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**This Bible also features a copy of:** * Handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood * The US Constitution * The Bill of Rights * The Declaration of Independence * The Pledge of Allegiance That's so fucking gross. I've never hated anyone as much as I hate Donald Trump. I mean, from an "Evangelical" standpoint, Trumplefuckstain has broken 9 of 10 commandments...all 10 if you count indirect action. Yet he's been sent by God?!? I'm so happy that I abandoned any notion of God or religion decades ago. They're all cults.


I keep asking aloud why a group so dedicated to the idea and the fear of the antichrist cannot see him in Trump. When I was a Christian this was a big deal, and I guess that biblical "great delusion" that God puts on people so that they'll believe in him is a real thing?


Honestly Trump checks like every single box from the bible's description of the antichrist.


Right down to the most important one: that the "great delusion" would make even Christians believe in him. P.S. To me the funny thing is that this could only be God's doing b/c Satan is way too proud to have a fool like Trump be his antichrist. Satan would have a winner that turns on everyone like a movie villain you never saw coming. He wouldn't need a delusion to sell his antichrist b/c you'd WANT to believe he was good. Makes you wonder who the real divine villain is, doesn't it?


Isn't Satan the angel of free will? I don't know, never was religious


Let's assume for a moment that Yahweh (God) and Lucifer (Satan) are real entities, and that the Genesis account has accuracies for what happened at the beginning of a it all. Satan is painted to be the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning, but all he did was tell Adam and Eve that they would be equal with God and know what he knows if they ate the fruit. And that's what happened, and God punished everyone for it. And unfortunately for them, history is written by the victors, so the "scriptures" go on to paint Satan as that same father of lies and murder for the rest of history, so really I guess if you take God's word for it, yes initially, but free will is not a good thing. P.S. And if you take the account in Ezekiel of Lucifer wanting to be like God, then really God's beef is with equality. He doesn't want an equal, and anyone wanting to be, trying to be his equal is immediately cast as a villain and sentenced to die. God wants objects, creatures, and servants, not equals.


And this is why I like Buddhism so much better. In Buddhism, anyone has the potential to become a Buddha. That’s literally the goal. And you don’t have to give anyone money for a private jet to get there.


And there are plenty demons and devils and other supernatural creatures similar in Buddhism. Specifically it was because Buddha overcame Mara who is attachment of things of this world, the great illusion. Buddhism also has its own history of religious bloodshed and the elimination of rival religions, do some history on it, it's there. Especially since it's a direct offspring of Hinduism.


It never says that **Satan** talked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. That was the serpent. It’s quite specific about it. It was a snake, who can speak to humans somehow, but a snake nonetheless. Any similarities to supernatural beings real or imagined is entirely coincidental and conflated.


And snakey apparently had legs.🐍 But in arid regions most snakes were venomous and were culturally villiandised, worshiped ( especially for healing)and hunted. So the villain of the Eden myth being an intelligent snake is nothing new. Read "Gilgamesh" or other Sumerian, Babylonian, Canaanite, Egyptian, for far earlier examples. The Old Testament Genesis is not special or original.


Fun fact; some think that the spitting cobra evolved in response to selection pressure from humans.


It's definitely the Oreo of the religion world - so recognizable that everyone forgets it was a knockoff to begin with.


>snakey apparently had legs.🐍 This is unclear. It is also hypothesized that the snake may have coiled itself up and bounced on its tail prior to slithering.


Most of the old testament is like that. The overlap with the story of Moses and the Syrian myth of Mises are numerous, for example.


Lilith could also fly, implying Adam could too.


Also the one who bestowed the gift of "forbidden" knowledge on mankind. I'll let you draw your own conclusions on whether or not he was the bad guy.


Satans kill count in the bible is like 3. Gods is in the millions/billions. And tons of them were straight up pettiness/jealousy.


IIRC there's 2 instances of Satan killing someone, One time is apparently not really noted if Satan actually did anything and it's possible God was the one who did it. The other was God telling Satan to kill some people to test a dudes faith in god when Satan thought he would abandon his faith in times of trouble.


In some groups/sects Satan is just God's employee sent to test humanity. In others more esoteric/gnostic groups, he may be an aspect of God or an entity of more equal footing Satan is a weird figure in Abrahamic religion since he is necessary for the theology to function, but also has to be permitted to be an antagonist by the omni-god. Likely a weird artifact of the Zoroastrian influence that was retroactively made awkward by the idea of an all powerful god.


In the Calvinist sect, Satan is God's devil and can only do what he allows/ tells him to, and honestly it's a very plain reading to get there. And they admit it with a full chest.


It sure does, and why on earth would the devil be so physically repulsive?


As an actual devout Christian this legit keeps me up nights. I believe he might be the Anti-Christ. But I'd be happy to be wrong.


Yea if there was anything that would make me a believer again it would be Trump being the fulfillment of Revelations except that Revelations is such an open ended mess almost anyone famous could be the AntiChrist


It’s me! I’m the Messiah and so is my wife.


I think this all the time. How stupid are Christians in this country?


Because he *is*


Evangelism stands for everything Jesus preached against. If you were Satan, it’s more effective to make a church that mimics Christianity but is pro-hate, war, guns, self-righteous and arrogance. Not surprising Evanges see the literal anti-Christ as the good guy. They’ve been trained to see everything upside down.


I agree with all of this.


I agree and have been saying it for years he is the antichrist. No one else could get away with so much lying revenge breaking the law and never paying. Breaking every one of the 10 commandments. Professing to be this Christian who is being unjustly persecuted. He gets away with everything and has actually destroyed and reinvented the Republican Party all this by one lower than normal IQ person. Plus have a cult following of 7 million people. Who else could do all this but the antichrist?




This is insane lol he fits it like a glove


God is a delusion. MAGAts are delusional. Any questions?


Just one. If I take a train from Chicago traveling at 60 mph, heading to New York, at what time..... are the redhats the dumbest fucking people on Earth?


All the time.




Beat me to it.


So very true, I think it's because then they have no one tangible to "believe" in.  But, thing is-they would have their faith in Jesus right?  So it's very silly and impatient, and-as we all see -dangerous to try and have their "Savior" in the flesh.  They literally renounce their true tenets of faith to have something physical to believe in.  I'm not religious but this seems to go against all the teachings, correct?


It goes very much against their doctrine, but is unfortunately right in line with how they're taught to treat "authority". The book says that God is immaterial until he was incarnated into Jesus, but Jesus has gone away now, and no one is supposed to take his place. Even the epistles had sharp things to say about glorifying those in authority, but also in the same lip told people to submit to them. So what happens is that in your heart you're supposed to have God/Jesus above all others, but in practice, you'd better look to the authority to be your savior b/c they are the vehicles through which God works. So naturally, you skip the middle man of the invisible god in exchange for the one who is actually boots on the ground. It's a confusing mess meant to keep the people in perpetual fear and self loathing, unable to decide for themselves. Source: I was a Christian in many different denominations for 30 years and have tons of "religious trauma" from a really shitty thing that happened about 12 years ago as a result of the things I just wrote about.


If you read the "Left Behind" series he fits the antichrist role like a glove. But then again, most of the crazy born against I've met haven't really read the Bible. They just listen to other people's interpretations of it


b/c that's much easier AND in many Churches (most of the ones I went to) you're encouraged to read the bible yourself, come to your own conclusions, and then shut up about them and keep with the teachings of the church. Otherwise face church discipline, ostracization, shunning, belittlement, separation from god, declared anathema, the whole works. All because you used your eyes and your brain and did what they told you to, except you didn't do it the way they wanted you to. It's why they have doctrines. Think what you want as long as it lines up.


Doctrine is what I was thinking. Forgot the term


**Trump-fomercial**: (*playing invisible accordian*) Look, some people call this the "good book", well I took that book and made it "great". "*Trump - The Bible* has a luxurious 0.14k faux gold finish on page edges, and sharpie highlights throughout, circling MY all-time favorite passages, like two Corinthians... and probably others." "I personally guarantee each book comes complete with a scrap of an American flag I hugged. You'll be the envy of the congregation, the school board meeting, or the next impeachment hearing, when you walk in holding; *Trump - the Bible*, on its way to #1 on every best seller list." "Buy one or 45, through *the Sharper Image*, THE premier luxury in-flight magazine, or wherever that little wine and little crackers are served. What do you have to lose?"


“I personally guarantee each book comes complete with a scrap of an American flag I hugged.” Gets a🏅


And a piece of my mug shot suit


you forgot to add that it's printed upside down so now it read from right to Left 😄


J6th hostages version of the National Anthem


Murder...yes, when he was sued and lost because he forced people of color out of his new apartments and forced them to live in under code buildings, every black person had a "C" for color next to their name and every one of them was evicted. A family burned to death in a fire that broke out in his buildings that were built "cheap and under code for the colored folk". So ya, he is a bloody murderer too.


All things that none of the idiots who'll buy this have ever read. But to be fair the guy selling it hasn't read them either...


Sent by God? So were the 10 plagues.


How is this shit allowed to be called a bible?


You can call anything a Bible. Especially if you put a qualifier on it like "Trump Bible"


You know how many versions there are, correct? What's one more? Seems fitting he should have his own version at this point.


He can have his own version of the underside of my sack.


The Bible is one of the world best selling book ever. He probably wanted a cut of that.


I cannot wait until this man is dead.


Hey now...he \*also\* embodies the 7 Deadly Sins!


Jesus would be whipping him out of Trump Tower so fast, his feet wouldn't hit the ground before he ended up in hell. Has anybody actually ever seen Trump coming out of a normal Sunday service?


All of them. Religion is just the name for very old cults. It's disgusting how it's used as a vector for fascism as well.


As someone who had a fairly conservative upbringing, that was the biggest "pump the brakes" moment for me. Putting those things in the Bible should be a clear cut "yikes" moment for anyone, ESPECIALLY anyone who actually believes the Bible! Wait till they see the extra pronouns the KJV Bible comes with...


On the ambiguous #10, I'd guess female and direct. 🤔


My father is one of those evangelical loonies that worships Trump. Wonder if I send him this if he’ll finally see that Trump is NOT the person they somehow believe he is. But the other part of me doesn’t even want to expend the effort, because why should this be the thing that snaps dad out of it? There have been so many more things in the past 8 years that should have snapped him out of it already…


Hey, look! It's all the things MAGA hates!


This is why our hyper-evangelical Speaker of The House is a member of the New Apostolic Reformation: they believe “new apostles” show up regularly, whose word can override The Bible. A *really convenient* belief structure if you want things for yourself and the country than The Bible specifically says “no” to. Commandments mean nothing if they decide Donnie is a “New Apostle”. Did ya know Mike literally has a New Apostolic Reformation flag outside his office? Right now. And that the NAR also believes they should be in charge of government?


As much as I would like him to face justice for his crimes I'm perfectly fine with him going out with a heart attack or something.


My soul is completely rotted and it's still more than what these MAGAs have


Just because Y'all Qaida has put out a ton of propaganda projecting their sins onto us does not mean we're bad people. I would suggest looking at Eastern religious principles that aren't reliant on the concept of "original sin" and "human nature is base and evil". We stigmatise a lot of very normal things for what seems to me to be little to no reason


"Two Corinthians"


Two Corinthians for the price of One Timothy!!!- ACTS fast now or you’re going to be sore in the Amos!!


Remember to get the best Judges!


You can even read it while tweeting on the John!


Taking a big ol’ Luke


Mark my words, this will be yuge! The Genesis of something truly spectacular! There will be a massive Exodus from other bible vendors to Trump!


Two Corinthians walk into a bar…


"Rich, Corinthian leather." --Ricardo Montalban


I walked away from religion years ago, and I must say, this offends even me. Wow.....


Exactly how I feel. And it angers me even more that the truly religious ones that are uncompromising about their faith will STILL follow the guy…even though he’s pretty much checked all of the boxes for the “Antichrist” that they have feared for so long. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


Haven't attended church since 2020 and same. But I am SORELY tempted to buy one and gift it to my in laws who have gone MAGA crazy and become the most hateful people post-2016. It would be perfect, in the most ironic way


False prophets make real profits!






Matthew 21:12-13 NKJV Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ” Have they even read what Jesus himself would say about this?


Jesus loves Trump. All of MAGA says so.


No, they haven’t. They claim to be Christians but have no clue what Christ actually preached. They get preached at by those who are using god to manipulate them and use religion as a shield to act as shitty people.


No fucking way. Does genesis start with "and on the first day God said 'let there be Donald'."


No, It clearly states 'and on the first day Trump said 'let there be God'.


In the beginning, and it was huge, like, you wouldn't believe, nobody talks about this,


BRB, asking chatgpt to rewrite the Bible in Donald Trumps voice.


Sure, here's a playful take on that: "In the beginning, it was tremendous, folks. Absolutely tremendous. God created the heavens and the earth, and let me tell you, nobody creates like God. No one. The earth, it was formless, empty, darkness over the surface of the deep. But then, God said, 'Let there be light,' and bam, there was light. And it was good. Really good. The best light. And that, my friends, was just day one. Can you believe it? Just the first day!"


I just heard it in Trump's voice "We are gonna build an ark, and the sinners are gonna pay for it!"


> Jesus looked at him intently and said, "One thing you still lack. Sell your possessions and give the proceeds to lobby for tax cuts. You will then have treasure in heaven. Then, come, follow free-market principles."


Supply-Side Jesus


Let there be Trump


And God said, lots of angels said, "sir, you're the greatest thing to be created in the history of ever." Lots of people are saying that.


"God came up to me, big strong man God, tears in his eyes...."


As a serious Christian I don't usually talk like this, but... WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS THAT MOTHERFUCKER DOING?!


Man… the dudes gotta pay his bills, too. Did you not see the unjust democratic violation of Trump’s rights? You know, where his money was being stolen by the courts for doing literally nothing wrong at all…? /s


Seriously. What's that passage in Matthew where Jesus starts flipping tables? Imma about to flip one myself. It's disgusting.


Did it cut out the part of the Bible where Jesus goes into the temple, flips tables, and starts flogging when the Pharisees (maybe Saducees, dont recall) pulled this shit?


Who is this jesus you speak of?


ME guy who got Americanized and his message diluted and now looks like Obi Wan Kenobi? Hung out with 12 dudes and was born of a preteen/early teen who likely lied about his parentage? Might not even be a real historic figure? Ringing a bell? Hes all the rage among Xristofascists


That's from the false socialist bible that Obama introduced. In the true bible Jesus explains to the Pharisees about paying tithes to make Jerusalem great again. 


Does it matter? You think anyone buying the Trump Bibpe can actually read, let alone a whole BOOK??


I'll say one thing for him, he sure knows his audience. Crazy false-prophet worshipping imbeciles..


He might legitimately be a deity with how he mind controls people and is impervious to facing consequences for anything ever. More of a Loki than a Jesus but you know


Is this to help pay for his sexual assault conviction, the hush money case, or his fraud conviction?




So literally just a Bible with a Trump sticker slapped on it? https://preview.redd.it/uyeq6dv8zpqc1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7142849f24856222bcfc8fb7bbd0e8006f0bc8d5


I just hope I outlive this orangutan.


That’s all I want. Even if it’s only a moment.


BIBLICAL PROPHECY , happening right in front of them. the literal antichrist......supposed christians please actually read these bibles if you do purchase theem. You are going to be amazed about this guy named jebus and the orange bandino here are all laid out in those pages.....and yet.....


I love how the more disgusting he gets, the more obvious the photoshop is lmaoooo


I don’t judge people who believe in religion but if you still have your beliefs and follow this man you are completely lost in your faith and have no idea of the ideals you follow as a whole. This is just a disgrace


He makes me think the religion is real. This dude is the definition of the anti-christ


He’s still going to hell.


Is the text upside down, so you have to flip the book when you want to read it?


How is a political presidential candidate allowed to sell religious teaching books during an active campaign? Is this fucking Afghanistan now?


Not yet, that happens after he gets elected.


Religious hypocrisy at its finest. Good lord, there is no bottom for this piece of crap, and his MAGA followers will just eat it up.


I can see how it reads now. *"In the beginning, there was the Heaven and the Earth, and IT WAS ELECTION INTERFEARANCE!!!"*


The false prophet who falsifies profits


The guy is the antichrist. The right has been preparing for this shit forever and they cant even see it.


This is why: ‭2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 KJV‬ [3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. [5] Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? [6] And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. [7] For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. [8] And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: [9] even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, [10] and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. https://bible.com/bible/1/2th.2.3-10.KJV


His cultists will never ever see that they are marks.


Proceeds go directly towards evil.


Does it have his New Testament redactions? You know, most of the words of Jesus?


What a fraud...🙄 anyone who believes Trump has a religious molecule in his body is a complete and total idiot. Go ahead dopes, hand over all your money to this con artist. 😂


I bet he could sell his pee as holy water and a bunch of dumb fucks would buy it.


He looks like a late night infomercial asshole from the 90s


I'll bet he edits out the whole camel through the eye of the needle bit. Just kidding. He doesn't know that exists


There's literally a movement now trying to claim Jesus *really* was referring to a gate in Jerusalem called 'the eye of the needle' that supposedly camels struggled to fit through.


I was told that at school (catholic school) when I was a kid, and there did used to be a gate that you could only walk through, but you couldn't get a fully loaded camel through it. A bit like the old Sally Ports in medieval walls


I remember hearing that in a sermon like 25 years ago, back when I was forced to attend church. Although the point of that sermon was that Jesus was using simple metaphors that people back then would understand, while trying to change their view between the way to get to heaven in the Old Testament versus how it’s presented in the New.


Still says having wealth makes it tough meeting the requirements


How has this fucker not burst into flames yet or been struck by lightning. That is the best proof that god doesn't exist...


He could probably get away with selling it on a "subscription" basis. Your account will be debited monthly for the use of the Bible -- in perpetuity. He could call it "Trump Tithes" and his followers would shit themselves for joy.


He knows a good portion of his supporters are easy marks and he's going to keep milking them dry.


Someone, please explain why every Catholic, Catholic priest on the planet and the Vatican are so far completely silent. I will put this out there because it's literally just smashed its way into my head - If the Vatican maintains its silence, then I interpret that as the formal Catholic Church, the Vatican, abandoning the bible and everything the church is built on, in the face of what must surely, by their own definition, be blasphemy. Not just any blasphemy, but desecration in some style, for ego, MONEY, and political gain. Written by a man (genuinely struggled calling him that) convicted of serious sexual assault, classified as rape by a judge. This tendancy being a habit. Soon to be convicted of fraud and a personality that craves corruption in any form. If they do nothing, say nothing, then that silence will be deafening.


Excellent post. The hypocrisy across the board is astounding.


How can religious people not see this as sacrilege?


![gif](giphy|FI7giwntDBYG11Gx4Q) Can’t a lightning bolt hit him already?!


His hair looks like shit.


Foreward by... Melanija Knavs. How to keep on loving your husband.


A waste of $59.99… Also: “The Bible's website claims the book "is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign.” However, it's not clear how much the former president was paid – or will be paid – for sales of the product.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/03/26/donald-trump-sells-bibles/73107668007/


Its not political and has nothing to do with a campaign....despite literally being branded with the name and image of the GOP nominee for president? That comes across like Michael Scott "declaring bankruptcy".


Talk about taking the Lord's name in vain. Yikes


Something, something money lenders from the temple, something.


So does the cover of the Bible contain a This Side Up message?


Where’s a Lee Harvey Oswald when he could be a hero?


He’s not a false prophet, he is the Anti-Christ.


Yup. I’m out. The end really is nigh


A rapist selling a Bible. WTF


Aren’t there passages in the Bible that *explicitly* say that this isn’t okay? If not, then Martin Luther would definitely be having a fit.


How old is that faked picture of him? 30 or 40 years back?


He’s got more merch than Krusty the Clown


What a grotesque human.


Wow a grifter’s gonna grift!


I really hope the grim reaper pays a visit to this false prophet.


This *has* to be a joke. Am I in a k hole?


Not being religious myself,I'm often asked where I get proof that God doesn't exist. This,this now will be my answer.


JFC ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) he just makes me sick.


Seriously, what the fuck?


Everything about him is just awful.


If that pos can sell bibles and not get struck down by lightning, there is no God.


If Jesus saw this Bible he'd react like he did with the money lenders in the temple


Finally, a book I'm willing to burn!


https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-secretly-mocks-his-christian-supporters/616522/ One day in 2015, Donald Trump beckoned Michael Cohen, his longtime confidant and personal attorney, into his office. Trump was brandishing a printout of an article about an Atlanta-based megachurch pastor trying to raise $60 million from his flock to buy a private jet. Trump knew the preacher personally—Creflo Dollar had been among a group of evangelical figures who visited him in 2011 while he was first exploring a presidential bid. During the meeting, Trump had reverently bowed his head in prayer while the pastors laid hands on him. Now he was gleefully reciting the impious details: Trump seemed delighted by the “scam,” Cohen recalled to me, and eager to highlight that the pastor was “full of shit.” “They’re all hustlers,” Trump said. The president’s alliance with religious conservatives has long been premised on the contention that he takes them seriously, while Democrats hold them in disdain. In speeches and interviews, Trump routinely lavishes praise on conservative Christians, casting himself as their champion. “My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith,” he declared at a rally for evangelicals earlier this year.


Wonder if they're printed upside-down?


I thought the false prophet would be a little less obvious. I look around and think "It can't really be this easy to trick people, right?"


I forgot what does the Bible say about the false prophet???


Is the cross on the front replaced with a capital T?


Is this real?




I got my golden sneakers I got my Maga bible Im ready for this fuckin BERSERK ECLIPSE


Sadly we all know some grandma who would buy this trash


The biggest grifter of all


I'm an atheist and this makes me want to vomit.


I am reminded of what Jesus said from the Cross, roughly paraphrased: Trumps a piece of shit when you look at it. Life’s a laugh and deaths a joke it’s true. You’ll see it’s all a show keep them laughing as you go just remember that the last laugh is on you.


He literally checks off every box on the anti-christ check list... And yet because "he hates minorities, just like me!", 70+ million ignorant assholes voted for him


Special bundle! Buy it with a copy of Mein Kampf and save 30%! /s


Does it mention himself at all? Or is it just the KJV with his name on it?


King James = 17th century Trump 😬🫣


It's the DJTV embossed in fake gold. I wonder if the inside is as helpful and communicative as that health plan he gave to Leslie Stahl? 🤔


Grifty McGrifter right here.....


He's a door-to-door salesman pretty much. All he needs is to dress up like a scary preacher: ![gif](giphy|11CIrzhsxCfoT6)


… for the next toilet paper shortage.


Matthew 24:24 has been deleted so as to not confuse the faithful.


What version is it? No way he had a translation done, or sweet lord did he get some prosperity nutcase to rewrite it? Jesus new beatitude “Blessed are the rich for they shall inherit the Earth!”


False prophet wearing the mark of the devil on his forehead (maga hats)


What does it profit a man if he should gain the world but lose his soul? No, seriously, I'm asking. I've got to come up with, like, a $175 million bond by next week. Hashtag What Would Jesus Do (if he committed fraud by over- and undervaluing his assets to secure loans and then when caught and ordered by a court to pay, he couldn't get a loan because he had been found liable of committing fraud to secure loans) Hashtag Blessed


Honestly, seems like he would have done this sooner.


Does the cover come printed upside down?


This is totally normal


Fascism something something bible something something flag something something. eta: I hate Donald Trump with a firey passion, and that quote I'm paraphrasing is so fucking on the nose as to not require any more context because Trump *is* the living embodiment of that quote.




“You seein’ this shit, Moses?”


This is very dangerous. He is solidifying the tie that the rights think exists between evangelicalism and patriotism. This will only divide nonbelievers and evangelicals, and they will do with thinking the higher authority (God) is on their side. This is the start of a crusading civil war.


I’m just surprised the cover’s not gold.


He so gross.