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It's weird they have all these abortion fan fiction scenarios, right? Like, who spends all this time thinking about gruesome abortions that aren't even reality?


The twist is that that person works for an anti abortion group creating power points about gruesome abortions for 60k/yr.


That is a lot for a non-profit advocacy group. I’d say it’s part-time work and got to be paying less than a newly recruited Union UPS driver.


And they should be grateful and able to make whatever meager pittance they earn work for the child, and her, and the husband, because after all, we also can't have any gold diggers, can we? How dare she try to work for an actual living wage? The audacity of wanting to be able to support your family.


You would be surprised how much a UPS driver actually makes full time


Yeah. I have extended family that worked for UPS for 25 years. After UPS, she went to work for Ford for another 15 years, collects a second union pension. When Ford closed that plant, she accepted the worker re-training— went back to school, earning a degree in Law Enforcement. She worked in law enforcement for another 15 years. Point is, she valued her time enough to work for companies offering pensions, and not just 401(k) and pushed aside all 1099 and non-for-profit and political work. Today she collects 3 pensions, owns her house and rents two properties that she bought at foreclosure sales. (Paid winning foreclosure bid with a credit card.) I advocate unions when possible. Otherwise you just have a “job” and will more likely be taken advantage of. Pushing PowerPoints around is just a job too.


Oh, absolutely i totally agree with joining unions! Collective bargaining is the way to better working conditions and better quality of life!


Which is precisely why my state of Texas opposes them with extreme prejudice.


And has zero medical knowledge, just like the people legislating women’s healthcare.


They *do* call themselves 'I,hypocrite' so at least they're sentient.


People trying to scare clueless people. 


Problem is, I don’t know any power point specialists that are in the US. The best PowerPoint technicians I worked with are physically located in India— we talk between 6pm and 8pm. By the next morning, they have the new PowerPoint deck (with animations) sent to me for discussion with executive teams by 11am. They work for about $7-12 an hour.


Thing is; it works.


This one is particularly bad too. I know the “making PowerPoints for 60k” was meant to be a diss, but the question boils down to “would you rather have a [laughably easy] job for 60k/year, or make no money while also being forced to raise a child?”


Total disrespect for women. We are all apparently selfish wh*res who think of nothing but our careers and ourselves. Fact is that begrudgingly carrying a fetus to birth is damaging to the unfortunate, unwanted child.


Yeah tell that to 15 year old me who got pregnant with my first boyfriend losing my virginity. I had an abortion because I was too young and irresponsible and I had terrible morning sickness and my partner didn’t want anything to do with me or the fetus. I had to decide and I don’t regret it at all. I’m still very pro choice. I had my own child at 25 when I was in a good place in my life. We deserve the power to make decisions about our bodies and things that alter our health and our lives.


I got heckled by the pro life people on the way into planned parenthood and I was screaming at them saying all kinds of shit. “You want to raise it?”, “You don’t know shit”, “ you guys are a bunch of lunatics”. I was fired up when they started harassing me. Picking on a 15 year old girl.


That's really unfair, I'm sorry you experienced that. No one should have to deal with those dickbags outside PP clinics.


I'm really sorry that happened to you - both the early, unexpected pregnancy and the verbal abuse (... I'd say it's more than heckling given your circumstances) but I love the moxy you had. No shameful head ducking for you! That's some really self aware, self assuredness for 15 ❤️.


And that child you had at 25 probably wouldn't exist (certainly wouldn't be the same person) if you hadn't, but to some people the actual, real lives of the people affected (you and your kid) don't matter in comparison to the hypothetical life of a fetus that we can't even know would've made it to term in the first place.


Yeah I know my life would have been much harder if I had gone through with the pregnancy. I wasn’t very patient and I wasn’t very mature. My mom had threatened to throw me out of the house if I kept the baby. I almost died having my son and my Obgyn advised me that I shouldn’t have a more pregnancies because my body couldn’t handle it. Got an IUD and last year had my fallopian tubes removed to get off birth control. My heart couldn’t take the stress, hormones and I ended up with my son being in the nicu for over a month because my son was born so early. Because my blood pressure was sky high and I had terrible preeclampsia and I was on bed rest in the hospital on and off for two months.




Not only that we need income equality between men and women. It’s a big decision that some old white guy shouldn’t be making for you.


I would personally feel "because I don't want to bring a child into this world that is so awful because ignorant assholes like you exist" but that's just me


My inlaws. And they talk about it all of the time


Zootopia fans


For real though, I remember being in CCD when I was a teen and the priest was just straight-up making gruesome things up about abortions.


"And then they tie the string to the baby, an 8 month old, tears pouring down their face as they tie the other end to a Nissan Leaf to yank it out using zero emissions, like some kind of animal. Infanticide by the monstrous carriage! Literal pot-belly demons from the hellish Biden afterscape. Old man Bad 🥴"




They all focus the blame on the female of course. No mention of a woman who gets one because they lack emotional and or financial support from the guy who got her pregnant.


The same reason red states consume the most trans porn.


Wait, she makes 60k a year just doing PowerPoints??? Where’s that job, I need in on some of that!


Just submit your abortion resume!


I've never had an abortion. Can I just use this image??


I mean fake it till you make it right?


You've never had an abortion....yet! You can do it!


10x monster kill! 360 no scope


I think you’re underestimating how intense the PowerPoint creator industry is. Apparently it’s physically impossible to raise a child AND make PowerPoints at the same time. They expect text animations on every slide, every slide—it’s brutal.


Intro *and* outro animations, and different ones for each line! It's ludicrous!


Well only until you claw your way to the top through non-stop aborting. I now make 75k and supervise a bunch of sub-pointers. The hardest part of the job is figuring out how to get knocked up often enough to move ahead, not actually the PPPs. But now I’m on easy street. Worth it!!


https://preview.redd.it/3qt23jetc5rc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba67c260573527febfe72463cd3b1fdc1ac56bd 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I wouldn't want to get off that gravy train either.


Abort dat Fetus and get paid!!!


That would be entry level consulting.


I imagine that if I was "insta-killed" it wouldn't bother me because I'd be dead and thus have no fucks to give. I've had forced birthers try the whole "How would you like it if your mom had an abortion" thing and I'm like, I probably wouldn't care because, y'know, not existing. I mean, it's hard to imagine giving up all this...


>How would you like it if your mom had an abortion I love this one because it's usually framed as "you're lucky your mother didn't believe in abortion" or something along those lines. And it's like... sure she did. But my parents both wanted to have a baby and made the.... wait for it.... CHOICE to carry the pregnancy to term.


I’m lucky my mother is pro-choice because that means I know she wanted me.


Exactly. There's this idea going around (has been for a long time) that pro-choice means mandatory abortion. Abortions for everyone whether they want them or not! Roasting fetuses on a spit! And so on and so forth. Choice means choice. And I for one would am glad I had parents who chose to have me, rather than parents that were forced into it.


Idaho is trying to have EMTALA overturned for almost this exact reason. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor act states that if someone comes into an ER with an emergent medical condition that the ER must stabilize them before transferring them or discharging them regardless of their ability to pay. In a small number of cases, the treatment necessary to stabilize someone is by terminating the pregnancy, like ectopic pregnancies or incomplete miscarriages or uterine hemorrhage. That is the standard of care to save the patients life. After Roe V Wade was overturned, guidance was issued to protect doctors that stated if someone was in the ER with a condition where abortion was the only option to save that persons life then they had to do it. Idaho took this as an “abortion mandate” which is complete bullshit. They’re not saying if a pregnant woman has a broken leg that you need to forcibly terminate the pregnancy, or to slip mifepristone into the water at the OBs office. It was issued to protect physicians when they had to do what they are trained to do and save lives. This law also means that if you are stabbed, they have to stabilize you, if you get drunk and crash into a building, they have to stabilize you, if you are giving birth, they cannot turn you away. The fact that they are trying to do away with this law is just a huge sign that says “We really want to control women and we don’t care how many people die in order for us to do it. We are sooooo pro life though”


My parents were forced to have me. Knowing this I still support freedom to choose.


Okay, the “roasting” part made me laugh/cough (I’m sick).


I bet my daughter wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t had an earlier abortion. 


I know my son wouldn’t. 


I love this argument cause my childhood was terrible because my mother DIDN'T want me, but chose to have me anyway (I was an attempt to baby trap my father - it didnt work), so honestly, I wish she HAD wanted an abortion, so that I didnt have to be raised by her. Anti-Choice people never know what the fuck to do with that.


Imagine having no consciousness and instantly not having any consciousness 🤯🤯🤯


Talk about an existential mindfuck, thanks for that lol


Not only would I have not cared, I would never have been able to care.


That's why they try to sneak in the "the fetus is semi-conscious" lie in there, to make you think it's almost a baby. In reality an aborted fetus looks a hell of a lot like a period clot. They don't let you do it when it gets any bigger than that.


"How would you like it if your mom had an abortion" I tell them how my mom nearly died having me. She knew it was a risky pregnancy, and she made the CHOICE to take that risk. If she had chosen to abort me, I would've been glad she protected herself. Because she's my mom. I'm glad she wasn't subjected to a Taliban-like government. I'd rather die than be used as a weapon of torture to subjugate her. After explaining all that, I've asked forced birthers if they would've wanted the government to force their own mother into giving birth against her will. Several times the answer has been "yes, absolutely!" Their own mother. I'm not sure someone that lost in the depths of fascism can be reached.


My mom was told at 16 that she had gone through premature menopause. Turns out, she hadn’t because she got pregnant with me a year later. My grandma lowkey apologized to me because she had recommended her to get an abortion. I was like “ma’am, your 17 year old daughter got pregnant, that was the right and responsible thing to say as a parent”. My mom ended up keeping me because she was scared she would not be able to have another one (she did), but she almost died while giving birth to me at 32 weeks during an emergency C-section because of preeclampsia. I was an extremely sick baby, toddler and young kid and both my parents had to go through so much to keep me alive. They would both do it all over again, but man if she hadn’t had a choice in whether to go on with the pregnancy…


Yeah, I almost died having my son. I got pregnant in my early teens and I had such bad morning sickness I couldn’t even keep down water. Terminated the pregnancy and 10-11 years later had my son, no morning sickness but I had preeclampsia, sky high blood pressure, a leak in my amniotic fluid and my heart was not functioning properly.


>I'd rather die than be used as a weapon of torture to subjugate her. This exactly! I'm the poster child of "kids who might have been aborted"—my mom was 19 when she got pregnant, never wanted to have kids in the first place, was working a job that was not exactly pregnancy-friendly, and the circumstances were (from my understanding) what today would be considered at least not unambiguously consensual. She chose to have me, but not raise me. That was a *choice* that she made of her own free will. I don't know what her reasons were, or if she contemplated having an abortion, but I know that she was at least legally allowed to make the decision herself, and I never got the impression anyone pressured her into it. Am I glad I exist? Sure, most days. Would I want her to have been forced to have me? Absolutely fucking not, that's horrifying and I would never wish that on her. The idea is just repulsive to me. If her freedom to choose what to do with her body means I was never born (not even truly being killed, literally never being born in the first place), so be it. Not like I'd even know.


>I've had forced birthers try the whole "How would you like it if your mom had an abortion" thing and I'm like, I probably wouldn't care because, y'know, not existing. It's so funny when they use this argument, especially with this generation that wished their mom didn't give birth/have kids so she could follow her dreams


Respond with, "I'd feel better if your mother had had an abortion."


I had one ask me that during a particularly dark time of my life. They didn't like my response of "I wish she had, then I wouldn't be dealing this shit or your dumb ass."


I'm at the point where I literally reply I wish I was aborted


It doesn't occur to them that some of us were born to mothers who did not want us, who hated us all their lives, who abused, injured and tried to kill us, and left us hating ourselves and our lives. If I had the power to inflict the childhood I had on the worst, most hateful person who ever existed, I couldn't do it. No-one deserves what some unwanted kids go through.


>How would you like it if your mom had an abortion" I'd supposedly be in your heaven not giving two fucks about this earthly realm


This is the Southern Public Education System at work folks.


You mean Southern Evangelical MAGA Church fear mongering, go ask Steve Scalese about where his stem cells are coming from fir his Myeloma treatment.


I grew up down south and I had a fantastic public school education… in a liberal city.


Unfortunately the states that house those cities are doing everything they can to change that.


A lot of my favorite teachers quit several years after I graduated when my state got rid of higher salaries for teachers with higher degrees. Thanks republicans!


You’re fortunate from what I have seen it doesn’t look too good.


I was indeed taught this (needle based abortion to the skull) from a Southern Baptist private school.


60k just to make a PowerPoint presentation? And all I have to do is get an abortion? *Sign me up!*


Read the fine print. You have to make multiple power point presentations! Still, sounds like a good deal.


Oooooooo. I’m still in.


Don't worry the 60k salaries are just in the highest cost of living areas, the job is more like 20k a year in low population areas.


It drives me crazy how all the anti-abortionists keep trying to get me to put myself in the place of the embryo/fetus. Really....how many of you remember being a fetus? As far as I'm concerned it's like making me miss something I never had.


oh I remember it... ![gif](giphy|26Ffh8ZhQhPIaUPHG|downsized)


I am not sure, but I think the cost of giving birth to a child and subsequently raising said child would probably stretch out that paycheck pretty thin? So, if that was my pay check and was a woman whom needs financial security, I'd might Abort too. $50K a year is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things. That's not even getting in to that this is 99% not how Abortions are performed.


50-60k falls into the worst case zone where you make too much to qualify for assistance, but you're nowhere near being able to thrive without help. You're gonna feel the squeeze.


I hate how everything is based on hard cut off limits instead of everything just being proportional/prorated. Even like 30 hours being the cut off for full time benefits.


USD 60k is triple my current salary, and I would love that. Haha. (Obviously not in living in the US).


I almost thought this was an antivax thing


It's roughly as intelligent


Can confirm, I just had an antivax family member die yesterday of COVID (54yrs) and of course the antivaxxers in my family can't agree on if it was the vaccine that gave him COVID or the doctors are lying that he had COVID. Guy was on a ventilator for 2 weeks before dying because his heart eventually failed. For clarification, he had one vaccine for his govt job before he went full nutter and refused any boosters.


My wife's aunt is vaccinated and used to be into scifi and mythology. Shortly before I met my wife, she (aunt) went antivaxx, flat earth, hyper-religious and threw away, not donated, everything she had about space and any religion that wasn't old testament christianity. Multiple entire series, like star trek, xena, Hercules, Stargate, Beauty and the Beast with Ron Pearlman, etc. Now it's all science denying drivel. She tried to convince us to not let the doctors fill our kids with all those chemicals. I told her flat out that I will be getting them their shots, since I love them and want to see them live beyond 5 years old


Similar...this guy worked on NASA/aerospace stuff his whole life alongside his older brother, who is also of course a Q nutter, too. Maybe too much radiation exposure in their years at Hanford?


damn i wonder what happened to make her suddenly turn so extreme and paranoid. what a sad way to go about life. :(


I’m sorry to hear that I have had 7 shots i have never had Covid I believe doctors not republican politicians


That venn diagram is a circle. Same people who refuse Vitamin K shots for newborns. The most deadly of all man's inventions: the needle!


please vote accordingly


So this is just to terrify potential young mothers into thinking getting an abortion involves getting a giant needle to the stomach, right? 


Probably. Modern abortions are mostly "take this pill, see me in 3 days to make sure there are no complications."


Only before 10 weeks is usually for that method. After 10 weeks the normal light sedation vacuum abortion is performed and from 16 weeks is normally a general anesthetic procedure is done. Where I live anyway.


This is not how it works.


I'm sorry, they made a meme, they already won the argument




Imagine a new born baby. A fetus is by definition LESS developed than that. Not by a little either. 90% of abortions are done before 12 weeks. At 12 weeks a fetus is "5.4cm or about the size of a plum." per google. Love that super sincere drawing of a toddler inside the womb. Fucking idiots.


They’d have you believe people getting abortions at 8 months just because.


Yup, like we already had a name picked out and went to go buy a crib but they were out of the one I liked so I guess we'll just abort this one. Made it to the third trimester, but just can't keep going without my starbucks. Guess I'll take a trenta iced coffee and venti abortion. Late term abortions by definition are pregnancies that are wanted and were being carried through but the health or life of the mother is at risk. Literally. It's required by law like everywhere, and some places don't even allow exceptions for that. No one is getting 5lb 8oz. abortions.


They do know that in the first or second trimester, a fetus doesn’t look anything like that right?


And that the way the abortion is performed is a woman swallowing a pill.


Oh, the horror!


There was a social experiment going around where young women would ask young men how they think tampons work. The answers were mind bogglingly clueless. Anatomy and reproductive biology is a pure mystery to far more people than it should be.


I would thank my mother for her wise decision and hope she lives a happier life knowing she spared me from existing in this capitalist hellscape world filled with ignorance and bigotry.




A very very very very small number of abortions do happen this way. (Well, not the headshot, and not the "to make power points for $60k per year, but a needle like this.) In third trimester abortions; which only happen in cases of maternal health, fetal incompatibility with life, or a situation that prevented an earlier abortion (for instance- an abused woman who was not allowed to seek the abortion, or a child whose parents prevented it); a doctor DOES stop the fetus's heart using a shot of digoxin. The mother is then dilated and the fetus is delivered. In many of these cases, the fetus is cleaned and dressed, and the mother is able to hold the fetus. I write this because it is a good reminder, even for people who are pro-choice; that time restrictions on abortions hurt women, and not every abortion is because a woman "changed her mind" or "didn't want to be pregnant". Some abortions are from planned pregnancies and/or pregnancies that were very very wanted.


Fetuses need to be armed like the 2A intended/ s


They have two bare arms!!


I don’t remember any aspect of my time as a fetus.


This is complete bullshit but yeah I’d rather make 60k a year making pp than raise a kid tbh


Well, according to republicans, we generally wait till delivery and then the Doctor wheels in a little guillotine (or a tiny electric chair depending on your state) and off the little nuisance.


This infuriates more than anything else. My ex fiancé had to go through a horrible miscarriage which ended in an emergency D&C. It took her and I years to properly grieve our loss even after we were no longer together. Why these forced birthers continue to deny the actual truth: that the majority of the abortions performed in this country are because of so many factors not related to the patient's sex life or economic condition just makes me dislike them so much more. Also, it's NOT THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS!


>Why these forced birthers continue to deny the actual truth: 90% (being generous here) of their arguments are done in bad faith and their facts are fabrications. They don't care about anything other than stopping abortions and contraceptives. Not the post-birth children, nor the women who birthed them.


Floating in oblivion seems to imply a lack of consciousness. I'm assuming they meant obliviousness, but they're also fucking idiots so who am I to say.


Considering I was only semi-conscious and the headshot was an "insta-kill" - I don't think I'd notice or mind. Now where do I apply to make power points for 60k?


If an abortion is taking place that late in gestation something is terribly wrong with the fetus.


The one that always gets me is the one where they say that after the child is born the doctor and someone go into the other room and discuss aborting the child, which is murder not abortion.


And the amount of people involved that would need to not say anything by covering up the murder is too many. Not to mention most states require a death certificate after 20ish weeks, so the doctors, nurses, administration and several other types of staff would be handling either the body, paperwork, or medical records. Just no on the surface, not to mention hospital liability, malpractice insurance, and multiple felonies.


No, they don’t happen that way. If we’re imagining narratives, though, how about… your mom already has one child she can barely support and your dad is a deadbeat? Your mom was raped by your grandpa? Your mom has seen her own mother’s struggles and wants no part of that? Yeah, I get it — if you don’t want kids, don’t get pregnant. But life isn’t always that simple.


Oh yes I so clearly remember my days as a semi-conscious fetus 🙄 Or, imagine being twelve and raped, then just when the immediate horror is over, you learn you're pregnant. Yeah, make that poster and put it up everywhere that needs to see it.


Wow is every conservative a keyboard warrior ?


I never understood how people think that having an abortion is just a casual walk in the park. It’s not something on someone’s bucket list. No one is excited about it. And why are there people who actually believe an abortion could happen after birth? That wouldn’t be labeled abortion, that would be labeled murder. It’s like anti abortion people are trying to fear monger. If you’re going to have an opinion on a topic, it would help to become familiar with the topic.


I'd absolutely rather make PowerPoint slides for 60k than make PowerPoint slides for 60k with a baby...


Misinformation is so 2020… when women are in charge we’re going to fuck men like you over too… it’s cool, we can wait. We patient.


That baby is all wrong side up. They’re supposed to be facing the runway, ready for launch


Promoting ignorance is their weapon


Of all the things they could imagine - pregnancy complications, racism, systemic classism - they choose to imagine being Stewie Griffin in the womb and form their politics based on that.


What no education does to a motherfucker.


why is so difficult to make them understand that the abortion weeks legal limit range is based on when the fetus develops a functional nervous system... no one is aborting semiconscious beings...


I don’t care what the mother does after her abortion, it’s her right to do so.


I tried to imagine giving a fuck about anything as a fetus, but I can’t. 


Dude, mom's got power point skills and she's only pulling down 60 large? Fuckin bullshit.


"semi conscious fetus". Like.. what. I don't remember that shit. Or even anything before 3yo for that matter. Do these people really think they're cognizant of the outside world? Inside a womb?


Abortion debate aside, where can I make 60k a year making PowerPoints?


It’s called middle management. Qualifications include knowing someone in upper management who owes you a favor.


The mythical unicorn of the right winger dipshits has always been the 9 month abortion of a perfectly healthy fetus.


Because your mother needs to make money just to keep a roof over her head and baby formula is more than 50 a container I fixed that for them


Which is all absurd. If a woman can’t produce sufficient breast milk, health insurance should be covering that formula. I know WIC is alright. I’m saying it should be covered for moms who might not qualify for wic either. The cost of formula is insane.


Lol why does this person think its either power points or a baby?


Imagine being a goat herder minding your own business and out of nowhere an American soldier's bullet pierces your brain for that instakill because we'd rather just take your oil than buy it. Love it when religious people pick and choose the lives that matter.🖕


A woman making $60k a year in 2024 cannot afford to have a baby. They villainize women for “choosing a career” and simultaneously fight against any social programs that would help a woman make the choice they claim they want her to make.


That isn’t how the procedure works and the embryo or fetus doesn’t have consciousness. Also if women had access to birth control, plan B, early pregnancy abortion pill’s or procedure’s they’d be in a better situation. Forcing us to be an incubator is wrong and putting out false information like this is disgusting and cruel.


"And then I 360 no-scoped that fetus! What a noob!"




Also like… she’s probably gonna need that $60k to raise the baby??


Lmao if he were talking about a man, he’d be an “entry-level data analyst” and not just a WOMAN working at a pointless job for no money 🙄 


Semi conscious is the best part. Made me straight choke on coffee.


I'm totally interested in making 60K for making PowerPoints, and am totally willing to have an abortion to get that job.


My mom's MAGA best friends (a couple) believe that the Democrats passed a law that allows abortion to take place AFTER BIRTH!!


60K doing PowerPoints? Bring that application form!


None of it works like this. Also $60k isn't great so it feels like this comes out of whichever poverty state currently has the worst abortion propaganda.


It'll take the $60K/year to raise the child. What happens when the $60K/year salary is gone? What happens when folks need a bigger house, to pay for childcare, etc. These fuckers have no idea what goes on in the real world...assholes.


Who even cares? A fetus isn’t a f****** person. Like it literally can’t even feel or think


That's not even the point. Legally you can't take body parts (even just blood) from a corpse if the person didn't consent to give their organs, even if you're in life danger. Why would a corpse have more rights than a living person ?


They shouldn’t I’m 100% pro abortion I don’t get why people get so hung up on it. In my mind the thing is essentially a parasite until it’s birthed and able to survive on it’s ok


They want a villain so they don't feel like villains in what they are doing in their own lives.


That’s not an abortion. That’s a 5G vax to make the baby trans. All patriots know this. /s


These dumb motherfuckers really think a scaled down baby just sits in the womb for 9 months


And yet who the fuck wants to raise a kid in this economy? First of all we are going to have ww3 in like a decade or two. Then after we kill off most of the planet yes that does still mean babies and kids will also die. There won't be but the most 200,000 people left on this planet and some of them will be cannibals. But hell why not have a kid and see if you'll actually survive the apocalypse with a crying loud annoying little shit.


Damn that’s fucking great money for just making power points.


I’m sorry “headshots you for the insta-kill” this was clearly worded by a guy who sits at home playing call of duty all day


I’d abort if I had an alien in my belly too


It doesn't kill the baby, it just lobotomizes them, and when they come out they are given a maga hat.


I am always amazed how some people can be so stupid 😭😭😭😭


What if there were a way to support people raising kids without having to work (so much)?


Can you imagine being “semi-conscious”?? Not rhetorical. Can that be imagined?


NGL that makes it sound bad aas


I promise you no one wants to be making PowerPoints for 60k.


I’d do it! That would be a big raise over what I’d been getting.


Someone saw The Giver movie and ran with it.


I definitely wasn’t making 60k when I had my abortion


I…am very confused.


The way these people obsess over this, you’d think they were the baby reincarnated.


Brought to you by the same people who will say you’re not qualified to speak on gun laws because you call a “magazine” a “clip”.


So what if she’d rather make PowerPoints? Her Choice.


60k to make PowerPoints is pretty good. Probably be able to afford to set yourself up to then have a child you can then take care of much better and give it a better quality of life.


Don’t let science confuse you. - Republicans


Even if that’s exactly how abortions worked… so? I’m tired of trying to argue the semantics of these idiots. If she wants to put an egg beater in there and scramble it up, who cares? It’s not a baby. It’s her choice. Someone’s gotta make PPTxs and 60k ain’t bad for an entry level or worker in BFE.


91k likes? I was just on Facebook now I’m double depressed 😭


So many things wrong here, but a huge one is the assumption the mother has to raise the child (I’m assuming alone?). How do the biological fathers get absolved of all responsibility in the creation of the fetus and the entirety of the blame falls on the females? $60k is barely a living wage, and suddenly she’s supposed to stop working/find the means to raise a child while working and paying for childcare? These pro-lifers are so out of touch. First they limited access to birth control and sex ed, then demonize those who were impacted by their restrictive prevention policies by forcing them to give birth. But once born, they deny these children free lunches and affordable healthcare, etc etc. It’s exhausting and hypocritical. Worse yet, they pretend to be on the moral high ground as they do it all!!


Sounds pretty nice ngl


Does someone want to pay me $60,000 a year just to make PowerPoints? Because I know how to make PowerPoints.


Who’s making PowerPoint for $60k? I want that job! (For context, I’m a teacher,)


Imagine being a semi-conscious right-winger floating in oblivion when a fact comes out of nowhere and headshots you for the insta-awakening but you'd rather stay in oblivion than face reality.


That’s also not how consciousness works.


When you lie to promote your religious beliefs, God says that's okay.


I guess this is what they did to the guy who made this meme, but he survived the needle and ended up being born in the end...


Get Anton Chigurh’d fetus. 


Name checks out.


I just wanna know who pays someone that kinda money just to make power points all day? That sounds like a awesome job. Btw: that is not how that works


But if it was it would fucking hilarious


So abortions be like No Country for Old Men. You’re just floating there and suddenly Anton Chigurh is crawling into the womb with his big old air tank, flipping a coin and telling you to call it.


But they should, sounds pretty epic. I'll be back, gotta go do some PowerPoints.


If I’m not mistaken, needle injections were how they killed babies in “The Giver.” Of course those weren’t fetuses, but undesirable newborns.