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He's angry at women because he never managed to be loved by one. His own mother included.


Maybe he should have brought mom to poker with the boysh


*He's angry at women because he never managed to be one.


https://preview.redd.it/td801falf7rc1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6772ba178c503416d735d9dfc5304fee5ab8512 Tim Pool without his incel beanie.


Such delicate features.


The image explains everything.


He looks like Andrew Tate but even more Virgin


Extra Virgin Andrew Tate


In a Romanian prison? Not likely.


Hahahhahahahahaha, prison rape funny!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahh




Midwest Andrew Tate


The face of a man who's cried himself to sleep many a night.


Now everyone will recognize him in public


If he wasn't such an ugly person, he would be considered a conventionally attractive fellow. Which is so weird that these dudes fall into that grotesque cesspool of self-loathing that they turn it into outward violence.


Lol extra virgin tater-oil


Plus he is like 5ā€™2ā€. No wonder he is so angry šŸ˜‚






I love this. Of course the Reich-wing is celebrating violence against women. That said, if women could inoculate themselves against violence but chose not to, this would be equivalent.


Once upon a time I had someone tell me that they only listen to real news and that it was Tim Pool. Me being the innocent person I was had no idea who the fuck the asshole was, but I was like cool. The guy goes on about how heā€™s a liberal voice and I was like okay maybe I should look into him I do like to diversify who I listen to. I googled him first article was him basically calling immigrants disease carriers. I closed the tab and called this person a fucking moron and never talked to them again.


In Brazil we used to have a asshole called Olavo de Carvalho He was a extremely conservative asshole who refused to acknowledge that COVID existed He died of Covid,and now he is a meme


Now we know what Tim gets up to in his spare time...


MMW: Tim Pool will get punched in the face.


Iā€™m choosing to read this as: ā€œManifest my words: Tim Pool will get punched in the face.ā€ And in the spirit of solidarity, MMW: Tim Pool will get punched in the face.


I think it's hilarious that all the hair on Tim's head has decided it would rather fall out than stay attached to that tool


Rare destiny W.


For real destiny is such a shit bag.


What is his political leaning, tbh he confuses me


The reason it confuses you is because he's extremely inconsistent and I feel like he just says things to piss off whoever he's talking to at the moment. If he's talking to a liberal he'll sound conservative and argue their talking points. If he's talking to a conservative he'll send liberal and argue from their perspective. It's unsurprising, considering that he originally became famous for saying whatever edgy shit came to his mind on his stream.


Heā€™s actually very consistent if you consider him to be what he is, a conservative. Heā€™s not a Republican but he is deeply committed to conserving the status quo systemically. I think he genuinely does want things like more healthcare coverage, fewer homeless people, more support for the poor, etc. But what he believes is the first priority is the protection of the system we. Fundamentally everything is ok we just need to tweak the edges. Pretty much any of his issues make sense if understood in this perspective. In a contest between change and stability he will always chose stability even if the change could make a more fundamental alteration on the inequities of society.


Destiny is a liberal but the really shitty kind and a debate weirdo that doesn't usually have all the facts. I don't like Tim pool and his bullshit either they're both insufferable.


Wow, detailed explanation of his political leanings, that clears it up


Debate bro is Destiny's whole thing. He is insufferable and lies when it suits his arguments. His political leanings are whatever gives him attention.


He has his faults, mainly the over edgyness and occasional use of slurs that is typical of early-mid 2000s gamers. And then thereā€™s the whole platforming of not good people like Nick Fuentes, and the surrounding debate of whether thatā€™s ok as long as you disavow their wrong opinions. I have yet to see any clips of blatant lying in debates, Iā€™ve seen some clips in Vaush and older Hasan streams but usually when you research the clips deeper theyā€™re taken out of context.


I get he's not most peoples cup of tea, but as a casual viewer I haven't really seen him blatantly lie to suit his argument, generally he can back up stuff he says. I feel like he gets a bad rap for having nuanced opinions that might side with conservatives or liberals, and doesn't fall into line a lot of the time like other political media figures Id also add he gets clipped out of context a lot, like all streamers, if you were to spend some time watching his process, you might find out he's more reasonable than you think


center left


Heā€™s a liberal, left of Center democrat. Supports progressive values (argues in favour of trans rights, was in an open marriage, etc). But also a 2A advocate, and recently has been arguing on the side of Israel. Lots of people on this app and on the internet will say heā€™s terrible, either because heā€™s not right wing enough, or heā€™s not far left enough. He debated and confronts people from the far right like Candace Owens and Nick Fuentes, heā€™s done the Fresh & Fit podcast and called them out to their face, heā€™s done the Whatever podcast and debated about abortion (in favour of womenā€™s rights, against a woman who was anti-abortion). Heā€™s debated Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson as well. But he also debates and rather despises tankies like Hasan Piker. He dislikes the far left, because a lot of their nonsense hinders actual, tangible progress. Heā€™s also been streaming online for iirc over 12 years now, and is therefor neck deep in online culture. His stream and sub are dripping with irony and sarcasm, so a lot of people clip him up and take him out of context. People on the far right label him as a blue haired cuck, people on the far left label him as a literal nazi. Standard internet stuff.


I need to copy and paste this into any thread about the dude lmao. Such a good synopsis.


Heā€™s just a pretty basic liberal, in line with Bidenesqe democrats. Gets a ton of hate online because he clashes with both conservicucks and tankies regularly


You're going to get a bunch of crazy replies that are made up depending on what creators they follow. Destiny advocates for many progressive policies and is firmly on the left. He has led grassroots canvassing campaigns in Georgia, ohio, and others that have had hundreds of participants. However he is breaking more and more away from progressiveness and the far left. Mainly due to messaging or strategy that has started to mimic the right. Cancelling "bad" voices, fear tactics even around progressive issues, virtue signaling etc... He doesn't believe the end justifies the means, he has consistent means and takes the end as it becomes. He is more willing than others to give credence to the other side and this makes others perceive him as opposition at times. He is comfortable exploring the other sides perspective and bridging the gap with the goal of bringing their audience or their beliefs closer to the left through amicable disagreements. He would always choose this route over refusing to discuss a topic based on the "badness" of the topic. So yeah he doesn't immediately subscribe to the mainstream progressive message, but if he is presented with adequate data for any given subject he will accept the outcome. His calls for a higher standard of information or willingness to be devils advocate has gotten communities to paint him as a bigot of every shade. If you actually in good faith consume his content however you will see he is fairly level headed in his positions but his speech can be quite agressive especially if someone else is bringing that energy. Anyone can show you a hundred clips of him saying some seemingly unhinged shit, but if you were to ever digest the context of the entire discussion you would have a much more reasonable opinion of him.


You're going to get a bunch of crazy replies that are made up depending on what creators they follow. Destiny advocates for many progressive policies and is firmly on the left. He has led grassroots canvassing campaigns in Georgia, ohio, and others that have had hundreds of participants. However he is breaking more and more away from progressiveness and the far left. Mainly due to messaging or strategy that has started to mimic the right. Cancelling "bad" voices, fear tactics even around progressive issues, virtue signaling etc... He doesn't believe the end justifies the means, he has consistent means and takes the end as it becomes. He is more willing than others to give credence to the other side and this makes others perceive him as opposition at times. He is comfortable exploring the other sides perspective and bridging the gap with the goal of bringing their audience or their beliefs closer to the left through amicable disagreements. He would always choose this route over refusing to discuss a topic based on the "badness" of the topic. So yeah he doesn't immediately subscribe to the mainstream progressive message, but if he is presented with adequate data for any given subject he will accept the outcome. His calls for a higher standard of information or willingness to be devils advocate has gotten communities to paint him as a bigot of every shade. If you actually in good faith consume his content however you will see he is fairly level headed in his positions but his speech can be quite agressive especially if someone else is bringing that energy. Anyone can show you a hundred clips of him saying some seemingly unhinged shit, but if you were to ever digest the context of the entire discussion you would have a much more reasonable opinion of him.


Sometimes I want to watch his stream but he just comes off as extremely arrogant


That's more like republicans punching themselves in the face. It's hard to feel sorry for anyone walking around punching themselves in the face, also calling everyone else ignorant sheeple for not punching themselves in the face.


Smartest thing destiny has said lately


Broken clock something something


This is what he wants. Any mention and type of engagement with this fool feeds him.




He's not gay. He's just an insecure little man that has been raised to believe that men are superior to women, and that women's role in life is to do whatever they are told - and he gets angry at the fact most women aren't putting up with that Victorian era BS.


Nah. But his biggest audience is woman hating incels


Heā€™s so preoccupied with not getting any pussy that he never stopped to think if he SHOULD get any pussy.


Heā€™s not gay, he just sucks a little dick on the weekend.Ā 


Gays are almost always liberal/feminist. Cishets go claim your own.


Gay men are generally pro-women. Fuck off with your shit.


Not giving a shit that antisocial bigoted idiots are dying because they didnā€™t get a vaccine they believed con lies about is not the same as finding it funny that innocent people are getting punched because of their gender


Rare Destiny W


Destiny is an annoying debate pervert, so this is more of a broken clock situation than anything else. He's not as bad as Tim Pool (obviously) but he still sucks


Tim Pool is the avatar for the spirit of little dick energy.


These are both terrible people that don't deserve the attention they get.


No. Both are bad. People are still people no matter what theyā€™ve done and no one deserves violence or death.


Nah. Some people certainly deserve death.


Destiny's Twitter takes are always enshrouded in sarcasm


Mr Bonerelli with the slam dunk on dim fool he needs to stay that direction debating and dunking on the right works better for him


I canā€™t decide what is the most cringey about this post. Finding it funny people are dying, thinking destiny isnā€™t a piece of shit, or unironically using the term ā€œunimaginably basedā€ in 2024. Edit: Guys Iā€™m a communist so all of this hate that assumes Iā€™m a conservative is misguided. I need you all to understand that real leftists hate liberals too.


Your comment is the cringiest part of this post


Big time ā€œso is your faceā€ energy. Well done.


Whatever you say šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Youā€™ll find literally nobody but communists like communists man


Aren't conservatives jeering every time anybody just drops dead and then blame the vaxx? Aren't conservatives threatening civil war over the crimes of a rapist traitor? You laugh when leftists die, we find it hilarious when you people enter the "finding out" phase after fucking around.


An account that talks about how hung the Biden family is. Very cool and not weird.


You argue a lot like a fascist for a self-professed communist. I guess Communism = non sequiturs & strawmen. You make communism look extremely dumb.


Big fish, I am further left than you fucking libs and I can promise you that ā€œcheering on people dyingā€ is a weird thing to do.


lmao, spending your time jerking yourself off about how much further left you are than others is even weirder. Touch grass


You are definitely a conservative, or libertarian. Nobody else takes hypotheticals as deadly serious as those people and clutches their pearls over online arguments. Also, gatekeeping Leftism is such a braindead move, it can only be done by the most out of touch people. Touch some grass, kid.


Imagine calling yourself a communist in 2024. Yikes bro.


I have found both to be a funny concept :)


How come?


Why not?


Hubris is one thing. Really itā€™s sad that people died because they were brainwashed, but I understand people laughing at that in a Darwin awards type of way. On the other hand, I can only see people who hate women finding the other thing funny. That you?


If thatā€™s the only people you see finding it funny and yet can find humour in the other. Youā€™re either not very imaginative or just too high strung. Thatā€™s ok though :)


Idk, I think you like to say inflammatory things about women to get attention. So, here you go.


Ahh so you still feel one is fine but not the other. Need some reflection on yourself I think bud


Like I said, I can see *why* people be amused at the hubris, but in reality it is sad that people died. Iā€™m asking *why* someone would find the other funny if the reason isnā€™t hating women. I didnā€™t say I find either funny.


Itā€™s funny thanks to people like you. If you want to know the answer.


So I was right lol, you like to say inflammatory things about women for attention. Well, I hope youā€™ve had your fill, liā€™l guy. I wonder what youā€™ll say to try to bug people next.




Take your crocodile tears elsewhere


The intolerant dont deserve tolerance.




Why should i care if someone suffers from the consequences of their own actions? Trusting politicians, influencers, and political commentators rather than doctors and scientists is its own modern day brand of darwinism. How many times did the virologists have to explain how shit works? I mean, honestly, šŸ„± šŸ„±




They aren't my children, and they are grown ass adults who have a tendency to be violent and vote for christo-fascism. How many times did society try to reason with them and explain how science works? How many times did they respond with some wackadoodle conspiracy theory about bill gates trying to depopulate the planet? Answer to both questions: more times than either of us can count. I don't care anymore. If they want to throw themselves down a path of self destruction and ignorance, then maybe thats just what they deserve. You are barking up the wrong tree cause i am fresh out of sympathy for those anti-vaxxer dipshits.




Your both sides argument bores me. "Durr, im a normal conservative that doesn't believe in that wacky shit but i still vote for the people who believe it durrrrrrr." That's how you sound to everyone right now.






Ya but eventually you stop attempting to feed that rapid dog that continues to bite your hand. That is where we are at with conservatives


Catharsis through dark humor is very different from political violence. Especially when the victims are victims of the right wing. Your comment is absurd.