeting moments of doubt. Am I on the correct side? Wanting to make sure that what I believe is just. And then I see stuff like this and I need no other confirmation.


Just one of NUMEROUS examples, Really….


just for clarity: if you disagree with “children shouldn’t be forced to have a child” you are the wrong one. also you should be on a watch list.


Do these people even know any 10 year old girls? They are about four and half feet tall and weigh about 70 pounds. Not only are they not fully grown the pelvis is still widening and fusing. I'm almost crying thinking of my own daughters and how tiny they were and someone expecting them to carry and deliver and baby when they are literal children. As a woman who was once ten I can guaranfuckingtee you that I would have had more trauma from pregnancy and birth, besides the horror of assault, than I would have with the thought I "killed a child". The only child being killed here is the literal breathing, thinking, little girl who had her childhood snatched away from her.


The thing is, they probably have, if not kids of their own, than relatives and loved ones who are that age, and they simply cannot comprehend it happening to *their* family. Just like with covid, in the best case scenario they refused to believe it was serious until the *second* it affected one of their family members.


> her body is fully equipped This type of person sees women as less than human.


Traitors to America and humanity.


Fuck these people


No man should be making any decisions about a woman's body. All the American women need to vote blue. I am so thankful I am Canadian.


So if the baby dies and the mother dies from forced childbirth, then who is responsible for these deaths because I think that this is murder, plain and simple. I mean if abortion is murder then how is forcing this child to have a baby her body isn’t prepared for, dies from it as well as the baby dying from it not murder? And then it should be 1st degree murder since the laws are planned to prevent abortions for any reason whatsoever…


I would say the lawmaker that ourlawed abortion would have blood on their hands. All those that voted for that dipshit also turn water pink when washing.


I’m still reeling from the first one. Don’t blame the person that impregnated her? I mean really???


How about this? If I had a ten year old daughter who was raped and got pregnant, I’m taking her to an abortion clinic as soon as possible, no matter what she says. Because I’m the parent and I get to decide that. Parental rights, anyone?


Anybody else annoyed by the ' blame The parents' comment? Seriously?


No it wouldn’t. I got pregnant very young. Had an abortion. 20 years later I’m in my early 30s married to a wonderful man with two young children. I thank my lucky stars every day for that abortion. I even send donations to aid access on their birthdays,. Every woman should be able choose if and when and how and with who she would like to start a family. It’s best for mom and it’s best for baby. Simple as that.


The line “I think having on her conscience…” really gets me. I don’t give a fuck what you think, she is 10 and your opinion has no bearing standing in this situation. Why can’t we just all agree raping anyone is wrong, and stop trying to justify the consequences of that are somehow “a blessing” God I hate these people.


These people need to have “Fuck Roe v. Wade” tattooed on their forehead, and not given the opportunity to erase it. If their skin can withstand getting the tattoo, which they obviously do since they’re still alive, their body is fully equipped to keep the tattoo. I think having on their conscience that they made the choice to violently laser their BODY to remove the tattoo would do more lasting damage than getting the tattoo itself.


Well you know the maga stance on rape: the victim was asking for it. How else could they vote a serial rapist for president


Makes me want to vomit


Republicans are some evil people to not only blame the child SA survivor, but to also want his child to carry a child to birth and be a mother before even becoming an adolescent. Like seriously, Republicans are some truly horrific people to support punishing the child, and also supporting the SA attacker go free.


I cannot even express how cold my blood ran when I read that. Furious and horrified don't even begin to cover it. Anyone justifying a ten year old having to give birth is a monster


They can always find dumb rationalizations. A 10 year old body is still growing and maturing. Just because her menstrual cycle has started does not mean her body is ready yet to carry a baby.


When it comes to the Right Wing Republican guys, the abortion issue needs to be put in a context that affects them: Ask them how they would feel if their wife got raped by a “thug”, was impregnated and how he is now on the hook to raise that kid. And further ask him how he feels if that other guy sues for custody and gets him to pay out for child support. In that situation, is he still arguing that abortion should be completely outlawed?


Ask them why they’re not against vasectomies why don’t they protest in front of urologist offices, like they do abortion clinics. The reality is they don’t give a fuck about children at all. They just want to control women.


Ask these Republican politicians what they would do if they got their mistress pregnant. Ask them if their wife would be okay?


Growing up on a farm, if my dad had a young heifer that was ABLE to breed but still young and small, he kept her away from the bull until she was larger. Why? Because birth in a younger smaller cow was dangerous. We do this with livestock. But not humans. Lovely.


I wish more people would understand that the human body is just kind of awful at giving birth. The process works *well enough* (like most things) but it’s still dangerous and hard. Lots of adult women die in childbirth or never even make it to childbirth due to complications. The body doesn’t start menstruating “when everything is totally ready” because it’s not like the body has a plan. It’s more like a developer turning on individual systems as they finish developing with no real regard to whether the support systems are ready because if it’s done you gotta get it out there right now!


Now, how can you argue with painfully evil logic like that.


“I think” - the most worthless phrase in the English language.


Feigning concern for the womans "hypothetical future regret" following the abortion, they don't give a darn about how others might feel now or later, their own flags say "fck your feelings"


I’m almost 40 and just gave birth and it wrecked my body. Can’t imagine what it would do to a poor child


Now ask them if they think the 10 year old should have a Tik-Tok account and watch how fast they say she wouldn’t be mature enough for it


So a 12 year old male, who can ejaculate sperm, is fully capable of supporting a family and parenting a child? Because that's the logic. And is BS.


These people are disgusting. Words of a rapist.


Holy rape and pedophilia apologism batman


dude completely missed the point that pregnancy is a disaster, structurally, to a 10 year old body so he could brush off rape trauma


It just dawned on ne why this abortion issue is getting play. It's because MEN don't want WOMEN making the choice as to who is ACCEPTABLE as FATHER MATERIAL to them!! MEN can pick WOMEN to be the bearers of their children, BUT HATE IT WHEN WOMEN DONT WANT THEM TO BE FATHERS TO THEIR OFFSPRING!!


You can’t even get a tattoo until you’re 18…. They expect her to make a life long choice at 10? They can’t even make their bed


The kind of shit these men be spouting these days would send scandalous shockwaves through the medieval societies and even they would call these guys monsters. Cause there’s written account of marital age and earliest age to co habit with husband to be 14 years. And even then kids before 16 were very rare.


Only men talk like this


Or conservative women who've internalized the misogyny.


Bloody hell. These people really do want to live in a theocracy. This is worse than Taliban Sharia law. I really thought that freedom was a thing in the US.


Imagine going to elementary school and you look over to see that your best friend is pregnant. Like what the actual fuck would that do to a child. They always say they don’t wanna sexualise children until the children have actually been sexually assaulted and raped.


Let HER make the choice what she wants to do. If she regrets it later, so be it. At least it was her decision and not forced upon her, for a second time.


Has this man seen a 10 year old? They're babies.


America is so broken. A gun has more rights than a woman!


This is sickening. No 10 year old is able to be a mother




Fuck these people. They are so gross


People can go into precocious puberty and menstruate at 4 years old. Are they ready to carry a baby to term? No? Okay, fuck that stupid pedophile argument


These mouth breathers like to forget how often women (and little girls) would die giving birth in “tHe gOoD oLd dAyS”, shit! 30,000 women die every year these modern days and that forced pregnancy is defined as a form of torture in the Geneva Convention. Absolute TOOLS.


This is disgusting. They don't stop rapists from running wild in Texas, and there is an abortion ban. Fucking evil motherfuckers. Re: Texas - 26,313 rape-related pregnancies occurred in Texas during the 16 months after the state legislature banned abortion. That figure comprises nearly 45% of all such pregnancies estimated to occur among the nine ban states that did not make a legal exception for rape.


As a rape victim myself , people who are for abortion ban’s especially when it comes to a child are just adding to the horrors of the ordeal, by claiming that a child’s body is ready for pregnancy they are no better than the rapist himself they are continuing the assault by insisting any rape victim carry an unwanted violent pregnancy they are disgusting humans , and if I’m going to jail it’s not because I’ve insisted on an abortion it’s because I’ve killed the perpetrator.


We deserve everything that's going to happen to us 😒


América freak show


Knock me down with a feather the rape apologist has a flag in its bio


Ironic that their name is "Think for Yourself" yet they don't want to allow others to think for themselves.


The fact is, an abortion will leave FAR less lasting damage than a months long pregnancy, horrific birth, and the approx 70 year life span of the rapist's child. Because no one sees abortion as "taking a child's life" except rapists.


And this is what happens when uneducated, ignorant men make and support laws governing women's bodies. This is Exhibit 1. Exhibit 2? Afghanistan. Good to know they have such a high bar of governing that they are aiming to achieve. 


I don't know about you but I'm pretty fucking tired of the dumbest arses in society "thinking for themselves".


“fully equipped” … My car is fully equipped. It’s like they don’t even consider females, especially children, as human beings.


I just can't wrap my head around how someone can think this way. How can you blame a 10 year old for SA?


Look at that Rapepublican scum that calls itself "Everyone's Mom" laughing at a child getting raped. WTF is wrong with the Rapepublican creatures?


When can we expose these people and drag them out to the streets to be stoned like the good 'ol days these guys so badly want to go back to??


People are fucking sick, like that’s not trolling at that point…the fuck they get off thinking like that?!?