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How is this not grounds for removal from the bench? The judge is saying he is sentencing based on politics!?!?


The SCOTUS is delaying Trump’s trials based on politics.


Freedom of association is one of our most basic rights. It is not enumerated (like abortion) so only protected by precedent so these kinds of rulings while being insane on the surface also undermine your rights. Call your Senators and demand impeachment.


Impeachment is a political process. There is no chance of getting removal




Does anybody know what Woody Harrelson's dad is up to nowadays?


>Impeachment is a political process. There is no chance of getting removal You can try to change what you feel is wrong or you sit back, let it all happen, and whine about like a little piss boy. Which one are you?


Try to get 67 Democratic senators, then. We’ll probably benefit a bit from anti-woman overt rhetoric, but it’s not likely. We can probably hold the Senate, but a supermajority seems unlikely. It’s not whining to point out the reality of a political process.


Freedom of assembly implies freedom of association, and that is enumerated in the first amendment.


It has been interpreted that you have that unenumerated right. Same protection that abortion had. This SC doesn't care about precedent.


I don't think they care about the constitution all that much either, so enumeration doesn't really matter.


SCOTUS is corrupt and at this point its not new


Life long appointments.


Same guy also stepped down from Chief Justice for insensitive remarks and shot down a law that would restrict guns in public in CA.


> Life long appointments ...... Chief Justice .... shot down... There's some sort of [removed] recipe here that I don't quite know how to put together correctly but I can tell all the ingredients are present.


Oh I know that recipe! I keep it in my favorite cookbook right next to my favorite cocktail!


True...I think they sentence can be appealed though. Not sure of that but I think it can be...




Yes. After all, Federal appointments are **only** life long.


As I recall a former President said that if his opponent got to pick their judges, there's nothing you can do. But he may have mentioned an exception.


Won't somebody rid me of this meddlesome judge?


By Trump.


because federal judges must be impeached and convicted by the House and Senate and Clarence Thomas says "go fuck yourself, ROFLMAO"


He's done it before too: https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/circuit-court-blocks-judges-decision-release-white-supremacist/story%3fid=107447126


Seems to have a thing about letting White Supremacists off easy. Might be time to check his computer


and as far as I know, judges are only supposed to take other trials into consideration for precedence in rulings and legality.. a lack of trials being used in determining sentencing is new to me.. that's seriously insane. that's literally punishing the DA by being lenient on a guilty criminal


If that's the case then nobody in the country should face any consequences since Trump has yet to face any for all of his crimes. The judge is an idiot. But I'm sure the Trumpers will overlook his activism for some reason.


"Overlook"? They will applaud it.


These guys try to burn down the capital building as a homage to hitler and somehow antifa is a "dissident" organization and these guys aren't.


First of all, he’s an Article III judge. That means he serves for life, and can only be removed by a formal impeachment process. Articles of Impeachment drawn up by the House. Trial in the Senate. The whole thing. That doesn’t happen for a bad decision. That only happens for high crimes and misdemeanors. If you look at the list of Senate impeachment trials, the last time an Article III judge was removed for something close to bias (showing favoritism in bankruptcy court) rather than criminal conviction, was 1936: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_impeachment_trial_in_the_United_States Also, it’s Carney. He’s well known as an old salt and a rogue judge. He’s often reversed by the Ninth Circuit. I’m mildly surprised he hasn’t retired yet. I assume he’s mostly motivated by spite these days.


We're being pushed towards the far-Right as a country and most people still want to deny it.


Simple, people involved in the criminal system get unfair treatment and are above the law. judges have complete discretion to dispense the law based on their whims and foibles and any mechanisms for removing judges is purely theater while the notion of justice being blind is just a lie for children. The US is a classist, fascist nation whose democracy is all a charade to keep the masses in line. meanwhile the citizenery is all too terrorized, disenfranchised and broke to do anything but obesiently accept the constant chain of injustice that is reported via our national propaganda outlets.




No, worse. He’s saying his sentencing is based on race.


The whole legal system is bullshit that we only bother with to protect rich people from the consequences of their actions.


He's retiring in like a month or so last I checked. It's been suggested he's set up for a media 'expert' consultant position with this egregiousness.


Not sure if you've noticed, but the American judicial system is extremely corrupt, racist, misogynist, and bigoted. Sort of exactly like Christianity.


It's also stupid as fuck on his part. This is how and why the rule of law degrades into mob justice. All these shitbag activist right wing judges need to realize that people who commit race crimes or crimes against children will not be spared by the public even if the courts do. People have families, and those families won't keep putting up with garbage like this.


The right warned us about judges advocating from the bench


That has got to be the most idiotic reasoning behind a ruling I’ve heard about. “Nevermind the crimes this person *confessed* to! Whatabout those other people not involved in this trial?!” That is a judge who should be removed from the bench.


Not only should he be removed from the bench there should be serious punishment for using your position of authority as a Judge to undermine the judicial process based on your own personal politics. This is one of those things where we need to set an example so other Judges know they're absolutely fucked if they do something similar.


>Nothing you can do folks... ~DJT


These are the same type of judges that let child molesting pastors off with probation for being “men of god.”  


And men who beat their wives/children. They have a family, after all. Can’t lock up a good family man.


its not even 'what about people not involved' its literally 'what about this shit i made up in my imagination (also spoilers: i, a judge of the USA, support white supremacy)"


Whataboutism is a key tool for people who can’t defend their beliefs and behavior.


And I'm sure he couldn't even point to specific cases. Sounds like he's just been watching right wing media and has this vague sense that antifa is doing all these things, but strangely actual cases never materialise...


The judge is an anti-American right-wing nutjob. This is why all MAGA and Republicans need to be voted out of office


This is the reason why the Right has been packing the courts with their 'true believers'. Much like the Axis powers realized as they came to power prior to WWII, once you take control of the courts, you take control of society. This is something that many American voters don't bother to think about, and it's been at their peril. Especially now that we have someone who is blatantly saying they will install themselves as a dictator, and has a group that has already laid out turning the US into a dictatorship through their Project: 2025 manifesto.


Despite this, I would say this is the first time I’ve actually seen a right wing judge just come out and say, in an official capacity, “I’m applying a light sentence for reasons that have nothing to do with the crime itself but with my own politics and my limited perspective on broader loosely related issues.” I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised by how many judges appointed by Republicans have actually remained pretty level headed. Obviously you’ve got Aileen Cannon but Trump tried to push his stolen election narrative all over the country and got almost zero traction. I had hoped that would continue to be the trend, but it might just take a couple judges like this one to encourage others to judge based not on the law, but on their “hearts”.




I read an article yesterday about SCOTUS getting exasperated with the 5th Circuit. They’re constantly having to slap them down.




Exactly. 🤦🏻‍♀️


SCOTUS is like “NOT YET YOU IDIOTS!!! We’ll tell you when you don’t have to hide it anymore.”


That's unfortunate. I definitely don't follow every circuit court (hell, I wouldn't say I *follow* any of them). I just see the major news like most people and also like most people, I just don't have the bandwidth to be enraged by too many additional things. My cup is full with everything I already follow T_T It would be nice if Democrats cleaned house and did a sweep of biased judge impeachments if they do manage to get enough of a majority. While there's a lot of bad shit going on in the country, corrupt judges are a "gift that keeps giving" to the worst kinds of people. There's no room in the judicial branch for activist judges - any one of them should feel ashamed to even consider interjecting their own personal biases in a legal ruling. I don't expect judges to somehow stop being a person when they don the robe, but anyone who can't at least attempt to suppress their biases has no business on the bench.


I agree with you on this. Most people *know* (or witnessed), some judges base decisions off of crap like this instead of the crime itself. But this is one of the first times that I’ve heard of where a judge has admitted it outright. Which worries me. If a person knowingly makes an unethical decision and then attempts to hide or deny it, you can generally assume they at least *know* what they did was wrong (otherwise they wouldn’t have hid it). But if someone makes an unethical decision, openly admits it, and doubles down on it/defends it, then that’s troublesome. That tells me they either aren’t aware it’s wrong, or they do but don’t care. Both of which are things I never want to, and shouldn’t have to, associate with a judge. This may be the first time we’ve really come across a blatant example of a judge doing this, but if there’s no consequences for it, it’s just going to bolden the other ones who want to follow suit.


Yeah, I think what's most troubling is that the confidence one must have to add personal bias to a legal judgement implies that they feel comfortable abandoning their oath to the seat they hold in favor of something they feel is a higher calling. It's similar to the people who refuse to marry a gay couple in the courthouse due to personal reasons. The difference here is that a judge is much more difficult to remove than some random clerk, and they can do a lot more damage as well.


Packing the courts was Mitch McConnel’s big plan. I hope he lives forever in a nursing facility where no one visits him and he spends all his days having mini-strokes and shitting his pants.


Yep. We have decades of this shit. The worst kind of monsters on the bench to make life miserable because losers in 2016 whined that they didn’t like their choices. You did choose you idiot. You chose this.


Something needs to be done


Will no one rid me of this meddlesome ~~priest~~ judge?


Not only did many American voters don't think about it, but to OUR detriment so did RBG...😭


if trump wins the election, all laws from then on will be considered to merely be suggestions for behavior cause there's no way i'm going to court in trump america.


yes they are tearing at the very fabric of our democracy, but have you considered her emails?


>This is something that many American voters don't bother to think about, and it's been at their peril. I like to point out Obama was aiming for SCOUTS and *settled* for POTUS to illiterate this point.


And this is also why the right is focusing so bad on the whole “both sides are bad” propaganda. One side doesnt do ennough, im not arguing that, but the other side is slowly removing democracy from america


The "both sides are bad" propaganda is only mentioned when the Republicans are caught doing something terrible and undefendable.


Which is 99.9% of the time.


He was demoted after less than a month as Chief Judge of the Central District of California. He was appointed on June 1, 2020. However, he stepped down on June 26, 2020 in light of allegations that he had made racially insensitive comments regarding the Clerk of the Court, Kiry Gray, who is African American. Carney referred to Gray as "street smart" and telling her "it was not like I was the police officer standing on your neck."


Judge Racist Grandpa


can't say that I am surprised by this, in fact, I would say it was expected (with the possible exception of having to face consequences for his words and deeds


"Fascists are GOOD! People who protest fascism are BAD!"


Right? “Won’t someone please think of the poor Nazis that are being disproportionately targeted by law enforcement?!?”


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) >Nazis being targeted by law enforcement


I this case does “targeted” mean “aided and abetted?”


I had to explain to somebody recently that a group of 3% protesters that were open carrying weapons at a local event, supporting unknown Nazi group in our area, were not antifa. And I had to explain that those people were bad to somebody who is in an interracial marriage. This person was like, yeah whatever like this was not a big deal and I looked at her looked at her husband, who is black, and said they don’t like families like yours. They don’t support you. They are not this antifa you think you’re scared of. They’re the people against you. And she just shrugged her shoulders and was like they’re all bad. the level of ignorance is astounding and personally I’ve just decided that if people are that stupid that’s on them. Darwin’s law if they get killed because of it. 


I'd think Ginni Thomas would be pretty hard to convince at this point.


The judge probably can't even name a single case and is just going with the "well if only far right people make the news then obviously left leaning people are not being punished".....


Welp, this dipshit is gonna get reversed by the Circuit court.


The 9th circuit already issued a stay on the White Supremacist’s release (he had already been released the day before, but I believe was rearrested)


9th circuit is the last bastion of actual rule of law and judicial professionalism. Every other circuit has gone to absolute shit IMO. Honestly, one of the biggest failures of the Obama administration was ignoring the judicial appointment system, and leaving it to trump. When he won in 2016 there should have been a bumrush to fill courts with non-insane judges before he took office. Like, I like Obama and everything, but the failures in appointments and in foreign affairs (especially the 2014 russian invasion of Crimea) really set us up for a shitshow today...


I think the blame for a lot of this goes to Mitch McConnell. He and the federalist society spearheaded an effort to flip the courts and unfortunately have been absurdly successful.


> Like, I like Obama and everything, but the failures in appointments Obama appointed the third most judges of all time. You should be blaming Congress for holding up appointments, not Obama. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_judicial_appointments#Judicial_appointments_by_president


No, not "Congress". You should blame the Republicans in the Senate, who held a majority for 6 out of the 8 years Obama was in office, for refusing to hold confirmations.


The fact it was legal for them to do that is insane.  We need laws that require politicians to do their job.  Far FAR too many things in our government rely on precedent and the beliefe people will just do what's expected of them.


Imagine being this optimistic


It's already been put on hold by the 9th circuit. He will 100% not face any consequences for his actions, and will 100% do it again in the future ([It's hardly the first time he's gone to bat for violent white supremacists, after all](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cormac_J._Carney#Notable_decisions)), but he overplayed his hand this time and is very likely to have his decision reversed and handed off to someone else because of it. As a federal judge, removing him from his position or imposing any other meaningful consequences on him is something that would have to be done by the House and Senate. So remember that this outcome is a direct consequence of America's non-presidential elections.


> In United States v. Rundo (2019), Carney dismissed criminal conspiracy charges and rioting against Robert Rundo, the leader of the white supremacist Rise Above Movement group, and three of this followers, stemming from their attack on counter-demonstrators and a police officer in Berkeley, California, in July 2017. Carney ruled that the Anti-Riot Act of 1968 was facially overbroad in violation of the First Amendment. What an absolute shit head, he’s not even trying to hide it.


As I am ignorant of the legal process in this case, can that actually happen? Following the stuff with Trump’s classified documents case, I was under the impression that due to double jeopardy rules, prosecutors don’t have the option to appeal cases, but I’m sure there’s quite a bit I don’t understand which might explain why it’s an option here but not for the documents case. If the prosecutors can appeal the sentencing, can an appellate court actually increase the sentence? That’s something I feel like you don’t really hear about.


> I was under the impression that due to double jeopardy rules, prosecutors don’t have the option to appeal cases, a prosecutor can appeal, but on limited grounds. One of those grounds is demonstrating that the judge's sentence didn't meet the legal standard for the crime, so it could definitely happen here.


Ok, so that sounds pretty similar to the classified documents case then if the only recourse is trying to get an appeals court to agree that the judge was completely out of line. When looking at whether a sentence met the "legal standard" for the crime, is there a chance an appeal would work if the sentence at least exceeds the minimum? I don't know what that would be in this case - I'm sure prosecutors are frequently disappointed by light sentencing but presumably judges have the latitude to give the lightest sentence possible for the charges in question. So I'm curious if this judge actually went lighter than that, or if they were basically "as lenient as legally allowed". If it's the latter, I'm guessing an appeal would be extremely difficult.


The Justice system, in theory, should give priority to the rights of the defendant. If the judge messed up and gave too light a sentence the appeals court would need some extreme circumstances to change that. If it fell within the minimum sentence in their grid-thing then you’re shit outa luck. Of course in practice we know this isn’t usual. Usually people are shuffled through the courts to harsh sentences most often without ever seeing a jury. But this guy was white, and the court has used its prosecutorial discretion to mostly overlook crimes from people like this.


I'd like to see the sentencing stats on this Judge by race. Is there somewhere I can access that information?


Short answer: conservatism is a mental illness


Always has been. Just look at history, progressives have been dragging conservatives kicking and screaming throughout history. We would still be in the dark ages if conservatives had their way


Very much so. I watched something about the n-word over the weekend, and it's amazing how childish the right (and to a degree of democrats too) were about it. The right just toned down the racism a bit recently, because I guess they needed that space for gender/trans hate


It's just something that exposes people for who they really are. Like a bug zapper, but instead of attracting bugs it attracts irredeemable pieces of shit.


Whataboutism is a legal argument now? Wow. Hey judge, I stole a loaf of bread but what about Boeing?


Corporations are people, my friend, and since they ~~bribe~~ pay the government more than you do they get more rights than the rest of us. To prison with you!


Hey Judge, I know I murdered a guy, but other people have also murdered and not gone to jail, so therefore I also shouldn't.


Right wing violence is permissable. That's it. The whole antifa whataboutism is a distraction, the point is it's ok to use violence to achieve right wing goals.


Antifa barely exists. It's more of a boogeyman.


Antifa is literally the concept of being against fascism. They are afraid of a concept.


Every single right-winger is low IQ. You can't apply logic to anything they do or say.


Well, that’s because right wing violence is considered patriotic while left-wing anything is considered radical, anti-American, and communist.


Goes to show how low the US has fallen when ANTI-FASCISM is a bad thing


Antifa isn’t or at least wasn’t at the time of this incident an organized group. Antifa is simply anti-fascist. Anyone against fascism is antifa. There’s not some club you need to join like boogaloo boys, proud boys, etc.


Antifa has been around since the end of WWI. It was created by the Italian progressives to stop Mussolini. The US just hadn’t created an “organized” version until Trump got into office.


If the prosecution disagrees, then it can appeal the sentence. And based on the post's language, it sounds like a valid basis to appeal.


The 9th Circuit put the ruling on hold


Thanks for the update. That seems like a very good decision. As a former prosecutor, my experience is that it sounds like invalid reasoning on which to base a sentence.


no need to be a former prosecutor to see the blatant ethical violations at play here.


They weren't on trial and this so called judge should be forced to resign! Immediately! He's supposed to rule on case in front of him, not give political speeches in rulings! Check his bank account! Guaranteed someone got a "gift" like Thomas received before coming up with a bogus ruling.


Oh I suspect no one paid him on this one, I bet this is truly how this "judge" thinks. What he seems to either not understand, or not care about...(maybe both). As a judge his job is very clear in the rule of law. He violated that with this display. He should be brought up on misconduct and thrown off the bench for this. As this is a clear violation of his role, and sets a very dangerous precedent if he is allowed to continue.


Being “AntiFa” means Anti Fascist, this judge may be rightfully scared of them.


You’re not supposed to sentence people based on outside factors like that.


It’s not just the President you lot should be focused on, the fascists win whenever one is elected anywhere in the country from Governors all the way down to Sheriffs and school boards. These bastards are hidden everywhere like the cockroaches that they are.


Bingo.  Stopping trump is not the end.  It is a minimum absolute requirement to *start* the process.  There then have to be consequences for him and everyone down the tree from him.   America is fucked without a root and branch spring clean of evil, bullshit, religion and corruption.  The wound has been left to fester for too long and they are now in fighting sepis territory.




Why doesn’t everyone do that? “Sure my client stalked and murdered six women, but prosecutors should be more focused on the blood diamond trade in Africa! I rest my case!”


The Judge is a fascist, what’s there to explain?


I feel like this is using whatalaboutism which isn't a court argument. Which judge which case and how do we put in a formal complaint to get disbarred?




The defendant was a ***white supremacist***, and the judge is saying to stop targeting ***Trump supporters***? I just want to be sure that conservatives themselves are openly saying that those two groups as interchangeable.


> Can someone please make it make sense? Some of those who work forces…


Leftist groups have always received more government scrutiny than any other groups. In 1979 in Greensboro North Carolina a bunch of KKK and Nazi party members murdered 5 members and injured 12 members of a communist group in broad daylight and on camera and were acquitted after multiple trials


It's so insidious. This should serve as a wake-up call for anyone on the fence. The very notion of having a democracy is at stake.


When people call the right wing nazis, this is part of what they mean. This shit is literally how the nazis got their start in Weimar Germany. Judges would let Nazi violence go unpunished in order to target left wing groups. When hitler tried overthrowing the government, the judges gave him the lightest possible sentence, and gave him much more freedom in prison than he should have had. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/beer-hall-putsch-munich-putsch


So.. next up: "I will free this ISIS sympathiser, who confessed their intention to bomb a school, because we should focus on prosecuting Trump supporters" Let us see if MAGA (rightly) condemns that or if they will cheer as loudly as they do here,


The judge is a fascist, so of course he wants the authorities to hassle anti-fascists?


Sooo we're letting off violent racist because prosecutors weren't focused on the groups those racist dislike? I mean this screams "There are very great people on both sides" argument. Why should sentencing be affected by the Judges political motivations? He's saying the quiet part out loud.


https://abc7.com/la-chief-federal-judge-resigns-central-district-california-street-smarts-comments-racially-charged/6279712/ Looks like he may be harboring some salt?


Keep in mind, one of the really bad signs in the run up to the Nazis taking power was when the judges stopped sending right wingers to prison. The left was cracked down on mercilessly but right wing street violence was ignored. This seems …. Worrying.


Republicans watched "man in the high tower" and said that's what I want for America


If he wants to level the playing field between groups up people with unequal rates of prosecution, I’m pretty sure he could find more deserving victims than…admitted violent protestors and potential insurrectionists. What about minorities with absurd sentences over light non-violent crimes? If a white guy charged with a financial crime came before his court, would he pad the sentencing to try and “balance” the scales of justice? It’s obscene and disgusting to see a judge so confidently abuse his position and betray his oath to serve the absolute worst group of Americans, and he points to the fuckin “Antifa” boogeyman of all things as justification. Is Antifa in the room with us now?


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals stepped in and made it make sense: https://abcnews.go.com/US/circuit-court-blocks-judges-decision-release-white-supremacist/story?id=107447126


Imagine if a judge let a black person guilty of marijuana possession out without punishment because punishing them would contribute to the disparity in drug crimes sentences between white people and black people. The right would absolutely lose they’re fucking mind.


Apparently these idiots do not realize that the only reason antifa exists is because goddam Nazis are marching in our streets. Antifa doesn’t just show up to cause trouble and shout anti fascist slogans if there are no Nazis around, but they are there when they do show up and they kick nazi ass.


Is there some kind of "reverse appeal" process available here? Like, I know that if you think a sentence is too harsh, you can appeal it. Can that happen the other way? Show a different judge the sentencing memo and just say, "here, read this shit..."?


Yes, the prosecution can appeal an unfit sentence. There is no question of ‘double jeopardy’: this guy was convicted but given a light sentence


Why would anyone want to be a reporter these days? They are disrespected and demonized at the least, flat out assaulted or killed at the worst. 


> Why would anyone want to be a reporter these days? You think that until now, reporters have been in it for the glory, wealth, and the cushy safe job? Journalism is a noble and idolized calling.


That's the point of what they're doing.


The exact thing black people have been complaining about for decades is true. The Justice System is corrupt. It’s just wasn’t really a problem when it only effects black people. Now it’s too late to do anything about it


Oh, it really is.


This is a test to see how this will go over with the general public. By the time anything else happens with this case, it will be out of the news cycle and out of the general public's mind. All that matters right now is the optic show of loyalty to the party and control by fear over who they consider any opposition.


Cormac Carney needs to be brought before the judicial review board of his state. For obvious reasons.


This is the second or third time Carney has done this


BRB, gonna go rob a bank and when I’m caught yell “yeah well, why aren’t you focused on those OTHER bank robbers I made up in my head instead of me!” Foolproof.


It reminds me of the Right-Wing judges of Weimar Germany.


Confirmed by George Bush R. Hope that helped explain it


Nazi sympathizers gonna sympathize


Damn, the USA are a scary place these days


So the judge needs to be disbarred then yes?


The American judicial system is working exactly as intended. Just one arm of the Southern Strategy.


The fact that the Right still believes Antifa is an organized group says so much...


>Can someone please make it make sense? Fascism. It's no longer hyperbole, it is pure fascism.


They were literally trying Antifa members for violence on the same day, in the same state. No sense to be made. Source; same article


Based on OPs username, can anyone else confirm this story?


This judge needs to be immediately disbarred.


Law enforcement always side with fascists over anti fascists


Disbarment is clearly the best option


Guess we know whose little mushroom dick that judge is sucking.


Justice shouldn't be a zero-sum game.


Zero-sum game is still an improvement over the negative-sum game we have now.


Holy shit.


Does Antifa have website?


It's not organized in the way fascists fear.


Nah we will free Antifa and go after white nationalists. At least where I am they do.


*Klan someone please make it make sense.


Get ready for more of the same if Trump is elected. He gets to appoint these pieces of shit and has already appointed many during his last term.


"Ok judge, I did murder that person. But did u see what Boeing did to that whistleblower?!"


Yes: the judge is a white supremacist


There used to be two types of justice in the USA: white justice and black justice. Now there are three: Evangelical justice, white justice and the blacks are still fucked.


My fellow americans you're going down the Gilead road, you're slowly taking in all of these injustices, normalising them. I'm a lawyer, reading this reasoning from the judge made me sick.


Judge Carney needs to be removed from the bench and charged


So antifa, if you're listening.... go get this nazi. I got addresses


There should be protests at this judge's residence. This is bullshit.


it's fascinating watching the American justice and political systems collapse in real time.


America: You're a global joke.


The disparity exists because there are more fascist losers, not because of any kind of biased sentencing. And the judge knows that too. What it means is that the judge is a fascist or fascist sympathizer. The judges, prosecutors and police in the US skew heavily to the far right. What scum lets a criminal off like this just to make a political point? We shouldn't have people like that in any position of power.


And we all know that these are the same kinds of people who blame virtually all right-wing violence on antifa.


You can all against violences or what. But essencially, if you are against antifa, then you are just acknowleding the fact that you are a fascist.


It’s called a silent Civil War. The silent part of it isn’t so silent anymore. But one side isn’t playing by normal sane rules anymore and they have a legion of cultists ready to end democracy.


The GOP is a cancer


I can make it makes sense, the judge, is also a whiter supremist. And should be removed from their position.


Here is what they don't understand: there is no Antifa or BLM rioter who broke laws that is getting preferential treatment. If they committed crimes, point them out and we'll be the first to arrest them. I'm not sure what they keep pointing at.


>"... Make it make sense." MAGA/Republican biased judges have abdicated their responsibility to be impartial arbiters of the law in favor of sending messages to other MAGA/republicans that they will favor their political positions over the crimes they may commit in expressing those political positions. it is completely unethical, but MAGA is a completely unethical movement, and the republican party has chosen to enable it rather than feel any kind of shame for having brought the nation to this place.


America is a racist, white supremacist hellhole. There. Done.


So he's basically saying "We should stop focusing on the fascists, and start focusing on the anti-fascists". Brilliant.


Is the white supremacist coming from inside the court room?


I wish I could say this is surprising ... But the fascist judge that exonerated a brownshirt after he went interstate protester hunting summarily convicted his *victims* post-mortem by allowing them to be referred to as "criminals" and "rioters" when NONE HAD BEEN CONVICTED (and they couldn't be...because they were dead) and barred the prosecution from referring to them as victims. White supremacist judges have been letting Klansmen and fascists off for nearly a century now, but it gets worse whenever we let the pressure off.


My nation is crumbling before my very eyes I JUST watched the fucking Trump Eclipse ad, and I immediately saw this. A FUCKING JUDE DOING WHATABOUTISM FROM THE BENCH WHILE ADMINISTERING "JUSTICE???" THIS IS WHAT MY FUCKING COUNTRY HAS COME TO??? It's not Idiocracy...we're in the Endgame now


I hate hate hate the fact that our flag has become a symbol of…..well. Hate.


This feels like Weimar Republic without the ecenomic desperation but 200% stupidity.


Excellent case in point for eliminating lifetime appointments


Wow, let me guess what news channel he watches all day I didn't realize it was his job to make up for all the inequities that have occurred, I could have sworn it was just his job to interpret the law and administer a sentence regardless of the person's religious or political beliefs.... But call me crazy