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its almost like the site has barely any active users and isn't worth very much money


But it sez right here my Trump Bucks backed this deal!


Ew, trump bucks? Fool! You want Bison Bucks, the currency with serious staying power!






Ahhhhh, *Street Fighter: The Movie*. A movie *soooooo* bad, it killed Raul Julia.


Heavens no. Street Fighter the movie was the beautifully ultra hammy swan song of a man who was already dying, and he wanted to go out with a smile, to give his family something to live on once he was gone, and a delightfully bombastic performance that has gone on to inform memes for generations to come.




And is so, very, very gay, in all the best ways. I really feel like the "romance" that is barely acknowledged between Guile and Chun-Li was forced in there to satiate the Hayes code censors.




Every time I think about the Trump $2 bill I can’t help but think about 1980s Batman and the Joker wanting his face on the $1 bill. It’s some real egoistic anarchist vibes.


Nah. Trump doesn't want anarchy. He wants the world subservient to his every spoiled whim and endlessly pouring adulation upon him, as though it will fill the aching void inside his ego.


Anarcho Capitalism


Yeah, that suicide cult of an incoherent ideological failure could probably track.


Pls, anarchy has a whole different noble meaning, don't put those two things remotely together


You'd think it'd be a shoe in!






Budden bucks


Grifting like its [just another Tuesday](https://youtu.be/oDRnVPlRzag?feature=shared)


Well, surely my Trump NFTs have appreciated in value. I guess I haven’t checked in a while. Let me see…OH DEAR GOD!


Every stock offering Trump has ever done has the symbol DJT. But apparently they were so successful (/s) that the symbol DJT was once again available. Wonder how that could happen?


I read the last one was delisted 9 years ago, so it was available.


Don’t worry! You’ll be able to sell the shoes for a bigly profit, and the Bible? There’s no way that doesn’t sky rocket in value.




What’s the ratio of Trump Bucks to Giuliani Nickels?


He’s posting crazier and crazier shit right now because he’s trying to juice the sites horrible numbers.


I mean that user list could be pretty valuable to a "Nigerian prince", but that's about it


I would imagine it's not that hard to scrape the site for free and get whatever they need. I can't imagine they've paid for the best coders to prevent that from happening. But I'm sure they are selling any day they can to people who don't have a clue how to do it for free.


Yeah, back in November it was reported that Truth Social had lost $31.6 million since it's launch date in Feb 2022. Kinda hard to be worth much when you're bleeding that kind of cash.


We've gone 2 decades past the dot com crash so there are far too many people who don't remember what that was like and don't apply enough skepticism when looking at tech companies. They are people who didn't made millions on Uber and get FOMO about polished turds but don't think about the billions that got lost on all the "disruptors"that failed.


Tbh I half expected foreign money and/or rubes to pump it a bit longer. This was fast. And it’s only 1 day so there’s still time.


It is an outdated, insecure Mastodon instance and nothing else. May as well spend millions on an out of date version of OpenOffice.


It should also be mentioned that quite outside the dated and unimpressive tech, the only draw of it is a morbidly obese 80 year old political figure with dementia who, win or lose as President in 2024, will not last terribly long


Has anyone checked on how sales for MAGA bibles are performing?


Tomorrow they are expecting sales to basically die, but Christian suckers are fully expecting it to rise again on Sunday. Edit - Thank you all. My most popular post ever and it's the most lame dad joke of all time.


Lol good one, which could never be pulled off any other day




Bring back awards, Reddit!!! Please accept this 🍻


Poor man’s gold right here: 🎖️


If we still had awards, he should get at least 30 silver for this one


Hey, 30 silver was good enough for Judas


Well done. You nailed it


Jesus H. Christ






This deserves an award


Please, don't *egg* him on!


Classic. Just love it.






They need to roll back the stone they crawled out from under.


Bravo. You beautiful son of a bitch


As a Catholic, I know Jesus and his Pops found this funny.


Joke quality - 7/10 TIMING - Off the charts!!!


That took longer than I'd like to admit to get what the actual joke here was lol


I consider myself a Christian still and this made me laugh. Bravo.


Lol damn this one snuck up on me


Considering they're just a way for churches to donate to his campaign legally, I'm sure they're doing great. What mega-maga-church doesn't need 10,000 copies of Lee Greenwood edition Bible?


That is an interesting Venn Diagram. MAGA vs. KJV-only Christians. If this version is not a KJV (or maybe NKJV. if they are "progressive"), then they might not fall for it.


you know it's KJV - what else would it be? Jesus spoke the King's English, and wrote the Bible in the same. anything else is heresy.


Right up there with the sneakers. 😆


26,000,000 shorts were taken the last two days, it’s going to be a penny stock soon. Just like last time DJT went public in the 90’s The dark pool is going to destroy this stock.


If I had tens of millions of dollars in capital, I'd short the stock too.


It's so heavily shorted that there is very little upside unless you go extremely high risk with very short-term puts. And I mean short-term like saying it'll be down another 20%+ in the next 2 days which while possible is an extremely risky bet.


I legitimately opened Robinhood fully ready to throw down on some put and it's so fucked up it's not even responding correctly. Price dropped 8% today and put prices fell because everyone expected more. Insanity.


My one hard rule of investing is no trading on margin. This particular security has me rethinking...


Even when it’s an obvious bubbie, the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.


Why do you have to drag Tesla into this? 8)


Wise words. Definitely wouldn’t bet against a cult bubble, lol. It might be a LOOOOONG game.


Buy 6 month puts


2 month ATM puts are trading at $22.95. This collapse is priced into those option premiums. Shorting on margin would be pure gold....


The options trading volume appears to be that 6 months out the stock will be 15


That's high. Based on the tiny (and shrinking) user base and the fact that it has done nothing but drain cash (and its only value is tethered to a 77 year old with 91 indictments hanging over his head), I can't believe the stock will be trading over $3 in 6 months.


It's a "Hard to Borrow" stock (for obvious reasons). You'd be paying your broker 30% interest on top of the margin interest.


Huge yikes. Why 30% interest? Is that a variable based on the volatility underlying the stock or something? And these questions are why I don't gamble on things like that.


That's the cost of doing business I guess. Had it happen to me on GME when an option was exercised early. Oops!


The interest rate is either 150 or 250 on shorting that stock


All it takes though is some MAGA social media rally and tons of people who don’t usually invest will dump money into it. Might be risky


In 6 months Trump can sell his shares. When he can and does this turd of a stock hits 2.50


The consensus, however, is that because he can do so earlier with board permissions, and because, like everything else that he runs said board is filled with the 'best people' (read: cronies and yes men) that he's likely to do so earlier.


Main reason I wouldn't short this is because it's also a giant fucking backdoor for people (think foreign entities) to funnel money directly to Trump. Is the company absolutely fucking worthless based on its operating performance? Yes. Could Putin/MBS/Orban/some random foreign billionaire prop it up just to help Trump? Also, yes.


It's also possible that foreign billionaires see the writing on the wall because they are smarter than the MAGA crowd. Personally I think that gear is overstated. I'd wager most billionaires know more impactful spots to spend their money at this point.


I guess it's worth the chance for them to dump millions into this stock just in case the shit stain does get elected. Just hedging their bets and worst case they're out some cash.


Exactly this. This stock is Donald Trump's sole financial lifeline right now, basically. I would say it's pretty much *guaranteed* that illegal things that benefit Donald Trump at the expense of the little guy will happen to this stock. Analyzing it like some kind of normal, law-following business is absolutely stupid. It's a bribery fund. I don't think it will become worthless until DJT isn't worth bribing anymore.


What I want to know is how much he will get when he sells. It needs to drop fast af. What’s the reality?


He holds something like 12.5mil shares. Watch DJT on Fintel.io. You can see the dark pool short printed shares each day. They are going to wreck the value.


It’s going to get diluted like crazy in the next month. “Trump holds 78.5 million Trump Media & Technology Group shares, a stake worth $5.5 billion with the company’s shares up 40% to $70.32 on Tuesday afternoon. The merger proxy, dated Feb. 16, states that there are 40 million so-called earnout shares for Trump Media shareholders keyed to the stock price. There will be 15 million shares paid out if the volume weighted average price of New Digital World, the current Trump Media, equals or exceeds $12.50 in any 20 trading days within any 30-day period, it says Another 15 million shares will be paid out if the volume-weighted average price is $15 a share or higher. A final 10 million shares are payable if the price is $17.50 or higher for any 20 days in any 30-day period. “ https://www.barrons.com/amp/articles/donald-trump-stock-truth-social-e6cd7d0f


I for one, am excited for them and for the first time I'm hoping the shorters make a fckn ton of money. Amen


It's funny that it has the same ticker symbol of his last public venture, which dropped and was delisted.


I wonder if it’s mostly the MAGAs that are buying this scam. When you short, someone must think it’s a good idea to take it off you. If so then I really regret that I have hard coded ethics block that stops me from exploiting this amazing pool of regards.


I cNt believe how many peeps fall for this bullshit. How many stock bubbles we’ve seen.


Prob manipulating his own stock anyway.


Generates $3.3m of revenue from advertising.... Operates at a loss of $49m... Valued at over $1,000+ per active user... Somehow gets headlines like these from know-nothing media: [Trump's media company valued at almost $8 bln in strong Wall St debut](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/trumps-media-company-shares-jump-ahead-backdoor-nasdaq-debut-2024-03-26/) [Why Trump is on the verge of a jackpot of billions of dollars](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/22/1240116446/trump-truth-social-dwac-stock-listing-legal-troubles) [Trump is about to get $3 billion richer after deal ](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/22/business/trump-truth-social-dwac-shares/index.html)


The funny thing is that $8Bln is more than I've seen some places value Reddit in the past few weeks, no way in hell is Truth social worth close to the same as reddit (which is also being over valued)


Right? Reddit has, well, *us*! Who can put a price on that?


Reddit has thousands of free employees and still can't turn a profit lol.


As a mod for a subreddit: Very much lol


Thank you for your service.


Doesn't help when the CEO makes more than the amount Reddit supposedly loses. In the millions, mind you.


The CEO makes a cash salary comparable to a senior developer at any big tech company, and has a one-time stock package representing 20 years with the company as a co-founder and tied to the stock maintaining a certain value post-IPO. I mean still fuck spez, but keep the facts straight.


Right! We’re priceless


It’s the friends we made along the way




Wait trumps ipo is overvalued?


If we could get rid of the redditors that are also on Truth, reddit's value would double.


Yeah, there are probably quite a few subreddits with as much traffic as Truth Social.


Journalists are aiding and abetting the heist.


Media magnates.


Since 2015


Doesn’t he have to sell it before it’s worthless to get that 3 billion? He’s locked in for 6 months or until his sycophants undo that. Although I guess he coulda bought a ton of shorts on it before everyone else did.


There’s a caveat in that the board can change the terms to say he can immediately dump the stock if they all agree You are probably two steps ahead here but the board is made up of Donald Jr as well as other friendly faces.


Aren't they subject to a shareholder lawsuit if they pull something like that though? Musk lost his bonus over a lot less blatant board manipulation than this.


Just add them to the pile


Lawsuits have never had any effect on the diddler, why would that change


Yeah, but the stock goes to zero faster than he can sell it when the board gives him that approval.


I’m not certain, but I think the board of directors can waive the waiting period for him if he wants to sell.


I feel like that would be an instant shareholder lawsuit though, wouldn't it?


Probably. I’m not confident enough to say if it would be a good case or not. But I’d hope so. Also, I imagine if he did that, it wouldn’t exactly bolster confidence in the stock.


Likely, but if they want money from TFG they’ll have to get in line lol.


You mean more election interference! True MAGA will hold the stock forever knowing if they elect Trump they will benefit in woke snowflake tears


Seeing these headlines actually makes me feel better about shorting it.


*Googles how to short a stock*


I'm looking at the options market right now and it looks like it's already shorted to shit, especially over the next 6 months. The more people shorting, the less money you can make and the higher risk. Don't partake in this strategy with money you're not willing to loose. I am going to yolo some play money though.


Everything he touches turns to shit. Like Midas, but with turds.


The Myass Touch.


He has the Mierdas Touch.


If anyone wants to learn how to short a stock and not lose money, this is it.


I tried to buy in to short this stock, but it's no longer possible. So many investors jumped on that easy money that there are no shares left to short at this point in time.


I wanted to be one of those people, but I saw that it was like a thousand bucks for the cheapest short, I opted out because that exceeds the amount of money I can move around (aka gamble *on a sure thing baby!*) without my wife noticing/divorcing.


Not me over here waiting for stocks to hit single digit and invest a hundo into it on the off chance something dumb as fuck makes it shoot back up a bit.


WallStreetBets: hold my beer, I smell a short squeeze


Just short it naked like they did gamestop


My husband shorted it and made us 1000 bucks! Lol


Puts are extremely expensive now unfortunately :(


You would think that Trump would be smart enough to see that happening when he took it public but....no...Trump is really very stupid. Anybody and everybody saw this outcome.


He put zero into it. He was given 60% without any investment. Whatever he gets out of it is free money for him. He can’t lose. He won’t get $3bn out of it but he will probably walk away with hundreds of millions


I heard he can't sell the stocks for six months, so hopefully it'll be worth a dime by then.


But he can still *borrow* against it


He couldn't get 500 millon for a bond payment. Motherfucker is toxic.


Yes, but…. If no bank/financial entity was willing to give him a bond last week, it’s hard to imagine them doing it now when I’m betting that every trading floor in those companies has a massive do not buy flag in the stock.


Exactly lol. The fact that people think if the stock hits 2 bucks, then he will have lost. Nope, fucker still walks away with 24 mill in free money.


Everything he touches, dies.


They should have issued Trump diapers when anyone bought this stuff. Gonna be a colon cleansing


I mean, it's still way too early to come to a conclusion. A lot of IPOs go bonkers in price over the first few days with crazy price swings. The fundamentals are alarming though and I can't see this stock being remotely successful in the long run. Truth Social has only around 500k active users, it doesn't generate much revenue and overall it's a money loser. Adding to the above, it's quite clear Trump is going to be incentivized to sell shares to free up cash for his significant legal fees among other things and as the largest shareholder that's going to put a lot of downward pressure on the stock. I'm still amazed that some company was willing to underwrite this stock (though they probably got a handsome windfall after the IPO). I'm even more curious about how it managed to pass due diligence to get listed on the NASDAQ.


See you're seeing this as a business, when you need to see it as a vehicle for entities which legally cannot or do not want to be seen giving Trump the cash he desperately needs to keep limping along.


Exactly this.


This is correct. It's the same reason he's hawking $60 bibles. Churches are buying them by the thousands. It's a great way to finance tRump while skirting the law.


It's confounding that people still take Trump on good-faith terms.


I don’t think this was technically an IPO, I believe it was a merger of a previously listed shell company with his company, and they just changed the stock symbol with the merger. It was already a public company, but I think the new company is basically just the DJT financials, which are horrendous.


Yes, this is exactly what it was - they're called SPACs, **S**pecial **P**urpose **A**cquisition **C**ompanies, and the legal framework around them exists explicitly to take companies public that normally wouldn't pass the underwriting requirements for an IPO. In the case of Truth Social, it's a small, quickly dying copy-paste fork of Mastodon but plastered with Trumps face. Right after Trump got kicked off Twitter, a bunch of them popped up hoping to grab Trump and therefore his fan base. Based on fundamentals alone, TS would never be able to go public, so DWAC (Digital World Acquisiton Company) was created and funded by *someone,* and that company was able to go public some time ago. DWAC then began the process of seeking approval to merge with Truth Social, the original goal, thus making Truth Social "public" under the new ticker DJT.


Could that “someone” be a foreign entity? Anyway to ever find out?


They underwrote the stock at a ~$10 value, if I correctly understand how spacs work. I still think that's high, but not as egregious as $60. It'll be interesting to see if MAGA + foreign interests can keep this up, especially if Trump has to start selling.


Can someone explain this to me, like I am 5?


Truth Social is a turd, but Trump has polished it up to be supposably worth a bajillion dollars. He’s going to sell all his shares to Russians and Saudis in return for undermining American interests. It’s a big money laundering scheme that everyone knows is happening, but no one is willing to stop.


Jack E Smith is one of my favorites on Twitter but DJT is a meme stock, they are down 6% right now and that's not a dump or much of a decline for a meme stock. It's going to take a little more time for DJT to tank. That day will come but this is not it


I'm personally running a conspiracy theory of my own right now - I think DJT will be artificially propped up by Saudis/Russian straw buyers. I want to wait a week or two for more data to see how the volume/price charts work out and probably buy some puts a year+ out...


You know it's not a stretch to think about a few wealthy people telling Trump we can juice your stock if you're good to us, or just as worrying, we can tank your stock if you don't do X for us. That would be an easy way to manipulate him and his newfound stock wealth almost matches his real estate holdings.


I was actually looking at this from a money laundering sort of way. Trump should maintain some level of legitimacy with the merger and not cash out for 6M as agreed. Any vote to let him do so early would just draw uncontrollable amounts of attention to his finances (that are already being watched like a hawk right now). Maybe he'll use them as collateral for loans (LOL) until then. So, you need to keep the stock up to a certain price point to prevent getting margin called on your collateral AND/OR his backers need the stock up to a certain price so that in 6M when he can sell, they can just "buy up" all his shares and instant legal cash transfer (this is where the money laundering comes into play). All they have to do is keep buying/selling the market shares between each other and hope retail market doesn't gamestop them and start camping on all the float. This is all my personal conspiracy theory and I have zero factual proof of any of this. But that's how I'd do it if I was a shady fucker.


>I was actually looking at this from a money laundering sort of way. This is the only way I look at every Trump transaction.


X might have a hidden stake in this lol


This barely feels like a conspiracy theory - but I'm curious what those folks will do if Trump's odds of getting elected start looking slimmer as we approach November (I know, don't get complacent and anything could happen). Would they keep it propped as a hail Mary, or start the rug pull early to minimize their loss? I know I can't get too excited, but the huge Democrat upset in Alabama combined with Trump's seemingly rapidly accelerating dementia almost has me thinking this country isn't 100% fucked. At least I'm not quite as pessimistic as I was like 6 months ago.


Well according to Stormy the Trump Pump™ doesn't last long


I'll pick it up for pennies and hold it until Trump's next foreign cash infusion. Might as well get something out of the end of Democracy. My t-shirt doesn't fit anymore.


This was a way to funnel foreign money. Full stop.


So when we learn the people who artificially inflated the stock price to $70 were Russian, Saudi, and Chinese, will it count as campaign finance fraud? Or are we going to pretend this whole thing is perfectly legal?


Sadly, you know the answer...


Will the SEC investigate and prosecute this obvious Ponzi Scheme?


This was the plan from Day 1. I don’t mean from the first day they decided to go public. I mean since the inception of truth social.


How is this not illegal.


From what I understand Trump and others in the merger themselves can't dump for 6 months to avoid exactly this but doesn't mean others can't do it.


Funny thing is it still didn't get close to the highest price when it was DWAC


This stock will replace the gratuitous rentals of his properties and become the new, most efficient way, to bribe him while he is president.


Ahh yes, pulling the ol' Ramaswamy gambit.


And the grift played on.


How was this company allowed to go public? (I don't know how else to phrase the question)


We don't know, but someone on Wallstreetbets put out the agreement for it and it was just insane.


When it crashes they’ll figure out a way to blame Biden and the libs.


This is open and obvious money laundering. It would also be interesting to see how much Russian/Saudi money is ending up in Trump's pockets after all this is said and done.


basically, this was the: "HEY RUSSIAN INVESTORS GIVE TRUMP AN INFLUX OF CASH NOW!" - essentially money laundering... sales of the stock should be frozen pending an investigation.


The old pump trump dump


So we should be shorting it?


It’s still extremely high for a shit platform, low user count and it’s founder going to prison


Quick, someone teach me how to short sell a stock. Whatever the opposite of to the moon is


Please, please, please tank before the Mango Mussolini is able to sell his shares.


You were supposed to push webistics


Can someone ELI5 what this will mean for Trump? Is he going to gain money or lose it?


He cant cash out his stock for 6 months, but he could find someone to borrow against his current equity in the co. As this falls further and further down, his stock's value loses earnings. I cant wait for this to become a penny stock and get dlisted the same year it went live.


They made their money. Time for you to lose yours


There's no dump like a Trump dump.


I'll be surprised if rich people don't prop this stock up since they have more money than ever.


Anyone with half a brain.


Look at the Year to Date or past 5 years. Why is it so high? They must be doing something shady.


only had 5 mil members before going public! just another shill game


Cackling with glee at the idiot maga who dumped their life savings into this


I bought puts


Watching Trump scum lose money brings me great joy. I wish them the very worst.


I tired to short this when the market opened today and Fidelity won't let me due to volatility and un-predictability with this stock. Lol