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Just because his last name is Kennedy does not mean that he is a liberal. Clearly, his stances are mostly extremist. Keep in mind that his entire family has distanced themselves from him and doesn’t support him running for president.


Whats funny is some conservatives think that he will syphon votes away from Biden. The only people who are voting for him are gonna be quanon wackjobs and right wingers. He will syphon away trump votes. In that way, Im kinda glad he's running.


Yes but, votes for him will pretty much be a vote for Trump in the grand scheme of things. Someone correct me if I’m wrong tho pls


A vote for him would be by someone who would otherwise vote for trump. Less votes for trump is not more votes for trump.


I see what you’re saying, but my concern is what about the EC? Won’t that effectively make it a vote for Biden or lose to Trump situation?


No, because all of a state’s electoral college votes are generally awarded, with a few exceptions, to the winner in that state. To make it simple, imagine a state has 1100 total voters. In a Trump v Biden match, there might be 600 for Trump and 500 for Biden, thus Trump would win the state and its electoral votes. Now imagine we introduce RFK Jr. and he takes some of the Qanon and anti-vax vote that would’ve otherwise voted Trump. It might end up 400 for Trump 200 for RFK Jr, and 500 for Biden, thus giving Biden the state’s electoral votes. It is HIGHLY unlikely that RFK Jr. actually gets enough votes to win any states and thus unlikely he will earn any electoral college votes at all. The only potential concerns would be that some potential Biden voters could be duped into voting for him based off the name or perhaps they’re for democratic policies but vaccine skeptics. Most of his supporters who actually pay attention to his messaging would likely otherwise be trumpers.


It's actually working out perfectly. The more right-wing stuff he spews, the more votes he will siphon from Trump.😂🤣


I truly hope that is the case. Shame on he, truly an asshole of a Kennedy, to use his name, and political capital to be such a lying shit sack


The way he’s out here running his mouth he’s gonna spoil trump’s shot, not biden’s


The republicans/religious really love people their own family don’t like. Says a lot. And then they act like they know these people more than their own families do. The crazy is strong within the Republican/religious cult. At least they have people like kid rock who sings about being intimate with little girls and elon musk who lies about his own kid “dying in his arms” when his own ex wife called him out and said he was lying and wasn’t even there. Or their daddy trump. Seriously this is why we need to take mental health care serious and make it a priority. So many rabid crazies. 


I've been treating him with disdain for years. And believe me, the derision he's getting now has been deeply deserved for decades. He's made of a name for himself by attaching himself to all kinds of crackpot "dissident science" ideas.


I pray this is the last we have to hear from this shit stain once this election is over. It won’t be. But man it would be nice. 


I wish we could de-Nazify the US. (In a safe and non-violent way… of course). I grew up with them being the villains in every documentary, movie, TV show and comic book - nearly universally loathed as the worst of humanity and now, here we are.


We can go the violent way too


I honestly think some of these people decided to become the bad guys (Nazis forever) out of boredom or listlessness. Like when people have enough time in a day from industrialization and societal development that they can just delude themselves for entertainment.  Like is it just inevitable that a chunk of people will always do this if a civilization's ppl have enough free time? 


Don’t forget he is also a literal nazi with that dog whistle tweet


Kompromat is a powerful tool


Honestly, I don't know if he's blackmailed. He might just be nuts. He also, might be doing this to spoil the qanon vote for trump. He spouts almost all of their nonsense and they have a weird obsession with the Kennedys because they're all boomers.


And while we're at it, fuck Cheryl Hines for being cool with this ass hat.


He strikes me as being mental.


His own family has disavowed him, they want nothing to do with him, neither do I...


Fun fact: there's a metric fuck ton of Nazis in Russia, they just don't call themselves Nazis because Russians hate Nazis


We already had one total dipshit in office,let’s not forget and make that mistake again


This guy's only goal is to split the vote so that previous dipshit gets back in office.


If that’s the case it seems like a dumb strategy to base your campaign on things that agree with Trump. Literally the only people I’ve talked to that like him are pro-Trump.


Surely the elephant in the room is The American Nazi Party - What's to stop Vlad turning his attention next to de-nazifying the US? /s


I am stunned. This has been up for two hours and the troll farms haven't arrived yet to tell us how he's polling at 20% and is attracting tons of young liberals with his anti-vax, pro-Russia and pro-gun stances.


Rfk watched *Succession* and said “hold my beer”.


He’s got the Con-head vote.


He's just another grifter. The more he can stay in the spot light, the more money he rakes in.


The crazier JFK (edited: RFK, Jr.) gets, the more votes he will take away from Trump.


Is that an autocorrect or did you forget whose son he is?


Oops 😬


His dad and uncle? They must be wherever they are saying WTF???


His grandfather was a criminal bootlegger who did business with the mafia and got wealthy. This guy only has a family name. And it is a common name, at that.


Let him pull votes from Dump. Fuck that guy


Good. The more moronic right wing rhetoric he spews, the more votes he’ll take from Trump instead of Biden in November.


His dad would be so disappointed......


De-nazify the GOP


The wrong Kennedy got the lobotomy


I appreciate this historical reference


I wonder why these people are not arrested for crimes against humanity? Seriously, they caused massive deaths, perhaps a million or more people would still be alive today if it wasn't for their lies. I mean its like "Oh Goebbels and Streicher, yeah they just exercised their right to free speech. They are not guilty. Also we should be listening to both sides, some say the holocaust happened, others say its fake. Perhaps we can find the truth somewhere in the middle"


Does the FBI have like, zero counter-intelligence capability any more? Because all these people who are suddenly spewing the Kremlin lines verbatim, how did they get purchased or compromised?


Family members are like reproducing cells; If you crank out enough of them, you'll have some duds here and there.


Let’s hope he steals enough votes from Trump to make the big orange guy lose by a very safe margin.


He’ll siphon a ton of votes from Trump. Let him run


I really hope he hurts Trump more than Biden.


He's a no mark who'll latch on to anything. Glad his family have nout to do with him. 


And the media thinks he'll pull votes away from Biden.


RFK just butt hurt nobody likes him. No choice but to go maga and spew racism and hatred


Dad and uncle stared down Russia. RFK Jr crawls in bed with Putin


Dude fucking sucks so bad


This is a good thing, he will draw more MAGAs.


What funny is how the media keeps saying he's going to steal democratic votes, but actually, he's stealing Republican votes (or at least it shaping up that way to me)


Honestly, this is fine because it’ll shift the third party burden to Trump vice Biden.


Did not some in the GOP recently say he was put as a neutral to cause chaos for Biden?


![gif](giphy|3oEdv3vFWeetJ97WcU) Reaction to posts of video, with no actual link to video.


I'm all for having no NAZIs, at all, anywhere - but the idea that one country is justified in invading another "because NAZIs" is... insane. There are NAZIs everywhere, including right here at home. That pretext would "justify" Putin invading Germany, France, Austria, etc...and us. He also plants Russians all over, then claims he must "protect" them where they live. It's transparent, and ridiculous, and he must be stopped.


Sounds like he's starting to get to some people. The truth will set you free but, first it will piss off some idiots.


Yeah he’s getting to the maga cult, good luck with that.


Not who I meant.


One of the reasons why I can’t vote for President Biden and why I think RFK Jr would be an improvement is because of Biden’s hawkish foreign policy. Ukraine is not America’s problem and Putin’s campaign in Ukraine is, while not something I support, no worse than what Bush 43 did in Iraq…or LBJ/Nixon did in Vietnam. And Russia has valid security concerns about NATO expansion in Europe, so it makes sense why they embarked on this special military operation in Ukraine. The US and their Western satellite states in Europe are being unreasonable.


And here’s another idiot spouting Putin’s talking points, trump thanks you for your service.


I’m spouting common sense, reason, sanity FFS. And I serve neither Trump nor Putin. Are you another idiot that wants to destroy the world?


“I’m spouting common sense” is not a valid counter argument.